Wednesday 18 May 2016

I heard something like this: A time of the Buddha, in Rajgir, in Mount Vulture, with twelve thousand Bhikshu University, together with the face, all of it, the Great saints, miracles were achieved.
His name is, venerable ascetics, venerable Sariputta, Venerable Great Moggallana, Venerable Kassapa, Venerable Ananda ... are foremost. There's also the taste, the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, Manjushri, the Bodhisattva Maitreya, all Bodhisattvas, in this lifetime Hien, and to assembly.
TON DUC Samantrabhadra
There they left him there etc ... sixteen chief officers, namely: Thinking Bodhisattva Compassion, Bodhisattva crinoid Finance, Supreme Head of Quan, Chinese Divine Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Quang Anh, Bodhisattva Bao Trang, Bodhisattva Tri Thuong, Naturalization Based Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Tin Hui, Bodhisattva Vow Hue Huong Bodhisattva statue, Bao Anh Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Middle Head, Manufacturing Bodhisattva Hanh, Bodhisattva Emancipation, are foremost. Together practicing, his virtue, artist modern city, full of countless, countless virtues, residing in all, the legal merits, stroll around ten, the right means, making them birth, Dharma in Tibet, ultimate shore.
May the immeasurable in the world, the Equal Enlightenment.
Leave stubborn rate, the king's birth, leaving the throne renunciation, asceticism learn religion, manifested that, upon by the world, gather strength and wisdom, ma resentment restaurant, Vi is French Dieu, the Dark Enlightenment.
Who embraced the sky, sometimes Zhuan Falun, used French Music, enlightened world.
Breaking into negativity, fill the hole of desire, cleansed umbrella structure, clean pure light.
Do take beings, saying that statement, accumulate merit, indicating complete blessing, took the legal drug, treatment three stanzas.
Up Career empowerment, prophesies Bodhi, because teaching Bodhisattvas, Acharya, generally corresponds episode, boundless the happy, mature countless, fresh root Bodhisattva, the Buddha is immeasurable, and each household concept.
In these realms, or are manifested, as virtual good monk, the minister strange, every minister that, it can not be, the Bodhisattvas, again like that.
Informed the French identity, clearly Minister beings, offering Buddhas, directed pants declaration biological or chemical other embodiment, power washer as lightning, ghost net is torn, remove wire bondage, transcendence and Pratyekabuddhas Thanh Van, enter No method, Signless, Forever May, cleverly presented means, show clearly the three TT.
With medium and low base, manifested passing. Removal Ðắc infertility, the Tam Ma Geography, General Tri subjects, depending on the realization in, Hoa Nghiem eighty, full general maintenance, eighty hundred thousand, cylindrical deep meditation, see all, countless Buddhas. In an anniversary moment, within the realm of Buddha.
Being Buddhist eloquence, office Samantrabhadra happy, clever or discrimination, language beings, civilized presentation only, the true edge, beyond the law, the world possesses.
Usually true heart, in the direction of life, for all legal, arbitrary order in, because beings, your volunteering, life over extensive, France Tathagata Tibetan, Buddhist preserve varieties, usually causing no delay.
Play compassion, mercy beings, expresses pronouns, French Eye transmissions, closes evil way, good open door, against sentient beings, as himself, is responsible for help, the last shore.
All the Buddhas, immeasurable merit, wisdom, insight, inconceivable, great Bodhisattvas, and like that, boundless, contemporaries to right.
Then there are five hundred nuns, seven thousand good men, five hundred female friendly, sun gods sphere and Lust, Caution, and breaking them, will attend the conference.
Then Bhagavan, dread radiant rays, such as light yellow, light back like a mirror, photo out, is a great light, turning hundreds of thousands of times.
Venerable Ananda, instantaneous thought, today Exalted, fun colors profit body, the senses calm, gorgeous face, adorned newspaper realms, from ancient times until now, had never seen one, happy to admire, rare birth center, the spot got up, patronizing statement right shoulder, hands on my knees, white Buddha that:
"Today Exalted, on the General President, except France Any solid, well-Teacher office, permanent place Buddhas, the supreme religion, the future now, Buddha Buddha miss each other. Bhagavan because remember, the past Buddhas, future Buddhas, or the current memory other Buddhas? Why compassionate, revealing luminous, shining generals presentable, like magic revenge? Bhagavan because our vow statement said. "
Then the Exalted, told Ananda that instead! Instead! Him for mercy, wants to benefit, for all sentient beings, or to ask that justice, like magic. Nay said he asked, merit wins, over the offerings, you Arhat, and Pratyekabuddhas, in a galaxy; merit than on a thousand times, giving many lives, for God and people, for both species, flying cows of the line. Because what's wrong? Because in the future, citizens of heaven, all spiritual functions, the words he asked, which is the exit.
Hey Mr. Ananda! Tathagata bring endless compassion, mercy three worlds, born in the world market, Taoism opening morning, wanted to save the population of birth, original genuine advantage, hardly having seen, as the Udumbara flower, a rare appearance, this Say he asked, that a lot of benefits.
Ananda should know that Buddha Enlightenment was unpredictable place, no obstacles, in an anniversary moment, can stay in, infinite lifetime memories. Body and cubicles, no increase is not reduced, in why so? Concentration favored Tathagata, smoothly ultimately, for all legal, can obtain, in the exalted self.
Ananda listen, carefully think we are because he, the said distinction.
France rose LOCAL STAFF
Buddha told Ananda, past immeasurable, not inconceivable, far more long life, has the Buddha was born, named the World Self in United Tathagata, Arhat, Equal Enlightenment Additional Minh Hanh, Auspicious, EARTH League, Supreme Master, Quick Phu Truong Ngu Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan, in teaching life, forty two lives, then he because, gods people trading preacher said.
There are all the Great Nations, called The Many Great, heard Buddha said, excited opening address, find the direction release, Supreme genuine, remove water from the house, the ascetic practice, the French brand Tibet, religious Bodhisattva, even export high finance, with another life beyond. Read news in mind, are superlative.
There again, vows revenge win, same-favored health concept, increasing other epicardial, estate firm, practice diligently, hardly none. Immediately to the Buddha, his hands on my knees, bowed towards the Buddha, the Buddha said shelf canopy, vast vow:
Sac Tathagata wonderful presentable,
All the world will not match.
Boundless aura ten projectors,
Sun, moon, fire, all hidden continent blurred.
Exalted or take one sounds,
Sentient species per each option award.
Excellent or outstanding again manifested itself,
Custom made living beings throughout the species found.
English may you attain Buddha Bar,
France echoes throughout the boundless realms,
TV door wide Morality, Concentration, Effort.
Legal communicate profound mystery.
Large deep wisdom broad as the sea,
Inner purity, workers clean the ceiling,
Infinite transcendence Beast Road,
Fast to shore ultimate Bodhi.
Ignorance taking no eternal anger,
Health Right Concentration, Crime pepper Or take.
Like countless Buddhas past,
Making Teacher's large student population,
Or spiritual beings at world levels,
Birth, aging, illness, death, suffering them.
Often acts of generosity, morality, patience,
Effort, concentration, and wisdom six Paramita,
Do not sentient degree level,
Who was then led into the Buddha.
Sa constant offerings such as Bible,
There's strong demand by Enlightenment.
Prayer while residing in eighty,
Often corona discharge projection beings,
Deeply touch the pure place,
Where such solemnity by wins.
Reincarnation born six paths throughout the population,
Children born realms rapid peaceful life,
Often charming fell from rescue
Do take immense suffering beings.
My unfortunate decision, sustainability,
The only tri Wisdom Buddha or evidence,
For unto itself not leave suffering beings,
I always do not wish to turn back.
CHI keeping their mind
Bhikshu France Tibet, said so this shelf, white Buddha that the martyr Bodhisattva, this press release center, Supreme Enlightenment, the Buddha chose willingly do, they will make as Buddha, Buddhist prayers for children, said broad economic measures, the will serve maintenance, such as operating practices. Need to control your pain, the root of life and death, the Supreme quickly Enlightenment. I want to make, to the time of the Buddha, the enlightened wisdom, shelter realms, noun teachers, ten heard. People gods, worms species, country of birth of children, both as a Bodhisattva. Children up to this prayer, both wins over numerous realms, are not Bhagavan? ".
At the World Buddhist Self Wang immediately because Dharmakara, which said economic forum: "For as the great sea, some momentum, experiencing countless lives, dredge along the bottom. As if someone, even a direct bridge, relentless effort, of course unto result, we may have such success? He himself thought, religious means, can be accomplished, solemn Buddha realm. Accordingly the convent, he should know, pure realms, he should make photography ".
French Tibetan Buddhist transparency: "That was deep, not planes, place the evidence. Just pray Tathagata, Variable Tri Chanh, said countless wide, wonderful buddhaland, if you are listening, the French like this, think the practice, vows fulfilled ".
At the World Buddhist Self Tibetan Wang said France highly intelligent, profound aspiration, because the statement said instant, two hundred and ten memory, Buddhafields the Lord strictly net generals, Great fullness, to where wishes, are evident of course, speaking of this approach, spanning five thousand memories.
Then France Tibet, Buddha said and heard, saw plainly experience, arises the chapel, wins supreme. For the gods, humans and evil, magic realms of raw water, the ultimate thinking, is most immediately interested, select the desired, to a large chapel. Progressive diligent, cautious respect, wholeheartedly preserve, cultivate merit, full of life. In twenty sentences detailed realms, of the merit, solemn wins, communicate clearly, as a realm of Buddha, Buddhist site water photography, super than other realms. Acquisition and life photography, Tibet towards France, The Self In the Kingdom, bowed at the foot, interference Buddha three rounds, stopped hands. Lord, saying, "I have accomplished, solemn Buddhist country, the pure happiness."
Buddha said, "instead! And to this time, he should say enough, causing them happy. Also made public, listening to this law, is a large charity benefit, or to realms, practice life photography, full consummation, countless large chapel.
