Tuesday 10 May 2016

Chapter Eleven: FLOW PROJECTION respectively
1. I. KING  (Sv, 342)
1-2) Savatthi. At that ... say as follows:
3) - yea, this, monks, a Dharmaraja ruled as suzerain and four continents, shared network damage after the body, be born to good fun, paradise, this world, were residing with monks Thirty-three disasters in the realm; in it, he stay in Nandana Forest, is our God businesswoman fins, which are fully provided, is covered in disaster training and merit, but not the full four measures; however, he has not been liberated from hell, have not been freed from birth to birth eagle species, not yet freed from ghosts, and not out of evil being, beast of deprivation.
4) But this, monks, saints disciples, oil meal here want to live by the alms, more broken up with him (nantakani); he full four measures. And he was freed from hell, are liberated from birth to birth eagle species, are freed from the hungry ghost realm, be freed from evil being, beast of deprivation. Which four?
5) Here, monks, saints accomplished disciples estate trust to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme officers, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ".
6) He achievements estate trust for France: "France by Bhagavan clever theory, current practical, effective immediately, to come and see, able to raise up, was himself awakened intellect understand".
7) He achievements estate trust for them up: "Operating as disciples of Bhagavan. Well as their direct disciple of Bhagavan. Application of the well that they disciple of Bhagavan. Happiness is right feet of Bhagavan disciples. Ie four pairs of eight of them. Bhagavan's disciples is worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of respect, worthy of approval hand, is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. '
8) He presented the achievements of the glass loving saint, not destroyed, not stabbed to cut, not stained, not being defiled, to bring liberation, are the wise words of praise, not clinging , taken to meditation.
9) He accomplished these four measures.
10) And this, monks, have taken advantage of the favorable benefit four continents and the acquisition of four measures. The prime benefit is not worth four continents (agahati) part sixteen elected four legal interests.
2. II. TO IMPORT  (Sv, 343)
1-2) ...
3) - The achievement of four measures, this, monks, saints disciple is a Stream, no rotten rotten, decided to make attained enlightenment. Which four?
4) Here, monks, saints accomplished disciples estate trust to the Buddha: "... This is the Tathagata Buddha, the Blessed One".
5-6) For France ... For Increased ...
7) He presented the achievements of the glass ... loving saint taken to meditation.
8) This four-achievement, this, monks, saints disciple is a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment.
9) Exalted such theory, this theory Auspicious finished gurus say more:
               Who has the credit and gender,
               Pure credits and see approach,
               By the time they mature,
               Enter Pham happy, be optimistic.
3. III. DIGHAVU  (Sv, 344)
1) One time, Exalted in Rajagaha (Rajgir), Truc Lam, nurturing place the squirrel.
2) At the time, lay Dighavu sick, painful, life-threatening illness.
3) Then lay Dighavu Jotika said to his father:
- Let's go, Father, go to the Blessed One, after arriving, on behalf of the child, his head bowed legs Bhagavan and said, "Lay Dighavu, venerable sir, sick, painful, life-threatening illness, please his head bowed legs Bhagavan ". Then let's father said as follows: "You instead, venerable sir, if the Blessed One went to the layman Dighavu for introspection kindness!"
- Well, the Son.
Jotika homeowners lay Dighavu listen, go to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
4) On one side, homeowners Jotika venerable sir:
- Buddha, lay Dighavu sick, painful, life-threatening illness. He pins his head bowed and said Bhagavan as follows: "You instead, venerable sir, if the Blessed One went to lay Dighavu abode for introspection kindness!"
Bhagavan quietly accepted.
5) Then Bhagavan robes, holding a bowl y went to lay Dighavu abode; after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. Sit down then, Bhagavan said to lay Dighavu:
- Hey Dighavu, he has patience to be reasonable? He can tolerate reasonable? Are minimizing unpleasant, no growth? Are there signs of reducing, not growth?
- Buddha, you can not patience, I can not endure. In severe pain where you do not have to minimize, we grow. They show signs of growth, no sign of reducing.
6) - therefore this Dighavu, he just learning as follows: "We will achieve the trust estate to the Buddha: 'This is the Tathagata, Arhat ... Buddha, Bhagavan. For France ... For us Increase ... I would be the achievement of gender loving saint taken to meditation glass ... ' ". Thus, this Dighavu, he needs to learn.
7) - Buddha, for the four-part project saved by Bhagavan preach, all things that are in me. Implement them fully human. Buddha, the trust estate achievements with the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat ... Buddha, the Blessed One ... For France ... for us ... the achievement of Increase Noble presented the glass ... leads to compassion meditation ".
- So, this Dighavu, after he was residing in the four project saved this section, he just practiced more intelligent part of the legal six (chavijja-bhagiye dhamme).
8) Here, this Dighavu, he let stay, shop in all operating impermanence, suffering a great shop in impermanence, selflessness consistent idea of ​​suffering, take passage visualize, visualize dispassion, contemplating cessation. Thus, this Dighavu, he needs to learn.
- Buddha, for six measures were proving Exalted part of this lecture, we are in me and I implement them fully. Buddha, the permanent, consistent operating impermanence of all, bar a great suffering in impermanence, selflessness consistent idea of ​​suffering and annihilation visualize, visualize dispassion, contemplating cessation.
9) But, venerable sir, I have the following thoughts: "I do not want homeowners Jotika, here when I die to fall into misery (vighata)".
- Hey Dighavu, do not have such intention! Look, this Dighavu! What Bhagavan was telling me, I just clever volition.
10) Then at the end when the Catholic world for a lay Catholic Dighavu world with words, from the seat up, and away.
11) Lay Dighavu, after Bhagavan immediately departed shortly common destiny.
12) Then many monks went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, his monks venerable sir:
- Buddha, a layman named Dighavu; after listening to World Religions World briefly, has shared destiny. Lay was born How interesting? Lay his birth place of origin?
- Express themselves, this, monks, is a lay Dighavu! Layman Dighavu implement and customize legal measures, I do not bother much with the legal proceedings.
13) Lay Dighavu, after the cessation of five lower fetters, are being turned in that death, no longer come back to this world again.
4. IV. Sariputta  (1) (Sv, 346)
1) One time, the Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Ananda residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden.
2) Then the Venerable Ananda, in the afternoon, from where Meditation stood up ... sat to one side, Venerable Ananda said to the venerable Sariputta:
3) - Ladies and Sage Sariputta, achievements by many legal workers, beings in this world is Exalted declared as a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment?
- Hey Sage, by the legal achievements of four beings in this life should be Bhagavan declared as a Stream, no rot rotten or decision likely attained enlightenment. Which four?
4) Here, the sage, the saint accomplished disciples estate trust for Buddha ... for France ... for us ... full of world Increasing the glass loving saint. .. taken to meditation.
5) Hey Sage, by the achievements of four beings should approach in this life is Exalted declared as a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment.
5. V. Sariputta  (2) (Sv, 347)
2) Then venerable Sariputta went to the Blessed One; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Sariputta was sitting on one side:
3) - "save the project, save the project," This Sariputta, referred to as such. This Sariputta, how is expected to save part?
- Inner Truth's level, venerable sir, is expected to save parts. Listen Dhamma is expected to save parts. As of volition is expected to save parts. Dhamma practice and is expected to save parts.
- You instead, this Sariputta! You instead, this Sariputta! Chan's level is close to save the ... The practice is legal and optionally save the project.
4) "The river, the river," This Sariputta, referred to as such. This Sariputta, how is the river?
- Buddha, this is the Noble Eight sectors river. Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration.
- You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! This Sariputta, this is the Noble Eight river branches, that is right view ... right concentration is.
5) "The note, a Stream", this Sariputta, was called so. This Sariputta, how is a Stream?
- Buddha, who accomplished the Noble Eight this sector, he called a Stream, the venerable name like that, with them as such.
- You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! This Sariputta, who accomplished the Noble Eight this sector, he called a Stream, the venerable name like this, with them like this.
6. VI. THE carpenter  (Thapataye) (Sv, 348)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) At that time, many monks are doing medicine for Bhagavan, think: "When he finished, Bhagavan will leave after three months, traveling".
3) At the time, Isidatta and Purana, two carpenter residing in Sadhuka for some work to be done. Two carpenter Isidatta and Purana heard that many monks are doing medicine for Bhagavan, when he finished, Bhagavan will leave after three months, traveling.
4) Then, two carpenters and Purana Isidatta put a person standing in the road and said to them:
- Hey Mr, when he saw the Blessed One, level Arhat, Enlightenment go to, please notify us.
5) After standing for two or three days, he saw from far away to Bhagavan saw it went to two and Purana Isidatta carpenter and told them:
- Ladies and Gentlemen, Bhagavan went to grade, level Arhat, Enlightenment. You think this is the time to do.
6) Then, two carpenters and Purana Isidatta go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and walked along behind Bhagavan.
7) Then Bhagavan went down the road, to a tree; after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. Isidatta and Purana bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, two carpenters and Purana Isidatta venerable sir:
8) - Buddha, when we hear: "Bhagavan will go from Savatthi to travel between Kosala people"; Meanwhile, we are not happy, there is a sad one, (thought): "Bhagavan would stay away from us." And when, venerable sir, we heard: "Bhagavan went from Savatthi, was traveling between Kosala people"; Meanwhile, we are not happy, there is a sad (thought): "So far our Sun".
9) Buddha, as we hear: "Bhagavan will go from Kosala people to travel between Malla people"; Meanwhile, we are not happy, there is a sad (thought): "Bhagavan would stay away from us." And when, venerable sir, we heard: "Bhagavan has gone from Kosala people, and people are traveling between Malla"; Meanwhile, we are not happy, there is a sad (thought): "So far our Sun".
10) Buddha, as we hear: "Bhagavan will leave from Malla people to travel between them which served the people"; Meanwhile, we are not happy, there is a sad (thought): "Bhagavan would stay away from us"; And when, venerable sir, we heard: "Bhagavan has gone from Malla people, and was traveling between them which served the people"; Meanwhile, we are not happy, there is a sad (thought): "So far our Sun".
11) Buddha, as we hear: "Bhagavan will go out to the people which served the people traveling between Kasi"; Meanwhile, we are not happy, there is a sad (thought): "Bhagavan would stay away from us." And when, venerable sir, we heard: "Bhagavan was gone from their people which served, and was traveling between Kasi people"; Meanwhile, we are not happy, there is a sad (thought): "So far our Sun".
12) Buddha, as we hear: "Bhagavan will leave from Kasi people to travel between Magadha people"; Meanwhile, we are not happy, there is a sad (thought): "Bhagavan would stay away from us." And when, venerable sir, we heard: "Bhagavan has gone from Kasi people, and was traveling between Magadha people"; Meanwhile, we are not happy, there is a sad (thought): "So far our Sun".
