Tuesday 3 May 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in Baranasi (Ba-la-complaint), Isipatana (lettered First place fallen), at Migadaya (Deer). In That Respect it calls the Female-stilts: "the Male-stilts". -"White World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-Loads of upper Falun was World Religion, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class transported in Deer garden, zhucheng First place fallen, in Ba-la-complaint. Not an Sa, She-is-keeper, Chu, Ma (United Kingdom), Brahma or anyone in life can stop standing, transported in reverse, i.e., a declaration declaring the theory exam, set, organize, expand, discernment, manifest the four Saints-Roman Empire.
What are the four? The testimony, a theoretical claim, contest, organize, expand, discernment, Holy Roman Empire Gauge manifest; the publicity market, declared the dogma of the Holy Roman Empire gauge Set; the publicity market, declared the dogma of the Holy Roman Empire destroyed Gauge; the publicity market, declared the dogma of the Holy Roman Empire Director removal Gauge. Invisible upper Falun, the Female-stilts, was That Respect, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class transported in Deer garden, zhucheng First place fallen, in Ba-la-complaint. Not an Sa, Ba-la-subjects ... or one who in life can stop stand ... i.e. the mining, a theoretical claim ... the four Holy Roman Empire. The Male-stilts, Sariputta and Moggallana close please; The Male-stilts, Sariputta and Moggallana close please; the is the Male-stilts Hien (pandita), is the book of tons of accomplices. As a form of birth, the Female-stilts, Sariputta is so! As a maintenance template, so is Moggalana! The Male-stilts, guide to Sariputta, Moggallana also attended the result Guide to paramount. This Female-stilts, Sariputta, can claim, contest, opinion, extend, manifest discrimination broadly four Holy Roman Empire.
What Religion says so; saying so, the Charity that falls from the seat stands up and goes to the essential.
In that Respect, Sariputta, the fake after World Religion come not long, calls the Female-stilts: "this divine Sage". -"Sir, Gentleness". The Billion-Ton landing well fake Sariputta's stilts. False religion Sariputta says as follows:
-Chu, Gentler upper Falun was World Religion, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class transported in Deer garden, zhucheng First place fallen, at the Three-dollar complaint ... the publicity market, declared the theory exam, set, organize, expand, discernment, manifest the Holy Roman Empire Director removal.
And client, how is Gentler this Agony Holy Roman Empire? Birth is suffering, aging is suffering, (the disease is suffering), death is suffering, lamentation, bi, suffering, pros, the brain is suffering; the bridge is not suffering. In brief the five aggregates capital is suffering.
Chu, how is Gentler this birth? Each class of beings, each in the manufacturing, export, type of birth, city, reborn, the appearance of the aggregates, the plan of the DAC. This so called Hien, a vassal state of birth.
This is how the old Sage, LETTERED? Each class of beings, each in kind, the teens, the status of tooth loss, ruined rice noodle, silver hair status, wrinkled skin, shortened lifespan, the ruin. This Gentle, lettered the so called old.
Client how Sage, this is dead? Each class of beings in each category, the barbell, the death, environmentally destructive, the destruction, the deaths, the deaths, the time has come, the aggregates were eradicated, the harder the body removed. This so called Sage client died.
Chu, how is Gentler this melancholy? Hien, who lettered at this encounter this crash or other accident; those who feel this suffering life span or other suffering, the sorrows of the people. This Gentle, lettered the so called melancholy.
Chu, how is Gentler this bi? Hien, who lettered at this encounter this crash or other accident; those who feel this suffering life span or other suffering, the mournful, the tragic, wailing, the lamented, the bi the exclamation, the bi's. This so called Sage, lettered marbles.
Chu, how is Gentler this suffering? This divine Sage, the suffering of relatives, the refreshing body, not the suffering caused by environmentally sensitive tho, the refreshing feel due to trunk not tho. This so called divine Sage, gauge.
Chu, how is Gentler this favor? This divine Sage, emotional suffering, the refreshing of the mind, not the suffering caused by sympathetic mind tho, the refreshing not because mind feeling tho. This Gentle, lettered the so called pros.
Chu, how is Gentler this brain? This Gentle, with one client crashes or other accidents; those who feel this suffering life span or other pain, the brain, the brain balls, coat the frustration, despair of him. This Gentle, lettered the so called brain.
