Tuesday 3 May 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religious travel between Kosala people, along with our Male-stilts and go to a She-la-subjects of Kosala, named Nagaravinda. The Ba-la-owner in Nagaravinda was heard as follows: "Sa-subjects, like spice Gotama from Sakka clan (Like-ca), are traveling between Kosala people, along with our Male-stilts and came to a village of Ba-la-subjects of Kosala, named Nagaravinda. Good reputation after it is transmitted on the fake Religious Gotama: "he is the Messiah That Respect, steps A-la-Han ... audience an A-la-Han as such". Then the She-la-home subjects in Nagaravinda go to world Religion. After arriving, some say up to Honor the words Welcome to enquire, after talking up the words of welcome dear asking mainland sat down one side; Some people accept it must hand salute That Respect then sit down one side; Some people say their name up before world Religion and then sitting down on a side; Some people quiet sit down one side. World Religion told the Ba-la-Mon in Nagaravinda homeowners are sitting on one side:
This, if the homeowners-du singer layman asked him as follows: "This owner, Sa-class subjects, She-la-keeper would not deserve respect, respect, wealthy girl, holiday donation? Asked this so the owner, the artist does need leaders, foreign travel is answered as follows: "The Sa, Ba-la-band, for the colors do not realize, eye glasses, not glass, no cups, no inner si static, Department Chair, language industry overnight, Italy career when, when not in balance. The Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects do not deserve respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation. Why is that? We respect the colors do not realize, eye glasses, not glass, no cups, no inner si President overnight, Department of industrial, static passwords, Italy career when, when not in balance, but we don't see the practice facility more than our balance. Thus the fake Religious Sa, Ba-la-subjects don't deserve respect, respect, Bai, donation. The Sa-keeper, She-la-band, for an encyclopedia, for the flavors do the cognitive bow, for the position due to the tongue awareness, for the exposure due to perception, for France by Italy, not participating, not glass cups, glasses not si, no static, Department Chair of the inner hull industrial action , password, Italy career when, when not promoted by, the Sa-keeper, She does not binge-respect, respect, Bai, donation. Because why? We for France by Italy, not participating, not glass cups, glasses not si, no static, Department Chair of the inner body, administrative password, Italy career when, when not in balance; but we don't see the practice facility more than our balance. Therefore, the Sa-keeper, She does not binge-respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation ". Be asked so, the owner, He should have to answer for the du Dr. layman.
But the owner, if the musicians He asked the leaders of foreign travel as follows: "the owner, Sa-class subjects, She-la-subjects that merit respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation?" When asked this, so the owner, He should have to answer for the du's pagan artists as follows: "The Sa, Ba-la-band, for the eye, mindset by taking part, ly, ly si, static, Department Chair of the inner body, administrative password, Italy was promoted by industry. The Sa-Ba-la-Mon, so subjects deserve respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation. Why is that? We respect the colors do not realize, eye glasses, not glass, no cups, no inner si President overnight, Department of industrial, static passwords, Italy career when the balance, when not in balance; but we have seen the practice facility more than our balance. Therefore, the Sa-Ba-la-Mon, he deserves to be respected, respect, wealthy girl, donation. The Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects for an encyclopedia, for the flavors do the cognitive bow, for the position due to the tongue awareness, for the exposure due to perception, for France by Italy, taking part in awareness, ly, ly si, static, Department Chair of the inner body, administrative password, Italy are promoted by , the Sa-Ba-la-Mon, he deserves to be respected, respect, Bai, donation. Why is that? We for France by Italy, not participating, not glass cups, glasses not si, no static, Department Chair of the inner body, administrative password, Italy, when, when not in balance, but we have seen the practice facility more than our balance. Therefore, the Sa-Ba-la-Mon, he deserves to be respected, respect, Bai, donation. " When asked this, so the homeowners, the answer so given the du pagan artists.
The owner, but if you ask him the pagan Knights Him as follows: "Do something about the false Religious base (then), because of the tradition, the talk about the author's Respect as follows: certainly the author's Respect is glass took part, or take part in subduing, or glass, or are on the way of subduing the yard , or glass of si, or are on the way of subduing si? " When asked this, so the homeowners, the answer you did pagan artists as follows: "The author's Religious life at the far away of the resident of the forest net tern. But in the place as such, none of the colors perceived by the eye so they can see, and after seeing a sense of delight; but in the place as such, without the ear due to perceptions that they can hear, and after listening, have fascinated; but in the place as such, no incense by Cape awareness, so they can smell and after the smell, a sense of excitement; but in the place so no taste due to the tongue, so they can taste, and after tasting, have fascinated; but in the place as such, there are no exposed by the perception, so that they can sense, and after feeling, a sense of excitement. Chu Ja fake, due to this base, due to this tradition, which we talk about the (then) as follows: "Indeed, Chu's false Religious separatists take part or are going on the road to recovery, or photography, or glass are going on the road to recovery, or yard glass NIE si, or are on the way photography Easter". When asked this, so the homeowners, the answer you so pagan artists.
When I heard that, the Ba-la-Mon in Nagaravinda owner says with World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! Such false Religion, Gotama ... looking forward to honor author Gotama take we do the homeless musician, from now until the General network, we will lifetime threshold rules.

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