Friday 6 May 2016

I. ROOF SPIRE (s. ii,262)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-Lin), in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika).
2) here, the Religion says as follows:
3)-For this, as the Male-stilts, a house roof has spiked higher, chums with green trees away, they all go to the sharp angle, are attributed to the sharp angle restraints, all sharp angles, inputs the Europe they all ran on a root.
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, chums have the real French charity would, they all get ignorance do roots, both retrieved ignorance do fulcrum, both continents early on ignorance, they all ran on a root.
5) thus, the Male-stilts, He need not study as follows: "Let's live without ample Launcher".
II. The FINGERTIPS (Magazine, 2,345 a) (magazine 22. Zhao, Dai 2, 498a) (s. ii,263)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) Then take a little Respect to land on top of the nail and speak with the Female-stilts:
3)-the Female-stilts, He thought? What's more, little land We get on top of the nail, or earth this big?
4)-this, Bach World Religion, is more, i.e. the Earth this big and little land that is less That the nail head taking on Religion. Unable to estimate, could not go to the comparison, cannot go to a differential, when comparing the results of the great land with little land that Religious World retrieved on the nail head.
5)-this, too, the Male-stilts, very few are beings are reborn as! There are the beings are reborn out of men!
6) thus, the Male-stilts, He need not study as follows: "we will live without ample Launcher".
Thus, the Male-stilts, you need to study.
III. FAMILY (47.14, Nhon, Gia, 2, 344c) (s. ii,263)
1) in Sàvatthi.
2)-such as this, the Male-stilts, these families would have more women and fewer men, the families were vulnerable to hackers, the thief ghè brain damage.
3)-this, too, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts would not work from the Center out, does not make her position forecast fullness, vulnerable to brain damage non.
4) – for this, as the Male-stilts, these families would have fewer women and more men's fashion, her family was hardly the leader of the pirates, stealing ghè brain damage.
5) this, too, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts would work from the Center out, make her position forecast fullness, very difficult brain non-harm.
6) thus, the Male-stilts, He need not study as follows: "we will work from the Center out, make the fullness, making the vehicle, make up base, stay, accumulating and cleverly done."
Thus, the Male-stilts you need to study.
IV. POT (Magazine, 2, 344b) (s. ii,264)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, who in the morning alms a hundred pots, one lunchtime alms a hundred pot, or one afternoon alms a hundred pot, and one morning just in time squeeze the breast milk cows once (at a glance), practice from the Center out, or one afternoon just in time squeeze the breast milk cows once (at a glance) practice, from the Center out, or one afternoon just in time squeeze the breast milk cows once (at a glance), practice from the rescue Center, the job for the work ahead, the fruit is larger.
3) thus, the Male-stilts, He need not study as follows: "we will work from the Center out, make the fullness, making the vehicle, make up base, stay, accumulating and cleverly done."
Thus, the Male-stilts, you need to study.
V. BREAK TREE (Satti) (Magazine, 2, 344c) Sakti, s. (Hoernh, 1.44 -45) (s. ii,265)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, a sharp tongue has tuberculosis. Then a person came and said: "With the hands or with the fist, I would bend double edged Sharp folds of this tree, I will hit the edge for long back, I buckled underneath it will bend it back".
3) this the Male-stilts, He thought? He can with the hand or fist double folding blade sharp bend of this tree, the next to give it long back bent, buckled underneath it?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
4) why?
The White World Religion, not easy, with the hand or fist double folding blade sharp bend of this tree, the next to give it long, curved drinking buckled underneath it, that does not make him tired and suffered brain damage.
5)-this, too, the Male-stilts, when one (the Male-stilts) work from the Center out, make the fullness, making the vehicle, making the base secure, stay, accumulate and cleverly made, a human pilot would think, can knock a mind so, inhuman murderer he will tired and suffered brain damage.
6) thus, the Male-stilts, He need not study as follows: "we will work from the Center out, make the fullness, making the vehicle, make up base, stay, accumulating and cleverly done."
Thus, the Male-stilts, you need to study.
VI. ARCHER (24.9, Magazine, 2, 171c) (s. ii,265)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) – for this, as the Male-stilts, four Archer the mighty and strong, adept, pure hands, fine arts Palace, about a friendly stand in four directions.
3) and then a person came and said: "We will catch and bring the arrow was shot away, before they hit the ground, because the four people this archery shoot, those mighty and strong, adept, pure hands, fine arts Palace of charity".
