Tuesday 10 May 2016

CHAPTER THREE: respectively mindfulness
1. I. AMBAPALI  (24.20 Journal, University 2,174a) (Sv, 141)
1) Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Vesali, at Ambapali forest.
2) There, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey, monks". "Revered sir". The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - Is this the only way, the monks, making the living beings are pure, beyond the sorrow, suffering termination benefits, attaining chief justice, enlightenment Nirvana. Ie the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four?
4) - Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince ... Stay away, consistent life on the sensations, heat attention, awareness, mindfulness ... accommodation, shop consciousness and enthusiasm, awareness ... accommodation, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
5) Is this the only way, the monks, making the living beings are pure, beyond the sorrow, suffering termination benefits, attaining chief justice, enlightenment Nirvana. And this is the path the four foundations of mindfulness.
6) Exalted such theory. The monks said life was happy credits Bhagavan said.
2. II. Mindfulness  (24.6-7 Review, University 2,171b) (Sv, 142)
1) One time Bhagavan at Vesali, at Ambapali forest.
2) There, Bhagavan called the monks ...
3) - this, monks, monks should stay mindful awareness. This is the world my teacher for him.
4) And this, monks, monks how is mindfulness? Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, convince covetousness ... life on life expectancy shop ... shop on the heart center. .. bar on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Thus, the monks, the monks of mindfulness.
5) And this, monks, are the monks of awareness? Here, the monks, the monks go, when to go back, are awakening; to look, to look back when, are awakening; when co arms, outstretched arms, are awakening; when robed Sangha Chile, when he brought the bowl, are awakening; when eating, chewing tasting, are awakening; when urinating, defecating, are awakening; when walking, standing, sitting, sleeping, waking, speaking, silence, are awakening. Thus, the monks, the monks of awareness.
6) This, monks, monks take mindfulness, awareness. This is the world my teacher for him.
3. III. Monks  (24.37 Journal, University 2,176A) (Sv, 142)
1) One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden.
2) Then the monks went to the Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, his monks venerable sir:
3) - You instead, venerable sir, if the Blessed One brief sermon for children. After listening to the sermon Bhagavan, I will live alone, calm, no distractions, zealous, ardent. And so there may be people who doubt that legal and verifying their children; after the said law for them, they think you will have to follow their interests. Buddha, Bhagavan take a brief sermon for children. Auspicious take a brief sermon for children. Surely you can understand the theory Bhagavan. Sure you can become heirs Bhagavan taught words.
4) - So these monks, he must clear up two basic measures of good behavior. And how are the two basic methods of good behavior? Smart is pure sex, and knowledge upright. This, monks, when he was presented with pure skill and knowledge upright, the monks, he just kept on world health, to dwell on the world, practicing the four foundations of mindfulness in three ways. Which four?
5) Here, the monks, he let stay, contemplating the body in the body internally, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Or maybe he just stay, foreign body in the body shop, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Or maybe he just stay, contemplating the body in exterior body, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Or maybe he just stay, shop on the internal life expectancy ... Or he just stay, shop on the inner mind ... Or he just stay, shop on the internal legal measures, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, photography covetousness for life. Or maybe he just stay, bar on foreign legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Or maybe he just stay, shop on the exterior and legal measures, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
This, monks, when he kept on world health, gender and dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness practice so in three ways; Meanwhile, the monks, or the night or day, waiting for the growth of good behavior, not harm reduction.
6) Then the monks was happy, credit life Bhagavan taught words, got up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving.
7) Then, monks lived alone was calm, no distractions, zealous, ardent, soon achieve the purpose for which a Lay-home, abandoned the family, not family oriented life: It is the ultimate supreme virtue, right now, he won himself with mind, realization, attainment and residing. He clearly said: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, what to do have done, no longer come back to this state again."
8) monks did become a Arhat again.
4. IV. Sala  (24.29 Journal, University 2,173c) (Sv, 144)
1) Thus have I heard.
Exalted a residence time between Kosala people, at a Brahmin village called Sala.
2) Here, Bhagavan called the monks ... Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - These monks do, this, monks, novices, ordained soon, arrived in France this law; the monks did, the monks, should be encouraged (samadapetabba), need to be guided, to be residing, practicing the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four?
4) "Come, O friends, please stay, contemplating the body in the body, ardent, alert, focused, with a pure heart, the static, single-mindedly, to have right knowledge as truth for yourself. Please stay, shop on the life expectancy, enthusiastic, alert, focused, with a calm mind, calm, most primary care to have realistic position for life. Take shelter, Mini consciousness and enthusiastic, alert, focused, with a pure heart, the static, single-mindedly, to have right knowledge as real to the mind. Please stay, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, alert, focused, with a calm mind, calm, one heart, to have right knowledge as to the legal truth ".
5) This, monks, have learned monks property, not achievement center, supreme live in peace cranes from suffering. The residence he, contemplating the body in the body, ardent, alert, focused, with a calm mind, calm, circuit full understanding of the mind to the body. The residence he shop on the life expectancy, enthusiastic, alert, focused, with a calm mind, calm, circuit to put his mind about life voters. The he stay, shop ... to put his mind on intellectual center of attention. The residence he shop on legal measures, enthusiastic, alert, focused, with a pure heart, the static, single-mindedly to put his knowledge of the law.
6) This, monks, the monks do is level Arhat, the contraband was to take, practice of contentment, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, had success ideal, property took advantage except fetters, right knowledge, liberation; these monks stay, contemplating the body in the body, ardent, alert, focused, with a calm mind, calm, heart Nhut, cups for relatives knots. The he stay, shop ... The life expectancy on he stay, shop on the mind ... The mind he stay, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, alert, focused, with a pure mind, calm, Nhut heart, cups for legal knots.
7) This, monks, the monks any new religious, ordained soon, arrived in France this law; these persons, the monks, should be encouraged, should be guided, to be residing, practicing the four foundations of mindfulness.
5. V. Dong Thien  (24.28 Journal, University 2,171b) (Sv, 145)
1-2) At Savatthi. There, the Exalted says the following:
3) - Dong immoral, this, monks, if anyone says the five hindrances, he said right feet. This whole pile of evil, this, monks, ie five hindrances. What is the year?
4) participated hindrances Education, golf hindrances, dullness torpor hindrances, hindrances exchange Trao, facilities or hindrances. This pile of evil, this, monks, if anyone says that five hindrances, he said right feet. This whole pile of evil, this, monks, ie five hindrances.
5) Dong good, this, monks, if anyone says that the four foundations of mindfulness, he said right feet. This improved the entire heap, the monks, ie the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four?
6) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, convince covetousness ... life on life expectancy shop ... shop in the center ... consistent attention on the legal measures, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. This charity pile, the monks, if anyone says that the four foundations of mindfulness, he said right feet. This improved the entire heap, the monks, ie the four foundations of mindfulness.
6. VI. Hawk  (Sakunagghi) (24.15 Journal, University 2,172c) (Sv, 146)
1-2) ...
3) - In ancient times, this, monks, a hawk so suddenly snatched down and grabbed a quail.
4) And this, monks, quail hawk was shaking, mourn as follows:
"- Like this, unfortunately for me! It lacks merit for me! Because of that I was not the place to go practice their origin, went into another realm. If I go in my place of origin operating in the realm of my parents, the eagle can not be more than I am, if I had to fight. "
"- Quail Hey, how is your place of origin issue, how is the realm of your father and mother?"
- "As the tongue flap plowing up land."
5) And this, monks, hawk so without cranking his strength, without squeezing his strength, drop quails and said:
- "Let's go, this Quails. After going in that place, I will not drop you. "
6) And this, monks, quails go to tie the tongue of land plowed up, climb a rock big ground, stand on it and say to hawk:
"- Hey, come to us, Falcon! Hey, come to us, Falcon! "
7) And this, monks, strong grip hawk his strength, his strength squeezed, put both wings, suddenly grabbed quails. This, monks, when the quail learned: "The eagle is broken down," he said, immediately hide behind the island nations. This, monks, here, hawk broken chest.
8) Also, the monks, for someone came up to the land of his act is not, go to another realm. So, this, monks, do not have not come to practice their origin, place of another realm. This, monks, come to the land of his act is not, go to the realm of the other, grasp the opportunity Devil, Devil grasp objects.
