Wednesday 4 May 2016

I. PRODUCT order (S. i,46)
I. KASSAPA: Ca-Romaine (49.24 Magazine-Ca-lettuce, 2, 361c) (15.19, Junk 2, 480c)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (win), in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika). And then God Kassapa (Ca-Romaine), after the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win full brilliance the Jetavana, go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, then Respect to stand aside. Stand on one side, God Bach World Religion: Kassapa
-World Religion high Female-stilts and the location to the national border-stilts for us.
2)-so this Kassapa, speak up here on the issue.
3) (Kassapa):
Learn what the affidavit says,
Almond industry in Sa,
Calm, sitting alone,
With the NET Security Center.
4) God Kassapa said so. O mastermind www.International ranks accepted. And then God Kassapa, after it is said: "we have accepted the Masters Degree", World Religion, celebrations, wealthy girl body toward the right side, then disappeared from the seat.
II. KASSAPA (S. i,46) (Ca-49.25 Junk lettuce, 2, 361c) (15.20 Magazine, 2, 480a)
1) In Sàvatthi.
2) Stand on one side, God spoke up this shelf post Kassapa before world Religion:
With the rescue Center,
Locate Female-stilts meditation,
And with ambition,
Reach the Centre of the Department.
After you know the life,
Flourishing and discarded butts,
Pure mind, don't cry,
Benefit result as chon TAM.
III. MÀGHA (s. i,47) (Ma-49.16 Junk smell, 2, 360c) (15.11 Magazine, 2, 478c)
1) In Sàvatthi.
2) Then God Màgha, after the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win full brilliance the Jetavana, go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside. Stand on one side, God Màgha tell That to honor the post racks:
3) Observe anything be lost?
What animals are not killed sorrows?
There is a kind of French,
He Council,
False religion Gotama?
4) Police outrage was lost,
Police outrage not melancholy,
Outrage with standalone basis,
Supreme with sweetness.
France ranks him the Holy Sage,
The copper rivets.
The French police's melancholy,
This Gentle Natural fake personalities.
1) Stand on one side, God Màgadha it comes up with That Respect the post racks:
What animal life, lighting
Because of them, the brilliance?
To ask What Religion,
Want to hear the answer.
Four lighting objects,
Thursday here not there,
Day, sun shining,
Last night, the Moon shone the radiance,
Red night on fire,
Brilliance everywhere,
The Chief sensory dark WINS
This bright light loads.
V. DÀMALI (49.18, Junk-ma, 2, 360c) (15.13, Junk 2, 478c)
1) In Sàvatthi.
2) Dàmali God, after the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win full brilliance the Jetavana, go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside. Stand on one side, God Dàmali article this shelves speak up before world Religion:
3) here, She-la,
Essential need, not indolence,
Paragraph except the desire,
So not reborn.
4) World Religion and he answered:
Oh Hey Dàmali,
With She-la,
There's nothing to do,
Work to do has to do,
Is She-la-Mon.
Beings enough limbs,
Can't find the foot stand,
Other floating and sinking,
In the sea, the river is long.
Find a room for the foot stand,
Dry's flavor,
Got to the other side,
Her other tastes.
So this Dàmali,
For example he is.
Likewise She-la,
Paragraph except the contraband or,
Discreet and discerning,
Essential tons tu meditation.
Her position has been achieved,
The end of the road of birth,
Got to the other side,
Should no longer other.
VI. KÀMADA (s. 1,216.48 i) (49.20 Junk Food, entertainment 2, 361a) (15.15 Magazine, 2, 479a)
1) Stand on one side, God Bach Kàmada World Religion:
2) harder to do So, Bach,
World Religion, it is hard to do.
However, Kàmada,
They work hard to do,
The main property,
Persistent world, seclusion
Chose the life of renunciation,
Know enough, bring peace.
3) know enough, Bach World Religion,
Know enough, it's hard to be.
However, Kàmada,
They are the hard part.
The pleasing taste preferred,
NET thing is mind,
All day and all night,
Italy at peace.
4) Hard, white World,
Mind, it's hard to the net.
However, Kàmada,
They meditate hard NET.
The pleasing taste preferred,
The grounds are the President,
Cut off the tongue of death,
The Holy Sage ranks go to.
5) hard going, the White World,
The path of truth.
However, Kàmada,
The Holy Sage steps still to go.
On the way of hard going,
And there is more rugged,
That means that guys wife stumble,
On the way in.
The path for the Holy steps,
Is the path of balance,
Holy steps, step
On the way in.
