Thursday 5 May 2016

I. INDAKA (S. i,206)
1) A world Religion stay in Ràjagaha, Mt. Indakùta (XA), at the stay made of yaksha Indaka.
2) Then go to Indaka yaksha ton, after reaching the shelves with talking up World Religion:
Headless Buddha, teaches that,
Colors are not born there,
So why this life,
Back there in the body?
From where the bone the meat came,
In the existing body?
How this life,
C stick in thai organ?
3) first, Kalala,
And then from Kalala,
Abbuda present.
And then from Abbuda,
Pesì (meat) was born.
Pesì b. Ghana (meat),
And then to Pasàkha (detail),
Hair, nails, and hair
Continue to be contentious.
What the mother eats,
Food, beverage,
Humans in the womb,
In the know, get nurtured.
II. SAKKA: (S. i,206)
1) A time, World Religion stay in mountain Ràjagaha (residence) Gijjhakùta (thứu).
2) And yaksha Sakka's name to go to That Religion, to speak up after the shelf with the World Religion:
It is not what is good,
A Sa-keeper like him,
Have all be strong piece,
Lived chon TAM freed,
Resumed teaching,
The other guys (tu).
3) This yaksha Sakka,
Oil for whatever reason,
Humans living together,
Not a reason,
Worthy of intellectual level,
With kindness from Australia,
If with the mind,
Teach others,
So no implications,
Because the Palm from Unicorn introspection.
III. SUCILOMA: (S. i,207)
1) A world Religion in Gayà, on the stone Tankita in stay made of yaksha Suciloma.
2), yaksha Khara and yaksha Suciloma passing, not far from the World how much Respect.
3) And yaksha Khar told yaksha Suciloma:
-This is a Sa-Mon.
4)-this is not Sa-Mon. This is a Sa-mock subjects. Or at least until we know the Sa-Sa-mock subjects or subjects.
5 the yaksha Suciloma), and then go to the Religious World, after coming to the World Religious body tilt.
6) World of instant Respect away his body.
7) yaksha Suciloma told the World Religion:
-Have to fear me-Sa?
8)-we're not fake, Gentleness, this fear of Him. But his contact something worth hating (pàpaka).
9)-Sa-, we will subject This to ask him a question. If He doesn't answer me, I will make him crazy, or we make you hot heart, or embrace, the ta will toss Him over the banks of the River Ganges.
10 This fake, Md) – in the client's world, world or Brahma, with them Sa, Ba-la-keeper, with Chu and man, I don't see anyone who can make Me crazy, or do the hot heart, or embrace the feet, toss Him over the other side. This, however, Sage, please ask away as he wanted.
11) taking part in education and anger,
Do what human beings?
Disgruntled and satisfied,
Fear from birth?
From where was started up,
The ideology, thinking,
As crows are swarms of young,
Drop bay and then pull back?
12) taking part in education and anger,
Due to this being run,
Disgruntled and satisfied,
Fear from this birth.
From here started up,
The ideology, thinking,
As crows are swarms of young,
Drop bay and then pulled back.
Birth by craving,
Birth by ego.
As the nigroda tree (the tree of the urinary bladder),
By birth from the trunk.
Divine evil, clinging wife
Such as tree climbing all over the forest.
Who knows,
By birth he run,
They eradicate.
Please listen to this, yaksha,
They crossed the BOC Liu,
Servant to save it's hard pass,
From the previous pass,
No longer are reborn.
IV. MANIBHADDA (s. i.,208)
1) One World Religion stay between the Magadha people, the shrine of Manimàlaka, in a stay made of yaksha Manibhadda.
2) and then go to Manibhadda yaksha World Religion, after arriving, this front shelf post talking up World Religion:
Instead of healing, mindfulness, usually
Thanks, lost growth.
Yes, more beautiful tomorrow,
The hatred was freed.
3) instead of Healing, mindfulness, usually
Thanks, lost growth,
Yes, more beautiful tomorrow,
Hatred has not freed.
