Monday 2 May 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in Savatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). In That Respect it calls the Female-stilts: "the Male-stilts"-"white World Religion". The Billion-ton, How he responded well on stilts That Religion says as follows:
-The Male-stilts, I will preach to the distinction made in six. Please listen and carefully test failure, I would say.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-There are six civil parishes need to know. There are six foreign origin need to know. There are six environmentally conscious need to know. There are six contact needs to know. There are eighteen Italy passengers need to know. There are thirty-six love category need to know. Here, because of this, the base medical take advantage of this, there are three anniversary of that Holy one must practice, and have practiced (anniversary of) him, steps commensurate new direction is Holy lectured map them. In the coaching ranks, the position became known as the Endless ranks of upper Things dwell, subduing the people deserve articles. This is the general theory distinguishes six parishes.
When it comes to "six civil parishes need to know", due to what the coast, referred to as such? Label of origin, Turkish origin, male, losses of, of, Italy. When it comes to: "six civil parishes need to know", due to this coast, was said to so.
When it comes to "six of foreign origin need to know", due to what the coast, referred to as such? Colors of sound, scent, taste, tactile, of France. When it comes to: "six of foreign origin need to know", due to this coast, was said to so.
When it comes to "six environmentally conscious need to know", due to what the coast, referred to as such? Formally, the Atrium, the national label, lost consciousness, the consciousness, consciousness. When it comes to: "six environmentally conscious need to know", due to this coast, was said to so.
When it comes to "six contact needs to know", due to what the coast are said to like that? Brand exposure, exposure, exposure rate, Atrium exposure, trunk, Italy. When it comes to: "six contact needs to know", due to this coast, was said to so.
When it comes to "eighteen Italy onions need to know", because what is said to the coast? After the eyes see, (Italy) run under the colors stay made of Hy, run under the colors stay made of pros, running under stay made of discharge; After, the headset ... (as above) ...; After the nose smell ... (as above) ... after the tongue tastes ... (as above) ... after the emotional body ... (as above) ... after the Italian perception of France, Italy run by France kicked up Hy run by France kicked up, run by France kicked up to discharge. As such, there are six Hy, six pros, six discharge. When it comes to "eighteen Italy onions need to know", due to this coast, was said to so.
When it comes to "thirty-six love category need to know", due to what the coast, referred to as such? Home Contact Hy six, six, six Cup appearances contact wedding favor home contact, six cups, six pros contact export contacts in his discharge, contact discharge six Cup appearances.
Here, what is six home contact Hy? Have the wedding starting up, or receive or see the get the colors perceived by the eye, stylishly, Hy, Lac, Italy, linked to that object; or remember what was received earlier, took over, got destroyed, has turned destructive. Hy type so called his contact at the wedding. Have the wedding starting up, or receive or see the get the ear by perception. (as above) ... the flavors do the cognitive bow ... (as above) ... you do realize blade ... (as above) ... the exposure due to the perception ... (as above) ... the France by Italy, stylishly, Hy, Lac, Italy, linked to that object; or remember what was received earlier, took over, got destroyed, has turned destructive. Hy type so called Hy, linked to in the home. Six of this contact to the wedding.
Here, how to export contact Hy six cups? After learning the identity of France is impermanent, sabotage, glass took part, and think: "The French identity and the identity of France at present, all the French identity is impermanent, suffering, ruined". After seeing such as true with Chief of intelligence, have the wedding starting up. Hy type so called Hy contacts to export. Upon learning of the ... (as above) ...; the incense ... (as above) ... .... (as above) ... the exposure ... (as above) ... the French are impermanent, sabotage, glass, turn and think: "The French and the current French, all is impermanent, suffering, ruined". After seeing such as true with Chief of intelligence, have the wedding starting up. Hy type so called Hy contacts to export. This export related Hy six cups.
Here, what is six pros contact at home? In a strong run up; or do not receive or see your not getting the colors by eye perception, stylishly, Hy, Lac, Italy, linked to that object; or remember what didn't get earlier, took over, got destroyed, has turned destructive. Honors so called pros contact. In a strong run up, or do not receive or see the not received by the ear perception. (as above) ... the flavors do the cognitive bow ... (as above) ... you do realize blade ... (as above) ... the exposure due to the perception ... (as above) ... the France by Italy, stylishly, Hy, Lac, Italy, contact to the world; or remember what didn't get earlier, took over, got destroyed, has turned destructive. Honors so called pros involved. The six pros contact to this at all.
