Tuesday 10 May 2016

1. FIXED I. (S. v, 414)
1) in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, let's practice. The Male-stilts, Female-stilts have, such as somewhat know (pajànati). And as somewhat know?
3) as clearly said: "this is Agony". As truth clarification said: "this is the collective Suffering". As truth clarification said: "this is a miserable destruction". As truth clarification said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
4 this National-on stilts), let's practice. The Male-stilts, Female-stilts have, like real clear know. Thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Agony". An attempt to do so clearly said: "this is the collective Suffering". An attempt to do so clearly said: "this is a miserable destruction". An attempt to do so clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
2. II. NET MEDITATION (Patisallàna) (s. v, 414)
2)-the Female-stilts, please attention NET Meditation practice. Female-NET Meditation practice on stilts, the Female-stilts, like real clear know. As somewhat know?
3) (such as paragraph 3, above).
4 this National-on stilts), please attention tu t p NET Meditation. Female-NET Meditation practice on stilts, the Female-stilts, like real clear know. Thus, the Male-stilts, one trying to do to know: this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge ".
3. III. FRIENDLY MALE ADAPTOR (1) (s. v, 415)
The friendly South Prince 2)-in the past this, the Male-stilts, has quit, the production Chief chon TAM family, no family life; all these did so to the food poisoning syndrome as the four Holy Roman Empire.
3 The friendly South of e) time position of this hybrid, the Female-stilts, will, abandon export Chief chon TAM family, no family life; all these he shall do so to the food poisoning syndrome as the four Holy Roman Empire.
4 The friendly South of death) the current time, the Male-stilts, chon TAM Chief renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life; all these he do so as real proof to food poisoning four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four?
5 the Holy Roman Empire) on the Holy Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire, set about the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire, the Gauge on the path taken to the gauge.
6) The friendly male suicide in the past, the Female-stilts, has quit, the production Chief chon TAM family, no family life ... will chon TAM Chief. .. all the he do the same to the real Holy Roman Empire four food poisoning symptoms such as this. Thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Agony". An effort needs to be done to clarify said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
4. IV. FRIENDLY MALE ADAPTOR (2) (s. v, 415)
The friendly South Prince 2)-in the past this, the Male-stilts, has quit, the production Chief chon TAM family, no family life; all the food poisoning syndrome as real's four Holy Roman Empire.
3) ... in the near future ... will taste like real food poisoning symptoms four Holy Roman Empire.
4) ... in the current period ... as evidence of food poisoning four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four?
5 the Holy Roman Empire) on a gauge. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
6) The friendly male suicide in the past, the Female-stilts, chon TAM spice quit the Chief Justice has, no family life, has proven as true enlightenment ... will prove as true enlightenment ... like real food poisoning symptoms. Thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Agony". An attempt to do so clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
5. V. SA, BA-LA-MON (1) (s. v, 416)
2)-The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects in the past, the Female-stilts, has as the Chief Justice, all the College's primary Visual class as the four Holy Roman Empire.
3) ... in the near future ... will taste like real Chief sensory class four Holy Roman Empire.
4) ... in the current period ... as the Chief sensory class four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four? Holy Roman Empire of the Holy Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire, set about the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire, the Gauge on the path taken to the gauge.
5) The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects in the past, the Female-stilts, has as primary sensory class real ... will like real college primary sensory ... as the Chief sensory class; all these he primary sensory class as the four Holy Roman Empire. Thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is clearly ... to" Gauge said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
6. VI. SA-keeper, SHE-LA-MON (2) (s. v, 417)
2)-The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects in the past, the Female-stilts, made the statement as the Chief sensory class; all these claims as the Chief sensory class four Holy Roman Empire.
3) ... in time. .. will declare as true Chief Dan...; all of these he will declare as true Holy Roman Empire four primary sensory class.
4) ... in the current forecast. .. claiming as true Chief Dan...; all these he claimed as Holy Roman Empire four primary sensory class. What are the four? Holy Roman Empire of the Holy Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire, set about the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire, the Gauge on the path taken to the gauge.
5) The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects in the past, the Female-stilts, made the statement as the Chief sensory class ... will declare ... the statement as truth, College finances all the claims ... will declare ... declared as primary sensory class four real Holy Roman Empire. Thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Agony". An attempt to do so clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
7. VII. The RANGE (s. v, 417)
2)-the Female-stilts, shalt not have impaired the range the range of the evil, real friendly, as the games, sex games, harmful games. Why?
3) The games this time, the Male-stilts, does not relate to the purpose, they are not the basis for the Offense, they do not take part in cups, glasses, overalls to paragraph removal, net, security WINS position, enlightenment, Nirvana.
4) When the he games, the Male-stilts, He let the games: "it is suffering" ... let the games: "it's the set of Gauge" ... let the games: "this is a miserable destruction" ... let the games: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge". Why?
5) The impaired range, the Female-stilts, related to the purpose, they are the basis for the Offense, they brought to the cynical ly, ly took part, paragraph removal, net, security WINS position, enlightenment, Nirvana. Thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Agony". An attempt to do so clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
8. VIII. REFLECTIONS (Cintà) (s. v, 418)
2)-the Female-stilts, shalt not have evil thoughts, real friendly games: "the world is generally constant", or "the world is impermanent", or "the world is a useful Editor", or "the world is boundless," or "this life, this body is a", or "this life, this body is different", or "Like Hybrids exist after death" , or "As Hybrids do not exist after death", or "As Future exists and does not exist after death", or "As a hybrid does not exist and does not exist after death". Why?
3)... (Such as paragraph 3, above).
4) And have thought this, the Male-stilts, the thought: "this is Suffering" ... let's think: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge". Why?
5)... The thought ... (Such as paragraph 5, above).
9. IX. DEBATE (Viggàhikà) (s. v, 419)
2)-the Female-stilts, a clerk there said word of the debate: "He don't know France and this law. I know France and this law. How can you know France and this law? He ties. I followed the Chief Justice. Something worth saying before, he said later. Something worth saying then, he said. Words I Samyutta. The words he does Samyutta. His concept, the presentation has been overturning. His views have been defied. Please go to relieve his opinion. Please order escape the impasse if He can do it. " Why?
3) does this, stories of Female-on stilts, does not relate to the purpose, not the basis for Infringement, does not lead to cynical, glass took part, paragraph removal, security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana.
4) And the Male-stilts, if say, let's say: "this is Suffering" ... Let's say: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge". Why?
5) The words this time, the Male-stilts, related to the purpose, as the basis for breaking the almond ... an attempt to do ...
10. Cf. the WORDS (s. v, 419)
2)-the Female-stilts, shalt not tell the story of the birth of animal species, such as the story of the Kings, the story of a thief, a story about the great spirit, stories about the soldiers, the tale of scared hero, the story about the war, stories about the food, the drinks, the story of the story of fabric wear, stories about beds , the story of the wreath, the story about the aromas, the story about her children, the story of the vehicles, the story of the village of neighbors, the story of the town, the story of the city, the story of the nation, the story of a woman, the story of a man, the story of the hero, roadside stories spot story, get water, the story of people died, the magazine story, the story of the world status variables, the story about the State of the ocean, the story of the existence and non-existence. Why?
3) these stories, the Female-stilts, does not lead to the goal, not the basis for Infringement, does not lead to cynical, glass took part, paragraph removal, security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana.
4) Have talked, the Female-stilts, He talk: "this is Suffering" ... let's talk: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge". Why?
5) The story, the exchange rate-stilts, related to the purpose, stance for Violations, taken to the cynical, glass took part, paragraph removal, security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana. Thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Agony". An attempt to do so clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
11. I. AS HYBRID THEORY (1) (s. v, 420)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Bàrànasi, at Isipatana, the garden spot.
2) In it, So tell them to Respect the five Male-stilts:
-There are two extremists, the Female-stilts, a renunciation should not practice. What are the two?
3) One is passionate in education (kàmesu), Xia, blackguard, chums, not ranks, not related to the purpose. Two self-propelled is suffering, suffering, not ranks, not related to the purpose. Stay away from this extreme, the two Male-on stilts, is the middle path, because As Chief Justice, Hybrid become the eyes, the work of the position, taken to NET security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana.
4) And how is the middle path, the Female-stilts, because As Chief Justice, Future work into the eye, the mind, brought to NET security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana? Is the Holy path directed Eight sectors, i.e.: Chief Justice tri comments, Chief, Chief, Chief, Chief of network language, Chief Justice, mindfulness, Chief Justice. This is the middle path, the Female-stilts, because As Chief Justice, Future work into the eye, the mind, brought to NET security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana.
5) this is the Holy Roman Empire on this gauge, the Female-stilts. Birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering, lamentation, bi, suffering, agony, resentment, the brain is met is a gauge, gauge glass, special AI not being is suffering. In summary, the year its aggregates is suffering.