VII. PANCÀLACANDA (s. 1,216.48 i) (49.12-Board of Impurities rafters-la, 2, 358b) (15.7 Magazine, 2, 477a)
1) Stand on one side, God Pancàlacanda article this shelves speak up before world Religion:
The oil between the obstacles,
University place, Chief Justice
Still find the way out,
Overcome all obstacles.
UG mind understand meditation,
Know, dark victory, renunciation
Ranks, hermit,
2) World, the Crown:
The oil between the obstacles,
They find a way out,
They found the Chief Justice France
Taken to the results of nirvana.
The achieving mindfulness,
Persistence does not fluctuate,
They are the Chief chon TAM ranks,
Center for subduing, the static.
VIII. TÀYANA (s. i,49) (Dhammapada 313, 311, 312, 314 Thera G 277)
1) Then God Tàyana, formerly part of foreign masters, after a night of near complacency, with sharp foes win, brilliance Jetavana, the entire region away to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside. Stand on one side, God Tàyana article this shelves speak up before world Religion:
2) Oh my she-la,
Effort, cut the water line,
Except paragraph and destroy,
All participating wrecked desire.
Hermit, the paragraph is not
No evidence was depth.
If the work to be done,
Need persistence, effort.
Spice, if indolence,
As tung is fucking bare dirt.
Not do, rather than doing,
Doing after suffering.
Did should do well,
Doing good is not suffering.
As the awkward grasp of leaves of grass,
Can broken hand.
Happy awkward subjects-tu, SA
Drag to the realms of hell.
All the baggage Department of indolence,
Hanh tu all pollution,
Happy happy in evil,
Does not lead to great results.
3) Tàyana God says so. After the ceremony, wealthy girl, speaking of world Religion, the Christians towards Him and then disappear on the spot.
4) Then, after night, calls the Female-stilts.
5)-the Female-stilts, tonight God Tàyana, formerly part of foreign masters, after the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win full brilliance the Jetavana, come to Me, after me and wealthy girl, standing to one side. Stand on one side, God Tàyana article this shelves comes up before me:
6) "Oh my she-la-Mon
Water line, cut tons Elf
Except paragraph and destroy,
All participating wrecked desire.
Hermit, the paragraph is not
No evidence was depth.
If the work is hard to do,
Need persistence,
Renunciation if indolence,
As tung is fucking bare dirt.
Not do, rather than doing,
Doing after suffering.
Did should do well,
Doing good is not suffering.
As the awkward grasp of leaves of grass,
Can broken hands,
Happy awkward subjects-tu, SA
Drag to the realms of hell.
All the baggage Department of indolence,
Hanh tu all pollution,
Happy happy in evil,
Does not lead to results. "
7) this the Male-stilts, Tàyana God says so. Saying that, We, the ceremony of the wealthy girl friendship towards him and disappeared. The Male-stilts, read the post Tàyana's shelf. The Male-stilts, please memorize your shelves Tàyana post. The Male-stilts, the shelves of Tàyana are full of meaning and is the basis of the Violation.
IX. CANDIMA (S. i,50) Moon God (22.8 Junk Thike God, 2, 155a) (9.7 Magazine, 2, 436a)
1) World Religion stay in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection).
At the time, Prince Ràhu, King was A Candima-tu-la. And then God Candima, memorials to world Religion, meanwhile talking up this shelf post:
2) ceremony, wealthy girl who enlightened,
Hero level indefinitely,
He is Freed,
Escapist's real fullness,
And my, tied
Let the threshold rules.
3) Then, because God spoke up, this shelf post Candima for Ràhu, King A-tu-la:
Canda has refuge,
As Lai, steps La-Han,
Ràhu, let's drop it,
Because of the commercial life of Buddhist followers.
4) Then Ràhu, King A-tu-la, freeing the Candima God. As being panic, Ràhu go to King Vepacitti A-tu-la, tremble, sclera and hair hairs stand on one side. And King Vepacitti A-tu-la, speaking up for the Ràhu shelf, King post A-tu-la, is standing for a party:
5) stars, such as panic,
Drop Ràhu Canda,
He came, tremble,
He stood, horrified?
6)- beginning of the hot seven,
Life is not happy,
With the word of the Buddha shelves,
If not drop Canda.
X. SURIYA: (S. i,51) Japanese God.
1) at the time, Suriya Ràhu, was the King of God A-tu-la. And then God Suriya Memorial to world Religion, meanwhile talking up this shelf post:
2) ceremony, wealthy girl who enlightened,
Hero level indefinitely,
He is Freed,
Escapist's real fullness,
And my, tied
Let the threshold rules.
3) Then, because God spoke up this shelf post, Suriya for Ràhu, King A-tu-la:
Suriya took refuge,
As Lai Han-UG,
Ràhu, let's drop it,
Because of the commercial life of Buddhist followers.
