Wednesday 11 May 2016

1. Thus have I heard:
One time, the Exalted in Savatthi, at Thang Lam, Anathapindika his garden. There, Bhagavan called the monks: - Hey monks. - Buddha, monks Exalted he replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
 - There are two types of offenses, the monks. how is two? Crimes within the current results, and the crime that results in the next life. And this, monks, how is crime even in the current results? Here, the monks, some people see who kings caught stealing, an outcast, immediately apply multiple penalties difference. They flagellation, they beat with sticks, they hit with alcohol, their hands, their feet tightly, they cut the limbs, ears their luck, they cut the nose and ears cut off their nose luck. They use oil cauldron penalties, they used the first senior figure penalty § (Xeo a scalloped top), they use punishment La-most border ... fire the display picture (taken into wreaths fire) ... burning hands ... Administrative Region Figure (taken back and tighten braided straw) ... y shaped packaging (bark taken as shirt) ... antelope picture (mountain goat penalty) ... the punishment (grab hook into the flesh) ... sum of (cut meat into coins) ... pieced blocks shaped ... high bike transformation ... radio ... they irrigated with boiling oil, they feed the dog, they pile people live, their beheading sword.
Who saw it thought as follows: "Due to personnel of such evil, kings caught thieves, scoundrels type, apply multiple penalties difference. They flagellation ... the sword beheaded them. If we do such evil king would arrest me and apply such penalties. " He scared even in the current crime, no looting the property of others. This, monks, is called crime within the current results.
And this, monks, how is the crime that results in the next life? Here, some people speculated as follows: "It's independent horror from evil in the next life itself is evil and suffering. Casual mature fruit of his mouth is evil in the next life evil and suffering. Casual mature fruit of evil thoughts and evil in the next life is suffering. If relatives do evil, speak evil, evil thought, why can we not, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell ". He frightened the crime that results in the next life, abandon yourself to do evil, practice good body work, giving up evil mouth, mouth to say good practice, abandon evil thoughts, cultivate good thoughts, and residents treatment completely pure ego. This, monks, is called sin that results in the next life.
This, monks, on these two types of crime. Thus, the monks, should be learning as follows: "We have to fear for the offense with the current results. We must fear for the offense that results in the next life. We have to stay away from crime. We must see clearly the dangers of crime ". Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning. For anyone to stay away from crime, this, monks, for who can see the danger of the crime, the time that he was waiting to be liberated all crimes.
2. There are two crystals are difficult to perform in life. how is two? The elegance of the Homeowners need at home for the purpose of giving items such as medical, food begging, the couch, the pharmaceutical treatment, and the sophistication of the home people need to leave home, live not families, with the aim being to give up all care. Two need this expertise, the monks are very difficult to implement in life.
In this two essential need, this, monks, is the supreme purpose ardent abandon all care delivery. Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning as follows: "I will try to fine-need to abandon all care delivery." Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
3. There are two methods to this, this, monks, making simmering. how is two? Here, the monks, have relatives who do evil, do not do good themselves, saying evil words, his mouth did not say good, bad idea, do not think good reviews. He was burning with the thought: "My evil I have done." He was burning with the thought: "My body did not improve." He was burning with the thought: "I have to say evil mouth". He was burning with the thought: "Mouth did not say good." He was burning with the thought: "The evil that thinking." He was burning with the thought: "Did not think it was good." This approach has two, this, monks, making simmering.
4. There are two methods to this, this, monks, does not make simmering. how is two? Here, there are good ones do, the body does not do evil, good mouth, mouth to say no evil, good thoughts, do not think bad reviews. He is not burning with the thought: "I have done good body", is not burning with the thought: "The body does not do evil", not burning with the thought: "I have spoken friendly Mouth" not burning with the thought: "I do not speak evil Mouth", is not burning with the thought: "I think good Italian", is not burning with the thought: "Did we not think evil". This approach has two, this, monks, does not make simmering.
5. There are two methods to this, this, monks, I learned, learned. how is two? Do not know enough to improve the legal and no retrogression for ardent. There is no retrogression, the monks, I tried the following: "We are ready oil only skin, tendon and bone, flesh and blood on the body oil is dried up, hoping that there will be diligent, persevering to attain what not attained, thanks to the power of the people, by the people diligently, because people need closure. I by no distractions, attained Enlightenment. Thanks to no distraction, Supreme peace attained from suffering ". And the monks, if the teacher has no retrogression, tried as follows: "I am ready, though only skin, tendon and bone, flesh and blood on the body oil is dried up, hoping that there will be diligent perseverance to attain what is not attained, thanks to the power of the people, by the people diligently, because people need closure, "the time soon, the monks, the Master will achieve the purpose for which the Good men ordained death right feet, abandoned the family, not family life: it is the supreme finality of dignity, even in the present, where the teacher with the win, their self realization, attainment and residing. Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning as follows: "There is no retrogression, we try, we are ready oil only skin, tendon and bone, flesh and blood on the body oil and dry wilt, hoping that there will be diligently persevered to attain what is not attained, thanks to human power, thanks to human effort, thanks to human activity ". Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
6. There are two methods to this, the monks. how is two? Seeing the sweetness of the law can arise fetters. And bored in the law may arise fetters. Who lives in the law saw the sweetness may arise fetters, the monks, taking no annihilation, not courts to make an end, si no annihilation. Therefore take no annihilation, golf does not make an end, si not make an end, should not freed from birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. It is said that he is not freed from suffering. Who lives in the legal bored may arise fetters, the monks, involved annihilation is, golf is annihilation, ignorance is total annihilation. Because participation is annihilation, hatred is total annihilation, ignorance is total annihilation, should be freed from birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. It is said that he liberated from suffering. These phenomena, the monks, the two measures.
7. Two This, this, monks, is a black law. how is two? Not the knife and no quarter. This legal entities, the monks, the two black law.
8. Two This, this, monks, is white law. how is two? Tam and wealth. This legal entities, the monks, the two white approach.
9. Two white approach to this, this, monks, sheltered world. how is two? Tam and wealth. If two white law does not protect the world, this time can not be a mother, or a brother, sister, mother, or wife, this is the mother's brother, and this is the teacher's wife or wives here head of the religious position. And the world will come to chaos as among the goats, chickens ducks, pigs, dogs, apes can. Because of that, this, monks, have two white protective measures for the world, so this can only be a mother, sister or mother is, or this is his wife or mother's brother, or here is the wife of me, or this is the wife of the chief religious position.
10. There are two rainy season retreat period, the monks. how is two? Money and post-retreat retreat. These phenomena, this, monks, is two times the rainy season retreat.
§ 1-10. - THE STRENGTH
1. There are two forces, the monks. how is two? Power monitoring and power investment practice. And this, monks, is how close the power status? Here, the monks, who committed suicide with the following: "With the body as evil, horror mature fruit is evil, right now and in the next life. With his mouth the evil, horror mature fruit is evil, even in the present and in the next life. With the thought of evil, horror mature fruit is evil, even in the present and in the next life. " He, watching such investments, to abandon themselves to do evil, practice good body work, giving up evil mouth, mouth to say good practice, abandon evil thoughts, cultivate good thoughts, pure true self treatment . This, monks, is called private police force.
And how, this, monks, is the power of practice? Here, the monks, ie the power to practice the power of the Friends School. Due to the strength of practice, he abandoned, abandoned the field to abandon delusion. Once abandoned, abandoned yard, abandoned delusion, he does not do these things immoral, does not serve the evil. This, monks, is called the power of practice. These phenomena, the monks, the two powers.
2. Hey, monks, these two powers. how is two? Power monitoring and power investment practice. And this, monks, is how close the power status? ... (As above) ... This, monks, is called private police force.
And this, monks, how practice is the power? Here, the monks, monks practicing mindfulness enlightenment factor, related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Trach legal practice ... practice enlightenment enlightenment Diligent ... enlightenment ... Hy practice of calm enlightenment practice ... practice ... practice enlightenment The enlightenment Drain, related to renunciation, related to glass taking, related to cessation, towards abandon. This, monks, is called the power of practice. This legal entities, the monks, the two powers.
