Thursday 12 May 2016

I. PRODUCT Bhandagama
So, I hear:
One time Bhagavan people residing in the middle which served Bhanda village. There, Bhagavan told the monks:
 - Hey, monks.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Monks Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Hey, monks, by not enlightened, can not enter the four measures, so must the long run, circulated in a long time, for me and for me! Which four?
3. Hey, monks, by not enlightened, can not enter the Holy world, so must the long run, circulated in a long time, for me and for me. This, monks, by not enlightened, can not enter the ... Holy Holy Holy liberating wisdom ..., so must the long run, circulated in a long time, for me and for me.
4. Hey, monks, when this world is enlightened St., was able to enter; Scripture to be enlightened, to be able to enter; St. Property is enlightenment, is able to enter; St. liberating enlightenment, is able to enter; bhava is severed, the fastener is useful to make an end, this is no longer reborn.
5. Bhagavan said. Auspicious then says completed, gurus say more:
Gender, meditation, Wisdom,
With supreme liberation
Gotama name,
It enlightened the
Buddha wins tri them,
Sermon to monks,
Masters make an end of suffering
Tue-label ranks first President.
§ (II) (2). LEAVE
1. - The four measures do not achieve, this, monks, is called to leave this law. Which four?
No achievements St. world, this, monks, is called to leave this law. No achievements Sacred Meditation, the monks ... not St. intellectual achievements, the monks ... not achieve liberation St., this, monks, is called to leave this law.
This achievement not four, this, monks, is called to leave this law.
2. Achievement of four measures, the monks, called this law do not leave. Which four?
3. Achievements St. world, this, monks, is called not to leave this law. St. specified achievements, the monks ... St. intellectual achievements, the monks ... St. liberation achievements, this, monks, is called not to leave this law.
This achievement four, the monks, called this law do not leave.
After death they Tyre, i
Crashed their craving.
So they come back,
Once again reborn.
Work has to be done,
Liked worth like,
He was at peace,
Because peace brought to.
§ (III) (3). LOST ORIGINAL (1)
 - Praise, not praise, trust, no credibility.
1. Achievement of four this method, the monks, fools, not smart, not Chan's ranks, behave yourself like a man to take root, injury, criminal, who was rebuked location, and make things very blessed. Which four?
No judgment, no consideration, he was not worthy of praise praise; no judgment, no consideration, no person deserves praise praise; no judgment, no consideration, showing confidence in the site are not trustworthy; non-discrimination, are not considered, the no-confidence manifested in places worthy of trust.
This achievement four, the monks, fools, not smart, not Chan's ranks, behave yourself like a man to take root, injury, criminal, who was rebuked location, and create so many things very blessed.
2. Achievement of four measures, the monks, location wise, intelligent, is the One Truth's, behave yourself as a person does not take root, no injuries, no offense, guys do not mind being rebuked accountability, and create more merit. Which four?
After consideration, after consideration, not praise, he was not worthy to be praised; after consideration, after consideration, who deserves praise praise; after consideration, after consideration, manifested distrust places do not deserve credibility; after consideration, after consideration, opine credibility in places worthy of trust. This achievement four, the monks, location wise, smart, Chan's is the degree, behave yourself as a person does not take root, no injuries, no offense, guys do not mind being scolded , and create much merit.
People who merit demerit,
Praiseworthy people who criticized,
But he's tongues,
Harboring misfortune.
Due to his misfortune,
Not find peace.
Petty insignificant,
This is kind of unfortunate,
Unhappiness by gambling,
Vandalizing property.
Larger, much larger,
This is the kind of misfortune
For everyone.
And even with his own
Those with malice,
For Auspicious Career,
Experiencing a hundred thousand,
time Nirabbuda
And thirty six
Abbuda year,
Being born into hell,
During that time,
If berating saint,
With words, attention, prayer evil.
§ (IV) (4). LOST ORIGINAL (2)
1. - Due to the misconduct of the four, the monks, fools, not smart, not Chan's rank, behave themselves as the lost original, injury, crime, being the wise man rebuke, and bringing with it countless blessings. How the misconduct of the four?
Misconduct against her mother, the monks, fools, not smart ... very much blessed. Misconduct against the father, the monks ... misconduct for Tathagata, monks ... This misconduct for disciples of the Tathagata, the monks, fools, not smart, Chan's not level ... and bringing with it countless blessings. This misconduct in four, this, monks, fools, not smart ... bringing with it countless blessings.
2. The chief virtues in four, the monks, location wise, intelligent, is the One Truth's, not themselves behave like people to take root, no injuries, no crime, no wise man rebuked responsibility, create more merit. What is the right action for four?
Parent to parent well, this, monks, location wise, intelligent, is the One Truth's, behave yourself, do not like people to take root ... create more merit. Right action for the father, the monks ... the chief virtues of the Tathagata, the monks, the chief disciple of the well to the Tathagata, the monks, intelligence wise, is the One Truth people, not themselves behave like person to take root ... create more merit. This is right action in four, the monks, location wise ... create more merit.
3. For mom and dad,
Who behave so evil,
With Tathagata Enlightenment
Or with His disciples,
Such people behave,
Bringing with it countless blessings,
Those with evil deeds,
For mom and dad,
This life, the wise man responsible
Postnatal life of deprivation.
For mom and dad.
Who behave right feet,
With Tathagata Enlightenment
Or with His disciples,
Such people behave,
Create many blessings,
Who is right action,
For mom and dad,
Wise commended this life,
Heaven enjoyed afterlife.
§ (V) (5). Thuan Dong
1. - There are four classes of men, the monks, being present in my life. Which four? Line upon class riders, who go against the line classes, self-class stand, the Brahmin had crossed to the other side, standing on land.
And this, monks, how are people going through the line? Here, the monks, who ranked enjoy sexual life and do evil deeds. This, monks, is called upon line class riders.
And this, monks, how are people going against the current class? Here, the monks, who are not ranked enjoy sexual life, do not do evil, the suffering, the pros, tears filled his face, crying, celibate chastity fullness. This, monks, is called retrograde-class riders.
And this, monks, what kind of person to stand again?
Here, the monks, who ranked, due to cessation of five lower fetters, are goods being, at that enter Nirvana, no longer back away anymore. This, monks, is called self-class stop.
And this, monks, how is the Brahmin had crossed to the other side, standing on the mainland?
Here, the monks, who ranked perish by taints, even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. This, monks, is called Brahmin status passed to the other side, standing on land.
Four classes of people, the monks, being present in my life.
2. Those who live in the world,
Do not overpower the education,
No waiver dispassion,
Enjoy life passions,
They went to the old birth,
Come back to again,
Craving was bound,
They go through life line.
So there rank position,
In life, mindfulness,
Not enjoy sex life,
No evil practice,
Oil and the nature of suffering,
Renunciation of desires,
They are called person,
Going against the flow of life.
3. Who decided to make an end,
Five negativity fetters,
Career Practitioners Being complacent
No longer degenerate,
Achieve heart subdue,
The apartment is calm,
He called,
People have to stand back,
For the winner list approach,
He was enlightened,
Have been scanned, cleaned the fan,
These measures are terminated,
He wise,
Achievement of dignity,
Being called names,
Career went to the place,
End of the World site,
Tier arrived the other shore.
1. - There are four classes of men, the monks, being present in my life. Which four? Listen little, it was heard not arise; listen less, things were starting to hear; heard, it was heard not arise; heard, things were heard starting up.
And this, monks, is how little the audience, which was heard not arise?
Here, the monks, who have heard little about the class experience; Application Procedure, Ky theory, the poem, Inspiration language, as market theory, Bon birth, because of the increased ownership, advertising methods. He, with what has been heard of this little, do not know that, do not know the legal, not lawful practice. Thus, the monks, who heard little, it was heard not arise.
And this, monks, is how little the audience, which was heard there arises?
Here, the monks, who have heard little about the class experience; Application Procedure, Ky theory, the poem, Inspiration language, as market theory, Bon birth, because of the increased ownership, advertising methods. He, with what has been heard of this little, knowing that, knowing the legal, legal practice, Dhamma. Thus, the monks, who heard little, things were heard starting up.
And this, monks, is how many listeners, it was heard not arise?
Here, the monks, who had heard much about the class experience; Application Procedure, Ky theory, the verse, inspiration ... The advertising language. He, with much heard this thing, do not know that, do not know the law, do not practice, Dhamma. Thus, the monks, who heard many, it was heard not arise.
And this, monks, is how many listeners, it was starting to hear?
Here, the monks, who had heard much about the class experience; Chant ... The advertising application. He, with the things that have been heard this, know that, know the legal, legal practice, Dhamma. Thus the monks, who heard many, things were heard starting up. This, monks, the existing four classes of people present at the birth.
2. If the listener is less,
No static in the world,
They criticized him,
Both, men and heard.
If the listener is less,
But in the world of smart,
They commended the moral,
Incomplete hearing.
If you are listening to a lot,
No static in the world,
They criticized him,
Hearing, was full.
If you are listening to a lot,
Back in the world of smart,
They praised him,
Both, men and heard.
Buddhist disciples heard,
Tri-brainer approach,
As gold realm of Hell - compliance,
Who can criticize?
He commended Devas,
Brahma also praise.
§ (VII) (7). WE INCREASE brilliance
 - There are four classes of men, the monks, smart, trained, not fear, to hear more, dharma, practice, Dhamma, Sangha brilliance. Which four?
Monks, the monks, smart, trained, not fear, to hear more, dharma, practice, Dhamma, Sangha brilliance. Monks-ni, the monks ... South layman, the monks ..., Female layman, this, monks, smart, trained, not fear, to hear more, dharma, practice, Dhamma, Sangha brilliance.
Who is smart,
Being fearless,
The ones who listen to a lot,
And dharma classes,
For Chief Dhamma,
Practice, Dhamma
Such people are called,
We Increased glare position,
Area World monks enough,
Monks-ni heard,
Tier male lay followers,
Career women lay believers,
They shine Sangha,
We Increased light.
§ (VIII) (8). Legions of
 - There are four very basis captain of the Tathagata, the monks, by the achievements of four very basis of this captain, Tathagata arrogates to itself the status ox king, lion roaring sound in the congregation and turning Falun. Which four?
He claims to be the Enlightenment, but this will not be his Enlightenment. There, if any recluse or Brahmin, or Thien Nhan, or Mara, or Brahma, or anyone else in my life right accuse such measures; This, monks, I do not see this case. This, monks, so I do not see this case, should I stay, achieving peace, achieving not tremble, achieved fearless. Tathagata He claims to be rid of the defilements but the defilements has not been the exception. There, if any recluse or Brahmin ..., accusing me lawful; This, monks, I do not see this case. This, monks, so I do not see this case, should I stay, to achieve peace, to achieve not tremble, achieved fearless. The law says the Tathagata is the legal obstacles, one life is not enough to use them with what the obstacles. There, if any recluse or Brahmin ...; I accuse lawful; This, monks, I do not see this case ... achieve fearless. France and the purpose for which I proclaim, not practitioners of cessation of suffering right feet. There, if any recluse or Brahmin, or Thien Nhan, or Mara, or Brahma, or anyone else in my life lawful accused; This, monks, I do not see this case.
This, monks, so I do not see this case, should I stay, to achieve peace, to achieve not tremble, achieved fearless.
This four fearless approach of the Tathagata, the monks, four very basis of achievement by this captain, Tathagata arrogates to itself the status ox kingdom, roaring lion roar in the congregation and turning Falun .
The talks this type of reasoning,
Y only be spacious,
Recluses, Brahmin,
Refuge, they care only.
When they reached the Tathagata,
They no longer exists,
The talks are said conclusion,
They tremble and fear.
Who conquered all,
Transportation is Falun,
For love all,
All sentient beings,
With such steps,
God's supreme between,
All beings worship,
Tier pass being organic.
§ (IX) (9). thirst
 - There are four this craving arises, this, monks, when loving being, can arise where the monks. Which four?
Because getting robes, the monks, loving the start up, start-up where the monks, or by receiving alms food ... or so getting ready is ... or that this is due to organic, non-organic is, loving when starting up, start up your monks.
Four loving this arises, this, monks, when the craving arises, arises where the monks.
Do your people with kindness,
Will long-term rotation,
When this place existed,
When exist elsewhere,
He did not stop,
The rotation of rebirth.
Hazardous clearly know this,
The main charity of suffering,
Monks renounce love,
Not holding attachment,
Dwelling, not forgetfulness,
He left home to live.
§ (X) (10). the yokes
1 - Hey, monks, has four this yoke, how are the four? Education yoke, organic yoke, is the yoke, the yoke of ignorance.
And this, monks, how is education yoke?
Here, the monks, there is no such category was actually the collective administrators start, the end, the sweetness, the dangers, the emergence of sexual isolation. Do not like it's the collective administrators start, the end, the sweetness, the dangers, the renunciation of sex, should lust, sexual pleasure, sexual attachment, sexual passion, sexual desire, sexual brain, Education approved defense, education in sexual loving and occupation exists. This, monks, is called sexual yoke.
And how is useful yoke?
Here, the monks, who do not like very consistent with the collective knowledge origination, termination, the sweetness, the dangers, and the renunciation of ownership. Do not like it's customary attention tri start ... and the renunciation of property, should participate organic, organic wedding, organic attachment, passionate organic, organic drinks, organic brain, clinging organic, organic bhava in infringing accounting and survive. This, monks, is called organic yoke.
And how is the yoke?
Here, the monks, who do not like very consistent with the collective tri start ... the renunciation of the comments. Do not like it's customary attention tri start ... and the renunciation of the ants, so is involved, is joy, is attachment, is passionate, is thirsty, is the brain, is clinging, is yours in the invasion is accounting and survive. This, monks, this is called a yoke.
And how is ignorance yoke?
Here, the monks, who do not like very consistent with the collective knowledge origination, termination, the sweetness, the dangers, the renunciation of the six emotional origin. Do not like it's customary attention tri start ... the renunciation of the six emotional origin, so ignorant, no mind for six contact invaded origin and existence. This, monks, is called ignorance yoke.
This is the yoke fitness, friendship yoke, the yoke is the yoke and ignorance.
Bound by the legal evil evil, the suffering, the measures being reborn, distractions, the mature fruit allergic suffering in the future, by birth and old age, death, so called not peace from the yoke. This, monks, has four this yoke.
2. Hey, monks, have four cups of this yoke. Which four? Dispassion yoke, yoke organic glass, glass is the yoke, the yoke of ignorance cup.
And this, monks, are the sexual ly yoke?
Here, the monks, who rank as very consistent with the collective knowledge launch, the termination, the sweetness, the dangers and the emergence of sexual isolation. Due to the collective governance realistic start, the end, the sweetness, the dangers, the renunciation of sex, should lust, sexual pleasure, sexual attachment, sexual passion, sexual desire, sexual brain, clinging fitness , training and education charity in not invade and survive. This, monks, is called sexual ly yoke.
And how useful is the cup yoke?
Here, the monks, someone like the real administrator launch the file, the termination, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of ownership. Due to the collective governance realistic start ... and the renunciation of property, should participate organic, organic wedding, organic attachment, passionate organic, organic drinks, organic brain, clinging organic, organic bhava in the non-invasive accounting and survive. This, monks, is called organic glass yoke.
And how is the cup is the yoke?
Here, the monks, have set realistic starting the tri bars ... the renunciation of the comments. Due to the collective governance realistic start and the renunciation of the ants, so is involved, is joy, is attachment, is passionate, is thirsty, is the brain, is clinging, is yours in the invasion and survival is not in. This, monks, this is called glass yoke.
And how is ignorance cup yoke?
Here, the monks, someone like the real administrator launch the file, the termination, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of the six emotional origin. Due to the collective governance realistic start ... the renunciation of the six emotional origin, so ignorant, no mind in six emotional origin do not invade and survive. This, monks, is called ignorance cup yoke.
This is sexual ly ach, ach organic glasses, cups and glasses is ignorance yoke yoke.
Not bound by the legal evil evil, the suffering, the measures being reborn, distractions, the mature fruit allergic suffering in the future, by birth and old age, death, so called peace from the yoke. This, monks, have four cups of this yoke.
3. Being tied both,
Ach ach and useful education,
Is bound yoke,
With ignorance foremost,
Beings are circulated,
Go to birth and death,
Those fitness full understanding,
And organic whole yoke,
Pluck is discarded the yoke,
Ignorance and abandon,
Separated us all yoke,
They get out of the yoke.
§ (I) (11). OF
1 - Hey, monks, if the monks are going to arise when education level, or courtyard views, or views that harm if monks accepted, no waiver, no cleansing, no termination , do not have to go to does not exist; This, monks, if the monks are going to have such a facility operator, who he called no enthusiasm, no shame, continuous permanent idleness, diligently inferior. This, monks, if the monks while standing ... sitting ... when lying, sexual consciousness arises range, or courtyard views, or views that harm if monks accepted, no waiver, no clean, no termination, no going to non-existence; This, monks, if the monks when you are lying awake with operating such facilities, he called the people have no enthusiasm, no shame, continuous permanent idleness, diligently inferior.
2. Hey, monks, if the monks are going to arise when education level, or courtyard views, or views that harm if monks are not accepted, abandoned, cleansed, terminated, go to does not exist ; This, monks, if the monks while walking with operating such facilities; he called people with enthusiasm, with shame, permanent continuous, essential need diligent, painstaking. This, monks, if your standing monks, monks ... Hey, if monks sitting ... Hey, monks, if the monks while lying, sexual consciousness arises range, or golf range, or if the damage level that monks do not accept, waive, cleansed, terminated, go to does not exist; This, monks, if the monks when you are lying awake with operating such facilities; he called people with enthusiasm, with shame, permanent continuous, essential need diligent, painstaking.
If you go to the stands,
When sitting or lying,
Evil arises from the heart,
Contact to the family,
Evil practice,
Shady by delusion,
Such monks,
No evidence Supreme corner.
Who is going to stand,
When sitting or lying,
Subdue the minds,
The preferred range of just pure
Such monks,
Supreme sensory evidence.