He travels the middle of nowhere,
Shalt not swallowing Suriya,
In the dark world,
Brought to light,
The Sun is shining,
Hực red, round plate is
Is fire hot fireplace,
As her children.
Hey Ràhu, (We said):
Please drop Suriya.
4) Then Ràhu, King A-tu-la, freeing God Suriya. As being panic, Ràhu go to King Vepacitti A-tu-la tremble, sclera and hair hairs stand on one side. And King Vepacitti A-tu-la, speaking up for the Ràhu shelf, King post A-tu-la, is standing for a party:
5) stars, such as panic,
Ràhu, drop Suriya,
He came, tremble,
He stood, horrified?
6)-beginning of the hot seven,
Life is not happy,
With the word of the Buddha shelves,
If not drop Suriya.
In Sàvatthi.
1) Then God Candimasa, after the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win full brilliance the Jetavana, go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside. Stand on one side, God Candimasa it comes up this shelf post in front of world Religion:
2) They will go,
As the beast, not a mosquito,
After testifying, meditation
Depth of mind, meditate on the sensory,
They will go on the other coast,
As the fish net torn, breaking,
After testifying, meditation
Homemade, cross faults.
II. VENDU (S. i,52)
1) Stand on one side, God spoke up this shelf post Vendu in front of world Religion:
2) happy people,
After the most Friendly,
Compliance to serve his word teaches,
Tu learn not launch Yi!
3) That Religion says: Vendu!
Those who Meditate tu school.
In the Dhammapada We teach,
Essential need, not ample magnification,
Time they will go,
Escape from the hand of death.
1) like me.
A world Religion in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Lisa, spot feeding the squirrels.
2) Then God Dìghalatthi, after the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win full brilliance the Jetavana, go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside. Stand on one side, God Dìghalatthi it comes up this shelf post in front of world Religion:
With the rescue Center,
Locate Female-stilts meditation,
And with ambition,
Reach the center of the facility,
After you know the life,
Being run and then the paragraph,
Pure mind does not accept before,
Benefit result as chon TAM.
IV. NANDANA (S. i,52)
1) Stand on one side, God Nandana says the shelf post Ton:
The ask Gotama,
University-wide sense of location,
The question who in world Religion,
With voters opinion multimeter.
People would call the maintenance?
People would call wisdom?
Who would transcend misery?
People do Heavenly divine Jesus?
2) Who maintain household precepts,
The wisdom Center, approved,
Attention, meditation,
Center stay mindfulness,
All this misery,
Be except kill, paragraph,
The smuggled or take advantage of the exception,
Living with the ultimate-body,
He called the unit maintenance,
He called the intelligence unit,
Her melancholy beyond taste,
Client's taste, my Bias.
V. U.K: SHEEP FLOCK (S. i,53)
1) Stand on one side, God comes up with shelves post Candana Ton:
How do cross the BOC Liu,
Day and night, persistence,
Not to stay, not to cling,
Who does not sink deep area?
2) Position is always maintained,
Intellectual, manual static, defined
Releases diligently the mighty and strong,
Beyond servant saved hard to pass.
Locate the snippet, ly exercise ideas,
Beyond colors be constant,
Take advantage of the segment, property, Hy
Don't sink down to the depths.
VI. SUDATTA (Tu-reaches-max)
1) Stand on one side, the Prince Sudatta article this shelves comes up in front of the World Religion:
As the engine has to touch the skin,
As the fire on top,
Female-stilts make mindfulness,
Spice, quit the craving.
2) as the engine has to touch the skin,
As the fire on top,
Female-stilts make mindfulness,
Renunciation, body opinion.
VII. SUBRAHMÀ (s. i.,53)
1) Stand on one side, God Subrahmà it comes up with shelves That Religious articles:
The mind is often fear,
This idea often fluctuate,
What desires do not run,
Things do not look forward to starting again,
If Yes, do not fear,
Please say what you asked.
2) Not beyond feeling happy,
Not outside the apartment, maintenance household
Not out of all,
We see the France,
Taken to safety,
For all beings.
3) Then God disappear in place.
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàketa forest, Anjana, in the garden. And then God Kokudha, after the night was almost complacent, with beauty brilliance WINS forest-wide enemies of Anjana, go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside.
2) Stand on one side, God Bach Kakudha World Religion:
-Mr. Sa, do you have the wedding Festival?
-We are what this fake, that Gentleness, hoan Hy?
-If so, dear Sha, are you melancholy?
-I languished something, we assume, Gentleness, this melancholy?
-So the time Mr. Sa-Mon, no wedding Festival and not melancholy?
