Wednesday 18 May 2016

Buddha sermon 49 years collected also only 2 main ideas, in terms of space is "Charm" Staff, in terms of time is the "cause and effect". Based on the logical cause and effect then the Human worship news will have the result of the large inflow of birth. It is natural. However, Buddhist mantras which must wait to die was a guest of the new birth, the same as the aircraft without prior testing is that there was or not, and then jump on to drive with the hope that it will fly. If the flight is successful, the case is the good thing, but if that doesn't fly, Midway snapped the wings it is read in vain.
Net Speed disciplines actually are a good overhaul Disciplines. However, because explanation for missing person should this have been Subjects of the French "Assimilated" or "Folk Culture" a lot. It is sometimes mixed both Ties in layman's
In Buddhism, death to leave his body to transform through a stage called "the Contentious Passages". The second death, saying according to usual Life, or New life, Again, for example, at first are bad people, good people now, a bad notion kicked up is we're in a world of Hell, Exposed their Evil, hungry daemons of living being. But eliminating bad notion is we have being to a different world of Sun, people, Office, Bar or Charm, Bodhisattva. In Buddhism called transformation being this removal is "Private summer residences Turn Any Room of birth". The current level of Translational Seaborn is referring to "Private summer residences Turn Any Room of birth" for this. Just for professional Center, run a fresh notion, then immediately we have a guest being Sukhavati and bring both the body and the newspaper industry that's not likely to go anywhere. This is called Buddhism pure land "There Are Few Industrial Zones With Birth". Try asking someone at worship with Tham Si Yard (is of Hell, hungry daemons, Demons of birth), how would that result Sukhavati Western? So Worship is to be a guest being immediately adjacent to the large inflow of contentious testimony, lamb at alive. Worship is to see peace and security, the contempt of families happy, all things floral trees where grass is also beautiful, it's already being a guest on the Western realm as Gautama Buddha, Ca introduced in Amitayus. From this evidence, we can certain Human ones, that fashion khẳn West Extreme Methods have become mature at we're alive, then to, due to the fresh tension has cultivated the career force will naturally sympathetic to Zhao of the Poles Lost without people households. The law of cause and effect is clearly so.
To demonstrate the current birth is the current Western and Western inner Seaborn also is ti n As a hybrid to help beings mind column to easily practice, so I would prove this as follows:
Proof 1:
The same House, if that happy life we will feel happy and beautiful home stretch. But also this House, at home in something messy, we felt living in the home is frustrating, irritating prison, is hell, is suffering. So, in the same spot, but heaven or hell there must be due to the "mind" of me or not? If a Mind always suffering, then where to go, where to live in three heavenly heavenly world is suffering. Whether in the Sukhavati is still suffering and the Extreme right would turn into realms We Lost her. The King, the President of living in a warm quiet affordable mattress, the perpetrator, who is also said to be happy, but then still suffering soul suffering only
Proof 2:
According to the conventional concept of the sunrise in the West. Now science has proven that earth revolves around the Sun, and even rotate around the Sun, the Earth rotation also is not standing in a certain position. You take 2 round out the animal experiments, as the 2 ball. The first left standing between the Sun, the second left then turn around to the left. So its would only see "the West" is the direction? Based on where to define is the West? That the West is giving you the truth or not? Or just the "Means" of Such Hybrids? To open the knots in this point the Buddha has cleverly uses the words "East West South North, Upper Extremities, lower" to specify which 10 science now has also proven to be upon the globe. If not based on physical phenomena in order to make the landmark points, cannot only be the direction. But based on a point to disambiguation voila only is relative rather than absolute (absolute Truth).
"Assuming" is going to the West, thus, seen from the West, then we are in the realms will be East, so we're in a is the Net An Oriental " of German Pharmaceutical Yuri" ? If already in the pure land of Bhaisajyaguru, then why was the yard Si Negativity? Are in the pure land where you want to go? There had to be "stand the mountain looks impassable mountains" or not?
Proof 3:
If there is any deep study of Mahayana sutras also sculptures made to know that France is "For chon TAM", all is just a. Based on the "General" then there is the distinction separates. But based on the "Tanh" then all is one. So Strictly speaking new flowered "mind, Buddha and Beings but 3 but a". If all the world is a French then just weight the "Convert the mind" will bring forth the large inflow of Sukhavati. Said many people here still don't believe. The evidence is that after the Buddha under the Bodhi maple tree, the Buddha's we get Bodhi Nirvana right on this ground that where c n run where? The Holy Order of the Buddhist Bodhi also Nirvana but also take the stand is sitting as we only? So not Being a guest is a guest of birth in Mind?