3. Hey, monks, there are two power ... (as number 1 above) ... and this, monks, how practice is the power? Here, the monks, the monks sexual ly, ly immoral law, and dwell attained Zen application, a state of blissful isolation by birth sex, there can reach the quarterfinals. Net Games and only make the quarterfinals, and dwell attained Meditation Monday, moxt so blissful state of being, not reach, no quad, single-mindedly internal static. Ly Hy, discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, it abides Tuesday Meditation. Optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill joy superiority was feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. This, monks, is called the power of practice. This legal entities, the monks, the two powers.
4. There are two ways this sermon of the Tathagata, the monks. how is two? Theory theory and wide comb. Two This, this, monks, are the two ways the sermon of the Tathagata.
5. In any other legal avoid, this, monks, monks and monks offense charged, without himself taking his well-observed, while avoiding litigation is anticipated that will lead to lasting , fierce, fierce, and the monks would live no peace. And in any public dispute, monks and monks crime charged, has himself taken his well-observed, while avoiding litigation was, this, monks, is expected to be not taken to extend , fierce, fierce, and the monks would live at peace.
And this, monks, is how crime monks and monks accused, himself skillfully observe myself? Here, the monks, monks guilty following observation: "I committed a crime in itself evil. Monks was found guilty of immoral us about yourself. If we are not guilty of physical evil, monks would not find me guilty of immoral in itself. Because we have sinned physical evil, therefore, sees monks have physical evil crime. Monks would not be happy. Since no joy, monks told me words do not rejoice. Because he had been monks say not happy, I am not happy. Because we are not happy, I say to the other person said. Thus, here we conquer such crimes cases who pay their sales tax. " Thus, the monks, monks offenders themselves cleverly observe ourselves.
And how, this, monks, monks accused himself skillfully observe myself? Here, the monks, monks accused of observing as follows:
"Monks have committed crimes in themselves evil. We have seen that monks committed crimes in themselves evil. If the monks do not immoral in itself criminal, we did not see the monks this immoral crime in itself. Because monks are guilty of immoral in itself, so we have seen the monks this immoral crime in itself. And after seeing this, monks immoral sin of itself, was not happy. Because we are not happy, I say this to know, monks are not happy words. Monks were not happy to say we should not rejoice. Because not happy, he said to the others. So here we conquer crimes, as in the case of people paying their duties ". Thus, the monks accused himself skillfully observe ourselves.
In any avoid any litigation, the monks, monks and monks offense charged, not himself observe themselves cleverly, while avoiding litigation is anticipated that will lead to prolonged, intense , fierce, and the monks will live no peace. And in any public dispute, the monks, monks and monks crime charged, has himself taken his well-observed, while avoiding litigation was, this, monks, is waiting that will not lead to prolonged, intense, fierce, and the monks would live at peace.
6. Then a Brahmin went to Bhagavan; after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his Brahmin venerable sir:
 - What's Due, said Venerable Gotama, conditioned by anything, here some beings, body damage after public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell?
 - Do people operating illegal act and inequality, this Brahmin, so here, some of them born after the body damage the public network, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell !
 - What's Due, said Venerable Gotama, conditioned by anything, here some beings, body damage after public network, born in the realm of good, heaven, this life?
 - Do private equity practice and practice, this Brahmin, so here, some of them born after the body damage the public network, was born in the realm of good, heaven, this world.
 - It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! As people stood up to what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions to those who go astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Also, measures are venerable Gotama presented using various means explained. This child Venerable Gotama for refuge, refuge France, refuge them monks Increase! Mong Ton Gotama adoption as his disciple, from now to the public network, the lifetime devotion!
7. Then Brahmin Janussoni go to Bhagavan, after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side. Sat to one side, Brahmin Janussoni venerable sir:
 - What's Due, said Venerable Gotama, conditioned by anything, here some beings, body damage after public network, born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell?
 - Because there is to do, the Brahmin, because not to do so. So, here some beings, body damage after public network, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell!
 - What's Due, said Venerable Gotama, conditioned by anything, here some body damage after being public network, Compassion arise realms, heaven, this life?
 - Because there is to do, the Brahmin, so as not to, so that, here some beings, body damage after public network, born to the realm of charity, heaven, this world.
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, do not preach a brief speech of the venerable Gotama wide, meaning you are not widespread. You instead, if Venerable Gotama preach to me so that I can understand the meaning extensively not briefly preached words of the Venerable Gotama wide.
 - So this Brahmin, listen and smart volition, I would say.
Brahmin replied yes Janussoni Exalted:
 - Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Bhagavan said as follows:
 - Here, this Brahmin, whose relatives do evil, do not do body good, evil mouth, the mouth does not say good, bad idea, do not think good reviews. Thus, the Brahmin, by doing and by not doing so, here, some after being corrupt public network itself, is born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell. Back here, the Brahmin, there is some good being done relatives, relatives do not do evil, good mouth, mouth to say no evil, good thoughts, do not think bad reviews. Thus, the Brahmin, by doing and by not doing so, here, some of them born after the body damage the public network, was born in the realm of good, heaven, this world.
 - It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama ... from now until the public network, the lifetime devotion!
8. Then venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda was sitting down on one side:
 - I declare emphatically that this Ananda, relatives wrongdoing, saying evil, evil thoughts is what not to do.
 - Whereas, venerable sir, the Blessed One has stated emphatically that, dear wrongdoing, saying evil, evil thoughts is what not to do. If doing what he should not do, the harm has been waiting for?
 - Because that is Ananda, I have declared unequivocally that body as evil, saying evil, evil thoughts is what not to do. If you do these things not to do that, the following risk factors have been waiting for: his reproach yourself; after learning, who place blame, evil voice remote station, referring to the public network intoxicated; General network damage after the body, being born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. So, this Ananda, I have declared unequivocally that, as evil itself, saying evil, evil thoughts is what not to do. If doing what he should not do, when there are hazardous so be waiting.
 - I declare emphatically that this Ananda, do good body, good mouth, the idea is good thing to do.
 - Whereas, venerable sir, the Blessed One has stated emphatically that the relatives do good, good mouth, the idea is good thing to do. If doing what he should do, what are the benefits of being waiting for?
 - Whereas this Ananda, I have declared unequivocally that body to do good, good mouth, the idea is good thing to do. If doing what he should do, the following benefits have been waiting for: Themselves not blame her; after it is said that wise man praised, Stories hours without being possessed the passion shared destiny; General network damage after the body, be born in the realm of good, heaven, this world. So, this Ananda, I have declared unequivocally that body to do good, good mouth, good idea what to do. If doing what he should do, when there are such benefits are waiting.
9. Hey Monks, abandon unskillful. This, monks, abandoning unwholesome can do. If the waiver can not do evil, the time did not say: "Hey, monks, abandon evil". Whereas the monks, abandoning unwholesome can do, so I said to them: "Hey, monks, abandon evil". And if, this, monks, abandoning unwholesome lead to unhappiness, misery, when I did not say: "Hey, monks, abandon evil". And this, monks, because to abandon unwholesome to human happiness, peace, so I said the following: "Hey, monks, abandon evil".
This, monks, be good practice. This, monks, good practice can do. If good practice can not be done, this, monks, when I did not say: "Hey, monks, be good practice." Because of that, this, monks, good practice can do it, so I said to them: "Hey, monks, be good practice." And if, this, monks, leading to good practice unhappiness, suffering, the time I did not say: "Hey, monks, be good practice." And because of that, this, monks, good practice lead to happiness, peace, so I said the following: "Hey, monks, be good practice."
10. Two This, this, monks, leading to chaos (confusion) and the disappearance of the true Dhamma. how is two? Van owl is reversed, and the meaning was misunderstood. If documents are reversed owl misunderstood the meaning. These phenomena, the monks, the two methods lead to chaos and disappearance of the true Dhamma.