-This true Gentleness.
3) how do this, Female-stilts,
He does not have the melancholy,
However, He also does not
Have been thrilled?
How are you today,
Sitting alone, alone,
There are Hy,
Also not oscillate?
4) actually this, yaksha,
We don't have the melancholy,
Yet in place,
Hoan Hy not starting up,
Today the oil we have to sit,
His own helplessness,
We don't have the wedding Festival,
Also not oscillate.
5) how do this, Female-stilts,
He does not have the melancholy,
Where do you,
Hoan Hy not starting up?
How are you today,
Sitting alone, alone,
There are Hy,
Also not oscillate?
6) wedding only to the Festival,
With the center of melancholy,
Melancholy only to,
With the wedding Festival Center.
Thus, the Male-stilts,
Not the wedding Festival, melancholy.
So, this Gentle,
He must know that.
7) was long, I see,
BA-la-NET President subjects,
Locate Female-stilts not melancholy,
Nor have the wedding Festival,
Safe beyond,
Spot the passionate life.
IX. UTTARA (S. i,54)
1) human charm in the United Kingdom.
Stand on one side, God article this shelves Uttara spoke up in front of the World Religion:
2) lives being Pimp,
Such longevity is covered,
Being lead to fairer,
There is no place to stop.
Anyone who provides visualizations,
Fear of death,
Let's do the German,
Brought to chon Tam at peace.
3) lives being Pimp,
Such longevity is covered,
Being lead to fairer,
There is no place to stop.
Anyone who provides visualizations,
Fear of death,
Please remove all of that benefit,
Mind the bridge direction NET President.
X ANÀTHAPINDIKA: Anathapindika (S. i,55)
1) Stand on one side, God Grants Alone spoke up this front shelf post Religious World:
This is the jungle States Members,
Shelter made them Holy,
Accommodation in the United Kingdom, France who
Make mind wedding Festival.
Industry, and the heart of France,
And Max WINS network,
The magic of France,
Making pure beings,
Not because their line,
Not because the property.
So fake Mds ranks,
See the benefits yourself,
The Chief sensory observation Center of France,
So are pure.
Property-benefits-as you develop,
Intellectual property, gender and citizenship,
Male-on stilts to the shore,
Here is paramount.
2) Anàthapindika God said so, saying That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, the body, and then the direction property disappears in place.
3) Then Ton after the night was over, calls the Female-stilts and says:
4)-the Female-stilts, night after night, God was near, with sharp foes win, brilliance Jetavana, the entire region away to Me, after me and wealthy girl, standing to one side. Stand on one side, the Male-stilts, the God he says this article before me:
5) "this is the forest of States Members,
Shelter made them Holy,
Accommodation in the United Kingdom, France who
Make mind wedding Festival.
Industry, and the heart of France,
And Max WINS network,
The magic of France,
Making pure beings,
Not because their line,
Not because the property.
So fake Mds ranks,
See the benefits yourself,
The Chief sensory observation Center of France,
So are pure.
Property-benefits-as you develop,
Intellectual property, gender and citizenship,
Male-on stilts to the shore,
Here is paramount ".
6) this the Male-stilts, God said so, he said, wealthy girl, the body holiday ownership toward Me and then disappear.
7) Be heard as such, Ton Ànanda Ton pseudo white World:
-White World, have to Respect God's position is Anàthapindika? Home Anàthapindika out for false Religious beliefs felt Sàriputta?
8)-Heals instead! Heal instead! Hey Ànanda, to what can be achieved thanks to this Ànanda, he has achieved. Hey Ànanda, Anàthapindika was the God.
III. The PAGAN PRODUCTS (s. i.,56)
1) so I hear.
One world Religion stay in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (win), in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika). And then God Siva, after the night was near, with sharp foes win full brilliance the Jetavana go to World Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside. Stand on one side, God Siva spoke up this shelf post in front of world Religion:
2) Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy, France
Only better, not bad.
Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy, France
Is wisdom, not anything else.
Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy, France
No sense between the melancholy.
Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy, France
Brilliance between progeny.
Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy, France
Beings being friendly.
Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy France
Beings usually enjoy.
3) Then return Respect God Siva with shelf:
Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy, France
Freed of all suffering.
II. KHEMA (S. i,57)
Stand on one side, God spoke up this shelf post Khema in front of world Religion:
Fools not intellectual,
Grab fallen foes, do
Do the evil,
Taken to the bitter fruit.
Industry would not do,
Finished heated cooking,
With face full of tears,
Crying bear fruit.
And career would cleverly made,
Done, Clay Cook,
Mind the fun, comfort, Italian
He enjoyed the taste results.