Tibetan white French that: "Bend forward Exalted, the Great from the review hearing, if they are children, Supreme Bodhi, the Career Enlightenment of the Buddha realm, full immeasurable, not inconceivable, merit solemn , no hell, hungry ghosts animals, cows dynamic flying machines, all beings, from Diem Ma La, in the three evil paths, children born into peace. Human life teachings, are all attained unto, fruition Supreme Enlightenment, no longer oppressed and lost, in the three evil ways, this is like prayer, will you become a Buddha, with not as voluntary, not the Enlightenment.
(1.- Let no evil in the country. 2. May not fall three evil ways)
Now I do Buddha, the world's ten directions, all beings, causing water born child, full body color, purple gold metal legs, two beauty hash, Minister macho, chief dignified decency, purity pure, were of one kind. Pictures appearance if different, good bad, I vowed to not, at No. Enlightenment.
(3. Let the gold-colored body. 4. May have thirty two good generals. 5. Let yourself no difference)
When you do Buddha, all beings, children born in the country, both through self-knowledge, has done evil, countless past lives, can see through, hear through that take, the work in, ten in three generations, this can not come willingly, not the Enlightenment.
(6. May have sufficient network. 7. Let the third eye with information. 8. Let the ear with information)
Now I do Buddha, all beings, born of the water, are all evidence is, where tha clearinghouse. If you do not know, wish beings, by memory na tha, hundred thousand realms, I vowed to not, at No. Enlightenment.
(9. May be forgiven clearinghouse)
Now I do Buddha, all beings, born of the water, are all obtained, psychic liberation, pāramitā. If the plot concept, can not transcend, so tha na memories, hundreds of thousands of realms, went borders everywhere, offering to the Buddhas, I vowed to not, at No. Enlightenment.
(May 10.- The information was sufficient spirit. 11. May the Buddhas offerings across borders)
Now I do Buddha, all beings, born of the country, far from distinguishing, six apartments, the first President, if such decisions, the Career Enlightenment attaining Nirvana, I vowed to not, at No. Enlightenment.
(Job 12: May the decisions of Enlightenment)
When you do Buddha, immeasurable clarity, projection of the ten directions, beyond clarity, of all the Buddhas, beyond the light, sun or the moon, a thousand memories of times. If there are living beings, see clarity, projection touching themselves, are peaceful, friendly from the heart, born of the water. Without such consent, failed Enlightenment.
(13. May the immeasurable light. 14. May the peace luminous touch)
When you do Buddha, life immeasurable network, the countless countries, Thanh Van Heaven Man, life-you, are also immeasurable. Suppose there are three thousand great natural, sentient world, all the Pratyekabuddha, in hundreds of thousands of lives, together counted, if you know the number, not the Enlightenment.
(15. May the infinite life span. 16. May Thanh Van countless)
Now I do Buddha, ten in the world, in countless worlds, countless Buddhas, if not profess canopy, my title, and said merit, net water realm improvement, the universe does not swear, at No. Enlightenment.
(17. May the Buddhas be justified canopy)
Now I do Buddha, sentient beings of the ten directions, I heard the name, news media attention, there are fresh root, dedicate heart center, the countries wishing to be reborn, until tenth anniversary, if not born, I vowed to not keep Enlightenment house, only minus five grave, libel Dharma.
(18. May the tenth anniversary of all birth)
Now I do Buddha, ten living beings, hearing the title, give rise to the Bodhi, cultivation of virtue, reverently practice, the six Paramita, solidly any degradation, to retrieve all, dedication friendly apartments, voluntary water born child, most children in mind, endless days and nights, until death, human and Bodhisattvas, meet with existing cash, experiencing moments, the realm of instant birth, Vietnam Duy Tri achievements A Bodhisattva, if not so, not the Enlightenment.
(19. May playlists heard about. 20. Let death to lead)
Now I do Buddha, ten living beings, hearing the title, remember water every child, Bodhi Development Center, solidly any rotten, planting roots faith, dedication media center, to be born in the Pure and altogether unsatisfactory. If the previous generation, which creates karma, I heard the name, instant self-repentance, healing martyr, the economic life world, the realm of voluntary birth, until the public network, no longer oppressed and lost, in the three evil paths, instant water born child, if not so, failed Enlightenment.
(21. May be born penance)
Now I do Buddha, the realm of the country, there is no woman. If a woman who, I heard the name, is believed to purify, give rise to the Bodhi, the female body boring, let the water birth. After the public network, into male relatives, to the water realm. Ten in the world, the beings, born into the water, shower biochemistry, seven golden pond. If not so, not the Enlightenment.
(22. Let your no women in the country. 23. May boring female body, the male body moving. 24. May the lotus biochemistry)
Now I do Buddha, sentient beings of the ten directions, I heard the name, happy news, reverently worship, bringing a pure mind, Bodhisattva training, people's gods, are all glass media. If you heard the name, after the public network, home birth dignified, full of apartments, religious orders regularly, dignity, wins, if not this, not the Enlightenment.
(25. May God's feast. 26. May the blessings documents electoral list. 27.- wins unfortunate atoms)
Now I do the Buddha, in the realms of the country, not the name "Immoral". All beings, born of human realm, are consistent mind, cylindrical capacitors concentration, thermal cups permanently brain, the mind is cool, enjoy happy life, as well as Bhikkhu, clean take the contraband. If even start to think, take the body ego, I vowed to not, at No. Enlightenment.
(May 28. The country has no name "Real good." 29. Let the converged office chief. 30. May the fun as monks smuggled clean finish. 31. Let no body attachment)
Now I do the Buddha, was born in the country, countless fresh root, are Kim Cang, Na La Dien body, physically strong, have bowed themselves, luminous clarity, the achievements, all wisdom. Harvest boundless, endless problems eloquence. Ingenious said the law, weak intimate secrets. Economic theory to practice their religion, like bells. If not so, not the Enlightenment.
(32. May be Na is crazy relatives. 33. May the wisdom luminous eloquence. 34. May the weak legal smart talk)
Now I do Buddha, all beings, born of the water, they will come ultimately, most students processor, except the other vows, because sentient beings should, armor sworn preaching, teaching all the beings. Searchers found faith. Bodhi practice. Samantrabhadra practice. Although born in, the other world, cup of sugar for good and evil, or funny to say legal, legal or listening pleasure, or present sufficient spirit, arbitrary practice, are fulfilled. If not so, not the Enlightenment.
(May 35. Most students processor. 36. May the teachings of arbitrary)
Now I do the Buddha, was born on the water, food, clothing, all kinds of offerings, according to the mainland, are fulfilled. Ten schools of Buddhism, applications received notion, these offerings. If not so, not the Enlightenment.
(37. May he carry himself to. 38. The concept of Worship Prayer app)
Now I do Buddha, everything in the water, bright strictly net, form unique characteristics, extreme magic. Unable value of, the other living beings, but enough third eye, if or speak out, the other visible forms, a list of the optical minister, declared say all, I vowed to not, at No. Enlightenment.
(39. endless solemn vow)
Now I do Buddha. In countless countries, golden color high trees, hundreds of thousands by the week. Tall trees ashrams, four hundred thousand miles. In Bodhisattvas, though with fresh root, or clearly well known. Want to see the Buddhas, strictly net realms. They are all to be found, where valuable trees, such as mirror bright, soi see faces. If not so, not the Enlightenment. (40. May have excellent immeasurable treasure tree. 41. May the tree is buddhaland).
Now I do Buddha. Buddhaland accommodation, strictly net widely. Clean bright as a mirror. Throughout ten projectors, the countless, inconceivable, Buddhas world. Visible beings, rare mentality. If not so, not the Enlightenment.
(May 42.- filmed throughout the ten directions)
When you do Buddha, under the earth, on to nowhere, the palace floor, flower ponds, water planes have been, all things, are so numerous, constitute precious incense, incense was rushed around, ten world. Beings unto smell, are well-Buddhist convent. If not so, not the Enlightenment.
(43.- May the precious flavor burst over).
Now I do Buddha, Buddha realms of the ten directions, the Bodhisattvas, I heard the name, immediately achieved, purification, liberation, equality spectrum eighty. The total maintenance intensive and head in concentration, until Buddhahood. In 
the often cozy, infinite, all the Buddhas, do not take the standard. If not so, not the Enlightenment.
(44. May the class spectrum eighty. 45.- Prayer in worship of the Buddha).
At the Buddha, the other world, the Bodhisattvas, I heard the name, birth certificates cup measures, are subject Total Tri, pure joy, equality office, Bodhisattva training, full original virtue. Applicants must not, most delicate triangle rings. For Buddhism, if not currently certified, results retrogression, I vowed to not, at No. Enlightenment.
(May be subject 46. General maintenance (Da la ni). 47. Let the law unto heard the ring. 48: Prayer is attained retrogression)
DECISION enlightenment
Buddha told Ananda, then France Tibet, said the prayer is finished, use shelves that litigation:
I have made life even beyond,
Decision reached supreme director,
This chapel is incomplete,
Vowed not to Enlightenment.
Back to act as benefactors,
Across save that miserable,
The other students made subjective,
Servient brain long night,
Born the fresh root,
Bodhi fruit achievements.
If one of Enlightenment,
Make a list Infinite Life.
Beings heard of this brand,
Come in my realm.
As Buddha golden body,
Good generals are full,
Also bring compassion,
Benefits of the population:
Separated deep sexual mindfulness,
Pure favored virtues.
May the wisdom I am,
Projectors throughout ten worlds,
And the three poisons, ignorance,
Morning yoke help victims,
Renunciation three lines suffering,
Removal of obstacles and afflictions,
Open the wisdom eye the other,
Achieve luminous body,
Close Sealing the evil way,
Communicating door good direction,
Since we declared legal organs,
Treasure around the merit board.
As Buddha unobstructed location,
Practicing from introspection,
Teachers often God, Man,
Career Deng hero three worlds,
Speaking from Hong shamans,
Width of the charming,
Perfection ancient prayer,
They all become Buddhas.
This chapel if unto fruit,
Instant touched Observatory,
Nowhere angels,
Scattered flowers will appreciate magic.