§ (II) (12). OVERPOWER
 - Hey, monks, live full instructions, full responsibility Patimokkha world, be tamed with the Patimokkha tame. Take full majesty live right action, see fear in the slightest fault, accepting and learning in the School law. Fully lived world, the monks, the monastic rule Patimokkha full, be tame with the monastic rule of Patimokkha tame, full majesty live right action, see fear in the slightest fault, accept and school learning in the law, there is no need to do more? If monks while away, greed, anger was abandoned, sloth dullness, exchange Trao, suspected to be annihilation, ardent, diligent, no passive safety concept is no forgetfulness residence, relatives are calm, no hectic, calm mind is most interested. This, monks, if the monks while walking with operating such facilities; he is called earnestness, with shame, permanent continuous, diligent, painstaking. If monks while standing ..., if the monks while sitting ..., if the monks while lying awake, greed, anger was abandoned, sloth dullness, Trao exchange, guests will be annihilation, ardent, diligent, no passive, dwell conceivable, no forgetfulness, the body is calm, no hectic, calm mind, one heart. This, monks, if the monks while awake with operating such facilities; he is called earnestness, with shame, permanent continuous, diligent, painstaking.
Walking know homemade
Sitting, lying homemade said,
Homemade monks said,
When bending, stretching his hand,
Above, horizontal, extensively,
Until an ultimate remote,
Anyone born yet interesting,
Stay in this world.
Kill clever observation.
Aggregates of all legal,
Just pure heart right action,
Regular specialized learning,
Continuous, constant diligence.
Monks are called so.
 - Hey, monks, this has four primary needs. Which four?
Here, the monks, the monks with the aim of making the evil, unwholesome unborn measures previously not arise, arise desire, effort, diligence, of center, maintenance center; with the aim of making the evil, immoral law was born to be eradicated, starting up the will, try, book center, maintenance center; with the aim of making good behavior prior to the date of birth not arise, arise desire, effort, diligence, maintenance center of attention; with the aim of making good behavior was being able to maintain, no obscure, growth, be generous, be practiced, fullness, start-up desire, effort, diligence, of the mind , maintenance center; This, monks, here are the four primary needs.
With the main measures required,
We conquered Makai,
Do not stick them pass,
Fear of birth and death,
Ly joyful lust,
We won Ma, Ma Force,
All namuci force,
They escape, peace.
§ (IV) (14). OVERPOWER
 - Hey, monks, there are four essential need this. Which four? Tame ardent, ardent annihilation, practice ardent, ardent holder.
And this, monks, how is the planet needs to tame? Here, the monks, monks with excellent sight, does not hold general minister, who does not hold its own minister. These cause, because eyesense not be tamed, that craving offers compassion, evil evil arises legal, monks tame her reasons, upholding eyesense, practice the label holder base. When the ear heard ... the nose ... the tongue tasting smelling incense ... emotions ... the body of legal awareness, he does not hold the general minister, who does not hold its own minister. These cause, because the apartment is not tame, given that craving bi, evil evil arises legal, monks tame her reasons, upholding consciousness, practice the holder base. This, monks, is called crystal to tame.
And this, monks, are the essential need to make an end? Here, the monks, monks can not reach sexual acceptance arise, abandon, cleansed, terminated, causing the non-existence; no acceptable level courts arise ... no harm acceptable range arises, quit, clean, termination, cause did not exist, there was no accepted legal evil evil arises, abandoned, bleach clean, termination or non-existence makes it. This, monks, is called essential need to make an end.
And this, monks, are the essential need to practice? Here, the monks, monks practicing enlightenment concept, he just renunciation, he just dispassion, he just annihilated, brought to the detachment; trạch legal practice ... practice enlightenment effort rapture enlightenment ... practice ... practice enlightenment enlightenment equanimity ... practice ... practice to discharge enlightenment enlightenment, he just renunciation, dispassion only y, y just annihilated, brought to the detachment. This, monks, is called a globular practice.
And this, monks, how is the planet needs to upholding? Here, the monks, monks beat upholding the good minister bore, Minister skeleton, symbolizing eat, Minister bruising blue, latex saturated concentration Minister, Minister chapped, Minister studio. This, monks, is called a globular holder.
This, monks, there are four essential need this.
And vanquish take,
Practice and holders,
This required four oils,
Her son is the sun,
Declaration and preaching,
In your life, monks,
Enthusiasm for them,
Achieve the cessation of suffering.
 - Hey, monks, there are four of this competition for supremacy. Which four?
Supreme in those with self, the monks, ie Rahu, Asura king. The ultimate in life you enjoy sex, the monks, the king of Mandhata. Supremacy of the supreme position of power, this, monks, ie Devil. In the world of the gods, Devil, Brahma, along with the recluses, Brahmin, gods and men, the monks, the Tathagata called supreme, steps A-La- drought, Enlightenment.
This, monks, there are four of this competition for supremacy.
Rahu is paramount,
In your self.
Mandhata supreme,
In're enjoying sex.
Mara is paramount,
Between the level of authority.
With sufficient spirit name,
He was brilliant,
Above, horizontal, bottom,
At birth throughout life interesting,
In the world of the gods,
Buddha called Ultimate.
§ (VI) (16) TRI delicate
 - Hey, monks, there are four such a delicate position. Which four?
Here, the monks, monks achievements excellent location for delicacy, do not see a place for subtle color supremacy over other, more magical foe wins his delicate position. He has no aspiration to reach an excellent position sensitive to other more ultimate, unique magic wins over her delicate position. He accomplished a delicate position for life, do not see a delicate position for other life than the ultimate, unique magic wins over her delicate position. He has no aspiration to reach a delicate position for other life ... her delicate position. He accomplished a great location ... delicate to delicate position accomplishment for acts, not find a delicate position for other acts, more ultimate, unique magic wins over her delicate position. He has no aspiration to reach a delicate position for other acts, more ultimate, unique magic wins over her delicate position. This, monks, here are four delicate position.
Excellent location sensitive info,
Knowing existence of life,
From where thoughts arise,
Where termination idea,
Knowing the different operating variables,
Is not, will not fall,
If monks see the district,
The first President, preferred the first President
Dear life over the ultimatum,
Ma Ma and military victory.
 - Hey, monks, there are four living animals should not take that away. Which four?
Go to being interesting for education, go to being interesting for golf, going to interesting because si birth, went to the living animal fear. There are four interesting birth This should not take that away.
Led by fitness, golf,
By fear, ignorance,
Who crossed the Dharma,
Time names the person,
Reduce the damage suffered,
As the moon during the night.
 - Hey, monks, there are four living animals should go. Which four?
Not because sex goes to being interesting, not because the field come to being interesting, not because of ignorance go to being fun, not fear to go to being interesting. This, monks, should have four birth this interesting.
Led by fitness, golf,
By fear, ignorance,
Who does not exceed the Dharma,
Time names the person,
Full circle is square,
As the moon in the morning.
§ (IX) (19) DO NOT GO, DO GO
(This prayer is of 17 and 18 together)
§ (X) (20) THE CHEF
 - Achievement of four measures, the monks, who cooks so commensurate be cast into hell. Which four?
Go to being interesting for education, go to being interesting for golf, going to interesting because si birth, went to the living animal fear. This achievement four, the monks, a chef so commensurate be cast into hell.
 - Achievement of four measures, the monks, a chef so inadequate was born to heaven. Which four?
Not because sex goes to being interesting, not because the field come to being interesting, not because of ignorance go to being fun, not fear to go to being interesting. Four legal achievements, the monks, such proportionate been born to heaven.
Those for education,
Ranks are not tame,
Is at the illegal,
Respect unlawful,
They go, being led
By sex, anger, fear,
Making congregation defiled
They are called so,
Thus they are called,
By recluses understanding.
So Chan's level,
The praiseworthy steps.
They stay on the Dharma,
They do no evil,
They come, do not be led,
By sex, anger, fear,
Essence of the congregation,
They are called so,
Thus they are called,
By recluses understanding.
§ (I) (21) IN Uruvela (1)
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetanava, Anathapindika in his garden. There, Bhagavan called the monks:
 - Hey, monks.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Bhagavan said as follows:
 - One time, the monks, I stay on the waterfront in Uruvela Neranjara, under trees eagle Ajapala, when new Enlightenment. While I Meditation solitude, the monks, following the thought arises: "It is difficult to live without reverence, disobedient, so Let reverence, worship, and he only lived in a monk or Brahmin ". This then, monks, I thought: "With the aim of making full aggregates have not been fully presented, Let reverence, worship and live y pointing to a recluse or Brahmin else . But I do not see a world where the gods, Brahma and the Devil, between masses recluses and Brahmin, gods or men, do not have a monk or Ba-La- other subjects, with the fuller Me, that I may reverently, bowed and he just lived. With the aim of making adequate provisions have not been fully aggregates, Let reverence, worship, and he only lived a recluse or Brahmin else ... With the aim of making full knowledge aggregates have not been full, (as above) ... With the aim of making full liberation aggregates are full enough, let reverence, worship and live y pointing to a recluse or Brahmin else ... But I do not see a world where the gods, Brahma and the Devil, between masses recluses and Brahmin, gods or men, without a recluse or Ba-La- other subjects, with more fully liberated me, that I may reverently, bowed and he only lives ". This then, monks, I think as follows: "With this law that I have enlightened right feet, I just bowed respectfully and he just lived his approach."
2. Then Brahma Sahampati with your mind knows my heart, like a stretched out arm athlete is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched hand. Similarly, Brahma Sahampati disappeared in Brahma world and appeared before Me.
Then Brahma Sahampati upper robe up on one shoulder, knee to kneel on the ground, palms toward me and said to me: "So yes, lord! So is right, white Auspicious! Buddha, in the past, you Arhat, Enlightenment, Venerable monks had bowed respectfully and he pointed to the Dharma alive. Buddha, in the future, the will of Arhat, the Enlightenment, the Venerable would reverently, bowed and he pointed to the Dharma alive. Buddha, hoping that the current time, the Exalted, level Arhat, Awakened please bowed respectfully and he only lived in dharma ". Brahma Sahampati said. After saying so, add the following to say:
The Buddhas of the past,
The Buddhas of the future,
And Present Buddha,
Melancholic many segments.
All they,
Has and will live,
Reverence and worship,
French magic right feet,
France atrium is so
For Buddhas - momentum,
So want to benefit yourself,
University's desire to do,
Please bowed respectfully,
French magic right feet,
Keep in mind the teaching,
Buddhas Enlightenment.
This, monks, Brahma Sahampati say so; said that done, I bowed, right hand toward my relatives disappeared in place. This then, monks, petition after learning of Brahma, and adapt to Me, and I live reverence, respect and care that only measures that I have self-Enlightenment. And this, monks, so that they achieve greatness Increased should I respect them Increases Special.
§ (II) (22) IN Uruvela (2)
1. A time when the monks, I stay in Uruvela, on the waterfront Neranjara, under trees eagle Nigrodha, when I new Enlightenment. This then, monks, many Brahmin elderly, elders, elders, went more than half his life, has reached the end of the age, go to Me; after arrival, speak with words of welcome I inquired, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, this, monks and Brahmin told me as follows: "Dear Venerable Gotama, we heard the following:" recluse Gotama no homage, no standing up, without taking the chair sit levels Brahmin elderly, elders, the elders have gone more than half his life, has reached the end of the age ". Dear Venerable Gotama, is it the situation is this? If the venerable Gotama no homage, no stand, no grab chairs sit levels Brahmin elderly, elders, the elders have gone more than half his life, has reached the end of the age , a situation like that, sir venerable Gotama is not good ".
2. This, monks, the problem was, I thought as follows: "The Venerable does not understand anything about the elders, or the legal effect of the Elder".
If the elders, this, monks, is 80 years old or 90 years, or 100 years of life, and if he says the non-time, non-foot talking, talking non-sense, says illegal, non-law said, speaking the words are not worth preserving, speech engine untimely, unreasonable, no limits, no relation to the objectives and the time he only called the Elder stupid. If you are a youth, the monks, a fledgling young, black hair, improvement of life in the old sage, even in my youth, and he say time, say true, say that, say lawful, the rules say, say deserves preserving, trendy speech engine, reasonable, limited, in relation to the purpose, the time he called the Elder an excellent location.
3. Hey, monks, there are four measures into effect this Presbyterians. Which four?
Here, the monks, the monks have sex, with the tame life of the monastic rule Patimokkha tame, full majesty right action, scared of the slightest error, accepting and learning in the legal Studies. As you heard many, life over what was heard, listened to accumulate things, the improved application methods, Mid-friendly, good defender, which means there are documents, uphold virtues fulfilled purity, of such measures, the he heard many, life over verbal recitation, observing with attention, can enter with the right understanding, for four Zen of epicardial increase, stay optimistic now, there are no problems, there is no fatigue, there are not waste energy; due to cessation of defilements, even in the current, position themselves to win enlightenment, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. This, monks, this four working methods of the Elder.
Someone with high drain mind,
Talkative frivolous words,
With not thinking of,
As interesting legal loathe,
Elder remote locations,
Evil is, lack of respect,
And anyone enough morality,
Listen more eloquence location,
Wise Living tame,
For all measures,
He with wisdom,
Quan find meaningful feet,
An end of law,
No wilderness, eloquence,
Birth and death annihilation,
Committing acts fullness happy,
He called me,
Elders, not contraband or,
Due to rid cankers,
Called elders.
§ (III) (23) WORLD
1. - This, monks, the world is Tathagata Enlightenment, Tathagata no implications for life. This, monks, the world is set launch Tathagata Enlightenment. World episode is starting to make an end Tathagata. This, monks, the world Tathagata eradicated Enlightenment. World eradicated Tathagata enlightenment. This, monks, the path to world Tathagata eradicated Enlightenment. Path to world Tathagata eradicated practice.
2. What, monks, in the world to Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, with masses recluses, Brahmin, gods and men, to be seen, hearing, feeling, are tri mode, is reached, is to seek, was the suicide, all Tathagata Enlightenment. Therefore, called Tathagata. From night, the monks, the Tathagata is the Enlightenment, to the night the Tathagata enter Nirvana, in the meantime, what the Tathagata says, voice, declared, all the same, no other. Therefore, called Tathagata.
3. This, monks, the Tathagata say whatever you do, do whatever they say. Since that say whatever you do, do they say, should be called the Tathagata.
This, monks, in the whole world, Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, with masses recluses, Brahmin, gods and men, the Tathagata is the one to win, not who are the losers, omniscience, full liberation is great, so is called the Tathagata.
Do win world knowledge,
Such as they really are,
Every world cup system,
Not grasping the world,
Wise won all,
Clearly forced deliverance,
Supreme pure sensation,
Nirvana, without fear,
This position cankers paragraph,
Enlightened, worth,
No oscillating perturbations,
Doubts were severed,
Achieve comprehensive take every industry,
Y being freed kill.
Is Exalted, the Buddha,
Lion ranks supreme,
In the world, Heaven,
Zhuan Falun wheel.
Thus every Thien Nhan,
To take refuge in the Buddha,
Meet, pay homage to him,
Property not born great.
Subdue, the ultimate level,
In man is subdued,
Calm, level hermit,
These people are calm.
Career ultimate liberation,
Those who are freed.
Overcoming Job wins,
These people are overcome,
Thus, his celebration,
Great, not being organic,
Heaven, this world,
No one was with him.
§ (IV) (24) Kalaka
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Saketa, at Kalaka garden. There, Bhagavan called the monks:
 - Hey, monks.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks replied that yes Bhagavan, Bhagavan said as follows:
 - Hey, monks, what in the world to Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, with masses recluses, Brahmin, gods and men is seen ... is the suicide , all I knew. This, monks, what in the world ... to be seen, is the suicide, I was well aware as follows: "All are Tathagata known. Tathagata does not stand up. " This, monks, if I say: "I know all, what in the world ... to be seen, is the suicide". Thus, is has lie in Me. If I say the following: "We both know and do not know". So is there lying in Me. If we say the following: "I do not know nor do not know". So is there lying in Me. So in my fault.
Thus, the monks, the Tathagata is something you have seen the need to see, but not what was imagined show, without imagining what is not seen, there is no need to imagine what see, no imagination for people to see. Have heard something to listen to, but not imagine what was heard, without imagining what is not heard, there is no need to imagine what to hear, no imagination of the listener. Have felt the need to feel something, but there was imagine the feeling, without imagining the feeling something is not, there is no need to imagine what the feeling, no imagination for people feel. Have knowledge on what to tri tri mode, but no official has been imagining things voters, without imagining what is not official turnout, no need to imagine what form of knowledge, no imagination for voters who wake. Thus, the monks, the Tathagata for measures to be seen, be heard, be felt, is tri mode, so he is. Again, the more people like that, no one other than the supreme and wins more, so I declared.
What is seen, heard,
Feelings, attachments,
Is thought to be true,
By other grades
Between those who saw it,
I was not so,
What they claim,
Oil is truth or lies,
I do not see the ultimate,
We in the past,
See this arrow,
Humans are the hook,
I know and I see,
The Tathagata Buddha.
No such attachment.
§ (V) (25) Virtue
1 - Pham happy to be alive, the monks, not for the purpose of deceiving the masses, not for caressing the masses, not for the benefit of the avaricious, respect, fame, no for benefit purposes escape criticism talk, not with the thought: "I hope the public knows it." And this, monks, discounts are living well in order to be tame, with the aim of annihilation, with the purpose of dispassion, with the aim of annihilation.
2. For the purpose of tame,
With the aim of annihilation,
Being celibate life,
Stay away from empty words,
Bhagavan has stated,
Going to enter Nirvana,
This road is going,
By college staff, great artist,
Who embark practice,
True to his teachings,
Will end suffering,
Follow the Master taught.
 § (VI) (26) deceiver
1. - What do you monks, the monks, deceiving stubborn, very talkative mouth, wild sex, mixed trenches, without the static, the monks was not my monks . These monks had fallen from this Law. And they are not going to grow, rising prosperity, an increase in the width of this Law. And this, monks, the monks do not lie, not very talkative mouth, with location, not stubborn, smart calm, the monks had to be my monks. And the monks did not fall out of this Law, and they go to the growth, rising prosperity, an increase in the width of this Law.