9) This, monks, does not act parish seat of monks? Where is the realm of others? Academic merit is the year. What is the year?
10) Have the eyes perceive color by pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, endearing, relate to sexual and attractive. There is the sound perceived by the ear ... Having the flavor perception by the nose ... Have you perceived by the tongue ... Having the awareness promotion pleasurable by itself, capable joy, capable reviews, endearing, associated to education system, attractive. This, monks, this is not the place of origin of the monks practice, the realm of another place.
11) This, monks, go to their place of origin issue, place the realm of their parents. This, monks, come to practice their origin, to the realm of his parents, the Devil does not grasp the opportunity, do not grasp the object.
12) And this, monks, where is the place of origin of the monks practice? Where is the realm of the parents? It is the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four?
13) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, born convince covetousness; residence, shop on the life expectancy ...; residence, shop on the mind ... the mind; residence, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. This, monks, this is your place of origin issue, place the realm of their parents.
7. VII. Ape  (24.18 Journal, University 2,173b) (Sv, 148)
1-2) ...
3) - this, monks, at Mount Snow Princess rugged parcel paint, no balance, it does not have apes, humans back and forth.
4) This, monks, at Mount Snow Princess paint the ground roughness, unevenness, it was only through the apes, no humanity.
5) At Mount Snow Princess painting, with the flat parcel, endearing. At that place there are apes and humans back and forth. There, the monks, the hunters put the plastic trap (lepam) on the road back and forth to catch the gibbon ape. Here, the monks, the monkey foolish emptiness, not greedy, he saw immediately shun plastic traps. And monkey foolish, greedy, saw plastic trap him, put his hand was grabbed and stick to it. "I'll take the hand out", it reached second hand grabbed and stuck there. "I will lift your hands", he raised her hand and stuck pins in it. "I will remove the hands and feet off," Monday it raised paws grabbed and stuck there. "I will lift both arms and legs," he mouthed the user and get stuck there.
6) Thus, the monks, ape captured in space, lie down immediately scream, fell into misfortune, fall into sorrow, being the hunter can do whatever you want. This, monks, hunters stabbed it, grill it on the pile of charcoal, and went off, according to their preferences.
7) Also, the monks, who come to not issue its origin, place of another realm. This, monks, not come to practice their origin, place of another realm, grasp the opportunity Devil, Devil grasp objects.
8) And this, monks, how is not the place of origin of the monks practice, the realm of another site? Academic merit ie year. What is the year?
9) The eyes perceive color by pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, endearing, related to education, attractive ... The emotional body awareness so pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, endearing, contact to sexual and attractive. This, monks, this is not the place of origin of the monks practice, the realm of another place.
10) This, monks, go to their place of origin issue, place the realm of their parents. This, monks, come to practice their origin, came to her parents' realm, Devil did not grasp the opportunity, not Devil grasp objects.
11) And this, monks, how is the behavior of monks, is the realm of your parents? Ie the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four?
12) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, regent for life ... covetousness; residence, life on the shop feeling ...; residence, shop on the mind ... the mind; residence, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. This, monks, this is the place of origin of the monks practice, the realm of the place his parents.
8. VIII. THE CHEF  (24.14 Journal, University 2,172b) (Sv, 149)
2-3) - Just as, monks, a cook foolish, not smart, not ingenuity, assigned to take care of other things wrong soup for the king or the king's courtiers, such as soup sour, bitter, spicy, sweet, alkali, alkaline not (kharikehi pi pi akharikehi), salty substance, not the salt.
4) This, monks, cooks foolish, not smart, not skillfully did not grasp the eating preferences of its owner (or bhattuno bhattasa?): "Today, all we loved this soup ", or:" Save us all get eaten this soup, "or:" this soup dish we use multiple threads, "or:" my master praised this soup. " "Today, all we loved this sour soup", or: "This dish sour soup we take the food home," or: "This dish sour soup, the more we use," or: "My master praised this tomato soup ". "Today, all we loved this bitter soup" ... or, "Today, all we loved this spicy soup" ... or, "Today, all we loved this sweet soup" ... or "Today, all we loved this alkaline soup" ... or: "Today my master likes alkaline soup not this" ... or, "Today, all we liked the soup was not this salty substances, "or:" Save this savory soup not get to eat my master ", or:" Save this savory soup is not all we use many ", or:" my master praised the soup is not salty. "
5) And this, monks, cooks stupid, not smart, not skillfully did not receive clothing, do not receive wages, do not receive bonuses. Why? Because of that, the monks, who cooks foolish, not smart, not skillfully did not grasp the eating preferences of their owners.
6) Also, the monks, here, there, monks foolish, not smart, not ingenious, resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, convince covetousness team. He oil resident, contemplating the body in the body, but the mind is not calm, the negativity is not annihilation; he did not learn his generals. Oil he stay, shop on the life expectancy of interest on interest ... .. He reside, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Oil he stay, shop on the legal measures, but the mind is not calm, the negativity is not annihilation; he did not learn his generals.
7) This, monks, monks foolish, not smart, not his dexterity, are not located within the existing residence, not awareness. Why? Because of that, this, monks, monks foolish, not smart, not his ingenuity, not your mind learned minister.
8) Just as, monks, someone chef position, intelligence, ingenuity, assigned to take care of other things wrong soup for the king or the king's courtiers, like soup sour, bitter, spicy, sweet, alkali, not alkaline, or salty nature of the salt is not. This, monks, where the chef there, clever, deft grasp that eating preferences of its owner: "Today, all we loved this soup," or: "This soup dish owners I get to eat, "or:" this soup dish we use multiple threads, "or:" this soup dish praise my master ", or:" Today, all we loved this sour soup ", or" sour soup dish all I get to eat this, "or:" this sour soup dish we use multiple threads, "or:" this dish sour soup praise my master. " "Today, all we loved this bitter soup" ... "Today, all we loved this spicy soup" ... "Today, all we loved this sweet soup" ... "Today, all you're like the soup this control "..." Today, all we loved this alkaline soup tasteless "..." Today, all we loved this salty soup "..." Today, all I do not like salty soup this, "or:" this savory dish soup not get to eat my master ", or:" Save this savory soup is not all we use many ", or:" Save this savory soup is not my master praised " .
9) This, monks, where the chef there, clever, cleverly he received clothing, receive salary, receive a bonus. Why? Whereas the monks, where the chef has, intelligent, skillful grasp that eating preferences of their owners.
10) Also, the monks, here, where there are monks there, clever, ingenious, resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Because he stay, contemplating the body in the body, the mind is calm, the negativity is annihilation; he learned his minister. He reside, shop on the life expectancy ... shop ... shop center on center on the legal measures, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Because he stay, shop on the legal measures, the mind is calm, the negativity is annihilation; he learned his minister.
11) This, monks, monks have location, smart, skillful that, even in the present, be optimistic residence certificate, certificate be mindful awareness. Why? Because of that, this, monks, monks have location, smart, skillful that, your mind learned minister.
9. IX. DISEASE  (School 2, University 1,15ab) (Sv, 152)
1) Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Vesali, in the village of Beluva.
2) There, Bhagavan called the monks:
- Come, this, monks, be settled in the rainy season around Vesali, where there are friends, with acquaintances (sandittham), someone close (sambhattam). Here, I will settle this Veluva rainy season in the village.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes, the rainy season retreat around Vesali, the spot has a friend, someone he knew, someone close. Bhagavan also the rainy season retreat in the village of Beluva.
3) While the rainy season retreat Bhagavan, a serious illness arises, the intense feeling almost dead continues. Here, Bhagavan mindfulness, mindful, no whining.
4) Then the Blessed One thought: "It is not adequate for me, if I did not notice the supporter and I leave them monks that enter Nirvana. So I take a significant effort convince this disease, keeping network operator (jivitasankhara) and live ". Then Bhagavan with diligent effort convince his patient weight, storage networking and live.
5) Then Bhagavan rid of the disease; rid illness soon, he went out of the disease, were prepared to sit on the seat, the ball still, behind the house.
6) Then the Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Buddha, the Exalted shows patience! Buddha, I saw Bhagavan bear! Buddha, my body felt weak as reeds, my eyes blurred not clear orientation. France is not clear to me because Bhagavan sick. But lord, I was little consolation that Bhagavan will not kill, if he does not have a cell teachers give them monks.
