Tuesday 10 May 2016

CHAPTER EIGHT: respectively Anuruddha
1) Thus have I heard.
A stay at the venerable Anuruddha Savatthi, at Thang forest, garden he Anathapindika.
2) Then the venerable Anuruddha solitude while Meditation, mind following reflections arise: "Who degenerate four foundations of mindfulness, also degenerate leading to them was taken to St. right feet end to suffering. Those achievements, the four foundations of mindfulness performed Noble also put to an end to suffering right feet. "
3) Then the venerable Maha Moggalana with your mind knows the mind of the venerable Anuruddha. Like the athletes stretching arms shrink, or shrink outstretched arm; too, Venerable Maha Moggalana appeared before venerable Anuruddha.
4) Then the venerable Maha told venerable Anuruddha Moggalana:
- So how is Sage Anuruddha, monks perform four foundations of mindfulness?
5) - Here, the Sage, resident monks, collective nature shop ... shop starting in the internal body in the body internally cessation nature, shop initiate collective nature, nature eradicated in the body internally, enthusiasm, awareness , mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
6) He reside, shop on external bodies initiate collective nature ... nature cessation of foreign body shop, shop initiate collective identity, identity on external bodies eradicated, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime .
7) He reside, shop initiate collective identity on exterior body ... permanent, consistent identity on exterior body annihilation ... permanent, consistent nature and character set starting on exterior body annihilated, enthusiasm, awareness , mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
8) If he wants: "I will stay with the legal concept of not boring boring"; he stay here with boring idea. If he wants: "I will not stay with ideas for legal boring boring"; he stay here with the idea of ​​not boring. If he wants: "I will stay with boring idea for the legal measures and not boring boring"; he stay here with boring idea. If he wants: "I will stay with the idea of ​​not boring for legal measures and not boring boring"; he stay here with the idea of ​​not boring. If he wants: "To give up both, not boring and boring, I will discharge residence, mindfulness, awareness"; he stay here with equanimity, mindfulness, awareness.
9) He reside, shop set starting on the inner nature life. He reside, shop on the inner nature life annihilated. He permanent, consistent nature and character set starting on the internal annihilation life, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
10) He reside, shop on the foreign nature initiate collective life. He reside, shop on the foreign nature expectancy cessation. He permanent, consistent nature and character set starting on the cessation of foreign life, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
11) He reside, shop initiate collective identity on exterior life. He reside, shop on the internal nature of foreign annihilated life. He permanent, consistent nature and character set starting on the exterior annihilated life, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
12) If he wants ...
13) ... on the inner ...
14) ... on the eccentric ...
15) ... on the exterior mind ...
16) If he wants ...
17) ... on the internal legal ...
18) ... on foreign legal ...
19) He reside, shop on the internal nature of foreign collective legal start. He reside, shop on the internal nature of foreign cessation measures. He permanent, consistent nature and character set starting on the exterior cessation methods, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
20) If he wants: "I will stay with the legal concept of not boring boring"; he stay here with the idea of ​​boring ... Here, he discharge residence, awareness, awareness.
21) Even so, the sage, the monks made four foundations of mindfulness.
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Then the venerable Anuruddha, while solitude meditation, mind, following reflection arises: "Who degenerate four foundations of mindfulness, also degenerate leading to them are taken to the right feet Sacred make an end of suffering oil. Those who achieve the four foundations of mindfulness, also for their achievements is right feet Noble brought to an end to suffering. "
3) Then the venerable Maha said Moggalana with your mind thinking minds of the venerable Anuruddha. As an athlete ... appeared before venerable Anuruddha.
4) Then the venerable Maha told venerable Anuruddha Moggalana:
- So how, sir Sage Anuruddha, the monks made four foundations of mindfulness?
5) - Here, Mr. Sage, resident monks, contemplating the body in the body internally, ardent, alert, mindful, life convince covetousness; Resident monks, foreign body in the body shop, ardent, alert, mindful, life convince covetousness; Resident monks, contemplating the body in exterior body, ardent, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
6) resident monks, shop on the internal life expectancy ...
7) resident monks, shop on the inner mind ...
8) resident monks, shop on the internal legal measures, ardent, alert, mindful, life convince covetousness; Resident monks, customary law on foreign law, ardent, alert, mindful, life convince covetousness; Resident monks, shop on the exterior and legal measures, ardent, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
9) Even so, the sage, the accomplished monks four foundations of mindfulness.
3. III. Sutanu  (Sv, 297)
1) A residence time in Savatthi venerable Anuruddha, on the waterfront Sutanu.
2) Then many monks went to the venerable Anuruddha; after arriving, said to the venerable Anuruddha words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side.
3) On one side, he said, monks with venerable Anuruddha:
- Venerable Anuruddha practice, make the fullness of victory legal position is reached?
4) - Ladies and Sage, by practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness should I place great victory achieved. Here, the reverences, I stay, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, convince covetousness ... life expectancy on the sensations shop ... shop ... stay centered on mind shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Reverences, the due practice, makes this abundantly four foundations of mindfulness, I place great victory.
5) And sir reverences, the due practice, makes this abundantly four foundations of mindfulness, my witness is paralyzed legal tri legal paralysis, secondary law is the law, the law wins legal victory.
4. IV. KATAKI  (1) (Sv, 298)
1) A time Venerable Anuruddha, venerable Sariputta and Venerable Maha Moggalana Saketa residing at Kantaki forest.
2) Then Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Maha Moggalana, in the afternoon, from solitude stood up, went to the venerable Anuruddha; after arriving, said to the venerable Anuruddha words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side.
3) On one side, venerable Sariputta said to the venerable Anuruddha:
- Dear Sage Anuruddha, school property, monks, after achieving what law, that law must dwell?
- Dear Sage Sariputta, monks school property, after reaching the four foundations of mindfulness, that law must dwell. Which four?