Buddha told Ananda: Dharmakara, said this shelf finish. Time throughout the application, the earth are, concussion six ways. It rained pretty flowers strewn on the ground, naturally nowhere, is far up the music, the words of praise, "Decision every city, Supreme Enlightenment".
ANALYSIS cumulative DUC
Hey Mr. Ananda! Bhikshu France Tibet, in front of the Tathagata, The Self in the Kingdom, and the public, in every heavenly people, was praying there, has done. Head favored honest, diligent. Even the most specialized direction, solemn magic realm. Department religious realms, wide open. Crossing the marvelous, often building up natural, uncomplicated inconsiderate. In countless lifetimes, cultivate contains virtue, not starting delusion, desire, hatred and delusion, not sharp stick adhesive, contact legal flavor. Just like Me conception, Buddhas past, cultivate the fresh root, almond act first President, shuns falsehoods, shifting the base gates, planting the roots faith, not hit hard, few wanted to know enough, specializing in fresh legal requirements, declared interests, to the student population. Aspirant does not fatigue, health achievements rings. For the charming, often remembered from the ring. Mild facial expressions, cute saying, he pleaded tonnes books. Reverently Jewels, serving chief, not heart lies, flattery twisted. The moral earnestness, full Decency. Customary law as chemical, commonly president Samadhi. Verbal cleverly maintenance, human error impeccably. Ingenious bodily maintenance, do not take the law guests. Ingenious preserve the industry, chastity is no infection. In place of urban, rural families, and the like to make, are not attached. Often operating six degrees, giving discipline, diligent patience, wisdom meditation. Bring teaching methods, an established beings, remain in religion, the true supreme. Do unto achievements, such good roots, place of birth as well, immeasurable treasure, discovered a natural response. Suppose embodiment, or lay, enjoy dignified nation, or monarch, line surveys to Loi, cakkavatti, or king of the six "Education heavenly world", until Pham Vuong. Where the Buddhas, reverently offered, never interrupted. Such merit, says can not last. Mouth often found itself, infinite magic incense, like Dan Fried, flowers Bat Pros La, scent pervades, boundless world. Depending birth place, seriously radical appearances, chopped two good generals, eighty beauty, are all full. Usually found in hand, endless treasures and items dignified. All the necessities, are supreme, benefiting beings. 
Because of conditions, which may cause, countless beings, give rise to Supreme Enlightenment.
Wonderful success
Buddha told Ananda: Venerable Fa Tang Bodhisattva training, the cumulative volume faith, boundless. For all methods, usually in order, in that "knowledge", are not due to language discrimination. Vows discovered, wonderful success, remain realistic, fully dignified, stately Great virtue, purity Buddhas.
Ananda hearing, said Bhagavan said and white Buddha said Tibetan Bodhisattvas, enlightened, Buddha is the past, the future Buddha, or Buddha was proceeding, the other world?
Bhagavan taught that other Tathagata Buddha, do not come from, not where to go, no birth and no kill, not the past, present and future. Just because the implementation, the virtues of birth, current West, how Jambudvipa, spending hundreds of thousands of sentences, so tha na realm, there is a world, named Bliss. French Tibetan Buddha, Amitabha effect, become a Buddha until now, spent ten lifetimes. Currently says France, countless Bodhisattvas Thanh Van, reverently surrounded.
Were former inflation
The Buddha said: Buddha Amitabha, Bodhisattva at work, who attained this chapel. Prince A Soap, along with five hundred, the great bourgeois, heard unto this word, play big happy heart, each one in his arms, lifting gold flower parasols, to the front of the Buddha ceremony. Down parasols and flowers, sat to one side, listening to Buddhist teaching experience. Heart prayed: "Make for us, until the Buddha, are the same as Buddha Amitabha".
Buddha immediately know what, told the Bhikkhu: The Great Prince, the following will become Buddhas, their previous life, religion Bodhisattva residence, countless lives, has ever offered, four hundred and the Buddha. Time Kassapa Buddha, and he will make my disciples, seeing this together, and our offerings. At Bhikshus, hear the Buddha said so, so happy.
WATER TESTS considered
Ananda Buddha, Pure Land there, full immeasurable, merit solemn, perpetual no, nouns of suffering, evil animal victims, these brain ghost. Neither is there, hot and cold seasons, rain and wind differences. Does not have both, large and small marine river, hills bunkers, rocky sands, Set Vi Meru, the mountain rock, is only natural, made of seven treasures, the land of pure gold, spacious flat, can not limit the amount, subtle beauty, purity stately, transcendental ten directions, all of the world.
Ananda listening to me, lord, saying, If realms that country, not Mount Meru, the Four Heavenly Kings, heaven to earth, shifting where that office?
Buddha asked Ananda: Yes Ma oil rate, until realms Sac, Formless realms, all heaven, shifting where that office?
Ananda Buddhist transparency: Turns power for now, inconceivable.
Buddha told Ananda: Karma does not think, he has to know? Retribution himself, inconceivable, karma beings, nor think, fresh root beings, inconceivable, St. force Buddhas, Buddhas world, nor think. Beings that country, merit very good but now site operator, with the force of the Buddha, so so.
Ananda Buddhist transparency: Industry's retribution, inconceivable, I respect this law, it's not comfortable seats, just because out except, comfortable mesh beings, in life in the future, ask words.
Buddha told Ananda: Oai luminous god, Buddha Amitabha, at the most respect, the Buddhas of the ten directions, could not catch up, turn east projectors, constant sa realms, southern Northwest, with four local women, two on the bottom, and the like. If on the Buddhist initiation, turned round out the morning, or shining a two, three or four by week, or the hundreds of thousands, thousands of memories from the week. Luminous Buddhas, or unto lighting, a two realms, or unto lighting, hundreds of thousands of Buddhas. Only Buddha Da, luminous projector around, boundless, countless Buddhas. Buddhas luminous, shining far and near, capital requirements by site directed in his previous life, the wish of merit, such small and big contract, until the Buddha, each one self is, at the workplace itself, such estimates need. Amitabha Buddha, brightly luminous light, more light overcomes, the sun the moon, blocking thousands of thousands of times, dark luminous religion, king of the Buddhas. Therefore, Buddha Infinite Life, also known as Buddha of Boundless Light, also known as Buddha of Infinite Optics, Optics Bumper Infinite Buddha, Buddha Supreme coronation, is Wisdom Quang, Quang Thuong Chieu is, the Qing Quang Tinh, Quang Hy's Festival, is Emancipation Quang, An Optical stabilizer, Super Nhat Nguyet Quang, Quang Nghi Real Justice. Such clarity, projection around ten, all the world, if sentient, intelligent optical touch this, destroy good structural birth, stem the highly skilful, if in the three maps, extremely hard spot, see this luminous, are stopping over, until the public network, are all freed. If living beings who touches the other clarity, compassionate merit, night and day, claiming say, not even the mind stops, places arbitrary prayer, to which water birth.
Ananda Buddha: Buddha Infinite Life, long life, can not be counted, there are numerous, and they Thanh Van, through radical spirit, its power is in order, to handle a full heart, all the world. In my disciples, Great Moggallana, psychic First, in the world's three great Christian, all the stars, and the living beings, in a day, are counting how many. Suppose beings, in the ten directions, all of Pratyekabuddha each Pratyekabuddha memory thousand year old life, miracles are like, Great Moggallana, exhausted life span, which will force all your mind, and compared features, Thanh Van with numbers, in other Buddhist Association, in a thousand parts, not the part.
For as the great sea, the boundless depth, if taken hairs, forked out hundreds of parts, ground into small dust, take a little dust, put drops of seawater, dust coat, than seawater, any more?
Ananda! These "Maudgalyayana" kia, seat count knows, such as feather dusters water, place unknown, such as large sea water. Buddha lives there, and Bodhisattvas, Hearers The Sun, life span, too. It is impossible to use, numerical examples, which knows all.
Tathagata other countries, many precious plants, or plants pure gold or pure silver trees, trees by saving glass, glass plants, from amber trees, trees with fine jade, agate tree, only by a kind treasures of the city, no mixed complex. Or have two treasures, or have three treasures, until seven treasures, go where the, root stems, tops, was created by precious, precious fruit flowers, made by other treasures. Or treasure tree, golden quality as the original, made of silver itself, lapis as twigs, glass work tops, amber as leaves, flowers and fine jade, agate and make fruit. As for the other plants, also have seven treasures, where do stem, foliage of fruit, create variety. Each type of each row, straight row, relative to other relatives, towards each other foliage, flowers and fruits of the same, glamor, nothing beats it. When increased wind blowing cool, emitted pentatonic, wonderful gamut, natural harmony. This precious trees, across the country did.
Bodh Gaya
As for the other ashrams, high Bodhi tree, four hundred thousand miles. Tree circumference, five thousand by the week, leaves emit, twenty thousand miles. Because of all treasures, natural composition, beautiful fruit, projection splendid throughout. Then there are colors, red white blue continent, the precious ni ma king the treasures, the British chain flowing with Us, the clouds gather treasures, jewelry treasures office. The spirit of Independence, with gold and pearls, strung around the sides, the net outstanding precious treasure, cover the top bosses, hundreds of thousands of thousands of colors, different lighting burning, of Aurora, luminous infinite, all solemn, custom application that does. Light winds its way through, tree leaf, place sound measures, extremely subtle, French harmony, throughout Buddhist countries, ten in the world, the mystery serene, gentle subtle, the most extreme high. If there are living beings, saw the Bodhi tree, hear sounds, smell unto aroma, taste unto fruition, halo-contact, remember merit trees, six bases thoroughly bar, no brain eunuchs, office retrogression, until becoming a Buddha. Again due to see other Bodhi tree, attained unto three rings, a ring sound, acquiescent two rings, three rings legal infertility.
Buddha told Ananda, Buddha realm like, fruit trees, among them students, are doing Buddha, which are all due, very compassionate place, where health volunteer duties, where Man Additional chapel, where Ming Liaoyuan, Try to pray consistently and Rescue Wing of Buddhist prayer Infinite Life.
