Tuesday 10 May 2016

CHAPTER ONE: corresponding DAO
1.I. IGNORANCE  (Sv, 1)
1. Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Forest Wins in his garden Anathapindika (Anathapindika).
2) At that time, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey, monks". - "Yes, venerable sir."
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - When ignorance led, this, monks, leading to the achievement of evil, heartless time, numerous connectors next quarter. With ignorance who are dominant, no mind, this, monks, wrong delivery. For those who have the wrong view, thinking being. For those who have the wrong thinking, wrong speech delivery. For those who have the wrong speech, wrong delivery now. For those who have professional misconduct, wrong delivery network. For those who have the wrong network, wrong effort birth. For those who have the wrong effort, wrong birth anniversary. For those who have evil thoughts, evil of birth.
4) When the leading intelligent, this, monks, leading to the achievement of dhamma, the mind and connect the next quarter. With intelligent guys are dominant, with position, this, monks, right view of life. For your right understanding, right thought birth. For're right thought, right speech delivery. For're right speech, right action born. For're right action, right livelihood birth. For your right livelihood, right effort birth. For're right effort, mindfulness born. For your mindfulness, right concentration birth.
2.II. HALF  (Upaddham) (Sv, 1)
1) One time, Bhagavan Sakka resident among the people, of the people in the town named Sakkara Sakka.
2) Then the venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Half of this virtue, venerable sir, is good friends (kalyasamittata), your friendly party (kalyanasahayata), improve intimacy (kalyasam-pavankata).
3) - Do not say that, Ananda! Do not say so, this Ananda! Committing this whole unfortunate, this Ananda, is good friends, good friend party, intimate charity. With good friends, monks, you're good, good friendship, and the Ananda, the Noble Eight-awaited industry is practice, the Noble Eight sectors are making fullness.
4) And this Ananda, how is good friends, monks, you're friendly, intimate charity, practice and make the Noble Eight branches fullness? Here, Ananda, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation, related to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Monks practice right thought ... practice ... practice right speech right action ... right livelihood practice ... practice ... practice right effort ... mindfulness trainings related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Thus, this Ananda, is good friends, monks, you're friendly, intimate charity, the Noble Eight industry practice, making the Noble Eight prolific industry.
5) Hey Ananda, main with this method, the need to understand how Mr. whole discounts are good friends happy, you're good, good intimate. Do I get as good friends, this Ananda, should be sentient beings are liberated from birth; aging beings liberated from the old; the dead are being liberated from the dead; these beings were sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain is freed from sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. It is with this method, the Ananda, the need to understand how Mr. whole discounts are good friends happy, you're good, good intimate.
3.III. Sariputta  (Sv, 3)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Then venerable Sariputta went to the Blessed One; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
- Complete this unfortunate discounts, venerable sir, is good friends, good you are, this intimate friendly.
3) - You instead, this Sariputta! You instead, this Sariputta! The main virtue is all good friends, good you are, this intimate friendly. This Sariputta, with good friends, monks, you're good, good friendship, and is expected that the industry will be the Noble Eight practice, will be making fullness.
4-5) (As paragraph No. 4, No. 5 out of business, except: this is the Venerable Sariputta and not Venerable Ananda)
4.IV. Brahmin  (Napoli, s.IV, 4)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Venerable Ananda, in the morning, robes, holding medicine bowl, went into Savatthi for alms.
3) Then the Venerable Ananda saw Brahmin Janussoni ride out Savatthi, white horses pulling carts full. White is the horse sled. White is the jewelry. White is the chariot. White is the dependent parts (parivaro). White is the diamond wire. White is the end of a stick horse. White is the parasols. White is the bandana. White is the clothing. White shoe. And fan with white fans. The masses saw it and said: "It is the chariot wins. It is a space rover on excellence wins! "
4) Then the Venerable Ananda seeking alms in Savatthi finished, after a meal, begging for food on the way back, go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Here, venerable sir, in the morning, the robes, took care to bowl and went into Savatthi for alms. Buddha, the Brahmin saw Janussoni ride out Savatthi, white horses pulling carts full. White is the horse pulling the carriage ... It was excellent wins on content! Buddha, Bhagavan can speak French chariot and wins in this law?
Exalted says:
- May be, this Ananda. Noble Eight this sector, this Ananda, is synonymous with wins carriage, the carriage of this law. Supreme is conquered in battle.
5) Chief of knowledge, this Ananda, is practiced, made for fullness, which ultimately led to convince involved, convince courts, convince si. Thought, this Ananda, which ultimately led to convince involved, convince courts, convince si. ... Right Speech Right Action ... Right Effort Right Livelihood ... ... mindfulness ... right concentration, the Ananda, is practiced, made for perfection, eventually leading to convince to participate, convince courts, convince si.