6 the Holy Roman Empire) this is about the Agony of this episode, the Female-stilts, this charity is taken to reborn, with the wedding and taking part, to this place loving there. I.e. education, friendship, African ownership.
7 the Holy Roman Empire) this is about the Agony of this removal, the Female-on stilts, is glass took part, the removal, there is no residual evil thirst, craving the toss up, waive, release, had no previous dispute.
8 the Holy Roman Empire) this is about the path taken to this removal, the National Framework-stilts, is the way the Holy leader of eight sectors, i.e. the Chief Justice tri comments ... the Chief Justice.
9 the Holy Roman Empire) this is about Suffering, this Male-stilts, for France since before I ever heard of birth, birth place, label, birth wisdom, intelligent beings, photosynthesis being. This is the Holy Roman Empire, about need to Gauge this, the National tri-Willow-stilts, for the French, I've never heard from before birth, label position, birth, birth wisdom, intelligent beings, photosynthesis being. This is the Holy Roman Empire was about this, the National tri-Willow-stilts, for France since before I ever heard of birth, birth place, label, birth wisdom, intelligent beings, photosynthesis being.
10 the Holy Roman Empire) this is about the Agony of this episode, the Female-stilts, with respect to the French ... birth optical. This is the Holy Roman Empire of the gauge files need to take advantage of this, the National phase-stilts, with respect to the French ... birth optical. This is the Holy Roman Empire of Agony, this segment were the Female-stilts, with respect to the French ... birth optical.
11 Holy Roman Empire) this is about the Agony of this removal, the Female-stilts, with respect to the French ... birth optical. This is the Holy Roman Empire of Agony, this evidence need to kill the Male-stilts, with respect to the French ... birth optical. This is the Holy Roman Empire on the gauge, have been shown to kill the Male-stilts, with respect to the French ... birth optical.
12 the Holy Roman Empire) this is about the path taken to gauge this removal, the Female-stilts, with respect to the French ... birth optical. This is the Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to destroy the Framework needed to practice this, the Male-stilts, with respect to the French ... birth optical. This is the Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to destroy the Gauge has been practicing this, the Male-stilts, for France since before I ever heard of birth, birth place, label, birth wisdom, intelligent beings, photosynthesis being.
13) until when, the Female-stilts, in the four Holy Roman Empire, with three and twelve General Executive as such, not like real ants tri purity in Our place; This time the Female-stilts, until he, in this world with the Natural World, world, breaking the natural world, with the masses Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Chu Heaven and man, we don't witness the endless sense of upper primary voters College Finances.
14) And until when, the Female-stilts, in the four Holy Roman Empire, with three and twelve General Executive as such, tri was cleverly detailed purity in Our place; until this time, the Male-stilts, in this world with the Natural World, world, breaking the natural world, with the masses Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Chu Heaven and humankind, We teach primary voters feeling invisible upper Chief Dan. Voter initiatives where we're up: "who is the estate's rescue. This is the ultimate life, now no longer reborn. "
15) That such preaching Respect. Them in Male-stilts, Hy Festival tho the word Buddha. While this teachings is declared, the fake Religious Kondanna kicked up France label, not UE structure as follows: "that means anything is the initialization file, all France's being destroyed piece".
16) And when the Falun is World Religion, so move the celestial realms of this land, the major said: "Now this is the Falun World upper myriad Ton in Three-la-complaint, client First place fallen, in the garden, transported a law wheel never was who transported, Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Chu, Ma, Brahma, or any one who in life".
17) after hearing the Chu Thien in the ground, the four heavenly heavenly voices spoke up: "Present infinite upper Falun was World Religion in the three-dollar complaint, client First place fallen, in the garden, transported a law wheel never was who transported, Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Chu, Ma, Brahma or any one who in life".
18) after hearing the client's Favoritism in the four Heavenly Angel, Chu Heaven heavenly realms in thirty three ... Chu Chu ... Natural Yàmà Natural Tusità ... Chu Culture lost Angel ... lettered Tha Thien ... himself in chemistry Chu Thien in the Brahma world loudly spoke up: "Present infinite upper Falun was World Religion in Three-la-complaint Chu First place, fallen, in the garden, transported ... any one who in life ".
19) thus, in suicide-na, in moments, in moments, her voice up to Brahma. And ten thousand worlds in motion, vibration, movement. And an immeasurable aura, generous play shining out in life, beyond the powerful vassal state.
20) Then Ton uttered words of inspiration: "for sure had the feeling of understanding is Kondanna (Kieu-Tran-like)! Definitely have the feeling of understanding is Kondanna! "
So fake Kondanna was named to honor Annàta Kondanna (A-elegant bare-as-Suri).
12. II. AS HYBRID THEORY (2) (s. v, 424)
2 Holy Roman Empire on this Gauge), the Female-stilts, for France before the As yet Futuristic ever heard of birth, birth place, label, birth wisdom, intelligent beings, photosynthesis being. Holy Roman Empire, about need to Gauge the willow, the National tri-stilts, French for the Future As ever ever heard ... of birth optical. The Holy Roman Empire was about this, this the National tri-Willow-stilts, with respect to the French ... birth optical.
3 the Holy Roman Empire) on this Gauge, the Female-stilts, for France before the As yet Futuristic ever heard ... optics of birth. Holy Roman Empire about this removal phase need file Framework, the Female-stilts, for France before the As yet Futuristic ever heard .... birth optical. The Holy Roman Empire on the gauge volumes were destroyed piece, the Female-stilts, with respect to the French ... birth optical.
4 the Holy Roman Empire) on a gauge of this removal, the Female-stilts, for France before the As yet Futuristic ever heard ... optics of birth. Holy Roman Empire about Suffering food poisoning symptoms need to be destroyed, the Female-stilts, for France before the As yet Futuristic ever heard ... optics of birth. Holy Roman Empire about Suffering food poisoning, have been shown to kill the Male-stilts, for France before the As yet Futuristic ever heard ... optics of birth.
5 the Holy Roman Empire) on your path to this removal Gauge this, the Male-stilts, for France before the As yet Futuristic ever heard ... optics of birth. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to destroy the Framework need to practice this, the Male-stilts, for France before the As yet Futuristic ever heard ... optics of birth. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to destroy the Gauge has been practicing this, the Male-stilts, for France before the As yet Futuristic ever heard of birth, birth place, label, birth wisdom, intelligent beings, photosynthesis being.
13. III. AGGREGATES (s. v, 425)
2)-the Female-stilts, there are four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four? Holy Roman Empire of the Holy Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire, set about the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire, the Gauge on the path taken to the gauge.
3) And the Male-stilts, how is the Holy Roman Empire of Agony? Needs to be said is that in its aggregates. I.e. colors its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player player, player, player form aggregates. The Male-stilts, here called the Holy Roman Empire on the gauge.
4) And the Male-stilts, how is the Holy Roman Empire of Agony? This craving is brought to reborn, the sentence against Hy take part, find this place loving bridge, over there. I.e. education, friendship, African ownership. The Male-stilts, here called the Holy Roman Empire on the gauge.
5) And the Male-stilts, how is the Holy Roman Empire of Agony? Is the paragraph removal, separation, there is no residual evil thirst, craving the toss up, waive, release, had no previous dispute. The Male-stilts, here called the Holy Roman Empire on the gauge.
6) And the Male-stilts, how is the Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to destroy the Gauge? This is the Holy leader of eight sectors, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Prophet of thinking, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network, mindfulness, Chief Justice. The Male-stilts, here called the Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
7) this French, this Male-stilts, as the Holy Roman Empire. Thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
14. IV. PARISHES (s. v, 426)
2)-the Female-stilts, there are four Holy Roman Empire this ... Here is the Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
3) And the Male-stilts, how is the Holy Roman Empire of Agony? Need to answer six civil parishes. What are the six? Label of origin, Turkish origin, male, losses of, of, Italy. The Male-stilts, here called the Holy Roman Empire on the gauge.
4-7). (same as number 4-7 of the menstrual phase on).
15. V. SHOU MAINTENANCE (1) (s. v, 426)
2)-the Female-stilts, be Holy Roman Empire four maintenance life we preach for Him.
3) when said so, a Female-white stilts That Honor:
-How are you tho, White maintained four Holy Roman Empire owing As Hybrid discourses.
4 the White World, the Religious life) maintained by Empire is the Gauge That Religious preaching. The White World Religion, the Holy Roman Empire was the set Gauge maintenance life Monday by World Religious preaching. The White World Religion, the Holy Roman Empire's removal Gauge maintenance life Tuesday by World Religious preaching. The White World Religion, the Path taken to maintain life destroyed the Holy Roman Empire is Gauge Wednesday by World Religious preaching.
As such, the White World Religion, the Holy Roman Empire by the four maintenance life As Hybrid discourses.