With one full day and night,
Italian, ahimsa,
From the mind of all love,
The taste is not hatred.
V. SANU (S. i,209)
1) A world Religion stay in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) at the time, Sànu, son of a renunciation be yaksha obsession.
3 Women's renunciation) lamented, right at the time said article this shelves up:
The ta is La-Han,
For me is that,
And I heard,
Located in La-han said.
Now I see Sànu,
Being obsessive yaksha.
Day fourteen, fifteen,
And eight, half day,
Both the special holidays,
Tu cited eight boys,
Comply with the Announced ceremony-slapped.
And I heard,
Located in La-han said that,
Now I see Sànu,
Being obsessive yaksha.
Day fourteen, fifteen,
And eight, half day,
Both the special holidays,
Tu cited eight boys,
Comply with the Announced ceremony-slapped.
Those who live happy Offense,
Yaksha not obsession,
And I heard,
Located in La-han said.
Who says with Sànu,
There are clear and
This is the word of the yaksha,
Shalt not do evil,
Openly or secretly.
If people do evil,
Will do or are doing,
He did not escape the suffering,
Oil is up running,
Run a circuit, the long run.
(Sànu is from obsessed):
4) Gee, people cry,
Is crying for the dead,
Or cry for the living,
But not to be seen?
Mom, we saw you,
We have to face are living.
Why mom cried,
This mom (Dear)?
5) people cry for you,
Is crying for the dead,
Or cry for your life,
But not be seen.
Who dropped the desire,
Back back to this life,
Hey, people cry,
Is crying for him,
Because people are watching,
Alive as well as the dead.
I was pulled out,
From coal breaking dawn Red
I want to fall in,
Coal pile him?
Now the escape,
From hell (suffering),
I want to fall in,
The hell is he?
Please dong ruỗi life,
I wish the happiness,
Let's live like,
No one bothered mind.
Things escaped the fire,
I want to burn again?
VI. PIYANKARA (s. i.,209)
1) A fake Religious Anuruddha forecast stay in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) at the time the false Religious Anuruddha wake at night recently, is that litigation is reading the Dhammapada.
3) A male yaksha, mother of Piyankara hold their child to learn the following:
Hey Piyankara,
OK there being sound,
Locate Female-stilts are litigation,
The words of the Dhammapada.
If we know,
Learned the Dhammapada,
And then as administrative maintenance,
We are the benefits.
Not being animals,
Do not deliberately lying,
Self learning precepts,
We get rid of hungry daemons.
VII. PUNABBASU (s. i.,209)
1) A world Religion stay in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) at the time, the dominant religion is the sermon for them Female-stilts on problems related to Nirvana, the theoretical claim, encouraged, to make excitement, making the wedding Festival. And the Female-centric's stilts, pay attention, concentrate the mind, headset French slang.
3) and then a female D-Punabbasu mom seducing child holding your applying, as follows:
Please keep silence,
Hey Uttarika!
Please keep silence,
Hey Punabbasu!
To be heard in France.
Masters, the Supreme Buddha,
World Religion instructor Nirvana,
Escapist every be constant,
Parents for France,
Extremely true AI.
His club, Rea life
AI life lost her husband,
But for French leaders,
Moms craving more lost.
The husband or relatives, oil
Don't save me escape suffering,
Don't like to hear the magic of France,
Beings are escape suffering.
In later life, suffering
Next old and dead,
The Chief Justice, Sir French Enlightenment,
Freed from the dead old.
I want to hear her French
Please hold your go!
Hey Punabbasu.
4) Dear mom, I did not say,
Uttarà hold their silence.
Parents listen to France,
Listen to France were at peace.
It does not know the magic of France,
We drift of birth.
Between, the blind,
He brought to light,
Enlightenment, ultimate body,
French theory label ranks.
5) property instead, son!
The ta sanh holding his chest.
Now the craving,
French NET Loads upper Buddha.
Hey Punabbasu!
Let's live chon Tam at peace,
Now we are back to life,
See Holy Roman Empire chon TAM,
Uttara son!
Please listen to me.