13) Buddha, as we hear: "Bhagavan will leave from the Magadha people to travel between Kasi people"; Meanwhile, we are happy, there is joy (think): "Exalted be near to us". When we hear: "Bhagavan has gone from Magadha and people are traveling in Kasi"; Meanwhile, we are happy, there is joy, (thought): "Bhagavan was near to us".
14) ... "from the people to travel Kasi middle which served the people ..."
15) ... "from the people traveling in the middle which served to people Malla ..."
16) ... "from the people to travel Malla between Kosala people ..."
17) Buddha, as we hear: "Bhagavan will leave from Kosala people, to travel between Savatthi people"; Meanwhile, we are happy, there is joy, (thought): "Exalted be near to us". When we hear: "Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Win forestry, gardens he Anathapindika"; Meanwhile immeasurable is our joy, boundless as our joy (think): "Bhagavan was near to us".
18) - So, this the carpenter, cramped as in family life, full of street! Sky is generous life of renunciation! So is enough, this the carpenter, so he has no distractions.
19) - But lord, here we have another crackdown, even more repressive, and more doubly oppressed.
- What are the other suppressed, this the carpenter, even more oppressive, and doubly more?
20) - Here, venerable sir, when King Pasenadi Kosala want to go out to visit the garden, the elephant of the king of Kosala Pasenadi we need to be prepared and jewelry, and the concubines endearing, ability of king Pasenadi Kosala standard requires us to put a man sitting in front, one behind. Buddha, the scent of the concubines was really sweet as perfume box has been opened, the king's concubines was marinated with aromatic so. Again, venerable sir, body contact concubines were real grasp soft as a rose, because they grow very peaceful. Buddha, in the meantime, we need to upholding the elephants, need to upholding the concubines, should be upholding the self again.
21) Even so, venerable sir, we do not clearly know the mind arises compassion for his concubines. Here, venerable sir, is another crackdown, even more repressive, and more doubly oppressed!
22) - So, this the carpenter, cramped as in family life, full of street! Sky is generous life of renunciation! So is enough, this the carpenter, to the person no distractions!
23) Behold the man Carpenters, four legal achievements, the Saint is a Stream disciples, no rot fall, decided to make attained enlightenment. Which four?
24) Here, this the carpenter, the Saint accomplished disciples estate trust to the Buddha: "... This is the Tathagata Buddha, the Blessed One" ... for ... for France we Increased ... he lived in the family, to cleanse the mind, defilements, avarice. He often giving, hands wide open, preferred to give up, love to be trusted, enjoy sharing things were giving. This four-achievement, this the carpenter, the Saint disciple is a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment.
25) Behold the man Carpenters, The achievements of the trust estate to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata ... Buddha, Bhagavan" ... for ... for us Increase France ... In Family the family of that everyone has been giving certain objects, all of which is shared fully and impartial to have a friendly and human morality.
26) The What do you think, this the carpenter, how many people in Kosala can equal the share of material Mr. Bell?
27) - It is beneficial for us to attain, venerable sir! It's smart for our prime benefit, venerable sir, is the Exalted knows us so!
1) Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan was traveling between Kosala with mass, monks and went to a Brahmin village of Kosala named Veludvara people.
2) The Brahmin landlord in Veludvara be heard: "recluse Gotama is Like death, joined the clan has their favorite, was traveling between the population with mass Kosala monks and was to Veludvara ". Nice following rumors transmissions of Bhagavan Gotama: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx , Buddha, Bhagavan. Position with wins, he enlightened the world itself, along with Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, along with them recluses, Brahmin, gods and men. After enlightenment, he preached good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics means that text. He taught the virtues altogether, full, pure. The good rather, the gaze a Arhat so! "
3) Then the Brahmin householders in Veludvara go to Bhagavan. After arriving, some bowed and sat down on one side; some say up to Exalted words of welcome to inquire after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side; some bowed in salute Exalted hands and sat down on one side; some say up to Exalted name and family and sat down on one side; some sat quietly aside.
4) On one side, the Brahmin householders in Veludvara venerable sir:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, we have the desire like this, like this desire, with attention (adhippaya) like this: "We hope that we are living in a crowded house full of kids! Our desire is to use the native sheep herd from Kasi! We hope that we are clothed with garlands and chalk wax! Hopefully we used gold and silver! After the body damage the public network, hoping that we are being good fun, paradise, this world! "Let's hope that venerable Gotama preach to us, those with such aspirations, there is such a desire, with such attention. Let's sermon to us how to live in a crowded house full of kids, so we used the native sheep herd from Kasi ... to us, when the body damage the public network, which is being good fun, heavenly world, this life.
5) - So the Homeowners this, I will argue for a practice he put the interests (self-interest for self) (attupanayikam). Listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
 The Brahmin in Veludvara Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
- Homeowners Hey, how is the practice lead to benefits for the self?
6) Here is the Homeowners, Saints disciples think like this: "I want to live, do not want to die, want to touch, hate suffering. If anyone comes to winning our lives, someone who wants to live, not to die, wanted to touch, hate pain, so is a failure to yours, is not available for our attention. But if we win one who wants to live life, do not want to die, want to touch, hate pain, so is a failure to yours, is not available for the other person. It is not an endearing, unavailable attention to us, the law does not lovable, not available for the others. And it does not endearing, unavailable attention to us, how can the law provides that column for another person? "Because of such thoughts, he abandoned killing, to encourage people to give up killing, speak praises to abandon killing. Thus, the mental, he is completely pure (kotiparisuddham).
7) Again, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "If someone's not my take, called the theft, such as a failure to yours, is not available for our attention. But if we do not take other people's, called the theft, such as a failure to yours, was not available for users. It is not an endearing, unavailable attention to us, the law does not lovable, not available for the others. And it does not endearing, unavailable attention to us, why the law provides that for another column? "Due to such thoughts, he does not give up take of encouraging people to give up by not taking for, say praises renunciation of not taking. Thus, the mental, he is completely pure.
8) Again, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "If a man has sexual misconduct with my wife, so is a failure to yours, is not available for our attention. But if we have misconduct with another man's wife, such as a failure to yours, was not available for users. It is not an endearing, unavailable attention to us, when this legal standard is not available, not endearing to others. And this legal standard is not available, not endearing to me, how can the law bring his column for the others? "Because such thinking, he himself abandoned in sexual misconduct, encourage others from misconduct in sexual abandon, saying praises renunciation of sexual misconduct. Thus, the mental, he is completely pure.
9) Again, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "If anyone harming our interests with lies, such as a failure to yours, is not available for our attention. But if we also damages the interests others with lies, such as a failure to yours, was not available for users. This one ... for someone else? "Due to such thoughts, he himself abandoned liar, encouraging others to abandon lying, speak praises lie abandoned. Thus, on the border issue, he is completely pure.
10) Again, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "If anyone split our friends double-edged verbal, such as a failure to yours, is not available for our attention. But if we divide friends others verbally two blades, such as a failure to yours, was not available for users. A law is not endearing ... he brought the column to a different approach? "Due to such thoughts, he told himself abandoned two tongues, encourage others to abandon the double-edged word, a word of praise from say two-edged away. Thus, on the border issue, he is completely pure.
11) Again, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "If someone treats me with harsh words, such as a failure to yours, is not available for our attention. But if we also treat others with harsh language, such as a failure to yours, was not available for users. A legal and not legal endearing ... bring her column for another person? "Because of such thinking, he himself abandoned harsh speech, encouraging people to give up harsh language, saying praises from harsh language give. Thus, on the border issue, he is completely pure.
12) Again, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "If someone treats us with complex language words, the word frivolous, such as a failure to yours, is not available for the dozen. But if we also treat other people with complex language word, the word frivolous, such as a failure to yours, was not available for users. A legal and not endearing, unavailable attention to us, the law does not lovable, not available for the others. And it does not endearing, unavailable attention to us, how can the law provides that column for another person? "Because of such thinking, he himself abandon frivolous word, encouraging others from say frivolous abandon, give a word of praise from frivolous. Thus, on the border issue, he is completely pure.
13) He achievements estate trust to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan".
14) ... for France ...
15) ... for us Increase ...
16) He presented the achievements of the glass loving saint, not destroyed, not stabbed to cut, no blemishes, not defiled, bringing liberation, are the wise words of praise, not clinging , taken to meditation.
17) This, Homeowners, when the Saints accomplished disciples seven this and four prayer this country, if he wants, he can proclaim him: "I make an end to hell, annihilation from animalzxy born into categories, the total extinction of the hungry ghost realm, the total extinction of evil being, beast of deprivation. I am a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment. "
18) To say so, the Brahmin householders in Veludvara venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir ... from now until the public network, the lifetime devotion!
1) Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan in Natika, in the auditorium of brick house.
2) Then the venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arriving ... lord:
- Buddha, monks Salha was common network, how exciting birth, place of birth life? Buddha, monks-ni Nanda shared destiny, how interesting birth, place of birth life? Buddha, lay Sudatta common destiny, how interesting birth, place of birth life? Laywoman Sujata shared destiny, how interesting birth, place of birth life?
3) - Monks Salha, Ananda, the total extinction of cankers, even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. Monks-ni Nanda, Ananda, common destiny, after the cessation of five lower fetters, are turned born, from where he entered Nirvana, not to revert back to this world. Sudatta layman, this Ananda, due to cessation of the three fetters, make soot strategic greed, hatred and delusion, as most hybrids, after returning back to this world again, will make an end to suffering. Laywoman Sujata, Ananda, the public network, after the annihilation of three fetters, is a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment.
4) Hey Ananda, it's no wonder people have to face problems together. But every time someone shared destiny again to ask the Tathagata on this matter, this time Ananda, such as distractions Tathagata. This Ananda, so I will teach the practice of glass (mirror Dharma) to the Saint disciples after achievements this method, if desired, will proclaim him as follows: "I have to make an end to hell, from birth to the total extinction of species animalzxy, the total extinction of the hungry ghost realm, the total extinction of evil being, beast of deprivation. The results we have seen up, no rot fall, decided to make attained enlightenment. "
5) Hey Ananda, French practice what the Holy glass was accomplished disciples that method, if desired, will himself proclaim him as follows: "I have to make an end to hell ... I've seen more than enough save, no rot fall, decided to make attained enlightenment "?
6) Here, Ananda, Saints accomplished disciples estate trust to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan" ... with France .. . the achievements of the world .... Increase the compassionate saint ... taken to meditation glass.