HOUSE storey
Again where Buddha Infinite Life, his residence hall, shop floor railing, as well as seven treasures, naturally into, the more kinds, ma ni white pearl, strung same identical pavilion, supreme wonderful morning, the Bodhisattva, palace accommodation, also like this. Including spot: teaching experience on the ground, chanting, economic life, listening experience, meditation, contemplation, meditation; litigation on non-instructional, life listening, meditation, contemplation, meditation. Or is attained unto, Tu Da Complete results, results from Da Ham, fruits A Na Ham, Arhat. Who have not attained unto A Tri Duy Vietnam, the Vietnamese minister unto A Tri Duy. Each self-directed thoughts, says practice director, all were happy.
Again the two sides, as opposed to the auditorium, interconnecting ponds and streams, deep wide long run, most are all equal. Or by week ten, twenty by the week, even until, hundreds of thousands by the week, fragrant transparent enough merit eight. Around countless shore, Dan Fried cedar, lush fruit trees, fragrant fruit, luminous clarity, rop leaves are squeezed, the government hung the pond, radiating thousands flavors, packaging world is difficult, incense under increased wind flying, Some upland waters. Again pond unto seven precious jewelry, golden sandy bottoms. La Bat Pros States, Bat funeral flowers, flower oil sample sentence, cordon flowers, colorful splendor, harmony water. If there are living beings, to bathe in the pond, the water want to foot, knee want water, want to back water, the water want to stock. Or want to sprinkle themselves, or cold or warm, flowing fast flowing slowly, that most countries the most, purity pure, no picture no minister, arbitrary beings, able to make happy god. Golden sand around the projector, and make profound. Wave to wave back, leisurely spread a couch, subtle echoes, no sound, or listen unto author, known Dharma Sangha, known Paramita, Only That quietness, Infertility Forever Extinction, Ten Fearless force, Unknown or English Nature, Endless Work selflessness, or compassionate voice Hy Drain, or known Nectar Life Area empowerment. Each bar of each type, then listen unto our mind is pure, without any discrimination, equal justice, good roots mature, depending on site wants to hear, with the appropriate French, does hear prayers alone heard it, site does not want to hear, absolutely not listen. Hang any rotten heart Miao A brown leather La Tam Tam Bodhi. Ten in the world, you birth, are at the lotus pond seven treasures, natural biochemistry, all unto received, damaged drudge bar, infinity as possible. No more listening to the names of the three lines, brain evil passion, no hypothesis, let alone really suffering. Only sound, cheerful nature, the other realms, called Bliss.
Pure water there, there are beings, subtle color space, beyond rare life, and the same kind, no general difference, just because conform, the procedures should be, the name of God who.
Buddha told Ananda, such as earth, with beggar, poverty in rags, standing beside the king, her face shape, where can match! If King than, cakkavatti, the pod countryside coward, like a beggar, standing by the king. Cakkavatti, most dread minister, but if compared to the king of heaven to earth, the more ugly. For as Sakka, compared with the king of Heaven Friday, though a hundred thousand, nor similarities. King of Heaven Friday, when compared with, Bodhisattva Thanh Van, Domestic Bliss, bright face, though memories of thousands of times, nor equaled. Palace of shelter, food clothing, as well as heaven Tha Chemical Independence, as Dread Lord, class dignity, psychic transformation, all Sun People, can not bring matches, hundreds of thousands of thousands of memories, not be counted. Ananda should know, Buddha Infinite Life, Pure Water realms, merit decency, such strictly net, inconceivable.
Sufficient LIFE
Again, the world of Ultimate Bliss, there are sentient beings, was born is born, or to be born, relatives are excellent, like magic, face strict radical formation, immeasurable merit, wisdom, insight, psychic Baccalaureate. Life these use, are all full, are all rich, palace attire, floral phan so, stately furniture, room for discretion, are as standard. If the want to eat, bowl with seven treasures, natural in front, hundreds of food and drink, natural fullness. Still like to eat, but it was not to eat, saw sharp smell incense, user reviews to eat. Excellent growth, no unclean facilities, highly skilful body and mind, no attachment status, time to finish eating, utensils disappeared, reappeared as needed. And a second, do magic treasure shirt, hat belt Britain Lac immeasurable luminous, magical hundred thousand colors, are all natural, full body. Housing accommodation, fitting every form, netting stretched pavilion treasure, treasure hanging around spirituality, strange treasure, adorned throughout. Optical splendid colors, infinite, magnificent stately. Floor rails, power lines attic room, wide-narrow round square, or large or small, or vanity, or on flat land, an offline pure, subtle pleasures, just think metamorphoses, were all full.
WIND Germany, Buy HOA
Realm Buddhist country, right at mealtimes, suddenly wind faith, emerged slowly, surf the net regularly monitors, sweater precious trees, with the voice of magic, expresses Suffering No, impermanence, selflessness, the Paramita . All things TV broad, warm flavor outstanding merit, may unto listeners, TB ceiling habits, naturally not start. Wind into yourself, peaceful things like, for as Bhikkhu, the prime cessation, the wind blowing in seven precious woods, flowers fall to the group, each individual optical excellence, filled all the Buddhas. Each color each color, not to intrude not complicated, flexible insight, as early as Cambodia. Foot step on flowers, sank four slang, following in the footsteps turn, flat back together. Through the meal is finished, the other flowers themselves lost, pure ground, the new flowers unfurl. Depending on weather depending, again turning around, like no other before, like six times.
Precious luminescent SEN
Golden shower again, filled the whole world, each a shower, hundreds of thousands of memories leaves, flowers that clarity, color immeasurable. Green color light blue, white and light white, purple black gold, also identical halo. There again, countless magical protection, ma ni hundred thousand, exotic lighting, intelligent magic moon than the sun. Which are only about half lotus by week, or one or two, three or four to come, hundreds of thousands by the week, in each shower, the light emitted, thirty-six hundred thousand thousand memories rays. Within each beam, is thirty-six hundred thousand the Buddha. Golden body purple, a good minister individualized characteristics. Each Buddha, also the release, hundreds of thousands of clarity, projection around ten, said subtle approach. As the Buddha was, per each security establishment, countless beings, where Buddha Fold.
Again, Ananda, the Buddha realms that are all no: dark flame, the sun the moon, luminous stars, the phenomenon of day and night. It has no name, May lifetime number, do not accept the office, at home, for all places, no forms, no title, the discharge of discrimination, only pleasures life, ultra-pure dark. If there are good men, if any female friendly, gave birth to birth, were all residing in Dinh Tu Chanh, decide they are, the fruits of Supreme Enlightenment. Because what's wrong? If uncertainty is wrong and capacitors, unto such insight, it's extremely dark.
Ten schools of Buddhism tons of coal
Again, Ananda, in the east, much like the world, the sand of the Ganges, per each world, there sa constant Buddha, each of whom used, long wide blade minister, launched the Infinite Light, to say honestly, claiming merit approval, Buddha Infinite Life, inconceivable. Southbound Northwest, a billion universes, claiming canopy Buddhas, also like this. Four directions and two directions on the lower side, a billion universes, claiming canopy Buddhas, also like this. Because what's wrong? Because want to make, the other living beings, heard Buddha's name, found a calm mind, contemplating life over, offering refuge, until or play, a pure concept of credit, get fresh root, dedication media center, water birth was voluntary. Depending vow was born, attained retrogression, to the Victorian Supreme Chief Bodhi.
Ananda Buddha: Ten of the world, the people's gods, the number of media attention, birth country voluntarily, usually composed of three steps:
The upper level context: sexual isolation stage, the ascetic practice, bodhichitta, the most specialized guide concept, Amitabha Buddha, religious merits, pray that water birth. These beings, on his deathbed, Buddha Amitabha, and the Holy them, out in front, for a moment, closely followed leads, reborn in the Pure, he Self biochemistry, pond seven treasures, powerful wisdom, psychic liberation. Therefore, Ananda! There are living beings who want in this life, see Amida, should have discovered the mind, Supreme Bodhi. Back to specialize in conception, Pure Water realm, an area containing the fresh root, immediately brought dedication, so see the Buddha, was born in that country, to retrogression, to attain, Supreme Bodhi.
With high school senior, but that is not possible, the ascetic practice, cultivate great merit, but must rise to, Supreme Bodhi, most specialized instruction anniversary, Amitabha Buddha. Depending place religious orders, the merit good, serving prime son gender, object constructor tower, offering Samana, phan hanging lamp, burning incense scattered flowers, take it in the direction, the other countries wishing to be reborn. That person shared destiny, Buddha Amitabha, manifested Himself, luminous minister good enough as his feet, with St They, before then surrounded, before him, to lead the life photography, instant follow Buddhist goods, water birth, which, head-retrogression, Supreme Bodhi. Wisdom merit, after setting the upper level.
With the lower level setting, if not possible, create merit, should have discovered the mind, Supreme Bodhi, a heart specialist concept, Amitabha Buddha, cheerful deep message, not suspicion, bring devotion, birth Bliss chapel. Until common destiny, the person of your dreams, find Amida, also be born. Wisdom merit, after high school senior.
If there are living beings, office Mahayana approach, ensuring purity of mind, towards the Infinite Life, until ten anniversary, vows his country of birth, to hear the profound legal, bioinformatics instant understanding, patience to achieve, a meditation concept, another Buddha anniversary. He shared destiny, see Amida, born in the Pure, is retrogression, Supreme Bodhi.
Twenty-five PRODUCTS
Again, Ananda, if there are people of good men and good women, listen to this classic, life over recitation, transcribing offerings, day and night non-stop, players born Bliss, Bodhi Development Center, keeping precepts, not firmly committed. Benefit charming, fresh root did, are given to them, giving them peace, recite Amida remember the West, the country of his. This person public network, such as Buddha appearances, each per dignified, born in realms treasure, hear legal mau, constant retrogression.
Again, Ananda, if beings, to be born in the Pure, although unable, to give greater effort, or meditating, taking prime marjoram, but remains healing: One does not kill. The two do not steal. Three not lewd. Four languages ​​were not disappointed. Five non-woven. Six is ​​not harsh. Seven are not bisexual damage. Eight not greedy. Nine did not anger. Ten non-delusion. Thus throughout the day thought in mind, the world of Bliss, Buddha Amitabha, these merits, these stately, wholeheartedly refuge, offering obeisance, who shared network, not afraid of no mind not crazy, soon was reborn, the Pure Land.
