Monday 2 May 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in Savatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). In this Respect, the call of the Male-stilts: "the Male-stilts". -"White World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-The Male-stilts, I will preach to Him Of theory and theoretical Differences. Please listen and carefully test failure, I will preach.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-The Male-stilts, Female-stilts need consistent observing as to how to position him for the foreign exchange's (Chen) not disarray, not wide spread, the mind does not stay before the intern (ceiling), not accept its harassment. The Male-stilts, if the formula for (Chen) not disarray, not wide spread, the mind does not stay before the intern, not accept the player harassment, will not have a starting set of beings, suffering of birth, old age, death, in the future.
What Religion says so. Saying so, the Charity that falls from the seat stood up and stepped into the Glass.
After World Religion come not long, the Male-stilts she thought as follows: "Divine Sage, after reading over the post of the theory in a nutshell, there is interpreted broadly, That Honor from the seat stands up and goes to the essential dormitories:" the Male-stilts, Female-stilts need consistent observing as to how to position him for the foreign exchange's (Chen) not disarray , not spread wide, the mind does not stay before the intern (ceiling), not accept its harassment. The Male-stilts, if the formula for (Chen) not disarray, not wide spread, the mind does not stay before the intern, not accept the player harassment, will not have a starting set of beings, suffering of birth, old age, dying in the future ". Now don't know who might be interpreted broadly part of this theory, the only World Religion comes up in a nutshell, not to be interpreted broadly ".
Then the Male-stilts she thought as follows: "fake Religion Mahakaccana (Ca-fried-land) was That evening and Su Dong Pham is happy to have the mind regards, false Religion can Mahakaccana interpreted broadly of this theory, the only World Religion comes up in a nutshell, not interpreted broadly. So we come to honor author Mahakaccana; After arrival, we ask this means Mahakaccana false Religion ". Then the Male-stilts she go to the fake Religious Mahakaccana; After arriving, said up to mock Religious Mahakaccana the words Welcome to enquire, after talking up the words of welcome dear ask, and then sat down on one side. Sit down on one side, the Male-stilts she fake Mahakaccana Respect: respect
-Dear Gentle Kaccana imitation, after reading of this theory, not interpreted broadly, World Religion from stand up seat in the National "Essential property:-stilts, Female-stilts need consistent observing as to how ... (as above) ... do not accept player, not fear. Now don't know anyone can interpreted broadly of this theory, the only World Religion comes up in a nutshell, not interpreted broadly ". This fake Kaccana Gentleness, then we think: "fake Religion this World already Mahakaccana Su n. .. (as above) ... let's ask Mahakaccana this means false Religion, the false Religious Mahakaccana please explain ".
This Gentle, such as Chu-a necessary core trees, search trees, the core requirements are i find the tree core bridge, stood before a large tree tree core. He quit the roots, remove the stem, think tree cores need to search in the tree branches, leaves ... Well so is the work of Chu Ton ... The false Religion That stand in front of Chu, Chu false Respect back pass That Honor, and think that the need to ask me about the meaning. This Gentle, Religious followers, but know what you need to know, see what to see, steps have eyes, fake Positions the fake French ranks, ranks, ranks of Brahma, the false Theory ranks, ranks Declared false theory, steps lead to the purpose, steps to immortality, the French ranks, ranks As a hybrid. Now has come the time of Chu Ja come ask about Religious thoughts. So explain to Tôn Chu how Sage, Sage make life so maintained.
-Dear Gentle Kaccana fake, definitely Honor what need to know ... Now has come the time we come to ask What this means Respect. World Religion to explain to us how we will so tho. But the false Religion that Su Mahakaccana Cyrillic letters, are the happy accomplices in high regard. False religion Mahakaccana can explain this theory of widely, this is only part of world Religion comes up in a nutshell, not interpreted broadly. Mong Ton Mahakaccana explained to the author, if the author does not Respect feel annoying.
-So listen to Sage, lettered and carefully test failure, I would say.
-Sir, Sage.
