Friday 6 May 2016

I. WORLD (16.51 World Magazine, 2, 115c) (s. ii,140)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, I will preach to Him about wrong. Please listen and experience, we will decline the affidavit.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
-This And the Female-stilts, how is the wrong gender?
4) gender identity, sex, Label the label gender awareness; the Atrium, the bar, the Turkish official; male gender, incense, male gender awareness; lost world, the world lost consciousness; gender, body, body consciousness; Italy, France, the world's consciousness.
The Male-stilts, here called the wrong gender.
II. EXPOSURE (16.52 Junk-53, 2, 116) (s. ii,140)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, by gender, wrong contact coast especially contentious start.
3) And the Male-stilts, how is the wrong gender?
4) Label, Turkish sex, male sex, gender, body damage, Italy; the Male-stilts, here called the wrong gender.
5) And the Male-stilts, what is so wrong about charm, exposed false distinction being run?
6) this the Male-stilts, by gender, birth promotion label label coast run. Due to the Turkish coast about ... by charm female world ... due to lost coast ... so the world body charm ... by birth, Italian Italian coast exposed.
7) thus, the Male-stilts, by gender, wrong contact coast especially contentious start.
III. And NOT SO (s. ii,141)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, by gender, wrong contact coast nickname being run; not because of the wrong gender, wrong contact coast especially contentious start.
3) And the Male-stilts, how is the wrong gender?
4) Label ... Italy; the Male-stilts, here called the wrong gender.
5) And the Male-stilts, how do the wrong gender, wrong contact coast nickname being run; not by the charm of the wrong gender, special promotion being run?
6) this the Male-stilts, by gender, tactile label label coast being run; not by the label, label contact coast about being run ... Due to the Italian coast, Italy contact being run; not by Italian coast, Italy about being kicked.
7) Likewise, the Female-stilts, by gender, wrong contact coast nickname being run; not because of the wrong gender, wrong contact coast especially contentious start.
IV. SHOU (s. ii,141)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, by gender, wrong contact coast especially contentious start. Due to the exposed coast, wrong birth special life.
3) And the Male-stilts, how is the wrong gender?
4) Label ... Italy. .. the Male-stilts, here called the wrong gender.
5) And how this, the Male-stilts, by gender, wrong contact coast especially contentious start. Due to the exposed coast, wrong birth special life start?
6) this the Male-stilts, by gender, birth promotion label label coast run. So, label a label tho coast exposed birth birth ... Due to the Italian coast, Italy contact being kicked. Due to the Italian coast, tho Italy birth promotion being run.
7) thus, the Male-stilts, by gender, wrong contact coast especially contentious start. Due to the exposed coast, wrong birth special life.
V. SHOU (s. ii,142)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, by gender, wrong contact coast especially contentious start. Due to the exposed coast, wrong birth special life. Not due to wrong exposure, yanshou especially contentious start. Not because of the wrong gender, wrong contact coast especially contentious start.
3) And the Male-stilts, how is the wrong gender? Label ... ... this the Italian Female-stilts, here called the wrong gender.
4) And how this, the Male-stilts, by gender, wrong contact coast nickname being run? Due to the exposed coast, wrong birth special life. Not due to wrong exposure, yanshou especially contentious start. Not because of the wrong gender, wrong contact coast especially contentious start.
5-9) this the Male-stilts, by gender, birth promotion label label coast run. So, label a label tho coast exposed birth being kicked. Not by birth, by the tactile label yanshou tactile labels being run. Not by the label, label contact coast about being run ... (as above).
10) by the Italian coast, Italy contact being kicked. Due to the Italian coast, tho Italy birth promotion being run. Not so contentious, emotional yanshou Italy exposed being kicked. Not by Italian coast, Italy about being kicked.
11) this, too, the Male-stilts, by gender, wrong contact coast especially contentious start. Due to the exposed coast, wrong birth special life. Not due to wrong exposure, yanshou especially contentious start. Not because of the wrong gender, wrong contact coast especially contentious start.
VI. WORLD (s. ii,143)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, I will preach to him about about wrong. Please listen and carefully test failure, I will ...
3) And the Male-stilts, how is the wrong gender? Gender identity, sex, gender, gender, taste the perfume world, France.
4) stilts, this billion-this is called the wrong gender.
VII. IDEA (16.54 Junk Idea, 2, 116b) 16.52, 52, 53 (s. ii,143)
1) in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, by gender, wrong idea coast especially contentious start. Due to the charm of the idea, wrong thinking especially contentious start. Due to the mistake, thinking of sex Tutty wrong especially contentious start. Do sex Tutty, false enthusiasm especially contentious start. Due to the enthusiastic, Coast range false bridge differences being kicked.
3) And the Male-stilts, how is the wrong gender? Gender identity ... France; the Male-stilts, here called the wrong gender.
4) And how this, the Male-stilts, by gender, wrong idea coast nickname being run; due to the charm of the idea, thinking the wrong nickname being run; due to the mistake, thinking of sex Tutty wrong nickname being run; do sex Tutty, passionately wrong nickname being run; due to the enthusiastic, Coast range false bridge differences being run?
5-9) this the Male-stilts, due to sharp world charm, sharp ideas being kicked. Due to the outstanding charm, sharp thinking beings. Due to the outstanding charm, lust being kicked. Due to lust, charm of enthusiasm being kicked. Due to the enthusiastic, best coast views of the bridge being ...
10) this the Male-stilts, due to the French coast, the French ideas being kicked. Due to the French coast, France birth start thinking. Due to the French coast, France exercise being run. Due to the French coast, enthusiastic France being kicked. Due to the French coast, France games bridge being kicked.
11) thus, the Male-stilts, by gender, wrong idea coast especially contentious start. Due to the charm of the idea, wrong thinking especially contentious start. Due to the mistake, thinking of sex Tutty wrong especially contentious start. Do sex Tutty, false enthusiasm especially contentious start. Due to the enthusiastic, Coast range false bridge differences being kicked.
VIII. And NOT SO (s. ii,144)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, due to gender discrimination, false charm especially contentious start. Due to the wrong idea ... Coast range false bridge differences being kicked.