11. Two This, this, monks, sent to dwell, no unrest, no disappearance of the true Dhamma. how is two? Van went right feet coordination and meaning is understood right feet. If the document was coordinated strike right feet, the meaning is understood right feet. These phenomena, the monks, the two measures taken to dwell, not chaos, not the disappearance of the true Dhamma.
§ 1-10
1 - Hey, monks, there are two types of this fool. how is two? Persons found guilty, but not guilty, and others who do not accept as legal reveal his guilt. This, monks, there are two types of this fool.
This, monks, two are wise people. how is two? Persons found guilty of the crime, and others who accept as legal reveal his guilt. This, monks, there are two kinds of people with this position.
2. Hey, monks, has two classes of people misrepresent the Tathagata. how is two? Wicked people with heart full of anger, and with the wrong faith. This, monks, there are two classes of people misrepresent the Tathagata.
3. Hey, monks, has two classes of people misrepresent the Tathagata. how is two? Who stated Tathagata has said, there is no theory is Tathagata said, not theory, and who stated Tathagata does not speak, do not speak as Hybrid Theory, the theory. This, monks, there are two classes of people misrepresent the Tathagata.
4. Hey, monks, there are two such people misrepresent Tathagata. how is two? Who stated Tathagata has said, the theory is the Tathagata has said, there are theories, and who stated Tathagata does not say, no theory is Tathagata does not speak, not theory. There are two classes of people, the monks, do not misrepresent the Tathagata.
5. The two-class people, the monks, misrepresent the Tathagata. how is two? Business people need to specify the economic means have been interpreted, and who clearly stated business was interpreted as the economic need to explain. Two classes of people, the monks, misrepresent the Tathagata.
6. The two-class people, the monks, do not misrepresent the Tathagata. how is two? Business people need to specify the economic means should be interpreted, and business people have been stating the economic means have been interpreted. Two classes of people, the monks, do not misrepresent the Tathagata.
7. For the act to cover up, the monks, one of two interesting awaited birth: hell or animalzxy. With no action to cover up, the monks, one of two long-awaited birth interesting: The Devas or species.
8. With the wrong person, the monks, one of two fun-awaited birth: hell or animalzxy species.
For people with the right view, the monks, one of the two living animals are waiting: The Devas or species.
Followers evil world, the monks, there are two acceptable: hell or animalzxy species. Friendly world full of people, the monks, there are two acceptable; The gods and men.
9. Due to the consistency that the two benefits, the monks, I went to the backwoods home, the abode far away. how is two? Find themselves currently residing optimism, and compassion to all beings on the following idea. Do shop see two benefits, the monks, so I went to the backwoods home, the abode far away.
10. There are two methods to this, this, monks, belonging to the invention. how is two? Just and consistent. Only by practice, this, monks, waiting benefit? Tam was practicing. Practiced mind, waiting for what benefits? Taking what belongs to be annihilation. Quan is practiced, the monks, waiting benefit? Wisdom is practice. Wisdom is practice, waiting for what benefits? Something of ignorance is total annihilation. Being involved as defiled, the monks, the mind can not be freed. Or ignorance do defiled, Tue not practice. Therefore, by dispassion, is the freedom of mind. Due to ignorance paragraph, is liberating insight.
§ 1-11. LAND
1 - Hey, monks, I will preach to me about the status of Career's not Chan Chan's rank and status. Listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
 - Hey, monks, how status is not Chan's Career? Chan who's not, this, monks, no gratitude, no gratitude. For those who are evil, this is their characteristics are known, the monks, that is not grateful, not grateful. It absolutely is not Chan's position who, this, monks, that is not grateful, not grateful. Chan's level also, this, monks, is grateful, is grateful. For good people, this is their characteristics are known, the monks, which is grateful, grateful. This is purely Career Chan's position, this, monks, that is grateful, grateful.
2. There are two classes of people, the monks, I say can not repay it. how is two? Mother and Father. If a mother carrying shoulder, the monks, one shoulder carrying his father, to do so throughout the centuries until 100 years old; if massage, lather anointed, bathing, rub shampoo, and oil in it, his parents have scattered defecation urination, so, this, monks, is not doing enough or pay enough thanks mom and dad. Moreover, the monks, where parents place on national security with the highest level of power, big on earth with the seven treasures, so, this, monks, is not doing enough or repay enough mom and dad. Wherefore? Because of that, this, monks, parents have to do more for children, nurturing, nurturing them grow and introduce them to the world. But the monks, who for my parents who did not believe, encourage, guide and he abides in confidence; for evil world according to his parents, encourage, guide, to dwell on the good will of he world; for mother father avarice, encouragement, guidance, and he abides in alms; for evil mother under intellectual father, encouragement, guidance, and he abides in wisdom. Until such, this, monks, is doing enough and pay enough thanks mom and dad.
3. Then a Brahmin went to Bhagavan; after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire ... sat to one side. Brahmin told The Sun:
 - Venerable Gotama had said nothing, did nothing theory?
 - Hey Brahmin, Ta Ta theory of action and inaction theory.
 - How, Venerable Gotama theory of action and inaction theory?
 - I do not act theory, this Brahmin, for themselves as evil, bad mouth, meaning evil. I do not act theory for many kinds that evil, evil. We act theory, this Brahmin, for the body to do good, good mouth, good thoughts. We act theory for many types of meditation. Thus, the Brahmin, I lecture on the theory of action and inaction.
 - It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama ... From now until the public network, the Lifetime specified thresholds apply.
4. Then Homeowners Anathapindika went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Homeowners Anathapindika lord:
 - How many people, venerable sir, ought to have been offered in life? And nowhere have to donations.
 - There are two classes of people, the Homeowners, ought to have been offered in life: Friends Forever school and learning. For two classes of men should be offered in life, the Homeowners, here need to donations.
Such theories Exalted, says such Auspicious finished gurus say more;
Countless school and school property,
Both in life,
Are worthy of offerings,
For the offertory,
They keep the body upright,
Both words, thoughts,
People offering complete blessing,
These candidates have big results.
5. So I hear.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi, Thang Lam, he Anathapindika garden. At that time, Venerable Sariputta at Savatthi residence, at East Park, home of the mother Migara castle. There, venerable Sariputta, monks call:
 - Reverences monks!
 - Ladies and Sage.
The monks replied that yes venerable Sariputta, Venerable Sariputta said as follows:
 - Reverences, I will preach about people being internally fetters that bind and peripheral fetters that bind. Listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks replied that yes venerable Sariputta, Venerable Sariputta said as follows:
 - Reverences, how are people being internally fetters that bind? Here, the reverences, monks have virtue, living with the holder of the monastic rule upholding Patimokkha, full majesty right action, see fear in the slightest fault, accepting and learning in the school great. He, after the body damage the public network, was born in one of the Empyrean. After the public network from that place, he made people go back, come back in this world. This taste, this reverences, called the fetters that bind interior, the back, come back to this state.
How, this reverences, who was foreign fetters that bind? Here, the reverences, monks have virtue, living with the holder of the monastic rule holder, full majesty right action, see fear in the slightest fault, accepting and learning in the school world . He, Chairman and dwell attained liberation meditation. After the body damage the public network, he born into a kind of gods. After the public network from that place, he no longer went back, and no longer return to this state again. This taste, this reverences, is called peripheral fetters bound, no callbacks, no longer come back to this state again.
Again, the monks, monks have virtue ... and learning in the school world. He performed disenchantment, dispassion, cessation of desire. He performed disenchantment, dispassion, cessation of existence. He carried out the destruction of craving. He carried out the destruction involved. He, after the body damage the public network, was born in one of the Empyrean. After the public network from that place, he no longer went back, and no longer return to this state again. This taste, this reverences, is called peripheral fetters bound, no callbacks, no longer come back to this state again.
Then a large number of gods to go to the center promoted by Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, gods that venerable sir:
 - Venerable Sariputta, the venerable sir, in East Park, castle in Migara mother, who was preaching the fetters that bind internal and external fetters were tied. The congregation is very happy, venerable sir. Instead! Venerable sir, if the Blessed One because kindness go to venerable Sariputta introspection.