5 Fresh, wholesome changes) – rather, this Male-stilts! Instead of this, the national healthy-stilts! He maintained the Holy Roman Empire by the four life We preach. This Female-stilts, suffering the first emperor is Holy do I preach, make life so. .. This Female-stilts, the path taken to the Holy Roman Empire is the fourth removal Gauge do I preach, be like that tho.
6) this Male-stilts, be so Holy Roman Empire four maintenance life do We preach. Therefore, this Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
16. VI. (2) MAINTENANCE SERVICE LIFE (s. v, 427)
2-3). (same as number 2-3 passages of Scriptures on)
4)-Bach World Religion, the Holy Roman Empire is Gauge maintenance life by World Religious preaching. The White World Religion, have Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would say the following: "this Gauge was Sa-keeper Gotama preaching not the Holy Roman Empire. I rejected the Holy Roman Empire's Agony. I will declare a different Gauge is Holy Roman Empire ". Such events do not occur.
5-6) the White World, the Holy Roman Empire was the set Gauge maintenance life Monday. The Holy Roman Empire was the third removal gauge .... not happening.
7 the White World, the Religious life) maintained the road taken to destroy the Holy Roman Empire is Gauge Wednesday by World Religious preaching. The White World Religion, have Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would say the following: "the path taken to Gauge this removal, are Sa-keeper Gotama the Holy Roman Empire was not preaching Wednesday. I rejected the path taken to destroy the Holy Roman Empire's Agony Wednesday. I will declare a path taken to Gauge other Holy Roman Empire is the fourth removal ". This event does not occur.
8) so, How White the Holy Roman Empire by the four maintenance life World Religious preaching.
9)-fresh, Healthy change, this Male-stilts! Instead of this, the national healthy-stilts! He maintained the Holy Roman Empire by the four life We preach. This National, gauge-on stilts, is Holy Roman Empire first, do We preach, be like that tho. This Female-stilts, have Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would say the following: "this Framework by Sa-keeper Gotama preaching not the Holy Roman Empire. I refute this Gauge is the Holy Roman Empire. I will declare a different Gauge is Holy Roman Empire ". Such events do not occur. "The Holy Roman Empire destroyed Gauge ... The path taken to destroy the gauge ". This Female-on stilts, is Holy Roman Empire Wednesday because We preach, be like that tho. This Female-stilts, have Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would say the following: "the path taken to Gauge this removal by Sa-keeper Gotama preaching not the Holy Roman Empire. I rejected the path taken to the Holy Roman Empire is this removal Gauge Wednesday. I will declare a path taken to Gauge other Holy Roman Empire is the fourth removal ". Such events do not occur.
10) this Male-stilts, be so Holy Roman Empire four maintenance life do We preach. Therefore, this Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
17. VII. IGNORANCE (s. v, 429)
2) and then a Male-stilts ... sit down one side.
3) Sat on one side, Female-Bach's Religious World: stilts
-"Ignorance of ignorance", World Religion, are said to so. The White World Religion, what is ignorance? And so how is goes to ignorance (avijjàgato)?
4)-stilts, billion-is This unknown know, unknown, unknown episodes know Gauge known Suffering, known unknown Roads lead to Suffering. This Female-stilts, called ignorance. Until such is go to ignorance.
5) so, this Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
18. VIII. MING (s. v, 429)
2)... (like on) ...
3) Sat on one side, Female-Bach's Religious World: stilts
-"Ming," Bach, World Religion, are said to so. The White World, what is? And so how is going to?
4) – this is the clear, stilts billion-know clearly know, Gauge, Gauge, Gauge clearly know clearly know the path taken to the gauge. This Female-stilts, called. Until such is going to.
5) so, this Male-stilts. (such as paragraph 5, above).
19. IX. The TEST SET (Sankàsanà) (s. v, 430)
2) – this is the Holy Roman Empire on this gauge, the Female-stilts, were We presented. Here comes the word immeasurable (vannà), (vyanjanà), immeasurable immeasurable contest (sankàsanà). This is the Holy Roman Empire on the gauge.
3) ... This is the set of Gauge ...
4) ... This is the Agony ...
5) this is the Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to gauge this removal, the Female-stilts, were We presented. Here is immeasurable, immeasurable, infinite amount of competition. This is the Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
6) Accordingly, this Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
20. AS TRUTH (Tathà) (s. v, 430)
2 French) four, the Female-stilts, is as real, not like real glass (avitathàni), not as truth (anannathàni). What are the four?
3) this is the gauge, the Female-stilts, this is as real as real glass, not, not like the real thing.
4) this is the Suffering of this episode, the Female-stilts, this is as real as real glass, not, not like the real thing.
5) this is the Agony of this removal, the Female-stilts, this is as real as real glass, not, not like the real thing.
6) this is your path to this removal, the National Framework-stilts, this is as real as real glass, not, not like the real thing.
7) Four, the Female-stilts, is as real as real glass, not, not like the real thing. Thus, the Male-stilts, an effort needs to be done to clarify said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
21. MING I. (1) (s. v, 431)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay amongst the populace, Vajji at Kotigàma.
2) In That Respect, said to the Female-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, so not enlightened, do not reach the four Holy Roman Empire that We and He are long on dong ruổi, moving like this. What are the four?
3) Do not enlightened, do not reach the Holy Roman Empire on this gauge, the Female-stilts, should We and He are long on dong ruổi, like this ... Holy Roman Empire of the gauge files. Holy Roman Empire of Agony ... Do not enlightened, do not reach the Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to Gauge this removal, the Female-stilts, should We and He are long on dong ruổi, moving like this.
4 this year, But the National)-stilts, Holy Roman Empire on this Gauge was enlightenment, has been reached; Holy Roman Empire of Agony were enlightened, has been reached; Holy Roman Empire, the removal was enlightenment, has been reached; The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to destroy the Gauge was enlightenment, has been reached. Be off is the owner of charity, the make is what brought to reborn (bhavanetti). Now no longer reborn again.
5) World Religion preaching like that. long-suffering masters say more:
Do not like the truth,
Four degrees of truth,
Are long on rotation,
Through many lives.
When they are seen,
Germ reborn spit clean,
The gauge take root,
Now no longer reborn.
22. II. MING (2) (s. v, 432)
2)-The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, the Female-stilts, not as truth clarification said: "this is not true," Framework clearly said: "this is not true," Framework clearly said: "this is not true," Framework clearly said: "this is the path taken to Gauge this forecast," the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects cannot be accepted as Sa-Sa-row expertise in the subjects , or Ba-la-subjects in the Ba-la-Mon. And the Religious right, in the present, nor himself with food poisoning, symptoms, and an Sa-Mon's purpose to stay happy, She-la-Mon.
3) The Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-band, the Female-stilts, as clearly said: "this is real", such as Gauge clearly said: "this is the episode" Gauge, as clearly said: "this is real", as removal Gauge clearly said: "this is the path taken to Gauge this forecast," the Male-stilts, the Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-her subjects are accepted as Sa-Sa-row expertise in the subjects , or is She-la-Mon in the Ba-la-Mon. And the Religious right, in the present, with his own mind, enlightenment, the winning hit and stay the purpose of Sa-almond or subjects of Her-la-Mon.
4) That such preaching Respect ... Masters degree say more:
Those who know the unknown,
The initialization file, Gauge and gauge
It is unclear how,
Take advantage of the phase balance, no gauge
Don't know the way he
Taken to net only.
Does not have the
The mind and intellect freed,
They cannot be terminated,
Must go to being old.
These would clearly know,
The initialization file, Gauge and gauge
And to articulate how,
Take advantage of the phase balance, no gauge
Clearly knows the way he
Taken to net only.
Mind liberation, achievements,
And the liberating wisdom,
They may terminate,
Don't go to the old beings.
23. III. The CHIEF SENSORY CLASS (s. v, 433)
1-2) In Sàvatthi.
-There are four Holy Roman Empire, where the Male-stilts. What are the four?
3 the Holy Roman Empire) on a gauge, ... The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
4) stilts, by the National-primary sensory as real four Saints of this empire, As Lai was termed A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College.
5) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
24. IV. A-LA- HAN (s. v, 433)
1) In Sàvatthi.
2)-the A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds in the past, the Female-stilts, truly is the Chief Sensory Class ranks; all of these have as Chief Justice Chief Justice four triangle inequality true Holy Roman Empire.
3) The ranks of A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds in hybrid position this, the Male-stilts, truly is the Chief Sensory Class ranks; all the primary primary Visual Modeler's four Holy Roman Empire.
4) The ranks of A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College visions during this, the current Male-stilts, truly is the Chief Sensory Class ranks; all these he primary sensory primary College currently four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four?
5 the Holy Roman Empire) on the Holy Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire, set about the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire, the Gauge on the path taken to the gauge.
