Saturday 14 May 2016

§ (I) (1) esteemed (1)
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Sāvatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. There, Bhagavan called the monks:
 - Hey, monks.
 - Buddha.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Achievements seven measures, the monks, monks are not happy esteemed colleagues discounts, are not likely standard, not respected, not to be imitated practicing. What is seven?
3. Here, the monks, the monks avaricious lust, lust reverence, lust is praised, no shame, no fear, evil and wrong education.
Seven this achievement, the monks, monks are not happy esteemed colleagues discounts, are not likely standard, not respected, not to be imitated practicing.
4. Achievement seven measures, the monks, monks are well-esteemed colleagues discounts, is available and to be respected, imitated practicing. What is seven?
5. Here, the monks, monks are not avaricious lust, lust no reverence, no desires to be praised, there is shame, no fear, little education, and the right view.
Seven this achievement, the monks, monks are well-esteemed colleagues discounts, is available and to be respected, imitated practicing.
§ (II) (2) auspicious (2)
... (As of 1, instead of two last measures with jealousy and avarice with no jealousy, no avarice).
1 - Hey, monks, there are seven this power. What is seven?
2. Tin force, attacking force, mind power, its wealth, its concept, concentration, mental power.
This, monks, there are seven this power.
Tin force and tons of power,
Tam energy and precious resources,
Force and the force concept,
Knowledge is power Saturday,
Saturday power and wisdom;
Monks with this force,
Gentle place to live peacefully,
As the failure of the judiciary,
Clearly consistent intellectual purpose,
As anti-flame,
With the mind is freed.
1 - Hey, monks, there are seven this power. What is seven?
2. Tin force, attacking force, mind power, its wealth, its concept, concentration, mental power. And this, monks, how power is credit?
3. Here, the monks, St. disciples have faith, believe in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc Thien The, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhon Teacher, Bhagavan Buddha ". This, monks, is called signal power. And this, monks, are the tons of force?
4. Here, the monks, living ardent disciple St. diligent to make an end to the immoral law, as the legal arise charity, effort, perseverance, without leaving the burden on the legal neuter. This, monks, is called attacking force. And this, monks, is the mind power?
5. Here, the monks, St. practitioners who persist in doing evil ashamed of themselves, saying evil, evil thoughts, shame for the legal achievements evil, immoral. This, monks, is called mind power. And this, monks, how are you human?
6. Here, the monks, St. practitioners who persist fear, fear for themselves as evil, saying evil, evil thoughts, fear for the legal achievements of evil, unwholesome. This, monks, is called precious resources. And this, monks, how is the concept of power?
7. Here, the monks, complete disciple of St. conception, conception achievement supreme wisdom, memory memory, depending on the concept of making a long, long talk. This, monks, is called concept of force. And this, monks, what is the capacity?
8. Here, the monks, disciples of St. sexual ly, legal ly ... evil evil dwell attainment and Wednesday Meditation. This, monks, is called samadhi. And this, monks, how is mental capacity?
9. Here, the monks, disciples of St. wisdom, wisdom of being destroyed, St. achievements can enter (decision Trach) led to the destruction of suffering right feet. This, monks, is called mental capacity.
This legal entities, this, monks, is seven measures.
Tin force and tons of power,
Tam energy and precious resources,
Force and the force concept,
Saturday power and wisdom;
Monks with this force,
Gentle place to live peacefully,
As the failure of the judiciary,
Clearly consistent intellectual purpose,
As anti-flame,
With the mind is freed.
1 - Hey, monks, has seven properties. What is seven?
2. Credit financing, financial world, centered at, precious resources, cultural resources, for financing, intellectual property.
This, monks, here are seven properties.
International credit and financial capacity,
Tam financial resources and wealth,
Your writing talent and resources,
And intellectual property is Saturday;
Who has this property,
Women's or men's,
Called non-poor,
Life is not empty,
Thus credits and gender,
Pure credits and see approach,
Wise specialized attention,
Breasts recite the Buddha's teachings.
1 - Hey, monks, has seven properties. What is seven?
2. Credit financing, financial world, centered at, precious resources, cultural resources, for financing, intellectual property. And this, monks, how is the financial credit?
3. Here, the monks, St. disciples have faith, believe in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Exalted, steps Arhat ... Buddha, Bhagavan". This, monks, is called credit financing. And this, monks, how is the financial world?
4. Here, the monks, St. disciples abandoned wrecked killing ... abandon cooking drunk alcohol. This, monks, is called international finance. And this, monks, is the mind of talent?
5. Here, the monks, St. disciple shame, shame on yourself to do evil, saying evil, evil thoughts, shame for the legal achievements evil, immoral. This, monks, is called the center at. And this, monks, how are you financing?
6. Here, the monks, St. practitioners who persist fear, fear for themselves as evil, saying evil, evil thoughts, fear for the legal achievements evil, immoral. This, monks, is called the quarter. And this, monks, how is writing talent?
7. Here, the monks, St. disciples heard, keep what was heard, contained what was heard, what was legal, improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, meaning full text, subject high entirely celibate life full purity; the law was, he heard, was held, reciting memorized many times, specialized attention to observe, cleverly accomplished by right view. This, monks, is called writing talent. And this, monks, are the property contestants?
8. Here, the monks, St. disciples to abandon defilements heart of avarice, of release in his family, with open hands, preferred to let go, ready to be asked, fancy Bell shared objects. This, monks, is called experimental talent. And this, monks, how is intellectual property?
9. Here, the monks, disciples of St. wisdom, wisdom of being destroyed, St. achievements can enter (decision Trach) led to the destruction of suffering right feet. This, monks, is called intellectual property.
This, monks, is called the seven properties.
International credit and financial capacity,
Tam financial resources and wealth,
Transportation and construction financing,
And intellectual property, financial Saturday;
Who has this property,
Women's or men's,
Called non-poor,
Life is not empty,
Thus credits and gender,
Pure credits and see approach,
Wise specialized attention,
Breasts recite the Buddha's teachings.
§ (VII) (7) UGGA
1. Then Ugga, courtiers of the king went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Ugga, courtiers of the king, lord:
 - It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather bizarre, venerable sir! Such wealth, such great wealth, so much property, venerable sir, is Migara Rohaneyyo!
 - Hey Ugga, Migara Rohaneyyo how rich, how great wealth and assets How much?
 - Buddha, there are hundreds of thousands of gold, silver also said nothing about!
 - Hey Ugga, this property could be reasonable? Not I say that this is not a property. But that property is dominated by fire and water, kings, theft, the heirs, hostile. Seven assets, this Ugga not fire, water, kings, theft, the heirs, hostile dominant. What is seven? Financial credit, financial world, centered at, precious resources, cultural resources, for financing, intellectual property. Seven types of assets, this Ugga, not fire, water, kings, theft, the heirs, hostile dominant.
World credit and financial assets,
Tam financial resources and wealth,
Transportation and construction financing,
And intellectual property, financial Saturday;
Who has this property,
Women's or men's,
He is of great wealth
Thien's hard to win world
Thus credits and gender,
Pure credits and see approach,
Wise specialized attention,
Breasts recite the Buddha's teachings.
§ (VIII) (8) THE fetters
1 - Hey, monks, seven fetters. What is seven?
2. Depending take fetters, golf fetters, is fetters, fetters facilities, chronic fetters, fetters property involved, ignorance fetters.
This, monks have seven fetters.
1. Hey, monks, by the total extinction, cut off by seven fetters, discounts happy to be alive. What is seven?
2. Due to the total extinction, cut off depending participate fetters, happy to be alive ... golf discounts fetters ... fetters ... is suspected chronic fetters ... fetters ... fetters organic participate .. . due to make an end, due to sever ignorance fetters, discounts happy to be alive.
This, monks, due to the total extinction, cut off seven fetters, discounts happy to be alive. This, monks, when the monks were involved fetters annihilation option, cut off from the roots, stems make as swooping - la, making impossible rebirth, makes it impossible to arise in the future , this, monks, is called monks were cut off craving, was released fetters, with right feet is customary arrogance, has an end to suffering.
§ (X) (10) avarice
1 - Hey, monks, seven fetters. What is seven?
2. Depending take fetters, golf fetters, is fetters, fetters facilities, chronic fetters, fetters jealousy, avarice fetters.
This, monks, seven fetters.
§ (I) (11) OPTIONAL domains (1)
1 - Hey, monks, has seven customizable concept. What is seven?
2. Custom Hypnosis Education participate, custom golf hypnosis, hypnosis is customizable, depending complimentary amenities, custom hypnosis chronic, depending organic participating newspapers, ignorance depending newspapers.
This, monks, there are seven this free option.
§ (II0 (12) OPTIONAL domains (2)
1 - Hey, monks, by the total extinction, cut off by seven custom hypnosis, discounts happy to be alive. What is seven?
2. Due to the total extinction, cut off by the lust depending hypnosis, discounts happy life ... custom golf hypnosis ... .. Comfort is customized depending complimentary newspapers ... newspapers ... Organic participated alongside customized depending newspapers .. . due to make an end, due to ignorance custom cut free, discounts are living well.
3. Hey, monks, by the total extinction, cut off this free seven option, discounts are living well. This, monks, when the monks do make an end custom lust ... ignorance depending complimentary newspapers, cut off the roots, making swooping trunk as - la, making impossible rebirth, make can not arise in the future, this, monks, is called monks were cut off craving, were released depending newspapers, with right feet is customary arrogance, has an end to suffering.
§ (III) (13) FAMILY
1 - Hey, monks, seven families who spend part accomplishments; if you have not visited, time does not deserve to go to, if visited, time does not deserve to sit down. What is seven?
2. Do not fun to stand up, not happily welcomed, not happily sit; hid seats; from them for less, from toys wins, they are bad for crude map; they have no respect, no feast.
This, monks, seven families who spent part of this achievement; if less, the time did not deserve to come; if has come, the time does not deserve to sit down.
§ (IV) (14) OF THE CLASS
1 - Hey, monks, there are seven categories of people worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, is unsurpassed in the world blessed land. What is seven?
2. Questions section liberation, liberating insight, certification bodies, is even, credit liberation, depending on the practice, depending on operating credit.
Grade seven people, the monks, worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, is unsurpassed in the world blessed land.
1 - Hey, monks, there are seven categories of people with water for example, there exists in the world. The law is seven?
2. Here, the monks, once ranked divers and submersible always; Here, the monks, who ranked after emergence, the sink; Here, the monks, who ranked after emergence, stand back; Here, the monks, who ranked after emergence, to look and see; Here, the monks, have emerged of people after swimming back to; Here, the monks, who ranked after emergence, gain seats with leg stand; Here, the monks, who ranked after emergence, after swimming across to the other side, to stand on the mainland, is a Brahmin. And this, monks, what kind of person, always diving once and sink?
3. Here, the monks, who ranked quite achieved with the black law, immoral. So, this, monks, is at the sink once and always diving. And this, monks, how is the emergence of people after the sink?
4. Here, the monks, have emerged of people and think: "You instead, belief in good behavior! You instead, please ashamed ... You instead, the fear ... You instead, the effort ... You instead, in the friendly French intellectual! "That's your faith that does not dwell, not increased chief, are reduced. Shame it's heart ... he's the fear that he ... that's our effort ... That wisdom he's not dwell he, not growth, are reduced.
Thus, this is the monks who after emerging class, back to sink. And this, monks, what kind of person after emergence, be stopped?
5. Here, the monks, who have emerged classes and thinking as follows: "You instead, belief in good behavior! You instead, please be ashamed ... You instead, the fear ... You instead, the effort ... You instead, in the friendly French intellectual! "That's your faith that does not reduce, not increase Minister, is standing again, please ashamed of the fear he ... he ... it's the effort that he's ... he's that wisdom does not reduce, not growth, is stop. So, this, monks, is the emergence of people after, was stopped. And this, monks, what kind of person after emergence, to look and see?
6. Here, the monks, have emerged of people and think: "You instead, belief in good behavior! You instead, please be ashamed ... You instead, the fear ... You instead, the effort ... You instead, in the friendly French intellectual! "He, after the cessation of the three fetters, is a Stream, no longer oppressed and optimism, make enlightened decisions Bodhi. So, this, monks, is the emergence of people after, look and see. And this, monks, what kind of person after emergence, swimming back to?
7. Here, the monks, have emerged of people and think: "You instead, belief in good behavior! You instead, please be ashamed ... You instead, the fear ... You instead, the effort ... You instead, in the friendly French intellectual! "He, after the cessation of the three fetters, after soot when greed strategy, as most hybrids, this life also come back again and an end to suffering. Thus, the monks, the people after emerging class, back to the pool. And this, monks, what kind of person after emergence, stand to gain?
8. Here, the monks, have emerged of people and think: "You instead, belief in good behavior! You instead, please be ashamed ... You instead, the fear ... You instead, the effort ... You instead, in the friendly French intellectual! "He, after the cessation of five lower fetters , is being turned, at that enter Nirvana, not his status callbacks. So, this, monks, is the emergence of people after, reached the foot stand. And this, monks, how is the emergence of people after swam across, reached the other side, standing on land Brahmin Career?
9. Here, the monks, have emerged of people and think: "You instead, belief in good behavior! You instead, please be ashamed ... You instead, the fear ... You instead, the effort ... You instead, in the friendly French intellectual! "He, after the cessation of defilements, right in the present, to win themselves enlightened place, attaining and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. So, this, monks, is the emergence of people after swam across, came to the other side, was standing on the mainland, is the One Brahmin.
This, monks, here are seven categories of people are for example water, is present, exist in life.
1. - There are seven classes this person, this, monks, worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of hands, the supreme field blessing in my life. What is seven?
2. Here, people live depending shop class in all operating impermanent, perception is impermanent, feeling is impermanent, in all the time, continuously, without interruption, to win attention, with insight can enter. He, with the destruction of pirated or ... after enlightenment, attainment and residing. This, monks, this is the first class who deserve respect, deserve respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the supreme field blessing in my life.
3. Again, the monks, who lived here with custom classes impermanent ... consistent with the wisdom to enter. For they, the cessation of the taints and the termination of life come a time, not before not after. This is the second class, the monks ... supreme in life.
4. Again, the monks, who lived here with custom classes impermanent ... consistent with the wisdom to enter. He, after the cessation of five lower fetters, Intermediary evidence ... evidence Nirvana Nirvana ... Harming Countless acts evidence ... evidence Nirvana Nirvana Organic onions ... evidence is Upstream, achieve ultimate Sac. This is at the seventh this, monks, worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the supreme field blessing in my life.
Grade seven people, the monks, deserve supreme respect ... in life.
§ (VII) (17) suffering, not self, calm
1. - There are seven classes this person, this, monks, worthy of respect ... in life. What is seven?
2. Here, the monks, who live classes depending consistent with suffering in all operating ... depending shop selfless life in all life depends customary law ... lost in Nirvana, Optimistic , feeling lost in all the time, continuously, without interruption, to win attention, with insight can enter. He with the destruction of pirated or ... after enlightenment, attainment and residing. This is a first-class person worthy of respect ... the supreme field blessing in my life.
3. Again, the monks, who lived here with custom classes in the Nirvana restaurant optimistic, optimistic feeling great optimism, in all the time, continuously, without interruption, to win attention, with Property can enter. For they, the cessation of the taints and the termination of life come a time, not before not after. This is the second class worthy of respect ... the supreme field blessing in my life.
4. Again, the monks, who live here shop classes in the Nirvana optimism, optimistic thoughts, feeling lost in all the time, continuously, without interruption, with the winner mind, with wisdom can enter. He the destruction of five lower fetters, attained Nirvana ... Intermediaries, attained Nirvana ... Harming Countless acts evidence ... evidence Nirvana Nirvana Organic onions. .. Upstream evidence, achieve ultimate Sac. This is the seventh class of people, the monks, worthy of respect ... the supreme field blessing in my life.
This, monks, here are seven categories of people worthy of respect in life ... is the supreme blessing in the life field.
1 - Hey, monks, there were seven wonders of this enemy. What is seven?
2. Here, the monks, the monks earnestly and legal practice in the future Learning aspirations Learning legal practice; French Consulate earnest and future aspirations French restaurant; earnestly convince indulgence, and future aspirations convince indulgence; earnestly Meditation, Meditation aspirations in the future; ardent earnest effort in the future and ardent aspirations of diligence; Property earnest and future concepts aspirations anniversary Property; eager to enter the knowledge and future aspirations of knowledge can enter.
This, monks, here are seven fundamental to be praised.
III. Which served PRODUCTS (any)
1. Thus, the Exalted among the people residing in which served in Sarandada shrine. Then more people come to Bhagavan Licchavi, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan said to the Licchavi were sitting on one side:
 - Hey Licchavi, I will preach to the seven measures He did not make the decline. Listen and heuristic techniques, I will preach.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The man was obedient response Licchavis Bhagavan. Bhagavan said as follows:
2 - And the Licchavi this, how are seven measures do not make the decline?
This the Licchavi, which served when people often congregate, and gathered together a large number, this time the Licchavi, which served population will be growing, not declining.
The Licchavi this, when people gathered in the concept which served to unite, to dissolve the notion of solidarity, and to work in solidarity concept, this the Licchavi, which served population is growing, not declining.
This the Licchavi, which served the public when not enacted laws are not enacted, the law does not cancel the already issued, staying true to the tradition of the people which served as issued Oldtimer, this time the Licchavi , which served population will be growing, not declining.
The Licchavi this, when the people which served devotion, respect, worship, offerings of Elders which served and listened to the teachings of these people, which served the population will be growing, not declining.
The Licchavi this, when the people which served no abduction and forced women and girls which served to live with him, this time the Licchavi, which served population will be growing, not declining.
The Licchavi this, when the people which served devotion, respect, worship, offerings to the temple of which served in the province and outside the province, not abandoned the worship ritual was right with the law before, this time the Licchavi, which served population will be growing, not declining.
The Licchavi this, when the people which served for protection, shelter, support lawful the Arhat position in which served as the location Arhat yet to come in the land, and the A-la welding came to live at peace, this time the Licchavi, which served population will be growing, not declining.
This and the Licchavi, until seven measures were not impair exist between people which served, when people will be found among the seven which served not to undermine this law, this time the Licchavi, which served population will be larger strong, not impaired.
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan § residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir), on Mount Gijjhakuta (Vulture). At that time Ajatasattu, king of Magadha Videhi her son wanted conquest which served the people. King said the following:
 - I decided this conquest which served the people, though they have the authority, with the mighty. I decided weeding which served population. I will destroy the people which served. I will make the people which served necrotic death.
Then Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha told Brahmin Vassakara, lords Magadha country:
 - Hey Brahmin, go to Bhagavan, and in my name his head bowed at his feet, he had little trouble an illness, little brain, calm, healthy, stay optimistic: "Buddha, Ajatasattu Videhi her son, the king of Magadha foot bow before Bhagavan, security consulting him less disease, less brain, calm, stay optimistic. " Transparency and secretary continued: "Buddha, Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha want conquest which served population. King himself said: "I decided this conquest which served the people, though they have the authority, with the mighty. I decided weeding which served population. I will destroy the people which served. I will make the people which served necrotic death. " Bhagavan replied How secretary, remember carefully and talk to me know. Tathagata levels never say no as truth.
 - O Lord, yes.
Brahmin Vassakara, water lords obey the teachings of Magadha Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha, to win the chariot wins, himself riding on a piece, along with carriage went out Rajgir, arrive at Mount Vulture, ride to where the car is also used, then the car walked to Bhagavan; after arrival, immediately told Bhagavan words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, Brahmin Vassakara, great god lord Magadha country:
 - Dear Venerable Gotama Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha his head bowed legs venerable Gotama, security issues he has less disease, less brain, calm, stay optimistic? Dear Venerable Gotama Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha want to conquer the land of the people which served the king himself said: "I decided this conquest which served the people, whether they have the authority, with the mighty. I decided weeding which served population. I will destroy the people which served. I will make the people which served necrotic death. "
2. At that time, Venerable Ananda stood behind Bhagavan fan. Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda:
 - Hey Ananda, which served the people I have heard often congregate and large gatherings with the other?
 - Buddha, I have heard the people and which served frequently gathered together a large gathering.
 - Hey Ananda, when the people gathered, and which served frequently crowded gathering together, this time Ananda, which served population will be growing, not declining. This Ananda, which served me know people gathered in solidarity concept, dissolve in the concept of solidarity, and solidarity work in non concept?
 - Buddha, I have heard people gathered in the concept which served to unite, dissolve in the concept of solidarity and work in unity concept.
 - Hey Ananda, when people gathered in the concept which served to unite, dissolve in the concept of solidarity and work in unity concept, this time Ananda, which served population will be growing, not declining. This Ananda, I have heard the people which served not enact laws that are not issued, no cancellation laws were enacted, staying true to the traditions of the people which served as issued ancient not?
 - Buddha, I have heard the people which served not enact laws that are not issued, no cancellation laws were enacted, staying true to the tradition of which served the ancient people.
 - Hey Ananda, when the people which served not enacted laws are not enacted, the law does not cancel the already issued, staying true to the traditions of the people which served as issued Oldtimer, this time Ananda, People which served to be prosperous, not impaired. This Ananda, I have heard the people which served devotion, respect, worship, offerings of Elders which served, and listen to the teachings of these people do not?
 - Buddha, I have heard the people which served devotion, respect, worship, offerings of Elders which served, and listen to the teachings of these people.
 - Hey Ananda, when the people which served devotion, respect, worship, offerings of Elders which served, and listen to the teachings of these people, which served the people will be prosperous, not impaired. This Ananda, I have heard the people which served no abduction and forced women and girls which served to save lives with me?
 - Buddha, I have heard the people which served no abduction and forced women and girls which served to live with him.
