Thursday 5 May 2016

I. THE FINGERTIPS ... (S. ii,133)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) Then grab up a Ton less dust on top of the nail and then call the Male-stilts:
-How do you think this, the Male-stilts, something more, a little bit the dust We take up on the fingertips, or is this big Earth?
3)-this is the main, Bach World Religion, is more, i.e. the Earth grew. Less is less dust is That Religion take up on the fingertips; not a hundred times, not a thousand times, not hundreds of thousands of times can match by comparison, the Earth with less dust is That Religion take up on the fingertips.
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, for the Saints were disciples are student specific knowledge, for people who have symptoms are intelligent comments, this one is more, i.e. was the paragraph, was kill take; less than the remaining gauge, not a hundred thousand times, can match by comparing with the previous aggregates were gauge sections, has been destroyed, that is seven times more.
5) so great benefit instead of this, the Male-stilts, as France proving (Dhammàsbhisamayo: French Café); so great is the Prime witness changes benefit France labels.
II. OUTDOOR SHOWER (5.7 Magazine, 2, 34a) (s. ii,134)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, such as an outdoor shower 50 due to length, 50 week by week by week and 50 surface width depth, water overflowing causing the Crow could drink. From where does a Lotus who took up with grass. Do you think? The Male-stilts, whichever is more, the water is taken up on top of the grass, or water of the outdoor shower?
3)-this is the main, Bach World Religion, is more, i.e. water of the outdoor shower; less water is taken up on top of the grass; not a hundred times, not a thousand times, not a hundred thousand times, can match with, when compared to the water of the outdoor shower with water are taken up on top of the grass.
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, for degrees of Holy disciples has been instrumental, for people who have symptoms are intelligent comments, this one is more, i.e. was the paragraph, was kill take; less than the remaining gauge. Not a hundred times, not a thousand times, not a hundred thousand times can be booked by comparison with the previous aggregates were gauge sections, has been destroyed, that is seven times more.
5) so great benefit instead of this, the Male-stilts, is proving the French opinion; so great is the Prime witness changes benefit France label!
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, for as the great rivers Council together, flow, flow together, as the Gangà River (the Ganges), Yamunà River, Aciravatì River, Sarabhù River, Mahì River. From here the line, a person taking up two or three drops of water. How do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, two or three drops of water are taken up, or is the water in that case line?
3)-this is the main, Bach World Religion, is more, i.e. proper water line; less than two to three drops of water are taken up; not a hundred times, not a thousand times, not a hundred thousand times, can match by comparing the water in case of lines with two or three drops of water are taken up.
4) this, too, the Male-stilts. (as above).
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, for as the great rivers Council together, flow, flow together, such as Gangà River, Yamunà River, the river Aciravati, Sarabhù River, Mahì River; the river's water goes to the take, kill, except two or three drops of water, do you think? The Male-stilts, what's more, the water line going to the River to take advantage, kill, or is two or three drops of water left?
3)-this is the main, Bach World Religion, is more suitable water lines, that is to go to the take, kill. Less than two or three drops of water remaining. Not a hundred times, not a thousand times, not a hundred thousand times can be booked by, when compared to the water line going to the River, destroying the ends with two or three drops of water remaining.
4)-also, the Bhikkhu-stilts.
V. EARTH (s. ii,135)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)... For this, as the Male-stilts, someone put seven lumps of ground round Big Apple seed on the Earth. The Male-stilts, He thought? What's more, seven round to land Bureau by granular apples are placed (on the Earth), or the Earth is big?
3)-this is the main, Bach World Religion, is more, i.e. the Earth. Less than seven circular land Bureau to by Apple seed is set (on the Earth). Not a hundred times, a thousand times can not compare equal, when comparing the results of the great land with seven round land Bureau are located (on the Earth).
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts.
VI. The EARTH (s. ii,136)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, huge Earth go to the paragraph to take advantage, kill, except for seven large round land Bureau by granular apples. How do you think this, the Male-stilts? What is more, the Earth goes to the big take, kill, or seven large round land Bureau by the remaining Apple seed?
