Tuesday 3 May 2016

149. The GREAT CLASSIC of SIX of

         Like I hear.
         A world Religion in Savatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). In That Respect, the National call-stilts: "the Male-stilts",-"Dear Yes, Bach World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
         The Female College faculty, we will on stilts-Business Six Parishes. Please listen and carefully test failure, I will preach.
         -Sir, of the White World Religion.
        The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. World Religion instructors are as follows:
        -The Male-stilts, do not know, do not see as chon TAM eyes, don't know don't see as chon TAM the colors, do not know do not see as chon TAM brand, not know seeing as chon TAM brand exposure; due to the charm of this promotion the label kicked up stray or service life gauge, gauge the life of real-life communication, do not know do not see as she tastes her life feel chon TAM craving for eyes, craving for the colors, craving for the label, craving for the label. Due to the charm of this promotion the label kicked up stray or service life gauge, gauge life real life, the Club's charity for feeling. When her stay, suicide sweetness, were craving before, implications, and was wrecked, so in its aggregates go to store in the future. And he's taken to reborn, the sentence against Hy and, finding the joy here, over there; AI'd to be grown; the brain growth priority; the mind brain growth priority; the body temperature of the brain growth; the mind brain gauge growth. Her sense of taste and body mind life gauge.
         The Male-stilts, does not see and does not know as chon TAM tai; the Male-stilts, does not see and does not know as chon TAM nose; the Male-stilts, does not see and does not know as chon TAM tongue; the Male-stilts, does not see and does not know as chon TAM; the Male-stilts, does not see and does not know as chon TAM, Italy; the Male-stilts, does not see and does not know as chon TAM of France; the Male-stilts, does not see and does not know as chon TAM consciousness; the Male-stilts, does not see and does not know as chon TAM Italy exposed. Due to the Italian coast this contact kicked up stray or service life gauge, gauge the life of real-life communication; do not see and do not know as he, the life she feels talking ingenue craving for Italy ahead of Ireland for France, craving for consciousness, craving for Italy. Due to the Italian coast this contact start up life Club, the life gauge, gauge or real-life Club, ... (as above) ... does life feel miserable body position and the center of the gauge.
         The Male-stilts, see and know as chon TAM eyes, see and know as chon TAM the colors, see and know as chon TAM brand formula, see and know as chon TAM brand exposure. Due to the charm of this promotion the label kicked up stray or service life gauge, gauge the life of real-life Club, see and know as chon TAM feeling tho; taste her craving for the eyes, no craving for the SAC, no craving for the label, no craving for the label. Due to the charm of this promotion label starting up touch tho, or real-life gauge, gauge the life lost; taste her craving for sympathy. When her stay, suicide sweetness, not been AI before, implications, and was wrecked, so in its aggregates go to the remnants of the destruction in the future. And the craving of her, taken to reborn, with the wedding and take part, find the joy here and there; does the charity take advantage; the stem of the brain's priority was passage of the endless; the center of the brain take priority; the body temperature of the brain are sections take; the thermal center of the brain is dedicated segment; the gauge of the brain take; the center of the brain to take advantage of the framework; does life feel taste and body Center.
         Comment as of the chon TAM, Chief Justice's comments. What thinking like he's talking ingenue, thinking he is the Chief Justice. Essential what's she talking ingenue as tons, she is the Chief essential tons. What as its anniversary, chon TAM is mindfulness. What defined as he's talking ingenue, the then Chief Justice. Dear colleagues, the language industry, born of the network he is pure goodness. Eight leaders of this industry and come to practice and develop fullness for the position. Due to the practice of this profession so Eight leaders Saints, four anniversary of going to practice and develop fullness; the four Chief effort also goes to the cultivation and development of fullness; four as Italy also come to practice and develop fullness; Hien also go to practice and develop fullness; the year also come to practice and develop fullness; seven sensations genus also go to practice and develop fullness. And where's the taste, this was two parallel transport: just and consistent. With the upper position, the Willow's tri the France need Willow tri with the upper position. With the upper position, then position the French segment need to take advantage of the paragraph with the upper position. With the upper position position, practice the French need to practice to the upper position. With the upper position, the food poisoning syndrome's the France need to prove food poisoning to the upper position. This and the Female-stilts, how is the French need to finish off the upper position with voters? Need to answer is in its best player, i.e. UAN UAN, tho its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player craft ideas, craft form aggregates. The France is the French need to finish off the upper position with voters. This and the Female-stilts, how is the French need to take advantage of the paragraph with the upper position? Ignorance and craving, this legislation need to take advantage of the paragraph with the upper position. This and the Female-stilts, how is the French need to practice with the upper position? This legislation, and only need to practice to the upper position. This and the Female-stilts, how is the French need to prove food poisoning with upper position? And freed, the French must have proof of this food poisoning with the upper position.
         This the Male-stilts, see and know as chon TAM tai; the Male-stilts, see and know as chon TAM nose; the Male-stilts, see and know as chon TAM this tongue; the Male-stilts, see and know as chon TAM; the Male-stilts, see and know as chon TAM Italy; the Male-stilts, see and know as chon TAM the France; the Male-stilts, see and know as chon TAM consciousness; the Male-stilts , see and know as chon TAM Italy exposed. Due to the Italian coast this contact kicked up the life gauge, real-life Club, real-life communication framework; see and know as chon TAM's life sympathy, her craving for Italy, not craving for the French, no craving for sense, not craving for Italy. Due to the Italian coast this contact kicked up lost life, or b gauge tho, t-life Club any gauge; taste her craving for sympathy. .. (as above) ... the mind is brain gauge sections. Does life feel taste and body Center. Comment as of the chon TAM, Chief Justice's comments. What thinking like chon TAM of the ... (as above) ... of the network's activities go to the pure goodness. Eight leaders of this industry and come to practice and develop fullness for the position. Due to the practice of this profession so Eight leaders Saints ... (as above). This and the Female-stilts, how is the French need to prove food poisoning with upper position? And freed, this legislation need to prove food poisoning to the upper position. ThếTôn preaching. The Male-stilts she trusts That Religious lyrics-life wedding Festival.

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