Know to his advantage,
Do the right thing to do,
Not in the mood to hit the car,
Guys please-place effort.
As the guest host of the car,
Left, Director
Climb the rugged road,
Concerns accident snapped the shaft.
Also remove the Chief of France,
Stupid people as illegal,
Fall into the mouth of death,
Pros such as axial fracture.
III. SERÌ (s. i.,57)
1) Stand on one side, God Serì it comes up with shelves That Religious articles:
The two, Who,
Are preferred,
Have the yaksha, name
Does not like to eat!
Who said with confidence,
With the investment,
Be part of dishes,
This life and the hereafter.
So let's stop San took part,
Alms, UE, structure
Beings remain outlawed,
The Germany in the hereafter.
2)-truth is the White World, Religious sacrifice! Truth is, That magic Ton! What Religion has to say things cleverly says so:
"Who said with confidence,
With the investment,
Be part of dishes,
This life and the hereafter.
So let's stop San took part,
Alms, UE, structure
Beings remain outlawed,
The Germany in the hereafter ".
3) White World Religion, Oldtimer is Serì, name your favorite Kings alms, alms is home to scatter exclamation alms. The White World Religion, in four doors, alms to be distributed on behalf of children, for those who come to beg, for She-la-Mon and Sa, for the hungry and poor people with disabilities, for the traveller and qifu gangui.
4), when the Religious World of Bach to the consort of his, they are dear to me: "your Majesty, or alms, did we not alms. Heal instead if we are great refuge to alms and make merit ".
5) World, the Religious thought of the white as follows: "we're the preferred alms, is home to scatter exclamation alms. Now we have to answer when they come and how the ladies: "Let us alms"? ". The White World, you Respect for concubine into door. Here the offer Africa be alms, and the alms of the come back for you.
6) Then the White World, the Religious Police-the Roman Empire-seat (Khattiya) vassals of the son to the son and dear: "Majesty alms. The concubine gave alms. We have not alms. Heal instead if we are great refuge to alms and make merit ".
The White World Religion, think thus: "we're the preferred alms, is home to scatter exclamation alms. Now we have to answer when they come and how the ladies: "Let us alms"? ". The White World, the Respect for the vassal Khattiya door into the second. Here the vassal Khattiya are alms, alms, and of the son are back again for her.
7 x Platinum) and World Religion, the military and the ladies: "Majesty alms. The concubine gave alms. The vassals Khattiya was alms. We have not alms. Replacing goodness if we are great refuge to alms and make merit ".
The White World Religion, think thus: "we're the preferred alms, is home to scatter exclamation alms. Now we have to answer when they come and how the ladies: "Let us alms"? ". The White World, the door into the army Tuesday. Here the army is alms and alms of the son are back again for her.
8) And the White World, the She-la-Mon and son home to the ladies: "Majesty alms. The concubine gave alms. The vassals Khattiya was alms. The army had alms. We have not alms. Replacing goodness if we are great refuge to alms and make the Germany! ".
The White World Religion, think thus: "we're the preferred alms, is home to scatter exclamation alms. Now we have to answer when they come and how the ladies: "Let us alms"? ". The White World, you Respect for Her-la-Mon gate homeowners into Wednesday. Here the She-la-home subjects be alms and alms of the son are back again for her.
9) And the White World Religion, the person of the child and to the ladies: "Majesty of today is no longer to give alms."
When is says so, Bach World Religion, I told him the following: "this, the taxes produced plans are from overseas, a half-send in the inner city, half the spot he brought alms for the Sa, Ba-la-Mon, the poor and the disabled, the traveller and qifu mumo".
10) so That I don't Respect transparency, terminating in a long time the German jobs, in a long time the jobs, the jobs are the seen as the German, or German as the result of or as the condition are being heaven.
11) is actually the White World, Religious sacrifice! Truth is, That magic Ton! World Religion speak manual say like this:
"Who said with confidence,
With the investment,
Be part of dishes,
This life and the hereafter.
So let's stop San took part,
Alms, UE, structure
Beings remain outlawed,
The Germany in the hereafter ".
IV. GHATÌKARA (s. i.,60)
1) Stand on one side, God Ghatìkara it comes up this shelf post in front of world Religion:
Is being an infinite mind,
The seven Female-stilts freed,
Take advantage of the paragraph and the reference,
Superman escape eternal craving the weapon.
2) Beyond mud, are they?
Hard to pass the order of death,
After abandoning a body,
They escape the yoke of Chu.
3) they are Upaka,
And Phalaganda,
With Pukkusàti,
Composed of three.
More Bhaddiya,
With Khandadeva,
And Bàhuraggi,
Along with Pingiya,
After abandoning a body,
They escape the yoke of Chu.