6) The ranks of A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds in the past as have the Chief Justice Chief Justice College ... will the real Chief Justice Chief Justice class, such as Chief Justice Chief Justice College real sense; all these he ... is currently Chief Justice Chief Justice College of the Holy Roman Empire four triangle.
7) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
25. V. PARAGRAPH TAKE the PIRATED or (S. v, 434)
2)-With who know, with people seeing this, the Male-stilts, We declare the contraband or the make, not with people who do not know, with people who do not see. And do you know what, so what, the Female-stilts, the pirated or the take?
3) Do know, do see: "this is Suffering," the Male-stilts, the contraband or is the paragraph. Do know, do see: "this is the collective Suffering". "This is a miserable destruction" ... Do know, do see: "this is the path taken to Gauge removal", the contraband or is the paragraph.
4) due to know that, because of this, thus the Female-stilts, the contraband or is the paragraph. Thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
26.VI. DEAR (s. v, 434)
2)-the Female-stilts, who he has a crush on neighbours, who do you think should listen along as friends, or friends, or her children, or the blood, then the Male-stilts, he needs to motivate the people, coaches, stay the people in the food poisoning as the four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four?
3 the Holy Roman Empire) on a gauge. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
4 the National-stilts,) who he has a crush on Australia ... as true Holy Roman Empire four.
5) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
27. VII. AS TRUTH (s. v, 435)
2)-the Female-stilts, there are four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four?
3 the Holy Roman Empire) on a gauge. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
4 the Holy Roman Empire) four, the Female-stilts, is as real as real glass, not, not like the real thing. Therefore, they are called the Holy Roman Empire.
5) thus, the Male-stilts. (such as paragraph 5 on) ...
28. VIII. The WORLD (s. v, 435)
2-3). (As paragraph 2-3, above).
4)-the Female-stilts, in the world, including gender Bias, gender bias, the demon, and the masses, She Sa-la-keeper, As Lai is holy, so be Holy Roman Empire called.
5) thus, the Male-stilts. (such as paragraph 5, above).
29. IX. NEED to FINISH OFF the TRI or WINS TRI (s. v, 436)
2)-the Female-stilts, there are four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four?
3 the Holy Roman Empire) on a gauge. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
4) in four Saints of this empire, the Holy Roman Empire, having the stilts billion-need to have the Holy Roman Empire, tri Willow needs to take advantage of the Holy Roman Empire, having the paragraph need to prove food poisoning, the Holy Roman Empire had needs to practice. This and the Female-stilts, what is Holy Roman Empire need Willow tri?
5 the Holy Roman Empire) on this gauge, the Female-stilts, need to finish off. Holy Roman Empire of the gauge files need to take advantage of the paragraph. Holy Roman Empire destroyed the need to prove food poisoning. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to destroy the Framework needs to practice.
6) thus, the Male-stilts. (such as paragraph 5, above).
30. X. GOVAMPATI (S. v, 436)
1) A time, some Eastern Male-stilts in the middle of Ceti at Sahancanika.
2) at the time, some Eastern Male-stilts venerable after meals, after qifu mumo carried back, sitting together in the Round House, the following story was started up: "this Gentle, lettered one saw Suffering, he saw Miserable episode, see Suffering, find your path to Suffering".
3) Be heard so, false Religious Govampati told the Male-Upper on stilts is located:
-"I have heard from the self-Respect, Mr. Chu Hien, head of life itself as follows:
4) "this the Male-stilts, who saw the Suffering, he also found the gauge set, also seen Suffering, also found the path taken to the gauge. Anyone see the gauge set, he also found the gauge, have also seen Suffering, also found the path taken to the gauge. Anyone seen Suffering, he also saw Suffering, also see volume Gauge, also found the path taken to the gauge. Anyone see the path taken to the Suffering, he also saw Suffering, also see volume Gauge, also see "Gauge.
31. I. SIMSAPÀ (S. v, 437)
1) A time, World Religion stay in Kosambi, at simsapà forest.
2) Then Ton hand picks up a little simsapà, and leaves the Male-stilts:
-How do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, some less simsapà leaves that We hold in the hand, or leaves in the Woods simsapà?
-It's too little, the White World, a little simsapà that leaves Ton grabbed in hand, and that was too many leaves in the forest of simsapà.
3)-this, too, the Male-stilts, it's too much, what we've won tri without telling you! Truth is too little of what We have to say!
4) But why this, the Male-stilts, we are not saying these things? Because of this, that the Male-stilts, the things she does not relate to the purpose, not the basis for Infringement, does not lead to cynical, glass took part, paragraph removal, security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana. So, we're not talking things up.
5) And the Male-stilts, something that I said? "It was Miserable," the Male-stilts, is what I say. "This is the set of Gauge", is what I say. "This is a miserable destruction", is what I say. "This is the path taken to destroy the Gauge", is what I say.
6) But why this, the Male-stilts, we say these things? Because of this, that the Male-stilts, the contact to the purpose, stance for Violations, taken to the cynical, glass took part, paragraph removal, security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana. So, I say things up.
7) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
32. II. ACACIA (Khandira?) (S. v, 438)
2)-the Female-stilts, who says the following: "there is no real Holy Roman Empire on the Enlightenment as a gauge, no Holy Roman Empire on the Enlightenment as a gauge, no Holy Roman Empire on the Enlightenment as a gauge, no Holy Roman Empire on the Enlightenment as the path taken to the Suffering, we will make the piece Chief chon TAM suffering"; This event does not occur.
3) For this, as the Male-stilts, a speaker as follows: "With the Acacia leaves, or leaf palàsa (a spiky tree color Crimson grows before the leaves) or leaves kha-Le-Lac district (àmalaka), I will do to bring back the water leaves the basket by or do fan"; This event does not occur. Also, the Female-stilts, who says the following: "Not as true enlightenment Holy Roman Empire about suffering ... not as true enlightenment Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the Suffering, we will make the piece Chief chon TAM suffering"; This event does not occur.
4 the National-on stilts), if anyone says the following: "after the Holy Roman Empire on the Enlightenment as real suffering ... following the true Holy Roman Empire on the Enlightenment as the path taken to the Suffering, we will make the piece Chief chon TAM suffering"; This event has occurred.
5) For this, as the Male-stilts, someone said: "With the Lotus leaf or leaves or leaf pasàla màluva (a type of tree climbing), I will make the basket by leaves to bring water back or do fan"; This event has occurred. Also, the Female-stilts, who said the following: "after the Holy Roman Empire on the evidence as enlightenment suffering ... Holy Roman Empire of the gauge files. Holy Roman Empire about Suffering ... following the food poisoning syndrome as real Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the Suffering, we will take advantage of suffering "piece Chief chon TAM; This event has occurred.
6) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
33. III. CANE (s. v, 439)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, a rod be toss up nowhere, when falling top of descent, when it fell to leg between, when falling top of tops. Also, the Female-stilts, these beings were ignorance obscures, thirsty craving bondage, dong ruổi, rotation, when then go from this world to the other world, when then go from the other world to this world. Why? Because that doesn't see the four Holy Roman Empire. The Male-stilts, four Holy Roman Empire.
3 the Holy Roman Empire) on a gauge. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
4) thus, the Male-stilts. (as of June 6, above).
34. IV. HEAD SCARF (s. v, 440)
2)-the Female-stilts, head scarf or when suffering from the fire, the weather what to do?
-White World, when the head scarf or head to extinguish the fire, the head scarf or the need to increase the upper (chanda), effort (vàyàmo), try (ussàho), effort (ussohì), no interior rot (appativami), mindfulness and the province.
3)-skip the top and scarf burnt, the Female-stilts, no real evidence as enlightenment to the four Holy Roman Empire, not yet certified, should have increased desire, effort, try, attempt, does not rot, mindfulness and the province. What are the four?
4 the Holy Roman Empire) on a gauge. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
5) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
35. V. A HUNDRED WOBBLER (Sattisata) (S. v, 440)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, a longevity to a hundred years, a hundred years to life. Someone to tell him: "He, in the morning, He will receive a percentage of the trees. At noon, He will receive a percentage of the trees. In the afternoon, He will receive a percentage of the trees. This he, so every day he stabbed three hundred injured, expectancy with trees up to a hundred years, with lives up to a hundred years. After the m t hundreds of years, He will be enlightened Holy Roman Empire four previously not yet enlightened ". The Male-stilts, a friendly southern Prince knows sense (atthavasikena) can accept? Why?
3) Loads only I could, this Male-on stilts, is the starting point, could not specify, with respect to (the suffering) due to injuries caused by stabbing, slashing swords, due to the hammer. The oil so this, the Male-stilts, We also do not claim that thanks to that Holy Roman Empire four pros and get food poisoning. But the Female-stilts, He declared that thanks to the tribe and that of the Holy Roman Empire witnessed four Hy food poisoning. What are the four?