7) This is the French method glass, is Ananda, achievements this method, the Saint disciples if you wish, personally proclaim him as follows: "I have to make an end to hell, from birth to the total extinction of species animalzxy , the total extinction of the hungry ghost realm, the total extinction of evil being, beast of deprivation. I am a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment. "
8) (trading following Beijing and two are the same causes and conditions).
1-2) ... sat down on one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Buddha, monks Asoka common destiny, birth and how he's interesting, birth place of origin? Buddha, monks-ni common destiny ... Men Asoka Asoka common destiny lay ... Female lay Asoka common destiny, birth and how he's interesting, birth place of origin?
3-6) - Hey Ananda, monks Asoka common destiny, after the total extinction of cankers, even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing outflow freedom of mind, wisdom liberation ... (as of above 8, paragraph 3 of the monks-ni Asoka, laymen and laywomen Asoka Asoka) ...
7) Hey Ananda, this is the French method of glass, achievements this method, the Saint disciples, if desired, his claims about himself: "I make an end to hell, I was born in a species of annihilation from animalzxy I was hungry ghost realm annihilation, atrocities have been born, the beast of deprivation. I am a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment. "
10. X. house of bricks  (3) (Sv, 358)
1-2) ... sat down on one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Lay in Natika name Kakkata has shared destiny, birth and how he's interesting, birth place of origin? Natika layman in Kalinga name, lord, have shared destiny, birth and how he's interesting, birth place of origin? Natika layman in Nikata name ... ... Lay Lay Katissaha Tuttha ... Santuttha ... Lay Lay Lay Dhadda ... Subhadda in Natika, venerable sir, have shared destiny, of being interesting How he, the birth place of origin?
3) - Layman Kakkata, this Ananda, has shared destiny, after the cessation of five lower fetters, are turned born, from there enter Nirvana, no longer have to come back into this world. Kalinga layman, this ... Lay Nikata Ananda, Ananda ... Layman Katissaha this, this ... Lay Tuttha Ananda, Ananda ... Layman Santuttha this, this ... Lay Bhadda Ananda, this ... the layman Ananda Subhadda, this Ananda, after the cessation of five lower fetters, are turned born, from there enter Nirvana, no longer have to come back into this world again. All are the same being interesting.
4) More than fifty lay in Natika, this Ananda, has shared destiny, after the total extinction of five lower fetters, are turned born, from there enter Nirvana, no longer have to come back into this world again. More than ninety laymen in Natika, this Ananda, has shared destiny, after the cessation of the three fetters, after making brief soot greed, as most hybrids, after returning back to this world again, will make an end to suffering. Five hundred and six laymen in Sakata, this Ananda, has shared destiny, after the cessation of the three fetters, is a Stream, not rotten fall, decides to make attained enlightenment.
5-7) Hey Ananda, it's no wonder people have to face problems together. But every time someone shared destiny, he went to ask the Tathagata on this matter; This time Ananda, such as distractions Tathagata ... (see above 9, paragraph No. 4,5,6,7) ... decided to make attained enlightenment.
11. I. ONE THOUSAND  (Sv, 360)
1) One time Bhagavan in Savatthi, at Rajaka garden.
2) Then one of them composed of a thousand monks-ni go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and stood aside.
3) Exalted told the monks-ni standing aside:
- Hey-nuns, monks, saints achievements of four legal practitioners is a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment. Which four?
4) Here, the monks-ni, Saints accomplished disciples estate trust to the Buddha: "... This is the Tathagata Buddha, the Blessed One".
5-6) ... for France ... to Increase ...
7) He accomplished the compassionate saint gender lens ... taken to meditation.
8) This legal Achievements four, the monks-ni, Noble disciple is a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment.
12. II. THE Brahmin  (Sv, 361)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast.
3) - Hey, monks and Brahmin presented an upward path (udayagaminim). They encouraged the disciples as follows: "Come, behold the he! Early in the morning to get up, go towards the east. Can not avoid the hole, hole, stick, for girls, filthy water holes, can not avoid the ditch. If you have fallen into that place and went to die, so, this of him, after the body damage the public network, the good He will arise fun, paradise, this world. "
4) But the monks, this path of the Brahmin is a fool's path, the path of the beholder, not lead to disenchantment participate, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, nirvana. This, monks, today I present an upward path in the law of the saints, and the path that leads to Nhut direction disenchantment participate, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana . And this, monks, upward path that is, the path leads to isolation Nhut coveralls direction ... Nirvana?
5) Here, monks, saints accomplished disciples estate trust to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata ..." ... for ... for us Increase measures .. . he presented the achievements of the glass ... loving saint taken to meditation.
6) This is the path leading to the upper direction, the monks, ... ly ... Nhut coveralls direction leads to Nirvana.
13. III. Ananda  (Sv, 362)
1) One time, the Venerable Ananda and Venerable Sariputta residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden.
2) Then the venerable Sariputta, in the afternoon, from where Meditation got up, went to the Venerable Ananda; after arrival, the Venerable Ananda speak words of welcome to inquire. After talking to the words of welcome to ask friends, Venerable sat to one side. The venerable Sariputta told Venerable Ananda:
3) - Due to the total extinction of any law, the Sage Ananda, by the achievements of the public law, the public in this life is Exalted declared as a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment ?
4) - Due to the total extinction of the four measures, Mr. Sage, by the four legal achievements, the masses in this life is Exalted declared as a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment. Which four?
5) Ke ordinary uncultured, this sage, not a net credit achievements to the Buddha, the body damage the public network, being born in the evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. Thus there is no net credit to the Buddha. And the disciples of St. Multicultural, said Sage, unwavering achievement for the Buddha, after the body damage the public network, be born to good fun, paradise, this world. Such is unwavering to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata ... Buddha, Bhagavan".
6) Who ordinary uncultured, this sage, not a net credit achievements to France, when the body damage the public network, being born in the evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. Thus there is no credit for the French net. And the disciples of St. Multicultural unwavering achievements for France ... That unwavering against France: "France is Bhagavan ... cleverly theory whose new location just feeling out".
7) Who ordinary uncultured, this sage, not achievement for us Increase Net credit ... That unwavering for us up: "Operating as disciples of the Exalted ... cheers rooftop complete blessing in my life. "
8) Who ordinary uncultured, this sage, achievements ... As such evil world is no unwavering ... Thus unwavering for the world: "The world is the compassionate saint glass ... brought to Meditation ".
9) Due to the total extinction of four this approach, the Sage, by the four legal achievements, the masses in this life is Exalted declared as a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment.
14. IV. Beast  (1) (Sv, 364)
1-2) ...
3) - Due to the four legal achievements this, this, monks, saints overcome fear disciples of all beasts. Which four?
4-7) Here, monks, saints accomplished disciples unwavering to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan" .. . for France ... for us ... achievements of the world Increasing the glass ... loving saint taken to meditation.
8) Due to the four legal achievements, the Saints overcome fear disciples of all beasts.
15. V. Beast  (2) (Sv, 364)
1-2) ...
3) - Due to the four legal achievements this, this, monks, saints overcome fear disciples of all beasts of deprivation. Which four?
4-7) ... (4-7 paragraph number, trading on) ...
8) Due to the four legal achievements, the Saints overcome fear disciples of all beasts of deprivation ...
16. VI. FRIENDSHIP  (1) (Sv, 364)
1-2) ...
3) - All those who, this, monks, and he had compassion introspection, and those that you think need to be listened to, who are friends, or friends, or relatives, or the same lineage; All these persons, the monks, should be encouraged, to be imposed, must be residing in the four-part project saved. Which four?
4) They need to be encouraged, to be imposed, must be an unwavering stay on for the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan" .. . for France ... for ... for the world Increasing the glass ... loving saint taken to meditation.
5) Those who have the heart from the introspection, the monks, those whom he thought was the need to listen to, your friends, or friends, or relatives, or the same parentage; the person needs to be encouraged, should be imposed, should be residing in the four project saved this section.
17. VII. Dear friends  (2) (Sv, 365)
1-2) ...
3) - Those who, this, monks, and he had compassion introspection, those which he thinks need to listen, friends, friends, or relatives, or the same parentage; the person must be of He encouraged, to impose, to dwell in a Stream four parts. Which four?
4) should be encouraged, should be imposed, should dwell in unwavering to Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan". Oil, the monks, the four primary: great location, great waterway, the fire, the wind has changed, but given no change in the disciples Saints accomplished with unwavering faith Buddha. Here, a difference means: A disciple St. unwavering achievements thus born into hell, or into animalzxy species, or on every hungry ghosts; Such events do not occur.
5-6) ... for ... for Increasing France.
7) should be encouraged, should be imposed, must reside in the world is the glass loving saint. Oil, the monks, the four primary: great location, great waterway, the fire, the wind has changed; but given no other change in the disciples Saints unwavering achievement for the world is the glass loving saint. Here, a difference means the Saints accomplished disciples of the sages charity gender lens, will be born in hell, or animalzxy species, or the hungry ghosts; Such events do not occur.
8) Those who have the heart from the introspection, the monks, ... dwell in a Stream four parts.
18. VIII. JOURNEY gods  (Sv, 366)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Then the venerable Maha Moggalana, like the outstretched arm athlete is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched arm; too, venerable disappeared in Jetavana and appeared in heaven Thirty-three.
3) Then a large number of planes Thirty-three gods come to Venerable Moha Moggalana; after arrival, Venerable Maha Moggalana bowed and stood aside. Venerable Maha Moggalana told Devas was standing on one side:
4) - You instead, reverences, is the unwavering achievements to the Buddha: "... This is the Tathagata Buddha, the Blessed One". Because human achievement active unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, so here, some of them born after the body damage the public network, be born to good fun, paradise, this world.
5-6) You instead, reverences, is unwavering for France ... for us Increase ...
7) You instead, reverences, is the achievement of gender loving saint of glass ... taken to meditation. Because the world's achievements are the glass loving saint, reverences, so here, some of them born after the body damage the public network, improve animal was born, the natural world, this world.
8) - You instead, venerable Moggalana, the achievement active unwavering loyalty to the Buddha: "... This is the Tathagata Buddha, the Blessed One". Because human achievement active unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, venerable sir Moggalana, so here, some of them born after the body damage the public network, be born to good fun, paradise, this world.
9-11) You instead, venerable Moggalana, is the unwavering success over France ... for us ... the world Increasing the glass ... loving saint taken to meditation. Because the world's achievements was the loving saint glass, venerable sir Moggalana, so here, some of them born after the body damage the public network, be born to good fun, paradise, this world.
19. IX. VISITS devas  (1) (Sv, 367)
1) A time Venerable Maha Moggalana residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika in his garden.