Here, what is six pros contact h to export glass? Upon learning the identity of France is impermanent, sabotage, glass took part, and think: "The French identity and the identity of France at present, all the French identity is impermanent, suffering, ruined". After seeing such as true with intelligence Chief, he kicked up the desire for an infinite upper freed, think: "When would we can reach and in origin (ayatana) that the Scriptures are proven reach and stay?" So, due to the desire for the infinite upper freed, kicked up by the desire to charm. Honors so called pros contact export. Upon learning of the ... (as above) ... the flavor ... (as above) ... .... (as above) ... the exposure ... (as above) ... the French are impermanent, sabotage, glass, turn and think: "The French and the current French, all is impermanent, suffering, ruined". After the truth seen as such with the Chief of intelligence, he kicked up the desire for the infinite upper freed, think: "When would we can reach and in origin (ayatana) that the Scriptures are proven reach and stay?" So, due to the desire for the infinite upper freed, kicked up by the desire to charm. Honors so called pros contact export. The six pros contact this export.
Here, what is six home contact discharge? When a foolish person, renders padded, chums wife finds lust with the eyes, flush the start-up of a disabled van phu chums, not conquered (negativity), not conquered Shu hetero, not seeing results the dangers. Type of discharge so not beyond French identity. So, this is called a contact at discharge. When a foolish person, renders padded, chums wife heard with ear ... (as above) ...; smell with nose ... (as above) ...; taste with tongue ... (as above) ...; feelings with relatives ... (as above) ...; the perception of France with Italy, discharge start up of a disabled van phu chums, not conquered (negativity), not conquered Shu hetero, not seeing results the dangers. Type of discharge so not out of France. So, this is called a contact at discharge. Six of this home contact discharge.
Here, what is six Cup appearances contact discharge? After learning French colors is impermanent, sabotage, glass, variable reference, think: "The French identity and identity of France at present, all the French identity is impermanent, suffering, ruined". After seeing such as true with the Chief intellectual, discharge start up. Type of discharge so called export-contact discharge. Upon learning of the ... (as above) ...; the incense ... (as above) ... .... (as above) ... the exposure ... (as above) ... the French are impermanent, sabotage, glass, turn kill, think: "The French and the current French, all is impermanent, suffering, turn, ruined". After seeing such as true with the Chief intellectual, discharge start up. Type of discharge so called export-contact discharge. This export contact discharge six cups.
When it comes to "thirty-six love category need to know", due to this coast, was said to so.
When it comes to "here, because of this, the base medical take this", due to what the coast, referred to as such? Here, the Male-stilts, so y keep due to six coast contact glasses export, paragraph Hy take advantage, overcoming six Hy contact. So is the paragraph to take advantage of them; so is the beyond them. Here, the Male-stilts, so y keep, due to export contact priority six coast glass; take advantage of the segment, surpassing six pros contact. So is the paragraph to take advantage of them; so is the beyond them. Here, the Male-stilts, so y keep, due to contact discharge six Cup appearances coast, paragraphs, overcoming six contact discharge. So is the paragraph to take advantage of them, is beyond them. Here, the Male-stilts, so y keep, due to export contact Hy six coast Cup, paragraphs, overcoming six pros contact export. So is the paragraph to take advantage of them, is beyond them. Here, the Male-stilts, so y keep, due to contact discharge coast Cup appearances, the take, crossed six Cup appearances contact Hy. So is the paragraph to take advantage of them, is beyond them.
The Male-stilts, have multiple discharge an, y for polyhedron; have to discharge depth an, y for depth. The Male-stilts, what is multiparty discharge an, y for polyhedron? The Male-stilts, have discharged for the French identity, have the discharge, the discharge, there for the for the incense, there is discharge for discharge for the exposure. Thus, the Male-stilts multi discharge is an, y for the multi interface. This and the Female-stilts, how is the discharge depth an, y for depth? There is nowhere any medical discharge of boundless, have boundless Knowledge Base of medical discharge, there are Myriad of ownership of any medical discharge, discharge any Non medical ideas have Africa Africa thought of. Thus, the Male-stilts is discharge depth an, y for depth. Here, the Male-stilts, so y keep, due to depth discharge discharge area coast y for depth, the maximum discharge pass thorough paragraphs, to discharge any polyhedron y. So is the paragraph to take advantage of this, so the (discharge) is the pass (discharge). The Male-stilts, so y not join, do not make the passage, coast, pass the discharge depth an the medical discharge, for depth an. So is the paragraph to take advantage of this, so the (discharge) is the pass (discharge). When it comes to "here because the y for this paragraph, take advantage of this", due to this coast, was said to so.