If the most presentable, not cup part, not busy, overhaul younger men, particularly pure mind, free time free, virtuous body and mind, definitely want to miss, from diligent heart, not anger, rid of jealousy, greed four sen, in the heart of such broaching, regret doubts. Must be filial piety, fidelity wholeheartedly, believe the scriptures say, profound sense, believe in moral, blessed healing, serving over all, of such measures, are not flawed, mature thoughts. Want unto the escape, often anniversary day, want to pray reborn, pure water realm, Amida, ten days ten nights, until one day, one night another, without interruption, the public network are, reborn in the Pure, onion Bodhisattva. You birth, are all attained unto, a Vietnam Duy Tri, sharp enough gold, thirty-two general, will become a Buddha. Want to be a Buddha, in certain realms, depending on wishes. Because where you, diligently day and night, non-stop direct needs, determine the outcome, the wish not in vain.
Again, Ananda! Due to this advantage means, the countless, inconceivable, no difference, boundless world, Buddhas Tathagata, endorsed unanimously confess, the virtues of the Buddha Infinite Life.
Again, Ananda! Ten in the world, the Bodhisattvas, because he wanted to see the ceremony, the Pure World, Infinite Life Buddha, are brought floral, chalky sure what, go to the Buddha, reverently offerings, listening to receive economic measures, chemical direct statement, claiming canopy realms, merit solemn. Then Bhagavan and said shelves that:
Buddha realms Orient
As the sand of the Ganges
Sa constant Bodhisattvas
By Infinite Life ceremony
And the remaining nine
Ceremony also like
Bring your mind thoroughly reverently
Honor outstanding food offerings
Gentle sound broadcasting
Wins Praise Evening Sun
Favoured ultimate psychic
Legal deep penetration door
Listen to the holy name of Buddha
Peace unto big advantage
Among the offerings
Tu no lazy diligent fatigue
Other realms consistent wins
Wonderful hard think
Merit solemn throughout
Buddhafields hard by
Human Development Center supreme
Prayer quickly to Bodhi
With that Almighty Win
Smiling embodiment gold
Clarity from the mouth correspondent
Around ten projection planes
Thau on circumambulate Buddhist
Import finished three laps empowerment
Bodhisattvas see aura
Any rotten throne associated documents
At every opportunity we
At the same birth joy
Buddha shook grammar
Bat through magic sound bar
Chief officer next ten
We all know the other prayer
Pure Releases serious demand
Prophesies will become a Buddha
Eliminate all legal willow
As illusory surplus wine
Enough full of magic vow
Surely into such realms
Know as shadow image plane
Often give rise to propagate the oath
Leading ultimately Bodhisattva
Enough is full merit roots
Almond wins Bodhi Monastery
Prophesies will become a Buddha
Communication of the legal nature
All No, Egolessness
Specializing Buddhist Pure Land Bridge
Surely into such realms
Listen happy to receive legal act
Being towards purity
Certain of Boundless Ton
Sensory signed into Victorian life
Wins boundless realms
Buddha power other volunteer duties
Listen reborn wish list
Provision on any rotten throne
Bodhisattva play aspirant
His vow not different realms
Wide memory of all
Bodhi thoroughly Development Center
Friendly renounce samsara
Thoroughly made ashore
Multimeter close the Buddha
Themselves in endless problems throughout
Take the edification of the realm
Reverently happy go
Do complete the Convalescent
Buddha body DUC CA
Ananda Buddha, Bodhisattvas that country, shifting compassionate Buddha, during the meal, the next ten, boundless pure land, offering to the Buddhas. Phan floral colon, these offerings, just came to think, are currently in hand, cherish special magic enemy, the world does not have. Offerings to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, the flowers were sprayed, immediately overhead, to make a flower, the flower are facing down, turn around nice round, turned a canopy of flowers. Hundreds of thousands of optical excellence, each color each flavor, aroma steam around, make the smallest, full ten by week, like moving bumper, to cover the same, across the world's three great Christian, according to the first, second disappear. After all, if no new scattered flowers, blossoming front seats, finally did fall. Stay out of nowhere, the sky symphony music, sound use of magic, Buddhist ethics complaints. Experiencing moments, return of the kingdom, the gathering place, amphitheater seven treasures. Buddha Infinite Life, said university professor wide, oratorio Dhamma but all were happy, directing attention to helping achieve. The wind blowing through the trees instant flavor seven treasures, play pentatonic sound, countless wonderful flowers, the wind scattered all sides launched, offering natural, so do not stop. All gods, each one carries, hundreds of thousands of floral, all music, other offerings to the Buddha, the Bodhisattvas, and we Thanh Van, back to the first, cheerfully pleasure. This by volunteer duties, Infinite Life Buddha, bless its power is and has been, offerings Tathagata, good grounds to continue, because there is room to fall, because the practice smart, because smart-life photography, because clever achievements.
Ananda Buddha: In the realm of that country, the Bodhisattva them, are found throughout the contract, heard through all things, the eight points or less, the present and future, the people's gods, until the species, cattle ergot flying machine, evil mind, mouth words to say, so long as the drainage, enlightened birth, are expected to know both. Buddhaland back then, the Thanh Van them, a range of light itself, Bodhisattva clarity, projection hundred by week. There are two bodhisattvas, at the most respected, compassionate clarity, watched around the world three great Christian.
Ananda Buddhist transparency: Two Bodhisattva, what is the title? Buddha replied saying A list called Avalokitesvara, a list called mahasthamaprapta. Both this, where planes Saha, Bodhisattva training, reborn other countries, often on both sides, left and right of the Buddha Amitabha. Want to ten, infinite space Buddha, depending came to mind, is where this plane, big benefit. Even in the world, if these good men and good women, met at the accident level, fell into terrorism, to take refuge, Bodhisattva Guanyin, are freed.
Again, Ananda! In the realm of Buddha, all Bodhisattvas, present and future, are the ultimate, most processors birth. The only large but voluntary, in samsara, because the student population, as the lion amalgams, great jacket armor, merit missionary oath, using self-dignified. Although born in the reign of evil years ago, is like them, right up to the Buddha, not feeling bad direction, where students are often known network previous lifetimes. Infinite Life Buddha, desired exit level, the kind of beings, ten realms, are causing birth, other countries Bliss, all roads led to the witness unto Nirvana, all causes people to worship Bodhisattva, are Buddhahood. Forums of Buddha and, together teachers, together the exit. Roll over like that, not counted. Ten in the world, Thanh Van Bodhisattva, the beings, born in that country, to direct the Nirvana, will become a Buddha, can not be counted. In Buddhist countries which, most often, such as legal, there is no increase. Because what's wrong? Like the sea, is the king of the country, all flock to the river, are at sea, where large sea water, that rises and falls! Eight points or less, countless Buddhist country. Water Amitabha, large long, bright cheerful, extremely unique, dignified wins. Because, while the capital, even as a Bodhisattva, prayer facilities director, accumulate merit. Buddha Infinite Life, kindness generosity, eight points or less, infinite, boundless deep, unspeakable.
Autonomous EMPIRE
Again, Ananda, in the realm of water, all the bodhisattva, wisdom, meditation, psychic dread Lord; for all fullness, mysterious organ Buddhas, communication ultimately, subdue the senses, body and mind are highly skilful, Secretarial deeply favored, balance Museum habits, no longer arises, according to the release site, Decor sense, Noble, practice five labels, continuous projection reaches feet, easy Flesh label scouts, God labels smooth, pure French label , Hue labels found their feet, full Buddha label, clearly knew dharmata total maintenance eloquence, self at very afraid, the earth clever means boundless, honest place, deep meaning to you. Pure beings, expresses Dharma, Gen. Vo Vo Vi, not force does not open, no special regardless, far from crazy, right where life use, are not photographic competition, goes across realms, not bored detachment, unpleasant and demand, demand is not great, do not have no people, incredible resentment left. Because what's wrong? By the Bodhisattva, for sentient beings, bring greater compassion, students benefit pants, detachment attachments, achievements immeasurable, boundless merit. Get Hui very afraid, solutions such as, smart know Cessation Class, media sound, sound unhappy life, like in the main speech, said all measures, all with no president, student body afflictions, seeking an end to both. In the Three Realms, industrious religious equality, Redundant ultimately, to the other shore, guests decide grid segment, proving the champions-elect, using means which, growth of awareness, this ancient equity, remains unseen, Redundant enlightenment, realization by it, not because of anything else!
Wide that deep place, for such a large sea. Wide high Bodhi, such as Meru, optical dread itself, beyond the moon sun, he center of clean white, like snow mountain. Patience as land, all equal. Such as water purification, clean ceiling structure. Like fire burning, clean burning affliction, free as the wind, not the obstacle. France sound like thunder, feeling no sense man. Rain of Wisdom, should profit beings. Wide vanity and equality pronouns, such as pure lotus, should depart pollution, such as Ni sentence trees, so shade throughout, like Baseball Diamond, destroy deviant acceptance, as Mountain Equipment Micro, we ma pagan, can not be shaken. Other heart upright, skilful decisions, legal arguments are not bored, tired players is not legal. About as crystal, clean the outside light. Speech emitted, making them happy for. Mark empty legal, legal colon construction, renovation magic lily, breaking delusion. Pure peace, President of insight. Making great masters, to subdue her people, pants student pilot, loving detachment before, every three poisonous leaves, psychic du theater. Predestined volunteer force, arising out of virtue, ma military surrender, respect serve, all the Buddhas, which shed light on life, farming supreme blessing. The good typical characteristics, afford life offerings, rejoice together, strong fearless, body good appearances, merit eloquence, full solemnity, none match, usually Buddhas, unanimously praised, Bodhisattva ultimately, the Paramita, and usually reside, where local triangle ma, no birth and no killing, around ashrams, scene II Thua far.
Hey Mr. Ananda! This I say brief, the other Pure Land, the true place of birth Bodhisattvas merit, are all like that. If the extension, hundreds of thousands of thousands of lives, nor end.