4)-the Female-stilts, He thought? So there is just enough affordable to call people does agility with Supreme agility?
5)-Bach World Religion, if only from a mighty Archer Meng, adept, pure hands, fine arts Palace on a friendly, can capture and deliver an arrow is shot, so it is just enough to call the agility, full with Supreme agility. Also what to say from four fire arrows, the mighty and strong, adept, pure hands, fine arts back to charity!
6)-and as such, the Female-on stilts, is the agility of her. And so is the agility of the Moon, the Sun, also faster than the previous agility. And so, the Male-stilts is the agility of the people, and so is the agility of the Moon, the Sun, and so is the agility of the Chu Thien runs ahead of the Moon, the Sun. Also more agile is the removal of the life (the life of the things).
7) thus, the Male-stilts, He need not study as follows: "we will live without ample Launcher".
Thus, the Male-stilts, you need to study.
VII. LATCH the DRUM (47.18 Magazine, stock, 2, 315b) (s. ii,166)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, people Dasàrahà have a drum named Ànaka.
3) When Ànaka drum start cracking off, people close to the Dasàrahà a latch. Until this time, the Male-stilts, both boxes empty Ànaka's game disappears and only the latch assemble.
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, these Female-stilts will become in the future.
5 business lessons due) As a hybrid theory, profound, sense the deep magic, worldly, export contact to no, they will not hear when the business he was preaching; they will not slang in the ears; they will not stay, and their primary voters will not think that France's need to memorize, need to be thorough.
6 business lessons due) and the poets do, these poems with the noun United States of America, with the United States of America, the sentence, because the disciples preaching, they will hear when the business he was preaching; they will ear slang; they would stay Chief Justice and they will think that the voters, the France's need to memorize, need to study thoroughly. Thus, the Male-stilts, the kinh do As Hybrid theory, profound, sense the deep magic, worldly, export contacts to not will go to destroy.
7) thus, the Male-stilts, He need not study as follows: "the economy would do As Lai preaching, profound, sense the deep magic, worldly appearances, not related, we will hear when the business he was preaching; We will ear slang; We would stay Chief Justice voters mind. And we will think, the France's need to memorize, need thorough study ".
Thus, the Male-stilts, you need to study.
VIII. GRASS STRAW (Magazine, 2, 344b) (s. ii,267)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Vesàli (Bhikkhu-dormitories-ly), Mahàvana (Great Forest), Kùtàgàrasàlà (The lecture).
2) in That Respect, the National call-stilts: "the Male-stilts". -"Dear Yes white World Religion".
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
3)-live on the straw pillow, the Female-on stilts, is the current lifestyle of the Licchavis governed the populace, not secluded in the fervent, launch the task. Her son, Ajàtasattu Vedehi, King of Magadha had no opportunity, no object (to invade).
4) in the future, the Female-stilts, Licchavis governed the people become effeminate, soft thin limbs. They are located on the map is soft. They sleep until sunrise on the cotton pillow. Her son, Ajàtasattu Vedehi, King of Magadha, will grasp the opportunity, will grasp the object (to invade).
5) live on the straw pillow, the Female-on stilts, is the current lifestyle of Female-on stilts, not secluded in the fervent, launched the effort. Evil has no chance, no object (to invade).
6) in the future, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts will become effeminate, soft thin limbs. They are located on the map is soft. They sleep until sunrise on the cotton pillow. Devil will grasp the opportunity, will grasp the object (to invade).
7) thus, the Male-stilts, He need not study as follows: "we will live on the straw pillow, not secluded in the fervent, launched the effort".
Thus, the Male-stilts, you need to study.
IX. The ELEPHANT (Magazine, 2, 284a) (122.2 Impurities, Flash) (s. ii,268)
1) in his garden in Sàvatthi.
2) at the time, a Tan Female-on stilts to too much family time. The Male-stilts told Female-stilts:
-Ton fake OK Go to the families so much now.
3) Was saying, the Female-stilts she says:
-The Male-stilts this elders think, they can go to the family. Why not me?
4) And multi-billion-stilts goes to world Religion ... and then sit down on one side.
5) sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
-Here, Bach World Religion, the front National People-stilts to too much family time. The Male-stilts told Female-stilts: "fake Religion shalt not go to families too much time". Are the Female-stilts, Female-stilts she says: "The Presbyterian Female-this stilts thinks they can go to the family. Why not me? "
6)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, near a large lake, in a forest, the elephants living there. We dive the Lake, grab tap spit up the tubers and Lotus root, washed them clean, making them clean the mud and then eat them. Thus, the elephant he was content and strength, and not because she's the elephant coast workers go to die or go to suffer almost dead.