This Ananda, key to this method, all he needs to understand something like this: "Chariot wins, carriage law, supreme is the conquest of war, is synonymous with the Noble Eight this sector."
Exalted such preaching. Auspicious one said so done, gurus say more:
Who are believers, wisdom,
Often linked to,
Get shame as staff,
Get the car doing yoke.
Mindfulness is the driver,
Knowing holder, protection,
Chariot took precepts
Doing things for the car.
Meditation is the axle,
Effort is the wheel,
Is the constant discharge,
Education is the vehicle wealth mattresses.
Adosa and harmless,
Renunciation of the weapons,
Patience as armor,
Peace from suffering,
Making a target,
Chariot is transported.
This self employment,
Become attached to self.
As the chariot wins,
Supreme, do not match.
Sitting on his chariot,
Tri Level escapism life,
Certainly, not wrong to run,
They achieved victory.
5.V. WHAT PURPOSE?  (Sv, 6)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Then a lot of monks went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, his monks venerable sir:
- Here, venerable sir, the wanderer pagan to ask us: "reverences, for what purpose, discounts are living well below the recluse Gotama?" Asked so, venerable sir, we pay the pagan word wanderer was as follows: "reverences, for the purpose of full understanding of suffering, discounts are living well below the recluse Gotama." Asked and answered so so, venerable sir, are we correct answer with words Bhagavan, we do not misrepresent the Blessed One with what is not true, we reply upon lawful and legal, and who is co-legal, lawful and convenient to say legal, there is no opportunity to criticize?
4) - this, monks, and he is so and answer questions such as the right answer to Mr My words, these He did not misrepresent me with untruths, and He answered lawful and convenient law, and who is the legal contract, saying lawful and legal agreement, there is no opportunity to criticize. This, monks, because the purpose of full understanding of suffering which is lived under my virtues. This, monks, if the pagan wanderer He asked: "Hey Sage, no way, there is the path that lead to the full understanding of this suffering?" Asked so, when the answer to Mr. the pagan wanderer was as follows: "reverences, the path, the path may lead to full understanding of this suffering."
5) This, monks, how is the way, how is the path leading to full understanding of suffering? This is the path of the Noble Eight branches of knowledge ie district, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration. This, monks, this is the way, this is the path leading to the full understanding of suffering.
6) To ask this, this, monks, and he must answer for his pagan wanderer so.
6.VI. Other monks ONE  (1) (Napoli, s.IV, 7)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Then the other monks went to the Blessed One ...
3) On one side, his monks venerable sir:
- "Discounts, Almond", venerable sir, is referred to as such. Venerable sir, how is virtue? How is the finality of dignity?
- Hey monks, Noble Path Eight branches are Pham happy, that is right view ... right concentration is. This monks, the total extinction of greed, the total extinction of the field, the total extinction of ignorance, this is the ultimate virtue.
7.VII. ONE other monks  (2) (Napoli, s.IV, 8)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Then the monks went to the Bhagavan; after arriving ...
3) On one side, his monks venerable sir:
- "Photography for participation, convince courts, convince si", venerable sir, is called so. What's mean, venerable sir, is convince participate, convince courts, convince si?
- Synonymous with Nirvana convince world is involved, convince courts, convince si, also known as the total extinction of the defilements.
4) When told this, that monks venerable sir:
- "Immortal, immortal", venerable sir, is called so. How is immortality, venerable sir? What is the path to immortality?
- The advantage involved, the total extinction of the field to make an end to ignorance, the monks, called immortality. Eight branches Noble Path is the path to immortality, that is right view ... right concentration is.
8.VIII. ANALYSIS  (Napoli, s.IV, 8)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) - Hey, monks, I will explain and analyze the Noble Eight sectors. Listen and smart volition. I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - this, monks, are the Eight Noble Path industry? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration.
4) And this, monks, is right view is how? This, monks, is the location of pain, location of pain episodes, where the pain away, located on the way to kill pain. This, monks, is called right knowledge.
5) And this, monks, what is right thought? This, monks, is the renunciation of thinking, adosa thinking, thinking harmless. This, monks, is called right thought.
6) And this, monks, is right speech how? This, monks, is to abandon lying, abandon the said two blades, abandoning harsh speech, renunciation say frivolous. This, monks, is called right speech.
7) And this, monks, is right action how? This, monks, is to abandon killing, taking what is not to give up, abandon non-virtue. This, monks, is called right action.
8) And this, monks, is right livelihood How? Here, monks, saints disciples exorcism network segment, the primary network feed. This, monks, is called right effort.