3) not by the coast range false zeal, bridge differences being kicked. Not by the charm of enthusiasm, the wrong sex differences being kicked. Not by sex Tutty, wrong thinking especially contentious start. Not by charm, ideal thinking wrong nickname being kicked. Not by the charm of the idea, wrong gender difference being kicked.
4-9) And the Male-stilts, how is the wrong gender? Gender identity ... France; the Male-stilts, here called the wrong gender.
10) And the Male-stilts, how do the wrong gender, wrong idea coast nickname being run? Due to the wrong idea ... Coast range false bridge differences being run? Not by the coast range false zeal, bridge differences being kicked. Not by the charm of enthusiasm, the wrong sex differences being kicked. Not by sex Tutty, wrong thinking especially contentious start. Not by charm, ideal thinking wrong nickname being kicked. Not by the charm of the idea, wrong gender difference being kicked.
11) this the Male-stilts, due to sharp world charm, sharp ideas being kicked. Due to the outstanding charm, sharp thinking beings. Due to the outstanding charm, lust being kicked. Due to lust, charm of enthusiasm being kicked. Due to the enthusiastic, best coast views of the bridge being kicked. Not the best range, best coast enthusiasm being kicked. Not by best coast, lust being kicked. Not by lust, Coast thinking beings. Not by the best minds, best coast idea being kicked. Not the best idea, best sex Tutty being kicked.
12) due to the gender bar charm ...
13) perfume By charm ...
14) because the location coast ...
15) due to the exposed coast ...
16) due to the French coast, the French ideas being kicked. Due to the French coast, France birth start thinking. Due to the French coast, France French ... birth sex games bridge being kicked. Not by the French coast range, France enthusiasm being kicked. Not by the enthusiastic French coast, France exercise being run. Not by the French coast, France birth start thinking. Not by the French coast thinking region of France thought being kicked. Not by the French coast, France about being kicked.
17) thus, the Male-stilts, by gender, wrong idea coast especially contentious start. Due to the wrong idea ... Coast range false bridge differences being kicked. Not by the coast range false zeal, bridge differences being kicked. Not by the charm of enthusiasm, the wrong sex differences being kicked. Not by sex Tutty, wrong thinking especially contentious start. Not by charm, ideal thinking wrong nickname being kicked. Not by the charm of the idea, wrong gender difference being kicked.
IX. CONTACT (s. ii,146)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, by gender, wrong idea coast especially contentious start. Due to the charm of the idea, wrong thinking especially contentious start. Due to wrong thinking, exposed coast wrong especially contentious start. Due to the exposed coast, wrong birth special life. Due to the mistake, wrong sex yanshou especially contentious start. Do sex Tutty, false enthusiasm especially contentious start. Due to the enthusiastic, Coast range false bridge differences being kicked. Due to wrong, demand range coast Prime facility special beings start wrong.
3) And the Male-stilts, how is the wrong gender? Gender identity ... France; the Male-stilts, here called the wrong gender.
4) how, the Female-stilts, by gender, wrong idea coast nickname being run? Due to the charm of the idea wrong ... wrong birth special privileged facility run?
5) this the Male-stilts, due to sharp world charm, sharp ideas being kicked. Due to the outstanding charm, sharp thinking beings. Due to the excellent thinking, exposed coast being kicked. Due to the outstanding charm, excellent tactile beings tho being kicked. By birth, by exposing sharp yanshou lust being kicked. Due to lust, charm of enthusiasm being kicked. Due to the enthusiastic, best coast views of the bridge being kicked. Due to the excellent views of the coast, a prime launch contentious facility excellent.
6) due to the gender bar charm ...
7) due to the perfume charm ...
8) by gender taste coast ...
9) due to the exposed coast ...
10) due to the French coast, the French ideas being kicked. Due to the French coast, France birth start thinking. Due to the French coast, France contact being kicked. Due to the French coast, the French life promotion of birth being kicked. By birth, promotion by France yanshou France exercise being run. Due to the French coast, enthusiastic France being kicked. Due to the French coast, France games bridge being kicked. Due to the French coast range, France Prime facility being run.
11) thus, the Male-stilts, by gender, wrong idea coast especially contentious start. Due to the wrong idea, Coast range false bridge differences being kicked. Due to wrong, demand range coast Prime facility special beings start wrong.
X. CONTACT (s. ii,147)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, by gender, wrong idea coast especially contentious start. Due to the charm of the idea, thinking the wrong nickname being kicked............... Due to wrong, demand range coast Prime facility special beings start wrong. Not by the DAC facility, Coast range false bridge differences being kicked. Not by the coast range false zeal, bridge differences being kicked. Not by enthusiastic coast wrong............... thought wrong especially contentious start. Not by the charm of the idea, wrong gender difference being kicked.
3) And the Male-stilts, how is the wrong gender? Gender identity ... France; the Male-stilts, here called the wrong gender.
4) And how this, the Male-stilts, by gender, wrong idea coast especially contentious start. Due to the charm of the idea, thinking the wrong nickname being kicked.................., DAC facility range ... Not by the DAC facility, Coast range false bridge differences being kicked. Not by the coast range false zeal, bridge differences being kicked............ Not by charm, ideal thinking wrong nickname being kicked. Not by the charm of the idea, wrong gender difference being kicked.
5) this the Male-stilts, due to sharp world charm, sharp ideas being kicked. (as above).
6) due to the gender bar charm ...
7) due to the perfume charm ...
8) by gender taste coast ...
9) due to the exposed coast ...
10) due to the French coast, the French ideas being kicked. Due to the French coast idea ... France views the bridge being kicked. Due to the French coast range, France Prime facility being run. Not by the French coast Prime facility, France games bridge being kicked. Not by the French coast range, France enthusiasm being kicked. Not by the enthusiastic French coast, France exercise being run. Not by the French coast, the French life promotion of birth being kicked. Not by birth, promotion by France yanshou France exposed being kicked. Not due to the French coast, France birth start thinking. Not by the French coast thinking region of France thought being kicked. Not by the French coast, France about being kicked.
