Wednesday 18 May 2016

A Brief History of Shakyamuni Buddha
(from Christmas birth to Enlightenment).
Life of Sakyamuni Buddha is a shining example.
Derived a religion, cult leaders is always a shining example for believers to advance common inspiration. But the religious leaders of the religions present in this world, does not have a meaningful * noble, a profound life of Buddha Shakyamuni. Every action, every gesture, every word, until each of His silence are valuable lessons for us. If we learn of His teachings without understanding his life, then our learning was one-sided, incomplete. Life He was the manifestation of His teachings. He said he practiced the words he spoke. Her life is an evidence for human life noticed that his teachings can be done, rather than empty words, the utopia, building castles in the clouds, above the smoke.
That's why when we study His life, we should not have the notion that learning to satisfy the curious nature, but we need to learn the meaning of life was intensive drug to be applied to life our lives.
How do the new parts from the great desire of the Buddha when struck down Samsara birth and has endured many sufferings, hardships in life like each one of us.
Parent Thread
Definition The word Christmas Delivery
Often in the name of the Buddha, when it comes to the presence of Shakyamuni Buddha in this world, people often use the word birth (birth means a fun, making joyful, bright to earth) ; or the present (ie appeared in the flesh, for our eyes to see the ceiling); or inflict birth (ie from a high place to a low place to born).
Three words that have three different meanings: The word used to praise the birth a advent grade honor; the standard word Buddha manifested media functions are also available, but because the human eye can not see, to see clearly out; Christmas word connotes the Buddha born in a higher realm, better that lowered this earthly realm. Three words are so different though, but can be used to refer to the birth of the Buddha. In contrast, when an ordinary person born is called "reincarnation". Early pregnancy means being good or evil karma or reincarnation required for good or evil retribution. And Christmas is not a function or market sense is now human bondage, but from where compassion, want to benefit all sentient beings, should voluntarily appeared born to themselves for a while to save sentient beings; recording finished, the gods passed away, in order to live out very afraid of death.
Circumstances and the seed of Buddha Shakyamuni
Christmas in the land of Buddha central India, is now central Nepal, a country along the slopes of the Himalayan Mountains, is one of the world's highest mountain range. The scenery here is very beautiful; to Spring flourishing country is like a great flower garden. Residential land of salaries was very domesticated. Is the reigning king Suddhodana, a king of the Sakya line, is a large family has dozens of lives successors ruled the country. Ba Queen Maya, who is also a long line of kings was born. both grandparents are the King who had many lifetimes of spiritual practice, with great virtues, worthy of parenthood nations.
One day, in the city of Kapilavastu, the capital of the King, with l chickened stars, kings got together to celebrate dissipated. Queen Maya, after offering floral offerings and is in the palace, giving the keeper midday food, clothing for impoverished people. Upon returning to bow slept, she dreamed that a white elephant with six tusks from out of nowhere down the right hand side ivory Her declaration that chun on. She brought her dream and told the King to hear. The king ordered the teacher invited guess dreams. The prophets predict that: "The queen will give birth to a boy with talent and virtue". The King was very glad, because from this throne will be someone descends.
By the morning of April eighth lunar (BC 624 years), at Lumbini Garden, way into Kapilavastu 15 kilometers, Queen Maya is breathtaking scene, saw flowers blooming Countless new priority, fragrant, her right hand with scythes, the Prince has just appeared right there.
Date of birth Prince, in the Kapilavastu, scenes are incredible fun, cool climate, plants are flowering bear fruit; rivers, canals, ditches, wells are in full; nowhere on birds and halo lighting all the ten directions.
The King was overjoyed prophets invited to see Minister Prince. Among them, there are hermit named Asita convent in Himalayan mountains, predicted that Prince because there are 32 general good appearance, should become a saint. But the King to his son just wanted to make a king to continue the family line only. So Shuddhodana United want to change their children's fate, so named for the Prince's Siddhartha * (Siddartha) by Sanskrit, means: "He will keep his title but must keep". King Suddhodana positions that this meant that is crowned King. He did not expect that the truth of his positions as officials Buddha.
Queen Maya after Prince was born seven days, fun too because I did see the noble duty, and was washed wreak retribution should she be flesh and born of heaven to earth realm. Prince King was assigned to the Queen's sister Ma Ha Pajapati nurturing.