LIFE LAC infinity
(Tho fun and take)
Buddha Maitreya Bodhisattva: The Sun every person ... Water Infinite Life, Thanh Van Bodhisattva, the Buddha of wisdom, could not finish. He left the country realm, subtle peacefulness, pure like that, how could not afford to do good, natural religion concept? Out on offerings, business law enlightens, delights of worship and religious orders lasting, powerful intellect, the mind is not retrogression, not to laxity. Also as slowly delayed, in conduct rapid, inclusive of interest, such as vanity, Middle adapted, in the appropriate external, natural serious, respectable finish dues directly. Chaste body and mind, the craving does not start, the aspirant security, not increase with reduction, direct air bridge district, not leaning in the wrong, he taught prayer, not dared wrong, as only the ink wire, are all devout, empty no-mind, no departure concerns, unconditioned natural, nowhere did establish, equanimity frugally, do good unto prayer, not involved do not want to, wholeheartedly demand books, mercy from introspection, where ceremonies are meant, tolerance, the justice, the liberation super. Nature preserve, pure foot, supreme aspiration, the peace president. A radical breakthrough tomorrow morning, in general natural, pure nature, immeasurable light, natural chemical solution, the exalted transformation. Application crowded into seven treasures, spread across the universe. Co-existing intelligent optical crystal, good specific characteristics, of unequaled. Show no more or less intelligent, not prevented her smooth, self-needed effort, effort itself needs religion, every radical transcendence, born in the realm of water, there are a wealth of purity, of Buddha Amitabha. Would end in the road, the lower realms secures itself. Truth wins boundless, easy to without people, no adversity that country, led naturally follow, as vanity press discharge, diligently practicing ethical requirements, long life unto forever, not pleasant end. Where to like the life, impermanence harrowed.
People scrambling life, where things are not in place of karma, and how the suffering, hard to do business, self support themselves. Noble poor, men and women, large and small, stacked memory impairment, due to eccentricity of use, do not worry farm fields, do not worry about the house, relatives of wealth, there is no worry, be a young one, with people worried. Newly little, much less worried than enemy fire water theft, injustice in bondholders, robbed arson, destruction fade, the mortgage greed, unable to let go, hands down the overall network, not bring anything. Rich poor alike, suffering all focal concern.
People in the world, father brother, wife and relatives, loves each other, do not hate each other, there is not connecting, not take pity, countenance words, often gentle, do not fight left. Missed time to debate, no place anger, life after transition, became the resentment. Worldly things, eventually causing another painting, but not to time, should fold "great break" craving infections, birth alone his death, to go it alone, suffering themselves to fun, nobody burden instead. Transform evil, now pursuing knowledge, the path is not copper, not once meet again. Stars while healthy, not to cultivate good, never waiting for? People born evil, themselves should not see, good and evil being art, artifacts compete, god love interest possessed, causing roll over now, continuity crazy, impermanence is original, thick translucent, not private business law, such foresight heart, desire delight. Anger confusion, taking excellent financial wrecked, ultimately does not fail, rather pitiful! Who had no improvement, do not know morality, no one recommends tons, not surprisingly! The road of life and death, good and evil morality, without any confidence, to be no, jointly observed, immediate apparent.
Crying child or father, or children crying father, her husband's brother's wife, mourn together, mortally least, turns attachment, binding commercial concern, not at disassembly, perfect gift ideas, do not leave sex, no deliberation, no specialized practice, life over, so this deal! Enthusiasts or more, an enlightened few, harboring malicious damage, evil gloomy atmosphere, heart excited expectation, contrary heaven and earth, let loose to create offenses, robbery fast life, evil rotten straight, no days off. People should be, thoughts mature, shuns evil, choose the road of honesty, diligent practice, rich merchants wanted to, could not hold fast, must be shunned, could not happily. Must be diligent, water birth An Lac, smooth wisdom, merit wins. Do not be the distraction, in place of desire, women give sex trade, right behind him.
Maitreya prospectus that "World Buddhist teachings say, very deep very well, all thanks to bliss, liberation advantages suffering. Buddha is the king of France, religious ultra "in St. goods", projection luminous transparent, clear information "prevented her not," wide as masters, all persons sun. Now meet the Buddha, but also to be heard, the sound of Infinite Life, all were happy, bright mind open. "
Maitreya Buddha: "The revered Buddha, is the great healing, truth, Buddha, interrupting doubts, uprooting craving, stop the evil source, shown in the three worlds. Do not place any interventions, open presents Chief director, the people who have degrees. Should have known that the people of the ten directions, many lives far, rotation in the road, suffering endless worry, at birth, suffering, aging is suffering, illness is extremely hard, extremely hard death, stench impure, no fun. Must decide, remember washed Center, said as faithful, in the corresponding outside. Or the person themselves, help each other back and forth. Chi praying, contains fresh root, although a lifetime, effort should suffer, just for a moment. After being born of water Infinite Life, joy is not the same. Permanently eradicate, root of life and death, worry no more suffering, lived a thousand lifetimes, in arbitrary order. Persons who diligently, pray for wishes, do not exchange facilities, self-inflicted mistakes, place of birth place of the wings, in the seven treasures, for five hundred years, under many tribulations ".
Maitreya prospectus that: "Receive the advice, wisdom of the Buddha, the practice specializes in crystal, serve the medical teachers, students dare not comfortable".
Thirty-five PRODUCTS
Before World EVIL LINE
(Evil past life size)
Maitreya Buddha: Can you, in this life, convinced the district center, not do evil, it is a great virtue. Because what's wrong? Ten in the world, evil little more friendly, easy civilizing surface. Only this world, evil drama contingent suffering. It is this realm, the market is the Buddha, born edification, causing discharge of evil, except in agony, burning leaves year, making unto subdue, teachers of the mind, which keeps good years, to many blessings. What was the year?
One is: The world beings, prefer to do evil, the strong bully weak, revenge turns out, devastating damage, devoured each other, do not know to do good, then have to run himself, should have the same poverty, lonely beggar, blind deaf mute lisp, si evil madness, from the previous life, no moral message, refused to heal. There are steps, boasts extensive dignified, intelligent head fake Hien, financial position achieved brave, by the previous generation, from hospitality charitable causes merit. This world, blatant ahead.
When life ends, proving u rotten place, reincarnated life itself, improved image distortion, so there is hell, this bird species, cattle ergot flying machine. Competitors like legal, prison dungeons, torture miserable, miserable spirits, depending on the crime is directed, the network itself-life spot, or long or short, according to another student life, mutually rewarding, evil is not an end-run, ultimately can not leave it, twist in it, many lives difficult, the difficult freed, unspeakable pain!
In the heavens and the earth, now running wild, things nemesis, though not immediately, but when time, opportunity for good and evil, life must be retribution.
The second is: the world's population, are not measures of agreement, lewd pride away, let loose bohemian. Tier overhead light, not in-chief, unjust harm people, middle-wage design, center opposite the mouth, whirring lie. On the bottom of the outer, mutual deception, anger ignorance, their own benefit demand, greedy want more, dangerous than the loss, the anger of revenge, the network dissolved away, not think before then. Rich selling Sen refused alms, taking you seriously love, heart work hard themselves, like the public network, do not bring anything. Graphics evil being, according to the network was born, or in that fun, or on toxic suffering, find people to do good, jealousy defame, fans do not mind, often stolen, and interests of others, using self-sufficiency, spent to retrieve, god knows clearly, lay dead evil way, cover the three falls, immeasurable suffering, rotation of which, many lives difficult, the unspeakable pain!
Tuesday it was: the world's population, according to Human posts, network long life! These dishonest, underhanded body and mind, embracing evil heart, often lewd thoughts, sorrow filled the chest, looked the wrong attitude, runs outside, loss of money, illegal employment, it should be done, re not willing to do, association gatherings, raised their arms fighting, police attacked himself, oppressed rape, to raise his wife and children, he tries his best to do fun, people who hate, passion woes. Such evil, who, clearly familiar demons, gods recording said, dropping three evil ways, boundless suffering, which revolve many lives difficult, the unspeakable pain!
Wednesday it was: the world's population, can not remember charities, said two-way blade, saying evil words, weaving lies, hate to beat, destroy wisdom, disloyalty his parents disregard chief, for you will not believe, harder, to become truth, egotistical, self for understanding religion, raging dread that, dominating everyone, want people terrified, not self-shame, difficult hard every move, often embrace arrogance, dependence previous life, be blessed holder, this life do evil, merit all take, no longer life span, the evil to the fins. Their names back, scored in the Spirit, graphics-run lead, no escape, only to go to, in place of hell, broken body, mind, spirit miserable shape. At that point then, how could regret?
Thursday it is: the world's population, dependence lazy, refuses to make good, repair cultivate yourself now. Word parents taught rebellion against the left, as injustice in, not knowing the fate parts eaten by definition, without any notice temple, unruly gang, passionate debauch, causing conflict timber, do not know the people, disrespectful nonsense, can not dissuade. Six relatives of goods, money can not, not even deign, no thought "of you parents", no "master your gratitude." Body and mind, never a good, not a private glass Buddha, do not respect French, life and death do not believe evil, wish to harm players, increasing their turmoil, foolish ignorance, for his wisdom, but can not come said the students come from, where to go dead, inhuman unfavorable, expect a long life requirements. From the heart the counsel, that believeth not, bitter mouth hard words, with their little use, in stalemate mind, the failure to solve. Great to adjacent network, regret was late, before such charities, new foreign death, how to keep up!
Being in heaven and earth, five walks blatant, evil nemesis, blessed art connected together, solely homemade, nobody burden instead.
The humble do good, from fun to fun, from morning to morning. The wicked do evil, from suffering to suffering, from evening to evening, or know anyone! Only the Buddha clearly knows. Open teaching presentation, little guys do believe, vital not stop, no end to the evil way, who lives like that, it's hard to make a stop. So naturally, there are three evil ways, immeasurable suffering, which revolve, lifetimes, no days off, hardly freed, unspeakable pain!