 - Hey Ananda, when the people which served no abduction and forced women and girls which served to live with him, this time Ananda, which served population will be growing, not declining. I have heard the people of this Ananda which served devotion, respect, worship, offerings to the temple of which served in the province and outside the province, not abandoned the worship was offered before, had done before with the legal right not?
 - Buddha, I have heard the people which served devotion, respect, worship, offerings to the temple of which served in the province and outside the province, not abandoned the worship was offered before, had done before true with the law.
 - Hey Ananda, when the people which served devotion, respect, worship, offerings to the temple of which served in the province and outside the province, not abandoned the worship was offered before, had done before at variance with Justice, this time Ananda, which served population will be growing, not declining. I have heard the people of this Ananda which served for protection, shelter, support lawful the Arhat position in which served, enabling them to Arhat yet to come in the land, and even the A-La- drought has come to live peace?
 - Buddha, I have heard the people which served for protection, shelter, support lawful the Arhat position in which served, enabling them to Arhat yet to come in the land, and even the A -la-drought came to live at peace.
 - Hey Ananda, when the people which served for protection, shelter, support lawful the Arhat position in which served, enabling them to Arhat yet to come in the land, and the A-la welding came to live at peace, this time Ananda, which served population will be growing, not declining.
3. Then Bhagavan told Brahmin courtier Vassakara Magadha country:
 - Hey Brahmin, a time, I lived in Vesali, at the temple Sarandada, I taught the law which served seven is not impaired. This Brahmin, when seven measures not impaired, is maintained among the people which served, when people are taught seven measures which served not decline, this time Brahmin, which served population will be growing, not declining.
4. When you are told so, Brahmin Vassakara, the great god lord Magadha country:
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, which served only if they meet one of these measures are not impaired, which served the people of certain growth, not decline, much less for all seven measures are not impaired. Dear Venerable Gotama Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha can not beat people which served in combat, unless using diplomatic or indirectly glass design. Dear Venerable Gotama, now we have to go, we have a lot of work and has many duties.
 - Hey Brahmin, do what you think is trendy.
Then Brahmin Vassakara, Magadha State courtiers praised joy teachings of Bhagavan, stood up from his seat and departed.
§ (III) (21) POSITION - bhikkhus
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Rajgir, at Mount Vulture (Gijjhakuta). There, Bhagavan called the monks:
 - There are seven measures not impaired, the monks. Listen and skillful attention, I will explain:
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2 - And this, monks, are the seven measures not impaired? This, monks, when they monks often gathered and gathered together a large number, this time the monks, monks they will be growing, not declining.
This, monks, when they assembled monks in the concept of unity, dissolved in the concept of unity, and work Increase in the concept of unity, this time the monks, they would be great monks strong, not impaired.
This, monks, monks when they are not enacted laws are not enacted, the law does not cancel the already issued, staying true to the study presented was issued, this time, monks we monks will be growing, not declining.
This, monks, when they monks worship, respect, worship, offerings to the monks Ven level, these people are your experienced, high-stance young, their parents increase, increase our guru and listen to the teachings of these people, this time the monks, monks they will be growing, not declining.
This, monks, when they monks not dominated by craving, craving the work into another life, this time the monks, monks we'll be strong, not impaired .
This, monks, when they live like monks places humanity, this time the monks, monks they will be growing, not declining.
This, monks, when they monks mindfulness itself, making fellow practitioners not to want to goodwill in. And the goodwill fellow came in to live at peace, this time the monks, monks they will be growing, not declining.
This, monks, when seven measures do not undermine this position is maintained between the monks, when the seven monks are taught not to undermine this law, this time the monks, they Billion -kheo will be growing, not declining.
§ (IV) (22) WORK
1 - Hey, monks, has seven measures do not undermine this ... I will preach ...
2. And this, monks, are the seven measures not degrade?
This, monks, monks when they do it is not fancy, not how the happy, not how the passion, this time the monks, monks we'll be strong, not impaired.
This, monks, monks when they preferred not chatter, chatter is not happy, not passionate chatter, this time the monks, monks we'll be strong, not impaired .
This, monks, monks when they preferred not sleeping, not happy sleeping, not sleeping passion, this time the monks, monks we'll be strong, not impaired .
This, monks, monks when they preferred not clustered, non-clustered joy, no passion clustered, this time the monks, monks we'll be strong, not impaired .
This, monks, monks when they have no evil desire, not dominated by evil desires, this time the monks, monks they will be growing, not declining.
This, monks, monks when they are not friends, evil lust, evil desires not trusted, not with evil desires of mass, this time the monks, monks we'll be strong, not impaired.
This, monks, monks when they do not stop halfway between the attainment of the humble fruit and wins fruition, this time the monks, monks we'll be strong, not impaired.
This, monks, when seven measures must not reduce this to be maintained between the monks, when the seven monks are taught not to undermine this law, this time the monks, they billion- parade will be growing, not declining.
§ (V) (23) TRUST
1 - Hey, monks, has seven measures not impaired, listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
 - Fiat, venerable sir.
The monks did you answer yes Bhagavan. Bhagavan said as follows:
2 - And this, monks, are the seven measures not impaired?
This, monks, when we have faith, monks, there are eight, have you, have heard much, effort, mindfulness, wisdom, this time the monks, we monks will is growing, not declining.
This, monks, when seven measures must not reduce this to be maintained between the monks, when the seven monks are taught not to undermine this law, this time the monks, they billion- parade will be growing, not declining.
§ (VI) (24) OUT COSTS
1 - Hey, monks, has seven measures do not undermine this ... I will preach ... (as above).
2. And this, monks, are the seven measures not degrade?
This, monks, when they monks practicing enlightenment concept, scouts legal practice enlightenment, enlightenment diligent practice, practice enlightenment joy, equanimity enlightenment practice, practice to enlightenment , discharge practice enlightenment, this time the monks, we monks'll be strong, not impaired.
This, monks, when seven measures must not reduce this to be maintained between the monks, when the seven monks are taught not to undermine this law, this time the monks, they billion- parade will be growing, not declining.
§ (VII) (25) CONCEPT
1 - Hey, monks, I will preach seven measures do not undermine ... (as above).
2. And this, monks, are the seven measures not degrade?
This, monks, monks when they practiced great impermanence, cultivate selfless thoughts, impure thoughts practice, practice hazard perception, thought eradicated practice, practice taking great multitude, practice Removal thought, this time, monks, monks they will be growing, not declining.
This, monks, when seven measures must not reduce this to be maintained between the monks, when the seven monks are taught not to undermine this law, this time the monks, they billion- parade will be growing, not declining.
1. - This Saturday, the monks, leading to rot fall for the Friends School monks. What is seven?
2. Preferred work; fancy talk; preferred sleeping; Preferred congregation; the base does not hedge; abstemious eating; Increase the job they have, at that, monks Huu learn without thinking: "Between the Sangha has the highly experienced elders, have long left home, assume their positions. They will be known for this position, "and do not have dedicated themselves.
Seven this, this, monks, monks put to rot rotten Friends School.
3. This Saturday, the monks, making monks learned to not rotten rotten Friends. What is seven?
4. Do not fancy the job; preferred not to talk; not fancy sleeping; not fancy congregation; the base is protected; abstemious eating; Increase the job they have, in it, have learned monks Huu thinking: "Between the Sangha, which the elders have much experience, have long left home, assume their positions. They will be known for this position "and have dedicated themselves".
§ (IX) (27) Time DOA
1. - This Saturday, the monks, take a layperson to rot Men fall. What is seven?
2. Forget, not visiting monks; Bohemian hear the true Dhamma; World growth is not practiced; less confident elders, monks, middle, front entry; victim centered approach hard to hear, explore the cons; find someone worthy offerings outside Sangha; now it served.
Seven this, this, monks, gave a layman to rot Men fall.
3. This Saturday, the monks, take a layperson to not rot Men fall. What is seven?
4. Do not forget to visit the monks; not hear the true Dhamma bohemian; heavenly rose cultivation; more trust for elders, monks, middle, front entry; not hard to hear victim centered approach, not to explore the cons; not find someone worthy of offerings outside the Sangha; there served.
Seven this, this, monks, lay people give to not fall Male optimistic.
Lay people not to visit,
The monk self,
Not to listen to the Holy Justice,
No wins world learning,
Few believe the monks,
Believes that growth,
With proper hard victims center,
Want to hear the true Dhamma feet.
Find out Sangha,
Who deserve offerings,
Here the layman,
Worried served.
Seven measures degrade,
Skillfully lecture,
Layperson to serve them,
Dhamma impaired.
Layman has visited,
The monk self,
Having to listen to the sermon,
Having won the world learning,
There were reports of monks,
Believes that growth,
With no hard center victims,
Want to hear the true Dhamma feet.
Do not look outside Sangha,
Who deserve offerings,
Here the layman,
Worried served.
Seven measures unabated,
Skillfully lecture,
Layperson to serve them,
Dhamma unabated.
§ (X - XII) (28-30) misfortune, blowing DOA
1 - Hey, monks, seven misfortune of a layman ... Hey, monks, there are seven lucky things ... Hey laypeople, monks, seven rot this fall of a layman ... Hey, monks, has seven wins this progress of a layman ... What is seven?
2. Do not forget to visit the monks; not hear the true Dhamma bohemian; heavenly rose cultivation, more confident for your elders, monks, middle, front entry; not hard to hear victim centered approach, not to explore the cons; not find someone worthy of offerings outside the Sangha; now it served.
Seven this, this, monks, is the winner of a layman progress.
Lay people not to visit,
The monk self,
Not to listen to the Holy Justice,
No wins world learning,
Few believe the monks,
Believes that growth,
With proper hard victims center,
Want to hear the true Dhamma feet.
Find out Sangha,
Who deserve offerings,
Here the layman,
Worried served.
Seven measures degrade,
Skillfully lecture,
Lay people to serve them,
Dhamma impaired.
Layman has visited,
The monk self,
Having to listen to the sermon
Having won the world learning,
There were reports of monks,
Believes that growth,
With no hard center victims,
Want to hear the true Dhamma feet.
Do not look outside Sangha,
Who deserve offerings,
Here the layman,
Worried served.
Seven measures unabated,
Skillfully lecture,
Layperson to serve them,
Dhamma unabated.
§ (I) (31) undistracted
1. Then there is a God who, after the night was almost complacent, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Jetavana region go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, he's lord God:
 - There are seven this, venerable sir, is not to fall put monks optimistic. What is seven? Revered gurus, revered French; we Increased reverence; Learning revered Justice; reverence for; undistracted reverence; to welcome revered. Seven this, venerable sir, is not to fall put monks optimistic.
Thien's say so. Accepted guru. Then the thought that God's "guru has accepted us," the organic body towards him and then disappeared in place.
2. Then Bhagavan, after the night was over, immediately told the monks:
 - Tonight, the monks, after a night's God was near full strength, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Jetavana go to my region; after arriving, I bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, this, monks, God's with me he said, "There are seven measures, venerable sir, is not to fall put monks optimistic. What is seven? Revered gurus, revered French; Increased reverence, veneration Learning methods; reverence for; undistracted reverence and honor to welcome. Seven this venerable sir, is not to fall put monks optimistic ". This, monks, God's say so, after saying, worship Me, the organic body towards me, and then disappeared in place.
Regards gurus,
Regards Dharma and Sangha,
Regards the zeal,
Respectful learning media,
Regards no distractions,
Chi sincere to welcome,
Oppressed and can not communicate,
Monks near Nirvana.
§ (II) (32) SHAME
1. - Tonight, the monks, a God who, after the night was almost complacent, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Jetavana go to my region; after arriving, I bowed and stood aside, God's with me he said, "There are seven this, venerable sir, monks do not give peanuts to fall. What is seven? Revered gurus, revered French; Increased reverence, veneration Learning methods; reverence for; shy reverence, reverence fear. Seven this, venerable sir, do not put monks to rot rotten ". This, monks, God's say so, say so finished, I bowed, right hand toward my relatives disappeared in place.
Regards gurus,
Regards Dharma and Sangha,
Regards the zeal,
Learning respect press law,
Full bathroom and you,
Depending upon and venerated,
Oppressed and can not communicate,
He is close to Nirvana.
§ (III) (33) to say (1)
... (As of 32, the only other alternative is a last second quarter with the knife and friendly language (easy to say) and good friends) ...
§ (IV) (34) to say (2)
1. - Tonight, the monks, after a night's God was near full strength, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Jetavana go to my region; after arriving, I bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, he said to me: "This Saturday, venerable sir, is not to fall put monks optimistic. What is seven? Revered gurus, revered French; Increased reverence, veneration Learning methods; reverence for; improved language reverence and honor friendship friendly. Seven this, venerable sir, is not to fall put monks optimistic ". This, monks, God's say so, after saying, I bowed, right hand toward my relatives disappeared in place.
2. To hear this, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
3. - This brief words of the Blessed One, venerable sir, I understood broadly as follows: Here, venerable sir, monks themselves revered gurus, praise reverence Directed Career history. For other monks revered gurus, he encouraged them revered masters. For other monks revered gurus, he praised a true, right feet and on time. Revered French themselves ... they themselves revered ... ourselves Increase legal revered ... ourselves Learning revered themselves good language ... good friendship revered, praised the friendly revered by organic. For other monks venerated good friends, he encouraged them reverence friendship friendly. For other monks good friends Revere, he praised a true, right feet and on time. This brief words of Bhagavan, venerable sir, I understand so widely.
4. - Protestants instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! This Sariputta, the words of my brief, I understand the meaning has been broadly the same. Here, this Sariputta, monks themselves revered gurus ... (as above, with the necessary changes) ... a real feet, right feet and on time. This brief words of mine, this Sariputta, need to understand the meaning so widely.
§ (V) (35) FRIENDS (1)
1. - Achievement seven branch part, the monks, the monks have to close as a friend. What is seven?
2. So what's hard to do what is difficult to do, difficult to endure patiently what, say what his secret, hiding secrets of others, not giving up when misfortune, no contempt turn when bankruptcy assets.
Seven factors of this achievement, the monks, the monks have to close as a friend.
Difficult for you,
Making things difficult to do,
Endurance words,
It's hard to endurance,
Tell your secrets,
Who hide secrets,
Misfortune, not abandon,
Bankruptcy, clink contempt,
In these circumstances,
Finding such people,
Who needs friends,
Be near you so.
§ (VI) (36) FRIENDS (2)
1. - Achievement seven branch part, the monks, the people you need to close, need to communicate, must servant, was expelled oil. What is seven?
2. Ability loving, capable reviews; to respect; deserves to be imitated; the false doctrine; endurance words; Say deep; no urge unreasonable things.
Seven this achievement, the monks, monks are friends, need to close, need to communicate, must servant, was expelled oil.
Endearing and respected,
Worth imitating, false doctrine,
Endurance of words,
Speaking profound words,
No urging force,
Things unreasonable,
Who has this law,
In life, people like that,
He is a friend,
Who needs friends,
Who wish to benefit,
With one lap from introspection.
Oil has been expelled scare,
Be close to her.
§ (VII) (37) his wife RESOLUTION
1. - Achievement seven measures, the monks, monks soon, to win themselves enlightened mind, and dwell attained the four unobstructed. What is seven?
2. Here, the monks, monks when the mind is passive, as clearly said: "This is the passive mind"; when eighty strategy, as clearly said: "I soot Inner comb"; when the mind is wandering, extrovert ". He is aware of life arise, aware of life reside, aware of life come to destroy; aware of the idea arises, be aware of the thoughts dwell, aware of the idea of ​​killing; aware of the range arises, be aware of the views reside, be aware of the range of killing. For appropriate or not appropriate, for the inferior legal or wins, for legal partake partake black or white, he skillfully holds minister volition clever, cleverly maintain life, be smart Sign in with wisdom.
Seven this achievement, the monks, the monks do not how long, to win themselves enlightened mind, and dwell attained the four unobstructed.
3. Achievement seven this, this, monks Sariputta to win yourself enlightened mind, and dwell attained the four unobstructed. What is seven?
4. Here, the monks, Sariputta when the mind is passive, as clearly said: "This is the passive mind"; when eighty strategy, as clearly said: "I soot Inner comb"; ... (as above, number 2, ... and dwell attained unobstructed four award).
1. - Achievement seven measures, the monks, monks not to subdue his mind and heart were subdued. What is seven?
2. Here, the monks, monks of the skilful, skilful samadhi, the skilful dwell, out of skilful, skilful in the comfort of the, skilful in the realm of provisions, skillful in development to lead to.
Seven this achievement, the monks, monks not to subdue his heart and mind were subdued.
3. Achievement seven measures, the monks, Sariputta subdue the mind and not let themselves be interested Sariputta subdue. What is seven?
4. Here, the monks, Sariputta on the skilful, skilful samadhi, the skilful dwell, out of skilful, skilful in the comfort of Meditation, skillful in the realm of , skillful in the lead up to the release.
Seven this achievement, this, monks, Sariputta subdue the mind and heart Sariputta not let themselves be subdued.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika in his garden. Then Venerable Sariputta in the morning, robes, holding the bowl y, go into Savatthi for alms. The venerable Sariputta thought as follows: "It is too soon to beg for alms in Savatthi, so let's go to the garden of the pagan wandering ascetic." Then Venerable Sariputta went to the garden of the pagan wandering ascetic, after arriving in the garden of the pagan wandering ascetic, after arrival, speak with the pagan wandering ascetic words of welcome to inquire, after speaking up words of welcome to ask friends, sat down on one side.
2. At that time, the wandering ascetic sat her pagan gatherings and following the story arose: "reverences, who lived twelve years practicing virtues pure perfection, it is sufficient to say "The monks worthy of praise." Then venerable Sariputta no rejoicing, no criticism of the word pagan was wandering ascetic; not rejoicing, not criticism, from the seat up and came away with the thought: "I will clarify the meaning of this word Bhagavan".
3. Then venerable Sariputta, after alms in Savatthi finished, after meals, begging for food on the way back, go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
 - Here, venerable sir, in the morning, the robes, holding medicine bowl, went into Savatthi for alms. Then venerable sir, I thought as follows: "It is too soon to beg for alms in Savatthi, so let's go to the garden of the pagan wandering ascetic." Then venerable sir, I went to the garden of the pagan wandering ascetic; after arrival, speak with her pagan wandering ascetic words of welcome to inquire; after speaking to the words of welcome and then ask friends, I sat down on one side. At that time, venerable sir, the wandering ascetic sat her pagan gatherings and following the story arose: "reverences, who lived twelve years practicing virtues pure perfection, it is just enough to say: "The monks worthy of praise." Then venerable sir, I do not rejoice, not criticism of the word pagan was wandering ascetic; no rejoicing, no criticism, I got up from his seat and came away with the thought: "I will clarify the meaning of this word Bhagavan". Buddha, in France and this Act, may specify a monks deserve praise, entirely by counting the number of years?
 - Hey Sariputta, in France, and this law, can not specify a monks deserve praise, entirely due to count the years. Seven wonders of this unique, this Sariputta, after the winning position, I self-realization, attainment, dwell, and uttered. What is seven?
4. Here, the Sariputta, monks earnestly and legal practice in the future Learning aspirations Learning legal practice; legal and customary earnest desire in the future customary law; earnestly convince indulgence and future aspirations convince indulgence; earnest and future Meditation Meditation aspirations; ardent earnest effort in the future and ardent aspirations of diligence; Property earnest and future concepts aspirations anniversary Property; eager to enter the knowledge and future aspirations of knowledge can enter.
This Sariputta, seven wonders of this is my revenge himself with wins enlightened place, attaining, and uttered reside.
5. Achievement seven wonders of this unique, this Sariputta, monks, if for twelve years practicing virtues pure perfection, it is enough to say: "The monks should be praised!" If for twenty-four years of practice virtue pure perfection, it is enough to say: "the monks should be praised!" If in thirty-six years of practicing virtues pure perfection, it is just suffice it to say: "the monks worthy of praise!" If in forty-eight years practicing virtues pure perfection, it is enough to say: "the monks should be praised!"
1. Thus have I heard:
One time Bhagavan residing in Kosambi, at Ghosita garden. Then Venerable Ananda morning robes, holding the bowl y, go to Kosambi for alms. Venerable Ananda thought: "It is too soon to beg for alms in Kosambi, so let's go to the garden of the pagan wandering ascetic." Then Venerable Ananda went to the garden of the pagan wandering ascetic, after arrival, speak with the pagan wandering ascetic words of welcome he inquired, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends, sat down one side.
2-3. ... (2-3 of business Like above, except that the Venerable Ananda Venerable Sariputta) ... What is seven?
4. Here, Ananda, monks who believe, with heart shame, there is the fear, you hear a lot, there are ardent effort, mindfulness, wisdom.
Seven wonders of this unique, this Ananda, be yourself to win where I realized, attainment, and uttered reside.
5. Achievement seven wonders of this unique, this Ananda, if monks for twelve years practicing virtues pure perfection, it is enough to say: "The monks should be praised!" If the twenty-four years of practice virtue pure perfection, it is enough to say: "the monks should be praised!" If in thirty-six years of practicing virtues pure perfection, it is just enough to say: "the monks should be praised!" If within forty-eight years of practicing virtues pure perfection, it is enough to say: "the monks should be praised!"
§ (I) (41) HOW TO STAY
1 - Hey, monks, this residence has seven official. What is seven?
2. There are sentient beings, this, monks, other relatives, such as great men, some of God's, some of the species are in deprivation. This is the first official residence.
3. There are sentient beings, this, monks, other relatives, their idea is a natural Pham was born thanks to Zen preliminary evidence. This is the official residence Monday.
4. There are sentient beings, the monks, the body is one, another idea as gods Quang Music. This is the official residence Tuesday.
5. There are sentient beings, the monks, the body is one, is one such idea Devas denaturation. This is the official residence Wednesday.
6. There are sentient beings, this, monks, completely beyond the great colors, great ending obstacles, not a great difference volition, reached the land of boundless, said that: "Nowhere is priceless sea". This is the official residence Thursday.