The Billion-Ton landing well fake Mahakaccana's stilts. False religion Mahakaccana says as follows:
This Gentle, total joint Chu-theory Ton read up in a nutshell, not interpreted broadly, from seats stood up and went into the property: "the Essential of this Male-stilts, Female-stilts need consistent observing as to how ... (as above) ... do not accept player, not fear. Chu, Md, this of this theory is That Religion read up in a nutshell, not interpreted broadly ", I understand the meaning in a way broadly as follows:
Chu Ja, stars called formula for (foreign) ceiling, was disarray, being wide spread? Here, the phrase this Sage, when Male-stilts seen with the eye, sharp bridge access General, tied b i of General sharp, tied by sharp's General, being strong be by unlawful use of colors, so called general formula for (Chen) was disarray, spread wide. When the Male-stilts heard with ear ... nose smell ... taste with tongue ... body with emotions ... the perception of France with Italy, formal access requirements General, tied by a French General, tied by a French General, be strong be by unlawful use of French General; the so called formula for (Chen) was disarray, spread wide. As such, this divine Sage, called is disarray, spread wide.
Chu Ja, stars called formula for (foreign) ceiling, not disarray, not wide spread? Here, the phrase this Sage, when Male-stilts seen with the eye, the best bridge visitor General, not being bound by the position of the colors, not tied by the position of the General Excellence; not be strong be by unlawful use of General Excellence; the so called formula for (Chen) not be disarray, not to be spread wide. When the Male-stilts heard with ear ... nose smell ... taste with tongue ... body with emotions ... the perception of France with Italy, has not traced requirements General, not being bound by French General, not tied by the French General, not the slopes be by unlawful use of French General; the so called formula for (Chen) not be disarray, not to be spread wide. As such, this divine Sage, called not been disarray, not to be spread wide.
This Gentle, lettered and how is called the mind stay before the intern (the ceiling)? Here, this Gentle, the National client-stilts anyone friendly cups, cups, and reached French stay the first Meditation, a State of being, by loving cups education have had four. Recipe search by loving her taste a glass of sex, birth, being bound by the taste of sex, birth, by loving Cup tied by birth by the loving Cup taste education, be strong be by unlawful use by loving Cup birth sex; the so called mind stay before the intern (the ceiling). Again, this Gentle, the National client-stilts suspended games, and reached the quarter finals and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being, not games, the foursome not depth. She's conscious loving intent by tracing birth, being bound by the position specified by the loving being, tied by the position specified by the loving beings; be strong be by unlawful use by loving intention of birth; the so called mind stay before the intern (the ceiling). Again, this Gentle, the National client-stilts ly Hy stay discharge, mindfulness, the sympathetic trunk, the sense that life the Saints called discharge, reach and stay in touch anniversary safety stay third Meditation. Her position in search of discharge, discharge and since tied, tied by the discharge unit and lost be strong because discharge and lost; the so called mind stay before the intern (the ceiling). Again, this Gentle, the lettered Male discharge discharge gauge, Club stilts-kill life has priority before the wedding, the reach and stay fourth Meditation, non-miserable, no discharge, purity. Her position in search of suffering, not being bound by gauge, no not tied by not suffering constant be lost not by unlawful use no suffering is not lost; the so called mind stay before the intern (the ceiling). The so called mind stay before the intern (the ceiling).
This Gentle, lettered and how is called the mind not stay before the intern (the ceiling)? Here, this Gentle, the National client-stilts anyone friendly cups, cups, and reached French stay the first Meditation, a State of being, by loving sexual Cup quarter-no range. He's not conscious loving Cup by tracing birth, sex not tied by birth by loving Cup taste education, not tied by birth by loving Cup taste education, not the slopes be by unlawful use by loving Cup birth sex, so called the mind do not stay ahead of (the ceiling). Again, this Gentle, the National client-stilts suspended games, and reached the quarter finals and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being, not the Cabinet, quarter-range for the mind. He's not conscious loving intent by tracing birth, not being bound by the position specified by the loving being, not tied by the position specified by the loving being, not be be strong by using certain birth due to loving Fang; the so called the mind do not stay ahead of (the ceiling). Again, this Gentle, the National client-stilts ly Hy stay discharge, mindfulness, the sympathetic trunk, the sense that life the Saints called discharge, reach and stay in touch anniversary safety stay third Meditation. He did not seek the position of discharge, not being bound by the discharge unit and tribe, not tied by the discharge unit and tribe, not be strong because discharge and lost, so called the mind do not stay ahead of (the ceiling). Again, this Gentle, the lettered Male discharge discharge gauge, Club stilts-kill life has priority before the wedding, the reach and stay fourth Meditation, non-miserable, no discharge of pure concepts. He did not seek the position of suffering, not being bound by gauge does not taste, not tied by the taste of suffering are not lost, not the slopes be by unlawful use no suffering is not lost; the so called the mind do not stay ahead of (the ceiling). The so called the mind do not stay ahead of (the ceiling).