When it comes to: "there are three anniversary of that Holy one must practice, and have practiced (anniversary of) him, steps commensurate new direction is Holy lectured map", due to what the coast, referred to as such? Here, the Male-stilts, masters degree theory for the disciples, because from introspection, because of concern for their happiness, because traders thought they, said: "this is happiness for you, this is peace for Him". Some disciples of quadratic no direction cleverly heard, no ear, no slang an stay focused on the Chief Justice position, and acting to the contrary the teachings of masters degree. Here, the Male-stilts, As Lai no wedding, no Festival feeling, but life without the wedding Festival, mindfulness, the sensations. The Male-stilts, this is the anniversary of the first one, a Holy tier must practice, and takes practice, new concepts of Holy level masters degree commensurate lectured map them.
Again, the Female-stilts, masters degree theory for the disciples, because from introspection, because of concern for their happiness, because traders thought they, said: "this is happiness for you, this is peace for Him". Some disciples Professor Director ranks him no skilled listening, no ears, no slang an stay focused on the Chief Justice position, and acting to the contrary the teachings of masters degree. There are a number of Sami listener subtly, slang, an ear stay on the Chief Justice position, and not to act in contrast the teachings of masters degree. Here, the Male-stilts, As Lai no wedding, no Festival Festival feeling, no-Hy Hy Festival, not feeling the wedding Festival; After removing both clips, wedding, parties and wedding Festival, not Like Lai stay discharge, mindfulness, the sensations. The Male-stilts, this is the anniversary of two, a Holy tier must practice ... (as above) ... lectured map them.
Again, the Female-stilts, masters degree theory for the disciples. (as above). "... This is peace for Him". Disciple of masters degree he cleverly hear, slang, an on location and not Chief Justice stay going backwards teachings of the masters degree. Here, the Male-stilts, As Lai Huan Hy Hy, Festival, and feeling life does not fluctuate, mindfulness, the sensations. The Male-stilts, this is the anniversary of the Holy steps Tuesday, one must practice ... (as above) ... lectured for the map.
When it comes to "three mantras, Holy one must practice, and have the (practice) anniversary of the Holy steps, worthy new direction is lectured for them", due to this coast, referred to as such.
When it comes to "In the training of engineers, known as the Invisible, subduing dwell Thing upper-class people deserve articles", because what is said to the coast? The Male-stilts, an elephant was subduing by m t locate things dwell the statue master pimp led only runs on a ... the East, West, North or South. The Male-stilts, a horse was subduing an things dwell only runs on Pimp My tutor code one method ... or the South. The Male-stilts, a cow was subduing an things dwell only runs on Pimp My Professor Niu a ... or to the South. The Male-stilts, one who was subduing due As Lai, steps A-La-Han, the Chief Sensory Class Pimp, was running around the eight. Yes, see the colors of France; It is the first method. No idea of internal colors, see the Foreign Affairs; It is the second method. Thinking of purity, the attention on him; It is the third. Pass in a completely the idea, thought, concern, respect to eradicate non-volitional wrong nickname idea; and to think that "nowhere is boundless", reach and security stay Not boundless origin; It is the fourth. Pass in a completely Not boundless, think: "Consciousness is boundless", and an immeasurable Sense of stay; It is the fifth. Pass in a completely boundless Knowledge, think: "nothing at all", and an Indefinite stay of ownership; It is Friday. Pass in a completely non-scalar property of; certified reach and an ideal African African African ideas of stay; It is the seventh. Pass in a completely non-ideological thought of, phi phi hit and an ideal life (defined) Kill resident; It is the eighth. The Male-stilts, who was subduing due As Lai, steps A-La-Han, the Chief Sensory Class Pimp, was running across the eight this method. When it comes to "In the training of engineers, known as the Invisible, subduing dwell Thing upper-class people value for subduing", due to this coast, was said to so.
World Religious preaching. The Male-stilts she trusts That Religious lyrics-life wedding Festival.

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