2-7) Then venerable Moggalana, as the athletes ... (as above) ...
8-11) ... (as above) ... some beings, body damage after the public network, which is being good fun, paradise, this world.
20. X. VISITS devas  (2) (Sv, 357)
 (As of 18, only, this is the Exalted, not Maha Moggalana) ...
21. I. Mahanama  (1)
1) Thus have I heard.
Exalted a residence time between people Sakka, in Kapilavatthu area, garden Nigrodha.
2) Then they went to the Bhagavan Mahanama Interest; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, they Thich Mahanama venerable sir:
3) - This Kapilavatthu, venerable sir, is prosperity, prosperous, populous, crowded masses everywhere, cramped. Buddha, after I have served Bhagavan or revered monks, in the afternoon, I went into Kapilavatthu, I met an elephant running wild; I see wild horses running; I met people run wild; I met great vehicle to run wild; wild rover encountered small children running. Meanwhile, venerable sir, I think of the Buddha mind is confused, I think of the French mind is confused, my mind thinking we Increase confused. Then venerable sir, I thought as follows: "If at that time the common destiny, the child's birth What is interesting, the birth place of origin next life?"
4) - Do not be afraid, this Mahanama! Do not be afraid, this Mahanama! No evil will be the death of Mr.! No evil is his death! This Mahanama, who had a long day with a heart full of credit practice, practice full attention on gender, heart full cultivation of cultural establishments, heart full cultivation of town, full of mind to practice intellectual ; with it, though he had this remarkable body, composed by the four elements, so parents born, nurtured by rice gruel, impermanent has been destructive, dark chalk, break, decay; Oil for this body here was eating crow, vulture eating birds, eagles eat, dog food, or pseudo-can eat, or other kinds of food being wrong; but if his mind was a long day full of credit practice, practice gender perfect, perfect practice cultural property, full practice in town, perfect practice of wisdom, the heart of he notch, going to wins.
5) Just as, Mahanama, a flaking engulfed a buttermilk, or a stool into a deep lake and was smashed smasher. Here, the pieces flaked or submerged debris; but milk, butter or oil on the rise, rising above. Also, this Mahanama, with one long day, full attention was on credit practice, the mind is full of international practice, the mind is full of establishments practice writing, practiced mind full of towns, fully practiced mind intellectually; with him, with this remarkable body, composed by the four elements, so parents born, nurtured by rice gruel, impermanent has been vandalized, pollen dark, rupture, annihilation; Oil for this body here was eating crow, vulture eating birds, eagles eat, dog food, fake-can eat or the wrong kind of different food delivery; but if his mind was a long day full of credit practice, practice gender perfect, perfect practice cultural property, full practice in town, perfect practice of intelligence; the notch his mind, going to wins.
6) This Mahanama, has long been interested He practiced fully on credit, is full of international practice, practice is full of cultural facilities, which are perfect for practicing towns, perfect for practice wisdom. Do not be afraid, this Mahanama, do not be afraid, this Mahanama, no evil will be the death of Mr.! No evil is the death of Mr.!
22. II. Mahanama  (2) (Sv, 371)
1) Thus have I heard.
2) Then Mahanama ...
3) - Here, venerable sir, Kapilavatthu ...
4) Do not be afraid, this Mahanama! Do not be afraid, this Mahanama! No evil will be the death of Mr.! No evil is the death of Mr.! Due to the four legal achievements, the Mahanama, Saints minded disciples Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana. Which four?
5) Here, the Mahanama, Saints accomplished disciples unwavering loyalty to the Buddha action: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, the Blessed One ..." ... for with France ... to Increase ... achievements are the sages of the world ... leads to compassion meditation glass.
6) Just as, Mahanama, a natural tree to the east, toward the east, down to the east, if the roots are cut off, it will side with any?
- Buddha, on which side it is natural, yet its forward direction, toward what it downstream.
- Also, the Mahanama, by four legal achievements, the Saints disciples Nirvana inclined, towards Nirvana, Nirvana swept.
23. III. GODHA OR Mahanama  (3) (Sv, 371)
1) Human coast in Kapilavatthu.
2) Then they go to their favorite Interest Godha Mahanama; after arriving, told them Thich Godha:
3) - This Godha, as Sage knows someone is a Stream, how many legal achievements not rot rotten time, decided to make attained enlightenment?
- Hey Mahanama, as far as I know someone who is a Stream three legal achievements not rot rotten time, decided to make attained enlightenment.
4) Here, the Mahanama, Saints accomplished disciples unwavering to the Buddha: "... This is the Tathagata Buddha, the Blessed One" ... for ... for us Increase France. .. is unsurpassed field of merit in life. This Mahanama, accomplished by three methods, I know someone who is a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment.
5) But this Mahanama, known as Sage, who is a Stream How many legal achievements no longer rotten rotten time, decided to make attained enlightenment?
- Hey Gohda, as far as I know, someone who is a Stream of four legal achievements not rot rotten time, decided to make attained enlightenment. Which four? Here, this Godha, Saints accomplished disciples unwavering to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata ... Buddha, Bhagavan" ... for ... for Increasing French ... into achievement of gender is the compassionate saint ... taken to meditation glass. This Godha, as far as I know, a person is a Stream This achievement four no rot rotten time, decided to make attained enlightenment.
6) - Wait a minute, this Mahanama, wait a minute, this Mahanama. Exalted knows this, achievements or accomplishments of this approach. This Godha, let's go to Bhagavan and after arrival, ask about the meaning.
7) Then they Thich Thich Godha Mahanama and they went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, they Thich Mahanama venerable sir:
8) - Here, venerable sir, go to their favorite children Godha; after arriving, told them Thich Godha:
"- Hey Godha, known as Sage, who is a Stream How many legal achievements ... enlightenment?"
That being said, venerable sir, they told me Godha Interest:
"-This Mahanama, as far as I know, a person is a Stream achievements ... three French enlightenment. What are the three? Here, the Mahanama, Saints accomplished disciples unwavering to the Buddha: 'This is the Tathagata ... Buddha, Bhagavan' ... for ... for our French Increase ... this Mahanama, as far as I know, a person is a Stream this achievement three times is no longer rot fall, decided to make attained enlightenment. This also as Sage said Mahanama, who is a Stream How many legal achievements ... enlightenment? "
9) To say, venerable sir, I told them Thich Godha:
"- Hey Godha, as far as I know, a person is a Stream of four legal achievements ... enlightenment. Which four? Here, this Godha, Saints accomplished disciples unwavering to the Buddha: 'This is the Tathagata ... Buddha, Bhagavan "... for ... for Increasing French ... into achievement of gender is the compassionate saint ... taken to meditation glass. This Godha, as far as I know, a person is a Stream of four legal achievements ... enlightenment ".
Heard this, venerable sir, they Thich Godha, told me:
"- Wait a minute, this Mahanama, wait a minute, this Mahanama. Bhagavan will know this, that achievement or non achievement of this law. "
10) Here, venerable sir, to say the legal issues arise (dhamma samuppāda), and a side of Bhagavan, one side of them monks. A party who is the Exalted, the children followed him. Because lord, that is net of the credits. Blessed One accepted.
11) Here, venerable sir, if the legal issue arises, and a side of Bhagavan, a side of them monks and their monks-ni. A party who is the Exalted, the children followed him. Because lord ... Blessed One accepted.
12) Here, venerable sir, if the legal issue arises, and a side of Bhagavan, a side of them monks, we monks and laymen-ni. Party is Exalted ... Blessed One accepted.
13) Here, venerable sir, if the legal issue arises, and a side of Bhagavan, a side of them monks, we monks-ni, and laywomen. Party is Exalted ... Blessed One accepted.
14) Here, venerable sir, if the legal issue arises, and a side of Bhagavan, a side of them monks, monks-ni us, laymen, laywomen, they Thien world, we Makai, we Brahma world, masses recluses and Brahmin, gods and men. A party who is the Exalted, the children followed him. Because lord, that is net of the credits. Blessed One accepted.
15) - They Liked Mahanama said so, this Godha, he has said?
- They Liked Mahanama said so, I did not say anything except the words "Compassion", except for the words "Good".
24. IV. SARAKANI OR SARANANI  (1) (Sv, 375)
1) Human coast in Kapilavatthu.
2) At the time, they shared destiny Sarakani Interest and Exalted be declared as a Stream, no rot rotten, decided attained enlightenment.
3) There, some of their favorite winter gathering together, criticize, criticize, gossip: "It's amazing! It is rare! Today anyone can become a Stream, since they have common destiny Sarakani Interest, Exalted be declared a Stream, no rot fall, decided to make attained enlightenment. Like they have committed sex Sarakani and drink ".
4) Then they went to the Bhagavan Mahanama Interest; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, they Thich Mahanama venerable sir:
5) - Here, venerable sir, they have shared destiny Sarakani Interest and Exalted be declared as a Stream ... attained enlightenment. Here, venerable sir, some of their favorite winter when gathered together, criticize, criticize, gossip: "It's amazing! It is rare! ... They've Liked Sarakani transgression and drink ".
- Hey Mahanama, a lay Buddhist refuge for a long time, French refuge, refuge Increase how can go to deprivation are?
6) This Mahanama, if speaking right feet: People who have a long lay Buddhist refuge, refuge in the Dharma, Sangha, said that their right feet to say Prefer Sarakani. Mahanama this, they have a long Sarakani Like the Buddha, the refuge in the Dharma, Sangha rules, how can you go to deprivation?
7) Here, the Mahanama, someone achievements unwavering to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan" ... for France ... Boost for them, happy brainer (hasapanna), express wisdom and achieve liberation. He so make an end of the current contraband or even in the position to win enlightenment, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. This person, this Mahanama, are freed from hell, eagle species are liberated from birth, are freed from the hungry ghost realm, be freed from evil being, beast of deprivation.
8) Here, the Mahanama, someone achievements unwavering to the Buddha. "... This is the Tathagata Buddha, the Blessed One" ... for ... for our French-brainer Increase ... joy, express brainer but do not achieve liberation. He annihilated by five lower fetters, are goods being, at that enter Nirvana, the world no longer come back anymore. This person, this Mahanama, are freed from hell, eagle species are liberated from birth, are freed from ghosts, to be liberated from the evil being, beast of deprivation.
9) Here, the Mahanama, some signal achievements pure heart to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan" ... for ... for France with them ... no-brainer Increase joy, express no-brainer, does not achieve liberation. He after the cessation of the three fetters, after making brief soot greed, most of the future, this world just came back again, an end to suffering. This person, this Mahanama, are freed from hell, eagle species are liberated from birth, are freed from ghosts, to be liberated from the evil being, beast of deprivation.