Five years of suffering evil, of burnt like, such as a large fire, burning the body. If from that, make preparations mind, body presentable mindfulness, say do go together, work sincerely. Only doing good, not doing evil, Liberty exit, to merit the other, long life, to religion Nirvana, is in large friendly.
(Many times advised to)
Maitreya Buddha, I tell you, in bad, in suffering, in burnt like, rotation born together, if committed this evil way to go. Or in the present life, before ill-run, live not unto death, only for mass.
Or at the public network, on three evil way, suffering grief system, self and burned. Injustice in meet and kill each other, starting from small, to a large, infected because of desire, identity before financial sunk, refusing mercy, self-praises bridge itself, not including harassment, sexual urgent si, controversy about his interests. Riches of glory, contemporary delight, no or patience, negligent charity that such dread which, depending the consumption end. Natural Path, operation appears play, helpless horror, will fall into it, are so old now, pitiful suffering. The scriptures were all he teaches, enlightens thorough, radical right remain, lifelong not lazy, good honor of Saint glasses, benevolent charity, to bridge the world, uprooted life and death, evil sprouts thoroughly clean, leave three evil way, afraid of suffering road.
If you get good works, first do? Have to decency mind, the body must certify, eyes ears lips, must self-certify. Body and mind are maintained, clean purity, with the appropriate charity, do not follow desire, do not commit evil countenance words, to be gentle, to specialized executive body, the gesture looked look, calm slowly, working carefully, later from remorse, because no honest, sophisticated vain vain.
AS poor treasure
As he unto wide original planting virtue, religion banned shalt not commit, diligent patience, from the most specialized center, mussels pure world, one day and one night, the more wins, the country Infinite Life, do good hundred years. Because what's wrong? Because the other Buddha realm, filled with good faith, no evil silk trench. This realm of charity and ten days ten nights, wins over other methods Buddhafields, do good thousand years. Because what's wrong? Buddhaland other methods, natural merit, not create evil place, only this world, evil little more friendly, food drink poison suffering, never a break, I injured you, counseled mental suffering, given to economic measures, are all life over, reflection, worship practice. Boys and girls on man, relatives or friends, take turns teaching, criticism together, meaning harmony, fun gentle hospitality. Workplace if committed, must repent, give up evil as good, bright afternoon fix heard, worship of morality, is like unto a treasure to the poor, before correction after transfer, cleansing the mind remember, to correct the behavior, self natural feel, wish to achieve, in that release water into converged communications, are instructive. Harmony galaxy, sun moon in the morning, through the rain and wind, ears launch such services, farmers can prosper water, no military training activities, the cult of virtue, specialist teachers of ceremonies, the water no stealing, no miscarriage of justice, not rape weak strong, the people who elected. I loved you, than parents injured. I become a Buddha this realm, but take good and evil, life and death uprooting suffering, that virtues unto the year, to an unconditioned. I entered into Nirvana, of religion was destroyed, the people of the evil puppet, to do evil, burnt five years of suffering, the more likely soon. The he turns, he pleaded reminders, care of the Buddha dharma, the left should not commit.
Maitreya Bodhisattva, white hands that: The world of suffering and evil, like such, are merciful Buddha, Buddha, all the exit, we are yes, according to the teachings of the Buddha, left dare not commit.
QUANG detection rates
(Buddhist ceremony is light)
Buddha told Ananda: "You want to see, Immeasurable Purity Equal Enlightenment and bodhisattvas, the Arhat, countries in the realm, so toward the West, toward the sunset, bowed respectfully, confess recite Namo Amitabha Buddha ".
Ananda immediately stood up from his seat, facing west, palms bowed, then white Buddha, saying this prayer I see, World of Ultimate Bliss, Buddha Amitabha, serve offerings, grow the fresh root. Ongoing when prostrate, suddenly being seen, Buddha Amitabha, generous face, seriously radical appearances, as mountains of gold, exceeding the high end, all the world. Again unto heard, Buddhas Tathagata, ten in the world, claiming to positive praise, Amitabha, these merits, not afraid endless.
Ananda prospectus that "Buddha-that pure, never have been, the chapel also born in realms like that."
Bhagavan says, "The water birth which, once close, countless Buddhas, planted the root virtue. Want born on that most need attention, refuge admire ".
When saying this, Buddha Amitabha, went from fists, immeasurable optical zoom, slide across all Buddhas world. In the meantime, the water realm Buddhas, are all clearly, within a range, all come from the place, luminous wins, extremely pure, Amida. In this world, the Black Mountain Snow Mountain, Diamond Set Micro, small and big mountains, rivers, forests, palaces sky people, all realms, where the place shine. As the sun rises, illuminate the world, take the road to hell, to the burrows, the darkness, are all cleared, and a bright color. Like victims of water, filled the whole world, everything in it, is not sinking, embraces all things, just see the whole country, the other Buddhist luminous, just like that. Bodhisattva Thanh Van, all luminous, translucent are hidden, only the Buddha light, luminous present invention. Four them in Congress, Heaven Dragon Eight ministries and Africa's people ... all are all found, Bliss world, these solemn Buddha Amitabha, sitting on a high, majestic stately ethics, good minister bright, Bodhisattva Thanh Van, reverently surrounded. Contestants as well: Princess mountain Meru, reaching from the sea, brightly luminous, purified by straight, no trash unclean, not form another kind, just full of things, valuable dignified, gentle St. permanent contract. Ananda with, the Bodhisattvas, were delighted, cheerfully bowed, bowed close to the ground, claiming recite Namo Amitabha Buddha, Enlightenment. Devas people, until the species, cattle ergot flying machine, seen in this light, all sickness, not spending does not fail. All offers brain, are liberated, all are all playing, practicing kindness charity, joyful pleasure. Harp bells, and not much above, not fight nature, also played pentatonic. In the realm of Buddhist country, the people's gods, were brought floral, take out of nowhere, has poured offerings. At that time, the world of Bliss, to the west, hundreds of thousands of sentences chi na tha by water, by the force of the Buddha, as it is immediate, as pure divine eye, a level consistent soil. Kia saw this plane, as well as such: It will show unto "World Saha, Shakyamuni Tathagata and the Bhikkhu, surrounded sermon".
Then the Buddha told Ananda and the Bodhisattva kindness: Did you see, the world of Ultimate Bliss, the palace stairs, ponds and streams and forests, full of magic, pure dignified? Do you see, gods realms, on to heaven Lust Rescue Wing, spread the fragrance, around buddhaland reasonable?
Ananda prospectus that: Yes! Forums seen before.
Did you hear, Amitabha Buddha, great sound statement, all the world, teaching them birth?
Ananda prospectus that: Yes! I have heard.
Buddha told Ananda: Did you see, in the realm of that country, they purify the well, a walk in vain, palaces identification, no obstacle, turn around ten, offering to the Buddhas, and they do not recite the Buddha stop or not? The birds, cylindrical middle of nowhere, emits sound measures, are due to evolution, he sees reasonable?
From Thi prospectus that: "As the Buddha's teachings, every each will see."
Buddha Maitreya: Those other countries, there are people born pregnant, he can see?
Maitreya prospectus that: Exalted! You see, the world of Bliss, Head of the People's pregnancy, as in the palace of Da Ma sky, to see them again, in the shower, sitting lotus position, natural biochemistry. Predestined by anything, but the people there, someone pregnant student, someone biochemistry?
Buddha kindness: If living beings, take heart doubt, religious merits, pray that the country of birth, location unknown Buddha, located not think, do not claim to measure location, location Mahayana wide, very immoral class, ultimate revenge win. For the location, the facilities or unbelieving, but believe me blessed, original practice charity, voluntary birth country. Then there are beings, containing healthy group basis, seek the Buddha mind, popular location, very fair position, imposing huge virtue, wisdom does not think. Where its good roots, can not have confidence, so the birth, water Buddha Bar, the will of hesitation, not dedicated, but because of continuity, for Buddha does not stop, bring your healing prayer, to make the original chapel, next unto reborn. These classes of people, because of conditions there, but the other student, unable to advance space Infinite Life, the path is prevented, place where Buddha margin, in the seven treasures, the Buddha did not do, personally place created, self towards center, although there are, lotus ponds precious, life itself naturally, eating affluence, like heaven to earth. In that city, unable forth. Housing on the ground, tall nor as desired, in five hundred years, often do not see the Buddha, hear no economic measures, did not see the Bodhisattva, Thanh Van Thanh them, that person wisdom, not wisdom, understanding doing less, the mind is not cleared, the unhappy, so he called the pregnancy birth. If there are sentient beings, the Buddha mind clear message, to place wins, except doubt, his fresh root, as the merit, dedication media center, are in the golden pond, natural biochemistry, sitting lotus position, at the moment, the form clarity, wisdom merit, as the Bodhisattva, complete achievements. From Thi should know who the other biochemical, wisdom wins.
While the fetus was born, in five hundred years, did not see the Three Jewels, also do not know unto, the legal form of the Bodhisattva, nor is charming, religious merit, not human closeness, Buddha Infinite Life, know this person, in the previous life, no wisdom, falls into delude.
Forty-one PRODUCTS
For such a king St. Turns the Wheel, has seven precious dungeons, the king was guilty, imprisoned in it. Castle palace, displays treasures of gold beds, window railings, furniture ornaments, precious magic, eating clothes, like King Who Turns the Wheel, but brought a yellow lock, chain legs, the emirate that death, have fun or not?
From market transparency, saying, Blessed One! Can not be happy, locked up, dark place such heart in order. If you make use of all, these means, want to get rid of players, relying courtiers, such as the carrot. Dharmaraja fun, new unto exit.
Maitreya Buddha: The beings that, like this also. If oppressed and lost, into the foreign guests, aspiring Buddhist place, to a large place, but fresh root itself, can not have confidence, but by listening spot, to the Buddha's name, a new start-confidence, but the other students, in the shower, there appeared unto. Thai flowers other countries, almost in the palace gardens. Because what's wrong? In that pure, no impurity and evil, for five hundred years, did not see the Three Jewels, not close, offering to the Buddhas, shuns all, healthy stem wins, take it as suffering, not born delight. If beings, know his original sin, blame heart, who leaves his place, faults his previous life, are all thoroughly clean, newly escaped, went unto the birth, place the Infinite Life, listen to business law, will gradually, opening the fun, is also offered, throughout immeasurable Buddha, religious merits.