Also, the Female-stilts, by gender, wrong idea coast especially contentious start. Due to the ideal coast wrong....................., DAC facility range ... Not by the DAC facility, Coast range false bridge differences being kicked. Not by the coast range false zeal, bridge differences being kicked. Not by the charm of enthusiasm, the wrong sex differences being kicked. Not by education, special birth wrong life. Not due to wrong exposure, yanshou especially contentious start. Not by the exposed coast, wrong thinking especially contentious start. Not by charm, ideal thinking wrong nickname being kicked. Not by the charm of the idea, wrong gender difference being kicked.
I. SEVEN FRANCE (17.1, the Magazine 2, 116c) (s. ii,149)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, has seven.
What are the seven? Net sex, Not gender, optical boundless world of boundless Knowledge, gender, origin, of African ownership of the idea of the ideal world, phi-life Removal idea.
The Male-stilts, has seven.
3) when said so, a Female-white stilts That Honor:
-Transparency of world Religion, this Optical Net with world, Not the world of boundless, immeasurable, infinite world of Knowledge possessed, African origin idea, and ideas of non-life Removal idea. The White World, the world is revealed by what charm?
4)-the Female-stilts, Optical world due to overcast coast, this was manifest.
5) this the Male-stilts, this indeterminacy coast due to World Net, the world is manifest.
6) this the Male-stilts, Not of this world, because of the boundless charm, this world is manifest.
7) this the Male-stilts, boundless Knowledge of this world do Not boundless charm of this world are manifest.
8) this the Male-stilts, owned by world of boundless Awareness charm of this world are manifest.
9) this the Male-stilts, Phi phi by the origin thought of the idea of charm Scalar property of this world are manifest.
10) this the Male-stilts, Destroying the life idea world due to this removal charm is revealed.
11)-White World, this Optical Net with world, Not the world of boundless, immeasurable, infinite world of Knowledge property of the world, Africa thought phi phi, with Removal of the life idea idea; the White World, seven world Meditation (Samàpatti)?
This 12)-the Female-stilts, this Optical Net with world, Not the world of boundless, immeasurable, infinite world of Knowledge property of the world taking the idea of meditation (Sannàsamàpatti) was a prime witness.
13) this the Male-stilts, Phi phi phi Memorial ideas of world action residual organic certified Meditation took was a prime witness.
14) this the Male-stilts, Destroying the life idea world retrieved kill Prime Certificate Import class (?).
II. HAVE NHÂN (2, 115c, 2, 2, 497c Magazine, 2.504) (s. ii,151)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, have sex, games being run, not personalities. Have human beings start range, pitch, not personalities. There, damage the range being kicked, not personalities.
3) and how does this, the Male-stilts, have sex, games being run, not human; have human beings start range, pitch, not human; There, damage the range being kicked, not human?
4) stilts, by the National gender sex Tutty-, exercise ideas being kicked. Due to physical exercise, Coast thinking beings. Due to sexual education, sexual charm being kicked. Due to the enthusiastic sex, sex Tutty being kicked. Due to the enthusiastic sex Tutty, education requirements range being kicked. The Male-stilts, so games sex games bridge bridge, invisible text chums wife happy pagan practices in three parishes: body, language, Italy.
5) this the Male-stilts, by gender, the Golf Coast idea being kicked. Because the Golf Coast idea, thinking beings ... sex ... pitch pitch of enthusiasm ... the pitch range of the globe being kicked. The Male-stilts, because games demand the golf range, invisible text chums wife happy pagan practices in three parishes: body, language, Italy.
6) this the Male-stilts, due to malicious damage, Coast idea being kicked ... harmful thinking ... hurt ... sex hurt enthusiasm ... harmful views of the bridge being kicked. The Male-stilts, because games demand hurt the games, invisible text chums wife happy pagan practices in three parishes: body, language, Italy.
7) For this, as the Male-stilts, someone threw grass burning torch into a jungle of hay. If he didn't put down the fold with hands and feet; Thus, the Male-stilts, the kind Lady living beings on the grass and wood will meet misfortune and disaster.
8) this, too, the Male-stilts, Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would, for the idea of folding up, do not start the misdeed from quitting, resume, terminate, destroy; her position now in the present stay in misery, with the mind, with the forlorn, with the brain; and after the General network, to ruined body being evil in beast.
9) this the Male-stilts, have multiplied, the Cup games being run, not personalities. There, invisible beings range yard run, not personalities. Yes, ahimsa games being run, not personalities.
10) And the Male-stilts, how human beings start range, glass manufacturing, not human; There, invisible beings range yard run, not human; Yes, ahimsa games being run, not human?
11) this the Male-stilts, due to World Cup appearances, charm cups ideas being kicked. Due to the ideal Cup appearances, charm cups thinking beings. Due to export, export thinking glass charm cups (chanda) being run. Due to the charm, glass manufacturing and export glass of enthusiasm being kicked. Due to the enthusiastic, glass manufacturing coast Cup games bridge being kicked. The Male-stilts, due to export demand range glass range, the Holy disciples multicultural practice in three happy primary origin: body, language, Italy.
12) this the Male-stilts, so infinite charm, endless yard pitch ideas being kicked. Due to the infinite charm of the idea, pitch the pitch thinking bring forth endless sexual pitch ... helpless the pitch of enthusiasm ... invisible beings bridge range yard run. The Male-stilts, by endless bridge games golf games, Holy multicultural taste real disciples happy administration in three parishes: body, language, Italy.
13) this the Male-stilts, by charm ahimsa, nonviolence ideas being kicked. Due to the charm of the idea of ahimsa, ahimsa of mind being kicked. By Jesica ahimsa, Nonviolence education being run. By Jesica ahimsa, ahimsa enthusiasm being kicked. By Jesica ahimsa, ahimsa games bridge being kicked. The Male-stilts, by ahimsa bridge bridge range range charm, the Holy disciples multicultural practice in three happy primary origin: body, language, Italy.
14) For this, as the Male-stilts, someone threw a torch by grass fires into a dry grass forest. People with arms and legs fold extinguished torch. Thus, the Male-stilts, the kind Lady living beings on the grass and wood will not meet misfortune and disaster.
