Tuesday 3 May 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in Rajagaha (United Kingdom-XA), Veluvana (Lisa), spot the foster care (Kalandakanivapa). And then the fake Religious Sariputta in the afternoon, from exclusive residential NET Meditation stood up, went to the Religious World, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl to sit down one side. World Religion told the fake Religious Sariputta sitting on one side:
This, Sariputta-He's very smart, He's pure leather shades in the morning. Sariputta, this He is in large part an stay with an stay?
-White World Religion, children today are largely an stay with not stay.
-Fresh, Healthy alternative! Sariputta, this He is in large part an stay with the peace stay University. Sariputta, this peace of stay human University that is not owned. Therefore, Sariputta, if this Female-stilts that wish: "I hope that the majority of today's security stay with the peace stay this time," Leanne not the Male-stilts, Female-stilts she need to think as follows: "on the way we went into the village to qifu gangui, in we went real qifu gangui of stay, and on the road from the village we go qifu mumo carried back premises, then, for the sharp eye starting cognitive, due up in the place where we exercise, take part, si, or hate the mind? "
Sariputta, this, if Female-stilts after thinking know that: "on the way we went into the village to qifu gangui, in we went real qifu gangui of stay and on the road from the village we go qifu mumo carried back, for the sharp eye starting cognitive, due up, where I join, si or not hate" This time, Sariputta, Female-stilts are essential to take advantage of the real evil piece of Jin Shan France. But hey, if National Sariputta-stilts while thoughts are known as follows: "on the road we went ... we go back to reality, qifu gangui for colors due to the eye, no run up, taking place, or who hate si", this time on stilts to Sariputta, the national-security stay with Hy and rejoice, day and night school in the convent the French charity.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think as follows: "on the road we went ... we go back to real qifu gangui for French ears aware, ... for the incense by Cape, ... for the position due to the tongue, ... for the exposure due to perception, ... for France by Italy awareness , has kicked up, join, or who hate, si? "
Sariputta, this, if Female-stilts while thinking know is as follows: "on the road we went ... we go back to reality, qifu gangui for France by Italy, has run up, where I join, si, or even hatred", this time on stilts to Sariputta, the national-phase effort to take advantage of the real evil friendly France. But hey, if National Sariputta-stilts while thoughts are known as follows: "on the road we went ... we go back to reality, qifu gangui for France by Italy, no run up, where I join, si or hate", this time on stilts to Sariputta, the national-security stay with Hy and rejoice on the night school of the friendly French convent.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think as follows: "We had sex in the head paragraph of nursing? The Male-stilts, if Female-stilts, while thoughts are known as follows: "We have yet to take advantage of the passage of years the Chief nursing education", this time on stilts to Sariputta, the national-phase growth in education effort. But if this, Sariputta, Female-stilts while thoughts are known as follows: "I had sex in the head piece", this time on stilts to Sariputta, the national-security stay with Hy and rejoice on the night school of the friendly French convent.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think as follows: "We have to take advantage of the slopes of the year segment?" If this, Sariputta, while reflecting, Female-on stilts known as follows: "We have yet to take advantage of the slopes of the year segment," this time, the national's stilts-Sariputta is essential in the constant passage of Jin. But if this, Sariputta, Female-stilts while thoughts are known as follows: "We have to take advantage of the slopes of the year segment," this time, the national-stilts to Sariputta an stay with Hy and rejoice on the night school of the friendly French convent.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think: "We have Willow tri five prime aggregates?" Sariputta, this, if while reflecting, Female-on stilts known as follows: "We have not got manual year tri Willow aggregates", this time, Sariputta-stilts she need essential tons Willow tri in its aggregates. But if this, Sariputta, while reflecting, Female-stilts are known as follows: "We have Willow tri five prime aggregates", this time, the National-stilts Sariputta must an stay with Hy and rejoice on the night school of the friendly French convent.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think as follows: "We've practiced four anniversary of?" Sariputta, this, if while reflecting, Female-stilts are said: "We have yet to practice four anniversary of" this forecast, Sariputta, the Female-stilts needs to practice reciting the four tons of glass. But if this, Sariputta, while reflecting Male-stilts known as follows: "We've practiced four anniversary of", this time, Sariputta-stilts she need an stay with Hy and rejoice on the night school of the friendly French convent.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think: "I've been practicing the four principals need?" If ... the need to practice the four Chief effort is needed. But if ... in the French charity.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think: "We have four practice as student?" If ... the need to practice four tons of glass such as Italy. But if ... in the French charity.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think: "I've been practicing in the root?" If ... the need to practice radical year effort. But if ... in the French charity.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think: "we had a practice in force?" If ... is essential practice in tons. But if ... in the French charity.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think: "I've been practicing the seven genera sense?" If ... the need to practice the seven tons of refined sensory chi. But if ... in the French charity.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think as follows: "We were Eight industry leaders Saints practice?" If Female-stilts, Sariputta, while this thought was known as follows: "We have yet to practice Eight industry leaders Saints," this time she need stilts billion-Sariputta effort Holy practice directed Eight branches. But if this, Sariputta, Female-stilts while thoughts are known as follows: "We were Eight industry leaders Saints practice," this time, Sariputta-stilts she need in Hy and rejoice, day and night school in the convent the French charity.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think: "I have only practiced and consistent?" If Female-stilts, Sariputta, while this thought was known as follows: "We have not only practice and consistent", this time, Sariputta-stilts she need only practice and effort. But if this, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts while thoughts are known as follows: "We have only practiced and consistent", this time, Sariputta-stilts she need an stay with Hy and rejoice, day and night school in the convent the French charity.
Again, Sariputta, this Male-stilts need to think as follows: "We have evidence of enlightenment and Liberation?" If Female-stilts, Sariputta, while this thought was known as follows: "We have yet to prove food poisoning and Liberation", this time, Sariputta-stilts she need to practice and effort. But if this, Sariputta, Female-stilts while thoughts are known as follows: "We have evidence of enlightenment and Liberation", this time, Sariputta-stilts she need an stay with Hy and rejoice on the night school of the friendly French convent.
Sariputta, this Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would in the past have made real qifu gangui was pure, all he had done for the real qifu gangui was purity by reflecting, thought so. Sariputta, this Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects in the future will make real qifu gangui was pure, all of these will make real qifu gangui was, by way of thinking, thought so. This, Sariputta and the Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects in the current forecast, make real qifu gangui was pure, all he had done for the real qifu gangui was, by reflecting, thought so. So, he needs to Sariputta, this study as follows: "upon reflection, reflections, we will make real qifu gangui was purity". Sariputta, this He must practice as such.
World Religious preaching. False religious life That words credit Hy Festival Sariputta Religion teaches.

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