A soil and rock this! As Bodhisattva, should know that, these doubts, is great damage, loss of major interest, so must be, clear message of Buddhist Supreme Wisdom.
From Thi prospectus that: Why this realm, ranked beings, but also charities, not seek birth?
Buddha Tu Thi class beings, wisdom, heedlessly, distinguishes the West, not in heaven, it's no fun, so do not want to live.
From Thi prospectus that: Those beings, distinguish falsehoods, not bridges realms, so escape samsara?
The Buddha taught that class beings, growing the fresh root, or not depart minister, not demand-favored Buddhism, deeply immersed sensual, the human blessings. But also religious blessing, God who demand results. By the end result, all full, but can not yet out of prison three worlds. Assuming as: parents wives and children, relatives of men and women, want the rescued, but wrong now, not been able to discharge separated, staggered reincarnation, not liberated. The he look, how fool, fresh root is not growing, but you bring, that measures location information, a large increase deviant mind, asked why exit, major accidents of birth and death.
Then there are living beings, but fresh root planting, farming big blessing, but the mind is still, first distinguished generals, the deep acceptance, for rescue reincarnation, can not be fulfilled. If anyone offers, formless wisdom, planted the roots faith, body and mind pure, shuns discrimination, to give birth to the Pure Land, Buddha Bodhi direction, will produce realms, permanent liberation.
Bodhisattva Maitreya, white Buddha that this world Saha, the Buddha realms, Real rot Bodhisattva, will unto the birth, the other Pure water, how much of that?
Maitreya Buddha: In  this world, there are seven hundred and twenty-blockers Bodhisattva, once offered, countless Buddhas, planted the roots virtues, which will produce water. Small bodhisattva, religious merit, will be born, not counted. Not only our realm, the Bodhisattva, birth country, other local buddhaland, well worth it. From the distant, enlightens realms, there to spend eighteen question tha na by great bodhisattvas born in that country. Toward the Northeast, buddhaland Museum, ninety memory, any rotten Bodhisattva, born in that country. Since the Buddha of Boundless Music realms, realms Buddhist Quang Minh, Thien Long buddhaland, buddhaland Wins Force, buddhaland Leo, buddhaland Ly Tran, Thu Duc buddhaland, United's buddhaland, buddhaland United Gaya, Portugal Slapping any rotten, reborn on that, or ten percent inhibition, or a hundred thousand, a thousand memories.
Buddhist twelfth States Supreme list, he has numerous, the Bodhisattvas, all retrogression, powerful wisdom, has ever offered, countless Buddhas, great enough effort, all come Development Center, Especially toward excess. In seven days, consecutive or photographic competition, hundreds of thousands of lives memory. Great place tu officers, the solidification method, the Bodhisattva was, will die one day.
Thirteenth Buddha, called the Fearless list, he has it all, seven hundred and ninety-blockers great bodhisattvas, the Bodhisattva profile, and Monks ... may not counted, will die one day.
Ten in the world, the title of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, just to name only, with no life at all.
Theravada is not
Buddha kindness: He just observes, the word great bodhisattvas, smart benefits. If there are good men and good women do, to hear the title, Buddha Amitabha, or give birth to a concept, the pleasure center, the refuge occupies the ceremony, Catholic Medical practitioner, must know this person, be of great benefit, will unto merit, as mentioned above, the mind is not inferior, nor high drain, fresh root achievements, are all increasing upstream, to know this person, not Theravada, in my teachings, which is called called, most practitioners. So tell him, The God of the world, asura ... should be: fun practice, rare mentality, in this business, a great student teacher. Wants to make immeasurable, every sa beings, quickly dwells, is retrogression, would like to see other countries, the vast stately, photography Life of Buddha realms wins, the full merit. Must play diligently, listen to this method. So because of legal requirements; no heart, retrogression damage camouflage, whether on high heat, should not exchange facilities. Because what's wrong? By countless other bodhisattvas memories, are all seeking, the practice of magic, respectful listening, not anti-left students. There are many Bodhisattvas, want to hear this prayer, but it does not. Therefore he must demand this approach.
PAY UP Lemma
If in the next life, until, Dharma are destroyed, there will be sentient beings, planting good roots, had offerings, countless Buddhas. Because Tathagata other, powerful blessings, or unto disciplines, such generosity, photography keeps life over, would be huge, "Circuit Design Tri Tri". In the method, the wide award wins, that great joy, because the speaker broad, generally prefer to practice. The monks and devotees, and female gods, or in this law, if such were the bridge, the bridge will make the bridge, are all good advantage. You must, therefore, remain no doubt, grow fresh roots, often to practice, not comfortable making slow, do not enter all, these precious treasure, prison labor achievements.
This A land already, like all species, great virtue who dread, or met the Buddha dharma, widely communicate, store different approach. Because of this approach, not listen, should inhibit the Bodhisattva, the mind is retrogression, fruition Supreme Enlightenment.
If there are living beings, where texts, transcribing offerings, recitation maintain life. For a moment, because the performer says, encourages listening, not born pros brain, until the day and night, thinking that realm, and the Buddha, where the supreme religion, after all not retrogression. He death, assuming three thousand great natural world, lost in the Great Fire, is also super chemistry, biology of Bliss. He had, to see him past Bodhi prophesies, all Tathagata, and praise. So should, believing concentrate, do recitations said.
Forty-five PRODUCTS
We now due, of all living beings, speaking of this approach, which showed unto Buddha Infinite Life. And other realms, all things, what would do, might demand. Artless after, I was passing, the students doubt, in the next life, of religion eradicated, because our heart, compassionate, especially to save, only one of this office's centennial.
There are living beings who are having this experience, according to the will, are the escape.
Tathagata in the world, hardly having seen. Beijing direction Buddhas, are hard of hearing difficulty. Meet good knowledge, legal or administrative hearing, it is also difficult. If this sounds disgusting, preferred private life over, is difficult in the hard, nothing harder.
As sentient beings, to hear the Buddha, from the pure heart, rejoice together, the hair does not stand up, or tearing, are due to previous lives, every Buddhist practice, not a human being. If you listen to Buddha, in the heart of doubt, prayer Buddha, all such beliefs, are due in the next line data, disaster previous life, not end to end, not the escape, so the mind of doubt, such to believe so.
(Diligent cultivate perseverance)
Maitreya Buddha: France's supreme Buddhas Tathagata, ten fearless force, very afraid very first, very profound legal, legal Paramita, the Bodhisattva, is not easy to meet. Legal person or say, it is difficult to open presents, deeply private firm, and also difficult to come by.
As for us today, but said said the broad disciplines, like magic, it compliments all the Buddhas, endowed his wish, to act as guardian. As sentient beings, and sank in the avaricious long night, do not let beings, circulated in the road, bear more suffering. Should have to practice, depending upon us to teach. For Buddha to taste, often grateful to him, making this method, a long cylindrical not destroy, must be patient and not be missing, not start down, up and down economic measures, is often not an end in mind, witnessing fast results. I like France, should say so. Accommodation Tathagata do, should do, religious merit planting, to give birth to the Pure Land.
Phuoc Hue is LISTENING
Then the Exalted, says new shelves that:
Previous life without religious blessing lily,
It can not listen to the Dhamma.
Was once offered the Tathagata,
Believe it or this fun.
Arrogant evil and wrong laxity,
Legal incredibly wonderful Tathagata,
As the blind man in the dark constant travel,
Unable to open the way for others.
Only moral roots planted each Buddha,
Vows new rescue or religious life.
Hearing this, and transcribe maintain life,
Read proceedings, claiming canopy and offerings.
Most players like Pure Land Center,
Decision reborn in the Pure Water.
Suppose major fire disasters throughout triangle,
Shifting dread Buddha are escaping.
Sea depth Tathagata wisdom,
Only the Buddha or the Buddha said;
Thanh Van memory impairment Buddhist life position,
Bring all such unimaginable powers.
Public Tathagata Buddha himself said,
Only Bhagavan or open market
The body is difficult, hard to see the Buddha,
Favoured signal heard in difficult legal difficulty.
If the Buddha beings would do,
Overcoming happy Samantrabhadra ashore.
So officers preside over wide,
I believe the word should be taught as truth.
Dhamma like sewing to hear,
Buddhist concept that students must often joy.
Broad line of life over life and death,
Buddha said you people are so gentle.
Then the Exalted, says of this law, God The world, as many as twelve thousand na tha memory by living beings, away from the ceiling, is pure dharma. There are twenty-blockers, beings attain, A Na Ham results. Six thousand eight hundred, you Bhikshu, afflictions were pure, freed heart. There are forty-blockers, bodhisattvas, to fruition, Supreme Bodhi, office retrogression, preaching sworn merit, bringing dignified self. Twenty-five memories, the kind of beings, are no ring rot. Up to four thousand memories tha na so, hundreds of thousands of living beings, to fruition "Supreme Bodhi", had never mind, this new mind. Growing the fresh root, wishing to be reborn in the Pure, see Amida, will reborn, that the Tathagata realm. Other methods used to people, things become Buddhas layer, and a title: "Yew Yin Tathagata". Then there are sentient beings, ten realms, if current birth, or birth futuristic, see Amida, where unto each, eighty sentences chi na tha by people, life rings notation, wonderful success, " Supreme Bodhi ". The other beings, because of coast, past life vows, and be born, the world of Bliss.
Then the world's three great Christian, six secondary vibration, the same thing, little gods turn, launched the "Great clarity" around ten projectors. Then there are gods, in out of nowhere, the music is far more pronounceable rejoicing. Until gods, heaven Lust, Caution, were all listening, give unprecedented. Countless beautiful flowers, breezy fall. Venerable Ananda, the Bodhisattva Maitreya, the Bodhisattva, and they Thanh Van, Heaven Dragon Eight ministries and all public, so happy, serve the information received.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/5/2016.MHDT.

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