Friday 6 May 2016

I. BONES (Magazine, 2, 135a) (s. ii,254)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Ràjagaha (dormitories), (Lisa) seat Veluvana nourish the squirrel.
2) at the time the false Religion and Mahà fake Moggallàna Lakkhana stay at Mount Gijjhakùta (thứu).
3 false Moggallàna Mahà Ton) and the medical relief, in the morning, holding the bat, going to the fake Religious medical Lakkhana.
4) after arrival, said with mock Lakkhana Respect:
-Let's go, this fake Lakkhana Gentleness. Let's go to Ràjagaha to qifu gangui.
-Sir, Sage.
False religion Religious response Mahà Moggallàna fake well Lakkhana.
5 Ton Mahà Moggallàna imitation), and then when going from the mountains Gijjhakùta step down, go through one place, raising smiles.
6) And false Religion Religious Mahà fake Moggallàna told Lakkhana:
This fake Moggallàna, by Sage-human, due to what the coast, false Sage back smiling?
-Lakkhana, not fake Gentleness This time is the question. Before That, ask me questions.
7) And fake and fake Lakkhana Mahà Ton Moggallàna after qifu gangui in Ràjagaha is finished, after a meal, on the real return, go to qifu gangui World Religion; After the ceremony, wealthy girl, How to show respect, then sat down on one side.
8) sit down on one side, false Religion Religious Mahà fake Moggallàna told Lakkhana:
-Here, fake Moggallàna Mahà Religious Gijjhakùta stepped down from the mountain, when passing by a place, raising smiles. Sage Moggallàna, so fake this, fake left by what charm, Gentler smile?
9)-here, this Gentle, when I Gijjhakùta stepped down from the mountain, I found a set of bones that are going on. The vulture, the Crow, the Eagle bird chasing it, bite it ribs surgery, eat it, and she exclaimed the cries of pain.
10 This fake, Sage) – I think as follows: "it's marvelous micro instead! True micro magic instead! A guys name again became a such beings. A guys name again became a yaksha. A man named as such became to be an ego so! "
11) And World Religion called the Male-stilts:
-Living together like this, the label real Female-stilts, as the disciples! Real living together like this, the real exchange rate-on stilts, are the disciples. Given that a student will know, or will see, or will such endorsement.
12), where the Male-stilts, I have seen him but we don't have the beings said. If I have to say, the others also don't believe me. And those who do not believe me, the people will be unhappy, long suffering.
13) beings, the Female-on stilts, is a butcher killing cattle (goghatako) in this Ràjagaha. Because of that maturity, after heated cooking in hell for years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years and with the result that the remaining maturity life feeling such an ego.
II. the BUTCHER KILLED CATTLE (Gavaghàtako) (Magazine, 2, 135b) (s. ii,256)
2) here, this Gentle, when I Gijjhakùta stepped down from the mountain, I found a pile of meat are going to the middle of nowhere. The vulture, the Crow, the Eagle bird chasing it, bite it surgery, cutting it, and exclaimed it cries in pain.
3) beings, the Female-on stilts, is a butcher killing cattle.
III. A PIECE of MEAT and the BIRD CATCHER (Magazine, 2, 136a) (s. ii,256)
1) here, this Gentle, when I Gijjhakùta stepped down from the mountain, I saw a piece of meat are going to the middle of nowhere ... pain.
2) beings, the Female-stilts, a bird Hunter in Ràjagaha.
IV. Who KILLED the SKINNED GOATS (Magazine, 2, 135c) (s. ii,256)
1) here, this Gentle ... I see a suffering skin ... bite caesarean section it, cut it, and she exclaimed tearing at the cries of pain ...
2) beings, the Female-stilts, was a butcher killing goats in at Ràjagaha.
V. who KILLED PIGGY with SWORDS (19-14, the Magazine 2, 136c) (s. ii,257)
1) here, this Gentle, when I step down Gijjhakùta mountain, I saw a person with feathers by swords are going to the middle of nowhere. The swords he continued to stand up and fall down on the body, and he exclaimed the cries of pain.
2) beings, the Female-stilts, is a person who kills piggy in at this ... Ràjagaha
VI. ANIMAL HUNTERS with JAVELINS (Magazine, 2, 136b) (s. ii,257)
1) here, this Gentle, when I step down Gijjhakùta mountain, I saw a person with feathers by the plant workers are going on nowhere. The plant's workers continue to stand up and fall down on the body, and he exclaimed the cries of pain.
2) beings, the Female-stilts, a Hunter pet in at Ràjagaha.
1) here, this Gentle, when I step down Gujjhakùta mountain, I saw a person with feathers by the arrows, are going to the middle of nowhere. The arrows he continued to stand up and fall down on the body, and he exclaimed the cries of pain.
2) beings, the Female-on stilts, is a tortured stay Ràjagaha.
VIII. The CAR with the NEEDLE (Magazine, 2, 136b) (s. ii,257)
1) here, this Gentle, when I step down Gijjhakùta mountain, I saw a person with feathers by the needle are going to the middle of nowhere ...
2) beings, the Female-on stilts, is a man subduing the animal species (Please read Sùto for Sùcako of the original).
1) here, Mr. Sage, when I step down Gijjhakùta mountain, I saw a person with feathers by arrows are going to the middle of nowhere.
2) the arrow he stabbed in the head and out of the mouth. They crash into the mouth and out her chest, they crash into the chest and belly, her out of them crashing into the abdomen and out of her calves, they crashed on the calves and ankles out of him, we stab in the neck and legs off the feet of him and he exclaimed the cries of pain.
3) beings, the Female-on stilts, is a spy in at Ràjagaha.
1) here, the Male-stilts, when I step down Gijjhakùta mountain, I saw someone with the Mahogany Swietenia are going to the middle of nowhere.