Talent and virtue Prince
Prince larger every year, then restore the throne appearance even more, as revealed talents multiplied. He has a more healthy person, a brilliant intelligence. From a writing career until now martial, Prince does in school with him at the next, he must ask the professor rot statement, because no longer enough to teach anymore. Until the First teacher's reputation at the time as the surface so she also yield to Him always.
But, despite the financial effort than people, extraordinary intelligence to be in position to gentlemen supremely, Prince never seemed arrogant, disdainful. He has a very gentle attitude peaceful, impartial and fair. Compassion, His Damage to none, h have the opportunity to help, no matter how much trouble he was not from the spokes. Therefore, he was on the king beloved father, as his subjects with respect, my admiration.
III Shuddhodana ties To Prevent Chi Export Vuong Gia's Prince
The more you love, cherish the United Shuddhodana even fear their children will not stay with him, but ordained will find the Path to a saint, as predicted by hermit Asita. Especially since found greater, Prince seemed to think the more distant, and the Prince's face were not perky like childhood, King was even more afraid that ancient prophecy will * implementation . Therefore, the king and courtiers covertly arrange any plans to bind to the throne Prince in newspapers. He commanded the castle built three magnificent to Prince changing accommodation for where weather all year round, and select each hundred concubines talented folk music or, better to dance entertainments, for Prince . But as long as that was not enough he also married to Crown Prince l with a princess daughter of King Compassion Enlightenment is Yasodhara, a beautiful princess and immensely virtuous.
Prince was forced to married and has a child's loss Rahula.
But, despite living a life too full: no title glory, the castle palace yet, no music and dance, yet his wife and child, Prince still see how heavy his heart anxieties, concerns wear. He was living his life to the scene this is not true happiness, which is false, confused, just makes life more severely distressed. He saw the need to find a way out, a life of true, meaningful and more beautiful.
Get Out Four Generals suffering in life one day, down filled l Day, Prince follow his father into the fields plowing public view. Spring Landscape, glance, it is beautiful, yet lush greenery, all racing birds singing; yet clear sky, breezy spring breeze. The scene seemed peaceful, very peaceful. But Prince soul is not a superficial soul, a painful judgment. On the contrary, he looked deeply into the painful scene and found that the earth is not as beautiful joyful glance. He sees and cattle farmer who worked hard under the scorching sun, in exchange for a bowl of rice, most of the grass. Scrambling birds devour insects are struggling * on new land plowed furrows. Also during that time, in the bush hunters are shooting for that bird, and in the nearby forests, they are aggressive hunters prowl. It is a similar situation closely fratricidal, no single moment to stop! Just because the pieces that people eat to live and design objects used every means to kill each other not know abhorrence. His clear perception of being alive is suffering.
One other day, his father's permission to go for a walk outside the four King of the gate to be exposed to subjects. Out the door to the East, he met an old man's gray hair, the teeth fall out, ignoring the eyes, deaf ears, bent, gradually shifting times hesitantly sticks like going down.
Men's Black, Prince saw a man lying on the grass pain, groaning was crying, extremely painful.
By the west door, he saw a dead body lying between the lines, flies DISADV bu stick, and bloated, looked very disgusting.
Three old misery, pain, death, adding to the impression fratricidal in life that Prince had noticed when going to the l Cultivators, makes him sad, incredibly merciful beings.
Another One day, his northern door, met a monk solemnly general appearance, unflinching composure as people passing by the road unscathed. Prince at the heart arises an affection for the monk. He hurried to greet and ask about the benefits of the practice. Monk replied: "I was determined to practice left end to all the constraints of the earth, * the demand for themselves from suffering and enlightenment to universal beings are liberated as her"
The answer to the ambition that hit Prince is cherished for so long, so he squeezed excited wisdom. He immediately returned to his father would also ordained. King was not accepted. Prince requested that if the king father 4 He resolved to postpone vieic monk, to return people worry blankets, water treatment. Four kites are:
1. How old is not for children MAIC
2. How strong child forever painless
3. How can the children do not die to live forever
4. How do people end suffering
This makes four troubled father, not solve it at all.