4) he said the good thing,
Of the seven Billion-on stilts,
They escape, except paragraph,
The devil pitfalls.
In France they know, who's
The paragraph was a useful history of unlawful?
5) no one outside of world Religion,
The real main tenets,
They know of him,
The paragraph was unlawful possession use.
List the place and identity,
The removal does not balance,
They learned French,
Here from where Mr.
Thus they except paragraph,
Unlawful possession use bind.
6) he said profound Lyrics,
Hard to know, hard evidence,
France he knew of who,
Why don't you speak?
7) Oldtimer, the potters,
In Vehalinga,
And his name,
Is Ghatìkara.
My main worry nourishing
Both the mother and the father,
As for the Buddha-Romaine,
The disciples.
The far lewd glasses,
Violates, does not like material things,
Oldtimer, his countryman,
Their friend
So I know them,
The seven Female-stilts freed,
Take advantage of the paragraph and the reference,
Pass life disturb the weapon.
8) so this Bhaggava,
Such as He has just said,
Oldtimer, Mr. Potter,
In Vehalinga,
And He was called,
Is Ghatìkara,
His main worry nourishing
Both the mother and the father,
As for the Buddha-Romaine,
His disciples,
He far lewd glasses,
Violates, no animals.
9) Oldtimer, Mr. countryman,
Also is you.
So is the reunion,
Between these you Oldtimer,
Both manual practice,
Bring this ultimate incarnation.
V. JANTU (S. i 1.61)
1) like me.
A time of Female-on stilts in Kosala (Sentence-slaps-la), on the slopes of Mount Himavanta (Snowy Mountain), in a small cup in the forest. They own, complacent, vibrations, very mealy mouth, mouth very ramblings, loss, not the sense, not static, Center disarray, not tame.
2) Then God Jantu, on the night of the full moon day, slap-Dad, go to the Male-stilts, after to say up with the shelf post Billion-stilts:
The Male-stilts Oldtimer,
Living truth chon Tam at peace,
They are disciples,
Sensory University Cu-radio.
No ham in search of dishes,
Not find ham,
Know life is impermanent,
They ended the suffering.
Today, evil DIY
As the hamlet Chief in the village.
They eat, eating lays down,
Covet material things home.
The child must say hello to them Increased,
Ceremony of some wealthy girl
Other guys, hard living King,
Not to steer, guide.
They like the body
The dead were thrown off.
Those who lived secluded, reporter
Because they say children up,
Those who are not ample magnification,
Sincerely, the wealthy girl.
VI. ROHITA (S. i 1.61)
1) In Sàvatthi (Xa-protection).
2) Stand on one side, God Bach Rohitassa World Religion:
-Transparency of world Religion, the spot would have no birth, no elderly, no death, no kill, no run, how, the White World, with pedestrian can know, or see, or reach the end of the world?
3)-false premises, Gentleness, this would have no birth, no elderly, no death, no kill, no start, I say (in place), not possible with pedestrians, know, or see, or reach the end of the world.
4)-Real World, Bach replaced the magic Ton vi! Real World, Bach changed owners hope to honor! World Religion speak manual say like this: "Hey Buddy, spot would not being, not old, not dead, not to kill, not starting, he said that the spot, not possible with pedestrians know, or see, or reach the end of the world".
5) White World Religion, erstwhile, my name is son of Bhoja Rohita, have spirit, can go to the middle of nowhere. The White World, to despatch personnel speed-you can fly, as workmen archery adept, skilled, smart, mature, friendly, soft, with a bow in the strong conviction that nothing difficult, can shoot a light arrow fly pass the shadows of tree tala.
6) And the White World, walked up to the child's can step from the sea to the East through the Western sea. And in the White World, where Religion, start up the desire as follows: "With the action, we can reach the end of the world".
7) And the White World Religion, oil baby's speed for mau to so, and oil for the long steps to the same, and the oil for the child does not have to stop to eat, or drink, or chewing, or tasting, oil for the no defecation, urination, oil for the not sleeping, not being tired, not excluding UE structure oil, for hundreds of years as the lifespan, usually oil for hundreds of years is common, but the love life to go over hundreds of years and was general, the mission also failed to reach the end of the world.
8) it's marvelous How white, Religious behavior! Truth is, That white Religious sacrifice! World Religion speak like This, "said cleverly Hien, the spot would not being, not old, not dead, not to kill, not starting. We say that's not possible, spot pedestrians, know or see the end of the world. We say so ".