7. There are sentient beings, the monks, beating Made entirely boundless, boundless reach of origin, said that: "Consciousness is infinite". This is the official residence Friday.
8. There are sentient beings, the monks, beating Made entirely boundless, reaches naught origin, said that: "There is not anything". This is the official residence Saturday.
This, monks, the official residence of seven.
1 - Hey, monks, seven of the investment this salary. What is seven?
2. The chief knowledge, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness. Most attention, this, monks, is this part of seven spending from wages; this is called the Holy concentration, the monks, with clinics, with private wages.
§ (III) (43) FIRE (1)
1 - Hey, monks, there are seven kinds of this fire. What is seven?
2. The fire involved, fires, fire si, you deserve the respect of fire, fire homeowner, you should fire the offering, the wood fire.
This, monks, there are seven kinds of this fire.
 § (IV) (44) FIRE (2)
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. At that time, a large herd health is being established for the Brahmin Uggatasarira, five hundred oxen were led to the altar pillars, five hundred male calf was brought to the altar pillars, five hundred female calf is led to the altar pillars, five hundred goats were brought to the altar pillars, and five hundred sheep being led to calf herd health office. Then Brahmin Uggatasarira go to Bhagavan, after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Brahmin Uggatasarira said to Bhagavan:
 - I heard the following, sir venerable Gotama: "helped fuel the fire and pillars erected altar with great results, with great benefit."
 - Hey Brahmin, I also heard: "helped fuel the fire and pillars erected altar with great results, with great benefit."
The second time ... A third time, Brahmin Uggatasarira said to Bhagavan:
 - I heard the following, sir venerable Gotama: "helped fuel the fire and pillars erected altar with great results, with great benefit."
 - Hey Brahmin, I also heard: "helped fuel the fire and pillars erected altar with great results, with great benefit."
 - So, dear venerable Gotama, we identify a purpose, and our Venerable Gotama; in fact, we completely agree together.
2. To hear this, Venerable Ananda told Brahmin Uggatasarira:
 - Hey Brahmin, do not ask the Tathagata, saying, "I heard the following, sir venerable Gotama:" helped fuel the fire and pillars erected altar with great results, with great benefit. " This Brahmin, to ask the Tathagata as follows: "Buddha, I wanted helped fuel the fire, I want to set up international offices above. Buddha, Bhagavan please Catholic world for children! Buddha, Bhagavan or preach to you, to make you long-term happiness! "
3. Then Brahmin Uggatasarira venerable sir:
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, I wanted helped fuel the fire, I want to set up international offices above. Dear Venerable Gotama, Venerable Gotama please Catholic world for children; Venerable Gotama please preach to you, to make you happy, long-term peace.
 - Hey Brahmin, who helped fuel the fire, pillars erected altar before the priest above, erected three evil sword leads to suffering allergic suffering mature birth. What are the three?
4. Body Search, search terms, the search. This Brahmin, who helped fuel the fire, altar pillars erected before the feast of sacrifice, the thought arises: "When they need to kill bulls to sacrifice herd, until then the male buffalo calves need to kill the male rituals, as long as he needs to kill the buffalo calves for herd ceremony, as long as he needs to kill a goat for sacrifice above, as long as he needs to kill sheep for the feast of sacrifice. " He thought: "I do merit", to make non-merit "; "I do good, to do evil; think: "I find the path to healing realm", to find the path to the realm of evil. "This Brahmin, who helped fuel the fire, altar pillars erected before the feast of sacrifice, Construction first up the sword, leading to suffering born evil, suffering allergic maturity.
5. Again, the Brahmin, who helped fuel the fire, pillars erected altar, altar before the ceremony, said the following: "Let's kill that bull about to sacrifice above. Let's kill the male calf was about to sacrifice above. Let's kill the calf was about to sacrifice the herd. Let's kill that much just to sacrifice the goat herd. Let's kill him as long as sheep for sacrifice above. ". He thought: "I do merit", to make non-merit; think: "I'm doing good," to do evil; think: "I find the path to healing realm", to find the path to the data plane. This Brahmin, who helped fuel the fire, altar pillars erected before the feast of sacrifice, make up the second, the evil brought to the suffering of birth, suffering allergic maturity.
6. Again, the Brahmin, who helped fuel the fire, altar pillars erected before the feast of sacrifice, himself starting to work: "Kill the bull for sacrifice Forums "; yourself starting to work: "Let's kill the male buffalo calves for herd sacrifice"; yourself starting to work: "Let's kill the calf to sacrifice the Forum"; yourself starting to work: "Let's kill the male goat for sacrifice"; yourself starting to work: "Let's kill the male sheep for sacrifice." He thought: "I do merit", to make non-merit; think: "I'm doing good," to do evil; think: "I find the path to healing realm", to find the path to the data plane. This Brahmin, who helped fuel the fire, altar pillars erected before the feast of sacrifice, make up the third, the evil brought to the suffering of birth, suffering allergic maturity.
This Brahmin, who helped fuel the fire, altar pillars erected before the feast of sacrifice, three sword erected this, being evil leads to suffering, suffering allergic maturity.
7. Hey Brahmin, three fire must make an end, should be kept away. What are the three?
8. The fire involved, fires, fire si. Why, the Brahmin, the fire involved need to annihilation, should stay away, not to close?
9. The making of attachment is involved, conquered, occupied center, this Brahmin, doing evil deeds with the body, doing evil deeds with words, doing evil deeds with reviews. Him after doing evil deeds with the body, do evil deeds with words, doing evil deeds with the intention, when the body damage the public network, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell. Therefore, take this fire should make an end, the need to stay away, not to close. And the Brahmin, why the need to make an end to the fires, should stay away, not to close?
10. The courts are made angry, conquered, occupied center, this Brahmin, doing evil deeds with the body, doing evil deeds with words, doing evil deeds with reviews. Him after doing evil deeds with the body, do evil deeds with words, doing evil deeds with the intention, when the body is born in the realms havoc general data networks, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Therefore this field should train to make an end, the need to stay away, not to close. And the Brahmin, why si fire should make an end, the need to stay away, not to close?
11. People with si make confusion, conquered, occupied center, this Brahmin, do evil deeds with the body, do evil deeds with words, doing evil deeds with the intention. Him after doing evil deeds with the body, do evil deeds with words, doing evil deeds with the intention, when the body damage the public network, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell. So si fire must make an end, the need to stay away, not to close.
This third fire, the Brahmin, need to make an end, the need to stay away, not to close.
12. Three of this fire, this Brahmin, be reverent, be respectful, be offered, to provide communications chief. What are the three?
13. Fire worthy of respect, Homeowners fire, flames worthy offerings. And the Brahmin, what is worthy of respect fire?
14. Here, the Brahmin, the mothers, the fathers of the person, the Brahmin, is called fire worthy of respect. Why? Since the appearance of fire that makes this respect brings, makes engenders. Therefore, the Brahmin, the fire should be reverent awe, respect, be offered, to provide communications chief. And the Brahmin, the fire Homeowners How?
15. Here, the Brahmin, the children, the wives, the serviceman, who reported, or people working for him, the Brahmin, is called fire Homeowners. So fire Homeowners are respectful, be respectful, be offered, to provide communications chief. And the Brahmin, how worthy of offerings is the fire?
16. Here, the Brahmin, the recluses, Brahmin does renounce arrogance, restlessness, live gentle patience; each tame the ego; each self absorption; everyone calm self. This Brahmin, is called flame worthy offerings. Thus deserve this offering fire is reverence, respect, worthy of offerings, the district must provide optimism.
This Brahmin, three flame is reverence, respect, worthy of offerings, the district must provide optimism.
And this wood fire, the Brahmin, often need to kindle the fire it up, usually need to take care of maintenance, usually need to extinguish, must often set aside.
17. To say so, Brahmin Uggatasarira venerable sir:
 - It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! Venerable Gotama Receive lay disciples also, from now to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold. Venerable Gotama and said, I will drop five hundred bulls and let live; I'll drop five hundred male buffalo calves and let live; I'll drop five hundred female calf and let live; I'll drop five hundred goats and let live; I'll drop five hundred sheep and let live. Let them eat grass; let them drink cool water; let them cool wind blowing.
§ (V) (45) IDEA (1)
1. - There are seven this idea, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, may enter into immortality, for immortality as salvage. What is seven?
2. Chiang impure, thought dead, boring ideas for food, not a great joy for all the world, perception is impermanent, suffering in impermanence ideal, selfless concept of suffering.
Seven idea, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as salvage.
§ (VI) (46) IDEA (2)
1. - There are seven this idea, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, may enter into immortality, for immortality as salvage. What is seven?
2. Chiang impure, thought dead, boring ideas for food, not a great joy for all the world, perception is impermanent, suffering in impermanence ideal, selfless concept of suffering.
3. Chiang impurities, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as salvage, referred to as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
4. This, monks, the monks lived a lot with impure thoughts, the mind regress, back center back, with his back to not immerse in lust; so his mind is not tense, serenity, boredom arises. Just as, monks, feathers or sinew thrown into the fire to turn back time, or back, turn away, and not stressful; also, the monks, the monks lived a lot with impure thoughts, the mind regress, back center back, with his back to not immerse in lust; so his mind is not tense, serenity, boredom arises.
This, monks, if the monks live more with impure thoughts, but the flow in mind, immersed in lust, boredom does not start up, the monks did need to understand that "impure not are we practicing; where we no difference before and after. We did not achieve results in practice ". There, he such awareness.
This, monks, if the monks live more with impure thoughts, the mind regress, back center back, with his back to not immerse in lust; so his mind is not tense, serenity, boredom arises, the monks did need to understand that: "Ideas are our impure practice; where we have differences before and after. We achieved results in practice ". There, he such awareness. Impure thoughts, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, may enter into immortality, for immortality as salvage, referred to as such. Conditioned by what is referred to as such.
5. Thought dead, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, referred to as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
6. Hey, monks, monks lived with a great many dead, the mind regress, back center back, turned not enjoy life, so his mind is not tense, serene, arises boring , time ... (as of 4 above, the other just before the impure thought, this is the idea of ​​death, with the necessary changes) ... Because of this affinity is mentioned as such.
7. Thought for food boring, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, such is mentioned. Conditioned by what is said so?
8. Hey, monks, if the monks live with a great variety of dishes, the mind regress ... not craving the taste; so his mind is not tense, serene, arises boring, time ... (as of 4 above, this is just another boring ideas for dishes) ... Due to this coast are said to so.
9. It must not rejoice for the world, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, such is mentioned. Conditioned by what is said so?
10. Hey, monks, if the monks did not live much with joyful heart for the world, the mind regress, back center back, turned the world's flashy; so his mind is not tense, serene, arises boring, time ... (as of 4 above, except that this is not joyful heart for the world and the changes necessary) .. . Because of this affinity is mentioned as such.
11. Perception is impermanent, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, such is mentioned. Conditioned by what is said so?
12. Hey, monks, if the monks live with a great variety of impermanence, the mind regress, back center back, with his back to the avaricious, reverently fame; so his mind is not tense, serene, arises boring, time ... (as of 4 above, except that this idea of ​​impermanence with the necessary changes) ...
13. Thought on impermanent suffering, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as salvage, referred to as dress. Conditioned by what is said so?
14. Hey, monks, if the monks live with a great many suffering in impermanence, the great fear of the security establishment was keen on passive, lazy, relaxed, spontaneous, not focused, not observe; such as a killer executioner raised up. This, monks, if the monks lived much with the idea of ​​suffering in impermanence, but the great fear is not an up sharp on the passive, lazy, relaxed, spontaneous, not paying attention, not shop Iron; the murderer like a sword held up. This, monks, monks he needs to understand that: "Ideas are not suffering in impermanence we practice; where we no difference before and after. We did not achieve the result of practice. "Here, he such awareness. But the monks, if the monks live with a great many suffering in impermanence, the great fear of an up sharp on passive, lazy, relaxed, spontaneous, not paying attention, does not contemplate , such as a killer peach jam up. This, monks, monks need to understand that: "Ideas are not suffering in impermanence we practice; where we no difference before and after. We achieved results of the practice. "Here, he such awareness. Impermanent thoughts on suffering, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, may enter into immortality, for immortality as salvage, referred to as such. This is conditioned by such talk.
15. Thought selflessness on suffering, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as the purpose, referred to as dress. Conditioned by what is said so?
16. Hey, monks, if the monks lived much with the idea of ​​selflessness on the suffering, this, monks, he escaped attention of ideas down, head down, conceit, for the body has this informal and for all generals outside, clever liberation, is peace, overcome prejudices. This, monks, if the monks live with heart contains a great many selfless on the suffering, this, monks, the he does not get rid of the idea down, head down, conceit, for the body with this formula and for all generals outside, cleverly freed, be calm, not to overcome prejudices. This, monks, monks he needs to understand that: "Thought selflessness in our suffering is not practiced; where we no difference before and after. We did not achieve the result of practice. "Here, he such awareness. But the monks, if the monks lived much with the idea of ​​selflessness on the suffering, this, monks, he escaped attention of ideas down, head down, conceit for the body with awareness and respect with all generals outside, cleverly freed, be calm, overcome prejudices. This, monks, monks he needs to understand that: "Thought selflessness on suffering is to cultivate; where we have differences before and after. We achieved results of the practice. "Here, he such awareness. Selfless thoughts on suffering, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, may enter into immortality, for immortality as salvage, referred to as such. This is conditioned by such talk.
Seven idea, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, may enter into immortality, for immortality as salvage.
§ (VII) (47) Erotica
1. Then there Brahmin Janussoni go to Bhagavan, after coming up with Bhagavan said words of welcome to inquire ... Sit down one side, Brahmin Janussoni venerable sir:
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, he came to have set themselves up as non-celibate?
 - Hey Brahmin, who said right feet to say: "He celibate, no chipping, no defects, no stains, no dots, fullness, bar the provincial". This Brahmin, if I talk about a right feet, the time to say so: "I am celibate, no chipping, no violations with no stains, no dots, fullness , peaceful".
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, Pham unfortunate how little Venerable Gotama, is being moldy, missing violations, contaminated, are the marks?
2. - Here, this Brahmin, there recluse or Brahmin, considering himself a celibate right feet, but no lust for woman, but woman enjoying being rub, squeeze, bathing, anointing. He delight, desire, irritated by the female workers. This Brahmin, is called virtues were moldy, missing violations, infected cells, were the marks. This Brahmin, is called virtue impure act, be involved, be implications for sexual immorality, not freed from birth, aging, death, sorrow, pain, grief and distress. It is said that not escape suffering.
3. Again, this Brahmin, there recluse or Brahmin, considering himself a celibate right feet, although there is no prostitution with female workers, no enjoyment is Women's Cross, hydromassage, bathing, anointing, but the joke, play, have fun with the woman ... but no joke, play, have fun with the woman, but an eye for an eye, glowered under ... but do not take female eye contact, according to the woman glared, but heard the sound of women's laughter, voices, singing, crying through the wall, past the fence ... but not the woman heard, laughter, voices, singing, crying through the wall, across the fence, but remember the laughter, voices, sound previously toyed with the woman ... but not remember the laughter, the voices, the sound had previously toyed with the woman, but the view or the Homeowners Homeowners enjoy life, enjoy sex interested in merit ... but not view or the Family Homeowners all enjoying life, enjoying sexual interest in merit, but celibate with wish to navigate to a relative gods, prayed: "with this world or the world to this prohibition, or with this austerity, or with discounts this happy, I will be a God thing or a God other people. " He delight, desire, irritated by the female workers. This Brahmin, it was called Pham happy moldy, missing violations, infected cells, were the marks. This Brahmin, it called acts of dignity, not pure, to be related, are the implications of sensuality, not freed from birth, aging, death, sorrow, pain, grief and distress. It is said that no liberation from suffering.
Until such time, the Brahmin, I continue to see one or a seven to lewd implications are not yet where I make an end, until then, the Brahmin, I do not verified evidence that I have enlightened Supreme enlightenment in the world with Makai gods, Brahma world, the masses recluses, Brahmin, gods and men. And until when, the Brahmin, I continue to not see one or more of the seven to lewd implications are not yet where I make an end, until then, the Brahmin, I do not have exact proof that I have enlightened Supreme enlightenment in the world with Makai gods, Brahma world, the masses recluses, Brahmin, gods and men. Tri and up is where I started: "Real is freed my mind. This is the last life. No longer reborn ".
Is say so, Brahmin Janussoni venerable sir:
 - It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! .. Hope Venerable Gotama adoption as a lay disciple, from this to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
1 - Hey, monks, I will argue for the practice of teacher implications, and implications glasses, listen ... And this, monks, how is the practice of the implications and cup system implications?
2. A woman, this, monks, women volition internal basis, female, female clothes, female type, female sex, young women, women's jewelry, the woman was in her passion, interest in thick. Because of his passion, interest in it should work out of the apartment to male, male executive, male clothing, male type, male sex, males, men and women's jewelry that was in his passion, interest in thick. Because of his passion, interest in it so that women's desire to have implications outside. Due to his affinity with implications, arises optimism, joy so that female desire was optimistic joy. This, monks, so interested in her femininity, all living beings go to the implications for the men. Thus, the monks, women who do not have escaped her femininity.
3. A male person, the monks, the male standard base cabinet, male executive, male clothing, male type, male sex, males, men's jewelry that was male in his passion, interest in it . Because of his passion, interest in it, so the intention to root out female, female, female clothes, female type, female sex, young women, women's jewelry that was male in his passion, enjoy here. Because of his passion, interest in it so that men desire to have implications outside. Due to his affinity with implications, joy should arise optimistic that men desire her lost wedding. This, monks, so interested in his male identity, the living beings go to the implications for women. Thus, the monks, men who do not get rid of his male identity.
So, this, monks, is the implication. And this, monks, is not how the consequences?
4. A woman, this, monks, is not volition internal root female, female, female clothes, female type, female sex, young women, women and women's jewelry was no attachment in him, not like interesting there. Do not crave for it, not interested in it should not work outside the apartment to male, male executive, male clothing, male type, male sex, males, men and women's jewelry that was not in his passion , not interested in it. Do not crave for it, not interested in that woman does not wish to have implications outside. Conditioned by her implications, arises optimism, joy, woman did not wish to touch, her joy. This, monks, so not interested in her femininity, sentient beings do not go to the implications for the men. Thus, the monks, woman escapes her femininity.
5. A male's, this, monks, is not volition to internal male unit, male executive, male clothing, male type, male sex, males, men's jewelry that men did not take her heels in, no enjoy there. Do not crave for it, not interested in it should not work outside the apartment attention to female, female, female clothes, female type, female sex, young women, women's jewelry that men did not participate in his wrecked , not interested in it. Do not crave for it, not interested in it so he does not desire men have implications outside. Due to his affinity with implications, arises optimism, joy so men did not wish to touch, her joy. This, monks, is not interested in men due to their nature, these beings do not go to the implications for women workers. Thus, the monks, men escape their male identity. Thus, the monks, are not consequences.
This, monks, this is the practice implications and consequences cup.
1. One time, Exalted in Campa, on the shores of Lake Gaggara. There were many lay in Campa went to venerable Sariputta, after arrival, venerable Sariputta bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, he said, the South lay with the venerable Sariputta:
 - Venerable Sir, this has been a long time, we have not heard from the mouth Bhagavan Dharma. You instead, venerable sir, if we now hear from the mouth Bhagavan Dharma!
 - So this reverences, come in Trai holidays World (uposatha), the teacher will be heard from the mouth Bhagavan Dharma.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir!
The South lay in Campa Venerable Sariputta replied that yes, standing up from his seat, bowed venerable Sariputta, organic body towards the venerable party then went away. Then the South lay in Campa, to the world Trai holidays, go to venerable Sariputta and, on arrival, bowed venerable Sariputta then stood aside. Then venerable Sariputta with the South lay in Campa went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
2 - Yes, venerable sir, here comes generosity of people like that, not a huge success, not be of great benefit. But venerable sir, can there such generosity of people, was a huge success, be of great benefit.
 - Hey Sariputta, maybe here generosity of people like that, not a huge success, not be of great benefit. Maybe, this Sariputta, here comes generosity of people like that, is a huge success, be of great benefit.
3. - Buddha, so what's, what conditioned, there is generosity of people like that, not too big, not big benefit? Buddha, so what's, what conditioned, there is such a category was giving, was a huge success, greater benefits?
 - Here, this Sariputta, there are people with heart seek alms, alms and centered tie § (On the result), almsgiving with a seeking mind is contained, giving the thought: "I will enjoy life this one in the next life. " He thus giving alms recluses, Brahmin, alms food, beverages, fabric clothing, vehicles, garlands, scents, flavorings, bed, the abode, lamps . What do you think, this Sariputta, there may be such a category was not giving?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Here, this Sariputta, with the generosity of people seeking mind, the heart tied alms, alms with a seeking mind is contained, giving the thought: "I will enjoy this life in the next life ". He alms so, when the body damage the public network, was born with the gods reside in stem Four Heavenly Kings. And he, as now is the total extinction, god powers, that reputation, his authority is to make an end, he becomes "the come back again", this status callbacks.