2. Ke stubborn deception,
Talkative guys, licentious,
Mixed guys proud, not specified,
No growth of Justice,
Enlightenment is asserted,
Declaration and preaching,
No fool, not talkative,
There location, not stubborn,
With a calm mind well,
We Growth of law,
Enlightenment is asserted,
Declaration and preaching.
1 - Hey, monks, there are four important measures is not easy and no foul. Which four?
In these types of care, the monks, y chalk algae (y gathered from piles of trash) is not important, easy to get and no foul. In foods, the monks, begging for food pieces is not important, easy to get and there is no violation. In the couch, the monks, the tree is not important, easy to get and no foul. In pharmaceuticals, the monks, demons urine is not important, easy to get and no foul.
Four types, this, monks, is not important, easy to get, no foul, if monks, the monks, said enough, with the kind not easy to be critical of this, I declare that this is one of the factors of the unfortunate recluse.
2. Know enough to matter,
Not important, easy to get,
There is no sin,
Not mind distractions,
On the issue of abode,
Medical clothing and food,
Mind not worry,
On the direction to go,
The law was declared,
Salmone favorable unfortunate,
They are full.
With barely know,
When you are no distractions,
Ardent in their studies.
1. - There are four saints this tradition, the monks, known as primary night, there was a long, known as the traditional, veteran, no contamination, no contamination before, this is not was contamination, will not be contamination, not the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location. Which four?
Here, the monks, monks know enough to do any kind of medicine, and the know say enough praises for any kind of public health, but for the clothes fell into discovering the nefarious, not suitable. Without health, no anxiety regret; if he has no greed, fascination, passion; see the danger and the wisdom to see the renunciation, y he lived, not knowing enough for any kind of public health, not belittle people praising me. Anyone here, not smart (skillful), no passive, awareness, mindfulness, the monks, it called monks standing above St. traditional, veteran, identified as at primary .
Again, monks, monks know enough for any kind of public alms food, and say enough praises the know with any alms food yet ...
Again, monks, monks know enough to do any kind of alms, and say enough praises the know with any kind of public begging, begging not because people fall into discovering the nefarious , inappropriate. If food is not alms, do not have anxiety regret; if alms food, no greed, fascination, passion; see the danger and the wisdom to see the renunciation, he lived alms food, not knowing enough for any kind of food alms, no compliment her, belittle people. Who here wise (skillful), no passive, awareness, mindfulness, this, monks, is called monks standing above St. traditional, veteran, preliminary identified as dark.
Again, monks, monks know enough to do any kind of couch, and say enough praises the know with any kind of public is ready, not because human is ready to fall into the range of illicit demand , inappropriate. If screening is not, no worries regret; if screening is, no greed, fascination, amorously; see the danger and the wisdom to see the renunciation, he is ready to enjoy life, do not blame people praising me. Who here wisely, (skillful), no passive, awareness, mindfulness, this, monks, is called monks stood in the traditional Holy veteran, was identified as the primary night .
Again, monks, monks preferred practice, fun practice, preferred to make an end, delighted to make an end, but not so preferred practice, fun practice, preferred to make an end, delighted that compliment their annihilation belittle people. Who here wisely, no passive, awareness, mindfulness, this, monks, is called Holy monks standing on tradition, veteran, preliminary identified as dark.
This traditional four saints, the monks, known as primary night, there was a long, traditionally known as a veteran, no contamination, no contamination before, this is not contamination, will without contamination, not the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
2. Achievements four traditional St., this, monks, if the monks residing in the East, he convince not happy, not happy not convince him. If you reside in the West, he convince not happy, not happy not convince him. If you stay in the north, he convince not happy, not happy not convince him. If you reside in the South, he convince not happy, not happy not convince him. Wherefore? This, monks, as the wise man does not convince joy and rejoice.
3. happy not convince,
Wise does not convince,
Not happy not photography,
Wise does not convince,
Convince the wise man is,
Convince not happy.
You eliminate all industrial,
Eliminate and prevent,
Matches like pure gold - in line.
Who deserves stored?
He commended Devas,
Brahma also praised.
 § (IX) (29) Dhammapada
1. - There are four measures of this goal, this, monks, known as dark sisters, there was a long, known as the traditional, veteran, no contamination, no contamination before, this is not complicated infection, will not be contamination, not the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location. Which four?
Not participate, this, monks, is known as the Dhammapada evening ... with position profile rebuke. No yard, this, monks, is known as the Dhammapada evening ... with position profile rebuke. Mindfulness, this, monks, is known as the Dhammapada evening ... with position profile rebuke. Concentration, this, monks, is known as the Dhammapada evening ... with position profile rebuke.
Four measures of this goal, this, monks, known as dark sisters, there was a long, known as the traditional, veteran, no contamination, no contamination before, this is not contamination, will not was contamination, not the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
2. Live without arguments,
With no center field,
Mindfulness and single-mindedly,
Smart inner calm.
1. One time, Bhagavan § residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir), at Mount Gijihakuta (Vulture). At that time, many wandering ascetic reputation, reputation, life in the garden on the waterfront Sappini wandering ascetic, like the wandering ascetic Annabhara, Varadhara, Sakuludayi, and a number of other reputable wandering ascetic.
Then Bhagavan in the afternoon, from where Meditation stood up, went to the garden of the artist on the riverside Du Sappini, after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. Sit down, Bhagavan told her Du pagan officers as follows:
2. There are four measures of this goal, this the wandering ascetic, known as dark ... application  (much like the § 29, except that this business told wandering ascetic, not for trading monks as before and no verse) ...
This the wandering ascetic, there are four methods are known owl at primary ... not rebuke.
3. Behold the wandering ascetic, who said the following: "But I will point out a recluse or Brahmin, this oil for the legal self-certification is not party to this goal; however, he still has greed, craving sharp in education ". For him, I might say something like this: "Let he says. Let he answered, and then I see he's virtue. " Indeed, this the wandering ascetic, this event does not occur, that a recluse or Brahmin himself so evidence was not involved Dhammapada states that there will be greed, craving sharp in education. This the wandering ascetic, who said the following: "But I will point out a recluse or Brahmin, this oil for the legal self-certification is not shot this field, however, his mind still field, in the ethnical hatred still thinking. " For him, I might say something like this: "Let they speak, let him answer you, and I see he's virtue." Indeed, this the wandering ascetic, this event does not occur; that a recluse or Brahmin has attained self-yard approach shot will not be stated that there is still golf center, in the ethnical hatred still thinking. This the wandering ascetic, who said the following: "But I will point out a recluse or Brahmin, oil for this position was legal insight mindfulness shot this, however, his mind still Furniture concept, no awareness. " For him, I might say something like this: "Let they speak, let him answer you, and I see he's virtue." Indeed, this the wandering ascetic, this event does not occur; that a recluse or a Brahmin, was himself shot mindfulness legal evidence will be stated that there is no awareness of forgetfulness ". This the wandering ascetic, who said the following: "But I will point out a recluse or Brahmin, oil for this position was legal insight concentration this goal, however, he remains calm, still fluctuating interest ". For him, I might say something like this: "Let he says. Let he answered, and then I see he's virtue. " Indeed, this the wandering ascetic, this event does not occur, that a recluse or Brahmin has been legal for themselves owl concentration, will be specified is not calm, the mind still fluctuates.
4. Behold the wandering ascetic, if anyone thinks that the need to criticize, should all four legal link to this goal, even in the present time, four opposition criticized the lawful origin was started up for him. Which four?
If he came to criticize, all chains are not involved Dhammapada, the time the recluse or Brahmin there is craving, there are sharp lust for sex, he needs to be the venerable worship, he needs to be the venerable praise. If the venerable critics do not golf ... Dhammapada Dhammapada criticized ... criticized legal awareness owl concentration, when the recluse or Brahmin does not the mind, the mind oscillates, the he needs to be venerable worship, he needs to be the venerable praise.
5. This, wandering ascetic, who think need to criticize, should all four legal link to this goal, even in the present time, four opposition criticized the true origin of this law, was started up for him. This the wandering ascetic, until the people in Ukkala and VASSA people, people under inhuman Bhanna, upon conclusion ineffective, according argument nothingness, those he also did not think four this need only legal shot criticize, should all chains. Wherefore? For fear of being reprimanded, disgusted, offensive.
6. Usually do not golf, mindfulness,
Smart inner calm,
Join convince, learning,
Called no distractions.
 § (I) (31) WHEEL
1. - There are four wheels, the monks, with their achievements, the four wheels are transported between gods and men who, with their achievements, gods and men who soon reached the big strong, increasing prosperity in the property. Which four? Proper abode, Chan's close levels, voluntary righteous before did blessed.
This has four wheels, the monks, with their achievements, the four wheels are transported between gods and men who, with their achievements, gods and men who soon reached the rise, up prevalent in assets.
2. Living the appropriate local,
Befriend saint,
Voluntary be true,
Before did merit
He Rice,
Property and title,
Reputation and peace,
Be brought to the full.
 § (II) (32) Photography FRANCE
1 - Hey, monks, this method has four photographers. Which four?
Generosity and loving kindness,
Operating profit and colleagues
O monks,
These are the four photographic methods.
2. Giving and loving speech,
Operating profit and colleagues,
For this method,
In life, treat each other,
This place and the other place,
So actually compatible,
This and four photographers,
As the first nail axle,
Without this legal photography,
Both mother and father time
Not the children
Respect and reverence,
So location wise,
Legal peer photographic look
Thus they achieved,
The tall, praise.
 § (III) (33) lion
1 - Hey, monks, lion, king of beasts, in the afternoon to go out of the cave. Once out of the cave, it stretched torso and legs. After stretching torso and legs, it looked around the four directions. After looking around the four winds, it roared lion roar three times. After roaring lion roar three times, it comes out looking for prey. This, monks, the animals of the species animalzxy hear the lion roar, king of beasts, most of them became scared, scared, terrified. The species in the cave to find the cave. Species in the water in search of water. The species in the forest looking into the woods. The birds flew up nowhere.
This, monks, the elephant god in the village, town or city, they are bound by the rigid leather belt, freeing, ropes jerk him off, running wild with terror let loose faeces and urine. Thus, the monks, the great psychic power of the lion, king of beasts, for animalzxy species, such as great power, and power is so great.
2. Likewise, the monks, the Tathagata appears in the world, ranks Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell macho, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan, he preached: "This is a body, this is a collective body start, this is itself annihilated, this is the way to kill yourself." This, monks, have long life deities, outstanding capacity, more pleasure, has lived in the big castle. The gods of this, after hearing the Tathagata sermon, most of them became scared, scared, frightened, they think: "We are impermanent, this venerable monks, but we think we often alcohol. We are not permanent, this venerable monks, but we think we are permanent. We are not permanent, this venerable monks, but we consider it our permanent residence. This venerable monks, we are impermanent, not permanent, not permanent, photographic recording equipment in this body. "
Thus, the monks, the great miracles of the Tathagata force for world gods and deities, forces such as contemporary, such as higher power.
Exalted such preaching. Such preaching is done, gurus say more;
3. When the Buddha with winning position,
Transfer the Dharma wheel,
For Heaven, Human Gender,
Irrational masters,
The destruction of the aggregates themselves,
Existence itself aggregates
And St. eight branches,
Leading to cessation of suffering,
Devas is longevity,
Excellent capacity name,
Born terror fear,
Lion seen as interesting,
Because not escape aggregates,
We hear very often,
Upon hearing Arhat,
Such are liberated.
 § (IV) (34) OF TRUST
1 - Hey, monks, has four supreme confidence this. Which four?
Oil for certain types of beings, the monks, no legs or two legs, four legs or multiple legs, with sharp or not sharp, or utopian ideas, or non-ideal non idea, Bhagavan, grade A -la-drought, Enlightenment is considered paramount. Those who put faith in the Buddha, they put their trust in the ultimate. For those who put faith in the ultimate, they are independent horror ultimate outcome.
This, monks, the oil for any kind of compounded, Noble eight sectors are considered paramount, those who put their trust in the Noble Eight sectors, they put their trust in the ultimate. For those who put faith in the ultimate, they are independent horror ultimate outcome.
2. Oil for certain types of measures, the monks, compounded or unconditioned, dispassion is considered paramount in all measures, ie the arrogance convince, convince the desire, avulsion participate craving, severed the rebirth, the destruction of craving, dispassion cessation, Nibbana. Those who put their trust in the legal dispassion, the monks, they put their trust in the ultimate. For those who put faith in the ultimate, they are independent horror ultimate outcome.
We Increased oil type or any congregation, the monks, they Tang disciple of the Tathagata is seen as paramount in all his congregation. Ie four double eight, we disciples of the Exalted Increases worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in life. Those who put their faith in the Sangha, the monks, they put their trust in the ultimate. For those who put faith in the ultimate, they are independent horror ultimate outcome. This, monks, this is the ultimate four-confidence.
 3. Trust in the ultimate,
Knowing the supreme law,
Believing supreme Buddha,
Respected supreme,
French supreme trust,
Dispassion, calm, optimistic,
Increase supreme trust,
Is the supreme blessing fields,
Giving the ultimate level,
Ultimate blessing growth,
Ultimate of life span,
User identity and cultural space,
Supremacy of peace,
The ultimate in strength,
Tier ultimate testing ground,
French supreme concentration,
The Devas or species,
Achieve ultimate joy.
 § (V) (35) VASSAKARA
1. - One time, Bhagavan § residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir), in Veluvanna (Bamboo Forest) place to nurture the squirrel. Then Brahmin Vassakara, courtiers Magadha, went to the Blessed One, after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends, sat down one side. Sat to one side, Brahmin Vassakara told Bhagavan:
 - Those who are four legal achievements, said Venerable Gotama, we declared a Great Career wise, the University's Career. Which four?
2. Here, the Venerable Gotama, who heard more, to hear something, anything, he knows the meaning of the words: "This is the meaning of this word. This is the meaning of this word "; mindfulness, recollection remember what made long, long ago had said; Back in the work of The homeowner, what jobs need to be done, here he is skilled, no passive observation achievements with the means to do just enough, just enough to hold . Dear Venerable Gotama, accomplished with four measures, we declared a Great Career wise, the University's Career. If the venerable Gotama think I should be rejoicing, eager Venerable Gotama please rejoicing child! If the venerable Gotama think I deserve all chains, all chains Venerable Gotama please you!
3. - This Brahmin, I do not rejoice, I do not proscribe Mr. This Brahmin, this legal achievements of four, I declare that the Great Property, Dai's rank. Which four?
Here, the Brahmin, someone done towards happiness for many, towards happiness for many people. With this, many people are up on St. reasonable security, ie dhamma gentle nature, nature friendly France. With a range of public investments need to reach, he thought private, he views his private investment range. Offering Circular does not think he needs to reach, private, he did not reach private investment range. With what he thought should be thinking thinking, thinking he was thinking. With what he thought of thinking need not be thinking, not thinking he was thinking. Thus, he attains self-interest in investment in the range direction; for four Zen of increased epicardial, touch current residence, he was not hard, is not tired, is not waste energy. Due to the cessation of the taints, he even in the present, to win themselves enlightened place, attaining and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. This Brahmin, I do not rejoice, I do not proscribe Mr. This achievement with four, the Brahmin, I declared the Great wisdom, is the Great's.
4. - It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! It's rather bizarre, sir venerable Gotama! Until such, Venerable Gotama has cleverly said. Our life over that venerable Gotama has four legal achievements, the Venerable Gotama practice, towards happiness for many, towards peace for many, many people have an establishment on St. reasons, ie sage legal nature friendly, nature friendly France. The venerable Gotama is taste, with a range of public investment, he thinks need to reach investment, he views his private investment range; with a range of public investment, he does not need to reach, private thought, he did not reach private investment range; with public thinking, he thought should be thinking, thinking he was thinking; with public thinking, he thought need not thinking, not thinking he was thinking. Venerable Gotama achieve self-interest in investment in the range direction, Venerable Gotama for four Zen, under increased epicardial, currently residing optimistic, there is no difficulty, there is no fatigue, no charges have been very . Venerable Gotama, due to cessation of defilements, even in the current, position themselves to win enlightenment, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight.
5 - Indeed, the Brahmin, the statement of Mr. is a challenge for me and I will answer him. This Brahmin, I have to practice, towards happiness for many, towards peace for many, many people have an establishment on St. reasons, ie legal gentle nature friendly, nature friendly France. I am the taste, with a range of public private investment I think need to reach, I reach that private investment range. Offering Circular does not need to reach, I think investment, I do not reach that private investment range. With what I thought should be thinking thinking, thinking I was thinking. With what I thought of thinking need not thinking, I was not thinking mindset. This Brahmin, I gained self-interest in investment in the range direction. This Brahmin for four Zen, under increased epicardial, currently residing optimistic, I have no difficulty, I do not get tired, I get no power charge. This Brahmin, due to cessation of defilements, right now, with the winning position, I realize, and dwell attained liberation interest outflows, liberating insight.
6. Who is in all beings,
Understanding is liberating,
From the death trap,
Because natural happiness,
Declaration of chief justice,
Declaration of Dharma.
The masses saw heard it,
Net credit instant joy,
Skillful direction, runway,
It should have done,
Enlightened outflows,
With this body fuselage,
He called honored,
Undergraduate Property, Great staff.
1. One time, Bhagavan was traveling on the road between Ukkattha and Setabbya. Brahmin Dona is also on the path between Ukkattha and Setabbya. Brahmin Dona see on the footprints of the Exalted accented wheel a thousand stalks, with wheels, axles and complete all the other generals. Seeing this, he thought like this: "It's rather wonderful! It's rather rare! These are not the footprints of mankind! "
2. Then Bhagavan from walking down the road, to sit under a tree, sitting fetters-old, straight body, placed in front anniversary. Brahmin Dona footsteps of Bhagavan, Bhagavan see sitting under a tree beautiful, pure credit arises, the base first President, the first President of mind, achieved net only be subdued by the supreme, like an elephant is subdued, with base protection is the first President, at that Brahmin Dona went to Bhagavan; after arriving, said to Bhagavan;
 - Are Venerable sir,
 Will you be the first?
 - This O Brahmin,
 I will not be first.
 - Are Venerable sir,
He will be Thát-grandmother?