4 the Holy Roman Empire) on a gauge. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
5)... (such as paragraph 5, above).
36.VI. TYPE of BIRTH (Pànà) (s. v, 431)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, a person on the Match-match-this tight, tree, grass, twigs and leaves into a pile. The substance into a pile of finished, he made into the sticks have tapered (sulàm). After the tree has tapered, he stabbed the birth of large type in big seas with the Rod has a large tapered; He stabbed the birth unit type high in the great sea with the Rod has the tapered middle tier; He stabbed the birth location of small type in the great sea with the Rod has tapered small steps. The Male-stilts, the tremendous kind of large sea-born can not clean the shallow end. The oil that all the grass, the trees, the branches, the leaves in the Match-matching-theme can bring out run out of clean. But more than this, the Male-stilts, are born in small type big sea didn't stab them on the tapered sticks. Why?
3) this the Male-stilts, because (attabhàva) of them very delicately. This way, the largest Male-on stilts, is fallen. This and the Female-stilts, get rid of the fallen of the great would have primary achievement, as clearly said: "this is true ... as" Framework clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
4) thus, the Male-stilts, an effort needs to be done to clarify said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
37. VII. For EXAMPLE the SUN (1) (s. v, 442)
2)-the Female-stilts, this is a sign to go ahead, this is a general notice the Sun about to rise, the Aurora. Also, the Female-stilts, this is a sign to go ahead, this is a general notice to the Enlightenment as the four Holy Roman Empire, i.e. the Chief of voter opinion.
3) With Male-stilts have terraces, the primary voter this Male-stilts, waiting was the will clearly said: "this is Agony". The position will clearly know. "This is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
4) thus, the Male-stilts. (such as paragraph 4, above).
38. VIII. For EXAMPLE the SUN (2) (s. v, 442)
2)-until this time, the Male-stilts, the Moon, the Sun does not appear in my life, until then, no great light, great aura present. Then only the darkness, only the dark, indistinguishable from the night and the day, indistinguishable, and half a month, can not distinguish the weather every year.
3) until this, the Male-stilts, the Moon, the Sun appears in life, until he, the great light, great aura present. Then there is no darkness, no. And there the night of distinction, distinction, and half a month, have forecast every year.
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, until Such Future, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class does not appear in my life, until then, no big light, no great glory. Then only the darkness, only. Until then, no statement, no preaching, no presents, no setup, no testimony, no analysis, no the show four Holy Roman Empire.
5) until when, the Female-stilts, As Lai, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class appears in life, until he, the great light, great aura. Then there is no darkness, no. Until then, there is the statement, there s preaching, the presents, the establishment, the opened, the analysis, the show four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four?
6 the Holy Roman Empire) on a gauge. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
7) thus, the Male-stilts, an effort needs to be done to clarify said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
39. IX. COLUMNS (Indakhilo) (s. v, 433)
2)-The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, the Female-stilts, not as truth clarification said: "this is Suffering" ... not as clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge". They glimpse the face (ullokenti) a Sa-Ba-la-or subject to other subjects and commented: "the dominant religion of this imitation know something worth knowing, see something worth seeing".
3) For this, as the Male-stilts, a cotton or a cotton seed seed kappàsa be light wind blows up, hit the ground, and the East wind blows it through the West; wind West blowing it through the East; wind North blowing it through the South; wind South blowing it through the North. why? Because of this very light, kappàsa cotton seed the Female-stilts.
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would not like truth clarification said: "this is Suffering" ... not as clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the gauge". They glimpse a Sa-Ba-la-or subject to other subjects and commented: "the dominant religion of this imitation know something worth knowing, see something worth seeing". Why? Because no Holy Roman Empire this primary four comments, the Female-stilts.
5) The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would like the truth clearly said: "this is true ... as" Framework clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge". They do not glimpse a Sa-Ba-la-or subject to other subjects and commented: "the dominant religion of this imitation know something worth knowing, see something worth seeing".
6) For this, as the Male-stilts, iron poles or columns, the table is set to be closed (gambhìranemo), fella, motionless, buried deep, there is unshakable; If from the Orient have wind and rain came, he supports do not shake, do not move, do not transfer motion n...; If from the West ... from the North ... If there is wind and rain from the South to the big, no pillars rocked, unshakable, no motion transfer. Why? Because the table is set to be played deep, subtly buried deep in this, the Male-stilts.
7) Likewise, the Female-stilts, if Sa-or She-la-band as somewhat said: "this is true ... as" Framework clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the gauge". They do not glimpse a Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-other subjects and commented: "the dominant religion of this imitation know something worth knowing, see something worth seeing". Why? Because the four Holy Roman Empire was cleverly found this, the Male-stilts. What are the four?
8-9). (see paragraphs 6 and 7 of the above Scriptures) ...
40. X. (S. v, 445)
2)-Female-stilts, the Female-stilts, as clearly said: "this is true ... as" Framework clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the gauge". If from the Orient have Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would come, preferred to debate, argue, bridge said: "We will argue," this person can not make shakes, shook, do transfer Rate-stilts she correctly; This event does not occur. If from the West ... from the North ... If from the South have Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would come, preferred to debate, argue, bridge said: "We will debate"; This person can not rocked, shook, do transfer Rate-stilts she correctly; This event does not occur.
3) For this, as the Male-stilts, a long stone column to sixteen elbow, elbow and eight are buried under the soil from the table is set and eight on the elbow. If from the Orient have wind and rain to a large stone column, cannot do her shake, move, switched, if from the West ... from the North ... If there is wind and rain from the South to the big, stone column cannot be made him shake, move, move. Why? Because the table is located columns deep, subtly closing buried deep, where the Male-stilts.
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, if Female-stilts would like the truth clearly said: "this is true ... as" Framework clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge". If from the East is Sha-keeper or Mrs.-la-band to the fancy, argue, debate, bridge said: "We will debate", he can make Male-stilts there rocked, unshakable, the transfer of a right way; This event does not occur. If from the West ... from the North ... If from the South is Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would come, preferred to debate, argue, bridge said: "We will debate", he can make Male-stilts there rocked, unshakable, the transfer of a right way; This event does not occur. Why? Because the four Holy Roman Empire has been cleverly found, the Male-stilts. What are the four?
5-6). (Same as number 8, number of paragraphs 9, 39) ...
41. THINKING I. (S. v, 446)
1) A time, World Religion stay in Ràjagaha (United Kingdom accommodation) at Lisa, it nourishes the squirrel.
2) In That Respect, the Female-stilts:
-This, the erstwhile Female-stilts, a man come out of the United Kingdom, thought: "I will think about the world," and he goes to the outdoor shower sumàgadhà; After arriving, sitting on the shore of Lake sumàgadhà and reflecting on the world.
3) this the Male-stilts, people on the shore of Lake sumàgadhà see a Division with four types of branches (elephants, horses, vehicles, infantry) go into a Lotus root; Thus, he thought: "maybe we play madness! Maybe we're crazy! Now we see a thing can not have in life ".
4) Then her, this Male-stilts, go into the city and told a large mass:
"– This gentlemen, maybe I play madness; Hey you, maybe we're crazy. Now we see a thing can not have in life! "
"-Like, you, you? How, You crazy? You have seen nothing can not have in life? "
5) "-gentlemen, I go out of the United Kingdom, think: ' will I reflections about the world '. I went to Lake sumàgadhà; After arriving, sitting on the shores of Lake sumàgadhà, reflecting on the world. Ladies and gentlemen, I see on the shore of Lake sumàgadhà a Division with four branches going into a Cu Chi sen. See so, gentlemen, I think: ' maybe we play madness! Maybe we're crazy! Now we see a thing can not have in life! ' "
"-Indeed, this you, You've played. Indeed, you are crazy, You have seen one thing can't be in my life! "
6) this the Male-stilts, what he has seen is real, not real. Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, Chu Heaven and Asùra species battle rig to war. This and the Female-stilts, in battle, Chu Heaven won the battle, the Asùra defeated. The Asùra this, the Male-stilts, go into the Asùra across CU shower because too fearful vassal state.
7) thus, the Male-stilts, shalt not have thought about the world: "the world is usually longer," or: "the world is impermanent", or: "the world is a useful Editor", or: "the world is boundless," or: "the life and the body is a", or: "life and the body is different", or: "Like Hybrids exist after death" or: "as the Future does not exist after death", or: "as the Future exists and does not exist after death", or: "as the Future does not exist and does not exist after death". Why?
8) The article does this, thought the Male-stilts, does not relate to the purpose, not the basis for Infringement, does not lead to cynical, glass took part, paragraph removal, security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana.
9) if any thought, the Female-stilts, the thought: "this is Agony". "This is the path taken to destroy the Gauge". Why?