4) Here, Mr. Sage, resident monks, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, born convince covetousness; Resident monks, shop on the feeling life, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, born convince covetousness; Resident monks, shop on the mind ... mind residing monks, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Dear Sage Sariputta, monks school property, after attaining the four foundations of mindfulness, that law must dwell.
5. V. KANTAKI  (2) (Sv, 299)
1-2) in Saketa Personal charm ... On one side, venerable Sariputta told venerable Anuruddha:
3) - Ladies and Sage Anuruddha, uneducated monks, after attaining what law, that law must dwell?
- Dear Sage Sariputta, monks uneducated, after attaining the four foundations of mindfulness, that law must dwell. Which four?
4) Here, Mr. Sage, resident monks, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, convince covetousness ... life expectancy on the sensations shop ... shop on the heart center ... shop on the legal measures, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Dear Sage Sariputta, monks uneducated, after attaining the four foundations of mindfulness, that law must dwell.
6. VI. KANTAKI  (3) (Sv, 299)
1-2) At Saketa, sat to one side, he said the following:
3) - The venerable Anuruddha by practice, making the fullness of what measures, where victory has been achieved?
- Dear Sage, by practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness, my mind attained victory. Which four?
4) Here, Mr. Sage, I stay, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, convince covetousness ... life expectancy on the sensations shop ... shop in the center center .. . shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Dear Sage, by practice, by making this prolific four foundations of mindfulness, where I attained the great victory.
5) Dear Sage, by practice, makes this abundantly four foundations of mindfulness, I won a thousand world knowledge.
7. VII. TAKING AI  (Sv, 300)
1) Human coast at Savatthi ...
2) Here, venerable Anuruddha said to the monks:
3) - The four foundations of mindfulness, the little reverences, is practiced, made for fullness, leading to the total extinction of craving. Which four?
4) Here, sir reverences, resident monks, customary legal body in the body ... on the legal consistency, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Dear reverences, four are practicing mindfulness, made for fullness, leading to the total extinction of craving.
1) One time, Venerable Anuruddha residing in Savatthi, at the Sala made of trees.
2) Here, venerable Anuruddha, monks call ... say as follows:
3) - Just as, reverences, in favor of the East River Ganges, eastward, swept eastward. Then came a mass majority, holding hoes, baskets and said: "We will make this the Ganges River in favor of the West, towards the West, swept the West." Dear reverences, reverences think how, the majority of this population could make in favor of the Western Ganga, towards the West, swept the West does not?
- No, Sage. Why? Dear Sage, as fond of the East River Ganges, eastward and down to the East, not easy to make in favor of the West, towards the West, swept the West is. And the public was just fatigue and brain damage only.
4) - Also, this reverences, monks practice the four foundations of mindfulness, make prolific four foundations of mindfulness. Oil for kings, or lords, or friends, or friends, or blood relatives can to offer the material resources and invitation: "Come, there is a good person, so this yellow jersey to the torture he ? Why toured with skinheads and bowl? Please disrobed, enjoying life and material resources of merit! "; Monks did, sir reverences, is practicing the four foundations of mindfulness, is to make prolific four foundations of mindfulness, can abandon callbacks secularized world; Such events do not occur. Why? Because reverences this, his mind has long fond of renunciation, toward renunciation, renunciation swept, back disrobed, such events do not happen.
5) And this reverences, monks practice how the four foundations of mindfulness, make prolific like? Here, the reverences, resident monks, contemplating the body in the body ... shop ... Life on the sensations on the heart ... mind residing shop, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, Secretarial conception, birth convince covetousness; so, sir reverences, monks practiced four foundations of mindfulness, make prolific four foundations of mindfulness.
9. IX. ALL OR AMBAPALA  (Sv, 301)
1) A time Venerable Anuruddha and the venerable Sariputta stay in Vesali, at Ambapala forest.
2) Then the venerable Sariputta, in the afternoon, from where solitude stand up ...
3) On one side, venerable Sariputta said to the venerable Anuruddha:
- Ladies and Anuruddha Sage, the Sage's apartment in the clear, pure, bright colors are present throughout. The venerable Anuruddha stay this dwell much what?
- Dear Sage, now I dwell much with clever mind to dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four?
4) Here, Mr. Sage, I stay, contemplating the body in the body ... shop ... Life on the sensations in the heart ... mind residing shop, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, Secretarial conception, birth convince covetousness. Dear Sage far I dwell much with clever mind to dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness.
5) Dear Sage, monks level is Arhat, the contraband or annihilation, Pham well succeeded, what to do have done, laid down the burden, the goal has been reached, organic fetter was annihilation, right knowledge, liberation; he abides with a mind well to dwell much on the four foundations of mindfulness.
6) - It is beneficial for us, sir Sage! It's smart for our interests, Sir Sage! We face the venerable Anuruddha, was heard to say as ox kingdom.
10. X-threatening illness ILLNESS OR  (Sv, 302)
1) One time, Venerable Anuruddha residing in Savatthi, at Andha forests, sick, suffering, is mortally ill.
2) Then many monks went to the Venerable Anuruddha and told venerable Anuruddha:
- Venerable Anuruddha dwell dwell with nothing, causing bodily unpleasant feeling arises, has no effect on the mind?
- Ladies and reverences, so I stay with clever mind to dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness, so the life of the person suffering arises no effect on the heart. Which four?
3) Here, sir reverences, I stay, contemplating the body in the body ... shop ... Life on the sensations on the heart center ... shop shop on the legal measures, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Dear reverences, so I stay with clever mind to dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness, so the life of the person suffering arise that affect the heart.
11. I. ONE THOUSAND  (Sv, 303)
1) One time, Venerable Anuruddha residing in Savatthi, at Thang forestry Anathapindika in his garden.
2-3) Then many monks went to the venerable Anuruddha; after arriving, said to the venerable Anuruddha words of welcome to inquire ... told venerable Anuruddha:
- Due to the practice, by making the fullness of what measures, venerable Anuruddha achieve victory where?