9) – this is also fake, but Gentleness doesn't say that does not reach the end of the world ended the suffering. In theory, the Gentleness of this body have a long thought, idea, I declare to the world, the cause of the world, the world and destroying the road segment brought to my snippet of extermination of the world.
10) pedestrians never
Reach the world,
Not reaching the world,
Unable to escape the agony.
Therefore, steps, Md
The world tournament, Charity, wisdom
Reach the world,
Violations are members.
With the investment plan,
Know the world,
Does not desire this life,
Do not desire the hereafter.
VII. NANDA: (S. i,62) (preview I, 1 * 4).
1) Stand on one side, God Nanda says this shelf front post up World Religion:
Quiet time elapsed,
Night and day are always mobile,
Age youth sessions,
Continue left us.
The who is consistent,
Fear of death,
Let's do the German,
Enjoy the scene peacefully.
2) silence time elapsed,
Night and day are always mobile,
Age youth sessions,
Continue left us.
The who is consistent,
Fear of death,
Please remove all of that benefit,
Enjoy net President chon TAM.
VIII. NANDIVISÀLA: (S. i Genova 43)
1) Stand on one side, God Nandivisàla it comes up with shelves That Religious articles:
Four wheel, nine doors,
Full of UE, implications to take part,
Immerse in soil slurry,
Oh! Mr. hung, University
Being fascinated Him so,
The future will be like?
2) Cut and tied, Hy
Evil and greed, sex
The apartments take advantage of charity,
Being such a pet.
IX. SUSIMA (S. i Genova 43)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) And greater Germany Ànanda go to That Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. That Honor comes with greater Germany Ànanda were sitting on one side:
-Ànanda, he had the wedding Festival This for Sàriputta?
3)-Bach World Religion, who is not foolish, not malevolence, not si hinted, not disorder again can not for the fake Religious Sàriputta Hy Festival? The White World, Sage's false Religious Sàriputta. The White World Religion, wisdom is Sàriputta false. The White World Religion, wisdom is Sàriputta false. The White World, false is wisdom Sàriputta Hy. The White World, false is wisdom the Czech Sàriputta. The White World, false is wisdom benefit Sàriputta. The White World Religion, false is wisdom Sàriputta Trach. The White World, false Religion is at least Sàriputta. The White World, know enough is Sàriputta false. So far, white glass is Sàriputta false. The White World, real plus stay is Sàriputta false. The White World, essential need, effort is Sàriputta false. The White World, Respect your Religion is fake Sàriputta. The White World, listen to the middle is Sàriputta fake language. World crime report, transparency and honesty is a fake Sàriputta. The White World Religion, criticized France's evil fake Religion Sàriputta.
The White World, who is not foolish, not malevolence, not si hinted, not disorder again can not for the fake Religious Sàriputta the wedding Festival!
4)-this is a must, so Ànanda. So this is a must, Ànanda. This Ànanda, who is not foolish, not malevolence, not si hinted, not disorder again may not Sàriputta for the wedding Festival? Ànanda, Sage Sàriputta, this is the place. Ànanda, Sàriputta, this is wisdom. Ànanda, Sàriputta, this is wisdom. Ànanda Hy, Sàriputta is the wisdom in this. Ànanda, the Czech Sàriputta, this is wisdom. Ànanda, Sàriputta, this is wisdom. Ànanda, this is Sàriputta wisdom Trach. Ànanda, at least this is Sàriputta. Hey Ànanda, know enough is Sàriputta. Ànanda, Sàriputta, this far is glass. Ànanda this, real lemon stay is Sàriputta. Ànanda, this member is Sàriputta. Ànanda this, listen to the Middle Sàriputta is language. The crime report, honest Ànanda this is Sàriputta. Hey Ànanda, criticized the French Sàriputta is evil. This Ànanda, who is not foolish, not malevolence, not si hinted, not disorder, can not the wedding Festival for Sàriputta?
5) Then God Susima, while hearing his exclamation about false Religious Sàriputta, with our God đoanh fins, come to That, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside.
6) Stand on one side, God Bach Susima World Religion:
-Is so right, the White World Religion. So as to Improve transparency, Was Bach, who is venerated in the world ... people are not foolish, not malevolence, not si hinted, not disorder again can not for the fake Religious Sàriputta the wedding Festival. The White World, Sage's false Religious Sàriputta. The White World Religion, wisdom is Sàriputta fake ... ... The White World Religion, criticized France's evil fake Religion Sàriputta. The White World, who is not foolish, not malevolence, not si hinted, not disorder again can not for the fake Religious Sàriputta Hy Festival? The White World, you go to them God would, you are listening to the speech several times as such: "Sage is the fake Religious decor Sàriputta ... ... the evil false Religion is criticism of Sàriputta. Who's not foolish, not malevolence, not si hinted, not disorder again can not for the fake Religious Sàriputta Hy Festival? "
7) then God of the Heavenly Prince Susima, while the evening of his false Religious Sàriputta are loudly talking up their wedding, Festival, wedding, rejoice and brilliance of color enemies win.