7) - Hey Ananda, we also yearn monks anymore where I am. This Ananda, I can not distinguish teaching in outside. Because, this Ananda, for legal entities, the Tathagata's never even held hands guru. This Ananda, who thought that I would be the leader of them monks, or: We monks subject of my teaching, this time Ananda, he would have said portable teaching them monks. This Ananda, the Tathagata has no thought: "I will be the leader of them monks," or "We monks teaching my subject," this time Ananda, how Tathagata has said di teachers for we monks?
8) This Ananda, I am old now, elders, elders, have reached the end of his life, had to be eighty. This Ananda, as the old wagon trail, the reason is due to run longer tangled rope. Likewise, the body Tathagata be sustained like tangled ropes thanks.
9) This Ananda, when the Tathagata not only volition to all generals, with the elimination of a number of sensations, it abides formless concentration, the then, relatives are comfortable Tathagata. This so Ananda, let yourself be a lamp unto yourself, make yourself to rely on their own, do not rely on something else. Use the Dhamma as a lamp, use the Dharma as refuge, what else do not rely on one. And this Ananda, how are monks themselves is a lamp unto yourself, rely on their own yourself, do not rely on something else, use the Dharma as a lamp, used as shelters Dharma, not what a refuge in another?
10) Hey Ananda, here, resident monks, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, born convince covetousness; Life expectancy in the shop ... shop ... shop center on center on the legal measures, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. This Ananda, such as monks themselves is a lamp unto yourself, rely on their own for yourself, do not rely on something else, use the Dharma as a lamp, used as shelters Dharma, not rely on something else.
11) Hey Ananda, who now or after I kill, himself is a lamp unto yourself, rely on their own yourself, do not rely on something else, use the Dharma as a lamp, use the Dharma as shelter, no one else to rely on; these persons, this Ananda, is the ultimate taste in my row, monks, if he earnestly learn.
10. X. abode monks-NI  (24.13 Journal, University 2,172,172a) (Sv, 154)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) Then the Venerable Ananda, in the morning, robes, holding a bowl of medicine went to a residence of monks-ni; after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted.
Then a large number of monks and nuns to the Venerable Ananda-; after arrival, Venerable Ananda bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, the monks-ni said to Venerable Ananda was:
3) - Here, the Venerable Ananda transparency, a large number of monks and nuns live smart-mind dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness, achieving clearly know (sampajananti) generosity, the first wins.
- That's right, this the Great billion! So is right, this the Great billion! Behold the Great billion, monks or nuns, monks-who live with clever mind to dwell in the four foundations of mindfulness, he is expected to achieve well known generosity, the first wins.
4) Then the Venerable Ananda to all lectures, after the pronouncement of the theory-nuns, monks did, encourage, make exciting, make happy, from the seat up and leave.
5) Then Venerable Ananda after seeking alms in Savatthi, after the meal, on the way back to begging, go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed, then sat down on one side. On one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Here, venerable sir, I, in the morning, robes, holding a bowl of medicine went to a residence of monks-ni, after arriving, I was prepared to sit on the seat. Then, venerable sir, a large number of monks went to the Sydney, on arrival, having bowed to me and sat down on one side. On one side, venerable sir, nuns, monks-he said to me: "Here, the Venerable Ananda transparency, a large number of monks and nuns live smart-mind dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness, achieving clear generously said, before later wins ". When saying this, venerable sir, I told him, monks-ni: "So yes, this the Great billion! So is right, this the Great billion! This the General billion, monks or nuns, monks-who live with clever mind to dwell in the four foundations of mindfulness, he is expected to achieve well known generosity, the first wins. "
6) - That's right, this Ananda! So is right, this Ananda! This Ananda, monks or nuns, monks-who live with clever mind to dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness, he is expected to achieve well known generosity, the first wins. Which four?
7) Here, Ananda, monks lived, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. He stay, contemplating the body in the body, or body charming facility (kayarammano) arise, the brain or body temperature (kayasmin parilaho), or passive mind, or the mind dispersed outward (bahiddha and cittam vikkhipati); therefore, this Ananda, monks have a general interest in translational direction signals (pasadaniyenimitta). Because he afferent to a net credit minister, joyful (pamujjam: Win rapture) born. People with heart joy, joy of life. People with sympathetic joy, equanimity hull. Who has equanimity mind, pleasures of life. Persons interested pleasures, the mind is calm. He committed suicide as follows: "The purpose that we care about the direction, that goal has been achieved. Now we withdrew (patisamharami) (net credit from the audience). " He withdrew, not class, not the quarterfinals. He clearly said: "No games, no quad, inner awareness, we are at peace."
8-9) And again, Ananda, monks live, shop ... live life on life, centered on the center bar ...
10) He lived, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. He reside, shop on the legal measures, or relative to origination base, brain or body temperature, or a passive mind, or the mind scattered, extroverted; therefore, this Ananda, monks must radial net credit to a minister. Because he afferent to a net credit minister, joyful life. People with joy, joy of life. People with sympathetic joy, equanimity hull. Friendly people calm, pleasures of life. Who have lost life, the mind is calm. He committed suicide as follows: "The purpose that we care about the direction, that goal has been achieved. Now we withdrew (from the object of pure signal minister) ". He withdrew, not class, not the quarterfinals. He clearly said: "No games, no quad, inner awareness, we are at peace."
11) Therefore, this Ananda, is the practice of radial.
12) And this Ananda, how is the practice without the centripetal?
13) Hey Ananda, monks do not mind extrovert, clearly said: "Our mind is not extroverted". Then he clearly said: "Our mind is not clinging to something in advance, or something in the back (pacchapure), but are freed, no radial". Then he clearly said: "I stay, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, we are at peace."
14) Hey Ananda, monks do not mind extrovert, clearly said: "Our mind is not extroverted". Then he clearly said: "Our mind is not clinging to something in advance, or something in the back, but are freed, no radial". Then he clearly said: "I reside, shop on the life expectancy, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, we are at peace."
15) Hey Ananda, monks do not mind extrovert, clearly said: "Our mind is not extroverted". Then he clearly said: "Our mind is not clinging to something in advance ... Then he clearly said:" I reside, shop consciousness and enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, we are at peace " .
16) Hey Ananda, monks are not extroverted mind ... Then he clearly said: "I reside, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, we are at peace."
17) Therefore, this Ananda, is no centripetal practice.
18) Therefore, this Ananda, I practice with radial theory; I have no theory to practice radial. What, is Ananda, a masters happy to do so, out of compassion for his disciples, because kindness introspection arises, these things, I have done for him. This Ananda, this is a tree. This is the blank. Be Zen, the Ananda. Let no distractions. Do not have regrets later. This is the world my teacher for him.
19) Exalted such preaching, Venerable Ananda happy, credit life Bhagavan taught words.
11. I. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY  (24.12 Journal, University 2,172a) (Sv, 158)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Then venerable Sariputta went to the Blessed One ... On one side, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
3) - "Great people, great people", venerable sir, is referred to as such. So how, venerable sir, is called modern human?
- With the freedom of mind, this Sariputta, I called the university's. No liberated mind, I called the university's not. And this Sariputta, how is freedom of mind?
4) Here, Sariputta, a resident monks, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. When he stay, contemplating the body in the body, the mind is dispassion, to be liberated from the cankers, no clinging; ... Resident shop on the life expectancy ... accommodation, shop on the heart center ... residence, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. When he stay, shop on the legal measures, attention is dispassion, to be liberated from the cankers, no attachments.
5) So, this Sariputta, is the mind freed. With the freedom of mind, this Sariputta, I called the university's. No liberated mind, I called the university's not.
12. II. Nalanda  (Journal of General 2,130c 18.9) (Sv, 159)
1) One time, Bhagavan residing in Nalanda, in Pavarikamba forest.
2) Then venerable Sariputta went to the Blessed One ... On one side, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
3) - Thus, venerable sir, is the heart of the net credit to the Exalted. Can not have, can not be there, can not present a recluse or Brahmin else can grander, more wins Exalted position of right enlightenment.
- It is a great language (ulara), this Sariputta, a statement such as this king's son Mr ox, one-sided statement, roar of a lion: "Such is the pure heart of the credit for the Exalted . Can not have, can not be there, can not present a recluse or a Brahmin else, maybe greater, Exalted victory over the place right enlightenment ".