10) Here, the Mahanama, someone achievements unwavering loyalty to the Buddha ... action against France ... for us Increase, no intellectual joy, express no-brainer, does not to achieve liberation. He after the cessation of the three fetters, is a Stream no longer rot fall, decided to make attained enlightenment. This person, this Mahanama, are freed from hell, eagle species are liberated from birth, are freed from ghosts, to be liberated from the evil being, beast of deprivation.
11) Here, the Mahanama, there are no active unwavering loyalty to the Buddha ... for France ... to Increase, no intellectual joy, express no-brainer ... not achieve liberation. But he has this method: Credit units, attack units, base concept, the base, knowledge base and the measures announced by the Tathagata was least part patience with intellectual observation. This person, this Mahanama, do not go to hell, do not go to animalzxy species, do not go to the hungry ghost realm, do not go to the evil being, beast of deprivation.
12) Here, the Mahanama, there are people who do not achieve unwavering to the Buddha, for law, for us Increase, no intellectual joy, express no-brainer, does not achieve liberation . But he has this method: Credit units, attack units, base concept, the base, knowledge base, only have faith, only admirers in Tathagata heart. This person, this Mahanama, without going to hell, no species animalzxy go, no go hungry ghost realm, there is no data to go to the plane, the Beast of deprivation.
13) If the tree this big ta-la, this Mahanama, know what is good theory, theory of evil, when I will claim that trees are a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make sense attained realization alone that they Thich Sarakani. This Mahanama, they Thich Sarakani, after common destiny, has accepted gender school.
25.V. SARAKANI SARANARI OR  (2) (Sv, 378)
1) Human coast in Kapilavatthu.
2-7) ... (like paragraphs 2-7 of the above) ...
8) - But here, this Mahanama, someone with heart Nhut devotion towards the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan" ... for France, for we Increased, joyful wisdom, wisdom Express, to achieve liberation. This position after cessation of five lower fetters, Intermediary evidence PARINIRVANA, Bat-Detriment attained nirvana, attained Nirvana Forever practice, evidence Nirvana Organic onions, evidence upstream, born in Sac natural cure. This person, this Mahanama, are liberated from hell ... to be liberated from the data plane, the Beast of deprivation.
9) Here, the Mahanama, someone with heart Nhut devotion towards the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... for ... for us Increase France, no wisdom Festival joy, express no-brainer, does not achieve liberation. This position after cessation of the three fetters, make soot strategic greed, most of the future, just once come back into this world. This Mahanama, who was freed from hell ... to be liberated from the data plane, the Beast of deprivation.
10) Here, the Mahanama, someone with heart Nhut devotion towards the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata" ... for ... for us Increase France, no brainer happy, no-brainer Express, no achievements liberation. This position after cessation of the three fetters, into a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment. This person, this Mahanama, are liberated from hell ... to be liberated from the data plane, the Beast of deprivation.
11) Here, the Mahanama, there are people who do not have heart Nhut devotion towards the Buddha: "This is ... the Blessed One ..." ... for France, for us Increase, no brainer joy , express no-brainer, does not achieve liberation, but these phenomena: Trust units, attack units, base concept, the base, knowledge base. And the measures announced by the Tathagata was least part patience, observing with wisdom. This person, this Mahanama, hell no ... no go to the realm of evil, evil animals deprivation.
12) Here, the Mahanama, there are people who do not have heart Nhut Devotional guide for Buddha ... for France, for Boost, no achievement of liberation, but these phenomena: Tin-base, base attack , knowledge base, only have faith, heart admiration for the Tathagata. This person, this Mahanama, no go to hell ... no go to the data plane, the Beast of deprivation.
13) Just as, Mahanama, a field with a bad, bad piece of land, the trees have not been destroyed, the seeds of torn, rotten, sun makes wind damage, can not germinate, do not cleverly planted, and it did not rain appropriate; when the seeds that can grow, grow, grow it?
- No, venerable sir.
- Also, the Mahanama, here, poor law faculty, poor presentation, not to manufacture glass, not to tranquility, not the Enlightenment was a preacher. It is said that in a field as bad. His disciples that live in legal, enforcement and Dhamma practice right feet, lawful practice. Thus, I say, who's like a bad seed.
14) Just as, Mahanama, a field well, good soil, cleverly radicals destroy, the seeds are not torn in half, not perishable, non-damaging sun wind, can germinate, cleverly implanted, large well-planted and appropriate rain. Thus, the seed had grown up, there is growth, there is not powerful?
- Ladies have, venerable sir.
- Also, the Mahanama, here, law faculty was smart, well-presented, leading to renunciation, to tranquility, Career Enlightenment was preaching, I say this as a field method possible. Disciples living in that law, legal practice and Dhamma practice right feet, the correct legal practice. Thus, I say that people like good seeds alone that they Thich Sarakani. This Mahanama, they Thich Sarakani, when the public network, has presented school fullness.
26.VI. ABOUT EVIL OR Anathapindika  (1) (Sv, 380)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) At the time, homeowners Anathapindika are sick, in pain, was seriously ill.
3) Then Anathapindika told a homeowner:
- Come, behold You. Please go to the venerable Sariputta; after arriving in my name, his head bowed and feet venerable Sariputta said: "Homeowners Anathapindika, venerable sir, is sick, in pain, is mortally ill, his head bowed legs venerable Sariputta"; and said, "You instead, venerable sir, if the venerable Sariputta went to the residence of the owner Anathapindika for introspection kindness!"
- Ladies and yes, Homeowners.
He, the owner replied Anathapindika yes, go to the venerable Sariputta; after arrival, venerable Sariputta bowed and sat down on one side.
4) On one side, he said to the venerable Sariputta:
- Homeowners Anathapindika, venerable sir, sick, painful, life-threatening illness, please head bowed legs Venerable Sariputta, the landlord said, "You instead, venerable sir, if the venerable Sariputta went to the abode of Anathapindika homeowners because introspection kindness! "
The venerable Sariputta silently accepted.
5) Then the venerable Sariputta, in the morning, robes, holding a bowl with Venerable Ananda y is recluses entourage, went to the residence of the owner Anathapindika; after arriving, was prepared to sit down place. Sit down, venerable Sariputta told Anathapindika homeowners:
- Homeowners Hey, have patience Homeowners say? Homeowners can stand it? Are minimizing unpleasant, no growth? Are there signs of reducing, without growth?
- Venerable Sir, I can not endurance. I can not endure. Vehemently where human life is suffering. We grow, no mitigation. There are signs that they are growing, not minimized.
6) - whereas ordinary uncultured man, this Homeowners achievement faithless heart for Buddha, so after a body damage public network, was born in evil being, beast, deprivation, in hell. But The homeowner does not have any heart for Buddhist followers. In contrast, Homeowners achievements unwavering loyalty to the Buddha action: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan". If Homeowners find themselves unwavering loyalty of Homeowners for the Buddha, the immediate sensations of Homeowners are calm.
7) So that ordinary uncultured man, this Homeowners achievement for French hearts distrust, so after a body damage public network, was born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. Homeowners do not have hearts but no confidence for the French. In contrast, Homeowners unwavering achievements for France: "France is Exalted himself awakened cleverly understood the theory ...". If you find yourself Homeowners unwavering loyalty to the French action, the immediate sensations of Homeowners are calm.
8) Because that ordinary uncultured man, this Homeowners achievement for our hearts distrust Increase, so after a body damage public network, was born in evil being, beast, deprivation, in hell. But The homeowner does not have such a heart of no confidence against them Increase. In contrast, net credit Homeowners achievement for us up: "Operating as disciples of the Blessed One ... is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. ' If you find yourself Homeowners unwavering loyalty to them Boost dynamic, time away Homeowners sensations of being calm.
9) So that ordinary uncultured man, this Homeowners, achievements evil world, so after a body damage public network, was born in ... hell. But gender Homeowners no such evil. In contrast, limited Homeowners are the glass ... loving saint taken to meditation. If the world finds itself Homeowners saint of charity is that glass, when immediately the sensation of being calm Homeowners.
10) Since that ordinary uncultured man, this Homeowners achievements so wrong, so after a body damage ... hell. But The homeowner does not have such wrong. In contrast, there is right Homeowners. If Homeowners find themselves right view of Homeowners, the immediate sensations of Homeowners are calm.
11-19) whereas ordinary uncultured man, this Homeowners, achievements ... wrong speech thinking evil ... evil ... evil network now ... wrong effort ... evil thoughts ... ... where the ... evil evil evil so liberating, so after a body damage public network, was born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. But Homeowners thinking no evil ... evil ... evil language network now ... wrong ... wrong effort ... ... evil for evil thoughts ... wrong ... wrong place liberation so. In contrast, Homeowners have right thought ... right speech ... right action ... right livelihood ... right effort ... mindfulness ... right concentration ... right knowledge ... Secretarial Award exit. If Homeowners find themselves right thought ... right speech ... right action ... right livelihood ... right effort ... mindfulness ... right concentration ... right knowledge ... Secretarial Award the homeowner's escape, the immediate sensations of Homeowners are calm.
20) Then the feelings of the owner immediately calm Anathapindika.
21) Then the landlord Anathapindika invited Sariputta and Venerable Venerable Ananda meal (from where his rice cooker).
22) After the venerable Sariputta meal, left hand bowl, homeowners went to venerable Sariputta Anathapindika; after arriving, took a low seat and sat to one side.
23) The venerable Sariputta homeowners praised Anathapindika this shelf with the words:
               Who believes the Tathagata,
               Real smart security establishment.
               Who has the wholesome world,
               Glasses are loving saint.
               We Increased trust anyone,
               Department is to be upright,
               He called "not poor"
               Life is not wasted.
               Therefore, wise intelligent
               Credit should practice gender,
               Dharma is clearly seen,
               Do not forget his teachings.
24) Then the venerable Sariputta, after the word joy with words of praise this shelf, from the seat up and leave.
25) Then the venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda was sitting on one side:
26) - Hey Ananda, where he went to take a nap?
- Buddha, householder Anathapindika was venerable Sariputta Catholic teaching presented with words like this world, this ...
- Express themselves, this Ananda, is Sariputta! Great wisdom, this Ananda, is Sariputta! He can split into ten fractions The four generals.
27.VII. ABOUT EVIL OR Anathapindika  (2) (Sv, 385)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) At the time, homeowners Anathapindika sick, painful, life-threatening illness.
3-5) ... (much like before, only this is not the venerable Ananda Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Ananda to go alone, so ... there are signs of growth, not have minimized).
6) - Homeowners Hey, guys ordinary uncultured four legal achievements so scared, panic, fear of death, the afterlife. Which four?