- Ladies and reverences, by practice, make prolific four foundations of mindfulness, I place great victory attained. Which four?
4) Here, the reverences, I stay, contemplating the body in the body ... shop ... Life on the sensations on the heart center ... shop shop on the legal measures, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Due to practice, so make this prolific four foundations of mindfulness, sir reverences, I remember thousands of lives.
12. II. Italy AS FORCE  (1) (Sv, 303)
5) - Ladies and reverences, by practice, by making this prolific four foundations of mindfulness, I make many kinds of miracles: A body is a lot of relatives, many relatives out a body ... may itself flying to Brahma world.
13. III. Italy AS FORCE  (2) (Sv, 304)
5) - Ladies and reverences, by practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness, I was fond of atrial common stock, pure superman, can hear two languages, gods and men, or far or liver.
14. IV. WITH YOUR MIND  (Sv, 304)
5) - Ladies and reverences, by practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness, I know his heart is with the heart of a charming variety of other types of people. With the mind is engaged, I clearly know that the mind is engaged ... with the freedom of mind, well known to the freedom of mind.
15. V.XU  (1) (Sv, 304)
5) - Ladies and reverences, by practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness, I like really well known as the land of origin, are non-originating non-originating.
16. VI. ORIGIN  (2) (Sv, 304)
5) - Ladies and reverences, by practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness, I clearly know the outcome as acclimatization of karma (kammasamadanam) past, future, present, depending basis by (thanati) and depending on relatives (hetaso).
17. VII. DAO ROAD  (Sv, 304)
5) - Do practice, by making this prolific four foundations of mindfulness, as clearly I know the path to all realms.
18. VIII. WORLD  (Sv, 304)
5) - Do practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness, I know the world as it's clear to all realms, many kinds of difference.
5) - Do practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness, I know just as clearly wrong direction of these special beings.
20. X. APARTMENT  (Sv, 305)
5) - Do practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness, I like very well to know the upper and lower units (indriyaparopariyattim) of all kinds of charming and kind people.
21. XI. MEDITATION  (Sv, 305)
5) - Do practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness, I like the real awareness of the contamination, the purity, the production launch of the Zen stock, Zen, of Liberation, the Dinh.
22. XII. NOTES  (1) (Sv, 305)
5) - Do practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness, I remember a lot of past life, like a life, two lives ... many past lives along the outline and details.
23. XIII. NOTES  (2) (Sv, 305)
5) - Do practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness, I witness is pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings.
24. XIV. NOTES  (3) (Sv, 305)
5) - Do practice, by making this prolific four foundations of mindfulness, so make an end to the illegal or, even in the present, with the winning position, I realize, and dwell attained liberation interest, liberating insight.
1-2) At Savatthi ...
- Hey, monks, has four this Meditation. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks sexual ly, ly the immoral law, and dwell attained first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals.
4) net and only reach the quarterfinals, and dwell attained Meditation Monday, due to a blissful state of being, not class, not the quarterfinals, internal static, circuit mind.
5) Ly Hy, discharge residence, mindfulness, awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, and dwell attained Tuesday Meditation.
6) The communication, clip size, termination benefits were feeling joy from last Wednesday Meditation residence certificate, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts.
7) This, this, monks, are the four meditation.
8) Just as, monks, in favor of the East River Ganges, eastward and down to the East; also, the monks, monks practice Zen four, making four Zen fullness, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana. And this, monks, monks practice Zen like four ... down about Nirvana?
9) Here, the monks, monks sexual ly, ly immoral law, evidence and dwell reached first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals. Making Games and quad ... just pure internal static, one heart ... Meditation Meditation Tuesday ... Wednesday. Thus, the monks, monks practice Zen four, making four Zen fullness, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
2-12. II-XII.  (Sv, 308)
As Ganga Front Theory.
II. PRODUCT undistracted
13-22 IX.  (Sv, 308)
23-34. I-XII.  (Sv, 308)
35-44. IX.  (Sv, 309)
SAVE FOOD wrapped V.
45. I.  (Sv, 309)
46-53. II-IX.  (Sv, 309)
SECTION X. 54. fetters SHANGHAI  (Sv, 309)
2) - Hey, monks, with the upper section of this fetter. What is the year? Sac involved, formless greed, romance, agitation, delusions. These phenomena, this, monks, is in the upper part of fetters. This, monks, to win tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, four Zen need to practice. Which four?
3-6) Here, the monks, monks sexual ly, ly immoral law, and dwell attained first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals .. . Meditation Meditation Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Meditation.
7) To win tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, the monks, four Zen need to practice.
CHAPTER TEN: corresponding breathing, exhalation
1.I. A FRANCE  (Sv, 311)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) Here ... say as follows:
3) - There is a law, this, monks, is the practice, make the fullness of time was had great results, with great benefit. What is a law? Mindfulness breathing, breath out. And this, monks, mindfulness breathing, breath out, how to practice, make prolific how time had great results with great benefits?
4) Here, the monks, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty seats, sat-old fetters, back straight, put in front of conception; he mindfully breathe in, breathe out mindfully.
5) Breathe very long, he clearly said: "I breathe in long '. Long exhalation, he clearly said: "I am breathing out long." Short inhalation, he clearly said: "I am very short of breath." Breathing out short, he clearly said: "I am breathing out short".
6) "The feeling of the whole body, I shall breathe in," he set. "The feeling of the whole body, I shall breathe out," he set. "Tranquillity personally, I will breathe in," he set. "Tranquillity personally, I will breathe out", he set.
7) "The feeling of joy life, I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling of joy life, I will breathe out", he set. "The feeling of pleasures, I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling of pleasures, I will breathe out", he set.
8) "The feeling of mental formations, I shall breathe in," he set. "The feeling of mental formations, I shall breathe out," he set. "An meditation practice, I will breathe in," he set. "An meditation practice, I will breathe out", he set. "The feeling in mind, I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling in mind, I will breathe out", he set.