4. Here, the Sariputta, giving people with heart does not seek, do not mind giving the tie, giving the heart does not seek to be contained, not giving the thought: "I will enjoy the life later in life, "but the thought of generosity:" You instead, almsgiving "... not with the idea of ​​generosity:" You instead, alms ", but giving the thought:" this has been given in the past, has been done in the past ancestors, we should not let this family tradition be forgotten "... Or not giving people the thought:" this has been in the process Historically, the ancestors were doing in the past, we should not let this family tradition be forgotten ", but the thought of generosity:" I cook, the people are not cooking. It should not be the cook, do not give to people who do not cook ... ", giving no to the thought:" I cook, the people are not cooking. It should not be the cook, do not give to people who do not cook, "but alms at the thought:" As the ancient hermit had large herds as Atthaka fact, Vamaka, Vamadeva, Vessamitta, Yamataggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, Bhagu; too, he would be the sharing of material generosity "... He is not giving the thought:" As the ancient hermit had large herds as Atthaka fact, Vamaka, Vamadeva, Vessamitta, Yamataggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, Bhagu; too, we will be sharing this generosity objects ", but giving the thought:" Do we give alms giving this character, the mind is purified believers, joy arises browser "... He alms , not with the thought: "Do we give alms giving this character, the mind is purified believers, joy arises browser", but he alms to the idea: to dignified care, in order to equip the mind. And for recluse or Brahmin, he alms food, beverages, fabric clothing, vehicles, garlands, scents, flavorings, sleepers, abode, torch lights. What do you think, this Sariputta, here, there are people who can give alms classes this?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Hey Sariputta, here, who do not give alms to the heart praying, almsgiving not tied to heart, not to seek alms be contained, not giving the thought: "I will enjoy this thing in life expectancy after ", not with the idea of ​​generosity:" You instead, almsgiving, "not with the idea of ​​generosity:" this has been in my life for the past, has been done in the past ancestors, we should not let this family tradition neglected ", giving no to the thought:" I cook, the people are not cooking. It should not be the cook, do not give to people who do not cook, "... not with the idea of ​​generosity:" As the ancient hermit had large herds as Atthaka fact, Vamaka, Vamadeva, Vessamitta , Yamataggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, Bhagu; too, he would be the sharing of material alms ... ", not with the idea of ​​generosity:" Do we give alms giving this character, the mind is purified believers, joy arises browser ". But he alms with solemn thoughts to mind, to equip the mind. Because he almsgiving thus damage the body, after the public network, which is being stemmed in residence with Pham our natural gods. And when he, now is annihilation, god powers, that reputation, his authority is to make an end, he became the Real hybrid, this state does not come back.
This Sariputta, this is the person, this is the charm, making here, a generosity of people like that, not a huge success, not be of great benefit. Sariputta this, but this is also human, as fate makes here, with such generosity of people, was a huge success, be of great benefit.
§ (X) (50) MOTHER OF Nanda
1. Thus have I heard:
One time, the Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Dakkhinagiri Mahamoggallana was traveling in, along with mass monks. At that time, Female lay Velukantaki, Nanda's mother woke up before sunrise, and read aloud all "Parayana" (The road leading to the other side). At that time, the Great King Vessavana (Pi - recluses) going from the north to the south for a few jobs. Royal Vessavana heard Female lay Velukantaki, Nanda's mother, after reading the article aloud Parayana, stood back, waiting for the post to be read. And Female layman, Nanda's mother, after reading the article aloud Parayana, instant silence. Then the Great King Vessavana learned Female layman, Nanda's mother had read the poem, instant very happy and said:
 - You instead, this Sister! You instead, this Sister!
 - He is one, ask your gentle-faced?
 - Hey Sister, Sister was he, the Great King Vessavana!
 - You instead, asks the gentle-faced! Take me comes to practice yesterday, as a gift for his pickup.
 - You instead, this Sister! Yes, this method is a gift, please welcome my guest! Tomorrow, we monks, with Sariputta and Mahamoggallana were the leader, will come Velukantaka, but not breakfast. After she invited them monks finished, let's declare ourselves have offered.
2. Then lay, Nanda's mother, after the night has elapsed, immediately to his home prepared dishes and epigastric solid sort of the soft. Then we Boost, with Sariputta and is the leader Mahamoggallana Velukantaka but not go to breakfast. Then Female layman, Nanda's mother told a person to go, saying:
 - Hey you, go to the garden and spending time with their newspapers, monks: "It's time, said the venerable! Nanda mother's home, the dishes were prepared. "
 - Sir yes sir Female layman.
He replied yes Female layman, Nanda's mother, went to the garden and spending time with their newspapers, monks:
 - It's time, said the venerable! Nanda mother's home, the dishes were prepared.
Then we monks, to Sariputta that Mahamoggallana is the leader, in the morning robes, bowls, go to the abode of Female layman, mother of Nanda, on arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. Then Female layman, Nanda's mother, invited them monks with Sariputta and Mahamoggallana is the leader, with epigastric cuisine type and kind of soft hard, and we monks are met. Then Female layman, Nanda's mother saw venerable Sariputta had finished eating, the hands had to withdraw from the bowl, sat to one side. The venerable Sariputta told layman, Nanda's mother, sat in:
 - Hey Nanda's mother, who tells them she knows monks will go to the house?
 - Here, venerable sir, I woke up before dawn, reading aloud and silent Parayana verse. Then Venerable sir, King Vessavana University after learning about children reading, instant very happy and said:
 - "You instead, this Sister! You instead, this Sister! "
 - "He is the one, O gentle-faced position?"
 - "Hey Sister, Sister was he, the Great King Vessavana!"
 - "You instead, O gentle face you have! Take my method is said to yesterday, welcome gift for him. "
 - "You instead, this Sister! Yes, this method is a gift, please welcome my guest! Tomorrow, we monks, with Sariputta and Mahamoggallana were the leader, will come Velukantaka, but not breakfast. After she invited them monks finished, let's declare ourselves have offered. "
Venerable Sir, hoping that all the merit of this offering will bring peace to the Great King Vessavana!
3. - It's rather wonderful, Nanda's mother! It's rather rare, Nanda's mother! She could talk, face to face with a God-mail seeking lords have such force, has great power as such.
 - Venerable Sir, this is not only because the magic so, rarity, so for children. I can still have a wonderful event, other rare! Here, venerable sir, Nanda, my only child, lovable, capable attention, for a reason, to be the king used the power to arrest and life segments. Venerable Sir, while children are detained or arrested, when bound or tied up, he was killed or was killed, I clearly know my heart is no different.
4. - It's rather wonderful, Nanda's mother! It's rather rare, Nanda's mother! She can make such a pure heart start.
 - Venerable Sir, this is not only because the magic so, rarity, so for children. I can still have a wonderful event, other rare! Here, venerable sir, my husband, when the public network, being born into Yakshis types, and he appeared in front of me, with an ego as before. But venerable sir, I clearly said, not because he's charming, my mind has changed.
5. - It's rather wonderful, Nanda's mother! It's rather rare, Nanda's mother! Who can make such a pure heart start.
 - Venerable Sir, this is not only because the magic so, rarity, so for children. I can still have a wonderful event, another rarity. Venerable Sir, as a teenager, was given to her husband and children, I clearly know that I do not have a heart for her husband and children in violation alone that about yourself!
6. - It's rather wonderful, Nanda's mother! It's rather rare, Nanda's mother! She can make such a pure heart start.
 - Venerable Sir, this is not only because the magic so, rarity, so for children. I can still have a wonderful event, other rare! Venerable Sir, when the self-acceptance as a laywoman, I clearly know that I have never violated any law a School.
7. - It's rather wonderful, Nanda's mother! It's rather rare, Nanda's mother!
Venerable Sir, not only because the magic so, rarity, so for children. I can still have a wonderful event, other rare! Here, venerable sir, if I wanted, I could cup education, legal ly immoral, and dwell attained Zen application, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, not reach the quarterfinals not; Net Games and only make the quarterfinals, the attainment and residing Meditation Monday, due to a blissful state of being, not reach, no quad, the most static inner mind; wedding glasses, the discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident communication concept, the attainment and residing third Meditation; peanut paragraph and paragraph format, terminate the pros have feelings before the wedding, the attainment and residing Meditation Wednesday, neutral, discharge static bar concept.
8. - It's rather wonderful, Nanda's mother! It's rather rare, Nanda's mother!
 - Venerable Sir, this is not only because the magic so, rarity, so for children. I can still have a wonderful event, other rare! Here, venerable sir, five lower fetters Bhagavan is preaching, I no longer see clearly where the law does not yet make an end.
9. - It's rather wonderful, Nanda's mother! It's rather rare, Nanda's mother!
Then venerable Sariputta, after a Dharma talk, speak for Women's mother lay Nanda, encouraging makes excited, make happy, from the seat up and go.
1. Then the monks went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
 - Buddha, so what's so what grace, for the Holy disciples have heard many, doubt arises on the issue is not declared?
2. - Hey monks, so is killing, with disciples Saints have heard many, doubt arises on the issue is not declared: "After death, the Tathagata exists" This Rate -kheo, is a wrong view. "After death, the Tathagata does not exist," This, monks, is a wrong view. "After death, the Tathagata exists and does not exist," This, monks, is a wrong view. "After death, the Tathagata does not exist and does not exist," This, monks, is a wrong view. This, monks, ordinary people do not have to hear more, knowledge is not wisdom, no insight is set start, no insight is annihilated, not a path to insight is eradicated; is that his or her growth. He is not freed from birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. I said: He does not get rid of suffering. " This, monks, saints disciples have heard many, intellectual knowledge, insight is set launch, insight is eradicated, the path to insight is eradicated; the person is destroyed. He freed from birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. It is said that: "He escaped suffering". This, monks, so know that, because I saw that, Saints disciples have heard no statement: "After death, the Tathagata exists", no statement: "After death, the Tathagata does not there exists "no statement:" After death, the Tathagata exists and does not exist ", do not say:" After death, the Tathagata does not exist and does not exist ". Do know that, because I saw that, this, monks, saints disciples had heard many a declaration attitude towards the problems undeclared. Do know that, because I saw that, this, monks, saints disciples have no fear, no vibration, no shock, do not fall into panic for the issue is not declared: "After death, the Tathagata exists "this, monks, belonging desire, belongs to perception, thinking belongs, belongs reasoning, belong to clinging, belongs to access exchange. "After death, the Tathagata does not exist", the monks, belongs to desire, belongs to the idea, of thinking, of reasoning, of the clinging, belong to foreign access. "After death, the Tathagata exists and does not exist", the monks, belongs to desire, belongs to the idea, of thinking, of reasoning, of the clinging, belong to foreign access. "After death, the Tathagata does not exist and does not exist", the monks, belongs to desire, belongs to the idea, of thinking, of reasoning, of the clinging, belongs to Access Exchange . This, monks, ordinary guys hear less, not gain insight exchange, no exchange gain collective insight launch, exchange gain insight not annihilated, not knowledge the path to cessation of foreign access. Access the foreign person's growth. He is not freed from birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. I said: "He does not get rid of suffering." This, monks, holy disciples have heard many, exchange gain insight, exchange gain collective insight launch, exchange gain insight cessation, knowledge the access road to annihilation exchange. Exchange gain of he destroyed. He freed from birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. It is said that: "He escaped suffering". Do know that, because I saw that, the monks, St. disciples heard, no statement: "After death, the Tathagata exists", not declaring: "After death, the Tathagata does not exist" , no statement: "After death, the Tathagata exists and does not exist", not declaring: "After death, the Tathagata does not exist and is not non-existent". Do know that, because I saw that, the monks, the Holy disciples have no fear, no vibration, no shock, do not fall into panic for the problems undeclared. This, monks, this is goodness, this is grace, for the Holy disciples have heard many, doubt arises on the issue is not declared.
1 - Hey, monks, I will preach about seven animals born of man, and not clinging Nirvana. Listen and heuristic techniques, I will say:
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
 - Hey, monks. How interesting is the birth of the seven species of humans?
2. Here, the monks, monks during practice such thoughts as follows: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine. What can, what is up, we are abandoned. " He has been discharged. He no attachment being organic, no attachment of property accumulation; with intelligence chief, he saw supreme path first President. He has not quite fully realized being. He has not fully complete annihilation chronic depending newspapers. He has not fully complete annihilation depending organic participating newspapers. He has not fully complete annihilation of ignorance depending newspapers. Due to the cessation of five lower fetters, he attained Nirvana intermediation. Just as, monks, a bowl of iron are burned all day and hit the dam, a piece of debris could strike out and become cold. Also, this, monks, monks during practice, thinking as follows: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine. What can, what is up, we are abandoned. " He had been discharged, he no attachment exists, no attachment post useful; with intelligence chief, he saw supreme path first President. And he was not entirely full realization that road. He has not fully complete annihilation chronic depending newspapers. He has not fully complete annihilation depending organic participating newspapers. He has not fully complete annihilation of ignorance depending newspapers. Due to the cessation of five lower fetters, he attained Nirvana intermediation.
3. Here, the monks, monks in the practice of thinking as follows: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine. What can, what is up, we are abandoned. " He had been discharged, he is not being useful attachment, no attachment of property accumulation; with intelligence chief, he saw supreme path first President and he has not fully realized fully that road. He has not fully complete annihilation chronic depending newspapers. He has not fully complete annihilation depending organic participating newspapers. He has not fully complete annihilation of ignorance depending newspapers. Due to the cessation of five lower fetters, he attained Nirvana intermediation. Just as, monks, a bowl of iron are burned all day and hit the dam, a piece of debris could strike out and become cold. Also, this, monks, monks during practice, thinking as follows: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine ... "... He cessation by paragraph five lower fetters, securities intermediation is Nirvana.
4. But here, the monks, monks during practice thinking as follows: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine ... ". He annihilated by five lower fetters, securities intermediation is Nirvana. Just as, monks, a bowl of iron are burned all day and hit the dam, a piece of debris can fly, can fly up, after not touching the ground, can become cold . Also, this, monks, monks during practice, thinking as follows: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine ... "... He, after the cessation of five lower fetters, securities intermediation is Nirvana.
5. But here, the monks, monks during practice, thinking as follows: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine ... "... He, by cessation of five lower fetters, evidence Damage PARINIRVANA. Just as, monks, a bowl of iron are burned all day and hit the dam, a piece of debris could strike out and become cold. Also, this, monks, monks during practice, thinking as follows: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine ... "... He, by cessation of five lower fetters, evidence Damage PARINIRVANA.
6. But here, the monks, monks during practice thinking as follows: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine ... "... He, annihilated by five lower fetters, attained Nirvana Countless acts. Just as, monks, on a bowl of iron are burned all day and hit the dam, a piece of debris can fly, can fly, can fall down on a small hay, or on a small pile of firewood; moldy there was born the fire, the smoke is born. After birth the fire, the smoke after birth, it burns less spent his pasture, and small pile of wood was, and became cold because there is no fuel. Also, this, monks, monks during practice, thinking as follows: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine ... "... He, annihilated by five lower fetters, attained Nirvana Countless acts.
7. But here, the monks, the monks when such practices, the following thoughts: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine ... "... He, by cessation of five lower fetters, are Huu operating certificate PARINIRVANA. Just as, monks, a bowl of iron are burned all day and hit the dam, a piece of debris can fly, can fly, can fall down on a pile of grass, or on a pile large firewood; moldy there was born the fire, the smoke is born. After birth the fire, the smoke after birth, it burned grassland spent, or the vast pile, and then become cold because there is no fuel. Also, this, monks, monks during practice, thinking as follows: "If this is not there, this would not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine ... "... He, by cessation of five lower fetters, are Huu operating certificate PARINIRVANA.
8. Here, the monks, monks during practice such thoughts as follows: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine. What can, what is up, we are abandoned. "He has been discharged, he is not being useful attachment, no attachment of property accumulation; with intelligence chief, he saw supreme path first President and he has not fully realized fully that road. He has not fully complete annihilation chronic depending newspapers. He has not fully complete annihilation depending organic participating newspapers. He has not fully complete annihilation of ignorance depending newspapers. Due to the cessation of five lower fetters, he attained Upstream, go to Sac finality. Just as, monks, a bowl of iron are burned all day and hit the dam, a piece of debris can fly, can fly, can fall down on a pile of grass, or on a pile massive wood; moldy there was born the fire, the smoke is born. After birth the fire, the smoke after birth, it spent all the hay burned, or that enormous pile of wood, burning bush, burning jungle. After burning savannah, jungle after burning, the fire spread to a field it green or high ground to the cloud, or on a rock, or to the water, or to soil her loving crowd, or to a public land then became cold because there is no fuel. Also, this, monks, monks while such practices, the following thoughts: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine ... "... He, by cessation of five lower fetters, evidence Upstream PARINIRVANA, go to Sac finality.
This, monks, here are seven of the species being interesting people. And this, monks, is not grasping how PARINIRVANA?
9. Here, the monks, the monks when such practices, the following thoughts: "If this is not available, this can not mine. If this will is not there, this would not mine. What can, what is up, we are abandoned. "He has been discharged, he is not being useful attachment, no attachment of property accumulation; with intelligence chief, he saw supreme path first President and he fully realizes fully that road. He fully complete annihilation chronic depending newspapers. He annihilation participate fully customizable organic absolutely free. He fully complete annihilation of ignorance depending newspapers. Due to the cessation of five lower fetters, he himself with the winning position, even in the present, import certificates, and dwell attained liberation interest outflows, liberating insight. This, monks, is called Not clinging PARINIRVANA. And this, monks, here are seven of the species being interesting people and not clinging PARINIRVANA.
§ (III) (53) Tissa
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan § residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir), at Mount Gijjhakuta (Vulture). God's time after two nights were near full strength, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Gijjhakuta region, go to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and stood aside. After standing to one side, a God's venerable sir:
 - Buddha, the monks-ni is freed.
Other heavenly lord:
 - Buddha, the monks and nuns of this smart-liberation, no medical opinion.
The God's say so. Accepted guru. And that's the God, after learning: "guru had accepted", bowed, right hand toward his body, and disappeared on the spot. Bhagavan Then, after you have accomplished night, told the monks:
 - Tonight, the monks, God's two nights after almost complacent, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Gijjhakuta region, come to me, after we arrived, I bowed and stood aside. After standing to one side, a God's prospectus to Me: "Buddha, the monks were liberated Sydney". Other natural white to me: "Buddha, the monks and nuns of this smart-liberation, no medical opinion". This, monks, the people that God said so. After saying so, that's the God I bowed, right hand towards my body, and then disappeared in place.
2. At that time, he came to sit not far Exalted Mahamoggallana how much. Then venerable Mahamoggallana thinking as follows: "The God that people place as follows:" There is a surplus balance of health care "or" no care is no surplus balance "y". At that time, monks named Tissa common network soon and be born to a world of Brahma. There, they learned he is Brahma Tissa, has great ability, has great power. Then venerable Mahamoggallana, as the athletes are stretching wings shrink, or shrink outstretched arm; too, disappeared in Gijjhakuta and Brahma appeared in that world. Brahma saw venerable Tissa remote Mahamoggallana go, after seeing and said the venerable Mahamoggallana:
 - Sage Mahamoggallana, come here! Sage hybrid Mahamoggallana friendly! For many years, Sage Mahamoggallana this new opportunity, that is, to come here. Sit, Sage Mahamoggallana, this is the seat already prepared!
Venerable sat down on the seat Mahamoggallana was drafted. Brahma bowed venerable Tissa Mahamoggallana sat down one side. Venerable Tissa Mahamoggallana told Brahma sat down on one side:
 - The position that God's way: "There is a surplus balance of health care" or "no residual health care is no balance." Dear Sage Mahamoggallana, natural Pham we have located as follows: "There is a surplus balance of health care" or "no residual health care is no balance."
 - Hey Tissa, are all gods in heaven discounts they are located so: "There is a surplus balance of health care" or "no opinion is no residual health care"?
3 - Dear Sage, not all gods in heaven discounts they are located so: "There is a surplus balance of health care" or "no residual health care is no balance." Dear Sage Mahamoggallana, the Thien Pham personally in our natural life content with Brahma, sharp text content with Brahma, the bliss of Brahma, the reputation Brahma, the Brahma authority, not like the real thing awareness of the higher renunciation that state. What he does not have the following position: "There is a surplus balance of health care" or "no residual health care is no balance." And sir Mahamoggallana Sage, the Thien Pham them personally in heaven, and not be satisfied with the life Brahma, unhappy with excellent capacitance Brahma, with peace Brahma, Brahma reputation, with powerful Brahma , as clearly know the higher renunciation that state; where these persons as follows: "There is a surplus balance of health care" or "no residual health care is no balance."
4. Here, sir Sage Mahamoggallana, monks are liberated both parts. Devas knew about him as follows: "Illustration is liberated both parts." When the body exists, the God's and men who can not see him. Thus, Mr. Sage Mahamoggallana, that's the God, has the following position: "There is no balance surplus medical care."
5. But here, Mr. Sage Mahamoggallana, monks are liberating insight, gods knew about him as follows: "This venerable liberating insight." When the body exists, the God's and men who see him. When the body damage, the God's and men who can not see him. Thus, Mr. Sage Mahamoggallana, the God's had the following position: "There is no balance surplus medical care."
6. But here, Mr. Sage Mahamoggallana, certification body, monks, gods knew about him as follows: "This is the body venerable witnesses. Very likely this venerable, by use of appropriate screening is so close to the good friends, so overpower the senses, he can right now, position yourself to win enlightenment, attainment and dwell supreme virtue finality, that the Good men to death for that purpose ordained right feet, abandoned the family, not family life ". Thus, Mr. Sage Mahamoggallana, the God's had the following position: "There is a surplus balance of health care."
7. But here, Mr. Sage Mahamoggallana, monks credit is freed ... press ... depending practice. Devas knew about him as follows: "This is the option venerable practice. Very likely this venerable, by use of appropriate screening is so close to the good friends, so overpower the senses, he can now present themselves in realizing the winning position, attaining and Security resident supreme virtue finality, that the Good men to death for that purpose ordained right feet, abandoned the family, not family life ". Thus, Mr. Sage Mahamoggallana, the place God had the following personnel: "Or have a balance in medicine, he was the medical surplus".
8. Then venerable Mahamoggallana credit joyful life of Brahma Tissa words. As an outstretched arm athlete is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched arm; too, disappeared in the venerable world Brahma, appeared in Gijjhakuta mountain. Then venerable, Mahamoggallana go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable Mahamoggallana, bringing the story tells how Brahma Tissa, narrative Bhagavan all for listening.