10) The thought of this, so the Female-stilts, related to the purpose, she thought as the basis for the Offense, the thought he brought to the cynical ly, ly took part, paragraph removal, net, security WINS position, enlightenment, Nirvana.
11) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
42. II. ABYSS (s. v, 448)
1) A time, World Religion in at Ràjagaha (dormitories) on Mount Gìjjhakùta (thứu).
2) Then call the National Religious-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, let's go to the Patibhànakùta to NAP.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
3), and then the same number of Eastern National-Religious World stilts go to Patibhànakùta. A Female-stilts saw a chasm in Patibhànakùta, see so, Bach World Religious sailings:
-The White World, it was big, the abyss! The White World, it was worth the fear, the abyss! The White World, unknown abyss, and larger fear over this chasm?
-The Male-stilts, there are other, larger chasm and fear over the abyss.
-White World Religion, what are the other bigger, deep and scary fears over this chasm?
4) – this billion-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would not like truth clarification said: "this is Suffering" ... not as clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge". They give the wedding Festival to bring forth their wedding Festival, with the action taken to the elderly, they give the wedding Festival to death, they are taken to the wedding Festival, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. Because they give the wedding Festival to bring forth ... brought to elderly ... put to death ... taken to melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, brain, they built the lead to birth, they built the lead to ... put to death, ... do they give birth to the building ... to ... put to death ... taken to melancholy, bi , gauge, pros, brain, should they fall into the abyss of birth, they fall into the abyss, they fall into the abyss of death, they fall into the abyss, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain. They did not finish off the exit being, from the elderly, from the dead, from the melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, brain. We say that, they did not finish off escape suffering.
5) And the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would like the truth clearly said: "this is true ... as" Framework clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge", they are not the i v Hy Festival brought to birth ... to ... put to death ... taken to melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, brain. Because they do not take action with the wedding Festival to bring forth ... brought to elderly ... put to death ... taken to melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, brain, they don't make up the Act brought to birth ... to ... put to death ... taken to melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, brain. Do they not build the Act brought to birth ... to ... put to death ... taken to melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, brain, they do not fall into the abyss of birth; they do not fall into the abyss of old; they do not fall into the abyss of death; they do not fall into the abyss, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain. They finish off the exit being, from the elderly, from the dead, from the melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, brain. We say that, they finish off escape from suffering.
6) Accordingly, this Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
43. III. BRAIN TEMPERATURE (s. v, 450)
2)-the Female-stilts, has a hell called the great brain heat, in that the eyes see what shades, see only impenetrable tribe, the tribe, the ability not only to see the impossible, possible not Hy Hy, see only impenetrable Italy, not the ability, Italy. The ears hear nothing ... what smell nose ... tongue has taste anything ... body feelings ... have the perception of France, only perception possible French club, French club, the ability not only to realize the impossible Hy France, not available for France, only perception Hy possible Italy France, not legal possibilities.
3) When heard, a Female-Like white stilts Ton:
-White World Religion, rather loudly, her brain heat! The White World Religion, it's tremendous heat, smart brain! The White World, don't know any other brain heat anymore, even larger, even more fear of brain temperature?
This National-stilts-, there are other brain heat even more fear of brain temperature.
-White World, how different brain temperature, even larger, and fear over heat the brain?
4-6). (such as paragraph 4, 5, 6 of the previous experience, there is a change in advance, saying: "fall into the abyss being, abyss, abyss the abyss of death, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain". This also says: "They were burning in the heat of birth brain ... old ... dead ... melancholy, bi, suffering, the pros, the brain" with other necessary changes).
44. IV. The HOUSE HAS a ROOF of CURLY (s. v, 452)
2)-the Female-stilts, who says the following: "there is no real Holy enlightenment as the Roman Empire about suffering ... Holy Roman Empire of the gauge files. Holy Roman Empire of Agony ... The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the Suffering, we will take advantage of suffering "piece Chief chon TAM; This event does not occur.
3) For this, as the Male-stilts, who says the following: "Don't build there House's floor under the roof of curly, I will build on the floor of the House", this event does not occur. Also, the Female-stilts, who says the following: "there is no real Holy enlightenment as the Roman Empire about suffering ... The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the Suffering, we will take advantage of suffering "piece Chief chon TAM; This event does not occur.
4) For this, as the Male-stilts, who says the following: "after the construction of the floor under the roof of their house had curly, I will build on the floor of the House"; This event has occurred. Also, the Female-stilts, who says the following: "after the Holy Roman Empire on the Enlightenment as real suffering ... The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the Suffering, we will make the piece suffering "; This event has occurred.
5) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
45. V. CHIGGALA (1) (key Hole or hairs) (s. v, 453)
1) A time, World Religion stay in Vesàli, University of Forestry, at the lecture Coincides.
2 Ton Ànanda, author), and then in the morning, up into the Bowl y, y Vesàli to qifu gangui.
3) Ànanda see some fake Religious teens who Licchavis governed the eastern part in the archery sets, remote shoot through the small key hole, from the tail feathers this arrow next the other arrow tail feathers, nobody missed.
4) Found that, of false Religious thought: "it's got a workout, the Licchavis governed the teenager! Real training manual, the Licchavis governed the teenager! Because of that, from a distance they shoot through the small key hole, from the tail feathers this arrow next the other arrow tail feathers, not wrong sliding of times. "
5) Then the fake Religious Ànanda, after qifu gangui in Vesàli done, after a meal, on the real return, go to qifu gangui World Religion; After the ceremony, wealthy girl, How to show respect, then sat down on one side. Sitting on one side, the fake Religious Ànanda of the White World Religion:
6)-here, the White World, you Respect in the morning, medical relief, holding y Bowl goes to Vesàli to qifu gangui. The White World, you see a lot of teenagers in the Licchavis governed the Hall episode archery, shooting through the remote lock hole is small, this arrow tail feather tail feathers of other arrows, not wrong slide. See so you think as follows: "Truth has the workout, the Licchavis governed the teenager! Real training manual, the Licchavis governed the teenager! Because of that they shot through the remote lock hole is small, from this serial arrow tail feather tail feathers of other arrows, not wrong sliding of times. "
7)-how do you think this Ànanda, hardest to do something more, or something hard to reach (abhisambhava), remote shoot through the small key hole, from the tail feathers this arrow the arrow tail feathers, not wrong sliding of times, or penetrate a broken hairs head a hundred times?
-This is difficult to do more than Bach, World Religion, hard to reach over, i.e. first penetrate a broken hairs a hundred times.
8)-also, Ànanda this, they penetrate through something difficult to penetrate than are those who like real crashing through: "Here is truth ... like" Gauge piercing: "this is the path taken to the suffering and extermination".
9) this Ànanda therefore, in an attempt to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
46. VI. The DARK (s. v, 454)
2)-there is a black between the world no ceiling cover, creating dark, dark creation; in it the light of the Moon, the Sun, the great force so powerful there, so also does not appear.
3) Be heard as such, a Female-Like white stilts Ton:
-Truth is large bạch World Religion, dark! Truth is, the White World, dark! The White World Religion, have a dark other, also to larger, longer value for fear than dark?
This National-stilts-, has a dark other, larger, longer even than the dark fear.
-Transparency of world Religion, the other what is dark, while the larger, longer value for fear than dark?
4-6). (such as paragraph No. 4, no. 5, no. 6 42 experienced a change. In the front there says: "They fall into the abyss being, abyss, abyss the abyss of death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. This is also the time to say: "They fell into obscurity being old, dark, dark, dark death, melancholy, miserable, pros, the brain").
47. VII. KEY HOLE (2) (s. v, 455)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, a man who threw a piece of wood there is a flaw in the great sea. At the bottom, a blind tortoise, after every hundred years to emerge.
3) how do you think this, the Female turtle's blindness, stilts-after every hundred years emerged once, can climb into a tree stock has a flaw or not?
-The year when ten illustrations may be white, So, after a long time.
4) – I declared that more than this, the mau is also Male-on stilts, is a blind tortoise, after every five hundred arose once, can climb into a tree stock has a flaw; more fools, when once crashed into the fallen made to be making people back. Why?
5) Because that there no France, Chief Executive, business friendly, blessed career. In this, the Male-stilts, only eat each other, and only the weak people being eaten. Why?
6) does not see the four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four? Holy Roman Empire about suffering ... The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
7) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
48. VIII. KEY HOLE (3) (s. v, 456)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, Earth of this only a country and a people to throw down that a tree has a flaw. Then wind the East blew it drifting on the West; wind West blowing it drifting on the East; wind North blowing it drifting on the South; wind South blowing it drifts North. In it, a blind turtle for every hundred years to emerge.
3) how do you think this, the Female turtle's blindness, stilts-after every hundred years emerged once, can squeeze the neck into the song of the tree has a flaw?