9) "With a joyful heart, I will breathe in," he set. "With a joyful heart, I will breathe out", he set. "With a calm mind, I will breathe in," he set. "With a calm mind, I will breathe out", he set. "With freedom of mind, I will breathe in," he set. "With freedom of mind, I will breathe out", he set.
10) "Quan impermanence, I shall breathe in," he set. "Quan impermanence, I will breathe out", he set. "Dispassion shop, I will breathe in," he set. "Dispassion shop, I will breathe out", he set. "Quan annihilated, I will breathe in," he set. "Quan annihilated, I will breathe out", he set. "Quan abandoned, I will breathe in," he set. "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out", he set.
11) Practice so, this, monks, making such fullness, breathing concept, exhalation time with greater results, with great benefit.
2. II. BRANCH OUT  (Sv, 312)
1-2) At Savatthi ... here ... say as follows:
3) - Mindfulness breathing, breath out, this, monks, is the practice, make the fullness of time was had great results, with great benefit. And this, monks, how to practice, make prolific how mindfulness breathing, breathing the same time have great results, with great benefits?
4) Here, the monks, monks practice the concept of enlightenment with the concept of organic breathing, breath out, related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, related annihilation, direction to abandon; trạch legal practice ... enlightenment; Diligent practice enlightenment ...; Hy-enlightenment practice ...; cultivate equanimity enlightenment ...; Enlightenment conception of practice ...; ... practice of enlightenment; discharge practice with the concept of organic enlightenment sentence breathing, breath out, related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon.
5) Practice so, the monks, makes such fullness, breathing concept, exhalation time with greater results, with great benefit.
1-2) Savatthi ... here ... the theory is as follows:
3) - Mindfulness breathing, breath out, this, monks, is the practice, make the fullness of time was had great results, with great benefit. How to practice, the monks, make prolific how mindfulness breathing, breathing the same time have great results, with great benefits?
4) Here, the monks, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house, sitting fetters-old, back straight, put in front of conception; he mindful breathing, mindful breathing out.
5-10) ... as of 1, from paragraph 5 to paragraph 10 ...
11) - Practice so, the monks, makes such fullness, breathing concept, breath out there big time results with great benefits.
4. IV. RESULTS  (Sv, 313)
1-2) ...
3) - Mindfulness breathing, breath out, this, monks, is the practice, make the fullness of time was had great results, with great benefit. How to practice, the monks, make prolific how mindfulness breathing, breathing out with great results, with great benefits?
4-10) Here, the monks, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house, sat-old fetters ... "Quan abandoned, I will breathe in ", he set. "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out", he set.
11) Practice so, this, monks, making such fullness, breathing concept, exhalation time with greater results, with great benefit.
12) Mindfulness breathing, breath out such practices, the monks, was making so prolific, are waiting either following results: Even in the present, is the chief position; if medical opinion, attained Any future.
5. V. RESULTS  (2) (Sv, 314)
1-2) ...
3) - Mindfulness breathing, breath out, this, monks, is the practice, make the fullness of time was had great results, with great benefit. How to practice, make prolific how mindfulness breathing, breathing the same time have great results, with great benefits?
4-10) Here, the monks, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house, sit ... "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out" the that episode.
11) Practice so, this, monks, making such fullness, breathing concept, exhalation time with greater results, with great benefit.
 12) Practice so, this, monks, making such fullness, breathing concept, breathing out the results anticipated seven, seven benefits. How effective is seven, seven benefits?
13) Right now, the chief achievements location immediately. If now is not immediately present political achievements, the time when the common destiny, political achievements. If the accomplishment shared destiny not the chief position, the time after the cessation of five lower fetters, are Intermediary PARINIRVANA, is Detriment PARINIRVANA, is Infinite PARINIRVANA practice, be Friends PARINIRVANA act, is upstream, reached Sac natural cure.
14) Practice so, this, monks, making such fullness, breathing concept, breathing out the results anticipated seven, seven benefits.
6. VI. ARITTHA  (Sv, 314)
1-2) At Savatthi. There, the Exalted ... say as follows:
- Hey, monks, the notion he just practiced breathing and breathing out.
3) When is say so, venerable lord Arittha:
- Buddha, the concept can practice breathing and breathing out.
- Hey Arittha, anniversary He practiced breathing, breath out like?
4) - Buddha, for education (KAMA) the past, the sexual rid involved (kamacchanda). For future education, child sexual abandon participate. For a great concern (patighasanna), for internal and external measures, are cleverly convince the place. Mindfulness, I breathe in. Mindfulness, I breathe out. Thus, venerable sir, I practice breathing concept, breath out.
5) - This is also the concept of breathing, breath out, this Arittha, but I is not declared. Arittha this, I will tell how he was breathing concept, breath out, developed, made to perfection. Listen and smart volition, I would say.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
 Venerable Arittha Bhagavan replied yes.
6) the Exalted says the following:
- Hey Arittha, breathing concept, developed breathing out, make fullness like?
7-13) Here, this Arittha, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house, sitting fetters-old: "... shop or give up, I will inhale ', he set. "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out", he set.
14) Therefore, this Arittha, breathing concept, developed exhalation, made for fullness.
7. VII. KAPPINA  (Sv, 315)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
3) At that time the Venerable Maha-old fetters Kappina sitting, not far enough, straight body, to recite in front of.
4) Exalted see venerable Maha-old fetters Kappina sitting, not far enough, straight body, to recite in front of. Seeing this, he immediately called the monks:
- Hey, monks, the monks he had seen her, body vibration or oscillation does not?
5) - Buddha, we saw him sitting between your venerable Sangha or sitting alone, in solitude; we did not see a venerable body was vibrating or oscillating.
6) - For someone with a meditation so, the monks, by practice, by making fullness, so the person does not vibrate or oscillate, so his mind is no vibration or oscillation . For his taste, monks, are the same, no difficulties, no hardships, no fatigue.