Bhagavan quietly accepted. Then Bhagavan, like arms outstretched athlete is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched hands, too, disappeared in Thang Lin, appeared in East Park, Migara mother at the castle, in front of Venerable Sariputta. Bhagavan sat down on the seat was drafted. Then venerable Sariputta bowed, sat to one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Sariputta was sitting down on one side:
 - Here, this Sariputta, a large number of gods, to balance mind, go to Me; after arriving, I bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, he said to my gods: "This venerable Sariputta, venerable sir, in East Park, at the castle of Migara mother, who was interior theory fetters that bind and people with foreign fetters that bind to monks. The congregation is very happy, venerable sir. Instead! Venerable sir, if the Blessed One because kindness go to venerable Sariputta introspection ". This Sariputta, gods that although the numbers to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, but the first stand in the gap a needle not jostle each other. This Sariputta, I can think like this: "Certainly, in the other place (in Heaven) has been practicing, so, gods that, although the numbers to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, but standing together in a space just started a needle, no jostle each other ". Sariputta this, so I do not see. It was here, this Sariputta, gods he is practicing heart, so that the gods ... but the numbers do not jostle each other to. Therefore, this Sariputta, should be learning as follows: "We will have the base of calmness, serenity standard". This Sariputta, need to learn the same. For those who can calm the senses, this Sariputta, with the calm one standard, the industry body will also be calm, be calm verbal, attention is now calm. "We will be donated to the dignity, the same calm a gift." Thus, this Sariputta, the teacher should be learning. The Du pagan artist yet, this Sariputta, this method is not heard, they will be damaged.
6. Thus have I heard.
A time Venerable Maha Kaccana in Varana, on the waterfront Kaddamada. Then the Brahmin went to Venerable Maha Aramadanda Kaccana, after arrival, speak with Venerable Maha Kaccana words of welcome to inquire; after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Brahmin said to the Venerable Maha Aramadanda Kaccana;
 - What's Due, Kaccana venerable sir, what conditioned and Sat-imperial-town who disputed with Sat-imperial-town people, the people Brahmin who disputes with the Brahmin, Homeowners who dispute these with the people Homeowners?
 - Due to the natural human acceptance, bound, being passionate, being invaded, wrecked before by the lust, the Brahmin, so the nobles dispute with nobles, the Brahmin disputes with the Brahmin, the homeowners homeowners dispute with.
 - What's Due, Kaccana venerable sir, what conditioned, the recluses dispute with recluses?
 - Do people accept bound disasters, being passionate, being invaded, wrecked before by the participation is, the Brahmin, so the recluses dispute with recluses.
 - But, venerable Kaccana, guys can overcome natural lifetime mortgage, bound, being passionate, being invaded, wrecked before by this lust, can overcome disasters accept, bound , being passionate, being invaded, wrecked before by this is involved?
 - There are people in life, this Brahmin, can overcome disasters accept, bind, passionate, invaded, wrecked before by this lust, can overcome disasters accept, bind, passionate, invaded, wrecked before it is involved.
He is the one, this the Brahmin, can overcome this disaster accept ... is taking?
In the Eastern states, the Brahmin, there is a town called Savatthi, at that, currently residing Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Exalted status was, this Brahmin, has overcome this disaster accept ... is taking.
When they heard that, Brahmin Aramadanda from the seat up, covering upper robe on one shoulder, knees kneeling on the ground right hand, palms facing the Exalted, and speaks three words of inspiration as follows:
 - Homage to the Blessed One was, steps Arhat, Enlightenment! Homage to the Blessed One was, steps Arhat, Enlightenment! Homage to the Blessed One was, steps Arhat, Enlightenment! Exalted status he has overcome this disaster accept ... is taking.
It's rather wonderful, venerable sir Kaccana! It's rather wonderful, venerable sir Kaccana! As people stood up to what was thrown down, sir venerable Kaccana, expose what was concealed, directions for those who are going astray, or bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors . Likewise, Venerable Dharma was Kaccana used many means to explain. Kaccana Venerable Sir, this child Venerable Gotama for refuge, refuge in France, refuge them monks Increase. Mong Ton author Kaccana adoption as laymen, from now to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
7. One time, the Venerable Maha Kaccana residing in Madhura, in Gundha forest. Then the Brahmin went to Venerable Maha Kandarayana Kaccana; after arriving, said to the Venerable Maha Kaccana ... sat to one side. After sat to one side, Brahmin said to the Venerable Maha Kandarayana Kaccana:
 - I have heard the following, venerable sir Kaccana: "Salmone Kaccana do not worship, did not stand up, do not get invited to sit the bench Brahmin Career elderly, elders, the elders went too half-life, has reached the end of the age ". Kaccana Venerable Sir, does the situation is this? If not Kaccana venerable feast, do not stand up ... have reached the end of the age, such a situation, sir venerable Kaccana, is not nice.
 - Hey Brahmin, there is Exalted, Wise, author rank Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment claimed the status of elders age and the status of youth. Elder, the Brahmin, 80 or 90 years, or 100 years of life, enjoy life, if he desires, between the desire to live, was burned by the flame of desire brain, chewed investment gritted by the desire level, trying to find the bridge of desires; Such people are called fools, not the Elders. Yea, this Brahmin, a young man, a young man with jet black hair, full of gentle youth in initial improvement of age, who did not enjoy the feeling of lust, not between the desire to live, not burned by the fire of desire brain temperature, not chewed gritted by the private level of desire, without trying to seek the desire; Such people are called ranks with location, Elders.
 - When they heard that, Brahmin Kandarayama stood up from his seat, covering over one shoulder upper robe, his head bowed legs, monks are young, and said:
 - Elder's venerable monks, was standing on the status elders. Is our youngest, was standing on the status of young.
It's rather wonderful, venerable Kaccana, ... Mong Ton author Kaccana do accept the layman, from now to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
8 - When the powerful people steal power, the monks, in the meanwhile, the weak kings, in the meanwhile, it is not safe for kings to go through again, go out, go to the close to the frontier. And in the meanwhile, it is not safe for the Brahmin, the Homeowners to go through again, go out, go to monitor the work done outside. Also, this, monks, when the evil monks strong intensity, in the meantime, the monks pure weakness. Meanwhile, the monks, pure monks keep silence, or hidden among them monks, or go to the local state border level. And so, this, monks, is unfortunate for the majority, is not peace for the majority, is no benefit for the majority, is unhappy, miserable for gods and men.
When, this, monks, kings strong intensity, while the robber was weak, in the meantime, it's safe to go back and forth kings, go out, go to observe the boundaries. And in the meantime, it's safe for the Brahmin, the Homeowners to go through again, go out, go to monitor the work done outside. Also, this, monks, when the monks pure strong intensity, in the meanwhile, the evil monks weakness. Meanwhile, the monks, the monks keep evil silence, or hidden among them monks, or go to the other place. And so, this, monks, is happy for the majority, is the happiness of the majority, the benefits for the majority, is happy, the happiness of gods and men.
9. I do not praise the two types of misconduct, the monks, the people Homeowners, or at home person. Homeowners who, this, monks, or ordained under sexual misconduct, sexual misconduct because of conditions, the district can not provide a reasonable, friendly France.
I praised the two kinds right action, the monks, in person or in the person Homeowners ordained. Homeowners who, this, monks, or ordained under right action, right action because of conditions, the district can bring justice, dhamma.
10. The monks do, this, monks, stopped the whole text and meaning, by holding the classic false and the script adaptation, then the monks did, the monks, responsible for the misery for the majority, not peace for the majority, did not benefit the majority, unhappiness, suffering for gods and men. In addition, the monks did, this, monks, contains many very blessed and make Dhamma disappear.
The monks do, this, monks, depending upon the text and meaning, by holding true to the classics and the script adaptation, then the monks did, this, monks, is responsible responsible for the majority of happiness, peace for the majority, the majority of benefits, happiness and peace to the gods and men. In addition, the monks did, this, monks, contains much merit, and make the Dhamma abides.
§ 1-10.