 - But this Mahamoggallana, Brahma Tissa not tell me about the permanent category was formless Saturday.
 - Buddha, now is the time, transparency Auspicious, now is the time to talk about who Exalted formless residence Saturday. After hearing the Exalted, the monks will maintain life.
 - Mahamoggallana Hey, listen.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Mahamoggallana Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
9. - Here, this Mahamoggallana, monks are not all general volition, formless attainment and residing mind. The God that people know about him as follows: "This venerable, so not all generals volition, attainment and residing formless concentration. We can venerable prepared by using the appropriate coordinates, so close to the good friends, so overpower the senses, he can now present themselves in realizing the winning position, attained and dwell supreme happiness that salvage Pham Thien years in prison for that purpose ordained right feet, abandoned the family, not family life ". Thus, this Mahamoggallana, the place God had his people as follows: "There is a surplus balance of health care."
§ (IV) (54) Siha
1. Thus have I heard:
One time Bhagavan residing in Vesali, in the Great Forest, in a peaked house. Siha then generals go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, General Siha venerable sir:
 - Buddha, Bhagavan can specify the current results of alms?
2. - Hey Siha, here I will ask Mr. How his patience, so please answer. What do you think, this Siha, here are two people: one who does not have faith, avarice, stingy, harsh; a man of faith was the benefactor, preferred non-attachment, think how this Siha, the taste Arhat have compassion introspection, there is contentment with anyone before, with no trust , avarice, stingy, harsh or with people who believe, as the media player, without clinging?
 - Buddha, who rank unbelief, avarice, stingy, harsh, how the position Arhat have compassion introspection, will have compassion previous hypersensitivity to this sort of person is? And lord, who have faith, are benefactors, no attachment, the position Arhat have compassion introspection, introspection will have compassion for this person before class.
3. - What do you think, this Siha, the taste Arhat go to visit, you can visit one before, of people who did not believe, avarice, stingy, harsh, or people with heart Rating believe, was the benefactor, preferred non-attachment?
 - Buddha, who rank unbelief, avarice, stingy, harsh, how the Arhat're going to visit, you can visit in advance? And venerable sir, of people who believe, was the benefactor, no attachment, the position Arhat went to visit this person will go to the front rank.
4 - What do you think, this Siha, the taste Arhat consular life begging food, Whose leader can life before, of people who did not believe, avarice, stingy, harsh or rank people who believe, as the benefactors, preferred non-attachment?
 - Buddha, who rank unbelief, avarice, stingy, how to export your evil Arhat consular life, may the life of the class leader before he was? And venerable sir, of people who believe, was the benefactor, preferred non-attachment, the Arhat status could lead the life of this man before class.
5 - What do you think, this Siha, the taste Arhat preach to anyone before, of people who did not believe, avarice, stingy, harsh or categories of people who believe, as the benefactors , preferred non-attachment?
 - Buddha, of people who believe, avarice, stingy, how to export your evil Arhat will preach the sermon for him in advance class? And venerable sir, of people who believe, was the benefactor, preferred non-attachment, the position Arhat can preach sermons to this person before class.
6. - What do you think, this Siha, good reputation who are spread out, of people who did not believe, avarice, stingy, harsh or categories of people who believe, was the benefactor, popular like non-attachment?
 - Buddha, of people who believe, avarice, stingy, how harsh the good reputation of the person class is spread out? Buddha, of people who believe, was the benefactor, preferred non-attachment, good reputation of this sort of person can be spread out.
7. - What do you think, this Siha, who go to any public assembly, or congregation, Sat-imperial-town, or congregation, Brahmin, or Homeowners congregation, or the congregation Salmone , go without fear, not timid, who rank unbelief, avarice, stingy, harsh or categories of people who believe, was the benefactor, preferred non-attachment?
 - Buddha, who rank unbelief, avarice, stingy, harsh how he went to class any public assembly, or congregation, Sat-imperial-town, or congregation Brahmin , or congregation Homeowners, or recluses congregation, will go to not fear, do not be timid? Buddha, of people who believe, was the benefactor, preferred non-attachment, he went to class any public assembly, or congregation, Sat-imperial-town, or congregation, Brahmin, Homeowners or assembly, or congregation recluse, would go to without fear, not timid.
8 - What do you think, this Siha, after the body damage the public network, one can arise animal friendly, natural world, this world, people do not have confidence classes, avarice, stingy, harsh or rank people who believe, as the benefactors, preferred non-attachment?
 - Buddha, who rank unbelief, avarice, stingy, harsh class how he, after relatives corrupt public network, will be born to good fun, heavenly world, this world. Buddha, of people who believe, was the benefactor, preferred non-attachment, this sort of person, body damage after public network, can arise animal friendly, natural world, this world.
9. Buddha, six current results are Exalted alms declared not for them, I go to the trust in the Exalted. You know them. Buddha, I was giving, was the benefactor. The Arhat your heart from introspection, there is contentment with children before. Buddha, I was giving, was the benefactor. The Arhat you have come to visit, go to the previous visit. Buddha, I was giving, was the benefactor. The Arhat You can receive alms food, the child received before. Buddha, I was giving, was the benefactor. The Arhat You can preach, preach to me before. Buddha, I was giving, was the benefactor, good on the rumors are spread out: "Shogun Siha was giving, was the action, as supporters we Boost". Buddha, I was giving, was the benefactor, children go to public assembly, or congregation Sat-imperial-town, or congregation, Brahmin, or Homeowners congregation, or the congregation Sa jelly, go without fear, not timid. Buddha, six current results are Exalted alms statement, not because of them, I went to the trust in the Exalted. You know them. But venerable sir, the Blessed One spoke of the following: "Siha was the generosity, the benefactor, the public network after damage yourself, be born to good fun, paradise, this world." I do not know the problem, here, you come to faith in Bhagavan.
 - That's right, this Siha! So is right, this Siha! Siha was giving, was the benefactor, the public network after damage itself, is born to good fun, paradise, this world.
§ (V) (55) There is NO cover up
1 - Hey, monks, there are four of the Tathagata is not covered, for three things, he has no foul. What four things Tathagata not disguise?
2. Hey, monks, relatives of the Tathagata is pure. Tathagata no evil act itself, making Tathagata must cover up: "Do not let other people know it's me!" This, monks, export of the Tathagata is pure. Tathagata no evil act exported, making Tathagata to cover up: "Do not let other people know it's me!" This, monks, the operator of the Tathagata is pure. Tathagata does not intend the evil act, that the Tathagata to cover up: "Do not let other people know it's me!" Hey, monks lives of the Tathagata is pure. Tathagata no evil net, making Tathagata to cover up: "Do not let other people know it's me!"
Four things, the Tathagata is not masked. What are three things Tathagata no foul?
3. This, monks, is Tathagata clever legal theory. Here, surely no one, either recluse or Brahmin, or God's, or the Devil, or Brahma, or anyone in the world will be able to accuse a lawful way " here, he is not clever legal theory. " This, monks, I do not see this minister. This, monks, is not seen by this minister, I take refuge, to achieve peace and stability, achieve no fear, no panic achieve. This, monks, the path to Nirvana for practitioners to make smart I know clearly. By doing so the way, my disciples by the cessation of the taints, even in the current, position themselves to win realizations, attained and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. There is certainly no one, either recluse or Brahmin, or God's, or the Devil, or Brahma, or anyone in the world will be able to accuse me of a correct approach " here, the path to Nirvana to his disciples not clearly well-known makes. By doing so the way, His disciples by the cessation of illegal or ..., ... and dwell outflow freedom of mind, mental liberation ". This, monks, I do not see this minister. This, monks, is not seen by this minister, I take refuge, to achieve peace and stability, achieve no fear, no panic achieve. This, monks, there are hundreds of them my disciples by the cessation of the taints, ... enlightened, and dwell attained liberation interest outflows, liberating insight. There is certainly no one, either recluse or Brahmin, or God's, or the Devil, or Brahma, or anyone in the world will be able to accuse me of a correct approach " Thus, he does not have hundreds of disciples, by the cessation of defilements, right now, to win themselves enlightened place, attaining and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. ". This, monks, I do not see this minister. This, monks, is not seen by this minister, I take refuge, to achieve peace and stability, achieve no fear, no panic achieve. For these three things, I no foul.
This, monks, there are four things, the Tathagata is not covered, for these three things, the Tathagata has no foul.
§ (VI) 956) KIMBILA
1. Thus have I heard:
A residence time in Kimbila Bhagavan, at Bamboo forest. Then venerable Kimbila go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed, then sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable lord Kimbila:
 - Buddha, so what's so charming what, when Tathagata passed away the Dhamma is not long-term survival?
 - Here, this Kimbila, when the Tathagata passed away the monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen live without reverence, without depending upon gurus; live it reverently, not depending upon France; live it reverently, not depending upon us Increase; live it reverently, not depending upon the legal Learning, living without reverence, without depending upon meditation; live it reverently, not depending upon no distractions; live it reverently, not depending upon to welcome. Kimbila this, this is the person, this is the charm, when the Tathagata passed away the Dhamma not survive long.
2. - Buddha, so what's so charming what, when Tathagata passed away the Dhamma is lasting?
 - Here, this Kimbila, when the Tathagata passed away the monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen live reverently, depending upon masters, live reverently depending upon France; Increased life depending upon respect; Learning to live reverently upon legal option; depending upon live reverently Meditation; depending upon live reverently no distractions; depending upon live reverently to welcome. Kimbila this, this is the person, this is the charm, when the Tathagata passed away the Dhamma is lasting.
1 - Hey, monks, seven legal achievements, monks soon cessation of illegal or ... enlightenment, attained and dwell. What is seven?
2. Here, the monks, monks have faith, have kept world, has heard many, life Meditation, ardent effort, mindfulness, wisdom.
Seven this achievement, the monks, monks soon, by cessation of illegal or realization, attainment and residing.
§ (VIII) (58) asleep
1. Thus have I heard:
A residence in the middle of Bhagavan Bhagga people, at Mount Sumsumara, Bhesakala forest, in the Deer Park. At that time, Venerable Mahamoggallana sitting asleep, Kallavalamutta village, between the people of Magadha. Exalted with superhuman pure divine eye, saw venerable Mahamoggallana sitting asleep, Kallavalamutta village, between the people of Magadha. Seeing this, such as stretching hands athlete is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched hands; too, Bhagavan Bhagga disappeared among the people, in Sumsumara mountains, forests Bhesakala, in Deer Park, then appeared before venerable Mahamoggallana, Kallavalamutta village, between the people of Magadha. Bhagavan sat down on the seat was drafted; after sitting, Bhagavan told venerable Mahamoggallana:
 - Mahamoggallana Hey, did I fall asleep? This Mahamoggallana, did I fall asleep?
 - What can be, venerable sir.
2. - So, this Mahamoggallana, when I thought and torpor residence intrusion Teacher, do not have the intention to it, do not have much idea about it. This event has occurred, such as resident teacher, he was annihilated torpor.
3. If I stay like that, and that sloth is not annihilation, this time Mahamoggallana, the heart of the Master, customize games, depending quarterfinals, consistent with the legal option to have just heard, as has been memorized . This event has occurred, such as resident teacher, he was annihilated torpor.
4. If I stay like that, and that sloth is not annihilation, this time legal proceedings Mahamoggallana He read widely, as has been heard, as has been memorized. This event has occurred, such as resident teacher, he was annihilated torpor.
5. If I stay like that, and that sloth is not annihilation, this time I pull Mahamoggallana Master's ears, and hands massaged limbs. This event has occurred, such as resident teacher, he was annihilated torpor.
6. If I stay like that, and that sloth is not annihilation, this time from the seat Mahamoggallana me please, get up to get clean water eyes, look towards the horizon and looking up at the stars twinkling. This event has occurred, such as resident teacher, he was annihilated torpor.
7. If I stay like that, and that sloth is not annihilation, this time I just Mahamoggallana optical volition to dwell on thoughts and ideas during the day. As daytime, nighttime, too. As nighttime, daytime, too. So, with an open mind, with no restrictions, I have to practice to be brilliant mind. This event has occurred, such as resident teacher, he was annihilated torpor.
8. If I stay like that, and that sloth is not annihilation, this time I just stay Mahamoggallana meditation center on site, with a great front and back, with the base inward, with no outward attention. This event has occurred, such as resident teacher, he was annihilated torpor.
9. If I stay like that, and that sloth is not annihilation, this time as the design Mahamoggallana He then lie lies lion, toward the right hip, legs propped up on one another, mindfulness-awareness, volition with waking thought. And when you wake up, this Mahamoggallana, I get up very quickly, thinking: "I will stay, no attention to sleep peanuts, peanut lie down on one side, touch torpor". Thus, this Mahamoggallana, I need to learn.
10. Therefore, this Mahamoggallana, make learning as follows: "Do not revel in romantic high, and I will go to visit the family." This Mahamoggallana, so the teacher will learn. This Mahamoggallana, if monks high revel in the romance went to visit family. In the family, this Mahamoggallana, people have more work to do. Thus, one does not have the intention to, monks went to. Here, monks he could think: "Nay, who has divided us for this family. The people that do not like us ". Thus, by not being anything, he was frustrated, he fluctuates; by oscillation, he did not hedge, so no protection, leaving Meditation Center. Therefore, this Mahamoggallana, make learning as follows: "I will not say provocative". Thus, this Mahamoggallana, I need to learn. When is the provocative words, this Mahamoggallana, waiting time is more verbal, when there are verbal, the time has fluctuated. For people with oscillators, are no protection. With no protection, leaving Meditation Center. Mahamoggallana this, I do not praise all the contact, but not I do not praise all the contacts. Indeed, this Mahamoggallana, I do not praise the monks have to contact the Homeowners. But abode with less noise, less noise, breath rid of many people, places far away in solitary The species, suitable for life Meditation, I praised the relationship with such abode dress.
11. To be told so, venerable lord Mahamoggallana:
 - Buddha, until how, recap, the monks were freed thanks to the destruction of craving, reach the ultimate aim, to reach peace yoke salvage victims, reached finality dignity, to reach the ultimate finality, becomes paramount between gods and men?
 - Hey Mahamoggallana, here, monks were heard as follows: "Do not accept all legal disaster." This Mahamoggallana, and monks were heard as follows: "Do not accept all legal disaster." He won all the legal knowledge; by winning all legal voters, he put his all legal voters. Because all legal full understanding that everyone has a sense of what feeling, happiness, pain or no pain, no touch, custom shop he impermanent residence for sensations. Stay custom shop he dispassion. Stay custom shop he annihilated. Stay custom shop he quit. Because he impermanent residence custom shop in feelings, so he customized management Resident participation, depending shop because he eradicated. Stay custom shop he quit, should not grasping something in life; by non-attachment should not worry; so no attachment should themselves enter Nirvana. He knew: "Birth was seeking, Virtue has set, it should have done, no longer come back again in this state." This Mahamoggallana, until such, summarized, a monks were freed thanks to the cessation of craving, attained finality, reached the ultimate in peace from the yoke accident, reached the ultimate virtue , reached the ultimate end, became supreme among gods and men.
This, monks, do not be afraid of merit. This, monks, peaceful means are the merits. I win voters that the monks, the long-term merit is made simple with end result, with the formation of the lovable, capable rapture, the long-term possibility. In the seven years I practiced from the center, after seven years of practice from the center, in a lifetime septic seven lives, I will not come back to this world. When the world is in the life, the monks, I went to the Optical Audio natural world. When the world is in life is diminishing, I offer discounts born in nothingness. There, the monks, I am Brahma, the Great Brahma, You Win, You Forever to win, the tri variable, the Self in. Thirty-six times, the monks, I am God all Sakka. Many times seven times, I am Dharmaraja according to dharma, the dharma kings, Career Win four winds, achieving peaceful national level for fully seven treasures. This, monks, I have seven kinds of treasures, as is car treasure, golden elephants, horses treasures, jewels, precious woman, Homeowners and lay golden treasure is Saturday. We have over a thousand sons, the monks, are the heroes, strong, defeated the enemy. And when we win this earth, far to the coast, I do not rule this earth rod, not the executioner, right with Dharma.
See the horror mature fruit,
The merit of the work,
The gentleness of charity,
With those who seek peace.
This, monks, I tu,
From the center of the seven years,
In a septic seven lifetimes,
Do not come back to this life
When the world into existence,
I reached Quang Music heaven,
When corrupt world lives
Sanh Pham supply empty.
Seven times, I played,
Great Brahma, Liberation,
In thirty-six times,
Doing God all Empyrean.
Zhuan Falun me king,
The sovereign realm of Hell - compliance.
Police Career - dysentery empowerment,
The sovereign rank species,
We win this land,
Not with the staff, with the sword,
Not violent, lawful,
For everyone equally,
I ruled lawful,
On this round earth.
I put the family,
Big rich, large property,
They enjoy all the pleasures,
I fully seven treasures,
Buddhas injured relative,
Ingenious teach such things.
That's the modern,
Called Address King.
I am the king, glorious,
Protecting assets,
Yes powers, title,
Wang Yancheng forest owners - proper,
Who is listening, not net credit?
Excluding those evil being,
Therefore want to benefit,
Demand growth outlook,
Please respect the true Dhamma,
Remember the teachings of the Buddha.
§ (IX) (59) THE WIFE
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. Then Bhagavan robes, in the morning, he took the bowl, go to the abode of Anathapindika; after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. At that time, in the abode of Anathapindika Homeowners have many high-known speaker, loud voice. Then Anathapindika went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat on one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika Homeowners sitting down on one side:
 - Homeowners Hey, why in the homes of many people say he has a high voice, said loudly as the fishermen are stealing fish?
 - Buddha, with rich bride Sujata came from a wealthy family. She disobeyed her mother, father, husband disobeyed, disobeyed her husband, nor reverence, no respect, no worship, no offerings to Bhagavan.
2. Then Bhagavan for bride called Sujata:
 - Come Sujata!
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Sujata bride Bhagavan replied yes, go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed, then sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Sujata bride sitting on one side:
 - Hey wife Sujata has seven categories for men. What is seven? Wife as the murderer, who stole his wife, as the owner's wife, as a mother and wife, as sister, wife, wife, friend, wife as housemaid. This Sujata, there are seven types of wives for men. What kind of wife and child?
 - Buddha, the teachings of Bhagavan this summary, I do not understand the meaning broadly. You instead, venerable sir, if the Blessed One preach to me so that I can understand the meaning broadly teachings of Bhagavan this summary.
 - So this Sujata, hear and ponder carefully, I shall say.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Yes bride Sujata replied Bhagavan. Bhagavan said as follows:
Who defiled mind,
No injured people from introspection,
Others enjoy,
His contempt for her husband,
Bribed with money,
Engrossed in killing people,
Such class wife,
Called wife murderer.
What's also female classes,
Property spend husband,
Brought by industrialization,    
Or commercial, agricultural,
Therefore, if you want to theft,
Oil has little way,
Such class wife,
Called wife stealing.
No fancy work,
Slothful, but eat more,
Violent speech and evil evil,
Spokesman unpleasant words,
Any attempt by her husband,
Repression and command,
Such class wife,
Called the owner's wife.
Who always from introspection,
Compassionate people,
Help care for her husband,
As nursing mothers,
Assets rose stored,
Knowing upholding preservation,
Such class wife,
Known as mother and wife,
Who like his sister,
Treat your big sister,
Knowing reverently respected,
For her husband,
With the knife your heart,
Depending upon serving her husband,
Such class wife,
Known as the sister and wife.
Who in the world see her husband,
Joy joy,
As a good friend,
Long distance was about,
The wise birth family,
Keep sex, fidelity,
Such class wife,
Known as your wife.
Not angry, calm,
No fear of punishment, rod,
Hiềm not mind anger,
Patience for her husband,
No angry indignation,
Depending upon the words husband teaches,
Such class wife,
Called her handmaid.
In life grades wife,
Called wife murderer,
Including stealing wife,
And the owner's wife,
Wife does not keep gender,
Harsh and disrespectful
When the body damage the public network,
Being born into hell.
In life grades wife,
As mothers, sisters and friends,
And the wife is called,
The wife as the handmaid,
Dwelling on morality,
Ingenious long hedge,
When the body damage the public network,
Be born to good fun.
This Sujata, there are seven types of these wives for men. Son of man Rating?
 - Buddha, starting from today, Bhagavan see the wife to her husband as wife handmaid.
§ (X) (60) anger
1 - Hey, monks, who have seven this is the preferred hostility, the enemies of people come to resent, woman or man. What is seven?
2. Here, the monks, the enemy wants his enemies as follows: "We hope that this man became ugly! ' Wherefore? This, monks, who hostile enemies are not happy their identity space. This, monks, who rank indignation, outrage was conquered, was indignant dominant, he cleverly oil for bathing, grooming cleverly, skillfully prepare beard hair, dressed all in white and he also become ugly, being indignant conquer. This, monks, this is the first approach, preferred by hostile people, the enemies of people come to resent, woman or man.
3. Again, the monks, who hostile wishes his enemies as follows: "We hope that this man slept miserably!" Wherefore? This, monks, who are not happy hostile his enemies to sleep peacefully. This, monks, who rank indignation, outrage was conquered, was indignant dominant, oil lying on the couch, mattress cover, wool, woolen blankets of white, cotton embroidered woolen blankets, mattresses, leather baby paint kadali called positive, with parasols mosaic top, couch with red knee. However, they still slept miserably, being indignant conquer. This, monks, this is the second approach, preferred by hostile people, the enemies of people come to resent, woman or man.
4. Again, the monks, who hostile wishes his enemies as follows: "We hope that those who have no interest!" Wherefore? This, monks, who are not happy hostile their enemies get the benefit. This, monks, who rank indignation, outrage was conquered, was indignant dominant, unfavorable crop, think again: "We are the benefits", any benefits gained by it, stop and think saying, "I do not get the benefits". These measures are holding makes others become hostile, leading to unhappiness, suffering long-term, because of the indignation conquered. This, monks, this is the third option, which is preferred human enemy, the enemy of the enemy go to the outrage, woman or man.