7) Here, the Homeowners, who uncultured ordinary achievement for Buddha heart disbelief. When he found himself pleased his distrust towards Buddhism, he trembles, panic, fear of death, the afterlife. Again, this The homeowner, who uncultured ordinary achievement for French hearts distrust. When he found himself pleased his distrust towards France; he trembled, panic, fear of death, the afterlife. Again, this The homeowner, who uncultured ordinary achievement for Increased heart disbelief. As he himself saw his heart no confidence against them Increase; he trembled, panic, fear of death, the afterlife. Again, this The homeowner, who uncultured evil mortal world achievements. When he recognized the evil world of his achievements; he trembled, panic, fear of death, the afterlife. Due to this legal achievements of four, this The homeowner, who uncultured ordinary trembling, panic, fear of death, the afterlife.
8) Due to the four legal achievements, the Homeowners, the disciple of St. Multicultural no trembling, no panic, no fear of death, the afterlife. Which four? Here, the Homeowners, the disciple of St. Multicultural unwavering achievements to Buddha: "This is the Tathagata ... Buddha, Bhagavan". When auto show of unwavering loyalty to the Buddha himself, he does not tremble, do not panic, no fear of death, the afterlife. Again, this The homeowner, the disciple of St. Multicultural achievements unwavering loyalty to the French animated: "France is Bhagavan ... cleverly theory only person understand himself awakened mind." When auto show unwavering loyalty to France his work, he does not tremble, do not panic, no fear of death, the afterlife. Again, the Homeowners ... unwavering loyalty to them Boost dynamic "operating a disciple of the Blessed One ... is unsurpassed field of merit in the world" ... the next life. Again, this The homeowner, the Holy Multicultural accomplished disciples of the sages are loving world ... brought to Meditation glass. When recognized the achievements of the world were the sages loving his glass, he does not tremble, do not panic, no fear of death, the afterlife. This achievement four, the Homeowners, St. Multicultural Career disciple without trembling, no panic, no fear of death, the afterlife.
9) - Ananda Venerable Sir, I do not fear. How can I fear? I have pure hearts credit achievements to Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan" ... for ... for our French ... sir venerable Increase that everyone has the world learned harmony glass (samici) by Bhagavan house preaching, I found myself without a gender violation.
10) - Taking a prime place of Homeowners, the Homeowners! Tactfully instead Homeowners attained, the Homeowners! The homeowner has declared the project up and results.
28.VIII. Anathapindika resentment or  (3) (Sv, 387)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Then go to the householder Anathapindika Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika homeowners are sitting on one side:
3) - When Saints disciples, the Homeowners, made only in the fear pure hatred (pancabhayani), accomplished four fractions Project, and through wisdom, St. reason (Naya) is cleverly suggests, is communication skill, if he wants, will himself proclaim him as follows: "I have to make an end to hell; the total extinction of the species have been animalzxy; I was hungry ghost realm annihilation; It is a Stream, not rotten fall, decides to make attained enlightenment. " What is the year of fear, hatred is purified only?
4) Fear, hatred, the Homeowners, even in the start-up current for the killing; conditioned by killing, fear, hatred arises in the next life, the advantages suffering because his mind feeling. With people abandon killing, the fear, so is pure hatred only.
... Arises for taking what is not for ...
... Arises for sexual misconduct in the ...
... Arises to lie ...
Fear, hatred, the Homeowners, even in the start-up current for the passionate wine yeast, cooking wine; conditioned by passionate wine yeast, cooking wine, fear, hatred arises in the next life, suffering superiority feelings by his mind. With passionate abandon yeast, cooking wine, the fear, hatred so is pure only.
Five of fear, just pure hatred is.
5) With the four-part project to save, he was accomplished?
Here, the Homeowners, Saints accomplished disciples action unwavering loyalty to the Buddha: "... This is the Tathagata Buddha, the Blessed One" ... for ... for us Increase France. .. he presented the achievements of the glass ... loving saint taken to meditation.
Four Project achievements save this part.
6) What is St. reason he found the intellectual skill, communication skill?
Here, the Homeowners, Saints cleverly disciples as dependent origination volition reason: Because this is present, the other is present. Because this arises, the other being run. Because this is not present, the other is not present. Due to this the kill, kill the other. That is ignorance coast, act charming informal, informal charm and matter, and matter origin predestined six, six coastal parish contact, contact Life coast, coast loving life, loving grace prime, prime coastal property, fortunate birth, aging occurrence from. Such is the size of the entire collection starting this group. Due to the dispassion, cessation of ignorance is no residue remains, should be disinfected with. Kill by acts, should wake up laozi kill ... kill. Such is the cessation of this entire mass of ill this.
This is St. reason, with wisdom, skill saw, cleverly communicated.
7) When Saints disciples, the Homeowners, is pure only in the fear, hatred, which was accomplished four save this project, and holy wisdom of thanks was clever show, cleverly communicate the same time if you want , he would be able to proclaim him as follows: "I have to make an end to hell; I have animalzxy species annihilation; I was hungry ghost realm annihilation; It was total annihilation of deprivation, the Beast of deprivation. I am a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment. "
29.IX. FEAR OR monks  (Sv, 389)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) ... (as of above 28, only, this is a large number of monks to the Buddha and the Buddha for he) ...
30.X. Licchavis OR NANDAKA  (Sv, 389)
1) One time, Bhagavan residing in Vesali, in the Great Forest, lodging house with a peaked.
2) Then the lords who Licchavis named Nandaka go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Nandaka, Licchavis courtiers who were sitting on one side:
- Hey Nandaka, four legal achievements, a disciple saints is a Stream ... attained enlightenment. Which four?
3) Here, this Nandaka, Saints accomplished disciples unwavering loyalty to the Buddha action: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan" ... for France. .. for our achievements Increase ... he is the saint of the world ... brought to meditation. This achievement four, this Nandaka, Saints disciple a Stream, no rot fall, decided to make attained enlightenment.
4) This four-achievement, this Nadaka, disciple saints related to longevity gods and men who, in relation to identity solutions, related to peace, related to reputation, linked to increased upstream capacity (adhipateyya) The gods and men.
5) This point, this Nandaka, I know not by hearing from a recluse or Brahmin does then I declared. It is because of themselves, I know, I see self, self-conscious I then I declared.
6) When they heard that, a man said to Nandaka, courtiers who Licchavis:
- Dear Great view, this time to shower.
- Come on, now and then, this you, that's just the exterior wash. Washing the inside is enough for me, ie pure heart to Bhagavan credit.
31. I. fullness  (1) (Sv, 391)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) - Hey, monks, four merit fullness, fullness good, dishes for this optimism. Which four?
3) Here, monks, saints accomplished disciples unwavering loyalty to the Buddha action: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan". This is the merit of fullness, fullness good, the first dish for optimism.
4) Again, monks, saints accomplished disciples unwavering loyalty to the French animated: "France is Exalted theory ... only smart person understand himself awakened mind." This is the merit of fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism Monday.
5) Again, monks, saints accomplished disciples unwavering loyalty to them Boost dynamic "operating as disciples of the Blessed One ... is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. ' This is the merit of fullness, fullness friendly, peanut dish for Tuesday.
6) Again, monks, saints accomplished disciples of the sages are loving world ... brought to Meditation glass. This is the merit of fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism Wednesday.
7) This, this, monks, are the four merit fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism.
32. II. Fullness  (2) (Sv, 391)
1-5) ... (as of above, paragraph 1-5) ...
6) - Again, monks, saints disciples stay in the family, with the mind of defilements rid of avarice, giving easy, hands wide open, enjoy abandon, meets the love bridge, enjoy sharing handout materials. This is the merit of fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism Wednesday.
7) This, this, monks, are the four merit fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism.
33. III. Fullness  (3) (Sv, 392)
2-5) ... (like doing 31, paragraphs 2-5) ...
6) - He has wisdom, intellectual achievement of being destroyed (the law), intellectual the sages can enter (the law), leading to an end to suffering right feet. This is the merit of fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism Wednesday.
7) This, this, monks, are the four merit fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism.
34. IV. WAY of gods  (1) (Sv, 392)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) - There are four disasters of this religion of gods, the monks, that beings are not pure is pure, pure white that living beings are not pure white. Which four?
3) Here, monks, saints accomplished disciples net credit hearts to the Buddha ... This was the first director of the celestial gods, beings that have not been pure purity resulted beings transparency is not a pure white net.
4-6) ... (as above for the French, with their monks and the world) ... "This is the director's fourth celestial gods, making them ... are pure white.
7) This, this, monks, is the four celestial gods direction, causing beings ... are pure white.
35. V. THE WAY devas  (2) (Sv, 393)
2) - There are four celestial deities of this religion, the monks, that beings are not pure is pure, pure white that living beings are not pure white. Which four?
3) Here, monks, saints accomplished disciples unwavering loyalty with the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level, Buddha, Bhagavan". He thought as follows: "What is the natural direction of the gods? Saying no is the ultimate anger. I did not harm anyone, and being mobile or non-mobile beings. Indeed, we live achievements of natural law religion ". This is the director's first celestial gods made of pure beings ... are white.
4-5) And again, monks, saints accomplished disciples unwavering loyalty to the French action ... for us Increase ...
6) ... achievements are the sages of the world ... leads to compassion meditation glass. He thought as follows: "What is the natural direction of the gods?" He clearly knew as follows: "I heard the gods say that anger is not paramount. I did not harm anyone, and being mobile or non-mobile beings. Indeed, we live achievements of natural law religion ". This is the director's fourth celestial gods, making the pure beings are not pure, making the net less transparent beings are pure white.
7) This, this, monks, is the four celestial gods direction, causing beings ... are pure white.
2) - the Gods, the monks, happy to talk to friends with one of four legal achievements. Which four?
3) Here, monks, saints accomplished disciples action unwavering loyalty to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan". What gods achievement active unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, after the common fate in this place, was born here. Devas was thinking: "As we achieve dynamic unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, common destiny there, was born here." Saints disciples also unwavering loyalty achievements such action. He told them: "Come here, closer to the gods".
4-5) And again, monks, saints ... for French students ... for us Increase ...
6) Saints accomplished disciples of the sages charity gender lens ... taken to meditation. What gods achievement of gender is the glass loving saint, after the common fate in this place, to be reborn there. They thought as follows: "We are the achievements of world greenhouse loving saint. Therefore, our common destiny in the other place, being in this place. " Saints disciples also presented the achievements of the glass so loving saint. He told them: "Come, come close to the gods".
7) Who is this legal achievements of four, the monks, the devas happy to talk with their friends.
