Tuesday 3 May 2016


(Cula Rahulovada suttam)
Like I hear.
A world Religion in Savatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-LAM) at the property he Elf Anathapindika. Then respect when net immigration, exclusive tern up investments following mantras: "mature is the French have taken to liberate Rahula. So let's coaching Rahula further in the sections take the pirated or ". You show respect in the morning up y, y bat, went into Savatthi to qifu gangui. After qifu gangui in Savatthi, after lunch, on the way back to the real World, qifu gangui Ton for Ton Rahula and fake call says:
-Carry, Rahula is located at this stuff, we're going to stay on board to the Andhavana.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
False religion Religious World, landing well Rahula hold is located and follow the back World Respect.
At the time, thousands of followers to natural follow That Religion and think: "today, the World will Respect the training dummy Rahula further Respect in the paragraph to take advantage of the pirated or".
Then Respect going into the Woods and sit down on the seat Andhavana composed available under a tree. The false religion That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, Rahula and then sat down on one side. What Rahula fake Religion told to Respect are sitting on one side:
-Rahula, he thought of this? The eye is often impermanent?
-White World Religion, is impermanent.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-White World Religion, is suffering.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, and has reasonable affordable when the cafe that: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego?"
-Ladies not so, Bach World Religion.
- This Rahula. He thought? Identity is often impermanent?
-White World Religion, is impermanent.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-White World Religion, is suffering.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, and has reasonable affordable when the cafe that: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego?"
-Ladies not so, Bach World Religion.
– This Rahula. He thought? The label is often impermanent?
-White World Religion, is impermanent.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-White World Religion, is suffering.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, and has reasonable affordable when the cafe that: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego?"
-Ladies not so, Bach World Religion.
– This Rahula. He thought? The label is often impermanent?
-White World Religion, is impermanent.
–... (as above).
-Ladies not so, Bach World Religion.
-Rahula, he thought of this? Due to this exposure, the label began appasaheb up tho, thought, consciousness; France started up is often impermanent?
-White World Religion, is impermanent.
–... (as above).
-Ladies not so, Bach World Religion.
-Rahula, he thought of this? The ear is often impermanent?
-White World Religion, is impermanent.
–... (as above).
-The nose is often impermanent? ... (as above). The tongue is often impermanent? ... (as above). The stem is often impermanent ... (as above). Italy is often impermanent?
-White World Religion, is impermanent.
–... (as above).
-Ladies not so, Bach World Religion.
-Rahula, he thought of this? France is often impermanent?
-... (as above).
-Ladies not so, Bach World Religion.
-Rahula, he thought of this? Consciousness is often impermanent?
–... (as above).
-Ladies not so, Bach World Religion.
-Rahula, he thought of this? Italy is often impermanent?
–... (as above).
-Ladies not so, Bach World Religion.
-Rahula, he thought of this? Due to the Italian coast this contact, started up tho, thought, action, the French (start up) he is often impermanent?
-White World Religion, is impermanent.
–... (as above).
-Ladies not so, Bach World Religion.
This caused Rahula, thus –, the multicultural Holy disciples cynical, cynical eye glass glass of overalls, the glass of overalls, label, label glass due to this exposure, the label began appasaheb up tho, thought, consciousness. Locate him cynical French cups (start up). Her taste for ear cups, bibs bibs bibs ... Cup of the cups, the cups of incense nose ... cynical, cynical tongues the glass cups ... cynical, cynical divorce separation the gizmos, ... Cup overalls, coveralls, cynical French glass glass glass of overalls, Italy. Due to the Italian coast this contact, started up tho, thought, consciousness. He divorced the cynical French taste (start up). By then, the glass cup overalls to take part. By participating, the glasses he freed. In the get's understanding: "We've been freed". And he said: "Being happy, did take advantage, should have done, no longer back this status."
World Religious preaching. Fake wedding Festival, Rahula religious life That taught Respect lyrics credit. While the sermon was spoken up, the center of the fake Religious Rahula was freed from the contraband or, not accept. And for thousands of Chu's Heavenly, started up the ceiling, glass texture label France: "that means that something was up, all of which were destroyed to take advantage".

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