4) This Sariputta, for you Arhat, Enlightenment in the past, all that you Bhagavan, He can know His mind to mind that: "The Exalted level was has such virtue. Exalted levels that have such measures. Exalted levels that had such knowledge. Exalted levels that had such unfortunate residence. The Exalted level was freed so "?
- No, venerable sir.
5) - This Sariputta, for you Arhat, Enlightenment in the future, all that you Bhagavan, He can know His mind to mind: "The Exalted level was such moral will. Exalted levels would have such measures. Exalted levels would have such knowledge. Exalted levels would have such a happy stay. The Exalted level would liberate so "?
- No, venerable sir.
6) - This Sariputta, for you Arhat, Enlightenment in the present time, all steps that Bhagavan, He can know His mind and heart that: "The Exalted Career he is such a virtue. Exalted levels so that existing measures. Exalted levels so that existing knowledge. The Exalted level is unfortunate that such residence. The Exalted level he is freed so "?
- No, venerable sir.
7) - And this Sariputta, here, he has no right knowledge to the heart of the heart of the He knows you Arhat, Enlightenment, past, future, present; This time Sariputta, so mean He would say contemporary language words, like the ox statement kingdom, a statement one way, lions roar His voice saying, "So my heart for net credit the Exalted. Can not have, can not be there, can not present a recluse, or Brahmin else, maybe greater, Exalted victory over the place right enlightenment "?
- Buddha, I do not have the right knowledge to know the heart of the center position Arhat, Enlightenment, past, future, present, but lord, you know the traditional approach ( dhammanvayo).
8) For example, venerable sir, in a city on the border, with trench fortified, firmly, with the citadel, fortified towers and only one entrance. There, there is a doorman lucid, intelligent, location, entry to strangers, acquaintances show on his face. While he patrolled surrounding streets to his stronghold to see, do not think that there is a certain gap in the wall, or holes in the wall, up to a cat can pass through it. And he thought that: "There are major coarse students go into or come out of this house, all must go into or come out of this door." Thus, venerable sir, is that the traditional approach is known.
9) Buddha, human beings have Arhat, Enlightenment in the past, all that Bhagavan level, after the total extinction of five hindrances, these measures do defiled mind, weakens intellectual, after clever mind dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness, realistic practice after seven enlightenment, enlightened supreme enlightenment. Buddha, human beings have Arhat, Enlightenment in the future, all levels of Bhagavan that, after the total extinction of five hindrances, the measures do defiled mind, as weak position Property, after clever mind to dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness, as true after seven enlightenment practice, will realize supreme enlightenment. And Bhagavan, venerable sir, is the Arhat level, Enlightenment, after the total extinction of five hindrances, these measures do defiled mind, intellectual weakness, after clever mind dwell on four concepts origin, after a seven-realistic practice enlightenment, enlightened supreme enlightenment.
10) - You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! He just always preached this dialogue for the monks, monks-ni, the laymen, laywomen. This Sariputta, if there are any remaining cretin have doubts, or hesitate to approach the Tathagata after hearing this voice of mine, the suspect, was their hesitation toward Tathagata will destroy.
13. III. Cunda  (24.39 Journal, University 2,176b) (Sv, 161)
1) A residence time in Savatthi Bhagavan, at Forest Wins, his garden Anathapindika.
2) At that time, Venerable Sariputta residing in Magadha, in the village of Nala, illness, pain, disease is important. And novice Cunda is the venerable Sariputta attendant.
3) venerable enter Nirvana because her disease.
4) Then the novice Cunda took care of the venerable Sariputta bowl went to Savatthi, Win forestry, in his garden Anathapindika, go to the Venerable Ananda; after arrival, Venerable Ananda bowed, then sat down on one side ... On one side, novice Cunda told Venerable Ananda:
- White monk, Venerable Sariputta was shared destiny. This is the medicine bowl of him.
5) - Sage Cunda Hey, this is the reason to come up is the Exalted. This Cunda Sage, let's go to Bhagavan; after arriving, we take that news to Bhagavan.
- Ladies and yes, Ven.
Novice Cunda Venerable Ananda replied yes.
6) Then the Venerable Ananda and novice Cunda went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Buddha, This novice Cunda said as follows: "O Venerable, venerable Sariputta has shared destiny. This is the bowl of your health and that ". Buddha, my body felt weak as reeds (shocked) (madhurakajato). The direction is not clear to me. France will not be speaking to me, when I heard the news was shared destiny venerable Sariputta.
7) - Hey Ananda, Sariputta has brought the world aggregates common destiny? Having brought the aggregates when common destiny? Aggregates Property has brought the common destiny? Having brought liberation aggregates when shared destiny? Having liberated bring knowledge when par common?
- Buddha, venerable Sariputta not bring world aggregates when shared destiny, not to bring the aggregates when shared destiny, not bring insight aggregates the common destiny, did not bring liberation aggregates the common destiny, did not bring liberation general knowledge when par. But lord, venerable Sariputta was the Catholic world for children, as you have passed (described save), who is the teacher, is the revelation, encouragement, make exciting, make happy, is the preached tirelessly, as holders for the co Pham happy. We have memories that venerable Sariputta concept is refined three of Justice (dhammojam), is the legal property of (dhammabhogam), is the legal holder.
8) - Hey Ananda, have previously I had been told that all legal He endearing, the possibility of them are different qualities, which separated nature, nature has changed? How, this Ananda, here, the aspired achievements could be: "We hope that what is born, which was, is compounded, the corrupt legal perish, could not be destroyed havoc!" ? Such events do not occur.
9) Just as, Ananda, from a large tree grows straight, tree core, a large tree branches were broken. Also, this Ananda, from where they monks standing straight with core plants, Sariputta was shared destiny. How, this Ananda, here, the aspired achievements could be: "May what is born, which was, is compounded, is a legal septic perish, could not be destroyed havoc!" ? Such events do not occur.
10) Therefore, this Ananda, be yourself is a lamp unto yourself, make yourself to rely on their own, do not rely on one else. Use the Dhamma as a lamp, use the Dharma as refuge, shelter something else. This Ananda, how is the monks themselves is a lamp unto yourself, rely on their own yourself, do not rely on something else, use the Dharma as a lamp, use Dhamma as shelter, no refuge titled something else?
11) Here, Ananda, resident monks, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime ... accommodation, shop on the life expectancy ... accommodation, shop center on the mind ... stay, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Thus, this Ananda, monks themselves is a lamp unto yourself, rely on their own yourself, no one else to rely, as a lamp used Dharma, Dharma used as shelter, no refuge something else.
12) Hey Ananda, who now or after I kill, himself is a lamp unto yourself, rely on their own yourself, do not rely on something else, use the Dharma as a lamp, used Chanh legal shelters do not rely on something else; these persons, this Ananda, is the ultimate taste in my row, monks, if he earnestly learn.
14. IV. CELAM  (Journal 24, 40, University 2,177a) (Sv, 163)
1) A residence time between public Bhagavan which served in Ukkacela, on the banks of the Ganges, with mass, monks, Venerable Sariputta after Moggalana common destiny and venerable soon.
2) At that time Bhagavan sitting outdoors, around which we monks are bound. Then Bhagavan, after looking around them silent monks, immediately told the monks:
3) - this, monks, it is my view seems to be empty. Sariputta and Moggalana this was common destiny, this, monks, my them into nothingness. Moggalana certain direction and stay Sariputta, that direction is no longer desires anything (anapekkha).
4) This, monks, the Arhat level, Enlightenment in the past, you Bhagavan's had a pair of dark disciples Sariputta and win as I have Moggalana. This, monks, the Arhat level, Enlightenment in the future life, the Exalted level would have a pair of dark disciples Sariputta and win as I have Moggalana.
5) It is a wonderful replacement for the disciples, the monks! It's rare instead of the disciple, the monks! They practice the teachings of professor faith. They made the responsibility of the world. They are loving the four glasses, available standard, respected, loved. It's rather wonderful, the monks, the Tathagata! It's rather rare, this, monks, the Tathagata! While such disciples pair shared destiny, the Tathagata has no sorrow, and no mourning. How, is Ananda, the aspired achievements could be: "May what is born, which was, is compounded, is a legal septic perish, could not be destroyed havoc!"? Such events do not occur.