5. Again, the monks, who hostile wishes his enemies as follows: "We hope that this man no property!" Wherefore? This, monks, who are not happy hostile enemies get their own property. This, monks, who rank indignation, outrage was conquered, was indignant dominant, their assets crop buoyed by the ardent, stored by the power of arms, piling up due the sweat, lawful, legitimate crop. The property was to be the king for carrying on treasury king, being indignant conquer. This, monks, this is the fourth approach, preferred by people enemies, the enemies of people come to resent, woman or man.
6. Again, the monks, who hostile wishes his enemies as follows: "We hope that this man has no reputation!" Wherefore? This, monks, who are not happy hostility of their enemies reputation. This, monks, who rank indignation, outrage was conquered, was indignant dominant, if what fame thanks undistracted recoverable, he shunned their reputation, being indignant main s. This, monks, is legal here Thursday, is preferred archenemy, the enemies come to resent people, women or men.
7. Again, the monks, who hostile wishes his enemies as follows: "We hope that this man has no friends!" Wherefore? This, monks, who are not happy hostile his enemies have been friends. This, monks, who rank indignation, outrage was conquered, was indignant dominant, if he had dear friends, what blood relatives, they will alienate, abandon them, because he was disgusted to conquer. This is the Sixth, are preferred archenemy, the enemies come to resent people, women or men.
8. Again, the monks, who hostile wishes his enemies as follows: "We hope that this man after the body damage the public network, will be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell "wherefore? This, monks, who are not happy hostile enemies damage your body, after public network, was born in the animal charity, Heaven, this world! This, monks, who rank indignation, outrage was conquered, was indignant dominant, people with relatives that do evil deeds, evil deeds he say with words, he thought of evil deeds with the intention . Due to the evil deeds he is doing to the body, saying evil deeds with words, think of evil deeds with the intention, when the body damage the public network, the person born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. This is the law Saturday, is preferred archenemy, the enemies come to resent people, women or men.
Seven this, this, monks, is preferred hostile people, the enemies of people come to resent, woman or man.
One disgusted ugly,
Distressed while sleeping,
Are the benefits
Feel disadvantaged.
Outrage, it hurt,
To close with the words,
Who resent conquest,
Property which is mortal.
Being disgusted mad,
Honorary destroyed,
Relatives and friends,
Away from people outraged.
Resent being detrimental,
Fluctuating interest outrage,
Fear born from within,
He said unknown.
Unknown benefit outrage,
Do not see the legal outrage,
Outrage conquer anyone,
Renders him intoxicated.
Persons interested outrage
Do such evil as good,
Later outrage over,
Suffered as fire,
As oil fire smoke,
Fire stumbled seen,
As outrage spread,
When the angry youth,
No shame, fear,
Speech not reverence.
Was indignant conquest,
No titles island refuge.
Jobs bring remorse,
Very far from Dharma.
I will declare to them,
Listen as claimed,
Outrage to kill his father,
Outrage to kill his mother,
Outrage killed Pham,
Killing mortal outrage.
It is through nurturing mother,
Who see this life,
But mortal outrage,
Murder for life.
Being self-example,
Commercial self supreme,
Kill ordinary self,
Many forms of insanity,
Sword to kill self,
Crazy kind of poison,
Wire lashing they die,
In the mountain cave,
The act of killing,
Makes self must die.
But they do not know,
One disgusted harm people,
Wrathful form,
Ma traps hidden in the mind.
Please convince severed,
With wisdom, attack, right view,
Intellectual ranks cut,
Each approach every unwholesome
Such legal learning,
Not to be discouraged heart,
Separated the field, not the brain shirt,
Dispassion, not jealousy,
Convince, paragraph outrage,
Outflows, entered Nirvana.
§ (I) (61) SHAME
1. - When the knife is not there, the monks, the people lack the knife, overpower the senses come to destruction. When dominates the senses without, with people lacking overpower the senses, go to world destruction. When the world does not have, to the lack of sex, right concentration come to destruction. When the concentration is not there, with no concentration, knowledge as truth goes to destruction. When there is no knowledge as truth, with a lack of knowledge as truth, boring dispassion come to destruction. When dispassion without boring, boring to the lack of dispassion, liberating knowledge go to destruction. Just as, monks, a tree without branches and leaves, the plant nursery did not go into complacency; mantle, sensory plants, trees do not go to the core fulfillment. Also, this, monks, when the knife is not there, the people do not have the knife, overpower the senses come to destroy ... liberating knowledge go to destruction.
2. When the knife is present, the monks, complete with the knife, went to conquer the full base. When dominates the present basis, with full overpower the senses, go to the full instructions. When gender is present, with full instructions, go to the full concentration. When the concentration is present, with full concentration, such knowledge go to the full truth. When knowledge lifelike presence, with full knowledge as truth, boring complete dispassion come. When boring dispassion presence, complete with boring dispassion, liberated to go to full knowledge. Just as, monks, a tree with branches and leaves, the plant nursery transplants go into complacency; mantle, sensory trees, plants go into complacent core. Also, this, monks, when the knife is present, complete with the knife ... liberated to go to full knowledge.
§ (II) (62) SUN
1. Thus have I heard:
One time Bhagavan at Vesali, at Ambapali forest. There, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey, monks". "Yes, venerable sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - this, monks, is impermanent practices. This, monks, the issue is no solidification. This, monks, the issue is not peace. Until such, this, monks, is enough for boredom, is enough to dispassion, is sufficient to release for all operating. Princess Sineru mountains, the monks, 84 thousand by week, by week 84 thousand wide, sank by week 84 thousand big, big sea rise by 84 thousand a week. This, monks, and have the time, many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years, many hundreds of thousands of years, it does not rain. When there is no rain, the seed species, the plants, the herbs are forests withered barren not exist. Thus, the monks, the practice is impermanent. Thus, the monks, the issue is no solidification. Thus, the monks, the issue is not peace. Until such, this, monks, is enough for boredom, is enough to dispassion, is just enough to free for all branches. This, monks, and have the time, after a very long time, second sun appears.
3. Hey, monks, when the second sun is present, the latest small rivers, small ponds dried up, dried up, do not exist, so, this, monks, is impermanent practices. .. is just enough to free for all operating. This, monks, then there is a time, after a very long time, the sun appeared Tuesday.
4. Hey, monks, when the third sun, the major rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Aciravati, Sarabhu, Mahi, the river was dried up, dried up, there is no survival. Thus, the monks, the practice is impermanent ... is just enough to free for all operating. This, monks, then there is a time, after a very long time, the sun appeared Wednesday.
5. Hey, monks, when the sun is out Wednesday, when the big lake, from there the great river flowed, such as Anotatta, Sihapapata, Rathakara, Kannamunda, Kunala, Chaddanta, Mandakini, the lake was dried up, dried up, there is no survival. Thus, the monks, the practice is impermanent ... is just enough to free for all operating. This, monks, then there is a time, after a very long time, the sun appeared Thursday.
6. Hey, monks, Thursday when the sun is present, the country retreat of a hundred large sea by week, the big sea water retreated two hundred by week, the largest sea water withdrawal by week three hundred. .. huge sea water withdrawal by week seven hundred; the large sea water to seven kilometers deep stop Sala, Sala six plants, five kilometers Sala, Sala four kilometers, three kilometers Sala, Sala two trees, just a sala tree. Large sea water stop, first to seven people deep, deep to six person, in person, four person, three-person, two-person, one person, half capita. The large sea water stopped, only to waist deep of people, just to the knee of the person, just to the ankle of the person. This example, monks, in the fall when it's raining large particles, this place elsewhere, in the footprints of the cows, there remains a small puddles. Also, this, monks, only small puddles in the footprints of the cows is of major sea water remaining, here and there. This, monks, Thursday when the sun comes up, just by the sea water big fingers. Thus, the monks, the practice is impermanent ... is just enough to free for all operating. This, monks, then there is a time, after a very long time, the sun appeared Friday.
7. Hey, monks, when the sun is out Friday, the huge land and mountains contain Sineru, being smoke up, blowing smoke up, puff of smoke up. Just as, monks, the potter's oven fires up new, born Smoke up, fumigation up. Also, this, monks, when the sun is out Friday, the huge land and being smoky mountains Princess Sineru up, blowing smoke up, puff of smoke up. Thus, the monks, the practice is impermanent ... is just enough to free for all operating. This, monks, then there is a time, after a very long time, the sun appeared Saturday.
8. Hey, monks, when the sun appeared Saturday, this great earth and Princess Sineru burning mountain, burning, becoming a fire screen. And when this great earth and mountains Sineru Princess blazed up, burning up the fire due to the wind blowing high loading Brahma world. The tip of the mountain tops Sineru, high to one, two, three, four, five hundred by the week, when the red fire, burning up, were both big cubic destructive fire and conquest, immediately fall down. After the great earth and burnt mountain Sineru red, burning up, not found ash and black vases. Just as, monks, when the oil is burnt butter and red, is burning up, found no ash and black vases. Also, this, monks, when this great earth and burnt mountain Sineru Princess flushed, burning up, found no ash and black vases. Thus, the monks, the practice is impermanent. This, monks, the issue is no solidification. This, monks, the issue is not peace. Until such, this, monks, is enough for boredom, is enough to dispassion, is sufficient to release for all operating. Here, the monks, who can think, who can believe that: "The earth and the mountains will be burned Sineru Princess, will be destroyed, will not exist anymore" , except those that have been witnessed.
9. Long ago, the monks, have Sunetta of pagan masters, be in the fitness dispassion. This, monks, masters Sunetta have hundreds of followers. Sunetta gurus preach to the disciples of the gods in residence stalks Brahma world. And all those who took out a completely full of Sunetta teaching narrations, on stalks with Devas reside in Brahma gender, body damage public network when they are born to improve world animal Brahma. Those who do not grasp fully understand the teachings of Sunetta perfect, body damage after a general network in alienation, a resident of stalks born in Hoa Lac with heavenly gods, some are born with monks residing stalks natural disasters in the Top-rate, plus or minus a few are born with Devas in Da - ma natural, some are born with the gods in residence stalks heaven Thirty-three, some are born stalks in Four Devas reside with God King, some are born stalks family residence with Sat-insole-seat, some are born stalks stay with family Brahmin, some are born stalks family residence with Homeowners.
10. And this, monks, masters Sunetta thinking as follows: "It is not worthy to do in life after birth has an interesting animals like the birth of the disciple. So let's ultimate practice compassion. " This then, monks, gurus Sunetta practice for seven years from the center. After seven years of practice from the center, in seven years of existence septic life, he does not come back to this world. In the life of the world, the monks, he goes to the world of Abhassara (Quang Music heaven). In the lives of the world's corrupt, he was born in empty Pham supply. At this there monks, he is Brahma, the Great Brahma, Career victories, ranks powerless, tri wick turns and grades in order. Thirty-six times, the monks, he is God all Sakka. Many times seven times, he was the cakkavatti according to dharma, the dharma kings, winning four local level, to achieve peaceful national level, the full seven treasures. He has more than a thousand sons, are heroes, mighty, defeated the enemy. And he wins this earth until the customs border away, do not rule this earth rod, not a knife, right with Dharma. This, monks, masters Sunetta that, for long-life oil and so on, so long life, but do not get rid of birth, aging, death, sorrow, pain, grief brain. I say that he is not freed from suffering. Wherefore? Because of that he is not enlightened, can not enter the four measures. Which four?
11. Hey, monks, as unenlightened, can not enter the Holy gender; because not enlightened, can not enter the Holy regulations; because not enlightened, intellectual Holy intolerable, because not enlightened, can not enter the Holy of liberation. This, monks, the event is as follows: When the Holy enlightened world, to be able to enter; When St. to be enlightened, to be able to enter; when St. intellectual enlightenment, is able to enter; when the Holy liberating enlightenment, is able to enter, cut off is bhava; Organic ropes are being taken to make an end, this is no rebirth.
Bhagavan said. Auspicious one spoke, gurus say more:
And the supreme world,
Wisdom and liberation,
Gotama's reputation,
It Enlightened.
Buddha with a winning position,
Sermon to monks,
Guru suffering paragraph,
France ranks mark the first President.
§ (III) (63) stronghold
1 - Hey, monks, when a border stronghold of King locations are equipped with seven well-equipped of a castle, and four types of foods are not difficult, it is not hard; have no power charge, this time, monks, local border stronghold was called not been conquered by the enemy on the outside and rebellious allies guys inside. How smart is equipped with seven equipment of a castle?
2. Here, the monks, the local stronghold of King boundary pillars have a stab deep into the soil, well-deepening, not wavering, not shaken. Equipped with first stronghold is in place border stronghold of King is cleverly fitted, to protect the people in the city and to resist those outside.
3. Again, the monks, the local stronghold of King wings have a wide and deep trench line. To equip this second stronghold border stronghold address is being cleverly equipped King, to protect the people in the city and to resist those outside.
4. Again, the monks, the local stronghold of King records a ring road running around the high medium and medium-large. Equipped with the third stronghold of a castle, the local stronghold of the king is smart border equipped to protect people in towns and to resist those outside.
5. Again, the monks, the local stronghold of King boundary has many weapons be stored as Salakam (bows) and Jevaniyam (spear) with bastions equipped with this fourth place is a stronghold border king is well-equipped to protect the people in the city and to resist those outside.
6. Again, the monks, the local stronghold of the king border troops stationed there are many, such as the elephant, the horse riding, the riding, the archers, the flag bearers and the residences, the soldiers worried the food problem, the powerful son, the shock troops, the big elephant, the mighty, armored soldiers, the sons of the housemaids . With Thursday equip this stronghold stronghold of King marginal sites are cleverly fitted, to protect the people in the city and to resist those outside.
7. Again, the monks, the local stronghold of King records, has a concierge position is the gentle, intelligent, location, preventing strangers, acquaintances entered. Equipped with this Friday's stronghold stronghold of King marginal sites are cleverly fitted, to protect the people in the city and to resist those outside.
8. Again, the monks, the local stronghold of the king boundary walls measuring just moderately high, the surface with plaster mortar. Equipped with this Saturday's stronghold stronghold of King marginal place is cleverly fitted, to protect the people in the city and to resist those outside.
With seven types of equipment this castle, citadel is considered to be well-equipped. What are the four types of foods is not difficult, there is no fatigue, no charges have been hard?
9. Here, the monks, the local stronghold of King wings have more grass, wood, and water stored to people in towns and happily, out of the fears, stay optimistic and to resist people outside.
10. Again, the monks, the local stronghold of the king records stored more rice and wheat to the people in the city happily, out of the fears, stay optimistic and to resist those who outside.
11. Again, the monks, the local stronghold of the king records stored more sesame, beans, all kinds of beans and cereal authors to those found in the city ... to resist outsiders.
12. Again, the monks, the local stronghold of King records stored with many pharmaceuticals, as independent automakers, born bowl, oil, honey, sugar bread and salt to the people in the city ... to resist those outside.
Four types of food, there is no difficulty, there is no fatigue, no charges have been hard.
When, this, monks, a local border stronghold of King, is equipped with seven well-equipped with this dish of a castle and four types of foods are not difficult, it is not tired, there is do not waste effort, this time, monks, local border stronghold was called not conquered the enemy outside and rebellious allies guys inside. Also, this, monks, when the disciple St. achievements with seven Dhamma and meditation under increased epicardial four, currently residing optimistic, there is no difficulty, there is no fatigue, no charges have been very , this time, monks, holy disciple Ma called not conquer, not to conquer evil. He accomplished what seven measures?
13. Just as, monks, the local stronghold of King boundary pillars have a stab deep into the soil, well-played, not wavering, not be shaken to protect people in towns and to fight the outer zone. Also, this, monks, St. disciples have faith, believe in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the world League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, Bhagavan ". With the trust as the backbone, the monks, St. disciples abandon evil, good practice, abandon guilty, not guilty practice, keeping themselves pure. With this first Dhamma, he was accomplished.
14. Just as, monks, the local stronghold of King records a road trench deep and wide just to protect the people in the city and to resist those outside. Also, this, monks, St. practitioners who persist shame. He embarrassed themselves from evil, because evil mouth, because evil thoughts. He embarrassed themselves from evil, because evil mouth, because evil thoughts. He embarrassed themselves in evil, immoral law. Taking the path of shame as trenches, this, monks, St. disciples abandon evil, good practice, abandon guilty, not guilty practice, keeping themselves pure. With this second Dhamma, he was accomplished.
15. Just as, monks, the local stronghold of King records a ring road around, just to protect a wide medium height who was in the city and to resist those outside. Also, this, monks, St. practitioners who persist fear, fear for themselves as evil, because evil mouth, because evil thoughts. He scared of falling into evil, immoral law. Get scared as road detour around this, monks, St. disciples abandon evil, good practice, abandon guilty, not guilty practice, keeping themselves pure. With this third Dhamma, he was accomplished.
16. Just as, monks, the local stronghold of King boundary has many weapons to be stored, such as the bow and arrow and spear to protect people in towns and to resist those outside. Also, this, monks, Holy disciples had heard many, life over what was heard, store things have been heard. These public measures, improving primary, secondary improvement, good defender, which means, with text, voice Pham happy fulfilled purity. The hearing many such measures, which maintain life, is read to maturity, are the custom shop smart, be smart with knowledge can enter. Get heard as a weapon, this, monks, St. disciples abandon evil, good practice, abandon guilty, not guilty practice, keeping themselves pure. With this fourth Dhamma, he was accomplished.
17. Just as, monks, the local stronghold of the king border troops stationed there are many, such as the elephant, the horse riding, the riding, the archers, the flag bearers , the residences concerned, the soldiers worried the food problem, the powerful son, the shock troops, the big elephant, the mighty, armored soldiers, the son of housemaids, to protect people in towns and to resist those outside. Also, this, monks, saints live ardent disciple effort to make an end to the immoral methods, to complete the improvement measures, effort, perseverance, not giving up the burden of good behavior. Get diligently army, the monks, St. disciples live mindfully supreme achievement anniversary Property, and depending anniversary remembered long days work. With concierge concept as a concept, this, monks, St. disciples abandon evil, good legal practice, abandon guilty, not guilty practice, keeping themselves pure. With this sixth Dhamma, he was accomplished.
19. Just as, monks, the local stronghold of the king margin has high walls just wide, lime plaster surface to protect the lake in the city and to resist those outside. Also, this, monks, disciples of St. brainer, intellectual achievement of being destroyed, with the Eucharist entered the path leading to an end to suffering. With intellectual work outside layer of lime plaster pools, the monks, St. disciples abandon evil, good practice, abandon guilty, not guilty practice, keeping themselves pure. With this Saturday Dhamma, he was accomplished.
With this method the seven wonders, he accomplished. Which four of increase epicardial Meditation, touch current residence, there are no problems, there is no fatigue, no charges have been hard?
20. Just as, monks, the local stronghold of King wings have more grass, wood, and water stored to people in towns and happily, out of the fears, stay optimistic and to combat the outsiders. Also, this, monks, disciples of St. sexual ly, ly immoral law, and dwell attained Zen application, a state of blissful isolation by birth sex, there can reach the quarterfinals to himself happily, from anxiety, stay optimistic and to enter Nirvana.
21. Just as, monks, the local stronghold of King records have stored a lot of rice and wheat to the people in the city happily, out of the fears, be optimistic to resist those who stay inside out. Also, this, monks, St. disciple, so pure and only reach the quarterfinals, and dwell attained Meditation Monday, due to a blissful state of being, not reach, no quad, static internal single-mindedly to yourself happily, not to worry, stay optimistic and to enter Nirvana.
22. Just as, monks, the local stronghold of King records have stored a lot of sesame, beans, all kinds of beans and cereal authors to those of a happily, out of the fears, stay optimistic and to resist those outside. Also, this, monks, St. disciple, due Hy cup discharge residence, mindfulness, awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, attainment and residing third Meditation themselves happily, from worry, stay optimistic and to enter Nirvana.
23. Just as, monks, the local stronghold of King records many pharmaceuticals are stored for as Independent Automotive, born bowl, oil, honey, sugar bread and salt to the people in the city are happy, from the concerns, stay optimistic and to resist those outside. Also, this, monks, St. disciple, so optimistic piece, by segment size, termination benefits were feeling joy before, attainment and residing Meditation Wednesday, neutral, discharging pure thoughts, to himself happily, out of concern, stay optimistic and to enter Nirvana.
Four are the increased epicardial Meditation, touch current residence, there are no problems, there is no fatigue, no charges have been hard.
This, monks, when the Holy disciples seven outstanding achievements of this law and four this Meditation, under deplorable increase, currently residing optimistic, there is no difficulty, there is no fatigue, no charges have been very, this, monks, is called Holy ghost disciples not to conquer, not to conquer evil.
1. - Achievement seven measures, the monks, monks worthy of reverence, respectable ... is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. What is seven?
2. Here, the monks, monks are known legal position, said that, knowing the self, knows estimate, knowing the time, said the congregation, said the winner of the sick. And this, monks, are the monks know the law?
3. Here, the monks, monks know the law: Khe Kinh, application procedure, Ky theory, I will chant, not self-theory questions, as marketing theory, Bon birth, French unmatched, The commercials. This, monks, if the monks did not know the law: the scriptures, Application Procedure ... The ad, here he does not know law called. And this, monks, if the monks know the law: the scriptures, Candidate ... French unprecedented litigation, The commercials; Therefore, he called the legal know. So is knowing the law. How to know that?