 - This O Brahmin,
I will not Thát-grandmother.
 - Are Venerable sir,
He will be Yakshis?
 - This O Brahmin,
I will not Yakshis.
 - Are Venerable sir,
He would be the kind of person?
 - This O Brahmin,
I will not be him.
 - Ask "Do you have to be not first?", He replied: "Hey Brahmin, I will not ever". Asked "Do you have to be Qian-that-she not?", He replied: "Hey Brahmin, I will not-that-Mrs Qian". Asked "Do you have to be Yakshis not?" He answered: "Hey Brahmin, I will not Yakshis". Asked "Do you have to be non-species?", He replied: "I will not men". So what is the basis of his practice, and he came to be?
3. - This Brahmin, for those who do not make an end to the illegal or, I might be gods, with gonorrhea or annihilation, is cut off from the roots, the trunk is made as Ta -la, made it impossible to exist, to be made can not arise in the future. This Brahmin, for those who do not make an end to the illegal or, I might as Qian-that-her, I might be Yakshis, I can be the person, with gonorrhea or annihilation, tight end was from the root, the stem is made as Ta-la, made it impossible to exist, to be made can not arise in the future. For example, the Brahmin, blue lotus flowers, or pink lotus or white lotus, born in the country, grew up in the country, rising from the water, and stand upright without water soaked. Also, this Brahmin born in life, growing up in my life, I live life to conquer, not to be away wet. This Brahmin, I am the Buddha, so please maintain life.
4. With the passage of contraband or not,
We can be the first,
Qian-that-could she,
It is possible that birds
Or go to Yakshis,
Or in the human fetus,
With cankers I take,
Destroyed, eradicated
As beautiful white lotus
No water is wet,
My life is not wet,
So I called,
I am a Buddha,
This O Brahmin.
1. - The achievement of four measures, the monks, monks can not rot rotten, he is close to Nirvana. Which four?
Here, the monks, monks full world, upholding the base, said moderation in eating, attentive vigilance.
2. And this, monks, how fully the world, monks? Here, the monks, monks have sex, with the tame life of the monastic rule Patimokkha tame, full majesty right action, scared of the slightest error, accepting and learning in the law school.
3. And this, monks, are the monks upholding the apartment? Here, monks, when the eye sees color, monks not to hold general minister, who does not hold its own minister. The cause, make eyesense not be tamed, that craving offers compassion, evil evil arises legal, monks self-control was the cause, the label holder base, it acts the label holder base . When the ear heard ... the nose ... the tongue smelling incense tasting ... when ... when the relative emotional awareness of the law, he does not hold the general minister, who does not hold its own minister. The cause, making the base is not tame, given that craving bi, evil evil arises legal, monks tame her reasons, upholding the base, it acts the holder base.
Thus, the monks, monks holder base.
4. And this, monks, how the monks moderation in eating?
Here, the monks, monks feet enlightenment expectancy police use alms dish, not fun, not for passion, not for jewelry, not for their beauty itself, but only this body is to live longer and be cured, to this body from being pitied, to support Pham happy, think: "Thus, we eliminate the old feelings and not give rise to new sensations, and I will not have mistakes, live in peace. "
So, this, monks, is known temperance in eating.
5. And this, monks, how the monks vigilant attention?
Here, the monks, monks the day walking around, or while sitting down, cleanse the mind from the legal obstacles. At night, a soup, he walking or sitting in the minds cleansed from the legal obstacles. At night, centered, he is lying lion figure right hand side, one foot on the other foot, mindful awareness, the mind think of waking up again. At night, watch the end, he woke up while walking or sitting, cleanse the mind from the legal obstacles.
This achievement with four, the monks, monks can not rot fall, closer to Nirvana.
6. World monks reside,
                            Live overpower the senses,
                            Eat more info,
Vigilance and attention,
Live dwell so,
Tirelessly day and night
Practice good behavior,
Achieving peace yoke victims,
No fancy distractions,
Scared distractions,
None can rot rotten,
Monks near Nirvana.
1. - monks eliminate personal truth, the monks, had to abandon completely the operating range or relative needs to be calm, he called lone position.
And this how monks are monks have eradicated personal truth?
Here, the monks, for ordinary personal truth of the recluses, Brahmin in general, such as the world is permanent, or the world is not permanent, or that gender is limited, or the world is not limited to, life and body are the same, or life and body is different, Tathagata exist after death, or Tathagata does not exist after death, or Tathagata after death exists and does not exist, or Tathagata after death does not exist and does not exist. Monks for all personal truth was eradicated, was let go, was spit out, was liberated, was to make an end, gave up.
Thus, the monks, the monks eliminate personal truth.
2. And this, monks, are the monks had to abandon completely the range of needs?
Here, the monks, for monks, fitness level to be annihilation, is useful to seek total annihilation, Pham almond range to be calm. Thus, the monks, the monks had to abandon completely the range of needs.
3. And this, monks, are the monks personally be calm?
Here, the monks, monks optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, joy termination benefits were feeling before, attainment and residing Meditation Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts.
Thus the monks, the monks personally be calm.
4. And this, monks, are the monks in solitude?
Here, the monks, for monks conceit is annihilation, is cut off from the roots, the trunk is made as Ta-la, can not be made for existence, makes it impossible to arise Future.
Thus, the monks, the monks solitude, monks eliminate personal truth, the monks, had to abandon completely the range of needs, or corms are calm, he called lone position.
5. Education and to seek friendship,
The same discounts to seek happiness,
Clinging to this truth,
Place of origin is contained,
Who does not like everyone involved,
Removal of liberation is loving,
The range needs to abandon,
Origin is being uprooted,
Monks was calm,
It mindful equanimity,
Not being one defeat,
Is proving to be arrogant,
He was name,
Enlightened solitude.
 § (IX) (39). UJJAYA
1. Then Brahmin Ujjaya go to Bhagavan, after to speak with words of welcome Bhagavan inquired, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Brahmin Ujjaya venerable sir:
 - Are venerable Gotama is not above international praise?
2. - Hey Brahmin, I do not praise all kinds of sacrifice. But the Brahmin, I am not without praise all kinds of sacrifice. In any kind of sacrifice, the Brahmin, killed cattle, goats, sheep killed, pork chicken was killed, the other animals come to being killed, that kind of sacrifice, the Brahmin, related to the killing; I do not praise that kind of sacrifice. Wherefore? International killing herds so, the Brahmin, the Arhat, and those who walk on the path towards Arhat does not have to go to. In fact any Forum, the Brahmin, the cows would not have been killed, no goat was killed, no poultry, pigs are killed, no other creatures are killed, the Ba-La- subject, I can not praise killing altar so, ie often giving long, herd health for family happiness. Wherefore? No international forum such killing, the Brahmin, the Arhat, and those who walk on the path towards Arhat can go to.
3. Ritual horses, human sacrifice,
Victor drinking ceremony,
Ceremony bridges chance throws,
Retreat ceremony door lock,
Ceremony was more killing,
Do not bring big results.
Where does kill goat,
Cows and other creatures,
The steps according to Chief director,
The Career Pathways hermit,
At the same herd health
They do not have to go to.
No killing of sacrifice,
Often bless families,
Do not kill goats, sheep, cows,
Do not kill other organisms,
The steps according to Chief director,
The Career Pathways hermit,
At this altar,
They came to that altar,
He ranks as Tri ceremony,
International Forum was a huge success,
So good herd health,
No evil bring harm,
As the great altar,
Devas as happy.
 § (X) (40) UDAYI
1. Then Brahmin Udayi go to Bhagavan; after arriving ... Sit down one side, Brahmin Udayi venerable sir:
 - Are venerable Gotama is not above international praise?
2. - Hey Brahmin, I do not praise all herd health. But the Brahmin, is not I do not praise all herd health. In fact any Forum, the Brahmin, has killed cattle, sheep goats killed, poultry, pigs were killed, with other creatures come to being killed, that kind of sacrifice, this Mrs. -la-keeper, I do not praise. Wherefore? International killing herds so, the Brahmin, the Arhat, and those who walk on the path toward Arhat no go results. In fact any Forum, the Brahmin, the cows would not have been killed, no goat was killed, no poultry, pigs are killed, no other creatures are killed, the Ba-La- subject, I can not praise killing altar so, ie often giving long, herd health for family happiness. Wherefore? No international forum such killing, the Brahmin, the Arhat, and those who walk on the path towards Arhat can go to.
3. International Forum no killing,
Making the appropriate time,
Thus altar, the steps,
Dignity, well-tamed,
Has lifted the curtain width,
As in life,
The timeless level,
He went to the altar.
Enlightened skillful,
International praise his herd,
Or at the above ceremony,
Or credit shadowy pilot,
Deserved international offerings,
Joy sacrifice,
Field toward blessing,
For these violations,
Ingenious cozy, well-sacrifice,
Ingenious level rise due offerings,
So vast herd health,
Devas are praised,
Wise after the event,
Sincere believers rescue.
 § (I) (41) No.
1 - Hey, monks, there are four of this practice. Which four?
There is the practice, the monks, by practice, by making fullness, leading to optimism currently reside. There is the practice, the monks, by practice, by making prolific, as far as is knowledge. There is the practice, the monks, by practice, by making fullness, leading to mindful awareness. There is the practice, the monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to the total extinction of the defilements.
2. And this, monks, how is the practice, by practice, by making fullness, leading to optimism currently reside?
Here, the monks, monks sexual ly, legal ly immoral ... and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation.
This, monks, is called to practice, so practice, by making fullness, leading to optimism currently reside.
3. And this, monks, how is the practice, by practice, by making prolific, as far as is knowledge?
Here, the monks, monks ideas work light, daytime thoughts dwell, on how such a night time, night time how such date. So, with an open mind, without being covered, the practice came to mind bright.
This, monks, is called to practice, so practice, by making prolific, as far as is knowledge.
4. And this, monks, how is the practice, by practice, by making fullness, leading to mindful awareness?
Here, the monks, with the monks, life arises is clearly know, life is well known to dwell, life termination is clearly known; Know a great start to be clear, be clear thoughts dwell know, perception is clearly said termination; Games start up is clearly known, dwell range is well known, well known range is terminated.
This, monks, is called to practice, so practice, by making fullness, leading to mindful awareness.
5. And this, monks, how is the practice, by practice, by making fullness, leading to the total extinction of the defilements?
Here, the monks, monks residing custom shop aggregates being destroyed in the year: "This is excellent, this is the start collective identity, this is the termination of identity; this is life, this is the starting group life, life here is ended; this is great, this is a great warm up, this is a great terminated; Here is the issue, this is the starting exercises, this is the act of termination; Here is the formula, this is the official launch episode, here's termination.
This, monks, this is the practice, by practice, by making fullness, leading to the total extinction of the defilements.
This, monks, there are four of this practice. And also on this issue, I have spoken of in the of purpose, of doing called; Punnaka questions.
6. suicide, in life,
The winning things, paralysis,
Nothing in life,
He do fluctuate.
Peace, not obscure,
No negativity, no greed,
It is said he has reached,
Beyond birth and old.
 § (II) (42) QUESTIONS
1 - Hey, monks, there are four ways to answer the question. Which four?
There are questions, the monks, the most demanding user answers (definitely one way); have questions, this, monks, requires a treasonous question; have questions, this, monks, have set aside; have questions, this, monks, should answer analysis.
This, monks, there are four ways to answer this question.
2. The best answer direction,
Then answered analysis,
The third is the question,
Claiming questions treason,
Type fourth question,
It should be set aside,
In these questions,
Who clearly know the legal agreement,
Monks was called,
Skilful four questions.
Difficult to convince, hard won,
Profound, difficult to win,
Skilful in the sense,
Both, that does not mean,
Renunciation does not mean,
Wise grabbed means,
Tri Level invention is meant
Called the Tri level.
 § (III) (43) indignation (1)
1. Four-class people, the monks, present, present at birth. Which four?
Regards outrage, not respect Dhamma; detractors respect, no respect Dhamma; avaricious respect, no respect Dhamma; reverently respect, not respect the true Dhamma.
Four classes of people, the monks, present, present at birth.
2. Four-class people, the monks, present, present at birth. Which four?
Dhamma respect, disrespect indignation; Dhamma respect, no respect detractors; Dhamma respect, no respect avaricious; Dhamma respect, no respect reverently.
Four classes of people, the monks, present, present at birth.
3. The monks respected,
Outrage and detractors,
Regards the avaricious,
Regards the salute,
He does not grow,
In the Buddha approach,
Who lives, lived,
Chief Dhamma Regards,
The stronger he
In the Buddha law.
 § (IV) (44) anger (2)
1 - Hey, monks, there are four non-magic solution. Which four?
Regards outrage, not respect Dhamma; detractors respect, no respect Dhamma; avaricious respect, no respect Dhamma; reverently respect, not respect the true Dhamma.
This, monks, the four non-Dhamma.
2. Hey, monks, this Dhamma four. Which four?
Dhamma respect, disrespect indignation; Dhamma respect, no respect detractors; Dhamma respect, no respect avaricious; Dhamma respect, no respect reverently.
This, monks, this Dhamma four.
3. The outrage, disparaging,
In avaricious, reverently,
As the seeds rotting,
In good plot,
Monks was not great,
In the wonderful Dharma.
Who lived, now lives,
Chief Dhamma Regards,
The stronger he,
In the wonderful Dharma,
As herbs, oil,
BIGGER treatment.
 § (V) (45) ROHITASSA (1)
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. Then God after death Rohitassa night near full strength, with excellent capacitance lighting wins Jetavana region, go to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, venerable sir Rohitassa natural death:
 - At any place, venerable sir, is not born, it never gets old, does not die, no give up (this life), does not arise (other life), we can go to see, to know , to reach the site of the world did not end?
 - Hey Sage, at any place without being, it never gets old, does not die, does not give up (this life), does not arise (other life), I stated that there may come to see, to know, to reach the site of the world's end.
2. - It's rather wonderful, venerable sir: it's rather bizarre, venerable sir: it is clever to say, venerable sir, Bhagavan's words: "In the place of birth is not, it never gets old, does not died, no waiver (this life), without being run (other life), I stated that there may come to see, to know, to reach the site of the world's end. " Oldtimer, venerable sir, I was the hermit called Rohitassa, son of Bhoja, clairvoyance, walk out of nowhere. My speed is like this, venerable sir: eg a resilient archer, trained, skilled, mature, with a light arrow can easily shoot a ball through trees us- leaves. My footsteps is so, as the distance from the South China Sea through the West Sea. With you, venerable sir, achieved with such speed, with such steps, the desire arises as follows: "With footsteps away, we will reach the end of the world place". Buddha, except when eating chewing taste, unless defecation, urination, unless sleep to regain strength, oil life to 100 years old, though he live a hundred years, the oil goes to 100 years, nor have to achieve the ends of the world, but among the dead line. It's rather wonderful, venerable sir: it's rather bizarre, venerable sir: it is clever to say, venerable sir, Bhagavan's words: "In the place of birth is not, it never gets old, does not die, can not give up (this life), there arises (other life), I stated that not go to see, to know, to reach the site of the world's end. "
3. - Hey Sage, I stated that: "In no place of birth, it never gets old, does not die, does not give up (this life), does not arise (other life), can not go come to see, to know, to reach the site of the world's end. " But the sage, in a few inches long body of this, with the idea, the thought of it, I declare to the world, the world of collective boots, the world annihilated, on the path to world cessation.
4. With the go, never,
Achieve World's End.
If not, do not,
End of the World site,
There are no liberation,
Out beyond miserable.
Therefore, ones with location,
Understanding the world,
Go ends of the world,
With discounts unfortunate achievements,
Attaining peace,
Knowing the ends of the world,
No hope for this life,
No hope for the afterlife.
 § (VI) (46) ROHITASSA (2)
1. Then the Blessed One, after the night had passed, told the monks:
 - Tonight, the monks, Emperor e Rohitassa, after the night was almost brutal, with excellent capacitance wins, shining Jetavana region, come to pay homage to me and stood aside. Stand aside, this, monks, white Rohitassa natural death to me:
"- At any place, venerable sir, is not born, it never gets old, does not die, does not give up (this life), there arises (other life), we can go to see, to know, to reach the site of the world's end? "
When told this, this, monks, I say to God Rohitassa mail as follows:
"- Hey Sage, at any place without being, it never gets old, does not die, does not give up (this life), does not arise (other life), I stated that there can go to to find , to know, to reach the site of the world's end. "
When they heard that, the monks, God told me to death Rohitassa as follows:
"- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir: it's rather bizarre, venerable sir: it is clever to say, venerable sir, Bhagavan's words:" In the place of birth is not, it never gets old, no dead, no waiver (this life), there arises (other life), I stated that there may come to see, to know, to reach the site of the world's end! "In ancient times, white Bhagavan, I was the hermit called Rohitassa, son of Bhoja, clairvoyance, walk out of nowhere. My speed is like this, venerable sir: for example, a resilient archer, trained, skilled, mature, with a light arrow can easily shoot a ball through trees us- leaves. My footsteps is so, as the distance from the South China Sea through the West Sea. With you, venerable sir, achieved with such speed, with such steps, the desire arises as follows: "With footsteps away, we will reach the end of the world place". Buddha, except when eating, chewing taste, unless defecation, urination, unless sleep to regain strength, oil life to 100 years old, has lived 100 years of oil, the oil goes to 100 years, nor have to achieve the ends of the world, but among the dead line. It's rather wonderful venerable sir, it's rare to replace venerable sir, it is smart to say, venerable sir, Bhagavan's words: "In the place of birth is not, it never gets old, no death, no abandon (this life), there arises (other life), I stated that there may come to see, to know, to reach the site of the world's end. "
When told this, this, monks, I say to God Rohitassa death;
"Hey Sage, I stated that:" In no place of birth, it never gets old, does not die, does not give up (this life), does not arise (other life), can not go to see, to know, to reach the site of the world's end. " But the sage, in a few inches long body of this, with the idea, the thought of it, I declare to the world, the world of collective boots, the world annihilated, on the path to world cessation.
2. With never go,
Achieve World's End ,.
If not, do not,
End of the World site,
There are no liberation,
Out beyond suffering.