6) Just as, monks, from a large tree grows straight, cored trees, larger trees snapped park. Also, the monks, from the mass, monks standing straight with core plants, Sariputta and Moggalana be shared destiny. How, the monks, here, this right can wishes achievement: "May what is born, which was, is compounded, the corrupt legal perish, could not be destroyed corrupt! "? Such events can not happen.
7) Therefore, the monks, be yourself is a lamp unto yourself ... (as in No. 10, the previous trading) ...
8) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in the body ... do not rely on someone else.
9) This, monks, who are now, or after I kill ... if he earnestly learn.
15. V. BAHIYA, OR BAHIKA  (24.24 Journal, University 2,175a) (Sv, 165)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Then go to the Venerable Bahiya Bhagavan; after arriving ... On one side, Venerable Bahiya venerable sir:
- You instead, venerable sir, if the Blessed One brief sermon for children. After listening to the sermon Bhagavan, I will live alone, calm, no distractions, zealous, ardent.
- So this Bahiya, make pure the fundamental law of good behavior. What is the fundamental law of good behavior? - About cleverly knowledge pure and upright.
3) And this Bahiya, when he limited the pure skill, knowledge and justice; This then Bahiya, y on the world, to dwell in the world, He let's practice the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four?
4) Here, Bahiya, he let stay, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Please stay, shop on the life expectancy ... Please stay, shop in the heart ... Let's residence center, shops on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. When, this Bahiya, y on the world, to dwell in the world, so he practiced the four foundations of mindfulness. Therefore, this Bahiya, night or day, waiting for the good behavior growth, not harm reduction.
5) Then the Venerable Bahiya happy, credit life teaching the word Bhagavan, bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving.
6) Then the Venerable Bahiya live alone, calm, no distractions, zealous, ardent, soon witness the purpose for which the right feet devotees ordained death, abandoned the family, not family life: It is the supreme virtue, right now, he himself realized the upper position, and dwell attained. He clearly said: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, what to do have done, no longer come back to this state again."
7) Then the Venerable Bahiya became an Arhat again.
16. VI. Uttiya  (24.22 Journal, University 2,174c) (Sv, 166)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2-4) Then venerable Uttiya go to Bhagavan; after arriving ...
-... So, this Utiya, he will go beyond the horizons of the drug particles.
5-7) Then venerable Uttiya become an Arhat again.
17. VII. North City  (24.23 Journal, University 2,176a) (Sv, 166)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) - Hey, monks, there are four foundations of mindfulness practice, made for fullness, is the director of St. lead, led by those who practice it led to an end to suffering right feet. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime ... accommodation, shop on the life expectancy ... Resident shop on the heart center ... accommodation, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
4) This, monks, are the four foundations of mindfulness practice, made for fullness, is the director of St. lead, led by those who practice it led to an end to suffering right feet.
18. VIII. Brahma  (44.12 Journal, University 2,322a; 24.3,171a; 410b; 494a) (Sv, 167)
1) A residence time in Uruvela Exalted, on the waterfront Neranjara, ajapala eagle in the tree, after a new enlightenment.
2) While solitude Meditation Bhagavan, the following thoughts in mind is started up: "This is the only way leading to the pure beings, to overcome sorrow, cessation of suffering, attaining primary Management (Naya), realization of Nibbana. Ie the four foundations of mindfulness ". Which four?
3) - Hey monks, please stay, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime ... accommodation, shop on the life expectancy ... accommodation, shop on the heart center ... accommodation, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, convince participate in life. This is the only way leading to the pure beings, to overcome sorrow, suffering termination benefits, attaining chief justice, enlightenment Nirvana. Ie the four foundations of mindfulness.
4) Then Brahma Sahampati with his heart knows Bhagavan mind, such as the stretching arm athlete is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched arm, too, he disappeared in the Brahma world, Bhagavan appeared before. Then Brahma Sahampati upper robe up on one shoulder, palms together toward the Blessed One, and said:
5) - So yes, lord! So is right, white Auspicious! Venerable sir, this is the only way leading to the pure beings, overcome sorrow, suffering termination benefits, attaining chief justice, enlightenment Nirvana. Ie the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four? Buddha, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Resident monks, shop feeling ... life on the resident monks, shop in the heart ... mind residing monks, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, taking advantage convince in life. Venerable sir, this is the only way leading to the pure beings, overcome sorrow, suffering termination benefits, attaining chief justice, enlightenment Nirvana. Ie the four foundations of mindfulness.
6) Brahma Sahampati such theory. Said so done, Brahma Sahampati back added:
Find unique path,
Lead to the total extinction of life.
Rambling Tier beings,
Knowing that road.
It is with this road,
Before ever pass,
The future will pass,
This upsurge beyond saving.
19. IX. Sedaka, OR EKANTAKA  (24.17 Journal, University 2,173b) (Sv, 168)
1) A residence in the middle of Bhagavan Sumbha people, in Desaka, a popular town Sumbha.
2) There, Bhagavan called the monks and said:
- Thuở ago, the monks, a bamboo tree acrobatics, after erected a bamboo tree, immediately told the disciple named Medakathalikam: "Hey Medakathalika, come, climb and stand on the shoulders of bamboo trees It "-" teacher, yes ". This, monks, disciples who responded yes Medakathalika acrobatics on bamboo, bamboo and climb trees standing on the shoulders of teachers.
3) Then the monks, who acrobatics on bamboo told Medakathalika disciple: "Behold Medakathalika, Mr. holder for me and I would hold for him. Thus, we protect each other thanks, thanks to another holder, presented the repertoire, recorded an average return on plan and climb down the bamboo safely ".
4) When they heard that, the monks, said to the disciples Medakathalika acrobatics on bamboo: "Teacher, do not be like that. Teacher, should thus: He should be upholding the human ego and he shall protect human ego. Thus, we protect their self, their self-holder, presented the item, crop benefits, and climb down the bamboo safely. This is the chief reason (nayo) need to do. "
5) the Exalted says:
- Hey, monks, as disciples Medakathalika told his teacher: "I shall protect themselves", ie the need to practice mindfulness. This, monks, "We will protect others", ie the need to practice mindfulness. While upholding yourself, this, monks, is to protect others. While protect others, as their holder.
6) And this, monks, while upholding how themselves, is to protect others? It was out of practice (asevanaya), due to the practice (bhavanaya), made by the prolific. Thus, the monks, while upholding yourself, is to protect others.
7) And this, monks, how while protect others, as their holders? It was out of patience, so harmless, so compassionate, so please anyone introspection. Thus, the monks, while protect others, as their holder.
8) This, monks, "I shall protect themselves", ie the need to practice mindfulness. This, monks, "I will protect others", ie the need to practice mindfulness. While upholding yourself, this, monks, is to protect others. While protect others, as their holder.
20. X. NATIONAL LEVEL  (or Ekantaka) (24.21 Journal, University 2,174b) (Sv, 169)
1) Thus have I heard.
Exalted a residence time between Sumbha people, in a town named Sedaka Sumbha people.
2) There, Bhagavan called the monks ...
3) - For such a large number of masses, the monks, gathered together and said: "She's Miss national level. The girl's beauty national level. " And the girl was Miss national level with all its glamor, dancing (show them), with all its charm, singing (to them). And an even larger number of mass gathering and said: "She's Miss dance and sing national level". Then a man comes, want to live, do not want to die, want to touch, hate suffering, they told him the following: "Hey Mr, see here. This is a bowl full of oil. He did take oil bowl and go around the large cloud mass and the girl's beauty national level. And a man with sword raised will go along behind him. Spot any spilled a little oil, the spot was, he crashed head down ". What do you think of, this, monks, he can not bowl volition to oil, not wandering extrovert?
- No, venerable sir.
4) - For this example, the monks, I say to specify meaningful. And this is the meaning of it. This, monks, a bowl full of oil is synonymous with the idea personally.
5) Therefore, the Monks, the He should be learning as follows: "We will personally practice mindfulness, making fullness, make like a wagon, making such a ground, as to continue to reside, make accumulate, making clever performance (susamaraddha) ". Thus, the monks, and he needs to learn.
21. I.  (24.27 Journal, University 2,175b) (Sv, 171)
1) Thus have I heard.