IV. The Export Gia Find the Path
Shuddhodana United, knowing the intentions of Prince ordained, even fear, to find out how to prevent, bound him in "providing fun". But once the Prince has decided it does not have the strength to be his obstacle.
One night soldiers guarding excess occasion and concubines sleeping after a lavish, Prince sneaks rise, * when I last looked at his wife, then wake up the name groom Channa, saddle, then both teachers and students slipped out of. At that time in order eighth month h one night, and he was 19 years old.
After jettison from royal life, Prince went to the area to find the Path sdsau *.
Initially he came in with your religious asceticism. But this person live Rating of austerity, fasting drinking, drenched with sunlight, fog beams, operating body can damage a gruesome way. Seeing such a practice does not work, he advises that you should give up his practice methods, but they do not listen. He took injuring them, so find somewhere else to practice. He went out one place to another, where you listen to a religious enlightenment, He come to school; but to where he saw their faith is still narrow, low bars, unable to free the man all. From there he * place to practice alone, brooding night to enlightenment, forgot to eat away every day sleeping body emaciated. One day he exhausted, lies down on the grass paralysis, and be a shepherd to bark grass to dump him awake. Since then he realized that if you want a result, the body must be healthy to be healthy, it's not going to be forgotten.
When we find ourselves well enough to fight in the final battle with the dark ignorance and desire, and bring light enlightenment, he came and sat under the tree entered the Bodhi and vowed that "if we had not attained enlightenment fog, the meat pieces, I also decided not to leave this place. "
Enlightenment IV 
Shakyamuni Buddha sat in samadhi 49 days and nights under the Bodhi. In 49 days he fought with them in the inner negativity invaders such as greed, hatred and delusion, comfortable, romantic ... and struggling against Thien Ma by Mara Three Weeks commander.
After winning both the inner enemy both external environment, the mind is cleared, he suddenly became enlightened.
During the night of the 49th, in the second watch, he proved to be effective "Additional Par Ming", visible by all his past in the three worlds. By midnight, he proved to be effective "Eye Ming", see the latest version of the universe and He * its structural causes. By the fourth watch, he proved to be * result of pain and suffering to control your approach to be liberated from samsara legal status *.
From that day, he was the supreme Truth, the rank "Enlightenment", known as Buddha Shakyamuni. His attainment of enlightenment is calculated according to the lunar calendar day of December 8, at the day star arise. He was 30 years old at that time.
IV worthwhile Gia Find Path In The Production Of Buddha
The victorious enemy soldiers in the field, often hailed as heroes. As many enemy triumph was cheered as a hero the world. But even so mighty ones, like Napoleon, Genghis Khan, vehicles (* Cear), himself? so who wins his hard won back harder. Buddha won both external and internal, have overcome the enemy Mara * Desire. Buddha truly worthy of the title of Dai Hung mainland.
He was not in his own words * rights fight. He fights for love. That love is not only here to love within the family's narrow *: injured parents, wives, children, friends. Love here is the love beings, all the earth. Deep love that it's like heaven wide tank, passionate as the mother loves her child. Buddha truly worthy of the title of Universal Compassion.
This love again *, he was happy to leave their palaces throne, his wife and child, male or dancing and delicious smell strange taste to live a life of austerity, meager, inadequate, between the sacred forest water poison. Once that leave things that life is precious to the above, he does not regret a single moment, want to return to enjoy again. The proof is that Mara has sent her daughter Gia Du posing as she begged him to call back the bow, which he does not mind a little retrogression. He deserves the title of Great Joy Great Drain.
So today, every time his name proclaimed canopy, beings can not help but contemplate the deeper meaning and proper that men throughout history have honored him as Dai Hung, Dai Luc, Dai Tu, Dai Bi, Colosseum, the Great Drain.
C. Conclusion
We should Phat scope and Powerful
We already know from the life of Buddha from birth to enlightenment. His life's lessons teach us more meaningful, valuable in many ways.
But the most precious thing for those who are beginners like us have to play mind Bodhi Great, pray for life, for people, and that kind of practice, not * as our own favor.
We must rise to strong, positive in spiritual practice; Once on the path, whether in danger, difficult and dangerous not necessarily regress also turned on his heel. We should aim to be the location virtues like patience when meditating Buddha under the Bodhi tree.

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