37. VII. Mahanama  (Sv, 395)
1) One time, Bhagavan Sakka resident among the people, in Kapilavatthu, tropical almond tree in the garden.
2) Then they went to the Bhagavan Interest Mahanama, after arriving ... sat to one side, they Thich Mahanama venerable sir:
3) - So how, venerable sir, is a layman?
- Who refuge in the Buddha, the Mahanama, French refuge, refuge we Boost. Until such, this Mahanama, is a layman.
4) - So how, venerable sir, is one a lay full gender?
- Hey Mahanama, who lay abandoned killing, taking what is not to give up, to abandon sexual misconduct in, abandoning lying, abandoning captivated yeast, cooking wine. Until such, this Mahanama, who lay full instructions.
5) - So how, venerable sir, is one a lay full credit?
- Here, this Mahanama, laypeople have faith, believe in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan". Until such, this Mahanama, who lay full credit.
6) - So how, venerable sir are full lap lay alms?
- Here, this Mahanama, a lay person in the family residence, escaped the defilements of mind avarice, giving easy, hands wide open, enjoying the disclaimer, to satisfy the requirements, enjoy sharing objects charity. Until such, this Mahanama, who lay full of generosity.
7) - So how, venerable sir, is one a lay full intellectual?
- Here, this Mahanama, laypeople have wisdom, intellectual achievement of being destroyed (the law), intellectual the sages can enter (the law), leading to an end to suffering right feet. Until such, this Mahanama, who lay full of wisdom.
38. VIII. RAIN  (Sv, 396)
2) - Just as, monks, when the top big mountain rains, the rain water that flows in the direction of its prose, full of caves, ravines; after filling the caves, ravines, it was filled with small lakes; after the small lake full, it is filled with large lakes; after large lake filled it full of small rivers; after a small river full, it overflows this great river; after major rivers overflowing, it was filled with sea, ocean.
3) Also, the monks, disciples of Saints, dynamic unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, unwavering loyalty to the French action, unwavering loyalty to them Boost dynamic, and the world Ai is the glass saints; It flows to the other side, to cessation of defilements.
39. IX. Potassium  (Sv, 398)
1) At the time Bhagavan Sakka resident among the people, in Kapilavatthu, garden Cay Bang.
2) Then Bhagavan, in the morning, robes, holding the bowl y, go to the home of female Kaligodha Interest; after arriving, was prepared to sit on the seat.
3) Then go to Kaligodha female Interest Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Interest Kaligodha women sitting on one side:
- Achievement of four methods, this Godha, Holy female disciple is a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment. Which four?
4) Here, this Godha, St. disciple female achievement active unwavering loyalty to the Buddha: "... This is the Tathagata Buddha, the Blessed One" ... for ... for our French this increase ... the family residing in mind escaped the defilements of avarice, giving easy, hands wide open, enjoying the disclaimer, to satisfy the requirements, shared objects enjoy giving. This Godha, four legal achievements, one female disciple St. a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment.
5) - The Four Exalted save part of this lecture, venerable sir, we are human. Con implement this law. Buddha, the achievements unwavering loyalty to Buddhism activities, Tathagata ... for France ... for us Increase ... All that giving something to be brought in the family, all of which are distributed to those who have and those who do good world.
6) - Taking a prime instead of him, this Godha! It tactfully instead elect him, this Godha! This Godha, he declared the project to save results.
40) X. Nandiya  (Sv, 397)
1) One time, Bhagavan Sakka resident among the people, in Kapilavatthu, in Cay Bang gardens.
2) Then they went to the Bhagavan Nandiya Interest; after arriving ... sat to one side, their favorite lord Nandiya:
3) - With disciples Saints do, venerable sir, comprehensive, whole no four Provision save this section; his disciple saints, venerable sir, might be called a distraction not stay?
- Hey Nandiya, with one comprehensive, not entire project saved four sections; him, I declared the sidelines, in the ranks of the ordinary man.
4) However, this Nandiya, I will tell how Mr. St. disciples a distraction and permanent residence are not distractions. Listen and smart volition, I would say.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
They replied yes Like Nandiya Bhagavan, Bhagavan said as follows:
5) - Nandiya Hey, how was the resident disciple St. distractions?
Here, this Nandiya, Saints accomplished disciples action unwavering loyalty to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan". He satisfied with unwavering loyalty to Buddhist affairs, not try to add, the day is not night life not lived renunciation Meditation. Because he lives so heedless, so there is no joy. Because there is no joy, there is no joy. Because there is no joy, there is no calm. Do not calm, alive suffering. Do mind suffering, should not calm. Because the heart is not static, so the law is not evident. Due to the current law is not clear, so he called a distraction residence. Again, this Nandiya, Saints French disciple ... for ... for us ... the achievements of the world Increasing the glass ... loving saint taken to meditation. This position is satisfied with the sages loving world of glass, do not try to add, daytime renunciation do not live, do not live Meditation night. Therefore he should stay distractions so no joy. Because there is no joy, there is no joy. Because there is no joy, there is no calm. Because there is no calm, alive suffering. Do mind suffering, should not calm. Because the heart is not static, so the law is not evident. Due to the current law is not clear, so he called a distraction residence.
6) Nandiya Hey, how was the resident disciple St. undistracted?
Here, this Nandiya, Saints accomplished disciples action unwavering loyalty to the Buddha: "... This is the Tathagata Buddha, the Blessed One". This position does not correspond with his unwavering loyalty activities, try harder, renunciation daytime life, night life Meditation. Because he lives no distractions, so joyful start. Because he joyfully, so rapture born. Due attention has joy, so calm yourself. Due to the relative calm, so he lost sensation. Because the mind is optimistic, he should calm. Because static concentration, the law is out. Because the law is revealed, he called undistracted residence. Again, this Nandiya, disciple saints for France ... for us ... he Increase achievement of gender loving saint of glass ... taken to meditation. He is not satisfied with the world is the compassionate saint glass, trying to be more diligent, live renunciation daytime, night life Meditation. Because he lives no such distractions, joyful life. He had joy, so rapture born. Due attention has rapture, so nervous police. Due to the relative calm, so he lost sensation. Because the mind is optimistic, he should calm. Because static concentration, the law is out. Because the law is revealed, he called undistracted residence. Thus, this Nandiya, the disciple saints stay undistracted.
V. FOOD SHELF WITH prolific merit
41. I. fullness  (1) (Sv, 399)
2) - Hey, monks, four merit fullness, fullness good, dishes for this optimism. Which four?
3) Here, monks, saints accomplished disciples unwavering loyalty to the Buddha action: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan". This is the merit of fullness, fullness good, the first dish for optimism. Again, monks, saints accomplished disciples unwavering loyalty to the French action ... to Increase ... achievements are the sages of the world ... leads to compassion meditation glass. This is the merit of fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism Wednesday. These phenomena, this, monks, are the four merit fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism.
4) With the Saints accomplished disciples merit four fullness, fullness good, dishes for this touch, this, monks, it is not easy to count the countless blessings: "The number of such as merit fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism ". They can only be referred to as the countless, countless, great merit aggregates.
5) Also, the monks, it is not easy to count large amount of water in the ocean is how many barrels, or how many hundred barrels, or how many hundred thousand barrels. They can only be referred to as the countless, countless major countries gathered. Also, this, monks, saints accomplished disciples merit four fullness, fullness good, dishes for this optimism, it is not easy to count the number of merit: "The number like this is blessed Lord fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism ". They can only be referred to as the countless, countless, great merit aggregates.
6) Bhagavan said this:
               Ocean, marine college,
               The vast vast,
               Full of horror,
               Containing countless pearls,
               Serving hundreds of thousands of people,
               The rivers (large, small),
               They flowed massively,
               They flock to the coast tank.
               Likewise the people,
               Candidates food, drink, cloth,
               Giving beds, seats,
               Blankets, mattresses, furniture is located,
               Immeasurable merit source,
               From guys flow position,
               As rivers and lakes full of water,
               Both flowing flush tank.
42. II. Fullness  (2) (Sv, 401)
2) - Hey, monks, four merit fullness, fullness good, dishes for this optimism. Which four?
3) Here, monks, saints accomplished disciples unwavering loyalty to the Buddha ... action against France ... for us ... Increase in family residence, with center exit from defilements of avarice, giving easy, hands wide open, exciting disclaimer, to satisfy the requirements, shared objects enjoy giving. This is the merit of fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism Wednesday. These phenomena, this, monks, are the four merit fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism.
4) ... (paragraph 4, of above) ...
5) For example, in places where large rivers met, enter a line with each other, such as the Ganges, the Yamuna, the river Aciravati, Sarabhu rivers, River Mahi, it is not easy to count the number of countries in that place is how many crates, how many hundreds of crates, how many hundred thousand barrels. They can only be referred to as the countless, countless major country aggregates gathered ... great merit.
6) Bhagavan said this:
... (Like the two trading verses on) ...
43. III. Fullness  (3) (Sv, 401)
2) ... (as paragraph 2, of above) ...
3) ... (beginning on the same business for Buddha, Dharma and Sangha ...) with wisdom, intellectual achievement of being destroyed (the law), intellectual the sages can enter (the law) , leading to an end to suffering right feet. These phenomena, this, monks, are the four merit fullness, fullness good, dishes for optimism.
4) ... (paragraph 4, of before) ...
5) theory Exalted says:
               Who desires merit,
               Stay firm on the good,
               Cultivation way,
               Taken to achieve immortality,
               The core of the legal evidence,
               Enjoy paragraph (cankers),
               He did not tremble,
               When thinking of death.
44. IV. RICH OR VERY RICH  (1) (Sv, 402)
2) - The achievement of four measures, this, monks, saints disciples called rich, very rich, with major assets, with big names. Which four?
3) ... (as the economic front, talks about unwavering to the Three Jewels and the world) ...
4) This four-achievement, this, monks, saints disciples called rich, very rich, with major assets, with big names.
45. V. RICH OR VERY RICH  (2) (Sv, 402)
... (Like doing before) ...
46. ​​VI. Monks or purify  (Sv, 403)
2) - The achievement of four measures, this, monks, saints disciple is a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment. Which four?
3) ... (as the economic front, talking about net credit to the Three Jewels and the world) ...
4) This four-achievement, this, monks, saints disciple is a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment.
47. VII. Nandiya  (Sv, 403)
1) Human coast in Kapilavatthu.
2) Interest Bhagavan told them Nandiya sitting aside: "This achievement four, this Nandiya, Saints disciple is a Stream ... enlightenment. Which four? "
3) ... (achievement for Trinity net credit and gender Treasure) ...
4) ... (paragraph 4, of before) ...