-It's hard to be so transparent, So show respect, a blind tortoise, after every five hundred arose once, can squeeze the neck into the song the trees have a flaw!
4)-it's hard to be so, the Female-on stilts, is made of people! It's hard to be so, the Male-stilts, as Lai appeared in life, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Modeler! It's hard to be so, the Male-stilts, France and this law because the World preaching Religious illumination on lifetime.
5 this year, But the National)-stilts, he has been doing, and people Like Lai appeared in life, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College. And France and the law was As dazzling in the morning sermon Hybrid life.
6) thus, the Male-stilts, one trying to do ... (see paragraph 7, before).
49. IX. MOUNT SINERU (1) (Tu Di) (s. v, 457)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, a place on the mountain, King of mountain species Sineru, the large hotel park with seven pea.
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, the large hotel park with seven of the pea is placed so the Mountain God or Sineru?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. King Sineru mountains. Very little is the large hotel park with seven of the pea is placed so they can estimate, we have no comparable, they can form a small part, when giving the latest major pellets by seven pea compared to the mountain of God Sineru.
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, with Saints Chief accomplishments disciple, with people who have symptoms of food poisoning, this is more, i.e. the agony was the paragraph, had been the target. Very little is suffering no longer exists, can estimate, there is no comparable, not can the small, if compared with the previous paragraph has been suffering, was worn. I.e. in maximum time is seven times that for people who have clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... have clearly said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
5) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
50. MOUNT SINERU (2) (Tu Di) (s. v, 458)
2)... For this, as the Male-stilts, the Mountain God Sineru go to take advantage of the piece, go to destroy, only the Member, by seven large pea.
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, the Mount of the Lord's going to take advantage of snippets, Sineru arrived worn or target the large hotel park with seven pea survive?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. the Mountain God Sineru go to take advantage of the piece, go to goal. And the less is the large hotel park with seven nuts are left, could not provide estimates, can not provide comparisons and can not by a fraction, if compare the major members, with seven remaining pea with Mountain God Sirenu went to the take, went to the goal trail.
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, with Saints Chief accomplishments disciple, with people who have symptoms of food poisoning, this is more, i.e. the gauge was used, this trail segment; and very little is suffering no longer exists, can estimate, there is no comparable, not can the small, if compared with the previous paragraph has been suffering, was worn, i.e. in maximum time is seven times that for people who have clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... clear knowing "This is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
5) thus, the Male-stilts. (such as paragraph 5, menstruation).
51. I. NAIL HEAD (s. v, 459)
2) Then grab up a Ton less land on top of the nail and the Female-stilts:
-How do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, a little bit of land We get at the top of the nail, or earth this big?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. the Earth grew. Still less is a little land that nail head taken in Respect the world. We can not estimate, not comparable, a small part is impossible, if brought to compare Earth with a little land that Religious World taking over the nail head.
3-4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, with Saints Chief accomplishments disciple, with people were reached, this is much more than ... (see paragraph No. 4, no. 5 business 49) ...
52. II. PONDS (s. v, 460)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, have a length of fifty by week, by week fifty width, depth of fifty by week, filled with water spilling over the banks to crow could drink. From fountain place, someone took up a little water over the top of grass kusa.
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, a little bit of water taken up on top of the grass, or water in the Lake is kusa water?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. the water in the Lake. Still less is the water is taken up on top of the grass kusa. We can not estimate, there is no comparison, not a small part can be, if bringing water in comparison with lake water is taken up on top of the grass kusa.
4-5) ... (as on 49, paragraph 4.5) ...
53. III. COMBINATION LINE (Sambhejja) (1) (s. v, 460)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, the spot where the rivers of this type in another, the same flow together, i.e., the Ganges, the Yamuna River, Aciravatì River, Sarabhù River, Mahì River. From there, a person taking up two or three drops of water.
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, two or three drops of water are taken up, or is the water in that case line?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. the water in that case line. Still less than two or three drops of water are taken up. We can not estimate, not comparable, can't part was small, if brought in case water line comparison with two or three drops of water taken up.
4-5) ... Also so ... (see paragraph 4-5, 49)
54. IV. CASE SERIES (2) (s. v, 461)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, the spot where the rivers of this type in another, the same flow together, i.e., the Ganges, the river Yamunà River Aciravatì Sarabhù River, River, Mahì River, then go to the take, come to destroy, but two or three drops of water left.
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, the country has gone to the line segment combination seat, went to destroy, or is two or three drops of water left?
-This is much more than the White World Religion, i.e. the proper place water lines went to make the piece, went to destroy. Still less than two or three drops of water left. We can not estimate, there is no comparison, not a small part can be, if the comparison line combination seat water brought went to the take, went to destroy, with two or three drops of water left.
4-5) ... (such as paragraph 4.5, 49).
55. V. EARTH (1) (s. v, 462)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, a person put on Earth bigger the big land Bureau with seven grains of apples (sattakolatthimattiyo).
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, the big land Bureau by seven Apple seeds were set up as such, or is the Earth?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. Earth, still less is the large clods by seven Apple seeds were set up as such. We can not estimate, not comparable, not a small part, if brought this big earth comparison with large clods by seven beads apples are put up as such.
4-5) ... (such as paragraph 4.5, 49).
66. VI. EARTH (2) (s. v, 462)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, Earth go to the take, go to destroy, only the large land Bureau by seven seeded Apple.
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, the Earth goes to the big take, go to destroy, or is the Bureau of land as big as seven surviving Apple seeds?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. the Earth travelling to the take, go to destroy. Still less is the large clods by the seven remaining Apple seeds. We can not estimate, there is no comparison, not a small part can be, if brought to compare the Earth have to the take, go to destroy the large clods by the seven remaining Apple seeds.
4-5) ... (such as paragraph 4.5, 49).
57. VII. The SEA (1) (s. v, 463)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, a person taking up two or three drops of water from the sea.
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, two or three drops of water are taken up, or water in the big sea?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. the water in the great sea. Still less than two or three drops of water are taken up. We can not estimate, there is no comparison, not a small part can be, if offers great sea water in comparison with two or three drops of water are taken up.
4-5) ... (as of 4.5, 49).
58. VIII. The SEA (2) (s. v, 463)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, huge sea water goes to the make, come to destroy, but two or three drops of water left.
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, the water in the large marine go to the take, go to destroy, or is two or three drops of water left?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. the water in large marine go to the take, go to destroy. Still less than two or three drops of water left. We can not estimate, there is no comparison, not a small part can be, if the water in the sea come comparisons brought to the take, go to destroy, with two or three drops of water left.
4-5) ... (see paragraph 4.5, 49).
59. IX. For EXAMPLE with MOUNT (1) (s. v, 464)
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, someone put on the Mountain God of snow Paint the big hotel with seven improved seed.
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, the big hotel with seven improved so be granular, or God is the mountain of snow Paint?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. the God mountain Snow paint. Remaining is the major by seven improved be granular. We can not estimate, there is no comparison, not a small part can be, if God mountain Snow Paint comparison brought to the Park by seven major granular wealth.
4-5) ... (such as paragraph 4.5, 49)
60. X. example with MOUNT (2) (s. v, 464)
2)-such as this, the T-stilts, Mount Snow Princess Paint go to the take, go to destroy, to eliminate the major island by Saturday whether the wealth.
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, the Mountain God of snow Paint go to the take, go to destroy, or is the major by the seven surviving improved granular?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. the God mountain Snow Paint go to the take, go to destroy. Still less is the major by the seven surviving improved seed. We can not estimate, there is no comparison, not a small part can be, if God mountain Snow Paint comparison take go to the take, go to destroy, with the large hotel with seven remaining improved seed.
4-5) ... (such as paragraph 4.5, 49).
61. I. OTHERS (s. v, 465)
2) Then grab up a Ton less land on top of the nail and the Female-stilts:
3)-how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, a little bit of land We get up on top of the nail, or is this big Earth?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. the Earth grew. Still less is a little Religious World land grab onto the top of the nail. We can not estimate, there is no comparison, not a small part can be, if brought to compare Earth with a little land was That Religion taken up on the fingertips.
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings are reborn as. Even more are the beings were reborn out of the human species. Why?
5) this the Male-stilts, because don't see the four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four? Holy Roman Empire about suffering ... The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
6) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... an attempt to clearly needs to do to know: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
62. II. LOCAL EDITOR (s. v, 466)
2-3). (like 2-3 of menstruation).
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings are reborn on the central level. And many more are the beings are reborn on the border, between the man di (mịlakkha SK. mleccha). Why?
5-6). (such as paragraph 5-6, above).
63. III. WISDOM (s. v, 467)
2-3). (same as number of paragraphs 2-3, above).
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the achievement of label wisdom beings ranks of Saints. And many more are the beings go to ignorance, si. Why?
5-6). (such as paragraph 5-6, above).