1 - Hey, monks, there are two types of this congregation. how is two? Congregation superficial and profound congregation. And this, monks, is how superficial congregation? Here, the monks, in that congregation, monks removed and arrogance, oscillators, talkative, very mouth, talkative, forgetfulness, not awareness, not calm, wandering mind , loosen the base. This, monks, is called superficial assembly.
And this, monks, is how deep the congregation? Here, the monks, in that congregation, monks, do not remove the work, not arrogant, does not waver, not very talkative mouth, not talkative, not forgetfulness, awareness, with the static, with one heart, the base is protected. This, monks, is called deep congregation.
This, monks, the two congregations. Supreme congregation between this congregation, this, monks, ie deep congregation.
2. There are two types of the congregation, the monks. how is two? Congregation of discord and harmony congregation. And this, monks, is the congregation how discord? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the monks live competition, competition argument, fight, hurt each other with weapons tongue, this, monks, is called the assembly of discord .
And this, monks, is how harmonious congregation? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the monks harmony, harmony glass, no struggle, blend milk with water, live at each other with loving eyes, the monks , is called harmony congregation.
This, monks, the two congregations. Supreme congregation between this congregation, this, monks, ie harmony congregation.
3. There are two types of this congregation, the monks. how is two? No congregation and the congregation wins wins. And this, monks, how are we not revenge win opportunity? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the elders, monks lived in full, lazy, rotten leader in communications, leaving the burden of living renunciation, no diligent effort to Date achieve what has not reached, to witness what evidence yet, to realize what is not realized. As for the post-human grade, depending upon their head is, living in full, lazy, rotten leader in communications, leaving the burden of living renunciation, no cattle diligently to achieve what has not reached, to what evidence is not evidence, to realize what has not realized ... this, monks, is called the congregation not wins.
And this, monks, is the company that wins? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the elders, monks do not live in full, not lazy, the burden fall from optimism, leading the renunciation life, uses a diligent effort to achieve what not meet, to show what evidence yet, to realize what has not been realized. As for the post-human grade, depending upon their head is not sufficient to live in, not lazy, the burden fall from optimism, leading the renunciation life, uses a diligent effort to achieve what has not reached , to witness what evidence yet, to realize what is not realized. This, monks, is called the congregation wins.
This, monks, the two congregations. Congregation up two wins in this congregation, this, monks, ie wins congregation.
4. This, monks, the two congregations. how is two? Holy congregation and the congregation are not saints. And this, monks, how is not the Holy congregation? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the monks not as clearly said: "This is suffering"; not as clearly said: "This is Suffering"; not as clearly said: "This is the Cessation of Suffering"; not as clearly said: "This is the road leading to the Cessation of Suffering." This, monks, is called the Holy congregation not.
And this, monks, are the saints congregation? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the monks as clearly said: "This is suffering"; as clearly said: "This is Suffering"; as clearly said: "This is the Cessation of Suffering"; as clearly said: "This is the road leading to the Cessation of Suffering." This, monks, is called the congregation of saints.
This, monks, the two congregations. Congregation up two wins in this congregation, this, monks, saints congregation ie.
5. Hey, monks, there are two types of this congregation. how is two? Congregation crystal residues and three congregations. And this, monks, are the scum congregation? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the monks went to the fitness path, go to the airport road, go to the path si, go to the path of fear, this, monks, here congregation called scum.
And this, monks, are the three satellite congregation? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the monks do not go to the fitness path, not the path to go to the field, do not go to the path si, do not go to the path of fear, is the Billion -kheo, this planet called third congregation.
This, monks, these are the two congregations. Congregation up two wins in this congregation, this, monks, ie the assembly of three crystals.
6. Hey, monks, there are two types of this congregation. how is two? Congregation are trained in rhetoric, not trained in questioning, and the congregation was trained in questioning, not trained in rhetoric. And this, monks, is the company that trained in rhetoric, not trained in questioning? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the monks for classic uttered by the Tathagata, deep, deep meaning, superpower, relate to not, when does the classics preached, they are not careful listening, not slang ears, do not dwell interested to know them, do not think that the measures that need to be territorial, have memorized. But for classic poetry made by the poet, with ornate vowel, consonant with the exuberant, the classics of pagan, pagan disciples were told, when he was the classic preaching, they skillfully listening, they slang ears, they dwell heart to understanding them. They think that the measures that need to be territorial, have memorized. And after he memorized the law, they do not ask it together, no extended discussion with questions like: "What is this? What is the meaning of this? "They did not expand on what is covered, they are not exposed to what is not being exposed, they do not doubt the questionable points in the Dharma. This, monks, is called the congregation was trained in rhetoric, not trained in questioning.
And this, monks, is the company's training in question, are not trained in rhetoric? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the monks, to classic poetry made by the poet, with ornate vowel, consonant with the exuberant, the experience of pagan, pagan practitioners is to say, when the classics he preached, they are not well-heard, they are not slang ears, they do not dwell interested to know them, they do not think the measures that need to territory, need to memorize. But for classic uttered by the Tathagata, deep, deep meaning, superpower, relate to not, as the classics he preached, they skillfully listening, their ears slang, they dwell attention to understanding them, they think that the measures that need to be territorial, have memorized. And after the legal memorize it, they asked repeatedly together, they expand to discuss the following questions: "What is this? What is the meaning of this? "They expand what is covered, what they expose not be exposed, they are the guests of the points in question in the Dharma. This, monks, is called the congregation are trained in questioning, not trained in rhetoric.
This, monks, the two congregations. Congregation up two wins in this congregation, this, monks, ie trained congregation in question, are not trained in rhetoric.
7. Hey, monks, there are two types of this congregation. how is two? Respect congregation material resources, do not respect the true Dhamma and Dhamma congregation respect, no respect for material resources. And this, monks, is the company's respect for material resources, do not respect the true Dhamma? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the monks in front of the white shirt Homeowners busy, self-praise each other as follows: "This is the order monks Liberation both parts, billion- this parade is the One Tue liberation, this is the order monks themselves, monks are even ranks Knowledge, Career monks are freed Tin, monks Career Customization is the practice, the monks Executive Career Customization is credit, the monks who could Virtue, according to Thien legal, monks are wicked world, according to legal Evil ". Therefore, they are the avaricious. After the avaricious, they enjoy life, bound, fascination, wrecked before, do not see the harm, do not understand the liberation from her avaricious. This, monks, is called to respect congregation material resources, does not respect the true Dhamma.
And this, monks, is the company's respect for Dhamma, not respect material resources? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the monks in front of the white shirt Homeowners busy, not self-praise each other as follows: "This is the order monks Liberation both parts, Billion Career Wisdom -kheo is liberation, this is the order monks themselves, monks are even ranks Knowledge, Career monks are freed Tin, monks Career Customization is the practice, monks Executive Career Options are believers, monks are level with Virtue, according to legal Compassion, monks are wicked world, according to legal Evil ". Therefore, they are the avaricious. They enjoy the avaricious her life, unfettered, fascination, wrecked before, see the harm, understand emancipation from her avaricious. This, monks, is called Dhamma congregation respect, no respect for material resources. This, monks, there are two types of this congregation. Congregation up two wins in this congregation, this, monks, ie respect for Dhamma congregation, not respect material resources.
8. Hey, monks, there are two types of this congregation. how is two? The congregation is not peer and peer congregation. And this, monks, is how non-peer congregation? Here, the monks, in public assembly, enforced illegal now, right now is not law enforcement, non-law enforcement career, right now is not law enforcement, illegal now been promoted , right now is not to promote the legal, non-legal career to continue, now the rules are not promoted. This, monks, is called the congregation not peer.
And this, monks, is the company's peers? Here, the monks, in any congregation, now properly enforced legal, not illegal now be enforced, the rules are now enforced, non-law now is not enforced right now is to promote measures , illegal business is not promoted, is now promoting the rule of law, non-law now is not promoted. This, monks, is called peer congregation. This, monks, there are two types of this congregation. Congregation up two wins in this congregation, ie peer congregation.
9. Hey, monks, there are two types of this congregation. how is two? The assembly illegal and lawful assembly. This, monks, there are two types of this congregation. Congregation up two wins in this congregation, ie lawful assembly.