15) this, too, the Male-stilts, Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects to the idea of starting up the misdeed, fold up Regency, termination, destroy; her position now in the present stay in peace, no mind, no brain, no brain heat melancholy; After the General network, was being ruined body into animal friendly.
III. The HOUSE of BRICK (Magazine, 2, 117a) (s. ii,153)
1) A world Religion stay in Natika, in the House with bricks.
2) In That Respect, the National call-stilts: "the Female-on stilts"-"white World" Respect Sir. The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
-The Male-stilts, by gender, birth, initiation coast opinion being kicked, being kicked.
4) When I heard that fake white Kaccàyana Saddha World Respect, Respect:
-White World, this does not Equal the Chief Justice Chief Justice between those Sensations, Chief Justice Chief Justice College. The White World, this charm is revealed by what?
5 Major changes this, Kaccàyana), is the world's ignorance.
6) Kaccàyana, by This charm (hìna) world, list, list, list, list, m t (cetanà), hope (patthanà), paralysis, palsy, (puggalà), listed birth language. She said taste thing is does he taste, flavor, presentation, he proposed, he show her position, she declared, a distinction. We say that is the expectancy of birth (uppatti) of the position.
7 Kaccàyana, by Central Coast), Central, Central, Central, Central, Middle hope, wish, central China, the middle term being kicked. Central location is what he says he does, the theory, presents, he proposed, he show her position, she declared, a distinction. We say that Central is the birth of the life span.
8) Kaccàyana, so This win world charm, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win contentious language. She said taste is what WINS, he's presented, theory, he proposed, he show her position, she declared, a distinction. We say that is the birth of life WINS.
IV. LIST the will (Magazine, 2, 115a) (s. ii,154)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other. The beings listed the will together in harmony, same goes with being paralyzed the will. Beings of good releases together in harmony, with the beings of good releases.
3) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the time of the world past, the beings got together in harmony, go together. The beings listed will have the same harmony, has accompanied the beings listed the will. Beings of good releases have the same harmony, same goes with the beings of good releases.
4 the National-on stilts), depending upon the time, taste the world beings will together in harmony, will go together. The beings listed will together in harmony, will go along with being paralyzed the will. Beings of good will together in harmony, with the beings of good releases.
5) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the current world, the same beings, harmony with each other. The beings listed the will together in harmony, same goes with being paralyzed the will. Beings of good releases together in harmony, with the beings of good releases.
V. CAREER (Magazine, 2, 115a) (s. ii,155)
1) A world Religion stay in Ràjagaha (United Kingdom accommodation), mount Gijjhakùta (thứu).
2) at the time, the fake Religious Sàriputta along with some Eastern Male-stilts are going to experience, not far from the World how much Respect.
3 false Mahàmoggallàna) along with some Eastern Male-stilts are going to experience, not far from the World how much Respect.
4) false Religion Mahà Kassapa along with ... not far from the World how much Respect.
5) false Religion along with Anuruddha ... not far from the World how much Respect.
6) false Religion Punna Mantàniputta along with ... how much.
7) false Religion along with Upàli ... how much.
8) Ton Ànanda together with fake ... how much.
9) false Religion Devadatta along with some Eastern Male-stilts are going to experience, not far from the World how much Respect.
10) Then call the National Religious-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, you see the Sàriputta along with some Eastern Male-stilts are going to conduct business?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, all taste Female-University's intellectual stilts.
11) this the Male-stilts, you see the Moggallàna along with some Eastern Male-stilts are going to conduct business?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, all taste Female-University's spirit on stilts.
12) this the Male-stilts, you see Kassapa along with some Eastern Male-stilts are going to conduct business?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, all taste Female-stilts she advocates happy early momentum.
13) this the Male-stilts, He has found some East along with National Anuruddha-stilts are going business?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, all taste Female-stilts have natural ranks is the label.
14) this the Male-stilts, you see the Mantàniputta Punna along with some Eastern Male-stilts are going to conduct business?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, all located Male-stilts she is UG theory.
15) this the Male-stilts, you see the Upàli along with some Eastern Male-stilts are going to conduct business?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, all located Male-level maintenance of law's stilts.
16) this the Male-stilts, he saw Ananda along with some Eastern Male-stilts are going to conduct business?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, all located Male-stilts multi tier's van.
17) the National-stilts, This He has seen Devadatta along with some Eastern Male-stilts are going to conduct business?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, all evil's stilts billion-unit.
18) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other. The beings listed the will together in harmony, same goes with being paralyzed the will. Beings of good releases together in harmony, with the beings of good releases.
19) the Female-stilts, depending upon the time of the world past, the beings got together in harmony, go together. The beings listed will have the same set, same goes with being paralyzed the will. Beings of good releases have the same harmony, same goes with the beings of good releases.
20) this the Male-stilts, depending upon location to forecast future world, these beings will together in harmony, will go together. The beings listed will together in harmony, same goes with being paralyzed the will. Beings of good will together in harmony, with the beings of good releases.
21) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the current world, the same beings, harmony with each other. The beings listed the will together in harmony, same goes with being paralyzed the will. Beings of good releases together in harmony, with the beings of good releases.
VI. BUSINESS with SHELVES (Magazine, 2, 115a) (s. ii, 157)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other. The beings listed the will together in harmony, same goes with being paralyzed the will.
3) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the time of the world past, the beings got together in harmony, with each other. The beings listed will have the same set, same goes with being paralyzed the will.
4 the National-on stilts), depending upon the time, taste the world beings will together in harmony, will go together. The beings listed will together in harmony, will go along with being paralyzed the will.
5) this the Male-stilts, depending upon present time world, the beings of the same harmony, same goes with each other. The beings listed the will together in harmony, same goes with being paralyzed the will.
6) For this, as the Male-stilts, or together in harmony, with joint; urine together in harmony, with the urine; water pieces together in harmony, with saliva; pus along harmony, same goes with pus; the same blood in harmony, same goes with blood. Also, the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings in harmony with each other, go together. The beings listed the will together in harmony, same goes with being paralyzed the will.
7) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the world during the past ...
8) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the time of the world. ..