7) And this, monks, he practiced, makes the fullness of that body does not vibrate, no oscillations or vibrations do not mind, do not fluctuate? This, monks, so he practiced, makes the notion of fullness breathing, breathing out, so the body does not vibrate, no oscillation, or vibration or mind does not fluctuate.
8) And this, monks, the concept of breathing, breathing out how to practice, make prolific how that body no vibration or oscillation, or vibration, or do not mind not fluctuate ?
9-15) Here, the monks, he went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house, sit-lotus position "... shop or give up, I will inhale ' , he sets, "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out", he set.
16) Thanks to such practice, the concept of breathing, breath out, this, monks, by making such fullness should not be shaken or body oscillation, or vibration or mind does not fluctuate.
8. VIII. Lamp  (Sv, 316)
1-2) Savatthi ... say as follows:
3) - The concept of breathing, breath out, this, monks, is the practice, make the fullness of time was had great results, with great benefit. And this, monks, practicing the concept of breathing, breathing out how to make the fullness of how large fruit, with great benefits?
4-10) Here, the monks, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house ... "Quan abandoned, I will breathe in ', he set . "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out", he set.
11) The concept of breathing, breath out, this, monks, practiced it, making such prolific time with great results, with great benefit.
12) This, monks, before my enlightenment, no evidence Enlightenment, as a Bodhisattva, I stay more with this stay. This, monks, so I stay more with this stay, my body and eyes without fatigue; My mind and be liberated from the cankers, no attachments.
13) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that: "We hope that the body and the eyes from getting tired, and hope that my mind is liberated from the cankers, no clinging", time the concept of breathing and exhalation must cleverly volition.
14) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that: "We hope that the anniversary, our thoughts were to make an end", the concept of breathing, breath out this work must be smart reviews.
15) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that: "We hope that we will stay with boring idea for the law is not boring", the concept of breathing, exhalation should must be smart volition.
16) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that: "We hope that we will not stay with the idea for the legal boring boring", the concept of breathing, exhalation should must be smart volition.
17) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that "I will stay with boring idea for the law is not boring and boring", the anniversary of ...
18) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that "I will not stay with the idea for the legal boring boring and not boring," the anniversary of ...
19) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that: "We hope that after abandoning both boring and not boring, I will discharge residence, mindfulness, awareness," the time of conception ...
20) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that: "We hope that sexual ly, ly immoral law, and I will dwell attained first Meditation, a blissful state by being sexual ly , has a range, with the quarterfinals, "the anniversary of ...
21) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that "I hope that makes pure and only reach the quarterfinals, and I will dwell attained second meditation, a blissful state because of the birth, no games, no quad, internal static, one heart ", the anniversary of ...
22) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that: "We hope that the wedding cup discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic thoughts, I will Meditation attained and dwell Tuesday ", the anniversary of ...
23) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that: "We hope that communications segment, segment size, termination benefits were feeling before the wedding, I attained and dwell Meditation Wednesday, no suffering, not optimistic, discharging pure thoughts, "the anniversary of ...
24) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that: "Overcoming great identity completely, ending on a great concern, not the intention of the great difference, think: 'Nowhere is boundless, "and dwell attained boundless origin", the anniversary of ...
25) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that "the land of boundless Pass Not completely, think: 'Consciousness is infinite", I can attain and dwell Soul infinitude of ", the anniversary of ...
26) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that "the land of boundless Overcoming completely, think: 'There is no nothing', I will attain and dwell naught organic origin ", the anniversary of ...
27) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that: "Overcoming Unknown Origin ownership completely, I will dwell Africa attained and ideal non-perception", the concept of steam breathe in, breath out should be smart volition.
28) Therefore, the monks, if the monks desire that: "Pass the ideal non African origin idea completely, I will dwell attainment and life thought to Extinction", the concept of steam breathe in, breath out should be smart volition.
29) While the concept of practice breathing and breathing out so, the monks, while making so prolific, he feels optimistic life. He clearly said: "Life was impermanent". He clearly said: "There is no attachment to her life." He clearly said: "There is no life was browsing Festival". If he feels unpleasant, he clearly said: "Life was impermanent". He clearly said: "No attachments that life." He clearly does not know that feeling browse Festival ". If he feels no pain no pleasures. He clearly said: "Life was impermanent". He clearly said: "There is no attachment to her life." He clearly said: "There is no life was browsing Festival".
30) If he feels optimistic feeling, feeling sensations that are not tied. If he feels unpleasant, she was feeling life is not tied. If he feels no pain no life lost, life sensations that are not tied. When he was feeling a sensation ends of the body endurance, he clearly said: "I feel a sensation ends of the body stamina." When he felt a sensation ends stamina of life, he clearly said: "I feel a sensation of stamina ends lives." When the body damage the public network, he clearly said: "Here, all feelings are nothing to be joyful, and becomes cool".
31) Just as, monks, conditioned by oil, heart charm, an oil lamp was lighted. If the lamp oil and heart goes to destroy, not to bring fuel, the lights will turn off. Also, the monks, the monks feel a sensation ends of the body endurance, he clearly said: "I feel a sensation ends of the body stamina." When monks feel a sensation of ending the lives of stamina, he clearly said: "I feel a sensation of stamina ends lives." When the body damage the public network, he clearly said: "Here, everything is feeling are nothing to be joyful, and becomes cool".
9. IX. Vesali  (Sv, 320)
1) Thus have I heard.
One time, the Exalted in between people Vesali, in the Great Forest, the house has peaked.
2) At that time Bhagavan instructors use various means of impure, stating the impure, praised the practice impure.
3) Then Bhagavan told the monks:
- I want to live Meditation alone for half a month, not met with anyone, except people who bring food for Me.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes, not for someone to visit the Exalted, except one who brought food.