Therefore, ones with location,
Understanding the world,
Go ends of the world,
With discounts happy accomplishment.
Attaining peace,
Knowing the ends of the world,
No hope for this life,
No hope for the afterlife.
 § (VII) (47) VERY distant
1 - Hey, monks, there are four things, so far, very far together. Which four?
Heaven and earth, this, monks, is the first of a very long, long together. This side of the sea, the monks to the other coast, is the second job so far, far away together. From where the sun rises, the monks, to where the sun goes down, the third business so far, far away together. French classes immoral person, this, monks, with the legal person of good grades, is the fourth business very far, very far together.
This, monks, here are four things very far, very far this together.
2. Very far from the sky,
Also very distant, earth,
It is said so far,
As the other coast.
From where the sun rises,
Shine, shining,
Towards sunset.
That far away, it is far,
It is said further,
Career is the friendly approach,
With guys immoral law,
It's far, far more.
Harmony with good grades,
Permanent, not annihilation,
When left standing,
Still so persistent,
Harmony also immoral,
Very quickly ruined,
Thus improving the legal level,
Very far from the wicked law.
 § (VIII) (48) Visakha
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. At that time, Venerable Visakha Pancaliputta, in the hall with Dharma, is the sermon for the monks, encourage, make exciting, make happy, with polite words, smoothly, without their weary sigh, with a clear sense of transparency, no hesitation. Bhagavan Then, in the afternoon from where Meditation got up and went to the hall, on arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. After sitting down, Bhagavan told the monks;
 - Hey, monks, who preached in the hall for the monks, encourage, make exciting, make happy, with polite words, smoothly, without their weary, with meaning transparent, without hesitation?
 - Buddha, Venerable Visakha Pancaliputta was preaching in the hall for the monks, encouraging ... no hesitation.
Then Bhagavan told Venerable Visakha Panaliputta:
 - You instead, this rather benign Visakha! You instead, this Visakha, I'm preaching to the monks ... without hesitation.
2. If he does not say,
We do not know what you did,
So location wise,
Confusion with fools,
If they speak,
We know they,
When he preached,
The road to immortality,
So let preached to,
Dhamma dazzling feet,
Offer high the banner,
The flag of the hermit,
Ingenious said the flag,
Career of the hermit,
And the flag law,
Career of the hermit.
 § (IX) (49) CONCEPT crazy
1 - Hey, monks, there are four crazy idea, mind crazy, this is crazy. Which four?
In impermanent, often think, this, monks, that crazy idea, mind crazy, is crazy. In size it is impossible suffering, this, monks, that crazy idea, mind crazy, is crazy. In the non-self, thought is down, the monks, that crazy idea, mind crazy, is crazy. In the pure, pure thought, this, monks, that crazy idea, mind crazy, is crazy.
This, monks have four crazy idea, mind crazy, this is crazy.
2. Hey, monks have four ideas are not crazy, not crazy mind, this is not crazy. Which four?
In ephemeral, impermanent think, this, monks, it is not crazy idea, mind not crazy, is not crazy. In suffering, think hard, in selfless, selfless thought, in impure thought is impure, the monks, it is not crazy idea, the mind is not crazy, is not crazy.
This, monks, four thought not crazy, not crazy mind, this is not crazy.
3. In impermanent, perception often.
In great pain is located,
In the non-self, ideal self,
In impure, pure thoughts,
Beings to TA,
Centromere, Wrong idea,
Ma be tied tightly,
No escape from the yoke victims,
Beings are circulated,
In rebirth.
When Buddhas appear,
In life dazzling aura,
Dhamma theory this Declaration,
Leading to pain subsided.
Listen law, wisdom,
Back is self-assured,
Seeing impermanence does not often,
Suffering is suffering,
Seeing no ego self,
Impurities found no net,
Due to administrative knowledge,
Overcome all suffering.
 § (X) (50) THE defiled
1 - Hey, monks, these four defiled by the moon, the sun. Due to this the polluting defiled, the moon, the sun does not burn brightly, no glare, no glow. Which four?
Cloudy, this, monks, is defiled by the moon, the sun, because it pollutes defiled the moon, the sun without burning bright ... no glow. Blindness, the monks are defiled by the moon, the sun ... smoke and dust, the monks are defiled by the moon, the sun ... Rahu, the king of Asura , this, monks, is defiled by the moon, the sun; defiled by this pollution, the moon, the sun does not burn brightly, no glare, no glow.
This, monks, these four defiled by the moon, the sun, due to the polluting defiled, the moon, the sun does not burn brightly, no glare, no glow.
2. Likewise, the monks, this four defiled by recluses, Brahmin, defiled by this pollution, the recluses, Brahmin no blaze no glare, no glow. Which four?
This, monks, a number of recluses, Brahmin men drink, drink to cook, no waiver yeast, cooking wine. This, monks, this is the first defiled by recluses, Brahmin, defiled by this pollution, the recluses, Brahmin, no ... not burning bright with glowing.
This, monks, a number of recluses, Brahmin, lewd enjoy life, do not give up lust. This, monks, is defiled Monday ... no glow.
This, monks, a number of recluses, Brahmin accept gold and silver, not give up taking the gold and silver. This, monks, is defiled Tuesday ... no glow.
This, monks, a number of recluses, Brahmin living with the evil network, the network does not abandon evil. This, monks, this is the fourth defiled the recluses, Brahmin, defiled by this pollution, the recluses, Brahmin does not lighted, no glare light, no shining.
This, monks, these four defiled by recluses, Brahmin, defiled by this pollution, so the recluses, Brahmin does not lighted, no glare, no glow.
3. There are recluses, Pham,
Greed was bound,
Ignorance covered,
The preferred species of beauty,
Drinking alcohol cook,
Legal enjoyment lewd,
Fascinated, they accept,
Taking gold and silver,
The recluse, Pham,
Living under the wrong network.
Buddhism, people sun
Defiled it comes to it,
Contaminated by them,
The recluse, Pham,
No burning bright, shining,
Light dust pollution,
Shrouded by darkness,
Enslaved by craving,
Loving being dragged, led by
They fill the more,
Graveyard disgust,
They have to be reborn again.
 § (I) (51) SOURCE HAVING PHUOC § (WITH Lay) (1)
1. Human coast in Savatthi
2. - There are four sources of being blessed, being good sources of this bringing peace, of Heaven, is the independent horror optimistic results, leading to heaven, leading to pleasurable, capable joy, capable mind, happiness, peace. Which four?
This, monks, monks while he's at the age of one, reached and dwell immeasurable concentration, such as living sources countless blessings for him, a source of good birth and bringing peace, from God world, simple as passion fruit maturity, leading to heaven, leading to pleasurable, capable joy, capable mind, happiness, peace.
This, monks, the monks while alms food at the age of one ...
... This, monks, the monks lived in the abode of one ... at the age of one pharmaceutical treatment, and dwell reached immeasurable concentration, such as being blessed countless sources amount for him, a source of good birth and bringing peace, of Heaven, is the independent horror optimistic results, leading to heaven, leading to pleasurable, capable joy, capable mind, happiness, peace.
2. Hey, monks, saints accomplished disciples four sources being blessed, being good sources of this, the time is not easy to embrace a number of good deeds, and says: "It was about being blessed source, source being friendly, bringing peace, of Heaven, is independent of peanuts allergic bring heaven, brought to pleasurable, capable joy, capable mind, happiness, peace "; so that the mass of merit is considered countless large immeasurable.
3. Just as, monks, the great ocean, it is not easy to grasp the amount of water and said: "There was some water barrels, or there was some hundred barrels of water, or about him thousands water barrel, or hundreds of thousands of barrels of water until then "; so that the large volume of water is considered innumerable, immeasurable. Also, this, monks, saints accomplished disciples four sources being blessed, being good sources of this, the time is not easy to embrace a number of good deeds and says: "There are some sources that blessed birth, birth source charity, bringing peace of Heaven, the fruits mature peanut allergic, brought heaven, brought to the pleasurable, capable joy, capable mind, happiness, peace; so that the mass of merit is considered countless large immeasurable.
4. Large Sea unlimited amount,
Many fear a large lake,
As storage warehouses,
Countless number of jewels,
As well as shelter,
Countless fish,
Is where the big waves,
Gathering flowing into the sea,
Also who give alms,
Food and beverages,
Clothing and bed fabrics,
Seat cushions, rugs,
Such display rank,
Merit rushed influent,
As river water diversion,
Rushed to flow into the tank.
 § (II) (52) SOURCE HAVING PHUOC § (WITH Lay) (2)
1 - Hey, monks, there are four sources being blessed, being good sources ... happiness, peace. Which four?
Here, monks, saints accomplished disciples with unwavering loyalty to Buddhist affairs; Career Career Bhagavan was Arhat, Chief Variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ... Hey, monks, this is the blessed birth, the first source of being friendly ... happiness, peace.
Again, monks, saints accomplished disciples with unwavering loyalty to the French action, said France is Exalted smart, practical present, no time, to come and see, capable upward, was himself awakened intellect to understand. This, monks, this is the blessed birth, being good sources Monday ... happiness, peace.
Again, monks, saints accomplished disciples with unwavering loyalty to them Boost dynamic, meditation is Exalted disciples. Direct disciples well as Bhagavan. Application of the well is Exalted disciples. Right action is Exalted disciples. Ie four double eight. We disciples of Bhagavan deserve respect, deserve respect, worthy of worship, worthy of hands, the supreme field blessing in my life. This, monks, this is the blessed birth, being good sources Tuesday ... happiness, peace.
Again, monks, saints accomplished disciples with these instructions, be compassionate saint glass, not destroyed, not moldy, no dots, not being defiled, to liberation, the wise are praised, not clinging, leading to meditation. This, monks, this is the blessed birth, being good sources Wednesday ... happiness, peace.
This, monks, four sources being blessed, being good sources of this, bringing peace, of Heaven, is the independent horror optimistic results, leading to heaven, leading to pleasurable, capable joy, capable mind, happiness, peacefulness.
2. Who believes Tathagata,
Estate, well-dwell,
Whoever believes in gender, gentle charity,
Noble commended, alike.
Who pure devotees Increase,
With the look justice,
They call him,
Not the poor.
Such people's lives,
Life is not empty,
Thus credits and gender,
Credit and legal Tinh won,
Wise notes in mind,
The teachings of the Buddha.
 § (III) (53) GENERAL LIFE (1)
1. One time, Bhagavan was traveling on the road between Madhura and Veranja. And many men and women Homeowners Homeowners are also on the path between Madhura and Veranja. Bhagavan then stepped down from the road, to sit under a tree, on the site have been prepared. The male and female Homeowners Homeowners see Bhagavan sitting under a tree, go to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told the South laymen, laywomen were sitting on one side;
2. - Homeowners Hey, there are four types of this coexistence. Which four?
Ignoble ignoble men living with women. Ignoble men and women living with God. Thien ignoble men living with women. Thien Thien men living with women.
3. And what, Homeowners, how is ignoble ignoble men living with women?
Here is the Homeowners, husbands killing, taking what is not given, in the sexual life sexual misconduct, lying, drunk alcohol wrecked cook, evil world, evil nature, to live with a family in mind is structural UE dominant avarice, berating revile the recluse, Brahmin. And the wife killing, taking what is not given, in the sexual life sexual misconduct, lying, drunk alcohol wrecked cook, evil world, evil nature, to live with a family in mind defilements were dominant avarice. Thus, this is the ignoble Homeowners living with ignoble men and women.
4. And what, Homeowners, how are ignoble men and women living with God?
Here, the Homeowners, husbands killing ... berating revile the recluse, Brahmin. As for the wife to abandon killing, taking what is not to give up, abandon lying, abandon passionate cooking wine yeast, have sex, wholesomeness, not with family living in mind defilements avarice was dominant, no berating revile the recluse, Brahmin. As such, this of Homeowners, the dastardly men and women living with God.
5. And what, Homeowners, how is God men living with a female ignoble?
Here is the Homeowners, killing the husband abandoned ... no berating revile the recluse, Brahmin. But the wife was the killing, taking what is not for ... berating revile the recluse, Brahmin. Thus, this is the God Homeowners ignoble men living with women.
6. And what, Homeowners, how is God men and women living with God?
Here is the Homeowners, husbands abandon berating killing ... not revile the recluse, Brahmin, and the wife is not killing people ... not berating revile the recluses, Brahmin.
Homeowners Hey, there are four types of this marriage.
7. Both are evil world,
Avarice and berating,
Couples and her husband,
Ignoble ignoble life.
Husband is the evil world,
Avarice and berating,
His wife, who has presented,
Generosity, not avarice,
Thus Thien female wife
Ignoble lives with her husband.
Her husband, who had presented,
Generosity, not avarice,
Wife is dishonorable woman,
We live husband, Thien Nam.
Both, credit, giving,
Live tame, right livelihood.
Both his wife,
Says another cordially,
Many happy life
He waited two people.
The enemy does not like attention,
Both Protestant morality.
Here live the French,
Keep prohibits peer world,
Both Protestant morality,
Live happy Heaven,
Joy is satisfying,
True to that wish.
 § (IV) (54) GENERAL LIFE (2)
1 - Hey, monks, there are four types of this coexistence. Which four?
Ignoble ignoble men living with women. Ignoble men and women living with God. Thien ignoble men living with women. Thien Thien men living with women.
2. And this, monks, what is ignoble ignoble men living with women?
Here, the monks, the husband is the killing, taking what is not given, in the sexual life sexual misconduct, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, say frivolous, greedy, golf center , wrong, evil world, evil nature, family life is centered defilements dominant avarice, berating revile the recluse, Brahmin. And the wife killing, taking what is not given, in the sexual life sexual misconduct, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, say frivolous, greedy, yard care, wrong, evil world, evil nature , live in families with an avarice defilements mind is dominant. Thus, the Homeowners this, is ignoble ignoble men living with women.
3. And what, Homeowners, how are ignoble men and women living with God?
Here is the Homeowners, husbands killing ... berating, revile the recluse, Brahmin. As for the wife to abandon killing, taking what is not to give up, abandon lying, abandon said two blades, abandoning harsh speech, renunciation say frivolous, no greed, no center field, right view , have sex, wholesomeness, not with family living in mind avarice defilements are dominant, no berating revile the recluse, Brahmin. As such, this of Homeowners, the dastardly men and women living with God.
4. And what, Homeowners, how is God ignoble men living with women?
Here is the Homeowners, killing the husband abandoned ... no berating revile the recluse, Brahmin. But the wife was the killing, taking what is not for ... berating revile the recluse, Brahmin. Thus, the Homeowners this, is God ignoble men living with women.
5. And what, Homeowners, how is God men and women living with God?
Here is the Homeowners, husbands abandon berating killing ... not revile the recluse, Brahmin; and the wife who is not berating killing ... not revile the recluse, Brahmin.
Homeowners Hey, there are four types of this coexistence.
6. Both are evil world,
Avarice and berating,
Couples and her husband,
Ignoble ignoble life.
Husband is the evil world,
Avarice and berating,
His wife, who has presented,
Generosity, not avarice,
Thus Thien female wife
Ignoble lives with her husband.
Her husband, who had presented,
Generosity, not avarice,
Wife also evil world,
Avarice and berating,
Wife is dishonorable woman,
Husband cohabitation, Thien Nam.
Both, credit, giving,
Live tame, right livelihood,
Both his wife,
Says another cordially,
Many happy life,
He waited two people.
The enemy does not like attention,
Both Protestant morality,
Here live the French,
Keep prohibits peer world,
Both Protestant morality,
Live happy Heaven,
Joy is satisfying,
True to that wish.
 § (V) (55) echo (1)
1. One time, Bhagavan among the people residing in the mountain Bhagga Sumsumara, Bhesakala forest, in Deer Park. Then Bhagavan, morning robes, holding the bowl y, go to the abode Homeowners Nakula's father, after we arrived, sat down on the seat composed hunt. The homeowner then father Nakula Nakula mother Homeowners and women went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Nakula Homeowners lord father:
2. - Since women Homeowners Nakula mother was brought here for me when I was young child, I never knew you had something infringement to his wife and children, until the thought is not, do not say anything to the body . As that venerable sir, we want to see each other in this life, but also want to see each other in the life to come.
Female Homeowners mother Nakula venerable sir:
 - Buddha, from when I was brought here for Homeowners Nakula's father, when you were babies, I never knew you had something violate Homeowners Nakula's father, until the thought is not, do not say to yourself. As that venerable sir, we want to see each other, in this life, but also want to see each other in the life to come.
 - So the Homeowners this, when both husband and wife want to see each other in this life, and also want to see each other in the life to come, and both of the credit agreement, with men, and intellectual co-pilot, the in the present life, the person can see each other's faces, and in the next life, the people were to see each other.
Both, credit, giving,
Live tame, right livelihood,
Both his wife,
Says another cordially,
Many happy life,
He waited two people.
The enemy does not like attention,
Both Protestant morality,
Here live the French,
Keep prohibits peer world,
Both Protestant morality,
Live happy Heaven,
Joy is satisfying,
Right to demand that basis.
 § (VI) (56) echo (2)
(This prayer-like experience before, but only began to teach the words of the Blessed One and said to the monks).
1. One time, Bhagavan among the people residing in the town of Koli Koli people named Sajjanela. Then Bhagavan in the morning, holding up medical care bowl, go to the abode of Suppavasa, people Koli, after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. Then Suppavasa people Koli, after manually Bhagavan invited for food to satisfy kinds of hardware and software categories, then Suppavasa, ethnic Koli, after Bhagavan had finished eating, left hand bowl, instant sat to one side. Bhagavan told Suppavasa, people Koli, were sitting on one side;
2. - The St. disciples as alms food, this Suppavasa, giving four to the recipients. Which four?
For Life network, excellent solutions, for peace, for strength. After the life span, people are divided component life span, or realms of heaven him. After the color space, the color space to be divided into sections, or realms of heaven him. After the peace, a peace for the divided parts, or of heaven, or of realms him. After the power, people power is divided section, under heaven, or realms him. This Suppavasa, the disciple St. alms food, giving this four recipients.