9) this the Male-stilts, depending upon present time world, the same beings in harmony with each other, go together. The beings listed the will together in harmony, same goes with being paralyzed the will.
10) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other. Beings of good releases together in harmony, with the beings of good releases.
11) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the time of the world past, the beings got together in harmony, go together. Beings of good releases have the same harmony, go with the beings of good releases.
12) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the time of the world. ..
13) this the Male-stilts, depending upon present time world, beings together in harmony, with each other. Beings of good releases together in harmony, with the beings of good releases.
14) For this, as the Male-stilts, milk together in harmony, same goes with milk; the oil together in harmony, with oil; Shu cars together in harmony, with Shu; Honey together in harmony, with honey; Suite cane together in harmony, with sugar cane honey. Also, the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other. Beings of good releases together in harmony, with the beings of good releases.
15) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the world during the past ...
16) the Female-stilts, depending upon the time of the world. ..
17) the Female-stilts, depending upon present time world, the beings of the same harmony, same goes with each other. Beings of good releases together in harmony, with the beings of good releases.
18) That such a theory of Religion. Charity Was so complete, the theory of degree masters say more:
Contact, birth, sexuality
Contact, not snippets,
Like climbing small plank,
Sank between the big waves.
Also, to afternoons, guys
The living donation also sank.
So, please stay away
Afternoons, not guys,
Let's "stay Gentle ranks,
Holy live far ranks,
Usually diligent effort,
The essential need to net meditation.
VII. ANY CREDIT (s. ii,159)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
3) no Guys together in harmony, with the real guys. Man does not know the infamous together in harmony, with guys who don't know. Guys who don't fear the same harmony, same goes with guys who don't know fear. Little guys listen together in harmony, same goes with the little guys. Indolence guys together in harmony, the same goes with your indolence. Interior guys meditate together in harmony, the same goes with your decor. Wicked wisdom together in harmony, with wicked wisdom.
4) credit Guys together in harmony, the same goes with your credit. Guys know ultimately the same harmony, same goes with guys who know. Guys fear together in harmony, the same goes with your fear. Hear more of the same, with the same harmony heard much. Essential need guys together in harmony, the same goes with your essential needs. Guys maintained the same notion of harmony, same goes with the maintenance. Intellectual guys together in harmony, the same goes with your wisdom.
5) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the time of the world past, the beings got together in harmony, go together.
6) no Guys got together in harmony, has the same goes with any guys. Guys don't know ultimately got together in harmony, go with the guys who know. Guys who don't fear ... guys with no fear. Little guys hear ... with the little guys. Indolence guys ... with your indolence. Interior guys anniversary ... with your furniture. Wicked wisdom got together in harmony, go with wicked wisdom.
The Male-stilts, depending upon location to forecast future world, these beings will together in harmony, will go together. No guys will together in harmony, will go with any guys. Guys don't know.. .to no bi t. Guys who don't fear ... guys with no fear. Little guys hear ... with the little guys. Indolence guys ... with your indolence. Interior guys anniversary ... with your furniture. Wicked wisdom will together in harmony, will go with wicked wisdom.
7) this the Male-stilts, depending upon present time world, the beings of the same harmony, same goes with each other.
No guys together in harmony, with the real guys. Man does not know the infamous ... with guys who don't know. Guys who don't fear ... guys with no fear. Little guys hear ... with the little guys. Indolence guys ... with your indolence. Interior guys anniversary ... with your furniture. Wicked wisdom together in harmony, with wicked wisdom.
8) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
Credit guys together in harmony, the same goes with your credit. Guys know ultimately the same harmony, same goes with guys who know. Guys fear together in harmony, the same goes with your fear. Hear more of the same, with the same harmony heard much. Essential need guys together in harmony, the same goes with your essential needs. Guys maintained the same notion of harmony, same goes with the maintenance. Guys have the same wisdom, harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
9) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the world during the past ...
10) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the time of the world. ..
11) this the Male-stilts, depending upon present time world, the beings of the same harmony, same goes with each other.
Credit guys together in harmony, the same goes with your credit ... Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
No guys together in harmony, with the real guys. Man does not know the infamous ... with guys who don't know. Wicked wisdom. with wicked wisdom. Credit guys together in harmony, the same goes with your credit. Guys know.. .to know. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
3) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the time of the world past, the beings got together in harmony, go together ...
4 the National-on stilts), depending upon the time, taste the world beings will together in harmony, will go together ...
5) this the Male-stilts, depending upon present time world, the beings of the same harmony, same goes with each other ...
No guys ... with no guys. Man does not know the infamous ... with guys who don't know. Wicked wisdom. with wicked wisdom ... There guys ... with your credit. Guys know.. .to know. Guys are intellectual ... with guys who have wisdom.
6) this the Male-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other. As such, need to understand.
No guys together in harmony, with the real guys. Guys who don't fear ... guys with no fear. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. There guys ... with your credit. Guys fear ... with the fear. Guys are intellectual ... with guys who have wisdom.
7) ... during the past ...
8) ... the time. ..
9) ... the current forecast ...
10) no Guys together in harmony, with the real guys. Little guys hear ... with the little guys. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. There guys ... with your credit. Hear more ... to hear more. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
11) ... during the past ...
12) ... the time. ..
13) ... the current forecast ...
14) this the Male-stilts, depending upon ...
No guys together in harmony, with the real guys. Indolence guys ... with your indolence. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. There guys ... with your credit. Essential needs ... guys with your essential needs. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
15) ... during the past ...
16) ... the time. ..
17) ... the current forecast ...
18) no Guys together in harmony, with the real guys. Interior guys anniversary ... with your furniture. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. There guys ... with your credit. The maintenance guys.. .to maintain. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
19) ... during the past ...
20) ... the time. ..
21) ... the current forecast ...
1) in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending ...
Man does not know the infamous together in harmony, with guys who don't know. Guys who don't fear ... guys with no fear. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. Guys know.. .to know. Guys fear ... with the fear. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with guys who are intellectual ... past time ... time. .. the current forecast.