10. Hey, monks, there are two types of this congregation. how is two? Illegal assembly of theory and theory of lawful assembly. And this, monks, how is the illegal assembly theory? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the monks start up the procedure to avoid legal or illegal. After starting up the chant avoid it, do not believe they knew each other and for each other does not seek to know, they can not reconcile together and not seek to go to mediation. They do not believe for one another resolute said, they determined not to reconcile with each other, they did not abandon him to avoid litigation, that they persistently avoided litigation, attachment, natural approved and declared: "Only here's the truth besides, is nowhere puppet ". This, monks, is called theory of unlawful assembly.
And this, monks, is the company's legal theory correct? Here, the monks, in any congregation, the monks start up the procedure to avoid legal or illegal. After starting up the proceedings to avoid that, they believe each other know each other and seek to know the news. They reconciled and tried to go to mediation. They firmly believe each said they determined to reconcile with each other, they abandon him to avoid litigation, they did not persevere to avoid litigation, non-attachment, unbiased and non-acceptance statement: "Only this is true besides, is nowhere puppet ". This, monks, is called theory of lawful assembly. This, monks, there are two types of this congregation. Congregation up two wins in this congregation, ie lawful assembly theory.
1. - There are two classes of people, the monks, as appears in the world, the emergence bring happiness to most people, the happiness of the majority, the benefits for the majority, bring happiness, peace peanuts for gods and human beings. how is two? Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment and Dharmaraja. These people, the monks, as appears in the world, the emergence bring happiness to most people, the happiness of the majority, the benefits for the majority, bring happiness, peace for the gods and human.
2. There are two classes of people, the monks, as appears in the world, is the emergence of wonderful people. how is two? Tathagata ... and Dharmaraja. These people, the monks, as appears in the world, is the emergence of wonderful people.
3. There are two general categories of people as par, this, monks, gave the majority to mourn. how is two? Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment and Dharmaraja. Two general categories of people when destiny, this, monks, gave the majority to mourn.
4. The two-class people, the monks, deserved to build the tower. how is two? Tathagata, and Dharmaraja. Two classes of people, the monks, deserved to build the tower.
5. There are two steps to this enlightenment, the monks. how is two? Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment, and Pratyeka Buddha. These men, the monks, is two orders of Enlightenment.
6. Two (birth) of this type, this, monks, is not intimidated by lightning. how is two? Monks and the total extinction of elephants illegally or purebred. Two (birth) of this type, this, monks, is not afraid of lightning make.
7. Two (birth) of this type, this, monks, is not intimidated by lightning. how is two? Monks annihilation taints and good race horses. Two (birth) of this type, this, monks, is not afraid of lightning make.
8. ... (as above, only instead monks annihilation taints and lion, king of beasts) ...
9. Do find two reasons, the monks, Kimpurisa species (non-workers, emergency - na - la) do not speak human language. Which two? "We can not lie and we shall have no distorting others with untruths". Do see two reasons, this, monks, these species do not speak English Kimpurisa people.
10. There are two things, the monks, the woman dies unfulfilled, has not been sufficient. how is two? Intercourse and childbirth. These two things, the monks, the woman dies unfulfilled, has not been sufficient.
11. I will preach for me, this, monks, on the shaft of the unwholesome residence and the residence of the improvement stems. Listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did you answer yes Bhagavan. Bhagavan said as follows:
 - And this, monks, how is the stems stay of how evil and evil stalks are residing together? Here, the monks, the Elder monks thought as follows: "We hope that the Elder did not tell me, you do not tell us middle-aged, the new study does not tell us, and we also not telling the Elder, we did not talk with middle position, I did not tell the new school! If the Elder tells us, he told us with a desire to harm us, not because of happiness for us. I say "no" to that position, he makes us be offended, and if he's right, we do not have the appropriate response. If the middle told us, ... if the new school said to me, he told me with a desire to harm us, not because of happiness for us. I say "no" to that position, he makes us be offended, and if he's right, we do not have the appropriate response. " Middle-aged monks're thinking like this ... the new school, monks following thoughts .... So, this, monks, is the residence of the stalks are so evil and immoral people stay together stalks.
And this, monks, how is the stay of friendly stalks, and how are people of good will stay together stalks? Here, the monks, the Elder monks thought as follows: "We hope that the Elder tells us, the middle told us, told us the new school. I will also speak with the Elder, also spoke to the middle-aged, will tell the new school! If the Elder told me, he told me to wish happiness to us, not with the intention to harm us, we will say "rather benign" with he, he would not do offend, and if he is right, we will respond appropriately. If you're middle-aged tells us ... If the new school said to me, he told me to wish happiness to us, not with the intention to harm us, we will say "good replacement" for they, we he will not offend, and if he is right, we will respond appropriately. "
This, monks, the middle-aged monks following thoughts ...
This, monks, monks learn the new thinking as follows: "We hope that the Elder tells us, the middle told us, told us the new school ... and if he's right, we will respond appropriately. " So, this, monks, is the residence of the stalks are so friendly and people-friendly residence stalks together.
12. In any dispute, the monks, both sides can talk back and forth, with the perverse perspective, with ethnical hatred heart, brain strengths, frustrations, not inner peace, the avoidance chant was, this, monks, is waiting for that will lead to prolonged, intense, violent, and the monks will live without peace.
And this, monks, in any dispute, the monks, both sides can talk back and forth, with the perverse perspective, with ethnical hatred heart, brain strengths, frustrations, but the interior is peace, when the dispute was, this, monks, is waiting that will not last long, no suspense, no rough, and the monks will live peacefully.
§ 1-13.
1. - There are two types of this communication, the monks. how is two? Peanuts and peanut monastic house. These phenomena, this, monks, is the two touch. Dinner for two wins this optimism, the monks, which is located ordained.
2. There are two types of this communication, the monks. how is two? Renunciation of pleasure and optimism. These phenomena, this, monks, is the two touch. Two wins in this dark touch, this, monks, renunciation ie peanuts.
3. There are two types of this communication, the monks. how is two? Peanuts and peanut unproductive birth medical care. These phenomena, this, monks, is the two touch. Dinner for two wins this optimism, the monks, ie born not touch him.
4-12. ... As above, only change with optimism and optimistic no contraband or illegal or ... touch of material resources and not on material resources ... peanuts peanuts and peanut saint saint ... not touch themselves and touch of mental ... with joy and optimism not lost touch with joy joy ... and discharge ... peanut peanut and peanut no basis to ... touch with joy and grace have no communication with joy ... charming establishment located with charming facility with joy and optimism with charming facility has exhaust ...
13. There are two types of this communication, the monks. how is two? Excellent communication with and touch base with the charm of grace under immaterial basis. These phenomena, the monks, the two types of communication. Dinner for two wins this optimism, the monks, ie communication with coast of formless basis.
§ 1-10
1. Hey, monks, the evil law, there arises evil minister, not without generals. Due to the total annihilation of his generals, so the evil law, that evil, not present.
2. This, monks, the evil law, immoral arise there are conditions, not without conditions. Due to the total annihilation of his predestined, so the evil law, that evil is not present.
 3. This, monks, the evil law, human evil can arise, not without human. Due to the annihilation of his people, so the evil law, did not have his evil.
4. This, monks, the evil law, there arises evil acts, not without the onions. Due to the total annihilation of his actions, so, the evil law, did not have his evil.
5. This, monks, the French evil, evil arises with grace, not without charm. Due to the total annihilation of his fate, the evil evil law was not present.
6-9. ... With excellence, not without identity ... have life, not without feeling ... have thought, not without a great ... have knowledge, not without form ...
10. This, monks, the evil law, immoral arise with grace compounded basis, is not without charm compounded basis. Was compounded due to make an end, so the evil evil law was not present.
1 - Hey, monks, these two measures. how is two? Mind liberated and liberating insight. These phenomena, the monks, the two measures.
 (Also, for the next measures such as:
2. Effort and heart Nhut.
3. List and identity.
4. Ming and liberation.
5. Friendship is very useful and is.
6. heartless and very precious.