4) Then his monks Bhagavan used to hearing more about the impure practice, stating the impure, saying praises the impure practice, practice alive focused impure forms wrong know. They shame for this body, the knife and boring, to seek to bring the knife. Ten monks one day bring the knife ... twenty ... thirty monks one day bring the knife.
5) Then at the end half of the month, from Meditation stood up and told Venerable Ananda:
- Hey Ananda, why they monks such mitigation?
6) - Buddha, because Bhagavan used many theoretical disciplines for the monks of impurities, stating the impure, praised the impure practice, so he lives devoted impure practice under multiple forms of difference. They shame for this body, the knife and boring, to seek to bring the knife. Ten monks one day bring the knife ... twenty ... thirty monks one day bring the knife. You instead, venerable sir, if the Blessed One theory to other disciplines, so we monks are residing at the right knowledge.
7) - This So Ananda, be gathered at the hall all the monks stay around Vesali.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda Bhagavan replied yes and invited all the resident monks gathered around Vesali in the auditorium, then Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arriving, venerable sir:
- Buddha, we monks had gathered. Bhagavan now do what is right time to think Bhagavan.
8) Then Bhagavan went to the auditorium; after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. Bhagavan told the monks:
9) - this, monks, the concept of breathing and breathing out is practiced, is making the first President prolific, unique magic, homogeneous (asecanako), located accommodation, making the evil, whatever friendly France bore disappeared, net only once (thanaso).
10) Just as, monks, in late summer, sticky dust flying up and a bunch of unseasonal heavy rains immediately make them disappear, only pure. Also, the monks, the notion breathing, practice breathing out, is making the first President prolific, unique magic, pure, stay optimistic, making the evil, unwholesome bore measures disappeared, net only once.
11) And this, monks, the concept of breathing, breathing out, is how to practice, made for how prolific is the first President, unique magic, pure, stay optimistic, making the evil, immoral measures have been born only to disappear immediately and pure?
12-18) Here, the monks, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house, sat-old fetters ... "Quan abandoned, I will breathe in ", he set. "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out", he set.
19) This, monks, the concept of breathing, breathing out such practices, making such fullness is the first President, unique magic, pure, stay optimistic, and the evil, unwholesome bore measures net is disappearing and only once.
10. X. KIMBILA  (Sv, 322)
1) Thus have I heard.
 A residence time in Kimbila Exalted, in Veluvana.
2) There, Bhagavan called Venerable Kimbila:
- Practice how this Kimbila, make prolific how to recite breathing and breathing out is a huge success, greater benefits?
When saying this, venerable Kimbila silence.
3) The second time, the Blessed One ...
4) The third time, Bhagavan told venerable Kimbila:
- Practice how this Kimbila, make prolific how to recite breathing, breathing the same time be a huge success, greater benefits?
The third time, Venerable Kimbila silence.
5) To say so, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Now has come the time, venerable sir. Up to now, the white Auspicious. Blessed One teaching practice of the concept of breathing, the breath away! After hearing the Buddha taught, the monks will maintain life.
- So this Ananda, listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda Bhagavan replied yes.
6) the Exalted says the following:
- The concept of breathing, breath out, this Ananda, how to practice, make prolific how time had great results with great benefits?
7-13) Here, Ananda, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house ... "Quan abandoned, I will breathe in," he set. "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out", he set.
14) Practice so, this Ananda, makes abundantly so, the notion breathing, breathing out the big fruit, big benefit.
15) Invariably, this Ananda, monks long inhalation, he clearly said: "I breathe in long '. Or when monks long exhalation, he clearly said: "I am breathing out long." Or when monks short inhalation, he clearly said: "I am very short of breath." Or when monks short exhalation, he clearly said: "I am breathing out short". "The feeling of the whole body, I shall breathe in," he set. "The feeling of the whole body, I shall breathe out," he set. "Tranquillity personally, I will breathe in," he set. "Tranquillity personally, I will breathe out", he set. This Ananda, lives contemplating the body in the body, such resident monks, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Why?
16) Hey Ananda, I declare that, depending on the body, ie breathing, breath out. Therefore, this Ananda, contemplating the body in the body, such resident monks, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
17) While this Ananda, monks: "The feeling of joy life, I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling of joy life, I will breathe out", he set. "The feeling of pleasures, I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling of pleasures, I will breathe out", he set. "The feeling of mental formations, I shall breathe in," he set. "The feeling of mental formations, I shall breathe out," he set. "An meditation practice, I will breathe in," he set. "An meditation practice, I will breathe out", he set. While life on the shop sensations, such resident monks, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Why?
18) Hey Ananda, I declare that, depending on life expectancy, ie breathing, breath out, be smart volition. Therefore, this Ananda, life bar on the sensations, such resident monks, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
19) While this Ananda, monks: "The feeling in mind, I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling in mind, I will breathe out", he set. "With a joyful heart, I will breathe in," he set. "With a joyful heart, I will breathe out", he set. "With a calm mind, I will breathe in," he set. "With a calm mind, I will breathe out", he set. "With freedom of mind, I will breathe in," he set. "With freedom of mind, I will breathe out", he set. While customary consciousness and such resident monks, enthusiasm, awareness, convince covetousness life. Why?
20) Hey Ananda, I declared that the practice of mindful breathing, breath out not to forgetfulness and awareness. Therefore, this Ananda, Mini consciousness and monks in the meanwhile, stay enthusiastic, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
21) While the monks, this Ananda, "Quan impermanence, I shall breathe in," he set. "Quan impermanence, I will breathe out", he set. "Dispassion shop, I will breathe in," he set. "Dispassion shop, I will breathe out", he set. "Quan annihilated, I will breathe in," he set. "Quan annihilated, I will breathe out", he set. "Quan abandoned, I will breathe in," he set. "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out", he set. While the law on the legal bar, this Ananda, such resident monks, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime, the total extinction of the covetousness; after seeing with wisdom, he cleverly discharge residence. Therefore, this Ananda, shop on the legal measures, such resident monks, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
22) Just as, Ananda, a huge pile of rubbish at the crossroads of dust, if from the East, a car (or Ratha sakatam) go to the trash heap of dust and make him reduce travel; if from the West ...; if from the north ...; if from the south, a car went to the junk heap of dust and make him lessen. Also, this Ananda, while resident monks, contemplating the body in itself, makes lessen the evil, immoral law, when permanent, life on the shop feeling ... when the stay, shop on the heart center. .. to stay, shop on the legal measures ... to make lessen the evil, immoral law.