VIII. SUDATTA. (S. i 28,263)
1) A world Religion in Ràjagaha (United Kingdom accommodation), in the forest of Sìta.
2) at the time, upasaka Anàthapindika (Anathapindika) have to do a few jobs to Ràjagaha.
3) renunciation Anàthapindika heard the Buddha was born and the like until That Honor.
4) And upasaka Anàthapindika thoughts: "Now is not the time to World Religion. The new tomorrow is forecast until we World Religion ". So with that in mind going audience Buddha, he Anàthapindika sleeping. During the night, he wakes up three times, the idea that the Sun was shining.
5) And upasaka Anàthapindika go to Sìvatthika (the cemetery), and had the non open.
6) And when he was out of town, the light disappears and darkness appears. He fears, panic, feather hair sclera and want to go back.
7 Sìvaka yaksha), and then hide the picture, to the following:
Hundreds of elephants and hundreds of horses,
Hundred horse-drawn sleigh,
Hundreds of thousands of missing women,
Are jewelry earrings,
By sixteen, part
A walk to n y.
Upasaka, please proceed to the!
Upasaka, please proceed to the!
Proceed to, better,
Shalt not be rotten, step back!
8) and then with Anàthapindika, dark disappears, the light appears. And fear, panic, feather hair sclera has up was quite subdued.
9) second ... (as above).
10) third, with Anàthapindika, the light disappeared, darkness appears. And fear, panic, feather hair sclera kicked up. And Anàthapindika like to go back and forth. The third, yaksha Sivaka hide, the pictures are as follows:
Hundreds of elephants and hundreds of horses,
Hundred horse-drawn sleigh,
Hundreds of thousands of missing women,
Are jewelry earrings,
By sixteen, part
A step towards this.
Upasaka, please proceed to the!
Upasaka, please proceed to the!
Proceed to, better,
Shalt not be rotten, step back!
11) And with Anàthapindika, the shadow disappears, the light out and fear, panic, feather hair sclera began to subside.
12) Then Anàthapindika go to Sìta forest, go to world Religion.
13) at the time of world Religion at night just meet and conduct business are gone.
14) That shows Respect to the remote Anàthapindika to go to, to see that, business administration from going down, and sat on the seat has composed. After sitting, World Religion told upasaka Anàthapindika:
-Come here, Sudatta!
15) And upasaka Anàthapindika thought: "World Religion calling for my name", and then bowed legs of world Religious ceremony, wealthy girl and the White World Religion:
-White World Religion, That Religion had to sleep peacefully?
BA-la-NET President subjects,
Always lived peacefully,
Do not pass the Bong desire,
Thanh Luong, not being y,
All of Ireland before the paragraph,
The mind brain gauge what costumes,
President, live peacefully,
Center of reaching peace.
IX. SUKKA (S. i,212)
1) A world Religion stay in Ràjagaha (dormitories), at Veluvana (Lisa), it nourishes the squirrel.
2) at the time, Male-stilts-ni Sukkà, there đoanh mass fins, is the sermon.
3) and then a yaksha net credit to have Male-stilts-ni Sukkà, come from this line to the other, going from this intersection to the other intersection in Ràjagaha, and right at the time, said the article this shelves:
This property into the United Kingdom,
What have you done,
That far back is long,
As drunk as a sweet wine.
Not served Sukkà,
Are the immortal theory?
France's back,
Not cam back with.
I think the wisdom
Drinking water (Giant Orange),
Like a cloud of rain,
As for the travel scammers.
X. SUKKÀ (s. i.,212)
1) A world Religion in Ràjagaha, at Veluvana, nurture the squirrel.
2) at the time, a man of renunciation are donation of food to the Female-stilts-ni Sukkà.
3) and then a yaksha, kicked the net credit for National Heart-stilts-ni Sukkà, sailings go from this line to the other, going from this fork to fork at right time, talking up Ràjagaha article this shelves:
Had this place renunciation,
Sure enjoy lot of Germany,
Made dish,
Rise up Sukkà, cosy,
One was freed,
Be strong everyone.