48. VIII. BHADDIYA  (Sv, 403)
... (As of before, except, this is their favorite Bhaddiya) ...
49. IX. Mahanama  (Sv, 404)
... (As of before, except, this is their favorite Mahanama) ...
SECTION X. 50.  (Sv, 404)
2) - There are four project saved this section, the monks. Which four?
3) Inner Truth's ranks, hear the true Dhamma, as of volition, legal practice and custom.
4) This, this, monks, is expected to save four parts.
2) - The achievement of four measures, this, monks, saints disciple is a Stream, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment. Which four?
3) ... (As the economic front, the Trinity net credits and achievements of gender Treasure) ... Hey, monks, four legal achievements, the saint's disciples awakened a Stream ... .
4) Exalted says so ...
               Those who believe the Tathagata,
               Estate, well-dwell,
               With one wholesome world,
               Glass saint, praise.
               Increased net credit to anyone,
               With upright knowledge,
               Is said not poor,
               So do not live in vain.
               Therefore, wise intelligent,
               Credit should practice gender,
               Dharma is clearly seen,
               Do not forget his teachings.
52. II. Rainy season retreat  (Sv, 405)
1) One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika in his garden.
2) At the time, the monks, after the rainy season retreat in Savatthi finished, go to Kapilavatthu for some work.
3) Interest in Kapilavatthu they heard a monks, after finishing the rainy season retreat in Savatthi, came Kapilavatthu.
4) Then they go to their favorite in Kapilavatthu his monks; after arrival, he bowed monks sat down on one side. Interest in the Kapilavatthu they said to the monks that:
5) - Venerable Sir, Bhagavan has no health, there is not healthy?
- Reverences, Exalted health, have healthy.
- Venerable Sir, Venerable Sariputta and Venerable health Mahamoggallana have not, have not healthy?
- Reverences, Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Moggalana health, have healthy.
- Venerable Sir, we monks are not healthy, it is not healthy?
- Reverences, we monks have health, have healthy.
6) - Venerable Sir, during this retreat, he came to have themselves heard, what life itself leading from Bhagavan?
- Reverences, I have heard itself, life itself from Bhagavan leaders as follows: "It is less, the monks, the monks, after the cessation of illegal or, in the current , position yourself to win enlightenment, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. And more than that, monks, after the cessation of five lower fetters, are turned born, from there enter Nirvana, no longer return to this life again ".
7) Again, this reverences, I hear itself, life itself from Bhagavan leaders as follows: "It is less, this, monks, are the monks, after the cessation of five lower fetters , is being turned, from there enter Nirvana, no longer back this life anymore. And more are the monks, after the cessation of the three fetters, make soot strategic greed, hatred and delusion is most hybrids, only this life once more callbacks to end suffering. "
8) Again, this reverences, I hear itself, life itself from Bhagavan leaders as follows: "It is less, this, monks, are the monks, after the cessation of the three fetters, do black comb for greed, hatred and delusion, the future most, only once more callbacks this life to end suffering. And more are the monks, after the cessation of the three fetters, into a Stream, no rotten rotten, decided to make attained enlightenment. "
53. III. Dhammadinna.  (Sv, 406)
1) One time, Bhagavan residing in Baranasi, at Isipatana, in the deer park.
2) Then lay Dhammadinna with five hundred laypeople go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, lay Dhammadinna venerable sir:
3) - Buddha, Bhagavan, please teach us. Bhagavan please Catholic world for us! Thus we are happy, long-term peace.
- If so, this Dhammadinna, he needs to study the following: The classic yet preached by the Tathagata deep, profound sense, superpower, related means not, should generally be looking to and dwell (learning). Thus, this Dhammadinna and he needs to learn.
4) - Buddha, it's not easy for us, to live in the house full of kids, sheep-herd used incense from Kasi, wearing garlands, incense and wax chalk, use gold and silver life , to the classics by Bhagavan profound preaching, with deep meaning, supramundane, related means not, can often look to the classics that and learn. Buddha, we dwell on is the legal year, Bhagavan proclaim to us the other!
5) - So, this Dhammadinna and he just learning as follows: "We will achieve dynamic unwavering loyalty to the Buddha: 'This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Exalted ... for France ... for us ... achievement of gender Increase the compassionate saint taken to meditation glass ... ' ". Thus, this Dhammadinna and he needs to learn.
- Buddha, four segments are expected to save Bhagavan discourses, legal entities that are present in our place. We implement that law.
6) Buddha, our achievements action unwavering loyalty to the Buddha: "... This is the Tathagata Buddha, the Blessed One ... for France .... for us ... our Increases the achievement of gender loving saint of glass ... brought to Meditation ".
7) - Taking a prime place of Mr, this Dhammadinna! It's a prime place of Mr tactfully, this Dhammadinna! Dhammadinna this, He has declared the project to save results.
54. IV. BE PATIENT  (Sv, 408)
1) One time, Bhagavan residing in between their favorite people, in Kapilavatthu, eagle garden plants.
2) At the time, many monks are doing medicine for Bhagavan, thought when he finished, Bhagavan after three months will be traveling.
3) They Liked Mahanama heard: "Many monks are doing medicine for Bhagavan and they think: 'When he finished, Bhagavan after three months will be traveling" ". Then they went to the Bhagavan Mahanama Interest; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, they Thich Mahanama venerable sir:
4) - Buddha, I heard many monks are doing medicine for Bhagavan and they think: "After he finished, Bhagavan after three months will be traveling." We have not been heard from Bhagavan itself, the territory itself from this Bhagavan. Buddha, a layman is sick, in pain, severely injured patients, need to be a Catholic layman had sex position like?
5) - This Mahanama, a lay person is sick, in pain, severely injured patients, need to be comforted with the following four consoled measures (assasaniya dhamma): The venerable rest assured, with unwavering loyalty action the venerable to the Buddha: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat level ... Buddha, Bhagavan. Venerable rest assured, with the unwavering loyalty of venerable for France ... The venerable rest assured, with the unwavering loyalty of our venerable to Increase ... Venerable rest assured, with the world of venerable sages are the glass ... leads to compassion meditation ".
6) A layman is sick, in pain, severely injured patients, this Mahanama, to be a Catholic layman had sex with four legal position this consolation. Needless to say so.
7) his venerable parents longing. If he says: "I still longing for their parents," he should have told the following: "Venerable Sir, how venerable must die. Oil venerable longing for his parents, he came to die also. Oil Venerable not longing parents, he came to die also. So it is better to abandon venerable memory compassion for the parents of the venerable ".
8) If he said the following: "My longing for parents, remember that mercy was to make an end", he needs to be said as follows: "Illustration longing for his wife and children or not ? "If he says:" I am longing for his wife and children, "the time he needs to be said as follows:" How he came to die. Oil venerable longing for his wife and children, he came to die also. Oil Venerable no mercy remember his wife and children, he came to die also. So it is better to abandon venerable memory compassion for the wife of the venerable ".
9) If he said the following: "My longing for his wife and children, his heart was yearning to make an end", he needs to be said as follows: "Illustration with grief in training and merit the species does not? "If he said the following:" I am longing in human sexual merit ", he needs to be said as follows:" the God's fitness for education, more attractive , longer than the typical magical. So better venerable abandon sexual attention from the staff, and afferent to the Four Deva Kings disasters ".
10) If he said the following: "My heart has given up sex workers and Four Deva Kings towards disaster", he should be told as follows: "Gods of Thirty three remaining planes more attractive, while the enemy Four Deva kings magic than natural. Preferably venerable abandon Four Deva Kings center from disasters and afferent to the gods in heaven Thirty-three ".
11-16) If he said the following: "My heart has abandoned natural Four Deva Kings and toward the gods in heaven Thirty-three", he should be told as follows: "Yama Devas, the devas Tusita, natural peanut Chemistry Devas, the devas in heaven self Tha more attractive, and more unique magic gods in heaven Thirty-three ".
17) ... "What about the Gods at attractive discounts, longer than the typical magical in Tha Self gods in heaven. Preferably venerable waiver from Devas Tha center in natural and cultural self-interested Pham's direction, Brahma world. "
18) If he said the following: "My heart has abandoned the gods in heaven and Tha Self radial gods in Pham's about," the time he needs to be said as follows: "This venerable, Brahma world is impermanent, not permanent, being yourself is limited. Preferably venerable abandon from Pham's mind and body afferent to cessation is (Sakkaya) ".
19) If he said the following: "Tam Pham so I gave up and toward the body is annihilated"; layman say so, this Mahanama, and the monks have the mind liberated from the cankers, I said nothing difference, ie in terms of liberation.
55. V. FOUR RESULTS  (1) (Sv, 410)
2) There are four methods, this, monks, is the practice, make prolific be taken to realize expected results saved. Which four?
3) Than Truth's access level, hear the true Dhamma, as of volition, law enforcement and custom.
4) Four This, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to realization of expected results saved.
56. VI. FOUR RESULTS  (2) (Sv, 411)
2) ... (as of above, except, this realization led to the First hybrid fruits).
57. VII. FOUR RESULTS  (3) (Sv, 411)
3) ... (as of above, except, this leads to results Real hybrids)
58. VIII. RESULTS FOUR  (4) (Sv, 411)
4) ... (as of above, except, this leads to results Arhat)
59. IX. DAC LOI  (Sv, 411)
2) ... taken to attain intellectual interests ...
60. X. GROWTH  (Sv, 411)
2) ... lead to intellectual growth ...
2) ... gave generously to the intellectual ...
62. I. UNIVERSITY  (Sv, 412)
4) ... transported to the intellect ...
63. II. ADVERTISING AGENCY  (Puthu) (Sv, 412)
4) ... gave generously to the intellectual ...
64. III. GROWTH  (Vipula) (Sv, 412)
4) ... lead to intellectual growth ...
65. IV. Profound  (Sv, 412)
4) ... leading to profound intellectual ...
66. V. HORIZONTAL WITH NO  (Asamatta) (Sv, 412)
4) ... to wisdom without equal ...
67. VI. Fullness  (Bhuri) (Sv, 412)
4) ... to wisdom prolific ...
68. VII. MORE  (Sv, 412)
4) ... to wisdom affluence ...
69. VIII. Swift  (Sigha) (Sv, 412)
4) ... to wisdom agile ...
70. IX. Calm  (Sv, 412)
4) ... to wisdom calm ...
71. X. happy  (Hasa) (Sv, 412)
4) ... to wisdom happy ...
72. XI. SPEED OF  (Sv, 413)
4) ... to wisdom express ...
73. XII. Sharp  (Sv, 413)
4) ... led to sharp minds ...
74. XIII. TO IMPORT  (Nibbedhika) (Sv, 413)

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