4. Here, the monks, monks know the meaning of these speeches, speeches of the other: "This is the meaning of this word, this is the meaning of this word." This, monks, if the monks did not know the meaning of words to this theory, the theory of the other words: "This is the meaning of this word, this is the meaning of this word," the time here, he not called you to know that. And this, monks, if the monks know the meaning of words to this theory, the theory of the other words: "This is the meaning of this word, this is the meaning of this word"; Therefore, he called you to know that. This is a known method, known means. How is self-aware?
5. Here, the monks, monks themselves said: "Until this, I have faith, morality, hear more, generosity, wisdom, eloquence". This, monks, monks do not know if the self thus: "Until such, I have faith, morality, hear more, generosity, wisdom, eloquence", at this time, he you know not called self. If monks, the monks, said the self: "Until such, I have faith, morality, hear more, generosity, wisdom, eloquence"; Therefore, he called you know self. This is a known method, known means, self-knowledge. And knowing how to estimate?
6. Here, the monks, monks said estimated § (Enough) while receiving items such as medical, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. This, monks, if the monks did not know enough to estimate when receiving items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatments, when he called here not know estimate just enough. This, monks, if the monks know enough to estimate when receiving items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment; so he called you know enough to estimate. This is a known method, known means, self-aware, know estimate. And how to know the time?
7. Here, the monks, the monks said: "This is the time to promote the theory, this is the question, this is the time to practice, this is the Meditation". This, monks, if the monks did not know at the time: "This is the theory says, this is the question, this is the time to practice, it is time for Meditation" at this time, he called you do not know when. And this, monks, if the monks know the time: This is the theory says, this is the question, this is the time to practice, this is the Meditation "; Therefore, he called you know the time. This is a known method, known means, self-aware, to know just enough to know the time. And how to know the congregation?
8. Here, the monks, monks know the congregation: "This is the opportunity we Sat-imperial-town, this is the opportunity we Brahmin, this is our Homeowners Association, which is the congregation Salmone. Here, to go to so, should stand as such, should sit so, should say so, so silent. " This, monks, if the monks did not know the congregation: "This is the opportunity we Sat-imperial-town, this is the opportunity we Brahmin, this is our Homeowners Association, which is the assembly of recluses . Here, to go to so, should stand as such, should sit so, should say so, so silent, "the time here, he is not called" The congregation knew. " And this, monks, if the monks know the congregation: "This is the opportunity we Sat-imperial-town, this is the opportunity we Brahmin, this is our Homeowners Association, which is the assembly of recluses . Here, to go to so, should stand as such, should sit so, should say so, so silent so "; therefore, called "The congregation knew." This is a known method, known means, self-aware, to know just enough to know the time, said the congregation. And how to know the winner of paralysis?
9. Here, the monks, with the monks, who are known species in two classes: a popular classes saw the sages, a distaste that class saint. People loathe that saint, because of his work, is reprehensible. And who likes to see the sages, by the fact that, worthy of praise. There are two kinds of people hear the true Dhamma: a category of people who like to hear the true Dhamma, a dislike of people hear the true Dhamma. This category was not like listening to Dhamma, due to such incidents, reprehensible. Popularity Rating hear the true Dhamma men, due to his work, worthy of praise. There are two kinds of people hear the true Dhamma: a category of listening Dhamma, a category of not listening Dhamma. This category was not listened to Dhamma, due to such incidents, reprehensible. This category was listening Dhamma, due to his work, worthy of praise. There are two classes of people listened measures: a category of hearing, legal life over; a class of people listening to me, not the legal life over. This person is not life over legal hearing, due to such incidents, reprehensible. This person life over legal hearing, due to his work, worthy of praise. There are two classes of people listening to the legal life over: a sense of people observe the law is life over, a category of people who do not observe the legal sense is life over. This category was not contemplate the meaning of life over the law is, by the fact that, should be rebuked. This category was to observe the legal sense is life over, due to the fact that, worthy of praise. There are two classes of people contemplate the meaning of life over the law are: an understanding of people after that, after understanding the legal, law enforcement made, depending Justice; an after-class people to understand that, after understanding the legal, do not practice, Dhamma. This category was after understanding that, after understanding the legal, do not practice, Dhamma, because such incidents, reprehensible. This category was after understanding that, after understanding the legal, legal practice, depending on the legal, because the things, worthy of praise. There are two classes of people, after understanding that, after the law was understood practice; Dhamma: a category of practice for the purpose of self-interest, without the benefit of others; a category of practice for the purpose of self-interest and the benefit of others. This practice two classes of persons for the purpose of self-interest, without the benefit of others, due to such incidents, reprehensible. This practice of people for the purpose of self-interest and the benefit of others, due to the fact that, worthy of praise. Thus, the monks, for the monks, who are known species in two classes. Thus, the monks, the monks know the class winners list.
Because seven this achievement, the monks, monks worthy of respect ... the unsurpassed field of merit in the world.
1 - Hey, monks, when the gods Paricchattaka Kovilara trees started Tavatimsa Heaven withered leaves, the time when he, the monks, the devas in the realm Tavatimsa Heaven happy thought: "Now the leaves of Kovilara Paricchattaka has withered, the leaves will fall soon ". This, monks, while the tree of gods Tavatimsa Heaven Kovilara Paricchattaka deciduous, stirring time, the monks, the devas in the realm Tavatimsa Heaven happy thought: "Now the trees have shed their leaves Kovilara Paricchattaka, not how long, preschool petal grows ". This, monks, while the gods Paricchattaka Kovilara tree growing out of preschool Tavatimsa Heaven petals, while he, the monks, the devas Tavatimsa Heaven happy thought: "Now Kovilara tree growing out of preschool wing Paricchattaka flower, not long, petals bud grows ". This, monks, while trees grow Kovilara Paricchattaka bud petals, the monks, meanwhile, Devas Tavatimsa Heaven happy thought: "Now Kovilara Paricchattaka grow trees bud petals, never long the bud ... to be born ". This, monks, while the tree of the gods Kovilara Paricchattaka Tavatimsa Heaven born flower buds, the monks, meanwhile, Devas Tavatimsa Heaven happy thought: "Now the birth Paricchattaka Kovilara tree buds, not how long, the flowers will be born ". This, monks, while tree flowers Kovilara born, this, monks, meanwhile, Devas Tavatimsa Heaven happy thought: "Now the birth Paricchattaka Kovilara tree flowers, not long, the blossoming flowers will be comprehensive. " This, monks, while trees with flowers are blooming Kovilara comprehensive, the monks, the devas Tavatimsa Heaven happy, playing in four months gods, under a tree Kovilara Paricchattaka, have fun enjoying life, taking Academic merit enjoyed year. This, monks, when the plants bloom Kovilara comprehensive Paricchattaka flowers, fragrance overflowing flying around fifty by week; upon the wind, the scent fly to a hundred by the week. This is the power of Kovilara Paricchattaka trees.
2. Likewise, the monks, the disciples thought St. renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life, in the meanwhile, the monks, St. disciples as leaf wilts's Paricchattaka Kovilara Devas Tavatimsa Heaven. This, monks, while his disciple St. shaved, covering robe-sa, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life, the monks, in the meantime, St. disciples as Kovilara Paricchattaka tree of gods Tavatimsa Heaven is deciduous. This, monks, while the Saints disciples attain sexual ly ... and dwell Profile Zen, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals. This, monks, meanwhile, St. disciples as preschool petals of the plant is born of gods Kovilara Paricchattaka Tavatimsa Heaven. This, monks, while the disciples make pure Sacred Games and quad ... just attained and dwell Meditation Monday, meanwhile, the monks, St. disciples as bud petals are born Kovilara Paricchattaka tree of gods Tavatimsa Heaven. This, monks, while St. disciple wedding glasses, discharge residence ... and dwell attained Meditation Tuesday, the monks, in the meantime, St. disciples as the trees bud born Kovilara Paricchattaka Tavatimsa Heaven of Devas. This, monks, while optimism paragraph disciple saints ... and dwell attained Meditation Wednesday, the monks, in the meanwhile, as the Holy disciples of the tree flowers are born of Kovilara Paricchattaka Devas Tavatimsa Heaven. This, monks, while the Saints disciples by taints ... cessation realized, attainment and residing, the monks, in the meantime, St. disciples as flowers are blooming throughout Kovilara Paricchattaka presence of trees of gods Tavatimsa Heaven. This, monks, meanwhile, spirit beings Location loudly declared: "The venerable with this name, at the same residence with the venerable faith with this name already ordained from this village, from such towns, abandoned the family, not family life, after the cessation of illegal or ... realization, attainment and dwell ... ". After listening to the voice of god no address, Uranus Four Devas Devas Tavatimsa Heaven ... heavenly ... Yama Devas ... Tusita devas ... natural touch ... Chemistry Devas Devas alienation in ... Devas discounts they loudly declared: "the venerable with this name, and stay with the same confidence with their venerable names like this was so ordained from the villages, from towns such , abandoning family, no family life, after the cessation of illegal or even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. "
Thus the mission - ma was, for a fleeting moment, this sound was transmitted to the Brahma world. This is the power of the monks had to make an end of defilements.
§ (VI) (66) POSITION RATE - MUST RESPECT pretentious AI
1. Then the Venerable Sariputta, while living alone, Meditation, the mind thinking arises as follows: "The monks reverently respectful, life can rely on anyone to give up evil, good practice ? "then the venerable Sariputta thought as follows:" monks reverently respected gurus living refuge to abandon evil, good practice. Monks reverently respectful, life refuge ... France ... we Boost Learning ... legal ... no distractions ... The monks reverence, respect, welcome relatives living refuge love to be able to abandon evil, good practice ". Then Venerable Sariputta the following thoughts: "These measures have been in pure clarity. So let's go to Bhagavan and Bhagavan clearly tells this law, so the law will be purified in me, and is considered more pure. As if a man found a large gold coin, the purity of light. He thought as follows: "Let us go to the goldsmith and put this view gold coins. This gold coin is the gold we give such workers will be purified and further clarity. " Likewise, this method where we are pure, pure. Let us go to Bhagavan and Bhagavan clearly inform this approach. Such measures will be purified in me, and is considered more pure. " Then venerable Sariputta, in the afternoon, from Meditation stood up to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
2. - Here, venerable sir, while I live alone Meditation, the mind to think like this arises where the "monks reverently respectful, life can rely on someone to give up unwholesome , good practice? "then, venerable sir, I thought as follows:" monks reverently respected gurus living refuge to abandon evil, good practice. Monks reverently respectful, life refuge ... France ... we Boost Learning ... legal ... no distractions ... The monks reverence, respect, welcome relatives living refuge love to be able to abandon evil, good practice ". Then venerable sir, have you thought as follows: "The measures we have been in the clear purity. So let's go to Bhagavan and Bhagavan clearly tells this law, so the law will be purified in me, and is considered more pure. As if a man found a large gold coin, the purity of light. He thought as follows: "Let us go to the goldsmith and put this view gold coins. This gold coin is the gold we give such workers will be purified and further clarity. " Likewise, this method where we are pure, pure. Let us go to Bhagavan and Bhagavan clearly inform this approach. Such measures will be purified in me, and is considered more pure. "
 - You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! This Sariputta, monks reverently respect, refuge living guru, can renounce evil, good practice. This Sariputta, monks reverence, respect, taking refuge in France ... our life ... Learning Boost ... The law ... no distractions ... Hey Sariputta, monks reverence, respect , living refuge to be welcomed in, can abandon evil, good practice.
When saying this, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
3. - Buddha, these brief words of Bhagavan, I understand the meaning broadly as follows: Buddha, monks certainly does not respect the Master, will respect the French event not occur. Buddha, monks do not respect the Master, he does not respect France. Buddha, monks certainly does not respect guru, France will not respect us Increase respect, this event does not occur. Buddha, monks do not respect the Master, not reverently France, he did not respect them Sangha. Buddha, monks certainly does not respect the Master, not reverence the French, do not respect them Increase Learning will reverently approach, this event does not occur. Buddha, monks do not respect the Master, not reverence the French, do not respect them Rising, he did not respect the legal School. Buddha, monks certainly does not respect the Master, not reverence the French, do not respect them Sangha, not respect legal Learning, will reverent meditation. This event does not occur. Buddha, monks do not respect the Master, not reverence the French, do not respect them Sangha, not reverently Learning approach, he did not respect Meditation. Buddha, monks certainly does not respect the Master, not reverence the French, do not respect them Sangha, not reverently Learning methods, not reverent meditation, will reverently no distractions, this event happening. Buddha, monks do not respect the Master, not reverence the French, do not respect them Sangha, not reverently Learning methods, not reverent meditation, he did not respect no distractions. Buddha, monks certainly does not respect the Master, not reverence the French, do not respect them Sangha, not reverently Learning methods, not reverent meditation, not reverently no distractions, will supply lenses friendly welcome, this event does not occur. Buddha, monks do not respect the Master, not reverence the French, do not respect them Sangha, not reverently Learning methods, not reverent meditation, not reverently no distractions, he did not respect to be welcomed in.
Buddha, monks do reverently guru, will not respect the French, this event does not occur. Buddha, monks do reverently guru, he also respect France. Buddha, monks do reverently guru, reverently France will not respect us Increase, this event does not occur. Buddha, monks do reverently guru, reverently France, he also respect them Sangha. Venerable sir, sure do taste monks reverently guru, reverently France, reverently we Boost, will not respect the legal School, this event does not occur. Buddha, monks do reverently guru, reverently France, reverently they Rising, he would reverently Legal Studies. Buddha, monks certainly no masters respectfully, reverently France, reverently we Increasing, Study legal respect, will not reverent meditation, this event does not occur. Buddha, monks do reverently guru, reverently France, reverently we Increasing, Study legal respect, he also reverent meditation. Buddha, monks certainly no masters respectfully, reverently France, reverently we Increasing, Study legal respectfully, reverently Meditation, will not respect no distractions, this event does not occur. Buddha, monks do reverently guru, reverently France, reverently we Increasing, Study legal respectfully, reverently Meditation, he also reverently no distractions. Buddha, monks certainly no masters respectfully, reverently France, reverently we Increasing, Study legal reverently, reverent meditation, reverence no distractions, no reverence to be welcomed in, the this event does not occur. Buddha, monks do reverently guru, reverently France, reverently we Increasing, Study legal reverently, reverent meditation, reverence no distractions, he is also to be welcomed in awe. Buddha, with this brief words of Bhagavan, I understand the meaning so widely.
4. - Protestants instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! You instead, this Sariputta, with this brief speech of mine, he was widely interpreted as such. This Sariputta, in fact, the monks do not respect the Master, will reverently France, this event does not occur. This Sariputta, monks are not masters respectfully, reverently he nor France ... Hey Sariputta, the monks do not respect the Master ... not ... not respectful reverence France we Increased ... not ... not respectful approach reverently Learning Meditation ... no respect no distractions, will be welcomed in the glass, this event does not occur. This Sariputta, monks do not respect the Master, not reverence the French, do not respect them Sangha, not reverently Learning methods, not reverent meditation, not reverently no distractions, he failed to respect friendly welcome.
This Sariputta, monks certainly do respect the Master, will not respect the French, this event does not occur. This Sariputta, yet reverent monks masters, he also reverently Sariputta France ... Hey, do you monks reverently reverently French masters ... ... reverence we Increase ... reverently reverently Learning Meditation legal ... ... reverently no distractions, no reverence to be welcomed in this event does not occur. This Sariputta, monks do reverently guru, reverently France, reverently we Increasing, Study legal reverently, reverent meditation, reverence no distractions, he is also to be welcomed in awe. This Sariputta, the words of my brief, the meaning must be found so widely.
§ (VII), (67) the practice
1 - Hey, monks, monks are not even interested in the practice arises desire as follows: "We hope that our minds are freed from the cankers, no clinging!" However, cardia he was not freed from the cankers, no attachments.
Wherefore? It must be said that because he did not have practice. No practice what? No Four mindfulness practice, no practice four primary needs, there is no such standard practice Four sufficiency, no base year of practice, no practice Year of force, no practice Saturday Bo - recommended parts, not Noble has eight industry practice.
Just as, monks, there are eight, ten or twelve eggs, incubating hens are not located properly, not heated properly Hamlet, Hamlet is not nursing properly.
Oil for hens that arise wish: "I hope that my chicks, with claw feet and top of the head, or the mouth and mine, after the tank shell, was born safely, but Thus, the chicks would not be able, with pins, nails, or top of the head with the mouth and mine, after the tank shell, was born safely!
Wherefore? This, monks, eight, ten or twelve eggs hen hens was not stretched properly, properly hot incubation, hatching nursing properly.
Also, this, monks, monks are not focused in practice, even when there arises the will: "We hope that our minds are freed from the taints without grasping"; however, his mind is not liberated from the cankers, no attachments.
Wherefore? It must be said that because he did not have practice. No practice what? No practice mindfulness Four ... no practice Noble eight branches.
2. Hey, monks, monks live focus in practice, even when no desire arises: "We hope that our minds are freed from the cankers, without attachment"; however, his mind has been freed from the taints without grasping.
Wherefore? I must say that since he has practiced. Having practiced what? There are four foundations of mindfulness practice, there are four primary needs practice, with practice as standard Four-sufficient, with base year of practice, with practice In power, Bo cultivated Seven - recommended parts, with eight branches Noble practice .
Just as, monks, there are eight, ten or twelve eggs. The eggs incubating hens that are located properly, properly hot incubation, hatching nursing properly. Oil for hens did not arise wish: "I hope that my chicks, with claw feet and top of the head, or the mouth and mine, after the tank shell, was born safely! ", however, that the chicks can with legs, nails, mouth and top of the head or the mines, after the tank shell, was born safely.
Wherefore? This, monks, eight, ten or twelve eggs her hens are incubating located correctly, properly hot incubation, hatching nursing properly.
Also, this, monks, monks lived focused practice, oil he does not start to wish: "I hope that our minds are freed from the cankers, without attachment"; however, his mind has been freed from the cankers, no attachments.
Wherefore? I must say that since he has practiced. Practice what? There are four foundations of mindfulness practice ... practice Noble has eight branches.
Just as, monks, a mason or bricklayer disciples who, when looking at the rolling hammer, saw signs of finger and thumb marks. He may not know is as follows: "Today each of us that officers wear hammer yesterday that much, that much the other day." But he said rolled worn hammer on the staff wear hammer.
Also, this, monks, monks attention in practice not know as follows: "Today each of us is that contraband or make an end, that much yesterday, the day that much more." But he knows the contraband or to make an end on the cessation of defilements.
Just as, monks, a boat sailing with full sail masts and wires were stranded for six months in winter due to lack of water, the masts and sails wire wind and sun damage. Then pour down rain water during the rainy season, they are doomed to rot slowly and easily.
Also, this, monks, monks live focus in practice, the fetters are vulnerable to weakening and decaying.
§ (VIII) (68) FIRE
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan is pedestrian between Kosala people, with mass monks. While walking on the path, Bhagavan found at one location, a large fire was burning red, fire red, red fire flames. Seeing this, he walked down the road on the site was prepared, under a tree. Sit down, Bhagavan called the monks:
 - Hey, monks, brothers have found a large fire was burning red, fire red, red fire flame it?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - The What do you think, this, monks, to which one is better: embracing, sitting or lying near a large fire was burning red, fire red, red fire flame, or hugging, sitting near here, near the soft young limbs of a girl Sat-imperial-town, or the girl Brahmin, or the girl Homeowners?
 - Buddha, which is better: Cuddle, sitting, or lying near the soft young limbs of a girl Sat-imperial-town, or the girl Brahmin, or the girl Homeowners. Suffering, venerable sir, is hugging, sitting or lying near a large fire was burning red, fire red, red fire flame!
 - We announced to the teacher, the monks, I made it clear to me, the monks, with an evil world, according to the evil law, the office impure, suspicious acts of cover-up , not a recluse, but claims to be recluses, not celibate, but claimed to be celibate, smelly interior, filled with lust retention, mood impure. It is better for him hugging, sitting or lying near a large fire was burning red, fire red, red fire flames. Wherefore? Since his reasons, the monks, he can go to die, or go to almost die suffering, but not because of conditions that, after the body damage the public network, may be born in the realm of evil, evil interesting deprivation, in hell. But the monks, when an evil evil person under the legal world ... mood impure, hugging, sitting, or lying near the soft young limbs of a girl Sat-imperial-town, or who daughter Brahmin, or the girl Homeowners; so, the monks, he made the unfortunate suffering long after the body damage the public network, born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
2. What do you think, this, monks, what is better: An athlete, with rope ponytail sure, Roll two legs and squeezed hard, the rope was cut off of skin, after cutting off outer skin, the cut in the skin, after cutting off the skin, cut the meat, after cutting off the meat, cut the sinew, after severing sinew, severing the bone, after when severed bone marrow and stop collision; or are receiving the obeisance of the Sat-imperial-town of great wealth or the Brahmin of great wealth or the wealthy businessmen Homeowners?
 - Buddha, which is better: Get the bowed in salute of the Sat-imperial-town of great wealth, or the Brahmin of great wealth, or the Homeowners of great wealth. Suffering, venerable sir, are the athletes, with rope ponytail marrow sure ... collision and stopped.
 - We announced to the teacher, the monks, I made it clear to me, the monks, with an evil world, according to the legal evil, full of lust ... retention, mood impure, it is better to be an athlete, with rope ponytail marrow sure ... collision and stopped. Wherefore? Since his reasons, the monks, he went to die, or go to almost die suffering, but not because of conditions that, after the body damage the public network, may be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. But the monks, when a wicked world, according to the legal evil, impure tendencies, receiving the obeisance of the Sat-imperial-town of great wealth, or the Brahmin of great wealth, or the Homeowners of great wealth; so he makes the long-term suffering misfortune, after the body damage the public network, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell.
3. What do you think, this, monks, to which one is better: Being an athlete, with a sharp sword, oil washed, struck the center of the chest; or received hands bowed in salute of the great capitals Sat-imperial-rich, or the Brahmin of great wealth or wealthy businessmen Homeowners?