A time Venerable Ananda and Venerable Bhadda Pataliputta residing at Kukkuta garden.
2) Then venerable Bhadda, in the afternoon, from where Meditation got up, went to the Venerable Ananda; after arrival, the Venerable Ananda speak words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends told Venerable Ananda ...:
3) - Hey Sage Ananda, the world is friendly to Bhagavan said, the world is good for what purpose is Exalted mentioning?
- You instead, heal rather, this Bhadda Sage! Sage wisdom is good (ummagga) of Sage, the Sage Bhadda! Hien is good eloquence (patibhanam) of Sage! Chi charity is the question of Sage! Sage Bhadda this, there must be something like this is the question of the sage: "Hey Sage Ananda, the world is good comes to Bhagavan, the world is good, for what purpose was Bhagavan talking about?" Chang?
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
4) - Sage Bhadda Hey, the world is good Bhagavan talking about, the good of this world, by practicing the four foundations of mindfulness brought back, as Bhagavan said. Which four?
5) Here, the Sage, resident monks, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince residence life ... shop ... Life on the permanent sensation, stay centered on center shop ... shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Sage Bhadda this, the world is good Bhagavan talking about, the good of this world, by practicing the four foundations of mindfulness brought back, as Bhagavan said.
22. II. RESIDENCE  (24.29 Journal, University 2,173c) (Sv, 172)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Then Venerable Ananda Bhadda told Venerable sat in:
3) - What's Due, conditioned by anything, this sage Ananda, when the Tathagata enter Nirvana Noble has no long-term survival? What's Due, conditioned by what, this sage, the Tathagata enter Nirvana Noble is lasting?
- You instead, heal rather, this Bhadda Sage! Hien charity instead, this Bhadda Sage, Sage wisdom is! Gentle eloquence of charity is Sage! Chi charity is the question of Sage! Is it like this, this Bhadda Sage, Sage is the question: "Hey Sage Ananda, what's due, conditioned by what, when Tathagata enter Nirvana Noble has no long-term survival? What's Due, conditioned by what, this sage Ananda, when the Tathagata enter Nirvana Noble is lasting? "Reasonable?
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
4) - Since the four foundations of mindfulness practice is not, is not made for fullness, the sage, the Tathagata enter Nirvana Noble has no long-term survival. Due to the four foundations of mindfulness is practiced, made for fullness, Sage said, when the Tathagata enter Nirvana Noble is lasting. Which four?
5) Here, the Sage, resident monks, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime ... accommodation, shop on the life expectancy ... accommodation, shop mind over mind ... stay, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Do not practice, do not make this prolific four foundations of mindfulness, the sage, the Tathagata enter Nirvana Noble not survive long. Due to practice, so make this prolific four foundations of mindfulness, the sage, the Tathagata enter Nirvana Noble is lasting.
23. III. REDUCE COSTS  (Parihanam) (24.28 Journal, University 2,175b) (Sv, 173)
1-2) at Pataliputta Resident at Kukkuta garden ...
3) - What's Due, conditioned by anything, this sage Ananda, making Dieu suffered reduction measures? What's Due, conditioned by what, this sage Ananda, causing no damage reduction measures Dieu?
... (Much like before, just change the questions and answers).
24. IV. PURIFICATION  (24.2 Journal, University 2,171a) (Sv, 173)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) - This, monks, the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince ... stay away, life on the shop feeling ... residence, residence shop ... mind over mind, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. This, monks, the four foundations of mindfulness.
25. V. Brahmin  (Sv, 174)
1) Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Thang forest, garden he Anathapindika.
2) Then a Brahmin went to Bhagavan; after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. On one side, the Brahmin was said to Bhagavan:
3) - What's Due, conditioned by what, sir Venerable Gotama, the Tathagata enter Nirvana Noble not survive long? What's Due, conditioned by what, sir Venerable Gotama, the Tathagata enter Nirvana Noble is lasting?
4-6) (as of above, with the necessary changes).
7) When they heard that, he Brahmin venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! ... From now until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
26. VI. PART  (24.26 Journal, University 2,175a) (Sv, 174)
1) A time Venerable Sariputta, Venerable Maha Moggalana and venerable Anuruddha Saketa residing at Kantaki forest.
2) Then Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Maha Moggalana, in the afternoon, from where Meditation got up, went to the venerable Anuruddha; after arriving, said to the venerable Anuruddha words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side. On one side, venerable Sariputta said to the venerable Anuruddha:
3) - "Friends school, school property," Sage said, Anuruddha, referred to as such. So how, sir Sage Anuruddha, the school property?
- Due to cultivate mindfulness in part four, said Sage, who is the school property. Which four?
4) Here, Mr. Sage, resident monks, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime ... accommodation, shop on the life expectancy ... accommodation, shop mind over mind ... stay, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Due practice this mindfulness part four, said Sage, who is the school property.
27. VII. FULLY  (Samattam) (Sv, 175)
1-2) ... (such as trading in, the number 1 and 2) ...
3) - "Forever school, uneducated," Sage said, Anuruddha, referred to as such. So how Anuruddha said Sage, who is the uneducated?
- Because the practice altogether four foundations of mindfulness, said Sage, who is the uneducated. Which four?
4) ... (such as trading in, No. 4; only then can other sections: Due to a completely practice the four foundations of mindfulness, the said Sage, who is the uneducated)
28. VIII. WORLD  (Sv, 175)
1-2) ... (such as trading in, the number 1 and 2)
3) - Due to the practice, the law makes certain fullness, Mr. Sage Anuruddha, where victory is reached?
- Due to the practice, by making prolific four foundations of mindfulness, where victory is reached. Which four?
4) ... (such as trading in, No. 4; except the last paragraph: It is due to practice, make this abundantly four foundations of mindfulness, Mr. Sage, where I achieved victory).
5) And said Sage, by practice, makes this abundantly four foundations of mindfulness, I won the world tri been thousands.
29. IX. SIRIVADDHA  (37.13 Journal, University 2,270b) (Sv, 176)
1) A time Venerable Ananda stay in Rajgir, at Truc Lam, nurturing place the squirrel.
2) At the time, lay Sirivaddha sick, painful, life-threatening illness.
3) Then make a Sirivaddha homeowners:
- Come, behold You. Venerable Ananda to go; after arriving in my name, his head bowed legs Venerable Ananda and said: "Venerable Sir, homeowners Sirivaddha sick, painful, life-threatening illness. Homeowners his head bowed legs Venerable Ananda, and said thus: 'You instead, venerable sir, if the venerable Ananda went to the residence of the owner Sirivaddha because kindness introspection "".
- Ladies and yes, Homeowners.
He replied yes Sirivaddha homeowners, go to the Venerable Ananda.
4) After arrival, he bowed Venerable Ananda and sat to one side. On one side, he said to the Venerable Ananda:
- Dear Venerable Ananda, homeowners Sirivaddha sick, painful, life-threatening illness. Homeowners his head bowed legs Venerable Ananda and said, "You instead, venerable sir, if the venerable Ananda went to the residence of the owner Sirivaddha because kindness introspection".
Venerable Ananda silently accepted.
5) Then Venerable Ananda robes, took care to bowl away Sirivaddha abode of the owner; after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. On one side, Venerable Ananda told homeowners Sirivaddha:
6) - Homeowners Hey, Homeowners can patience be reasonable? Homeowners can tolerate reasonable? Are minimizing unpleasant, no growth? Are there signs of reducing, without growth?
- Venerable Sir, I can not patience, I can not endure. The unpleasant feeling where human growth vehemently, without mitigation; signs of growth, no mitigation.
7) - So this The homeowner, ask yourself the following study: "I will stay, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. I will stay, shop on the sensations life ... I will stay, shop on the heart center ... I will stay, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness and life photography for " . Thus, the Homeowners, he needs to learn.
8) - Venerable Sir, the four foundations of mindfulness is Exalted preached, those that have in me, and the current practice was legal. Venerable Sir, the resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Resident children, life on the shop feeling ... The residence, in the heart ... The heart customary residence, the legal bar on the legal, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
9) Venerable Sir, five lower fetters are Bhagavan this lecture, I did not see any of them without the annihilation of the place.