3. cleverly made food,
Clean, unique magic, taste,
She was with the offering,
Giving upright position,
The right action live,
As the higher education act,
With reap merit merit,
Again be tremendous results,
One of understanding the world,
Having her praises,
International Forum recollection that,
They look around the world,
With a happy heart
Original Photography for avarice,
Not being one criticism,
Attained heaven.
 § (VIII) (58) SUDATTA
1. The homeowner Then Anathapindika went to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed, then sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika Homeowners sitting on one side;
2. - Hey Homeowners, Noble disciple food handouts, giving four to the recipient. Which four?
For Life network, excellent solutions, for peace, for strength. After the life span, people are divided component life span, of gods or mankind. After the color space, the color space to be divided into sections, of gods or mankind. After the peace, a peace for the divided section, of the gods or mankind. After the power, people power is divided section, of the gods or mankind. Homeowners this, the disciples of St. alms dish, giving it four recipients.
3. Those who skillfully tame,
People living on alms,
Whomever time, energy,
Giving food and drinks,
Bring to the position,
Four events are as follows,
For the life span, color space,
For peace, strength,
Giving life to your network,
Giving power status,
Giving people peace,
Giving people the power,
Long life span, title,
Oil being in place.
 § (IX) (59) blueprints
1. - The food handouts, the monks, giving four to the recipient. Which four?
For Life network, excellent solutions, for peace, for strength. After the life span, life span is divided section, of the gods or mankind. After the color space ... for peace ... After the power, the power is divided section, of the gods or mankind.
This, monks, who give alms dishes, giving this four recipients.
2. Those who skillfully tame,
Giving other people live,
Whomever the fervent,
Giving food and drinks,
Bring to the position,
Four events are as follows,
For the life span, color space,
For peace, strength,
Giving life to your network,
Giving excellent position solution,
Giving people peace,
Giving people the power,
Long life span, title,
Oil being in place.
The homeowner then Anathapindika went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed, then sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika Homeowners sitting on one side;
 - Achievement of four measures, the Homeowners, Saints disciples entered the proper path of Homeowners, the road provides good sound, the path to heaven. Which four?
Here, the Homeowners, Saints disciples upholding them monks, upholding them monks with him, upholding them monks with alms food, upholding them monks with couch, household monks lead them to drug treatment.
This achievement with four, the Homeowners, Saints disciples entered the proper path of Homeowners, the road provides good sound, the path to heaven.
Location wise implementation,
The road was worth it,
The owner of the work,
Upholding the limited level,
Executive ranks right feet facility,
Holder with robes,
With begging food,
Couch, medications,
Merit they grow,
Constant, day and night,
Due to good forestry,
Go to the gods.
1. The homeowner Then Anathapindika went to Bhagavan, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika Homeowners sitting on one side;
2. - There are four of this law, the Homeowners, pleasurable, capable joy, capable attention, hardly be in life. Which four?
"We hope that our assets arise for lawful". This is the first approach, the ability to be in touch ... hard life. "The property has been lawful, well-known wish that was rumored about us, along with her children, and the teachers". This is the second approach, the ability to be in touch ... hard life. "The property has been lawful, good reputation has been speculation about me, along with her children and the teacher, hope to live a long, extended life-holder". This is the third approach, the ability to be in touch ... hard life. "The property has been lawful, good reputation has been speculation about me, along with her children, the teacher, after a long life, upholding the life span stretching, hoping that when the body damage the public network, one born in the realms good, heaven, this earth ". This is the fourth approach, pleasurable, capable joy, ability standard, difficult to find in life.
This four, the Homeowners, pleasurable, capable joy, ability standard, difficult to find in life.
3. Hey Homeowners, for four measures pleasurable, capable joy, capable attention, in this life is difficult, there are four methods as far as the law was. Which four?
Full of confidence, full instructions, full of generosity, full of wisdom.
4. And this Homeowners, how full of confidence? Here, the Homeowners, Saints disciples have faith, believe in the enlightenment of the Tathagata; This position is the one Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. Homeowners this, here called full confidence.
5. And this Homeowners, how full is the world? Here, the Homeowners, Saints disciples abandon ... to abandon killing captivated yeast, cooking wine. Homeowners this, here called full instructions.
6. And this Homeowners, how full of generosity? Here, the Homeowners, Saints living in family practitioners, the center being the dominant defilements avarice, almsgiving spacious, with an open hand, preferred to give up, ready to be asked, fun shared objects like alms. Homeowners this, is called full of generosity.
7. And the Homeowners, how full is the wisdom? Homeowners this, life was centered conquer lust, work should not be done, do not work. Due to work should not be done, do not work, he left the reputation and peace. The homeowner is living with heart conquered by anger ... life was centered deep in torpor ... live with the mind conquering foreign Trao been conquered ... live with suspected heart conquer, working not do not work worth doing; Work should not do so, do not work worth doing, he left the reputation and peace.
8. Hey Homeowners, St. disciples did, after knowing the lust of the mind is defiled, abandon defiled lust of the mind; anger after learning of the mind is defiled, renounce anger, mental defiled; after knowing sloth dullness of mind is defiled; Trao exchange after learning of the mind is defiled; after knowing defiled suspected of mind, abandon comfortable, mental defiled; Homeowners this, here called disciples Saints have great wisdom, have vast intellectual, entered the world is covered by intelligent, full of wisdom. This call is full of wisdom.
This Homeowners, for four measures pleasurable, capable joy, capable attention, hardly be in this life, this approach brought to four the legal evidence was.
9. his disciples Saints, this Homeowners, property crop due diligence effort, accumulating power by arms, by the sweat shed, lawful, proper legal crop, who did four actions. Which four?
10. Here, the Homeowners, St. disciple, with assets recoverable due diligence effort, the power accumulated by the arm, due to sweat out the right legal, lawful crop, herself peace, joy, bringing peace right feet, help parents peace joy, help his wife and children, servants, employees peace, joy, bringing peace right feet, help your friends peace friends happy, are bringing peace right feet. Homeowners this, this is the first case, he went to be, achieved at the age of Origin correctly.
11. Again, the Homeowners, St. disciple, with assets recoverable due diligence effort, the power accumulated by the arm, due to sweat out the right legal, lawful crop, with assets was, made himself safe against disasters from a fire, from water, from the king arrived, from shoplifting to, from hostility to heirs. Homeowners this, this is the second case he goes to be, achieved at the age of Origin correctly.
12. Again, the Homeowners, Saints disciples assets ... lawful crop. With his assets, he organized five types ceremony donated, donated for her children, donated to guests, donated to the shadowy past, donated to King, donated to the gods. Homeowners this, this is the third case he goes to be, achieved at the age of Origin correctly.
13. Again, the Homeowners, property disciples Holy ... lawful crop, for those recluses, living Brahmin abandoned conceit, restlessness, dwell on patience , gentle, calm yourself, convince yourself, calm yourself; for those recluses, Brahmin so, he held the ultimate offering, belongs to heaven, bring peanut allergic fruit maturity, taken to Heaven. Homeowners this, this is the fourth case he going to be, achieved at the age of Origin correctly.
14. Saints disciples did, it Homeowners, property crop due diligence effort, the power accumulated by the arm, due to sweat out the right legal, lawful crop; Property with him, he was the one who made the four actions. If the assets of anyone, it Homeowners, consumers are not right with the four actions, these assets are referred to as assets come to no benefits, go to no success, achieved at the age of improper methods coin. If the assets of anyone, it Homeowners, consumed with four actions, these assets are referred to as assets go to the benefit, go to achieve, attain the age of Origin correctly.
I enjoy life assets,
Servants are nurtured,
Thanks to these properties,
Do we avoid catastrophe,
Us supreme offerings,
Five types of constitution making things,
Career upholding morality,
Career self, virtue,
Wise purpose,
Stay home, property requirements,
We achieved that goal,
Made without regret.
Those who think so remember,
Dwelling on the Holy Justice,
This life of praise,
Next life is happy,
On the realm of the gods.
 § (II) (62) NOT DEBT
1. The homeowner Then Anathapindika went to Bhagavan, after arrival, sat to one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika Homeowners sitting on one side;
2. - There are four types of this peace, this Homeowners who enjoy sex life home recoverable, depending on the time, depending on the opportunity arises for him. Which four? Lac ownership, use peanut life, optimism is not in debt, located not guilty.
3. This Homeowners And, how is optimistic own?
Here, the Homeowners, property of the male element Compassion, crop due diligence effort, the power accumulated by the arm, due to sweat out the right legal, lawful crop. He thought: "We have the assets, crop due diligence effort, the power accumulated by the arm ... lawful crop. "Think so, he is optimistic, is joy. This Homeowners, property here called optimistic.
4. And this, how is the property located?
Here, the Homeowners, Good men enjoy electronic asset life crop due diligence efforts, accumulated ... crop lawful and do good works. He thought: "I enjoy the asset life crop due diligence efforts ... crop lawful and do the merit. "To think that he is located, is joy. This Homeowners, property here called optimistic.
5. This Homeowners And, how is located not in debt? Here, this The homeowner, the home improvement a man can not have owed anyone anything, more or less. He thought: "I can not owe anybody anything, more or less." Think so, he is optimistic, is joy. Homeowners this, do not touch it called in debt.
6. And this Homeowners, how optimistic are not guilty?
Here, the Homeowners, Saints accomplished disciples personally not guilty, onion export achievements not guilty, the operating achievements not guilty. He thought: "I personally achievements not guilty, not guilty gate operator, the operator is not guilty". Think so, he is optimistic, is joy. Homeowners this, is called optimism not guilty.
There are four types of this optimism, this Homeowners who enjoy sex life home recoverable, depending on the time, depending on the opportunities, start-up for him.
Is located not in debt,
Remember to touch property,
Who hedonic properties,
With wisdom, seeing as marketing,
Because see, he said,
Wise both parts,
So just by being optimistic,
By part sixteen,
Lac no crime.
1. - The family, the monks, the parents are the children bowed offerings in the house, the family was considered like Brahma. The family, the monks, the parents are the children bowed offerings in the house, the family that is considered like the masters of old. The family, the monks, the parents are the children bowed offerings in the house, the family was, this, monks, is considered the same as the previous gods. The family, the monks, the parents are the children bowed offerings in the house, the families that are considered worthy of offerings.
2. Brahma, this, monks, is synonymous with his parents; the ancient masters, the monks, are synonymous with his parents; ancient gods, this, monks, is synonymous with his parents; offerings worthy of respect, this, monks, is synonymous with his parents. Wherefore? This, monks, because my parents help a lot for the children, nurturing them grow and introduce them to the world.
Mother father called Brahma,
The previous gurus,
Deserve to be offered,
Because of injuries to children and grandchildren,
So Dr. Hien ranks,
Pay homage and respect,
Rising food beverages,
Clothing and bed fabrics,
His whole body massage,
Wash their hands.
With acts such establishments,
For mom and dad,
This compliments the gentle life,
Enjoy life after God touch.
 § (IV) (64) HELL
1. - Achievement for four measures, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell. What measures with four? Killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct in, lie.
This achievement with four, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell.
2. Killing and stealing,
The so-called liar,
And went to his wife;
The wise do not praise.
 § (V) (65) OUT FORMS
1. - There are four classes of men, the monks, present, present at birth. Which four?
Measurement category was excellence and satisfaction with excellence; Measurement category was satisfied with the English language and; Crude category was measured with and satisfied with crude; of people with legal metrology and legal satisfied with. Four classes of people, the monks, present, present at birth.
2. Those who measure excellence,
Those who go to English,
Greed was led by
We do not know the man.
Do not know the inner,
Do not see the surroundings,
Fools are surrounded,
Being dominant voice,
Do not know the inner,
See external consistency,
See the results out,
Being dominant voice.
Clear inner knowing,
See outside the shop,
Clear unobstructed,
Not the dominant language.
 § (VI) (66) Craving
1. - There are four classes of men, the monks, present, present at birth. Which four? There is greed, there is golf, there si, has chronic. Four classes of people, the monks, there exists in the world.
2. Craving beautiful things,
Superb enjoy endearing,
Tied by ignorance,
The inferior beings,
Growth as tied.
Until those who have position,
Do the immoral,
Born from greed, hatred and delusion,
Caused sorrow, discomfort,
Doing suffering arises,
Ignorant enclosure,
No eye blind,
Their nature is such,
They can not think,
We can so.
 § (VII) (67) KING snakes
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden.
At the time, the monks in Savatthi die of snakebite. Then many monks went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed, and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
2. - Here, venerable sir, monks in Savatthi a snakebite has shared destiny.
 - Monks did, the monks, the mind has no direction from four families king snakes. If the monks did, the monks, the mind can be directed to the family four king snakes, this time the monks, he can not bitten the public network. How is the king of the family of four snakes?
Family Virupakkha king snakes, king snakes family Erapattha, family Chabyaputta king snakes, king snakes family Kanha - gotamaka; Monks did, the monks with kindness was not directed to the four families of the snake king. If the monks did, the monks, the mind can be directed to the family four king snakes, this time the monks, he can not bitten the public network. This, monks, I allow for compassion toward family four king snakes to self-defense, self-protection to maintain, to self-protection.
3. Let us have compassion
With Virupakkha,
Let us have compassion
With Erapatha,
Let us have compassion
With Chabyaputta,
Let us have compassion
With Kanhagotamaka,
Let us have compassion
With the stemless species,
Let us have compassion
With legs species,
Let us have compassion
With the four-legged species,
Let us have compassion,
Species of centipede,
Hopefully species of legless
No harm us,
Hopefully species legs
No harm us,
Hopefully species of quadruped
No harm us,
Hopefully species of centipede
No harm us,
All beings, sentient
Overall all the creature,
Looking forward we see good sage,
Do not go to the evil.
"Buddha is immeasurable, France is immeasurable, we Boost is immeasurable, there are species of reptiles, the snakes, the scorpions, the child a foot python, spider types, the baby lizard lizard and rat. I did the holder. I made the cover, hoping that these beings will leave. I worship the Buddha. I worship the Enlightenment seven. "
 § (VIII) (68) Devadatta
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Rajagaha, at Mount Gijjhakuta after Devadatta leave soon. There, in the Name of Devadatta Bhagavan told the monks;
 - Bring to hurt yourself, this, monks, when the avaricious, respect, fame arises for Devadatta; bring misery to people, these monks, the avaricious, respect, fame arises for Devadatta! Just as, monks, a banana tree fruit birth, bring her harm; birth left, bringing misfortune to people. Also, this, monks, brought his damage when avaricious, respect, fame arises for Devadatta, brought misfortune to the avaricious, respect, fame arises for Devadatta. Just as, monks, bamboo bring forth damage when left alone, bringing misery to people are born left. Also, this, monks, brought his damage when avaricious, respect, fame arises for Devadatta, brought misfortune to the avaricious, respect, fame arises for Devadatta as, monks, reed bring forth harm when left alone, bringing misery to people are born left. Also, this, monks, brought his damage when avaricious, respect, fame arises for Devadatta, brought misfortune to the avaricious, respect, fame arises for Devadatta. Also, this, monks, such as mule bring their harmful during pregnancy, bring misfortune to the pregnancy. Also, this, monks, brought his damage when avaricious, respect, fame arises for Devadatta, brought misfortune to the avaricious, respect, fame arises for Devadatta.
2. The killing of banana fruit,
Killing of bamboo and wipe,
Reverently fool harm,
Harmful mule womb.
1 - Hey, monks, there are four essential need this, how are the four?
Tame ardent, ardent annihilation, practice ardent, ardent holder.
2. This, monks, is how to tame planet?
Here, the monks, monks with the aim of making evil evil unborn measures previously not arise, arise the will try, effort, of center, maintenance center. This, monks, is called crystal to tame.
3. And this, monks, are the essential need to make an end?
Here, the monks, monks in order to make an end the legal evil evil, arise the will try, effort, of center, maintenance center. This, monks, is called essential need to make an end.
4. And this, monks, are the essential need to practice?
Here, the monks, monks with the aim of making the dhamma arise unborn, unwanted start-up attempt, effort, of care, maintenance center. This, monks, is called a globular practice.
5. And this, monks, how is the planet needs to upholding?
Here, the monks, monks with the aim of making good behavior was being able to maintain, no obscure, growth, be generous, be practiced, fullness, start up desire to try, effort, of interest, maintenance center. This, monks, is called a globular holder.
This, monks, there are four types of this essential need.
And vanquish take,
Practice and holders,
This required four oils,
Her son is the sun,
Buddha was preaching.
Here you monks,
With this essential need four,
Enthusiasm and effort.
Achieve the cessation of suffering.
 § (X) (70) NON-FRENCH
1. - When, this, monks, kings unlawfully present, then, the great god of kings unlawfully present. When the great god of kings unlawfully present, then the Brahmin Householders unlawful presence. When the Brahmin Householders unlawful presence, then urban population and the population of the village became illegal. When urban population and in the villages is illegal, then the moon, orbit the sun go wrong. When the moon, orbit the sun goes wrong, then the galaxy, the stars went wrong kind of orbit. When the galaxy, the stars went wrong kind of orbit, then the clock went wrong orbit. When the clock goes wrong orbit, then the month and a half months to go wrong orbit. When the month and a half months to go wrong orbit, then the weather and years go wrong orbit. When the weather and years go wrong orbit, then the wind blew the wrong season. When the wind blows the wrong season, when he offended the gods. When Devas annoyed, then rain with no air conditioning. When it rains there is no air conditioning, then nine-season rice. This, monks, when the grain season, when he lived species with rice farmers did, the life span will be short, sharp text bad, weak and sick.
2. When, this, monks, kings lawful presence, the courtiers then lawful presence. When the courtiers of King lawful presence, then the Brahmin Householders lawful presence. When the Brahmin Householders lawful presence, then urban population and the population of the village to become lawful. When the people in the urban and village is lawful, then the moon, the sun in the right orbit. When the moon, the sun in the right orbit, then the galaxy, the stars in the right kind of orbit. When the galaxy, the stars in the right kind of orbit, then the clock in the right orbit. When the clock in the right orbit, then the month and a half months in the right orbit. When the month and a half months in the right orbit, then the weather and in the right orbit. When the weather and in the right orbit, then the wind is blowing the right season. When the wind blows in the right season, then the gods rejoice. When the gods rejoice, when it rained conditioning. When it gets rainy conditioning, meanwhile, rice cooked properly seasons. This, monks, when properly cooked rice season, when he lived species with rice farmers that, going long life span, a beautiful space, with the power and do not have much disease.