7) were trained by the big elephant, the Female-stilts, the young elephant and small dive the Lake, grab tap spit up the tubers, Lotus root, do not wash them clean, does not make them clean the mud and then eat them. Therefore, the elephant dung and not strength, and because human's coast the elephants go to die or go to suffer almost dead.
8) this, too, the Male-stilts, here the elders Male-on stilts in the morning up y, y bowls, go into the village or town to qifu gangui. In it they theory. The owner do his duty Hy Festival with the. The Male-the Prime benefit life's stilts, not before, not passionately, not guilty, seeing the danger, understand the glass with wisdom. Thus, the Male-stilts are excellent capacity and power, and not because the workers did their charm goes to die or go to suffer almost dead.
9) But the Female-stilts, trained according to the elders, female-stilts, the Tan Female-on stilts in the morning up y, y bowls go into villages or towns to qifu gangui.
10) At., the theory. The owner do his duty wedding Festival. The Male-the Prime benefit life's stilts, ago, captivates, guilty, does not see the dangers, don't understand the cups with wisdom. Thus, the Male-stilts not sharp contractions and strength, and because he killed them go to coast personalities or go to suffer almost dead.
11) thus, the Male-stilts, He need not study as follows: "we will use the benefit a privileged life, not immersed, not infatuation, not guilty, seeing the danger, understand the glass with wisdom".
Thus, the Male-stilts, you need to study.
X. the CAT (Magazine, 2, announcer) (s. ii,270)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) at the time, there are Male-stilts typically taking too much time between the families. The Male-stilts told her position: "the false Religion had also not taking too much time between the family".
3 billion-were on stilts) the Female-stilts says so, doesn't mind the wedding Festival.
4) And multi-billion-stilts goes to world Religion ... and the White World Religion:
5)-here, the White World Religion, there are Female-stilts typically taking too much time between the families. The Male-stilts told her position: "the false Religion had also not taking too much time between the family". Male-he was on stilts, female-stilts says so, doesn't mind the wedding Festival.
6)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, have a cat stalking a mouse standing next to a pile of rubbish in a sewer and think: "If there's a mouse would go eat ran out, we will catch and eat meat".
7) and then the Male-stilts, a baby mice for feeding ran out. And the cat's get it, fast action (sankharirva) and swallow it. And the mice's intestines, bite bite the Tibetan Government cat. By then, the cat charm goes to die or go to suffer almost dead.
8) this, too, the Male-stilts, here, some Male-on stilts in the morning up y, y bowls, go into the village or town to qifu gangui, the fuselage is not, say, the mind does not, is not an anniversary stay, not tame.
9) in it, the feel of the women wearing indecent, or even not discreetly. After the show the women wear, or not wear indecent discreetly, taking part in exercise the brain damage. The sexual brain damage, taking part was going to die or go to suffer almost dead.
10) here's death, the Female-stilts, in the precepts of the Holy steps, i.e. the waiver of tuition and refund procedures. This is painful almost died, the Male-stilts, i.e. an offence a crime, a criminal cleaner can remove export statement.
11) thus, the Male-stilts, He need not study as follows: "protective, protective, protective, stay safe, tame the mindfulness, we will go into the village or town to qifu mumo carried".
Thus, the Male-stilts, you need to study.
XI. The JACKAL (Author-can) (47.22.2 Impurities, 346a) (s. ii,271)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-He has heard this, the Male-stilts, in the night when the Sun is near the light, the author-can are tru loudly?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
3)-that is the-fake-can this, the Male-stilts, getting scabies sores. Where it wants to go, would it like to stand, would it like to sit, would it like to lie, wind chill nights host blow up over it.
4 Fresh instead of this, the National)-stilts, if there are people who would like to own, can tho was again a case such ego State.
5) thus, the Male-stilts, He need not study as follows: "we will not launch Yi".
6) thus, the Male-stilts, you need to study.
XII. The AUTHOR-CAN (s. ii,272)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-He has heard this, the Male-stilts, in the morning, at night near a baby fake-can tru loudly?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
3)-this, probably the Male-stilts, in the fake-can old, are more grateful, many thanks, than here in the person himself is Fond of grateful and thanks!
4) thus, the Male-stilts, He need not study as follows: "we will be grateful, thanks. What do slightly for oil between us, we are also not to lose ".

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