3) ofthis along harmony unknown Guys, same goes with guys who don't know. Little guys hear ... with the little guys. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. Guys know.. .to know. Hear more ... to hear more. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
4) guys are not know ultimately the same harmony, same goes with guys who don't know. Indolence guys ... with your indolence. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. Guys know.. .to know. Essential needs ... guys with your essential needs. Intellectual guys together in harmony, the same goes with your wisdom.
5) ofthis along harmony unknown Guys, same goes with guys who don't know. Interior guys anniversary ... with your furniture. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. Guys know.. .to know. The maintenance guys.. .to maintain. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
6-8) ... past time ... time. .. the current forecast.
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
Guys who don't fear the same harmony, same goes with guys who don't know fear. Little guys hear ... with the little guys. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. Guys fear ... with the fear. Hear more ... to hear more. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, along with your wisdom.
3-5) ... past time ... time. .. the current forecast.
6) Guys don't fear together in harmony, with guys who don't know fear. Indolence guys ... with your indolence. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. Guys fear ... with the fear. Essential needs ... guys with your essential needs. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
7-9) ... past time ... time. .. the current forecast.
10) Guys don't fear together in harmony, with guys who don't know fear. Interior guys anniversary ... with your furniture. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. Guys fear ... with the fear. The maintenance guys.. .to maintain. Guys are intellectual ... with guys who have wisdom.
11-13) ... past time ... time. .. the current forecast.
XI. The TWO SEIZURES of at LEAST HEAR (16.50 Junk text Missing. 2, 115c) (s. ii,164)
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
Little guys listen together in harmony, same goes with the little guys. Indolence guys ... with your indolence. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. Hear more ... to hear more. Essential needs ... guys with your essential needs. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
3-5) ... past time ... time. .. the current forecast.
6) little guys listen together in harmony, same goes with the little guys. Interior guys anniversary ... with your furniture. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. Hear more ... to hear more. The maintenance guys.. .to maintained. ... Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
7-9) ... past time ... time. .. the current forecast.
XII. INDOLENCE (s. ii,165)
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
Indolence guys together in harmony, the same goes with your indolence. Interior guys anniversary ... with your furniture. Wicked wisdom ... with wicked wisdom. Essential needs ... guys with your essential needs. The maintenance guys.. .to maintain. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
3-5) ... past time ... time. .. the current forecast.
I. NO NET PRESIDENT (s. ii,166)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
3) no Guys together in harmony, with the real guys. Man does not know the infamous ... with guys who don't know. Guys who don't fear ... guys with no fear. Guys are not net President ... with the no net President. Wicked wisdom together in harmony, with wicked wisdom.
4) credit Guys together in harmony, with guys. Guys know.. .to know. Guys fear ... with the fear. NET President guys ... with the President of the pure land. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
II. The EVIL WORLD (s. ii,166)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
3) no Guys together in harmony, with the real guys. Man does not know the infamous ... with guys who don't know. Guys who don't fear ... guys with no fear. Wicked world ... with evil guys. Wicked wisdom together in harmony, with wicked wisdom.
4) credit Guys together in harmony, with guys. Guys know.. .to know. Guys fear ... with the fear. The maintenance guys.. .to maintain. Guys have the same intellectual harmony, same goes with your wisdom.
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
3) killers being together in harmony, with contentious killers. An attacker obtaining not for ... with the retrieved object is not for. Ta guys happy in the exercise ... with the flaps in the almond. Guys lie ... with your lie. Drunken men, wine soak up the guys Cook together in harmony, same goes with the drunken men, wine soak up cooking.
4 remove the same contentious surveillance) in harmony, with the same abandon suicide being. Guys give up obtaining not for ... with guys who give up obtaining not to. Guys are not happy in the sexual deviant ... with guys not happy in your space. Guys don't lie ... with guys who don't lie. Not immerse the cooking wine, drunk together in harmony, with guys who don't immerse drunk men, cooking wine.
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
3) killers being together in harmony, with contentious killers. An attacker obtaining not for ... with the retrieved object is not for. Ta guys happy in the exercise ... with the flaps in the almond. Guys lie ... with your lie. Guys say.. .to say blade. Wicked ... with evil guys. Guys say the same judgment in harmony, same goes with the said judgment.
4 remove the same contentious surveillance) in harmony, with the same abandon suicide being. Guys give up obtaining not for ... with guys who give up obtaining not to. The guys abandoned deviant sex in happy ... with guys who give up happy in your space. Guys quit lying.. .to quit lying. Guys who quit say blade ... with guys who quit say blade. Guys who abandon evil language ... with guys who abandon evil. Guys quit talking judgment together in harmony, with the rid of said judgment.
V. TEN CAREER LEADER (s. ii,167)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
3) killers being together in harmony, with contentious killers. An attacker obtaining not for ... with the retrieved object is not for. Ta guys happy in the exercise ... with the flaps in the almond. Guys lie ... with your lie. Guys say.. .to say blade. Wicked ... with evil guys. Guys say frivolous ... same goes with the said judgment. Guys are taking Center ... with guys who took part. Guys who have ... with guys there. Guys have deviant comments together in harmony, with the flaps.
4 remove the same contentious surveillance) in harmony, with the same abandon suicide being. Guys give up obtaining not for ... with guys who give up obtaining not to. The guys abandoned deviant sex in happy ... with guys who give up happy in your space. Guys quit lying.. .to quit lying. Guys who quit say blade ... with guys who quit say blade. Guys who abandon evil language ... with guys who abandon evil. Guys quit talking judgment ... with guys who quit said judgment. Guys give up taking Center ... with guys who quit taking part in mind. Guys give up Golf Center ... with the abandoned terrace of the mind. Primary comments guys together in harmony, the same goes with the Chief Justice.
VI. The EIGHT LIMBS (s. ii,,168)
1) Stay in S vatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
3) TA Guys comments together in harmony, the same goes with your ties. Ta guys thinking ... Guys TA ... Guys TA ... Ta guys network ... Ta guys effort ... Ta guys. .. Ta guys together in harmony, the same goes with your ties.
4) primary Guys comments together in harmony, the same goes with the Chief Justice. Primary thinking guys. Primary language guys ... Primary industry guys ... Primary network guys ... Primary effort guys ... Guys that mindfulness ... The Chief perpetrator together in harmony, the same goes with the Chief Justice.