10) - Taking a prime place of Mr, this Homeowners! It's a prime place of Mr tactfully, the Homeowners! This Homeowners, Homeowners declared on Real future results.
30. X. MANADINNA  (37.16 Journal, University 2,270c) (Sv, 178)
1) Human-like on the coast.
2) At the time, homeowners Manadinna sick, painful, life-threatening illness.
3-6) Then Manadinna homeowners call a person and told ...
7) - Oil for children to feel the same unpleasant feeling, I stay still, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince ... Stay away, consistent life on the sensations ... accommodation, shop in the heart ... mind residing, law on the legal consistency, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
8) Venerable Sir, five lower fetters are Bhagavan this lecture, I did not see any of them have not been where I make an end.
9) - It is beneficial rather favorable, the Homeowners! It attained rather tactfully, it Homeowners! This Homeowners, Homeowners declared on Real future results.
IV. PRODUCT never heard
31. I. never heard  (Sv, 178)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) - "This body in the body shop," This, monks, for the law before I never heard, brands of birth, place of birth, intelligent being, optical birth. Contemplating the body in the body need to practice this ... body in the body shop has been practicing this, this, monks, for the law before I never heard, labels birth, place of birth, intelligent being, optical Hall.
4) "Pub life on this feeling" ...
5) "interest in this mind" ...
6) "shop on legal measures," said the monks, for legal entities before I never heard, brands of birth, place of birth, intelligent being, optical birth. Legal measures need to be consistent on this ... Quan legal practice has been practicing law on this, this, monks, for the law before I never heard, brands of birth, place of birth, intelligent being, optical Hall.
32. II. LY THAM  (24.34 Journal, University 2,276a) (Sv, 179)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
3) - The four foundations of mindfulness this, this, monks, if practiced, made for fullness, leading to boredom Nhut direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana . Which four?
4) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince ... stay away, life on the shop feeling ... residence, residence shop ... mind over mind, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. This four foundations of mindfulness, the monks, if practiced, if making fullness, leading to boredom Nhut direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana.
33. III. Degenerate  (Viraddha) (Sv, 179)
1-2) ...
3) - For those who do, the monks, the four foundations of mindfulness are degenerate, for these people, as well as Noble rot losses led to the destruction of suffering right feet.
4) For those who do, this, monks, are the four foundations of mindfulness practice, for him, is also practiced right feet Noble led to the destruction of suffering. Which four?
5) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince ... stay away, life on the shop feeling ... residence, residence shop ... mind over mind, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. For one, the monks, four interior concepts this country rot, as well as Noble degenerate leading to cessation of suffering right feet. For one, the monks, the four foundations of mindfulness practice, practice time is also being given to the right feet Noble destruction of suffering.
34. IV.TU VOLUME  (Sv, 180)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
3) - The four foundations of mindfulness this, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, brought over from this shore to the other shore. Which four?
Here, the monks, monks reside, shop ... permanent body in the body shop on the life expectancy ... accommodation, shop in the heart ... mind residing shop on the legal measures, zealous , awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. This four foundations of mindfulness, the monks, if practiced, made for fullness, brought over from this shore to the other shore.
35. V. UNDERSTANDING  (Sv, 180)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
3) - this, monks, monks take mindfulness, awareness. This is the world my teacher for him.
4) And this, monks, monks how is mindfulness? Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, convince covetousness life ... Thus, the monks, the monks Mindfulness.
5) And this, monks, how the monks of awareness? Here, the monks, monks clear sensations arise, know clearly abides sensations, feelings known clearly going to annihilate; clear the idea arises, know the thoughts dwell clear, clear the idea of ​​going to annihilate. Thus, the monks, the monks of awareness.
6) This, monks, monks take mindfulness, awareness. This is the world my teacher for him.
36. VI. CHIEF POSITION  (Sv, 181)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
3) - This, monks, the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four? Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in the body ... permanent, life on the shop feeling ... accommodation, shop in the heart ... mind residing shop on the legal measures, heat attention, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. This, monks, here are the four foundations of mindfulness.
4) Due to the practice, makes this abundantly four foundations of mindfulness, the monks, is expected to be one of two results: Even in the present, is the chief witness location, or if any medical opinion, evidence is Real Full .
37. VII. CONVENTION TO  (Chandam) (Sv, 182)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
3) - This, monks, the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four?
4) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Because he stay, contemplating the body in the body, the body is the desire for annihilation. Due to a desire to be annihilated should realize immortality.
5) He reside, shop on the sensations life ... Because he stay, shop on the life of feeling, the desire for life was eradicated. Due to a desire to be annihilated should realize immortality.
6) He reside, shop on the heart center ... Because he stay, shop on the heart, desire for attention to be eradicated. Due to a desire to be annihilated should realize immortality.
7) He reside, shop on the legal measures ... Because he stay, shop on the legal measures, the desire for the law to be eradicated. Due to a desire to be annihilated should realize immortality.
38. VIII. WILLOW TRI  (Sv, 182)
2) - This, monks, the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Because he stay, contemplating the body in the body, the body is full understanding. Due tri willow should realize themselves immortal ... (Also, for life, for the mind, for legal entities).
39. IX. TU COLLECTIVE  (24.2 Journal, University 2,171a) (Sv, 182)
2) - Hey, monks, I will speak on the four foundations of mindfulness practice. Listen. And this, monks, are the four foundations of mindfulness practice?
3) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. For the heart ... life ... For resident monks, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
4) This, monks, this is the practice of the four foundations of mindfulness.
40. X. DISCRIMINATION  (Sv, 183)
2) - Hey, monks, I will lecture on mindfulness for He, the four foundations of mindfulness practice and the path leading to the four foundations of mindfulness practice. Listen.
3) And this, monks, how is mindfulness? Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince residence life ... shop ... Life on the permanent sensation, stay centered on center shop ... shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. This, monks, is called mindfulness.
4) And this, monks, are the four foundations of mindfulness practice?
Here, the monks, monks reside, shop initiate collective nature of the body; residence, nature cessation on the body shop; residence, set start and consistent nature of the body annihilated nature, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. He reside, shop initiate collective identity on the sensations; residence, nature shop on the cessation of feeling; residence, departure and nature shop collective identity on the cessation of feeling ... accommodation, shop in the heart of nature ... permanent collection launch, launch bar on the legal collective nature; residence, shop on the legal nature cessation; residence, set start and consistent nature on the legal annihilation, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. So, this, monks, is the practice of mindfulness.
5) And this, monks, how is the path leading to the practice of mindfulness? This is the Noble Path eight sectors, that is right view ... right concentration is. This, monks, is called the path leading to the practice of mindfulness.
41. I. immortal  (Journal of General 2,171a 24.4) (Sv, 184)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) - Hey, monks, let's stay with clever mind to dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness. But he has not lost the immortal away. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince ... stay away, life on the shop feeling ... residence, residence shop ... mind over mind, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
4) This, monks, be permanent, with clever mind to dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness. But he has not lost the immortal away.
42. II. INTERNSHIP INITIATION  (24.5 Journal, University 2,171a) (Sv, 184)
2) - Hey, monks, I will argue for the attention he start and end of the four foundations of mindfulness. Listen.
3) And this, monks, how is the originator of the file itself? The set of dishes is starting the start of the episode itself. The destruction of the dish is the destruction of yourself.
4) The start of the contact file is the file originator of life. The cessation of contact is the cessation of life.
5) The launch of the collective mentality of the mind is the collection launch. The cessation of mentality is the cessation of mind.
6) The focus of attention is the start of the French collection. The destruction of volition is the cessation of the law.
43. III. PATH  (Sv, 185)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) There, Bhagavan called the monks:
- One time, the monks, I stay in Uruvela, on the waterfront Neranjara, under trees eagle Ajapala, when the newly enlightened.
3) Hey, monks, solitude while Meditation, mind, thoughts arise in me as follows: "This is the only way that beings are purified, help overcome sorrow, end suffering advantages, attaining chief justice, enlightenment Nirvana. Ie the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four? Please resident monks, contemplating the body in the body ... Let's stay, shop on the life expectancy ... Please stay, shop in the heart ... Let's residence center, shops on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, Secretarial conception, birth convince covetousness. This is the only way that beings are purified, overcoming sorrow, suffering termination benefits, attaining chief justice, enlightenment Nirvana, ie the four foundations of mindfulness.