11. I. ICCHANANGALA  (Sv, 325)
1) One time, Bhagavan residing in Icchanangala, at Icchanangala forest clusters.
2) There, Bhagavan told the monks:
- I want to live in solitude Meditation for three months, not to anyone, unless someone bring food back.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Thus, no one visited the Exalted, except one who brought the food back.
3) Then Bhagavan, after three months you have accomplished, from where solitude Meditation stood up, called the monks:
- Hey, monks, if the wanderer pagan to ask Mr: "With the public reside, the reverences, recluse Gotama dwell more in the rainy season?" Asked so, the monks and he just answers to the pagan wanderer was as follows: "With the concept of breathing, breath out, this reverences, Exalted dwell more in the rainy season".
4) Here, the monks, mindfulness I breathe in, I breathe out mindfully.
5-10) Or a long inhalation, I clearly said: "I long inhalation". Or breathing out long, I clearly said: "I am breathing out long." Or breathe short, I clearly said: "I am very short of breath." Or breathing out short, I clearly said: "I am breathing out a short" ... "Quan abandon, I inhale ', I know so well. "Quan abandon, I exhaled," I know so well.
11) This, monks, who wanted to put it right feet, this is the Holy resident, this is the category, this is the Tathagata residence; he said right feet, to say the concept of breathing and breathing out is St. residence, the resident discounts, is Tathagata residence.
12) This, monks, the monks property is grade school, no achievements mind, live in peace supreme crane from suffering; what he practiced, makes the notion of fullness breathing, breath out, will lead to the total extinction of the defilements. And this, monks, the monks do is level Arhat, annihilation of defilements, the chronic practice, what to do have done, laid down the burden, had success ideal, property took advantage except fetters, right knowledge, liberation; what he practiced, makes the notion of fullness breathing, breath out, even in the present, leading to stay optimistic, mindfulness and awareness.
13) This, monks, who wanted to put it right feet, this is the Holy resident, this is the category, this is the Tathagata residence; he said right feet, to say the concept of breathing and breathing out is St. residence, the resident discounts, is Tathagata residence.
12. II. SUSPECT  (Sv, 327)
1) A residence time Lomasavangisa venerable between people Sakka, in Kapilavatthu, Nigrodha garden.
2) At the time Like Prince Mahanama went to venerable Lomasavangisa; after arrival, bowed and sat down venerable Lomasavangisa side. On one side, Thich said to the Venerable Mahanama death Lomasavangisa:
3) - Venerable Sir, stay with Tathagata school property as a residence, school or residential property is different, different Tathagata is permanent?
- Hey Sage Mahanama, residential school property is not a residence with Tathagata. This sage Mahanama, is another resident school property, other Tathagata is permanent.
4) Hey Sage Mahanama, the monks property is grade school, no achievements mind, live in peace supreme crane from suffering; after the total extinction of five hindrances, these persons reside. What is the year? Lust hindrances annihilation, the he resides. Hindrances annihilation field ... Then take dullness torpor Tan Trao hindrances ... Then ... The advantage of foreign hindrances or hindrances facilities, the residence he. This sage Mahanama, the monks do is grade school property, stay with achievements not mind, live in peace supreme crane from suffering; after this annihilation five hindrances, these persons reside.
5) And the Sage Mahanama, the monks do is level Arhat, has taints annihilation, have a chronic practice, what to do have done, has put the burden down, was successful ideally, took advantage except fetters property, right knowledge, liberation; these persons make an end to five hindrances, cut off the roots, making the trunk as I-la, making impossible rebirth, makes it impossible to start up. What is the year? Hindrances lust is annihilation, is cut off from the roots, the trunk is made as ta-la, made it impossible to be reborn, to be unable to make the start-up; hindrances field is annihilation ... dullness torpor hindrances are foreign Trao annihilation ... is annihilation ... hindrances or hindrances are suspected annihilation, is cut off from the roots, are made as ta-la trunk, made it impossible to be reborn, to be made can not be started up. This sage Mahanama, monks are level Arhat, has taints annihilation, have a chronic practice, what to do have done, laid down the burden, had success ideal, took advantage except organic fetters, right knowledge, liberation; they had been able to make an end of this five hindrances, was cut off from the roots, stems made as ta-la, has made it impossible to rebirth, has made it impossible to start up.
6) Thus, with this method, the Mahanama Sage, Sage needs to understand that the other is residential school property, other Tathagata is permanent.
7) 1 - One time, Mr. Sage Mahanama, Exalted in Icchanangala residence, in the woods Icchanangala.
8) 2. This Then Mahanama, Bhagavan told the monks:
9) 3. Then Bhagavan ...
10) 4. "Here, the monks, I ...
11-16) 5-10. Long inhalation ...
17) 11. Who wants to put it right feet, this is the Holy resident ...
18) 12. Who is the school property, monks ...
19) 13. Who wants to put it right feet ... "
20) With this method, the Sage Mahanama, should be understood as follows: Being different is permanent learning, Tathagata is another resident.
13. III. Ananda  (1) (Sv, 328)
1-2) Savatthi ...
Then Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One ... Sit down one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
3) - Buddha, there is a practice that is legal, made for fullness, making four legal fullness? Four methods are practiced, made for fullness, making seven measures fullness? Seven measures are practiced, made for fullness, making two legal fullness?
- Hey Ananda, there is a legal practice, is making prolific, making four legal fullness. Four methods are practiced, made for fullness, making seven measures fullness. Seven measures are practiced, made for fullness, making two legal fullness.