7. Tam and wealth.
8. Hard to say and evil.
9. Easy to say and good friendship.
10. About skilful and skilful volition.)
11. Hey, monks, these two measures. how is two? Pham skillful and skillful manufacturing violations. These phenomena, the monks, the two measures.
X. FOOD fools
§ 1-20. FOOLS
1 - Hey, monks, these two kinds of fools. how is two? Less burden bearers and people do not have to carry the burden. The two men, the monks, the two fools.
2. Hey, monks, two wise this place. how is two? Who carry the burden has come and who does not carry the weight less. The two men, the monks, the two location wise.
3. Hey, monks, these two kinds of fools. how is two? Legal persons is ideal for non-legitimate, and who is not legitimate idea for the legalization. The two men, the monks, the two fools.
4. Hey, monks, two wise this place. how is two? The idea is not legal persons for illegal and legal persons is ideal for legally. The two men, the monks, the two location wise.
5. Hey, monks, these two kinds of fools. how is two? People think is guilty for not guilty, and is a great person not guilty for having sinned. The two men, the monks, the two fools.
6. Hey, monks, two wise this place. how is two? Great people are not guilty for not guilty, and is ideal for offenders with a crime. Two people, this, monks, is the second location wise.
7. Hey, monks, these two kinds of fools. how is two? People think is lawful for illegal and unlawful thought for the lawful. These people, the monks, the two fools.
8. Hey, monks, two wise this place. how is two? People think is illegal for illegal, and people think is right for lawful measures. These people, this, monks, is the second location wise.
9. Hey, monks, these two kinds of fools. how is two? Who thought that the rules for non-law, and the idea for the law is non-legally. These people, the monks, the two fools.
10. Hey, monks, two wise this place. how is two? Non-law who is great for non-law, and the idea is that the rules for the rules. These people, the monks, the two location wise.
11. In the two classes of people, the monks, the cankers grow. In the two-class person? Those who worry not worth the worry, and do not worry what people worry. In two classes of people, the monks, the cankers grow.
12. In the two classes of people, the monks, the illegal or not growth. In the two-class person? Do not worry what people should not worry, and worry what people worry. In two classes of people, the monks, the growth pirated or not.
13. In the two classes of people, the monks, the cankers grow. In the two-class person? Allowing people think is correct for improper permits, and people think is not right allows for the proper permits. In two classes of people, the monks, the cankers grow.
14. In the two classes of people, the monks, the illegal or not growth. In the two-class person? Allowing people think is not right for the wrong licenses, and allows people think is right for yourself properly. In two classes of people, the monks, the growth pirated or not.
15. In the two classes of people, the monks, the cankers grow. In the two-class person? People think is guilty for not guilty, and is a great person not guilty for having sinned. In two classes of people, the monks, the cankers grow.
16. Of the two categories of people, the monks, the illegal or not growth. In the two-class person? Great people are not guilty for not guilty, and there is a great crime against the guilty. In two classes of people, the monks, the growth pirated or not.
17. In the two classes of people, the monks, the cankers grow. In the two-class person? People think is lawful for illegal, unlawful and is ideal for lawful. In two classes of people, the monks, the cankers grow.
18. In the two classes of people, the monks, the illegal or not growth. In the two-class person? People think is illegal for illegal, and people think is right for lawful measures. In two classes of people, the monks, the growth pirated or not.
19. In the two classes of people, the monks, the cankers grow. In the two-class person? Who thought that the rules for non-law, and the idea for the law is non-legally. In two classes of people, the monks, the cankers grow.
20. In the two classes of people, the monks, the illegal or not growth. In the two-class person? Non-law who is great for non-law, and the idea is that the rules for the rules. In two classes of people, the monks, the illegal or not growth.
§ 1-12. HOPE
1. - There are two this hope, this, monks, is difficult to be abandoned. how is two? Hope is avaricious and hope are alive. Two This, this, monks, is both difficult to abandon hope.
2. There are two classes of people, the monks, difficult to find in life. how is two? People who know mercy before and grateful to have done. Two classes of people, the monks, difficult to find in life.
3. There are two classes of people, the monks, difficult to find in life. how is two? Meet people and make others satisfied. Two classes of people, the monks, difficult to find in life.
4. There are two classes of people, the monks, hardly making satisfying. how is two? Who stored the avaricious and extravagant and avaricious. Two classes of people, the monks, are two classes of people who hardly make satisfying.
5. There are two classes of people, the monks, easy to make satisfying. how is two? Non stored the avaricious and not squander the avaricious. Two classes of people, the monks, easy to satisfy in life.
6. There are two this coast, the monks, which involved being run. how is two? Pure as justice minister and not the intention. These phenomena, this, monks, is the fate that involved two arise.
7. There are two this grace, this, monks, led the field arise. how is two? Obstacles as justice minister and not the intention. These phenomena, this, monks, are two courts that arise coast.
8. There are two this grace, this, monks, that evil is being run. how is two? Voices of others and not as of volition. These phenomena, this, monks, is the fate that two viewpoints arise.
9. There are two this grace, this, monks, that district is being run. how is two? Voices of others and as of volition. These phenomena, this, monks, is right view that two coast arise.
10. Hey, monks, two criminals. how is two? Minor offenses and serious crime. Two This, this, monks, are the two crimes.
11. Hey, monks, two criminals. how is two? Crude major crime and major crime crude. Two This, this, monks, are the two crimes.
12. Hey, monks, two criminals. how is two? Balance brutal crime and crime wreak balance. Two This, this, monks, are the two crimes.
§ 1-11. - HY BRIDGE
1. - monks have faith, the monks, if they die for a way right feet, would die the following demand: "We hope that we would like Sariputta and Moggallana." This is the balance, the monks, this is the measurement map disciples My monks, Sariputta and Moggallana ie.
2. monks-ni have faith, the monks, if they die for a way right feet, will lay the bridge as follows: "We hope that we will be like monks-ni and Uppalavanna Khema". This is the balance, the monks, this is the measurement map disciples monks of Ta-ni, ie, monks and nuns Khema and-Uppalavanna.
3. Lay has faith, the monks, if they die for a way right feet, would die the following demand: "We hope that we would like Citta and Hatthaka Homeowners in Alavi". This is the balance, the monks, this is the measurement map for my lay disciples, ie Citta and Hatthaka Homeowners in Alavi.
4. Women have faith layman, this, monks, if they die for a way right feet, will lay the bridge as follows: "We hope that we would like Female lay Khujjuttara and Velukantakiya, Nanda's mother." This is the balance, the monks, this is the measurement map for Female lay disciples of mine, ie Female lay Khujjuttara and Velukantakiya, Nanda's mother.
5. Achievements two measures, the monks, the foolish, clumsy, not Chan's ranks, behave yourself as a character takes root, injury, criminal, who was rebuked and location make up blessings abound. how is two? No reflections, no inspection, people do not deserve praise is praise, and criticize people deserve praise. Due to the two legal achievements this, this, monks, clumsy fools, not Chan's ranks, behave yourself like a lost animal origin, injury, criminal, who was rebuked and location make up blessings abound.
Two legal achievements, the monks, location wise, prudent, Chan's level, not himself behaving like a character takes root, no injuries, no offense, guys do not mind being scolded and create so many blessings. how is two? After reflection and inspection, critics who deserve criticism, reflection and evaluation after police, who deserves praise praise, two legal achievements Due to this, this, monks, location wise wisely , Chan's level, not themselves behave like organisms take root, no injuries, no offense, guys do not mind being scolded, and created many blessings.
6. Achievements two measures, the monks, the foolish, clumsy, not Chan's Career ... make up more infelicitous. how is two? No reflections, no inspection, self-confident feel for the place is not trustworthy, and self-distrust felt for trusted sites. Due to the two legal achievements this, this, monks, foolish, clumsy, not Chan's Career ... create more infelicitous.
Two legal achievements, the monks, location wise wise, Chan's level ... and make much merit. how is two? After reflection and inspection, self-confident feel for the place not worth the self-confidence and feel confident for trusted sites. Due to the two legal achievements, the monks, location wise, prudent, Chan's level .. and make more merit.