3)-this is the main, Bach World Religion, is more, i.e. large chunk goes to Earth to take advantage, kill. Less than seven large round land Bureau by granular apples left. Not a hundred times, not a thousand times, not a hundred thousand times can be booked by comparison, large Earth go to the paragraph to take advantage, kill seven large round land Bureau with dedicated by granular apples left.
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts.
VII. The SEA (s. ii,136)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, a person from the big sea took up two or three drops of water. How do you think this, the Male-stilts? What is more, two or three drops of water are taken up, or is a large sea water?
3)-this is the main, Bach World Religion, is more, i.e. large sea water. Less than two or three drops of water are taken up. Not a hundred times is not a thousand times, not a hundred thousand times can match by comparing large sea water, with two or three drops of water are taken up.
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts.
VIII. The SEA (s. ii,137)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, huge sea going to fragment, kill, except two or three drops of water. How do you think this, the Male-stilts? What is more, a large sea water goes to the take, kill, or is two or three drops of water left?
3)-this is the main, Bach World Religion, is more, i.e. water of large marine go to fragment, kill. Less than two or three drops of water remaining. Not a hundred times, not a thousand times, not a hundred thousand times can be booked by comparison, large sea water goes to the make with two or three drops of water remaining.
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts.
IX. example with MOUNT (s. ii,137)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, be large gravel pit by the wealth of seven on the Mountain King Snow paint. How do you think this, the Male-stilts? Which one is more? Seven large gravel pit by the wealth this is set (on the mountain) or Mountain King Snow paint.
3)-this is how the white Administration, is more, i.e. King of the mountain Snow paint. Less than seven the large gravel pit was improved by the latest (on the mountain). Not a hundred thousand times can be booked by comparison, King of the mountain Snow paint with seven large gravel pit was improved by the latest (on the mountain).
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts.
X. EXAMPLES of MOUNTAINS (s. ii,138)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, snowy mountain mountains go to the paragraph to take advantage, kill, only seven large gravel pit by the Hon. How do you think this, the Male-stilts? Which one is more? Mount Snow Paint go to the take, kill or take advantage of the large gravel pit by the island's seven reform are left?
3)-this is the main, Bach World Religion, is more, i.e. Mount Snow Paint go to fragment, this thorough removal. Less than seven the large gravel pit by the remaining improvements. Not a hundred times, not a thousand times, not a hundred thousand times can be booked by, when mountain Snow Paint comparison goes to fragment, kill the large gravel with seven dedicated by granular remaining improvements.
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, for the Saints were disciples are student specific knowledge, for people who have symptoms are intelligent comments, something more, i.e. was the paragraph to take advantage, kill. Less than the remaining gauge. Not a hundred times, not a thousand times, not a hundred thousand times can be booked by, when compared with the previous phase was to take advantage of aggregates gauge, i.e. seven times more.
5) so great benefit instead of this, the Male-stilts, is proving the French opinion; so great is the Prime witness changes benefit France label!
XI. The EXAMPLE of the MOUNTAIN (s. ii,138)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, He set seven large gravel island by Mountain King Sineru on the pisiform (Tu-di). How do you think this, the Male-stilts? Which one is more? Seven of the large pea gravel is placed (on the mountain) or Sineru Mountain King?
3)-this is the main, Bach World Religion, is more, i.e. King Sineru mountains. Less than seven the large gravel by pisiform placed (on the mountain). Not a hundred times, not a thousand times, not a hundred thousand times can be booked by, when Mountain King Sineru comparison with seven large stones by the pisiform placed (on the mountain).
4)-this, too, the Male-stilts, comparing the Prime witness of Saints disciples witnessed the student tools, of people who have (intelligent), the Prime evidence of the Sa, Ba-la-Mon, no pagan artists by a hundred times, a thousand times no, not by a hundred thousand times.

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