2) When people are away, bring the shoulder that got away. When sitting, he sat on the island say.
3) And the bearded vulture bird, the bird Crow, Falcon pursued him to bite the surgery, cutting, and he exclaimed the cries of pain.
4) beings, the Female-stilts, a magistrate in Ràjagaha.
I. FORNICATED GUYS SANK in the PIT (Magazine, 2, 137b) (s. ii,259)
1) like me.
At one point, the dominant religion in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Veluvana (Lisa).
2)-here, this Gentle, when I step down Gijjhakùta mountain, I saw a man with his head submerged in the pit.
3) beings, the Female-on stilts, is one who fornicated in at Ràjagaha.
II. The EVIL SHE-LA-BINGE EATING FECES (Magazine, 2, 137c) (s. ii,259)
1) here, this Gentle, when I step down Gijjhakùta mountain, I saw a person engulfed in the pit, eating feces using both hands.
2) beings, the Female-stilts, a Ba-la-sports at Ràjgaha. When the Primary Sensory College ranks Kassapa are teaching, he invited them Female-stilts used rice. Then he took a Dipper made under full stool and said: "Oh, expect the fed to make the fake Religious States delight and carry on!"
III. ANNEX SKINNED (,, 2, 137b) (s. ii,259)
1) here, this Gentle, when I Gijjhakùta stepped down from the mountain, I saw a skinned women are going to the middle of nowhere. The vulture bird, the Crow, the Falcon chases to bite him and tore the twinge, pecked he exclaimed the cries of pain.
2) woman, the Male-stilts, is a separate building in the Ràjagaha.
IV. UGLY WOMAN DIVINATION (Magazine, 1, 137b) (s. ii. 260)
1) here, this Gentle, when I Gijjhakùta stepped down from the mountain, I saw a woman ugly, stinking are going on nowhere. The vulture bird, the Crow, the Eagle bird pecking bite to chase him and tore the twinge, he exclaimed the cries of pain.
2) woman, the Male-stilts, is a divination in the Ràjagaha.
V. WITHER WOMAN SCATTERED THAN RED on ONE OTHER WOMAN Magazine (19-25. Ruicheng County yard Attached, 2, Marquis Du 137c) (s. ii,260).
1) here, this Gentle, when I Gijjhakùta stepped down from the mountain, I saw a woman barren, wither, sticky, hard-coal-filled the air, are going out of nowhere ... He exclaimed the cries of pain.
2) the woman this time, the Male-stilts, was first lady of the King of Kalinga. She was jealous because of spill coal furnace up on a United Kingdom other women.
VI. The THIEF ROBBED the FIRST DEFINITIVE (19-15-paragraph Nhon Junk head. 2, 136c) (s. ii,260)
1) here, this Gentle, when I Gujjhakùta stepped down from the mountain, I found a headless torso go middle of nowhere. The eyes and mouth in the forecast on the chest.
2) The Vulture bird, the Crow, the Eagle bird pecking bite to chase him and tore the twinge, he exclaimed the cries of pain.
3) beings, the Female-stilts, was a pirate named Hàrika in at Ràjagaha.
VII. MALE-STILTS (Magazine, 2, 138b) (s. ii,260)
1) here, this Gentle, when I Gijjhakùta stepped down from the mountain, I saw a Male-on stilts walked the middle of nowhere.
2) Y increase old-Chile (upper y) of her burnt red, red fire, fire red tops. The Bowl also burnt red, red fire, fire red tops. The belts also burnt red, red fire, fire red tops. The fuselage also burnt red, red fire, fire red tops. And he uttered the cry of pain.
3) Male-stilts this time, the Male-stilts, is an evil Female-stilts during Primary Sensory College ranks Kassapa is the sermon.
VIII. FEMALE-STILTS-NI (2-degree Magazine, 138b) (s. ii,261)
1) ... I see a Male-stilts-ni go middle of nowhere.
2) Y increase old-Chile of her burnt red.
3) ... is an evil Female-stilts-ni ...
IX. WOMEN'S STUDIES (s. ii,261)
1) ... I found a female go middle of nowhere.
2) Y increase old-Chile of her burnt ...
3) ... is an evil female university ...
X. SA-DI (s. ii,261)
1) ... I see a Sa-di go middle of nowhere ...
2-3) Y Increase old-Chile of her fire ... is a wickedly Sa-di.
XI. SA-DI-NI (s. ii,261)
1) here, this Gentle, when I Gijjhakùta stepped down from the mountain, I found a Sa-di-ni go middle of nowhere.
2) Y increase-elderly-Le (sanghàti) of this taste burnt red, red fire, fire red tops. The average bowl of burnt red, also fire flaming red, fire-red tops. The belts also burnt red, red fire, fire red tops. The fuselage also burnt red, red fire, fire red tops. The position she uttered the cry of pain.
3 This false, Sage) I think as follows: "it's magic, really rather useful microbial hy instead! A guys name again became a such beings. A man named as such become a yaksha. A man named as such became to be an ego as such ".
4) Then call the National Religious-stilts:
-Living with this label, as the Male-stilts, as the disciples. Living with as real position, the Male-stilts, as the disciples. Because of that, a student will know, or will see, or will such endorsement.
5) this, the Male-stilts, We also see Sa-di-ni, but we have no say. If I have to say, the others also don't believe me. And those who do not believe me, the people will be unhappy, long suffering.
6) Sa-di-ni, the Female-on stilts, is a wickedly Sa-di-ni in the Primary Sensory College ranks Kassapa theory. Because of that maturity, after heated cooking in hell for years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, and with results remaining maturity, that person feels a life such ego.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.7/5/2016.MHDT.

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