Chu, how is Gentleness in this sphere any DAC? Gentle beings, were lettered, this being dominated, starting the expectation: "we expect that from being the dominant beings! Expect that to go from birth falls ". The word expectation not accomplishments. The so called Prime gauge of any bridge. This was the old beings, Sage lettered dominated ... ill dominant beings ... death of dominant beings ... beings were melancholy, bi, suffering, the pros, the brain govern, run the expectation: "we expect that from being bi, melancholy, miserable, favor, dominant brain!" We expect that from the melancholy bear equivalent, bi, suffering, favor the brain! " The word expectation not accomplishments. The so called Prime gauge of any bridge.
Client how Sage, this is in brief the five aggregates capital is suffering? As its best player, aggregates, aggregates the idea its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player player. So, this Gentle, lettered in summary, its aggregates is suffering.
Chu, how is Gentler this Miserable episode Holy Roman Empire? The craving brought to reborn, with the wedding and taking part, to this place loving there; as the exercise of charity, charity, charity owner owned. This Gentle, lettered the so called Holy Roman Empire volume Gauge.
Client, and how Gentle this is Holy Roman Empire destroyed Gauge? The take no longer craving nostalgia, the discharge, the discharge of gases, the release, the Immaculate (craving). This Gentle, lettered the so called Holy Roman Empire removal Gauge.
Chu, how is Gentler this Gauge kills Emperor Holy leader? That is the Holy leader of eight sectors, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Prophet of thinking, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network, mindfulness, Chief Justice.
This is how the Chief Sage, lettered voter opinion? Client comments about tri Sage, this gauge, tri, tri-Gauge opinion on opinions about the gauge, tri-gauge opinion on removal. This so called Sage, Chu Chief of voter opinion.
This is how the Chief Sage, a vassal state of mind? Thinking about the Cup, thinking about infinity, thinking about nonviolence. This so called Hien, a tributary Chief thinking.
Chu, how is Gentleness in this speech? Homemade is not lying, not homemade says two tongues, not homemade homemade, evil does not say the Word fits. This so called Sage, lettered speech.
This is how the Chief Sage, lettered industry? Not homemade homemade being, not stealing, not homemade. This so called Hien, a tributary Chief.
This is how the Chief Sage, client network? This Chu Hien, here Saint disciples abandon Ta network, living by Chief Justice network. This so called divine Sage, Chief of the network.
Client, and how Gentle this is the Chief essential tons? This Gentle, lettered in this Male-stilts, for the evil, real friendly France not yet being, starting up the wish not for contentious run; This unit of effort, effort, determination, maintenance releases. For evil, real friendly France was being, run up to except extermination; This unit of effort, effort, determination, maintenance releases. With regard to the French not being friendly, run up to make for being run; This unit of effort, effort, determination, maintenance releases. For the French charity had run, beginning contentious up like making an stay, not for destructive ice, causing the growth, development, fullness; This unit of effort, effort, determination, maintenance releases. This so called Sage, lettered the Chief essential tons.
Chu, how is Gentler this mindfulness? This Chu Hien, here, Female-stilts live the contemplate on the fuselage, zealous, the sensations, mindfulness, to tame take priority in life ... on the ... on the life of the mind ... the French Consulate on the French, the fervent, mindfulness to tame take priority in life. This Gentle, lettered the so called mindfulness.
This is how the Chief Sage, LETTERED? This Chu Hien, here, Female-stilts, glass cups, French charity and any evil stay the first Meditation, a State of physical being, by loving Cup with games, with Rakesh. (The Male-stilts) kills games, killing four, and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being, not games, not four, the Cabinet for the mind, (Female-stilts) ly Hy stay discharge, mindfulness, the sympathetic trunk, the life that the Holy club called Club anniversary, discharge certificates and stay third Meditation. (Male-on stilts), discharge the discharge gauge, destroy life has priority before the wedding, and stay fourth Meditation, non-miserable, don't touch, discharge of pure concepts. This so called Hien, a tributary Chief.
This Gentle, lettered the so called Holy Roman Empire Director removal Gauge.
Chu Ja, Loads upper Falun was World Religion, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class transported in Deer garden, zhucheng First place fallen, in Three-la-complaint, not an Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Chu, Ma (United Kingdom), Brahma or anyone in life can move in reverse, i.e., a declaration declaring the theory exam, set, organize, expand , distinguish, manifest the four Holy Roman Empire.
The fake religious preaching Sariputta. The Male-stilts she trusts tho fake Religious words Hy Festival Sariputta.

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