When cows wading the river,
Leader goes wrong,
We all agreed to go wrong,
As misguided.
Similarly, among men,
You are viewing the exalted,
If establishments operating illegally,
What others say,
The whole country is suffering,
If the king is not illegal.
When cows wading the river,
Leading in the right direction,
We all agreed the right direction,
Because instructions on the right track.
The same goes in the species,
You are viewing the exalted,
If strictly legal basis,
What others say,
Happily country,
If life lawful king.
 - Achievement for four measures, the monks, monks practiced the way through and have the basics straight tonnes to cessation of defilements. Which four?
Here, the monks, monks have sex, hear more, ardent effort, wisdom.
This achievement with four, the monks, monks practiced the way through, and there are basically straight tonnes to cessation of defilements.
 § (II) (72) Right view
 - Achievement of four this method, the monks, the monks practice the way through and have the basics straight tonnes to cessation of defilements. Which four?
Renunciation range, reach, no golf, no harmful range, chief knowledge.
This achievement with four, the monks, monks practiced the way through and have the basics straight tonnes to cessation of defilements.
1. - The achievement of four measures, the monks, should be understood not Chan's level. Which four?
Here, the monks, not Chan's was the oil level is not asked, speechless not praise others; also say if asked!
But if asked and have answered, when unreservedly, without hesitation, this speak to their position not praise others, the complete whole. This, monks, need to be understood, this, monks, is not Chan's position.
2. Again, monks, not Chan's oil had been asked not to say another word of praise; also say without question!
But if asked and have answered, the cautious and hesitant, this position speak praises of others, is not complete, not whole. This, monks, need to be understood, this, monks, is not Chan's position.
3. Again, monks, not Chan's oil had been asked not to say his word about not praise; also say without question!
But if asked and have answered, the cautious and hesitant, this position does not speak to their praise of himself, is not complete, not whole. This, monks, need to be understood, not Chan's position.
4. Again, monks, is not Chan's oil had not been asked, also speaks about his praises; also say if asked!
But if asked and have answered, without reservation, without hesitation, this position speaks about his praises, complete and whole. This, monks, this should be understood not Chan's position.
This achievement with four, the monks, should be understood not Chan's level.
5. Achievement for four measures, the monks, should be understood as Chan's level. Which four?
Here, the monks, who's Foot oil level has to be asked, not voicing not praise others; also say without question!
But if asked, and to answer, cautious and hesitant, they speak the words do not praise others. Needs to be understood, this, monks, this is the One Truth's position.
6. Again, the monks, who's Foot oil level is not asked, also speaks praises others; even say anything if asked.
If asked and have answered, without reservation, without hesitation, he said words of praise others, complete and whole. Needs to be understood, this, monks, this is the One Truth's position.
7. Again, monks, Chan's rank as him, if not asked, still speechless about his not praised; also say if asked!
If asked and have answered, without reservation, without hesitation, they speak words of praise about her not, complete and whole. Needs to be understood, this, monks, this is the One Truth's position.
8. Again, monks, tier oil workers have been asked Chan nor speak about his praises; also say without question!
If asked and have answered, cautiously and hesitantly, he speaks about his praises, incomplete; not the whole. Needs to be understood, this, monks, this is the One Truth's position.
This achievement with four, the monks, should be understood as Chan's level.
 § (IV) (74) YOUNG WIFE
1 - Just as, monks, young wife, in the night or day, to be brought home her husband, she felt very embarrassed, scared before her mother, father, husband, in front of her husband, for in front of the waiter, made public. After some time, so live, so intimate, she could tell her husband, with her father, with her husband: "Go away, these people know nothing!"
2. Likewise, the monks, there monks, during the night or day to be ordained, do not give up family life family, feel extremely embarrassed, fear in front of the monks , monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen, until before the gardener and the novice. After some time, so live, so intimate, he can say to Professor A - soap - pear, with Professor Life Church: "Go away, the people can know what!"
3. Therefore, the monks, the teacher should be learning as follows: "I will live with the new heart when his young wife to the husband." Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
 § (V) (75) ExtraOrdinary
1. - This, monks, the ultimate four this. Which four? About supreme, paramount, supreme knowledge, supreme Liberation. This, monks, the ultimate four this.
2. This, monks, the ultimate four this. Which four? Supreme excellence, the ultimate life, the supreme idea, the supreme existence. This, monks, the ultimate four this.
 § (VI) (76) Kusinara
1. A residence time in Kusinara Exalted, in Upavattana, in public forests Malla Sala, Sala, but life among the trees, while he was about to enter Nirvana. There, Bhagavan called monks;
 - Hey, monks.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Hey, monks, if there is a suspicious monks or wondering about the Buddha, Dhamma, we Tang, director or execution path, this time, monks, brothers ask away , then let no regrets: "guru is present before us, that we do not take sides asked Bhagavan. "
When told this, that, monks remain silent.
3. The second time, the Blessed One ... The third time, Bhagavan told the monks;
 - Hey, monks, if there is a suspicious monks or wondering what the Buddha, Dharma, we Tang, director or execution path, this time, monks, brothers, ask away, later Let no regrets: "guru is present before us, that we do not take sides asked Bhagavan. "
The third time, that monks remain silent.
4. Then Bhagavan told the monks:
 - Hey, monks, if there're any respect for masters without question, the time, the monks, among fellow practitioners, talk to each other.
When saying this, the monks did keep quiet.
5. Then Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
 - Buddha, it miraculously! Venerable sir, it's rather rare! Venerable sir, I believe that, in them, monks, the monks do not have a public or doubt wondering what to Buddha, Dharma, we Tang, director or execution path.
 - Hey Ananda, I have to say that allegiance. But here, this Ananda Tathagata know that in this we monks, no monks any doubt or wonder what to Buddha, Dharma, we Tang, director or execution path. This Ananda, in the 500 monks, the monks lowest expected results proved to be saved, no rot rotten, certainly towards Enlightenment.
 - There are four things can not think of is, this, monks, if thinking, the thinking person can go to the hysteria and anguish. Which four? World of Buddha Buddha, the monks, can not be thinking, if thinking, the thinking person can go to the hysteria and anguish. World's Zen sitting meditation, the monks, can not think, if you think ... agony. Industrial results of the independent horror, this, monks, can not think of is, if the thought of ... agony. The world's mind, the monks, can not be thinking, if thinking can go to the hysteria and anguish.
There are four things can not think of is, this, monks, if you think about, time can go to the hysteria and anguish.
 § (VIII) (78) pure, MATERIAL
1 - Hey, monks, there are four candidates purity of this material. Which four?
There alms, the monks, from the pure, impure from the recipient. There alms, the monks, the purity of the recipient, not the purity of the giver. There alms, the monks, impure from people, nor the purity of the recipient. There alms, the monks, from the pure, pure and from the receiver.
2. And this, monks, is how pure alms from the people, not the purity of the recipient?
Here, the monks, who to have sex, according to the dhamma, and the recipient is evil world, according to the legal evil. So, this, monks, is pure generosity from people, not pure from the recipient.
3. And how, this, monks, is charity, the pure from the recipient, not the pure from the people?
Here, the monks, who give alms evil world, according to the evil law, and recipients have sex, according to the dhamma. Thus the monks, is giving, the recipient pure, impure people.
4. And this, monks, how is charity, the donor is not pure, and the recipient is not pure?
Here, the monks, who for evil world, according to the legal evil, and evil recipient is also presented, according to the legal evil. So, this, monks, is giving, people are not pure, nor pure receiver.
5. And this, monks, how is charity, the pure person, the recipient is pure?
Here the monks, who have presented alms, according to the dhamma, and the receiver also have sex, according to the dhamma. So, this, monks, is charity, the pure people, and the recipient is pure.
This, monks, there are four types of this pure generosity.
1. Then venerable Sariputta ... sat on one side, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
 - Buddha, so what's, what conditioned, here, there are categories of people such as trade, going to fail? What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, here, there are categories of people, such as trafficking, can not be achieved as expected? What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, here, there are categories of people such as traders, achieved as expected? What's Due, conditioned by what people here have classes such as trade, the achievement was unplanned?
2. - Here, this Sariputta, ranked riders to the monk or Brahmin and promises as follows: "Venerable Sir, please tell us Venerable need help," but he did not for as has been promised. If the public network from that site, go to this place, oil traders who had nothing, traders come to failure.
3. Here, the Sariputta, there are people going to classes recluse or Brahmin and promises as: "Venerable Sir, please tell us Venerable need help", but he decided not to like to want to. If the public network from that site, go to this place, oil traders who had nothing, did not go to trade as desired achievements.
4. Here, the Sariputta, there are people going to classes recluse or Brahmin and promised as follows: "Venerable Sir, please tell us Venerable need help." And he wants to have decided to give. If the public network from that site, go to this place, oil traders who had nothing, he went to trade as desired achievements.
5. Here, the Sariputta, there are people going to classes recluse or Brahmin and promised as follows: "Venerable Sir, please say what he came to need help," and more like him to have decide you want to. If the public network from where it went to this place, though he had nothing trafficking, trafficking Such achievements are unintended.
This Sariputta, this is the person, this is grace, here, there are categories of people such trafficking due to failure. This is the, this is the charm, this Sariputta, here, with classes such person by trade, not be achieved as expected. This is the, this is the charm, this Sariputta, here, with classes of people, such as trafficking, achieved as desired. This is the, this is the charm, this Sariputta, here, with trafficking of people by such achievements are unintended.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Kosambi, at Ghosita garden. Then Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arrival, bowed, then sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
 - What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, women who do not sit between the courtrooms, there is no commitment to the cause, do not go to the essence of your career?
 - Wrath is female, this Ananda. Jealousy is a human female, this Ananda. Avarice is a woman, this Ananda. Property is an evil woman, this Ananda. This is the, this is the charm, this Ananda, women who do not sit between courtrooms, no commitment to the cause, do not go to the essence of his career.
 § (I) (81) THEFT
1. - Achievement for four measures, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell. Which four?
Killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct in, lie.
This achievement with four, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell.
2. Achievements to four measures, the monks, so adequate is born to heaven. Which four?
Abandoning killing, taking what is not to give up, to abandon sexual misconduct in, lie abandoned.
With four legal achievements, the monks, so adequate is born to heaven.
 § (II) (82) lie
(As of above, (81), only four are legal; lie, said two blades, harsh speech, say frivolous.)
 § (III) (83) tonnes of coal
1. - Achievement for four measures, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell. Which four?
No reflections, no inspection, people do not deserve praise is praise; no reflection, no inspection, no person deserves praise praise; no reflection, no inspection, self-confident feel for the place is not trustworthy; no reflection, no inspection, self-distrust felt for trusted sites.
This achievement with four, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell.
2. Achievements to four measures, the monks, so adequate is born to heaven.
There are reflections, police authorities, not praise people who do not deserve to be praised; with reflection, police authorities, who deserves praise praise; with reflection, police authorities, self-distrust felt for the place does not deserve to be believed; no reflection, no inspection, self-confident feel for the trusted site.
This achievement with four, the monks, so inadequate was born to heaven.
 § (IV) (84) indignantly
(As of above, (83), another of the four measures only; Respect anger, disrespect Dhamma; respect detractors, does not respect the true Dhamma; avaricious respect, no respect Dhamma; respect respect, no respect for Dhamma).
 § (V) (85) dark
1 - Hey, monks, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life. Which four?
Living in the dark, toward the dark; live in the darkness, toward the light; live in the light, towards the dark; live in the light, towards the light.
2. And this, monks, how was the sort of people who live in the darkness, toward the dark?
Here, the monks, have been born into a family of abjection, someone poured feces family, or a hunter family, basket weaving, or knitting bamboo family, do trap, or close family car, or family sweeper, or in a family of one poverty, food shortages, livelihood difficult, hard to find to get food, clothing. And he left the ugly, hard look, wasting his back, many sick, blind an eye, turn your hands leg defeat, or go crooked, or half-body paralysis, not get food, drinks, clothing, vehicles Shareholders, garlands, incense, wax chalk, seats five, shelter or lights. He lived with relatives do evil, evil lives with his mouth, lives with evil thoughts. After living with relatives do evil, the evil mouth, with evil thoughts, the body damage the public network, he was born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. Thus, the monks, was the sort of person in darkness towards darkness.
3. And this, monks, how was the sort of people who live in the darkness toward the light?
Here, the monks, have been born into a family of inferior ... berth, or lamp housing. He lived with the body healing, healthy lives with his mouth, lives with wholesome thoughts. After living with the body heals, the good mouth, with a fresh mind, body damage when the public network, was born in the realm of healing, heaven, this world. Thus, the monks, was the sort of people who live in the darkness toward the light.
4. And this, monks, how are men who are living in the darkness toward light?
Here, the monks, who are being ranked in a noble family, the family-seat Sat-rich substrate, or in the family Brahmin wealth or family Homeowners rich, rich property boasts a large, large possessions, there are gold and silver, have many assets, widgets, more money and grain. He re-handsome, good looking, cute, with beautiful color, lovely. He received food, beverages, clothing, vehicles, garlands, spices, wax chalk, berth, shelter, torch lights. He, relatives wrongdoing, saying evil, evil thoughts. Do yourself to do evil, saying evil, evil thoughts, body damage after public network, born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. This, monks, such is the life of people in the dark toward the light.
5. And this, monks, how are people living in the light toward the light?
Here, the monks, someone born in a noble family, the family-seat Sat-rich substrate, or in the family Brahmin wealth, or family wealth Homeowners , extensive property boasts large, huge wealth, with many gold and silver, there are major assets, widgets, there's a lot of money, grain. And he handsome, good looking, cute, with beautiful color, lovely. He received food, beverages, fabric clothing, vehicles, garlands, spices, wax chalk, berth, shelter, torch lights. He, body healing, healthy mouth, healthy thoughts. Due body healing, healthy mouth, healthy mind, body damage when he was born in the realm of common network healthy, heavens, this world. This, monks, such as people living in the light toward the light.
 § (VI) (86) lower
1. - There are four classes of men, the monks, present, present at birth. Which four? Low and low, low and high, high and low, high and higher.
There are four classes of men, the monks, there exists in the world.
 § (VII) (87) THE GRADE SA-MON (1)
1. - There are four classes of men, the monks, present, present at birth. Which four?
Salmone estate, Sa-white lotus, red lotus recluse, recluse refined in the recluses.
2. And this, monks, are the recluses estate?
Here, the monks, monks are Huu school classes, are on the road, trying to live up to the supreme direction from the yoke victims peace. Just as, monks, the firstborn King Sat-substrate-seat, deserve to be empowerment, but do not empowerment, and reached the estate status. Also, the monks, the monks Friends School, going on the road, trying to live up to the supreme direction from the yoke victims peace. Also, the monks, the recluse estate classes.
3. And how, this, monks, is the white lotus recluse class?
Here, the monks, monks from taints cessation, position yourself to win enlightenment, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight, but not the feeling itself is mind liberation and dwell. Thus, the monks, the white lotus recluse classes.
4. And how, this, monks, is the pink lotus recluse class?
Here, the monks, monks from taints cessation, position yourself to win realizations, and dwell attained liberation interest, liberating insight, and sense of body and mind liberation reside. Thus, the monks, the red lotus recluse classes.
5. And this, monks, how was the sort of refined Salmone Salmone rows?
Here, the monks, monks repeatedly requested to receive care, rarely is not required; more time is required to receive alms food, rarely unsolicited; repeatedly claim one couch, rarely unsolicited; more time is required to receive drug treatment, rarely unsolicited. He lived with dignity, the same public, they have to they, themselves now behave with more endearing, with less endearing, with many endearing verbal, with less endearing, with more attention endearing now, with less endearing, help with her loving help, with little help not endearing. Here, some feelings arise arising from or arising from the negotiations confidential, or arising from the wind, or arises from the encounter of water in the body; or arising from changes in the weather, or arises from the encounter of the campaign against, or arising from the raid outside in, or due to casual mature fruits of karma; the sensations of not turning up much, he is less disease. For four of increase epicardial Zen, stay optimistic now, there are no problems, there is no fatigue, no charges have power; due to cessation of defilements, right now, to win enlightenment mind, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. Thus, the monks, was the sort of refined Salmone Salmone rows.
6. Hey, monks, if speaking right feet, talking about refined class recluses among recluses, this time the monks, said that talking about my right feet are recluses Rating refined among recluses. This, monks, many times I was asked to take care, less when not required; more time is required to receive alms food, rarely unsolicited; repeatedly claim one couch, rarely unsolicited; more time is required to receive drug treatment, rarely unsolicited. I lived with the monks do, and he for me, dealing with many professional bodies endearing, with less endearing itself not now; with many endearing verbal, non-verbal with less endearing; with the most endearing now, with less attention now not endearing; help with her loving help, with little help not endearing. Qualities have sensation arises, arises from bile, or arising from negotiations, or arising from the wind, or arises from the encounter of water in the body, or arising from changes in the weather, or arises from the encounter of the campaign against, or arising from the raid outside in, or due to the acclimatization of business results; these sensations arise not many places I. We are less disease. For four Zen, under increased epicardial, currently residing optimistic, I have no difficulties, there is no fatigue, no charges have been hard. Due to the cessation of the taints, even in the present, with the goal position, I realize, and dwell attained liberation interest outflows, liberating insight. This, monks, if any words right feet, talking about refined class recluses among recluses, this time the monks, speaking right feet is talking about the classes I am crystal Salmone practice among recluses.
This, monks, here are four classes of people present, exist in life.
 § (VIII) (88) THE GRADE SA-MON (2)
1 - Hey, monks, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life. Which four?
Salmone estate, Sa-white lotus, red lotus recluse, recluse refined.
2. And this, monks, are the recluses estate classes?
Here, the monks, monks from eradicated three fetters, is a Stream, no longer oppressed and optimism, firmly toward enlightenment. Thus, the monks, the recluse estate classes.