And how this is Hien, were lettered, accept its harassment? Here, invisible van Hien, lettered this voracious phu don't clearly see the Saints, not the French mature Saints, does not practice the French Saint, not audience the human Foot, not mature human Legs, the French do not practice the human Foot, France see colors as the ego, or self as having colors , or see colors as in the ego, or self as in identity. France's best of it turns destructive, the other change. With the other change in the French identity and ruined him, consciousness of the custom was moved by the sabotage in French of the identity. Due to the variable by the switch option is ruined in the French colors, should France start up harassing, infiltrating the mind and exist. Because the mind does position compromised, fear, frustration, and full of longing. And the taste was accept the harassing player. The position he viewed life feelings......... formula as the ego or the self as having knowledge, or knowledge as is in the ego, or self as in the formula. She's turned her destructive wake and other changes. With the change in formula and he ruined the taste of the time, he was moved by the destructive option in the sense of taste. Due to the variable by the switch option is ruined in France, should the legal harassment kicked up penetrate the mind and exist. Because the mind does position compromised, fear, frustration, and full of longing. And the taste was accept the player, harassment. As such, this Gentle, Chu is accept, harassment.
And how this is Hien, lettered, not accept the harassing player? Here, the phrase this Sage, has a Holy disciple multicultural audience the Holy, Holy, the French mature practice France the Scriptures; audience the human Legs, mature human Legs, the French practice of France the human Legs; don't see colors like the ego, or self as having, or not see the colors as in the ego, or self as in identity. She's French identity transform destructive, the other change. With the other change in the French identity and ruined the taste of the time, he was moved by the destructive option in the colors of the French. Do not been customised by the sabotage of French identity, should the legal harassment kicked up, does not penetrate the mind and exist. Because the mind is not compromised, not fear, not bothered messing and not full of longing. And its not been accept its harassment. The position he viewed life feelings......... formula as ego or self is there, or not see formulas as in the ego or the self as in the formula. He's ruined the variable form and different. With the other forms of change and ruined the taste, not been customised by the ruined in sense of taste. Do not been customised by the sabotage of formula, should the legal harassment not starting up penetrate the mind and exist. Because the mind is not compromised, not fear, not bothered messing and not full of longing. And its not been accept its harassment. As such, this is not Sage, lettered accept its harassment.
Client part of Sage, this theory Ton read up in a nutshell, not interpreted broadly, from seats stood up and went into the property: "the Essential of this Male-stilts, Female-stilts need consistent observing as to how ... (as above) ... don't have the episode run, the birth of the gauge on the birth, death and old in the future ". Part of this theory, Sage, that Religious schools of this reading up in a nutshell, don't be interpreted broadly; Chu Ja, I understand this meaning so widely. And if the author wants to Respect, please go to World Religion and asks the meaning. World Religion to explain the false Religion, make life so maintained.
Then the Male-stilts, once word of life mock Religious belief from Hy Mahakaccana instructors, from seats stand up to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl to sit down one side. Sit down on one side, the Male-White's Religious World: stilts-World Religion, after reading parts of the theory in a nutshell for us, not sensu interpretation of an extensive, World Religion from the seat got up, and went on: "the National Essential XA-stilts, Female-stilts need consistent observing as to how ... (as above) ... don't have the episode run, the birth of birth, suffering, death in the future ".
The White World, after World Religion come not long, we thought as follows: "World Religion after reading parts of the theory in a nutshell for us, not interpreted broadly, and went into dormitories:" Male-stilts need consistent observing as to how ... (as above) ... don't have the episode run, the birth of birth, suffering, death in the future ". Now don't know who might be interpreted broadly of this theory, the only World Religion read up in a nutshell, not to be interpreted broadly ".
And then the White World, we thought as follows: "fake Religion Mahakaccana (Ca-fried-land). (as above) ... now let's ask Mahakaccana this means false Religion ". And then the White World, we go to the fake Religious Mahakaccana, after coming to us asking about this sense Mahakaccana fake Religion. The meaning of the (signature) has been explained to us Mahakaccana fake with the methods (akara), with this sentence, with this letter.
-The Male-stilts, Mahakaccana is Gentler. The Male-stilts, Mahakaccana University is intellectual. The Male-stilts, if He asked Me about the significance of this, We also explain to him as such, as Mahakaccana explained. Truly the meaning is such, and the longevity of such maintenance.
World Religious preaching. The Male-stilts she trusts That Religious lyrics-life wedding Festival.

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