64. IV. ALCOHOL (s. v, 467)
2-3). (same as number of paragraphs 2-3, above).
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandoned wrecked drunk men, cooking wine. And many more are the beings don't immerse the cooking wine, drunk. Why?
5-6). (such as paragraph 5-6, above).
65. V. BIRTH in WATER (s. v, 467)
2-3). (same as number of paragraphs 2-3, above).
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings are beings on land (thalàjà). And many more are the beings are born in water. Why?
5-6). (same as number 5-6, the paragraph on) ...
66. VI. EMPRESS MOTHER (S, v, 467)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings have glass with fondness his mother. And many more are the beings don't know the glass with her mother.
67. VII. CURIOUS FATHER (S, v, 467)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings have tastes with his glasses. And many more are the beings don't know glass with his father.
68. VIII. REGARDS SA-MON (S, v, 468)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings respect the Sa-row. And many more are the beings do not respect the Sa-row.
69. IX. RESPECT HER-LA-MON (S, v, 468)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings respect Her goods-la-Mon. And many more are the beings do not respect the order She-la-Mon.
70. X. RESPECT the OLDER RANKS (S, v, 468)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings respect the older ranks in the clan. And many more are the beings do not respect the older ranks in the clan.
71. I. TYPE of BIRTH (s. v, 468)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon suicide being. And many more are the beings do not abandon birth survey. Why?
72. II. TAKEN by NOT GIVING (s. v, 469)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon retrieved by not giving. And many more are the beings don't quit get of not giving. Why?
73. III. In the DESIRE (s. v, 469)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon ties in almond. And many more are the beings don't give up happy in your space. Why?
74. IV. LYING (s. v, 469)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings from quit lying. And many more are the beings don't quit lying. Why?
75. V. SAID GLASS of COCKROACHES (s. v, 469)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon say glass of cockroaches. And many more are the beings don't say the Word Cup. Why?
76. VI. SAY the WORD EVIL CRUDE (s. v, 469)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon evil crude Word. And many more are the beings don't say evil crude. Why?
77. VII. SAID JUDGMENT (s. v, 469)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon the said judgment. And many more are the beings do not abandon the said judgment. Why?
78. VIII. GRANULAR -LIKE (s. v, 470)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon harming the breed and seed plants. And many more are the beings don't harm the plants and grass seed. Why?
79. IX. AFRICA (s. v, 470)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings from the time of African food. Longer than the beings don't quit eating Africa forecast. Why?
80. X. AROMATHERAPY (s. v, 470)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon the wreath, aromatherapy, chalk wax, the jewels to wear, to wear. Longer than the beings do not abandon the wreath, aromatherapy, chalk wax, the jewels to wear, to wear. Why?
81. I DANCE. (S. v, 470)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings from the left see the dance, singing, music, theater. And many more are the beings don't see the dance, singing, music, theater.
82. II. BEDS (s. v, 471)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon the high bed, the big bed. And many more are the beings do not abandon the high bed, the big bed.
83. III. SILVER (s. v, 471)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon received gold and silver. And many more are the beings don't quit get gold and silver.
84. IV. RICE (s. v, 471)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon receive rice. And many more are the beings don't get the rice.
85. V. MEAT (S. v, 471)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon got the living flesh. And many more are the beings don't get the living flesh.
86. VI. The DAUGHTER (s. v, 471)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon her get, my daughter. And many more are the beings don't get women, girls.
87. VII. MAIDSERVANT (s. v, 472)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon take the female slaves, male slaves. And many more are the beings don't get the female slaves, male slaves.
88. VIII. Goats, GOAT JUNGLE (s. v, 472)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings from getting rid of goats and goats. And many more are the beings don't get the goats and goats.
89. IX. CHICKEN, pig (s. v, 472)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon got chicken, pork. And many more are the beings don't get the chicken and pork.
90. X. ELEPHANT (s. v, 472)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon get elephants, cows, horses, horses. And many more are the beings don't quit get elephants, cows, horses, horses.
91. I. RICE (s. v, 473)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon their land taken. And many more are the beings don't take their land.
92. II. BUYING and SELLING (s. v, 473)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon the sale. And many more are the beings do not abandon the sale.
93. III. PUT NEWS (s. v, 473)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings from removing non-denominational broker or broker to do it yourself. And many more are the beings don't abandon people do, or do it yourself broker broker.
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon the swindle by weight, money, measurement. And many more are the beings do not abandon the swindle by weight, money, measurement.
95. V. BRIBERY (s. v, 473)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon bribery, insincere, scams. And many more are the beings do not abandon the bribe, insincere, scams.
96-101. VI-XI. MURDER, theft, LOOTING (s. v, 473)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings abandon hurt, kill, end, the, theft, looting. And many more are the beings don't hurt, kill, end, the, theft, looting. Why? The Male-stilts, because don't see the four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four?
5 the Holy Roman Empire) on a gauge. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
6) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Suffering" ... a try need do to r said: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge".
102. I. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 474)
2) Then grab up a Ton less land on top of the nail and the Female-stilts:
3)-how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, a little bit of land We get on top of the nail, or earth this big?
-This is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. the Earth. And less than a little land that Religious World retrieved on top of the nail, can not be estimated, not comparable, can't the a small part is, if brought to compare Earth with a little land that Religious World retrieved on the nail head.
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from a body, was reborn as the back. And many more are the beings after death from a body, are reborn in hell.
103) II. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 474)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from a body, was reborn as the back. And many more are the beings after death from a body, are reborn in the Eagle species being.
104. III. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 475)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from a body, was reborn as the back. And many more are the beings after death from a body, are reborn into the realms of hungry daemons.
105-107. IV-VI. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 475)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from a body, to be reborn between Chu. And many more are the beings after death from a body, are reborn in hell ... are reborn into the Eagle species living being ... is reborn into the realms of hungry daemons.
108-110. VIII-X. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 475)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from the fuselage Chu, was reborn between Chu. Longer than the beings after death from client, body is reborn in hell ... is reborn in the Eagle species living being ... is reborn in the realms of hungry daemons.
111-113. XI-XIII. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 475)
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from the fuselage Chu, was reborn as his. And many more are the beings after death from client, body is reborn in hell ... is reborn in the Eagle species living being ... is reborn in the realms of hungry daemons.
114-116. XIV-XVI. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 475)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from the hell, be reborn as. And many more are the beings after death from the hell of being reborn in hell realms ... being reborn in the Eagle species living being ... of being reborn in the realms of hungry daemons.
117-119. XVII-XIX. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 476)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from the hell, be reborn do Chu. And many more are the beings after death from the hell of being reborn in hell realms ... being reborn in the Eagle species living being ... of being reborn in the realms of hungry daemons.
120-122. XX-XXII. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 476)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from the shock of the species being, be reborn as. And many more are the beings after death from the Eagle species being, been reborn in hell realms ... being reborn in the Eagle species living being ... of being reborn in the realms of hungry daemons.
123-125. XXIII-XXV. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 476)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death, from the shock of the species being, be reborn between Chu. And many more are being, after death from the Eagle species being, been reborn in hell realms ... being reborn in the Eagle species living being ... of being reborn in the realms of hungry daemons.
126-128. XXVI-XXVIII. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 476)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from the hungry daemons, demons are reborn as. And many more are the beings after death from the hungry daemons, demons were reborn in hell realms ... being reborn in the Eagle species living being ... of being reborn in the realms of hungry daemons.
129. XXIX. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 476)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from the hungry daemons, demons are reborn do Chu. And many more are the beings after death from the hungry daemons, demons were reborn in hell.
130. XXX. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 477)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from the hungry daemons, demons are reborn do Chu. And many more are the beings after death from the hungry daemons, demons were reborn in species of Eagle's birth.
131. XXXI. BIRTH YEAR ANIMAL (s. v, 477)
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, less than the beings after death from the hungry daemons, demons are reborn do Chu. Longer than the beings after death from the hungry daemons, demons of being reborn in the realms of hungry daemons. Why? The Male-stilts, because don't see the four Holy Roman Empire. What are the four?
5 the Holy Roman Empire) on a gauge. The Holy Roman Empire on the path taken to the gauge.
6) thus, the Male-stilts, one tries to do so clearly said: "this is Agony". An attempt to do so clearly said: "this is the collective Suffering". A try need clarification said: "this is a miserable destruction". An attempt is made to clarify said: "this is your path to Suffering."
IV. On (Patipattivagga)
VI. A BRIEF HISTORY of the THEORY of the SUN (Suriyassa peyyàlam)
XV. NOT AMPLE MAGNIFICATION (Nie took part in recovery)
XVI. PRODUCT NEED the POWER (Nie took part in recovery)
XVII. PRODUCT RANGE (Regency costumes take part)
XVIII. BOC PRODUCTS SAVE (Regency costumes take part)

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