VII. TEN CHI (s. ii,168)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, depending upon the world, the same beings, harmony with each other.
3) TA Guys comments together in harmony, the same goes with your ties. Ta guys thinking ... Guys TA ... Guys TA ... Ta guys network ... Ta guys effort ... Ta guys. .. Ta guys. Guys TA ... Ta guys get together in harmony, the same goes with your ties.
4) primary Guys comments together in harmony, the same goes with the Chief Justice. Primary thinking guys. Primary language guys ... Primary industry guys ... Primary network guys ... Primary effort guys ... Guys that mindfulness ... The Chief perpetrator. Guys the Chief Justice position. Chief Justice guys get together in harmony, with the Chief Justice.
I. FOUR (s. ii,169)
1) A world Religion stay in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2)-the Female-stilts, has four.
What are the four? Boundaries, marine world, world, world. The Male-stilts, this is four.
II. BEFORE (s. ii,169)
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, before we're enlightened, yet the Chief Sensory Class, when we are United-slapped, think thus:
3) "what is sweetness, what is dangerous, what is the separation of the sexes? What is sweetness, what is dangerous, what is the separation of the sexes? What is sweetness, what is dangerous, what is the separation of the fire? What is sweetness, what is dangerous, what is the cup of the world? "
4 the National-stilts), I think the following:
5) "Lost what, what start up due wedding charm boundaries, that is the sweetness of the boundaries. What's impermanence, suffering, turn of the boundaries, there is danger of the boundaries. The Regency offers fitness and join (chandaràga), the education and thorough piece is the separation of the boundaries ".
6) "Lost what, what the starting up due to glass charm wedding..."
7) "Lost nothing, start up the fire coast by what Hy..."
8) "Lost what, what's up charm style by starting the wedding world, that is the sweetness of the Maple world. What's impermanence, suffering, ruined of the world, that is the danger of the world. The Regency offers education and take part in the exercise and make the piece, is the separation of the sexes ".
9) this the Male-stilts, until this world has for four as real win tri (abbhannàsim) so the sweetness is sweet, so the danger is dangerous, so exporting glass is glass manufacturing; until this time, the Male-stilts, one unproven, yet evidence of Upper Class, Chief of countless voter for Gender Bias, gender bias and the Offense, for them and the Sa-Ba-la-keeper, with Heavenly and divine man.
10) this the Male-stilts, until for four world, We as true WINS tri so sweet taste is sweetness, so the danger is dangerous, so exporting glass is glass manufacturing; This time the Female-stilts, one has food poisoning, have proven invaluable in upper Primary Sensory College tri for heaven, demon, Brahma and for them Sa, Ba-la-keeper, with Chu and the human species.
11) Tri and has run up in the Us: "who is the estate's rescue. This is the ultimate life, now no longer reborn. "
III. WE WENT (s. ii,171)
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, I went to find the sweetness of the boundaries. We have found the sweetness of the boundaries. With wisdom, We have cleverly found the sweetness.
3) this the Male-stilts, We went in search of dangerous territory. We have found dangers of boundaries. With wisdom, We have the affidavit see dangers.
4 the National-on stilts), I went to find the separation boundaries. We have found the separation boundaries. With wisdom, We have cleverly found the Cup.
5-7), where the Male-stilts, I went to find the sweetness of the marine world.
8-10), where the Male-stilts, I went to find the sweetness of the fire ...
11) this the Male-stilts, I went to find the sweetness of the Maple world. We have found the sweetness of the Maple world. With wisdom, We have cleverly found the sweetness.
12) this the Male-stilts, We went in search of danger. We have found the dangers of the world. With wisdom, We have the affidavit see dangers.
13) this the Male-stilts, I went to find the cup of the world. We have found the separation of the sexes. With wisdom, We have cleverly found the Cup.
14) this the Male-stilts, until to the four world, we don't like real WINS tri, so the sweetness is sweet, so the danger is dangerous, so exporting glass is glass manufacturing; This time the Female-stilts, I've never seen food poisoning, unproven tri loads upper Chief Sensory heaven for the College, Ma, Brahma, and for them the Sa, Ba-la-keeper with Chu and the human species.
15) And the Male-stilts, until for four world, we as true WINS tri so sweet taste is sweetness, so the danger is dangerous, so exporting glass is glass manufacturing; This time the Female-stilts, one has food poisoning, have proven invaluable in upper Primary Sensory College tri for heaven, demon, Brahma, and for them the Sa, Ba-la-keeper with Chu and the human species.
16) Tri and has run up where We: "who is the estate's rescue. This is the ultimate life, now no longer reborn. "
IV. Without THIS (s. ii,177)
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, if not have the sweetness of the boundaries, the beings can not soak up the boundaries. And because of that, the Female-stilts, have the sweetness of the world, thus taking beings immersed boundaries.
3) this the Male-stilts, if there is no danger of the boundaries, the beings can not boring boundaries. And because of that, the Female-stilts, there is danger of boundaries, thus being boring boundaries.
4 the National-stilts), without the separation boundaries, beings can not ly boundaries. And because of that, the Female-stilts, the introduction of the boundaries, so the glasses export beings boundaries.
5-7), where the Male-stilts, if not have the sweetness of the marine world.
8-10), where the Male-stilts, if not have the sweetness of the fire ...
11) this the Male-stilts, if not have the sweetness of the Maple world, beings can not soak up the style. And because of that, the Female-stilts, have the sweetness of the world, thus taking beings immersed style.
12) this the Male-stilts, if there is no danger of the world, the time beings can not boring style. And because of that, the Female-stilts, there is danger of the world, thus being boring style.
13) And the Male-stilts, without the separation of the sexes, the beings can not ly manners. And because of that, the Female-stilts, have the style World Cup, so the Maple World Cup appearances beings.
14) this the Male-stilts, until the beings for four world yet as truth WINS tri so sweet taste is sweetness, so the danger is dangerous, so exporting glass is glass manufacturing; This time the Female-stilts, the beings who live with this far, no relation, no contact, with the hindrances are abandoned for Gender Bias, gender bias, the underworld, along with them, Ms. Sa-la-keeper, with Heavenly and divine man.