4) - A law that is, venerable sir, is the practice, made for fullness, making four legal fullness? Four methods are practiced, made for fullness, making seven measures fullness? Seven measures are practiced are making mature, making two legal fullness?
- Hey Ananda, the concept of breathing, the breath out of practice, made for fullness, makes fullness four foundations of mindfulness. Four mindfulness is practiced, made for fullness, making seven enlightenment fullness. Seven practiced enlightenment, made for fullness, making intelligent fullness and freedom.
5) The concept of breathing, breathing out how to practice, make prolific how, make fullness four foundations of mindfulness?
6-12) Here, Ananda, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house ... "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out", he set.
13-14) Invariably, this Ananda, monks long inhalation, he clearly said: "I breathe in long ..." Hey Ananda, living body in the body shop, while his monks residing Nhut mind, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Why? (See 10, paragraph No. 15-16) ...
15-16) While this Ananda, monks' life feeling joy, I will breathe in, "he sets ... take priority in life. (See 10, paragraph No. 17-18)
17-18) While this Ananda, monks' sense of mind, I will breathe in, "he sets ... take priority in life. (See 10, paragraph No. 19-20)
19) While this Ananda, monks "Quan impermanence, I shall breathe out," he convince collective covetousness ... life. (See 10, paragraph No. 20-21)
20) The concept of breathing, breath out, this Ananda, be practiced as such, are making such fullness, as the fullness of the four foundations of mindfulness.
21) The practice of how this Ananda, make how prolific, four foundations of mindfulness makes seven enlightenment fullness?
22) While this Ananda, resident monks, contemplating the body in itself, conceivable dwell; Meanwhile, the Ananda, monks have thoughts, not forgetfulness. While, this Ananda, dwell monks recite, not forgetfulness, the concept of enlightenment, for monks that was accomplished. While, this Ananda, monks practicing enlightenment concept, notion enlightenment monks practice is going to perfection. He mindfulness so, with wisdom decided scouts, police assistance, legal achievements was customary.
23) While this Ananda, monks lived such mindfulness, with wisdom decided scouts, police and go on from that observation; Meanwhile, the Ananda, scouts started legal enlightenment arises in his monks. While scouts monks legal practice enlightenment; Meanwhile, thanks to the practice, legal enlightenment scouts go to perfection. While he with wisdom, decided scouts, investments and achievements closely observe his approach, the effort, not passive start where he arose.
24) While this Ananda, monks with wisdom decided scouts, investments and achievements closely observe his approach, the effort, not in a passive trigger his monks. While monks diligent practice enlightenment; Meanwhile, thanks to practice, go to enlightenment diligent fulfillment. To have ardent, with diligence, joy material unrelated to arise.
25) While this Ananda, monks ardent, diligent, joy is not related to the physical start-up; Meanwhile, rapture enlightenment began to arise in the monks did. While monks practicing enlightenment joy; Meanwhile, thanks to practice, rapture enlightenment come to perfection. With joy you mean, your family will be calm, be calm mind.
26) While this Ananda, monks with the joy, the body is calm, the mind is calm; Meanwhile, calm enlightenment began to arise in the monks did. While monks practicing enlightenment equanimity; Meanwhile, thanks to practice, enlightenment equanimity come to perfection. With an equanimity Friendly, optimistic beings. With an optimistic, calm mind.
27) While this Ananda, monks have heart calm, peaceful, calm mind; Meanwhile, the monks, the Enlightenment began to arise in the monks did. While, the monks practicing enlightenment; Meanwhile, the Enlightenment, through practice, go to perfection. He with such calm mind, seeing things clever discharge residence.
29) While this Ananda, monks and centered stay calm clever visual discharge (things) like that; Meanwhile, the Ananda, enlightenment started discharge arises in his monks. While monks practicing enlightenment discharge; Meanwhile, rinse enlightenment, through practice, go to perfection.
29-31) While this Ananda, resident monks, life on the shop feeling ... shop ... shop center on center on the legal measures ... (as above, from paragraph No. 22-28)
32) Practice so, this Ananda, making such prolific, four foundations of mindfulness as seven enlightenment fullness.
33) How Cultivation, make prolific how do the seven enlightenment and liberation intelligent fullness?
34) Here, Ananda, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... practice-related discharge sensing enlightenment glasses, contact to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon.
35) The practice thus making such fullness, as the fullness of seven intelligent enlightenment and liberation.
14. IV. Ananda  (2) (Sv, 333)
2) Then the venerable Ananda went to the Exalted ... Exalted told the Venerable Ananda:
 (Then Bhagavan asked questions like before and Ananda replies).
"For us, the Exalted measures taken as a basis ...".
 (Exalted Then repeat the entire business as before, from some sections 3-35)
15. V. Monks  (1) (Sv, 334)
 (Here, the monks asked the same questions and we are Bhagavan replied as the entire economic front, the number of segments 3-35)
16. VI. Monks  (2) (Sv, 335)
 (Here, the Exalted, monks asked the same question, the monks answered the Exalted measures taken as a basis ..., then Bhagavan replied as the entire economic front).
17. VII. Fetters  (Sv, 340)
2) - The concept of breathing, breath out, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to the total extinction of the fetters.
2) ... brought to spit free cleaning option.
19. IX. PATH  (Sv, 340)
2) ... taken to the streets in another tri (three trading on such trading is explained next).
SECTION X. 20. TAKING taints  (Sv, 340)
2) ... lead to the total extinction of the defilements.
3) - this, monks, how to practice, make prolific how to recite breathing, breath out led to the total extinction of the fetters ... brought to spit free cleaning option. .. the road leading to full understanding ... leads to the total extinction of the defilements?
4-10) Here, the monks, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house ... "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out", he set .
11) The practice thus making such fullness, the anniversary breathing, exhalation lead to the total extinction of the fetters ... custom newspapers ... clean spit willow road tri ... annihilation taints.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/5/2016.MHDT.

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