 - Buddha, this is better, (ie) received hands bowed in salute of the Police-imperial-town, wealthy businessmen, or the Brahmin of great wealth, or the Homeowners of great wealth. Suffering, venerable sir, is blocked by athletes, with a sharp sword, is greasy wash, hit the middle of the chest.
 - We announced to the teacher, the monks, I made it clear to me, the monks, with an evil world, according to the law ... evil impure temperament, it is better to be a who athletes with sharp sword, oil washed, beating in the chest. Wherefore? Since his reasons, the monks, he goes to die or go to almost die suffering. But not because of conditions that, after the body damage the public network, can be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. But the monks, when a wicked world, according to the law ... evil impure temperament, palms bowed in greeting received by the Police-imperial-town of great wealth, or the Brahmin of great wealth, the owner or wealthy businessmen; so that for him unhappy, suffering long after the body damage the public network, born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
4. What do you think, this, monks, to which one is better: Being an athlete with a burning hot iron plate, fire red, red fire flame Roll-body pressure; or robes lived by Sat-rich imperial-era capital, or Brahmin of great wealth, or because of great wealth Homeowners offerings confidence?
 - Buddha, which is better (ie) at the age of robes by Sat-imperial-town of great wealth, or the Brahmin of great wealth, or because of great wealth Homeowners trust offerings. Suffering, venerable sir, is blocked by athletes with a burning hot iron plate, fire red, red fire flame Roll-body pressure.
 - We announced to the teacher, the monks, I clearly stated to me, the monks, with an evil world, according to the legal evil, impure temperament, it is better to be a force Doctorate with hot iron plates a burning, fire red, red fire flame Roll-body pressure. Wherefore? Since his reasons, the monks, he goes to die or go to almost die suffering, but not because of conditions that, after the body damage the public network, may be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, fall origin, hell. But the monks, when a wicked world, according to the legal evil, impure ... the office impure tendencies, the age of the robe, as the Sat-substrate-seat of great wealth, the Ba-La- subject of great wealth, or the homeowners of great wealth, because trust offerings; so, the monks, made for him unhappy, suffering long after the body damage the public network, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell.
5. What do you think, this, monks, does a better job: Being an athlete with the iron grip of hot, red fire, fire red, red fire flames, his mouth open mouth and insert an iron ball red hot burning, fire red, red fire flames, burning iron ball that his or her lips, burning mouth, burning tongue, throat burn, burn belly bring small intestine, large intestine and exit apart from the bottom; or enjoy life by begging food Sat-imperial-era capital varies, the Brahmin of great wealth, the Homeowners of great wealth, because trust offerings?
 - Buddha, which is better: Enjoying life of begging food from the Sat-imperial-era capital varies, the Brahmin of great wealth or wealthy businessmen Homeowners because trust offerings. Suffering, venerable sir, is the person with the iron grip athlete with a burning heat, fire red, red fire flames, his mouth open mouth and shoved a burning red hot iron ball, fire red, red fire flames tasty. Iron ball that he burned his lips, burning mouth, burning tongue, throat burn, burn belly bring small intestine, large intestine, and escape from the bottom.
 - We announced to the teacher, the monks, I made it clear to me, the monks, with an evil world, according to the law ... evil impure temperament, it is better to be a people athlete with the iron grip of red hot burning, fire red, red fire flames, his mouth open mouth and insert an iron ball red hot burning, fire red, red fire flames. Iron ball that he burned his lips, burning mouth, burning tongue, throat burn, burn belly bring small intestine, large intestine, and escape from the bottom. Wherefore? Since his reasons, the monks, he goes to die or go to almost die suffering, but not because of conditions that, after the body damage the public network, may be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, fall origin, hell. But the monks, when a wicked world, according to the legal evil, impure ... the office impure temperament, at the age of alms food by Sat-imperial-era capital varies, the Ba-la jelly wealthy businessmen, or the homeowners of great wealth, because trust offerings; so, the monks, made for him unhappy, suffering long after the body damage the public network, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell.
6. What do you think, this, monks, to which one is better: Being a top athlete or grabbed grabbed her shoulders, forced to sit or lie on a bed molding or a chair rail a burning hot iron , fire red, flame red fire; bed or chair by the age of Sat-imperial-era capital varies, the Brahmin of great wealth, or because of great wealth Homeowners offerings confidence?
 - Buddha, which is better: Enjoying Life chair by the bed and Sat-imperial-era capital by extensive ... The owner of great wealth because trust offerings. Suffering, venerable sir, is blocked by the first athletes to embrace or seize the shoulders, forced to sit or lie on a bed molding or a chair rail red hot burning, fire red, red fire flame!
 - We announced to the teacher, the monks, I made it clear to me, the monks, with an evil world, according to the law ... evil impure temperament, it is better to be a top athletes who embrace or grab his shoulder, forced to sit or lie on a bed molding or a chair rail a burning hot iron, burning red, red fire flames. Wherefore? Since his reasons, the monks, he goes to die or go to almost die suffering, but not because of conditions that, after the body damage the public network, may be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, fall origin, hell. But the monks, when a wicked world, according to the legal evil, impure ... the office mood impure, so at the age of Sat-chairs modern empire-wide seat, the higher Brahmin rich, or wealthy businessmen homeowners, because trust offerings; so, the monks, made for him unhappy, suffering long after the body damage the public network, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell.
7. What do you think, this, monks, to which one is better: Being an athlete holding the upper leg, the lower head and thrown into a burning hot iron flaking red, fire red, red fire flame, in that, he was boiling up like bubbles emerge by themselves, on their own sink, passing himself; or amnesty by the age Refined Sat-imperial-era capital varies, the Brahmin of great wealth or great by Homeowners offerings varies because confidence?
 - Buddha, it is better, by the age of Fine amnesty Sat-imperial-era capital varies, the Brahmin of great wealth, or because of great wealth Homeowners trust offerings. Suffering, venerable sir, is blocked by the top athletes holding legs, bottom first, and threw him into a chair, a burning hot iron, burning red, red fire flames. ... It was boiled at yourself sideways.
 - We announced to the teacher, the monks, I made it clear to me, the monks, with an evil world, according to the law ... evil impure temperament, it is better to be human most of the top athletes foot, top bottom ... himself sideways. Wherefore? Since his reasons, the monks, he goes to die or go to almost die suffering, but not because of conditions that, after the body damage the public network, can be born into deprivation, deprivation Beast , hell. But the monks, when a wicked world, according to the law ... evil impure temperament, lived Vihara, Sat-soles by wealthy businessmen-town ... or the Family Home of great wealth, because heart offering news, so, this, monks, making him unhappy, suffering long after the birth itself into realms havoc general data networks, the beast, deprivation, in hell. Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning as follows: "We enjoy life items such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment of those who, for those he, so the office will be a huge success, with more benefits. And the renunciation of us will not be empty, with the result that performance. "
Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
8. Hey, monks, who see the benefits to their real need is just enough to fine, no distractions. This, monks, who sees the benefit of people, it is just enough for ardent, no distractions. This, monks, who see the benefits for both, it is just enough for ardent, no distractions.
Exalted such theory. While this speech is to say, there are about sixty monks bleeding from the mouth hot, about sixty monks abandon legal and defrocked School, thinks: "Difficult to make a difference, the Exalted! It is hard to make a difference, Exalted! "There were about sixty monks, the mind is liberated, not grasping the cankers.
§ (IX) (69) SUNETTA
1. - In ancient times, the monks, have called Sunetta masters, of pagan, has dispassion for sex. Sunetta masters, the monks, there are hundreds of disciples. Sunetta gurus preach to the disciples to stay with the world stems Brahma. This, monks, those who are not happy with the center's lecture to stem Sunetta resident guru to the world of Brahma, as themselves corrupt public network, they have to be born into the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell . This, monks, even those with the joy of the Master's teachings to stem residence Sunetta world Brahma, the body damage the public network, they are born to good fun, paradise, this world.
2. In ancient times, the monks, with the Master called the Master Mugapakkha ... there ... there Aranemi called guru named Kuddala ... have called Hatthipala masters ... with masters named Jotipala ... there guru named Araka. Araka of pagan masters had to sexual dispassion. Guru Araka, the monks, there are hundreds of disciples. Araka masters to disciples preached to the world stems Brahma residence. This, monks, those who are not happy with the center's lecture to stem Araka resident guru to the world of Brahma, as themselves corrupt public network, they are born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. This, monks, even those with the joy of the Master's teachings to stem residence Araka world Brahma, the body damage the public network, they are born to good fun, paradise, this world.
3. What do you think, this, monks, who rebuked the evil mind, defamation, seven masters belong to pagans have dispassion for education, hundreds are bound disciples, who he has created many unfortunate things did not?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Hey, monks, anyone with heart rebuke, defamatory seven of these masters, of the Gentiles, was dispassion for sex, hundreds of disciples are bound, he created many very blessed; he who with malice, defamation rebuked a full rank right view, therefore, this person generate much more unfortunate. Wherefore? I claim no such a person patience, from the inside out, for the dignity, the same. Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning as follows: "We will not have the heart for the evil of dignity". This, monks, the teacher should be learning so.
§ (X) (70) ARAKA
1. - In ancient times, the monks, with masters of pagan named Araka has dispassion for sex. This, monks, masters Araka has hundreds of disciples. Araka gurus preach to his disciples as follows:
2. "Hey Brahmin, at oi is the life of a man, small, insignificant, more suffering, more cerebral superiority. With spells, be enlightened! Do good, happy life discounts! With people already born, no immortality. For example, the Brahmin, the first dew on grass, when the sun rises, quickly disappear, not long-term survival. Also, this Brahmin, as dew is human life, small, insignificant, more suffering, more cerebral superiority. With spells, be enlightened! Do good, happy life discounts! With people already born, no immortality. For example, the Brahmin, when heavy rains, the water bubbles out of the water quickly disappears, do not survive long. Also, this Brahmin, like water bubbles is the life of man, small, insignificant, more suffering, more cerebral superiority. With spells, be enlightened! Do good, happy life discounts! With people already born, no immortality. For example, the Brahmin, remote mountain rivers flow, fast flowing water, alluring character other things, no damage - na, no moment, no moments that stop vacation, it must flow to, billowing flowing, flowing to promote. Also, this Brahmin, such as that river is the life of the species Man, tiny, insignificant ... to the bore, no immortality. For example, the Brahmin, the athletes gathered a lump of saliva on his tongue and spit out no power charge. Also, this Brahmin, eg with saliva Department The species is life, little, insignificant ... With users being, no immortality. For example, the Brahmin, a piece of meat was thrown into an iron pot is heated all day, quickly disappear, not long-term survival. Also, this Brahmin, such as pieces of meat is human life, little, insignificant ... With users being, no immortality. For example, the Brahmin, a cow about to be killed, to be led to the slaughterhouse, every step is a step closer to holding up killed, nearly to death. Also, this Brahmin, for example with cow about to be killed as human life, small, insignificant, more suffering, more cerebral superiority. With spells, be enlightened, do good, be celibate. With people already born, no immortal ".
3. At the time, the monks, the life expectancy of up to 60,000 person years species. 500-year-old daughter reached marriageable age can. At the time, the monks, who have six species diseases: cold, heat, hunger, thirst, defecation, urination. This, monks, gurus was Araka, with life-long species such person, such a long life, at such diseases, to preach to such disciples: "At oi, this Ba-La- keeper, who is living species, tiny insignificant, more suffering, more cerebral superiority. With spells, be enlightened! Do good, happy life discounts! With people already born, no immortal ". Today, the monks, who said right feet, to say the following: "At oi, is the life of men, small, insignificant, more suffering, more cerebral superiority. With wisdom, be enlightened! Do good, be celibate! With people already born, no immortal ". Today, the monks, who live longer, he lived a hundred years old, less or more. 100-year-old life, this, monks, is divided into 300 season: a winter hundred, a hundred summer, one hundred rainy season. This, monks, three hundred oil for seasonal living, he lives 12 times 100 months to 400 months of cold, hot 400 months, 400 months of rain. This, monks, oil for 100 months to live 12 times, 24 times he lived a hundred and a half months: 800 cold half months, 800 half months of hot, rainy fortnight 800. This, monks, live oil for 24 times a hundred half months, he lived 36 times 1000 night: 12,000 cold night, hot nights 12.000, 12.000 rainy night. This, monks, oil for 36 times 1000 night life, he ate only 72 thousand meals: 24 thousand meals in the cold season, 24 thousand meals in the hot season, 24 thousand meals in the rainy season. This includes time with breast milk and no food. Here, there are no meals as this, that is angry not eat rice, do not eat rice suffering, the sick do not eat rice, do not eat clams world, not recoverable, not eating.
Thus, the monks, one hundred year lifespan of the species Person I called life, called the amount of longevity, called the weather, called a year, known as May, called is half a month, called the night, known as night and day, known as meals, between meals is called.
4. Hey, monks, gurus what to do, so happy, disciples of compassion, the things I did, because the teacher thought compassion. This, monks, this is the tree, this is the house is not clean. This, monks, meditate, do not have distractions, do not regret it later. That is my teaching for me.
1. - Achievement seven measures, the monks, monks are wise Law. What is seven?
2. Knowing violations; know not violated; said light violations, said heavy violations; there are rules, lived with tame tame of the monastic rule; full majesty and right action, scared of the slightest error, accepted and legal study in the School; Meditation under increased epicardial four, currently residing optimistic, there is no difficulty, there is no fatigue, no charges have power; so get rid of cankers, position yourself to win even in the current realization, ways of attaining liberation interest, liberating insight.
Seven this achievement, the monks, monks are wise Law.
1. - Achievement seven measures, the monks, monks are wise Law. What is seven?
2. Knowing violations; know not violated; said light violations, said heavy violations; both the monastic rule was cleverly widely transmitted, smart sorting, clever adjustments, the Sutta smart decision and the details; Meditation under increased epicardial four, currently residing optimistic, there is no difficulty, there is no fatigue, no charges have power; so get rid of cankers, position yourself to win even in the current realization, ways of attaining liberation interest, liberating insight.
Seven this achievement, the monks, monks are wise Law.
1. - Achievement seven measures, the monks, monks are wise Law. What is seven?
2. Knowing violations; know not violated; said light violations, said heavy violations; said dwell on the law can not be denied; Meditation under increased epicardial four ... get no power charge; by taints ... rid of liberating insight.
Seven this achievement, the monks, monks are wise Law.
1. - Achievement seven measures, the monks, monks are wise Law. What is seven?
2. Knowing violations; said light violations, said heavy violations; remember past lives, like a life, two lives ... so, remember past lives with these characteristics, with the details; label with pure natural superhuman beings ... know; so get rid of cankers, myself ... liberating insight.
Seven this achievement, the monks, monks are wise Law.
§ (V - VIII) (75-78) brilliance
1. - Achievement seven measures, the monks, monks are prime grade dazzling Law. What is seven?
(Ibid, 71-74, only adding sparkle letters)
§ (IX) (79) MESSAGE
1. Then the Venerable Upali go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Upali venerable sir:
 - You instead, venerable sir! Bhagavan please preach to me briefly, after listening to the sermon Bhagavan, I will live alone, calm, no distractions, zealous, ardent.
2. - Upali Hey, do you know the law: "The law can not be taken to the most boring direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, nirvana," this time Upali, Teacher most need to maintain life's direction: "This is not France, it is not law, this is not the teachings Bhagavan". This and Upali, the law does He said: "The best approach towards this result, boring, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, nirvana," this time Upali, I need the most maintain life's direction: "This is France, this is the law, this is the teachings of Bhagavan".
1 - Hey, monks, killing seven measures taken to avoid the termination, make peace the continuing debate arises. What is seven?
2. Law of the presence should apply. Legislation needs to apply recollection. Act delusion need not apply. Self-confessed laws should apply. Majoritarian laws should apply. Law on finding such crimes need to apply. Law on the grass cover should apply.
This, monks, killing seven measures taken to avoid an end to this, make peace the continuing debate arises.
1. - Do vandalism seven measures, the monks, the monks. What is seven?
2. Vandalism is Friendly, suspected sabotage, vandalism obvious precepts, destructive greed, destroying the field, destroying ignorance, chronic destructive.
Seven this sabotage, the monks, the monks.
1. Hey, monks, by cessation of seven measures, the monks ... so dispose of seven measures, a Brahmin're ... Do killing seven measures, the peace ... Do you cleanse seven measures , the cleansing ... Do you have to know seven measures, the ones with mind ... Do sabotage enemy seven measures, the Saints ... Do stop seven measures, the Arhat status. What is seven?
2. Stopped is Friendly, comfortable stop, stop precepts manually, stop taking, stopping the field, stopping si, stopped alongside.
Because seven this stop, the monks, the Arhat status.
1 - Hey, monks, this approach has seven non-chlorophyll. What is seven?
2. No credit, no shame, no fear, do not listen much, laziness, forgetfulness, evil Property.
This, monks, there are seven non-magic solution.
1. - There are seven wonders of this approach, the monks. What is seven?
2. Credit, shame, fear, hear more, effort, mindfulness, wisdom.
This, monks, there were seven wonders of this law.
§ (I) (1) who deserve BE GLASS
1 - Hey, monks, there are seven classes this person, worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the supreme field blessing in my life. What is seven?
2. In life, the monks, who live classes depending consistent with impermanence in the eye, perception is impermanent, feeling is impermanent, in all the time, continuously, without interruption, to win attention, with insight can enter. He, with the extinction right now, realization, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. This, monks, this is the first class who deserve respect ... the unsurpassed field of merit in the world.
3. Again, the monks, who live classes depending consistent with impermanence in the eye, perception is impermanent, feeling is impermanent, in all the time, continuously, without interruption, to win attention, with insight can enter. For they, the cessation of the taints and the termination of the life happens once, not before not after. This, monks, this is the second class deserves respect ... the unsurpassed field of merit in the world.
4. Again, the monks, who live classes depending consistent with impermanence in the eye, perception is impermanent, feeling is impermanent, in all the time, continuously, without interruption, to win attention, with insight can enter. He after cessation of five lower fetters, Intermediary evidence PARINIRVANA ... Countless evidence PARINIRVANA practice ... practice evidence Friends PARINIRVANA ... evidence is upstream, gain Sac salvage. This, monks, this was the sort of person worthy of respect Saturday, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the supreme field blessing in my life.
       This, monks, seven categories of people worthy of respect ... this is the supreme blessing in the life field.
 § (II) (2) others being SUPPLY OF GLASS
1 - Hey, monks, there are seven classes this person, worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the supreme field blessing in my life. What is seven?
2. Here, depending on shop size classes who live on the eyes ... depending on the eye selfless shop ... shop cessation depending on the eyes ... depending on the eye perishes shop ... shop dispassion depending on the eyes ... depending shop cessation custom shop on the eyes ... the eyes ... give up on the ear ... the nose ... the tongue ... the body ... on the ... on the ... on the hour ... excellent on your taste ... on ... on ... on contact the law ... on ... on consciousness consciousness ... .. on losses on billions of informal knowledge ... on ... in the sense of consciousness ... on the label on the ear-contact ... contact ... contact .. on losses on billions of body contact ... contact ... on the contact ... on life ... so labels being touched on by atrial emotional life expectancy from birth ... on the birth rate ... on life touched by the emotional damage ... on life by being born ... in the life of body contact by the excellent exposure on the idea of ​​birth ... ... on incense stick on ... great ... great ... on a contact on the idea ... on private legal identity ... great ... on ... on flavor bar private investment ... on the ... on the emotional investment ... on the legal status on the excellent investment ... loving ... loving bar ... on ... on to your loving kindness flavor ... on ... on the legal exposure loving kindness ... on ... on the bar color range in flavor Games ... Games ... Games ... on the ... on the law on the emotional level ... on the excellent range on the bar quad ... quad ... on native quad quad ... on the ... on the ... on the legal tentacles quad ... on the aggregate of form ... on ... on the great sensations aggregates ... aggregates ... life depends on consistent practice impermanence in life depending consciousness ... suffering ... living custom shop shop selflessness ... live ... live custom shop custom shop cessation perish ... live ... live custom shop custom shop dispassion ... cessation of life depending customary abandon.
§ (I) (1) WIN TRI THAM (1)
1 - Hey, monks, to win voters participated, seven measures need to practice. What is seven?
2. Mindfulness enlightenment, enlightenment scout law, enlightenment diligent, calm enlightenment, for enlightenment, enlightenment discharge.
This, monks, to win voters participated, seven factors that must be practiced.
§ (II) (2) WINS TRI THAM (2)
1 - Hey, monks, to win voters participated, seven measures need to practice. What is seven?
2. Perception is impermanent, selfless thoughts, impure thoughts, ideas hazardous, great annihilation, dispassion idea, thought eradicated.
This, monks, to win voters participated, seven factors that must be practiced.
§ (III) (3) WIN TRI THAM (3)
1 - Hey, monks, to win voters participated, seven measures need to practice. What is seven?
2. Chiang impure, thought dead, pessimistic thoughts on food cup, not a great joy for all the world, perception is impermanent, perception is impermanent suffering on, selfless thoughts on suffering.
This, monks, to win voters participated, seven factors that must be practiced.
§ (IV) (4) WIN TRI THAM (4)
1 - Hey, monks, to win voters participate ... to completely eradicate ... to make an end to ... to ... to perish cessation ... to dispassion ... to ... to renounce cessation ... to give up ... to the vote. Seven factors that must be practiced.
2. To win golf tri ... si ... outraged ... hate ... concealed hostility ... brain damage ... jealousy ... avarice ... fraud ... fraud ... ... removing stubborn ... action ... romance romantic rose rooftop ... arrogant, distractions ... to full understanding ... to completely eradicate ... to make an end to ... to ... to perish cessation ... to dispassion ... to ... to renounce cessation ... to abandon ... to abandon. Seven factors that must be practiced.

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