7. Do misconduct against two (of people) the foolish, clumsy ... more infelicitous. For two classes of person? With his mother and father. Do misconduct against two (of people) this foolish, clumsy, ... more infelicitous.
Because right action for two (of people) Location wise ... create more merit. For two classes of person? With his mother and father. Because right action for two (of people), the location wise ... create more merit.
8. Do misconduct against two (of people), clumsy fools ... more infelicitous. For two classes of person? With Tathagata and disciples of the Tathagata. Due to the two-class unchaste person, clumsy fools ... more infelicitous.
Because right action for two (of people), location wise ... create more merit. For two classes of person? With Tathagata and disciples of the Tathagata. Because right action for two classes of people, location wise ... create more merit.
9. Hey, monks, these two measures. how is two? Pure self-interest and not grasping something in life. These phenomena, the monks, the two measures.
10. Hey, monks, these two measures. how is two? Wrathful and unforgiving anger. This legal entities, the monks, the two measures.
11. Hey, monks, these two measures. how is two? Photography for outrage and convince ethnical hatred. This legal entities, the monks, the two measures.
§ 1-10. - CHARITY
1 - Hey, monks, there are two types of this generosity. how is two? Giving alms material resources and legal. These phenomena, this, monks, is the kind of generosity. Evening Bell won in two categories this, this, monks, ie experimental method.
2-10. (As above, for the following method):
Two types of offerings ... towns ... ... Asset Variable exhaust ... assets ... assets life expectancy common use peer ... ... Photography Photography useful life ... Who introspection ...
§ 1-12. WELCOME
1-12. (Ditto for the following method):
Welcome ... Welcome ... The last bridge ... The bridge across ... The worshiping ceremony asked ... ... Reception ... Prosperity ... Growth ... Precious ... Tich Quang college intern ... ...
§ 1-17. IMPORT OF (or Zen stock)
1 - Hey, monks, these two measures. how is two? Skillful and skillful export import regulations. These phenomena, the monks, the two measures.
2-17. (... Ditto for the following method):
2. Direct and gentle ambiance
3. Patience and gentle Kham
4. Harmony and reception
5. Any damage and pure
6. Do not upholding the base and temperance in eating
7. Household maintenance units and temperance in eating
8. Justice practice scout force and power.
9. mindfulness and concentration power.
10. Just and shop
11. Breaking down the gender and is
12. Specifically ordination and ordination is
13. About the purity and pure
14. Knowledge pure and diligent as ants
15. Do not know enough to good behavior and are not inclined to be diligent
16. Failure concept and awareness
17. Mindfulness and mindfulness.
XVI. PRODUCT outrage
§ 1-100.
1 - Hey, monks, these two measures. how is two? Wrathful and unforgiving anger. These phenomena, the monks, the two measures (Ditto for the following method):
2. Lies and brain damage
3. Puzzles and brighter Disabilities
4. Man lies and betrayal
5. No bathroom and no quarter
6. No anger and no hatred hiềm
7. Do not lie and do not damage brain
8. No jealousy and avarice
9. Do not fraudulent and treacherous
10. Tam and you
11. This second achievement, this, monks, have to live in misery. how is two? Wrathful and unforgiving anger.
12. Lies and brain damage
13. Disabilities puzzle and avarice
14. Man lies and betrayal
15. No bathroom and no quarter
This dual achievement, the monks, living in misery.
16. This dual achievement, to live in peace. how is two? No anger and no hatred hostility.
17. Do not lie and do not damage brain
18. No jealousy and no brighter
19. No fraud and betrayal
20. Tam and you
This dual achievement, the monks, to live in peace.
21. Two of this law, the monks, leading to optimism for the oppressed and monks, Friends school. how is two? Wrathful and unforgiving anger.
22. Lies and brain damage
23. Disability and bright puzzle
24. Man lies and betrayal
25. No bathroom and no quarter
This dual achievement, this, monks, led to the fall optimistic for the school Huu monks.
26. Two of this law, the monks, not to the touch for your fall Huu learned monks. how is two? No anger and no hatred hostility.
27. Do not lie and do not damage brain
28. No jealousy and no brighter
29. No fraud and betrayal
30. Tam and you
This dual achievement, the monks, not to fall for the monks optimistic Friends School.
31-35. This dual achievement, so to be cast into hell proportionality. how is two? Anger and hostility and hatred ... no you did not bathe.
This dual achievement, the monks, so to be cast into hell proportionality.
36-40. This accomplished two, so be born to the gods of proportionality. how is two? No anger and no hatred ... Tam and your hostility.
This dual achievement, this, monks, is born to the gods of proportionality.
41-45. This dual achievement, this, monks, here are the general network damage after the body, being born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. how is two? Anger and hostility and hatred ... no you did not bathe.
This dual achievement, this, monks, here, have a body damage after ... hell.
46-50. This dual achievement, this, monks, here are the general network damage after the body, was born in the realm of good, heaven, this world. how is two? No anger and no hatred ... Tam and your hostility.
This dual achievement, this, monks, here are the ..., this world.
51-55. Achievements two unwholesome This ...
56-60. This two good achievement ...
61-65. Achievement of this two guilty legal ...
66-70. Two legal achievements are not guilty of this ...
71-75. Achievements two measures increased this suffering ...
76-80. Achievements two measures increased this optimism ...
81-85. Achievements two simple methods for fruit maturity is this suffering ...
86-90. Two legal achievements with this optimistic outcome is independent horror ...
91-95. Two legal achievements of this brain damage ...
96-100. Achievements two measures do not harm this brain ...
 (Every time the 5 measures as above, immoral law, and dhamma) ...
XVII. Seventeenth PRODUCTS
§ 1-5.
1. Do see two benefits, the school established international institutions Tathagata disciples. how is two? Pole for Sangha charity and peace to the Sangha ... tame the evil people and for pure pleasure, monks ... the protection of cankers, the hatred, the crime, the fear, the evil law right now and stop the taints, the hatred, the crime, the fear, the future legal immoral ... compassion for homeowners introspection and break the evil elements brought sexual ... the faith of those who distrust the growth and those who have faith ... for Dhamma abides by the precepts and to households.
Conditioned by two benefits, the monks, the Tathagata instructions on making disciples learned.
2. Conditioned by two benefits, the monks, founded the monastic institutions Tathagata disciples (like # 1 above) ... reciting the monastic rule ... world suspend obligations ... slowly ... slowly suspension ... basis ... work should rebuke medical facilities need to work ... just need to base frequency effects ... basis ... work should apologize facilities need to suspend work ... special residence permit ... catch ... to start again, allowing do ... is restored old position ... ... should be reinstated ordination renunciation ... ... transparency Bill Rom (first) put to vote first ... put to vote a second time ... put to vote fourth ... it has not been established ... to change that regime has built up ... to deal with the presence of the two parties involved ... solved according to the parties' recollection solve crime ... after the person concerned from the madness ... resolve upon the approval of the person concerned ... settled under the majority ... resolved according litigants solve crime ... as grass spread out.
how is two? Pole for Sangha charity and peace to the Sangha ... tame the evil people and located residence for monks pure ... for Dhamma abides by the precepts and to households. Conditioned by two benefits, the monks, the Tathagata has built up ... resolved as grass cover for the disciples.
3. To win voters participated, the monks, two measures need to practice. how is two? Just and consistent. To win voters participated, the monks, two factors that must be practiced.
4. To turn voters participated, the monks, ... for systemic change, to make an end, to eradicate, to turn away, to dispassion, to cessation, to let go, to abandon two of this approach need to practice. how is two? Just and consistent ...
5. To win tri tri ... to turn hatred, anger, hostility and hatred lie, brain damage, jealousy, avarice, fraudulent, treacherous, headstrong, passionate, romantic, too romantic, arrogant , distraction ... to systemic change, to make an end, to eradicate, to kill ... to know dispassion, to cessation, to let go, to abandon the field ... distractions, the two factors that must be practiced. how is two? And shop ... only two factors that must be practiced.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/5/2016.MHDT.

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