8) such as a the Yuri Bao Chau, the beautifully throughout, has eight sides, cleverly refined, smart sharpening, are put on an orange-yellow curtains, lighting, and light brilliant flashes of light. Likewise, God of God, while the Susima spreads false Religious Sàriputta the exclamation was loudly talking up their wedding, Festival, wedding, rejoice and brilliance of color enemies win.
9) For such a fine gold jewelry is a fine, friendly smart gold, smart sharpening, set on a yellow orange curtains, lighting, and light brilliant flashes of light. Likewise, God of God Susima ... ... dazzling bright colors and enemies win.
10) such as in the night were near morning, morning star, lighting and light brilliant flashes of light. Likewise, God of God Susima ... ... dazzling bright colors and enemies win.
11) such as in the fall, the sky was cloudy bay clean up between the solar, Sunrise, shattered the night, around the middle of nowhere, lighting and light brilliant flashes of light. Likewise, God of God, while the Susima spreads false Religious Sàriputta the exclamation was loudly talking up their wedding, Festival, wedding, rejoice and brilliance of color enemies win.
12) Then God Susima, talking up this front shelf post Religious World of Sàriputta:
Sir Sàriputta,
Are people confirmed,
Is gentler, University
Don't hate, resentment, at least
Need pros and subduing,
Get direction to scatter the exclamation.
13) And World Religion comes up on shelves for the Sàriputta post Prince Susima:
About Sàriputta,
Everyone is confirmed,
Is gentler, University
Don't hate, resentment, at least
Need pros and subduing,
As the cited article,
Time to wait,
To enjoy the fruit mature.
1) like me.
A world Religion in the United Kingdom, in Lisa, it nourishes the squirrel.
2) and then very East Prince, was the disciple of many foreign masters Asama, Sahalì, Àkotaka, Vetambarì, and Mànavà Ninka Gàmiya, when the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win full brilliance the Jetavana go to World Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside.
3) Stand on one side, God article this shelves talking up Asama in front of world Religion of Pùrana Kassapa:
Here if someone,
Killing or harm people,
Kassapa does not see,
Through the Act,
Is evil for themselves,
Or Germany for himself.
He claimed as such,
As the basis of faith,
Mr. truth degrees of direction,
Worthy of reverence,.
4) Then God Sahali said article this shelves up front That Ton of Makkhali Gosàla:
Asceticism and bibs,
Subtly subduing, homemade,
From removing the words,
Cause fight with people,
Balance, avoiding sin,
Say the words really,
He never did,
The crime as such.
5) Then God Ninka says article this shelves up front That Ton of Nigantha Nàtaputta:
Locate Female-stilts bibs,
According to the discerning, international
According to the affidavit made four,
Just say what you hear,
Does not violate article mistake.
6) Then God said Akotaka up this shelf post in front of world Religion of the pagan counsel:
The foreign masters,
As Pakudhaka,
And Kàtiyàna,
Along with the Nigantha,
Including Makkhali,
And Pùrana,
Each direction is,
Them to his disciples,
Has reached Sa-keeper,
Not far from the foot of the steps.
7) Then God said Vetambarì up this shelf with Akotaka God's post:
The author can disgust,
Have tru barking,
How do you compare with,
Dragons, lion.
Lỏa possible, says hope,
Leader of the disciples,
Do the TA isn't happy,
How did being friendly?
8) and then enter the evil God Vetambarì it comes up this shelf post in front of world Religion:
Ascetic seclusion bibs,
Live the far glass of flagellation,
Passionate in French colors,
Joy, United Kingdom.
The oil they were death,
Sure they teach,
The real Chief, chon TAM Guide
Brought to life.
9) Then Ton know the devil is talking up the shelf post instant, for the evil:
That means that the identity of France,
This life or hereafter,
With color magic, retribution
The bright glare of the middle of nowhere,
All these colors,
Are devil to scatter the exclamation,
They just trap the bait,
Toss out to kill fish.
10) Then Mànava Gàmiya God speak up this front shelf post Religious World of World Religion:
In all the mountain,
In property in the United Kingdom,
Vipula mountains,
Called up to win.
In the mountains the snow paint,
Baishan tops up WINS.
Among the types of action, not
The Sun is up.
Between the types of waterways,
The ocean is dark.
In the species of stars,
The Moon is dark.
Between heaven, boundaries,

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