XI. CIRÀ or VIRÀ (s. i.,215)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Ràjagaha (dormitories), at Veluvana (Lisa), it nourishes the squirrel.
2) at the time, a homeless musician surges y donation Male-stilts-ni Cirà.
3) and then a yaksha, kicked the net credit for National Heart-stilts-ni Cirà, sailings go from this line to the other, from this fork to fork in the United Kingdom, he said right now the article this shelves:
Had this place renunciation,
Sure enjoy lot of Germany,
Made of medical panels,
Rise up Cirà, cosy,
One was freed,
All gauge yoke.
XII. ÀLAVA (s. i.,218)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Àlavi, at the residence of yaksha's Alavakka.
2) And yaksha Àlavaka told the World Religion:
This Sa-Mon-, go out!
-Heals rather gentler.
That Honor comes and goes out.
This Sa-Mon-, go on.
-Heals rather gentler.
What Religion says and goes on.
3) second, yaksha Àlavaka told the World Religion:
This Sa-Mon-, go out.
-Heals rather gentler.
That Honor comes and goes out.
This Sa-Mon-, go on.
-Heals rather gentler.
What Religion says and goes on.
4) last Tuesday, yaksha Àlavika told the World Religion:
This Sa-Mon-, go out.
-Heals rather gentler.
That Honor comes and goes out.
This Sa-Mon-, go on.
-Heals rather gentler.
What Religion says and goes on.
5) Fourth, yaksha Àlavika told the World Religion:
This Sa-Mon-, go out.
6)-we're not fake, Gentleness, this comes out. Please do what he think is right to do.
This Sa-7)-subjects, we will ask you a question. If He doesn't answer me, I will make him crazy, or we make you hot heart, or embrace, the ta will toss Him over the banks of the River Ganges.
8)-fake, I don't see the Gentleness of this one, in the client's world, world or Brahma, with them Sa, Ba-la-keeper, with Chu and the human mind can do violent, or do the hot heart or embrace the feet, toss Me the other side over the Ganges River. However, this Gentle, please ask away as he wanted.
9) something for the lifetime,
Is the ultimate asset?
Something smart, Act
Bring chon TAM peace?
Something in between,
Is the Supreme sweetness?
How to live,
The ultimate life called?
10) trust for the lifetime,
Is the ultimate asset.
The Chief Executive cited by France,
Bring chon Tam at peace.
Location to truth,
Sweetness is paramount.
Have to live with wisdom,
Known live paramount.
11) how do cross the BOC Liu?
How do large sea beyond?
How Super brain gauge?
Why pure?
12) With credit, crossed the BOC.
Not sheltered, sea launch.
, Super brain gauge.
With the Position, be pure.
13) how is wisdom?
How are the assets?
How do you reach the title?
How do you make friends?
This life died the other,
How does misery?
14) Who believes the Chief Justice France
Of steps A-la-Han,
He led France to achieve,
Nirvana (chon Tam at peace),
Cleverly studied, not ample magnification,
Intelligent smart labels to differentiate,
Thanks to the luggage of such maintenance,
Her position is intellectual.
Do the appropriate affidavit,
Shouldering the responsibility,
Elated, like activities,
So are the property,
Chon TAM truth hit title,
Alms, finals
This life died the other,
Not so melancholy.
The male owner credit,
Search this four bridges,
Chơn thành district and tame,
Persistence and discharge of laboratory experiments,
Locate him after death,
No longer have to melancholy.
This life died the other,
After the death, not misery.
I want you to ask,
SA-keeper, She-la,
There are other, France
Typically four better:
Chơn thành district and tame,
Discharge of laboratory experiments and kham rings.
15 How do I now ask,)
SA-keeper, She-la,
As far we know,
The cause of the hereafter.
Buddha to Àlavi,
The real benefit for me.
Now I know,
For what is.
Should we set onions,
This village through other villages,
Into this over the other,
The Chief Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl
At the same ceremony, wealthy girl French, Chief Justice

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