Tuesday 3 May 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in Rajagaha (United Kingdom-XA), Veluvana (Architecture-LAM), spot the foster care (Kalandakanivapa). At the time the false Religious Sariputta (Xa-benefits-echo), false Religious Mahacunda (Chu-na) and pseudo Religious Channa (Xiển-da) and stay in Gijjhakuta (Thứu). At the time, fake sick, pain Channa, seriously ill. And then the fake Religious Sariputta, in the afternoon from the poison spread NET Meditation get up, go to the fake Religious Mahacunda, after arriving, said with mock Mahacunda Respect:
-Let's go, Buddy, this author, let us go to Cunda Ton pseudo Channa to enquire status ailments.
-Sir, Sage.
Author Yes fake Religious response Mahacunda respect Sariputta. Then the false Religion along with Sariputta Ton pseudo Religious pundits go to Mahacunda Channa; After coming up with false Religion, saying the inquiry welcome Channa; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side. Sit down one side, false Religion Religious pundits told Channa Sariputta:
-Channa, hoping that fake Sage This Sage pundits can mosaic rings! Expect that Gentle mock can endure! Expected that the life gauge is reduced without increasing, and the reduced remarkably, no increase!
-Dear Gentle Sariputta, I can not fake mosaic ring, I could not endure. The suffering of I increase without minimizing, and markedly increase, not diminish. Dear Sage author Sariputta, I will bring a knife (for me). I no longer want to live.
-Ton fake Channa, shalt not have brought the knife! False religion Channa, continue to live! We want to honor author Channa continue to live. If the fake Religious Channa no good food, I will go in search of the good dishes for fake Religious Channa. If the fake Religious Channa no pharmaceuticals, I would go in search of the good Religion for fake pharmaceutical Channa. If the fake Religious Channa no attendant, I will serve the fake Religious Channa. False religion Channa has also not the knife! False religion Channa continue living! We want to honor author Channa continue to live.
-Dear Gentle Sariputta, not false I have no good dishes, nor I have no pharmaceuticals. Nor I have no false marketing. Dear fake Sariputta, Gentleness in a long time, I was almost demoted masters, make (masters degree) were pleasing, not not be pleasing. Dear Sage Sariputta, is real fake like for most disciples who demoted masters, make (masters degree) were pleasing, not not be pleasing. Female-stilts Channa brings no knife crime. Dear Sage Sariputta, make fake tho so maintenance!
-We would like to ask fake Religion about a problem especially Channa, if false Religion allowed us Channa question.
-Let's go, fake Sariputta Gentleness; After listening, I'll know (say how).
-Fake fake have gentler Channa Sage see the eyes and the French label, due to the eye's perception: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego?" Fake fake have gentler Channa gentler view ear, Turkish ... Fake fake have gentler Channa gentler view nose, female ... Fake fake have gentler Channa Sage see the tongue, ... Fake fake have gentler Channa gentler view of the fuselage, the body ... Fake fake have gentler Channa gentler view, consciousness and France due to Italy's mindset: "this, this is me, this is not my ego?"
-Fake eye, I watch Ramírez Sariputta, the label and the French by eye perception is: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". Sage Sariputta, I see fake ears, Turkish ... Sage Sariputta, I see fake nose, female ... Sage Sariputta, I see fake tongue, ... Sage, in my view of the fuselage, Sariputta fake body consciousness ... Sage Sariputta, in my view, false consciousness, the France by Italy perception is: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
-Fake fake gentler Channa Gentleness This saw something, something in the eyes of voters, in the label, in the eyes of the French perception that fake eye view, Sage and the French label by eye perception is: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego?" Fake fake gentler Channa Sage saw something, something in the ear, tri in the atrium ... in the nose, in the female form ... in the tongue, loss of consciousness ... in the body, in the trunk ... in Italy, in Italy, in France by Italy that perception of false consciousness, see the Gentleness and France by Italy is aware : "This is not mine, this is not my ego?"
-Dear Gentle Sariputta, fake because I saw the (nirodha), in the eyes of the voters, in the label, in France by eye perception, that I see the eye, the label, and the French by eye perception is: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". Dear Sage Sariputta, fake because I saw the destruction, the Governor out in the ear, in the atrium ... in the nose, in the female form ... in the tongue, loss of consciousness ... in the body, in the trunk ... in Italy, in Italy, in France by Italy the awareness that I see, sense and France due to Italy's perception: "this is not my , this is not me, this is not my ego ".
When told that, Suen told the fake Religious Mahacunda fake Channa:
-So this fake Gentleness, Channa, this World's Religious teachings must be general Italy: who accept before l got a knife. Who does not accept advance no oscillations. No, there is an contempt; There is no security balloon hy (nati); no hope no past forecast future requirements; no past lai no birth time; no birth time does not have this life, there is life after, not between the two. So is the piece make the suffering.
Then the false and fake Mahacunda Sariputta Respect after the border for Religious pundits Channa, from seats stand up and leave. Then the false Religion, after the fake Religious Sariputta Channa and false Religious Mahacunda to go not long, bring the knife back (for themselves). Then go to the Sariputta fake Religion ton, after reaching the World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl and then sat down on one side. Sit down one side, false Religion That Religious white Sariputta:
-White World, false Religion Channa gave the knife back (for himself), being made of false Religion. What is future life?
This, Sariputta-in front of He Male-stilts Channa was declared not guilty?
-White World, there is a village of the Vajji (Bi-) name is Pubbajira). In it, have the dear family, the family households maintained the false Religion, families in need of Channa visited.
Sariputta, there are these – this family is dear families, the family households maintained Male-stilts Channa, the family needs to be visited. Sariputta, this so far, we're not saying that Female-stilts Channa had sinned. Sariputta, this one threw this body, and accept the other player, who said he had sinned. Female-stilts (as) no Channa. Female-stilts Channa bring the knife back (yourself), no offense.
World Religious preaching. False religious life That words credit Hy Festival Sariputta Religion teaches.

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