Proof 4:
In the only economic Net present An at times Had the ghost he Symbolism Echo (representing the us) think that fashion, Germany World Religion (only for Buddha Like Ca) tu the "Impure" or how far he did the Pope in the Us She Her We are translation (Kham rings or endure any pain. If under the law of cause and effect, then viewed as right) know the thoughts, Germany wants to look for mass Religious World where beings called the Us in view of the "Buddha". He successively press the foot into the ground, then immediately The instant She turned into The Us Net.
This passage has clearly defined right where is the pure land of the Buddha Like Ca. Just Pure Mind, look in "intellectual property", look at "Buddha", then this is the Net's Speed. Otherwise, look at the "Humiliation" of the divine Lady, looking distressed mind then there is me, endure, is suffering.
I live in the pure land of the Buddha Like Ca that still suffering, so if I run into the pure land of the Buddha still suffering only. Even contest Hao Nguyen Du also said "The sad scenes have fun where ever"?
5 proving:
Also the only kidney-Ghost in the only kidney-Ma Bodhisattva. taught that:
"States Kat Rule Buddha Net Speed
Net Education, Net First Buddha States Of Mind "
That is Pure water the want of Buddha, his Heart is Pure. Is a guest in the inner Beings..
Proven 6:
Based on the sentence "French World Body Organ Tissue Male Amitabha Buddha" means Buddha all over the same in all of France, then on the ground of this Buddha is also available. If we live with the Buddha, so this is not Extreme or Club? In the Buddha Amitayus Sutra also about Buddha like so: "the Buddha As the other Hybrids to not place to go, no place to go, no living being does not kill, there is the past now in the future, only a chapel of birth level. We in the West how to match this match ten thousand Buddha realms memories, that world is called, Tibetan Buddhist into French as A Di Da ". If the Buddha "to no place to go, no place to go" is not to also do not go. Of your visitors, having to go there is because that person didn't stay with her. If the guests that never leave, never seen to go. this is to talk up "Leanne Self Di Da" by yourself, is Buddha, is Environmentally As France Leanne Lai, always present in the us. So an anniversary is going to see the Buddha, is going to live in the world of Buddha's well-being. So isn't Contentious or a guest?
In summary, Net Speed Disciplines worship to be a guest being very good and very effective quickly. But because no person preaching to the mass number should've got wrong about France. For example, a person who is disputing gianh another parking lot. Because mad at are (A Tu La), who hold the other person killed trees. The result is incarcerated, beaten, imprisoned, and then live in repentance remorse (Result Hell). In contrast to this memory at the person to worship, then the "A Di Da Buddha Nam" whether worship that nghiếng teeth, no more fighting, so is the Human right have transformed A Tu La and close sealing the door to hell (not incarcerated), to then get the investment by Happily, in order. So is this the thanks to sentence worship should be a guest being instantly or not? The power of the great Buddhist mantras. It is also due to her own self. If understood as thanks to anniversary Buddha should new Buddha to the procession, that is, if not worship, does not call upon the name of the Lord, then he will do the float not to save, the Buddha left still quit nọt, preferred to wait people crying begging help? Center from the great Buddhist University of hỹ University of marbles going dead? Understand how so called Buddhism is "equal" to be? How is called the Great Minds From the great Bi mercy all beings?
Few Beings Worship is a guest of birth is a guest in the Inner Beings. So are the large inflow of birth right now at us, is still justified. There are few Buddhist Mantras is Contentious. If worship is now without a guest being featured means taking the pitch left with si (personnel), the dead are loitering at never being featured (Result) , that's the pitch of si is hell demon hungry daemons exposed birth, how out of touch the pole results? So, it is essential that right now we have to Human cultivation, Taking the pitch removal Township Si to testify was Bodhi Nirvana (is happiness, is an experienced, is peace.) to after the body can this Township follow Career (Career Charity) that a better life expectancy. Remember that fashion, we are living in the pure land of Buddha's birth and the public alike, Anthems. Don't drop the ball catching bait should run under an illusionism that forget Bodhi Nibbana which has available.
"Hard to be a body of French leaders, hard, easy time through"
If that was a body, having been Chief of France, you should use Wisdom, cherished, seized the opportunity to austerities. Don't wait to lose body and known to few contentious or not? Worship waiting to die are few contentious new view as trading capital hole, waiting for the ones that do not evidence, waste away the days, austerities and happiness or the peace in his life.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/5/2016.MHDT.

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