Thursday 19 May 2016

Namo (नमो) Amitàbha (अमित) Buddha (बुद्ध), which means: Bring the fuselage centre qui A di da Buddha threshold. Sanskrit language: Namah (नम), Namas (नमस्), or the Namo (नमो) Amitàbha (अमित) Buddha (बुद्ध).
From Namah (नम), Namas (नमस्), or the Namo (नमो) means the body bringing the center of threshold ...
Amitàbha (अमित) is the title of the Buddha Amitabha.
Buddha (बुद्ध) who is fully awake.
So: Namo (नमो) Amitàbha (अमित) Buddha (बुद्ध), which means: Bring the fuselage centre qui A di da Buddha threshold.
Children often use this worship Buddha to greet each other, but there was a brief letter 6, but it contains a computer degree ceremony and a reminder of another to sanctify his soul, through the red list of the Buddha Amitabha.
Reciting Amitabha is a way of seclusion, quickly, easily, based on tha, and the chapel of the Buddha Amitabha, for his accomplishments in mind: "Nam mô A di đà Phật, to cultivate virtue and alleviate the suffering for ourselves and those around us in every day life.
Tu this simple method is also useful vehicle to help the self's own escape from the deep pit of sin, by the mindfulness itself. Because light is the mindfulness awareness to help for the mind, to see, to know, to be, nice sense of life, by knowing the moral life, through the four virtues From, Bi, Hy, available in each Discharge.
48 prayer of the Buddha Amitabha Buddha is the result, due to the crush From, Bi, Hy, discharge, his intelligence, and thanks to this achievement that Net an Western realm was born to lead sentient beings are few born Sukhavati.
Worship is directed into his self in the metabolism of these thoughts, deeds and words of yourself as wholesome goodness dimension through forty-eight this prayer, to achieve self-Leanne purity itself.
After achieving purity Leanne self, let's make it the light permeability of love for ourselves as well as for the people, so people together feel about the current presence and effective function of immeasurable light and life in immeasurable 48 prayer of the Buddha Amitabha.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/5/2016.MHDT.

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