15) And the Male-stilts, until the beings for four world was like really WINS tri so sweet taste is sweetness, so the danger is dangerous, so exporting glass is glass manufacturing; This time the Female-stilts, the beings who live with this far, no relation, no contact with the hindrances are abandoned for Gender Bias, gender bias, the underworld, along with them, Ms. Sa-la-keeper, with Heavenly and divine man.
V. SUFFERING (s. ii,173)
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, if gauge pure boundaries, full of agony, immerse in agony, not immerse in Lac; the beings can not soak up the boundaries. And because of that, the Female-stilts, boundaries are lost, full of peanuts, immerse in peanuts, do not immerse in agony, thus taking beings immersed boundaries.
3) this the Male-stilts, if aquatic world.
4 billion-on stilts, this) if the fire ...
5) this the Male-stilts, if gauge pure world style, full of agony, steeped in agony, not immerse in LAC, there can be no beings take immerse sealing. And because of that, the Female-stilts, Feng is optimistic, full of peanuts, immerse in peanuts, do not immerse in agony; Thus the beings take immerse sealing.
6) this the Male-stilts, if pure, full of boundaries, immerse in peanuts, do not immerse in agony; the beings can not boring boundaries. And because of that, the Female-stilts, boundaries are gauge, filled with suffering, steeped in agony, not immerse in Lac; Thus the beings boring boundaries.
7) this the Male-stilts, if aquatic world.
8 the National-stilts), if the fire ...
9) this the Male-stilts, if pure, world full of style, immerse in peanuts, do not immerse in agony; the beings not boring style. And because of that, the Female-stilts, Feng is miserable, full of agony, immerse in agony, not immerse in Lac; so the boring style of beings.
VI. The WEDDING FESTIVAL (s. ii,174)
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, who does the wedding Festival, the Festival of the wedding. Who's wedding Festival, people's liberation from suffering.
3) this the Male-stilts, one marine Hy Festival ...
4 the National-stilts,) this one fire ... the wedding Festival
5) this the Male-stilts, one style, the wedding Festival Festival of the wedding. Who's wedding Festival, people's liberation from suffering.
6) this the Male-stilts, who does the wedding Festival boundaries, he is not suffering. the wedding Festival Who does the wedding Festival, who said he is not freed.
7) this the Male-stilts, who does the wedding Festival cards ...
8 the National-stilts), who does the wedding Festival fire ...
9) this the Male-stilts, who does the wedding Festival, Feng's wedding Festival. Who does the wedding Festival, who said he is not freed.
VII. DELIVERY RUN (s. ii,175)
1) Sàvatthi.
2) this the Male-stilts, the contentious start, peace, the reborn, the existence of boundaries is the birth of the gauge, the stay to take part, the existence of the old man's death.
3) this the Male-stilts ... of the marine world.
4 the National-stilts) ... of the fire ...
5) this the Male-stilts, the contentious start, peace, the reborn, the existence of the world is the birth of the gauge, the stay to take part, the existence of the old man's death.
6) this the Male-stilts, the paragraphs of removal, the only net, destroy of the boundaries is the removal of the paragraph, the pure land of only taking part, the destruction of the old man's death.
7) this the Male-stilts ... of the marine world.
8) this the Male-stilts ... of the fire ...
9) this the Male-stilts, the paragraphs of removal, the only net, destroy of the world is the removal of the paragraph, the pure land of only taking part, the destruction of the old man's death.
VIII. SA, BA-LA-MON (s. ii,175)
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, has four. What are the four? Boundaries, marine world, world, world.
3) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects to four world is not as consistent tri (pajànati) sweet, dangerous and the glass, the Male-stilts, for Me, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, between the Sa-subjects, cannot be accepted as the Sa-, or between the Ba-la-unacceptable subjects is She-la-Mon. The fake Religious right's and the present nor to win position, proof proof and an Sa-purpose happy subjects resident or Her purpose-la-Mon.
4 the National-on stilts), the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects to four world like real consistent tri sweetness, danger and the glass, the Male-stilts, for Me, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, between the Sa-, is accepted as the Sa, or between the She-la, to be accepted as She-la-Mon. The Religious right's fake and in current location, evidence evidence with reach and stay happy subjects-purpose or purpose She-la-Mon.
IX. SA, BA-LA-MON (s. ii,176)
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, has four. What are the four? Boundaries, marine world, world, world.
3) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would, for four world, not as truth, the start the tri bars paragraph removal, the sweetness, the dangers, the glass, the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects ... the purpose of the three-la-Mon.
4 the National-stilts,) the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would, for four world as real, consistent ... the purpose of the three-la-Mon.
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would not start, set boundaries tri bars not consistent tri phase boundaries, no consistent tri way taken to destroy the segment boundaries.
3) this the Male-stilts ... not pubs tri mercury ...
4 the National-stilts) ... not pubs tri fire ...
5) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would not consistent, with no consistent style tri tri Feng world episode run, not consistent about style, not paragraph tri bars tri way brought to this removal, the paragraph border styles, female-stilts, for Me, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, between the Sa-subjects, cannot be accepted as Sa-Mon , between the She-la, are not accepted as She-la-Mon. And the author's Religious right in the present can not free himself with food poisoning symptoms, reaching position WINS and an Sa-purpose happy subjects resident or Her purpose-la-Mon.
6) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-tri bars subject boundaries, a starter set of boundaries, tri tri phase boundaries, consistent tri path taken to destroy the segment boundaries.
7) ... tri mercury Pub. ..
8 tri bars) fire ...
9) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would consistent style, consistent style tri tri world episode run, a gender paragraph style tri, tri bars your path to this removal, the paragraph border styles, female-stilts, for Me, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, between Sa, Sa-approved subjects, between Mrs.-la-Mon accepted, is She-la-Mon. And the fake Religious right's ranks in the present himself with food poisoning symptoms, reaching position and stay happy subjects-purpose or purpose She-la-Mon.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/5/2016.MHDT.

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