3. And this, monks, are the white lotus recluse class?
Here, the monks, monks after three fetters annihilated, attenuate greed, hatred and delusion, as most hybrids, callbacks only once this life and end suffering. Thus the monks, was the sort of white lotus recluse.
4. And this, monks, are the pink lotus recluse class?
Here, the monks, the monks by the cessation of five lower fetters, is the Real hybrids, from there enter Nirvana, not callbacks from that world. Thus, the monks, the red lotus recluse classes.
5. And this, monks, is how refined class recluses among recluses?
Here, the monks, so the total extinction of cankers, monks now in place now to win enlightenment, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. So, this, monks, is refined class recluses among recluses.
This, monks, recluses four classes are present, appears in the world.
1. - There are four classes of people, the monks are present, appears in the world. Which four?
Salmone estate, Sa-white lotus, red lotus recluse, recluse refined among recluses.
2. And this, monks, are the recluses estate classes?
Here, the monks, monks have primary knowledge, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration. Thus, the monks, the recluse estate classes.
3. And this, monks, are the white lotus recluse class?
Here, the monks, monks have primary knowledge ..., concentration, right knowledge, pastor freed, but no relatives residing with eight liberating feeling. Thus the monks, was the sort of white lotus recluse.
4. And this, monks, are the pink lotus recluse class?
Here, the monks, the monks have knowledge Secretarial ... Secretarial liberating, to dwell with eight relatives feel liberated. Thus, the monks, the red lotus recluse classes.
5. And this, monks, how refined class recluses among recluses?
Here, the monks, monks repeatedly requested to receive care, rarely unsolicited ... Hey, monks, if speaking right feet, talking about refined Salmone Rating among recluses, the monks, speaking right feet is talking about me, was the sort of refined recluses among recluses.
This, monks, here are four classes of people present, exist in life.
 § (X) (90) THE GRADE SA-MON
1 - Hey, monks, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life. Which four?
Salmone estate, Sa-white lotus, red lotus recluse, recluse refined among recluses.
2. And this, monks, are the recluses estate?
Here, the monks, the Friends School, the purpose is not achieved, the supreme living toward peace from suffering. Thus, the monks, the recluse estate classes.
3. And this, monks, are the white lotus recluse class?
Here, the monks, monks lived depending shop the aggregates being destroyed in the year: "This is excellent, this is a collective identity launch, terminate this is excellent; this is a great feeling ... this is ... this is the act ...; Here is the formula, this is the official launch episode, here's termination. " But he is not residing with eight relatives feel liberated. Thus, the monks, the white lotus recluse classes.
4. And this, monks, are the pink lotus recluse class?
Here, the monks, the monks live, depending shop aggregates being destroyed in the year: "This is excellent ... this is the termination". And he abides with eight relatives feel liberated. Thus, the monks, the red lotus recluse classes.
5. And this, monks, is how refined class recluses among recluses?
Here, the monks, monks repeatedly requested to receive care, rarely unsolicited ... Hey, monks, if speaking right feet, talking about refined Salmone Rating among recluses, this person, monks, said that talking about my right feet, was the sort of refined recluses among recluses.
This, monks, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life.
X. FOOD Asura (Asura)
 § (I) (91) THE Asura
1 - Hey, monks, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life. Which four?
Asura with relatives of Asura, Asura with relatives of the gods; Devas with relatives of Asura; Devas with relatives of the gods.
2. And this, monks, how is at the Asura with relatives of Asura?
Here, the monks, who ranked evil world, according to the legal evil, he is also the congregation of evil world, according to the legal evil. So, this, monks, is at the Asura with relatives of Asura.
3. And this, monks, how is at the Asura with relatives of the gods?
Here, the monks, with world-class evil people, evil under the law, but his or her congregation have sex, according to the practice. Thus the monks, is at the Asura with relatives of the gods.
4. And this, monks, how is at the gods with relatives of Asura?
Here, the monks, who hold world-class, according to the good, and also his or her congregation evil world, according to the legal evil. So, this, monks, is at the gods with relatives of Asura.
5. And this, monks, are the relatives of the gods with the gods?
Here, the monks, who are world-class, according to the good, and the congregation of the world was also, according to heal. So, this, monks, is at the gods with relatives of the gods.
Four classes of people, the monks, present, present at birth.
 § (II) (92) No. (1)
 - There are four classes of men, the monks, present, present at birth. Which four?
Here, the monks, who are inner-class only, but not increase legal rooftop bar Property. Here, the monks, who are increasing the upper-class French restaurant insight, but not the interior only. Here, the monks, who have not inner classes only, not also increase legal rooftop bar Property. Here, the monks, who are ranked only inner wisdom and also increase legal rooftop bar.
This, monks, four classes of people present, exist in life.
 § (III) (93) No. (2)
1. - There are four classes of men, the monks, present, present at birth. Which four?
Here, the monks, who are inner-class only, not increase legal rooftop bar Property. Here, the monks, who are increasing the upper-class French restaurant insight, but not the interior only. Here, the monks, who have not inner classes only, not increase legal rooftop bar Property. Here, the monks, who are inner-class only, also increase legal rooftop bar Property.
2. There, the monks, who are inner classes only, not increase legal rooftop bar Property. After he abides inner person only, focused mental practice increased legal rooftop bar, after a while he was interior only, and knowledge is increased legal rooftop bar.
3. There, the monks, who were increases upper-class French restaurant insight, not only interior. After he abides rooftop bar legal knowledge, practice inner focus only; after some time he was awarded the French restaurant insight, and be just interior.
4. There, the monks, this sort of person, not only internal, not increase legal rooftop bar Property. He, the monks, to attain his good behavior, should be made to raise the upper desire, effort, effort, effort, not retrogression mind, mindfulness, awareness.
Just as, monks, when the head scarf or burnt on fire, and to extinguish the towel and head, upper increasing need to implement the will, effort, effort, effort, not retrogression Center, Secretarial mindfulness, mindfulness. Also, the monks, who, in order to attain that good behavior, should be made to raise the upper desire, effort, effort, effort, not retrogression mind, mindfulness, awareness. After a while, the person he is introspective and only increase legal rooftop bar Property.
5. There, the monks, this class has been introspective person only, there is increased legal rooftop bar wisdom, he, the monks, after residing in his good behavior, should pay further cultivate the mind to cessation of defilements.
This, monks, four classes of people present, exist in life.
               § (IV) (94) Meditation (3)
1 - Hey, monks, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life. Which four?
Here, the monks, there are inner classes only witnesses, no evidence was increasing legal rooftop bar Property. Here, the monks, have been increasing upper class intellectual witnesses customary law, no inner evidence only. Here, the monks, there is no evidence of person interior only, not legal evidence Property rise rooftop bar. Here, the monks, there are inner classes only witnesses, evidence is increasing legal rooftop bar Property.
2. There, the monks, who rank this inner evidence only ... § (See § 93, 2). After going to the upper class intellectual witnesses increased legal consistency, this person should say: "O Sage, the operator needs to see how, the need to know how to act, the act need to contemplate how ? "he answers to this position:" as has been found, as has been said, so, the sage, the issue needs to be seen; as such, the act must be known; so, the operator must contemplate ". This position after a while, only inner witness, evidence is increasing legal rooftop bar Property.
3. There, the monks, this category was awarded Industrial evidence consistent approach, no inner evidence only. This person after going to the inner classes are only witnesses to this, needless to say as follows: "Dear Sage, attention needs to establish how safe? Mind How should reside. Tam Nhut need to mind how? Need to calm the mind how? "He answers to this position:" As has been found, as has been said, so, Mr. Sage, the mind should an establishment; so, the mind must dwell; so, attention should Nhut mind; as such, need to calm the mind, "He follows a time, skill certification awarded French restaurant, inner witness only.
4. There, the monks, such people are introspective evidence only, not legal evidence Property rose rooftop bar. This person, this, monks, after going to the inner class only witnesses, evidence skill is increased legal rooftop bar, this person should say: "O sage, the mind needs to establish how safe? Mind How should reside? Tam Nhut need to mind how? Need to calm the mind how? The operator needs to see how? The operator needs to know how? The need to contemplate how act? "He answers to this position:" As has been found, as has been said, so, the sage, the mind should an establishment; so, the mind should dwell. Thus, attention should Nhut mind; as such, need to calm the mind; so, the operator needs to see; so, the operator needs to know; so, the operator must contemplate ". He, after a period of inner evidence only, evidence is increasing legal rooftop bar Property.
5. There, the monks, who rank this inner evidence only, evidence is increasing legal rooftop bar Property. This taste, this, monks, after dwelling in good behavior, need to practice to focus on the destruction of the cankers.
This, monks, four classes of people present, exist in life.
 § (V) (95) QUE FIRE
1 - Hey, monks, there are four classes of people present, exist in life. Which four?
Not toward his interests, interests; aims to benefit people, not their interests; Navigate to your interests, not interests; Navigate to your interests and the interests of people.
2. Just as, monks, a fire sticks taken from the cremation fire, burning both ends are red, in between being spread with fertilizer, no effect is the fuel of fire in the village, or in the woods. This, monks, I declare that this person was like for example, which is not intended to benefit its people and interests.
3. Here, the monks, this category was not beneficial towards their interests. This person compared to the other two classes, more subtle, more wins. Here, the monks, this class aims to benefit its people, not interests. This category was compared with the other two classes, more subtle, more wins. Here, the monks, who rank their interests and seeks to benefit people, this category was compared with four classes of people on, is the ultimate, supreme, foremost, supreme and won the pole.
4. Just as, monks, from cow milk, dairy peanuts, peanut bowl is birth, from birth has mastered bowl bowl, the bowl has mastered the lake and this problem is called supreme. Also, the monks, who rank their interests and seeks to benefit people, this category was compared with four classes of people on the supreme, supreme, foremost, supreme and won the pole.
Four classes of people, the monks, present, present at birth.
 § (VI) (96) YOUR BENEFITS (1)
1 - Hey, monks, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life. Which four?
Of people towards their interests, not interests; towards interests of people, not their interests; benefit category was not directed at her, not towards interests; people toward their class interests and interests.
2. And this, monks, are the interests of people towards her, people do not benefit?
Here, the monks, who ranked participate towards convince yourself, not encouraging, convince others to join, aims to convince yourself ... golf si convince yourself, do not encourage people other convince si. So, this, monks, is the benefit of people towards him, not interests.
3. And this, monks, is at the user how to benefit people, not their interests?
Here, the monks, ranked convince people not to participate direction for themselves, encouraging participation to convince people, not toward the field to convince yourself ... are not intended to convince the self-delusion his encouragement to convince si. So, this, monks, is the benefit of people toward people, not their interests.
4. And this, monks, are the interests of people not towards you, not towards interests?
Here, the monks, ranked convince people not to participate direction for himself, but does not encourage others to convince to participate, do not convince yourself to pitch, do not encourage others to convince courts ... si not convince yourself to not encourage others to convince si. So, this, monks, is the benefit of people not towards himself, not toward interests.
5. And this, monks, are the interests of people towards themselves and interests?
Here, the monks, who ranked directed to take to convince yourself, and encourage others to participate convince, convince oriented game for yourself ... to navigate to convince themselves and si encourage others to convince si. So, this, monks, is at the direction of their own interests and for the people.
This, monks, four classes of people present, exist in life.
 § (VII) (97) YOUR INTERESTS (2)
1. (As of § 96, first paragraph)
2 - And this, monks, are the interests of people towards her, people do not benefit?
Here, the monks, who ranked, prompting the comment during good behavior, life over the law have been heard, thought the meaning of life over the law was, after understanding that, to understand the legal, real executive, Dhamma; but not a good speech, cleverly said, using elegant words, correct pronunciation, clear, makes sense to be transparent; not the preaching, encouraging, making excited, make happy the happy co discounts. So, this, monks, is the benefit of people towards her, no interests.
3. And this, monks, is at the user how to benefit people, not their favor?
Here, the monks, who are not ranked overactive comment in good behavior, not life over the law have been heard, do not reflect the meaning of the law was life over, not after understanding that, understand the law, depending on the legal practice; are people of good language, clever saying, using elegant words, correct pronunciation clear, makes sense to be transparent; was preaching, encouraging, making excited, make happy the happy co discounts. Thus, the monks, was the sort of person who aims to benefit, no benefit themselves.
4. And this, monks, what kind of person, not toward their interests and interests?
Here, the monks, there is no prompting of people commented during good behavior ... not after understanding the meaning, understanding legal, legal practice, Dhamma; not a good language, clever saying ... make happy all of dignity. Thus the monks, is the benefit of people not towards himself and interests.
5. And this, monks, are the interests of people towards themselves and interests?
Here, the monks, who ranked overactive comment in after good behavior ... understand that, understand the legal, legal practice, Dhamma. As people of good language, clever saying ... make happy all of dignity. So, this, monks, is the benefit of people towards her and interests.
This, monks, there are four classes of people present, exist in life.
 - Hey, monks, there are four classes of people present, exist in life. Which four?
Navigate to your interests, not interests; aims to benefit people, not their interests; not towards their interests, interests; Navigate to your interests, interests.
This, monks, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life.
1 - Hey, monks, there are four classes of people present, exist in life. Which four?
Navigate to your interests, not interests; aims to benefit people, not their interests; not towards their interests, interests; Navigate to your interests, interests.
2. And this, monks, are the interests of people towards her, people do not benefit?
Here, the monks, who ranked themselves renounce killing, does not encourage people to give up killing; taken by themselves do not give up, do not encourage others to give up taking what is not; rid ourselves of sexual misconduct in not encouraging people to give up sexual misconduct in; ... immerse yourself abandon drunken men, cooking wine; but does not encourage others to abandon captivated yeast, cooking wine. So, this, monks, is the benefit of people towards him, not interests.
3. And this, monks, is at the user how to benefit people, not their interests?
Here, the monks, who classes themselves have not quit killing, encouraging people to give up killing; myself not to give up taking what is not given; ... myself not to give up in the sexual misconduct; ... myself not to give up lying ... immerse yourself not to give up drunken men, cooking wine; encouraging people to give passionate yeast, cooking wine. So, this, monks, is the benefit of people toward people, not their interests.
4. And this, monks, what kind of person is not directed at his advantage, benefit people?
Here, the monks, who classes themselves have not given up killing, not encouraging people to give up killing; myself not to give up taking what is not given; ... myself not to give up in the sexual misconduct; ... myself not to give up lying ... immerse yourself not to give up drunken men, cooking wine; does not encourage others to abandon captivated yeast, cooking wine. So, this, monks, is the benefit of people not towards himself, taking advantage of people.
5. And this, monks, are the interests of people towards her, taking advantage of people?
Here, the monks, who ranked themselves renounce killing, encouraging people to give up killing; taken by itself does not give up; ... self abandon in sexual misconduct; ... self-renunciation lie; ... immerse yourself abandon drunken men, cooking wine; encouraging people to give passionate yeast, cooking wine. So, this, monks, is the benefit of people towards her and interests.
This, monks, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life.
 § (X) (100) POTALIYA
1. Then the wandering ascetic Potaliya go to Bhagavan, after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Du Potaliya officers sat in:
2. - Hey Potaliya, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life. Which four?
Here, this Potaliya, who say there is no class of praise for people who do not deserve praise, correct facts, true, right time; without a word of praise for the class who deserve praise, correct facts, the truth, the right time. Here, this Potaliya, ranked people speak praises of people worthy of praise, correct facts, true, right time; do not say no praise for people who do not deserve Rating praise, correct facts, the truth, the right time. Here, the monks, who did not speak ranked no praise for the class who do not deserve praise, correct facts, true, right time; without a word of praise for the class who deserve praise, correct facts, the truth, the right time. Here, this Potaliya, who say there is no class of praise for the class who are not worthy of praise, correct facts, true, right time; and a word of praise for the class who deserve praise, correct facts, the truth, the right time.
3. Potaliya Hey, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life. This Potaliya, in four classes of person who does he accept that more subtle, more wins?
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, there are four classes of people are present, exist in life. Which four?
Here, sir Venerable Gotama, who say there is no class of praise for the class who do not deserve praise ... not a word of praise for the people who deserve to be praised, correct facts, the truth, time. Here, sir Venerable Gotama, ranked speaker praises for the Class who deserve praise ... do not say no praise for the class who do not deserve praise, correct facts, the truth, time. Here, sir Venerable Gotama, there is not a word-class people do not praise for the class who do not deserve praise ... not a word of praise for the class who are praised, the right facts, true, time.
Here, sir Venerable Gotama, who say there is no class of praise for the class who do not deserve praise, correct facts, true, right time; word of praise for the class who deserve praise, correct facts, the truth, the right time. Dear Venerable Gotama, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life. In the four classes of people, said Venerable Gotama, such people say no praise for the class who did not deserve praise, correct facts, true, right time; without a word of praise for the class who deserve praise, correct facts, the truth, the right time, this category was for me to accept is worth more subtle, more wins in the four classes of people around. Wherefore? Dear Venerable Gotama, it is wonderful news that this discharge.
4. - Hey Potaliya, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life. Which four? .. Hey Potaliya, there are four categories of people in the life of this .... This Potaliya, in four classes of people, this Potaliya, this sort of person, not a word of praise for the class who do not deserve praise, correct facts, true, right time; word of praise for the class who deserve praise, correct facts, the truth, the right time, this category was more subtle, more wins, for four people in the class. Wherefore? Potaliya this, it is wonderful, that is, here, here clearly knows the right time.
5. - Dear Venerable Gotama, there are four categories of people ... being in life. Which four? .. Dear Venerable Gotama, there are four categories of people are present, exist in life. In the four classes of people, said Venerable Gotama, who say no classes for Grade praise praise ... he was not worthy of praise to say of people deserve praise, correct facts, the truth, time; this sort of person, I accept that more subtle, more than four class wins people over. Wherefore? Dear Venerable Gotama, it is wonderful that is, here, here clearly knows the right time. It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! It's rather bizarre, sir venerable Gotama! Dear Venerable Gotama, as the steep back what was overturned ... let people with sharp eyes can see. Likewise, the law was declared Venerable Gotama theory with practice. This child Venerable Gotama for refuge ... from now until forever, I'm prescribed threshold.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.13/5/2016.MHDT.

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