4) This, monks, and Brahma Sahampati with his heart knows my thoughts in mind, such as an outstretched arm athlete is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched arm; also, he disappeared in Brahma and out before me.
5) Then, the monks, Brahma Sahampati upper robe up on one shoulder, with hands towards me and said to me: "That is right, venerable sir. So is right, Auspicious prospectus. This is the only way that beings are purified, overcoming sorrow, suffering termination benefits, attaining chief justice, enlightenment Nirvana. Ie the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four? Buddha, monks reside, shop ... permanent body in the body shop on the life expectancy ... accommodation, shop in the heart ... mind residing, law on the legal consistency, enthusiasm, awareness, Secretarial conception, birth convince covetousness. Venerable sir, this is the only way that beings are purified, overcoming sorrow, suffering termination benefits, attaining chief justice, enlightenment Nirvana. Ie the four foundations of mindfulness ".
6) This, monks, Brahma Sahampati such theory says that is done, add the following to say:
Find unique path,
Lead to the total extinction of life,
Undergraduate from rambling,
Clearly know the path.
It is with this road,
Before that passed,
The future will pass,
And now exceeds upsurge save.
44. IV. UNDERSTANDING  (Sv, 186)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) - Hey, monks, be mindful residence. This is the world my teacher for him.
3) And this, monks, monks how is mindfulness?
Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in the body ... permanent, life on the shop feeling ... accommodation, shop in the heart ... mind residing shop on the legal measures, heat attention, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. Thus, the monks, the monks of mindfulness.
4) This, monks, monks make mindfulness. This is the world my teacher for him.
45. V. Dong Thien  (Journal 24. 8, University 2,171b) (Sv, 186)
2) - Speaking of "Dong evil" This, monks, said to say right feet are four foundations of mindfulness.
This improved the entire heap, the monks, ie the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four?
3) Here, the resident monks, contemplating the body in the body ... permanent, life on the shop feeling ... accommodation, shop in the heart ... mind residing, law on the legal consistency, enthusiasm, awareness , mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
4) Speaking of "Dong evil" This, monks, speaking right feet have to say this is the four foundations of mindfulness. This whole pile of good, this, monks, is the four foundations of mindfulness.
46. ​​VI. Patimokkha  (Sv, 187)
2) Then the monks went to the Bhagavan; after arriving ... On one side, his monks venerable sir:
3) - You instead, venerable sir, Bhagavan please give me a brief sermon. After hearing from Bhagavan legal, I'll live alone, calm, no distractions, zealous, ardent.
- So the monks, make pure basics in good behavior. What is the basis of good behavior?
4) Here, the monks, live holder with the holder of the World obligation (Patimokkha), the full majesty right action (acaragocarasampanno), sees the danger in the slightest fault, adopt practitioners operating instructions. This, monks, after living with the holder of the World upholding obligations, full majesty right action, sees the danger in the slightest fault, acceptance and practice of gender and school, the monks , y basis on gender, gender dwell on, let's practice the four foundations of mindfulness. Which four?
5) Here, the monks, monks Please stay, contemplating the body in the body ... Take shelter, life on the shop feeling ... Please stay, shop on the heart center ... Take shelter, legal consistency on the legal, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
6) When, these monks, he kept on world health, to dwell on the world, practicing the four foundations of mindfulness; Meanwhile, the monks, either night or day, to wait where he growth of good behavior, not the harm reduction.
7) monks was happy, Bhagavan said Credit Life Theory ...
8) Then the monks that live alone ...
9) Then the monks he became an Arhat again.
47. VII. OF EVIL  (24.11 Journal, University 2,172a) (Sv, 188)
2) Then the monks went to the Blessed One ...
3) - You instead, venerable sir, if the Blessed One brief sermon for children. After listening to the sermon Bhagavan, I will live alone, calm, no distractions, zealous, ardent.
- So, the monks, he just makes the fundamental purity of good behavior. And how is the basis of good behavior?
4) Here, the monks, monks after the total extinction of the evil act itself, be friendly operating practices. After the total extinction of evil import onions, good operating practice import. After the total extinction of the evil act, let the good operating practice. Then the monks, on world health, world reside in, he let the four foundations of mindfulness practice. Which four?
5) Here, the monks, he let stay, contemplating the body in the body ... He let stay, shop on the life ... He let residential feeling, concern on the mind ... He let stay, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
6) Hey monks, after he kept on the world, to dwell on the world, He practiced this so four foundations of mindfulness; This time, monks, either night or day, to wait where he growth of good behavior, not the harm reduction.
7-8) ... (as above) ...
9) Then the monks he became an Arhat again.
48. VIII. FRIENDSHIP  (Sv, 189)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) - Hey, monks, those who have the heart of rambling, those which he thinks need to listen to, your friends, or friends or relatives, or blood; This, monks, and he should encourage him, guide him to dwell in the four foundations of mindfulness practice. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in the body ... shop ... Life on the sensations on the heart center ... shop shop on the legal measures, enthusiasm, awareness , mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
4) This, monks, those who have the heart of rambling, those whom he thought should be the audience, friends, or friends, or relatives, by blood; This, monks, and he should encourage him, guide him to dwell in the four foundations of mindfulness practice.
49. IX. Sensations  (Sv, 189)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) - Hey, monks, three of this life. What are the three? Pleasant feeling, unpleasant, non-touch non-life suffering. This, monks, here are three life.
3) Wanting to put his three tri this life, the monks, the four foundations of mindfulness should be practiced. Which four?
4) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in the body ... permanent, life on the shop feeling ... accommodation, shop in the heart ... mind residing shop on the legal measures , enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
5) The three sensations to the full understanding, the monks, the four foundations of mindfulness practice this need.
50. X. taints  (Sv, 189)
2) - There are three defilements, the monks. What are the three? Illegal sex, property illegally smuggled ignorance. This, monks, these three are defilements.
3) It was to take three defilements of this paragraph, the monks, the four foundations of mindfulness practice this need. Which four?
4) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in the body ... shop ... Life on the sensations on the heart center ... shop shop on the legal measures, enthusiasm, awareness , mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
5) It was to take three defilements of this paragraph, the monks, the four foundations of mindfulness should be practiced.
 (This paragraph and the next four items, until the end of this correspondence, are summarized in the original, only the business name only, except for 51-62, I-XII)
51-62. I-XII.  (Sv, 190)
2) - For as the Ganges, the monks, in favor of the East, towards the East ... In the same way, monks practice the four foundations of mindfulness ... down about Nirvana.
3) And this, monks, are the monks ... Nirvana?
4) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in the body ... permanent, life on the shop feeling ... accommodation, shop in the heart ... mind residing shop on the legal measures ... Thus, the monks, monks ... down about Nirvana.
 (A summary of the economic problem)
 (Six oriented towards East and six sea. Twice six of the twelve, and this forum is called so. The business is broad theory of the four foundations of mindfulness, as the economic advance).
VII. PRODUCT undistracted
63-72. IX.  (Sv, 191)
Including business:
Tathagata, Footsteps, a peaked, Root, Core Plants, Flowers Rain Sanh, King, Moon, Sun, fabrics, all ten trading.
 (The width of this theory in four foundations of mindfulness).
73-82. IX.  (Sv, 191)
Including business:
Fruit, Death Race, Dragon, Tree, Chair, Facial Noodles, Void, hotels, Song.
83-93. I-XI.  (Sv, 192)
Including business:
Bridge Games, arrogance, Gonorrhea Alternatively, Suffering Nature, Three Obstacles (khila), defilements, dry and rough, Ai and thirst, into the Range Bridge.
X. wrapped SAVE FOOD
93-102.  (I-IX) (Sv, 191)
SECTION X. 103. fetters SHANGHAI  (Sv, 191)
2) - Hey, monks, with the upper section of this fetter. What is the year? Sac involved, formless greed, romance, agitation, delusions. This, monks, the method is in the upper part of fetters.
3) Hey, monks, with the aim of winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper part of fetters, the four foundations of mindfulness should be practiced. Which four?
4) Here, the monks, monks resident, contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince ... stay away, life on the shop feeling ... residence, residence shop ... mind over mind, shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime.
5) This, monks, with the aim of winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper part of fetters, the four foundations of mindfulness should cultivate.

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