9) And this, monks, what is right effort? Here, the monks, with the aim of making the evil, unwholesome unborn measures previously not arise, arise desire, effort, diligence, encourages, maintenance center; with the aim of making the evil, unwholesome eradication measures have been born, arises desire, effort, diligence, encourages, maintenance center; with the aim of making the previously unborn friendly France is now arising, arises desire, effort, diligence, encourages, maintenance center; with the aim of making good behavior was being able to maintain, without overshadowing, growth, be generous, be practiced, fullness, start-up desire, effort, diligence, of tons , maintenance center. This, monks, is called right effort.
10) And this, monks, how is mindfulness? Here, the monks, monks living body in the body shop, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, with the purpose of life for covetousness; Monks live life on life bar, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness with the purpose of life for covetousness; Monks live consistent consciousness and enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness with the purpose of life for covetousness; Monks living on the French legal consistency, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness in order to subdue take priority in life. This, monks, is called mindfulness.
11) And this, monks, is right concentration How? Here, the monks, monks sexual ly, ly immoral law, the first Zen residence certificate, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals. Net Games and only make the quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, in the province, one heart. He cups discharge residence joy, mindfulness, awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, Tuesday Meditation residence certificate. Optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill joy superiority was feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, neutral, exhaust purification concept. This, monks, is called right concentration.
9.IX. Suka  (Beard wheat) (Napoli, s.IV, 10)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
- Hey, monks, such as wheat stubble or beard of barley placed wrong direction, while being pressed into the arms or legs, can pierce hands or feet, or can shed blood; the situation is not happening. Why? This, monks, because the whiskers were wrong direction. Also, this, monks, monks were forced direction is wrong, the path was set wrong direction, can pierce ignorance, as intelligent being run, can reach Nirvana; the situation is not happening. Why? This, monks, as is being set wrong direction.
3) Hey, monks, such as whiskers of wheat, barley or antennae are placed towards righteousness, when pressure on the arms or legs, can pierce hands or feet, or can shed blood ; the situation may occur. Why? This, monks, because the antennae are placed towards righteousness. Also, this, monks, monks is located towards righteousness, the path is set true direction, can pierce ignorance, makes intelligent arise, can attain Nirvana; the situation may occur. Why? This, monks, because the true direction is placed.
4) And this, monks, are the monks have been placed is the true direction, the path is set true direction, puncture ignorance, makes intelligent arise, attain Nirvana?
Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... trainings related to telecommunications glasses, contact to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Also, this, monks, monks that is placed by the true direction, because the path is set true direction, should pierce ignorance, intelligence is being run, attained Nirvana.
10.X. Nandiya  (Napoli, s.IV, 11)
1) At Savatthi.
2) Then go to the wanderer Nandiya Bhagavan; after arriving, speak words of welcome to inquire with Bhagavan, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side.
3) On one side, wanderer Nandiya venerable sir:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, how many are practicing law, made for fullness, leading to Nirvana, Nirvana directions to your destination, put an end to Nirvana?
4) - There are eight this approach, this Nandiya, leading to Nirvana, Nirvana direction to the destination, leading to the ultimate Nirvana. Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. It has eight, this Nandiya, practiced, made for fullness, leading to Nirvana, Nirvana direction to the destination, put an end to Nirvana.
5) When you are told so, wanderer Nandiya venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! As people stood up to what was overturned ... from now until the public network, the Lifetime specified thresholds apply.
11.I. RESIDENCE  (1) (Sv, 12)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) - Hey, monks, I want to live in a half-month meditation, no one came to my audience, but the only people who bring food alms.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Thus, no one visited the Exalted, except one person who brings the food alms.
3) Then at the end half of the month, from where Meditation got up and called the monks:
- With dwell, I stay when I was new evidence Enlightenment, but I just stay a part of it.
4) Thus, I clearly know what was wrong feeling conditioned, what is conditioned by feelings of right ... what is conditioned by the evil feeling of, what feelings are conditioned by concentration, what are feeling conditioned desire (chanda), what is the feeling conditioned games (Vitakka), what is conditioned by a great feeling (Sanna).
5) When the net not only desire, the range is not only pure, pure thought not only; conditioned so, get those feelings. And the only pure desire, but not reach, only purified, pure idea is not just; conditioned so, get those feelings. And the only pure desire, reach only purified, but the idea is not only pure, so conditioned, there is a feeling. And the only pure desire, reach only purified, is pure thought only, such as charm, there are sensations.
6) For those who have not attained, must be diligent to be attained. In the case has been attained; conditioned so, get those feelings.
12.II. STAY  (2) (Sv, 13)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
- Hey, monks, I want to live for three months Meditation ...
3) After three months, from Meditation Bhagavan got up and called the monks:
- With dwell, I stay when I was new evidence Enlightenment. But I just stay a part of it.
4) Thus, I clearly know (pajanami) what is wrong feeling conditioned, what sensations are purified by affinity only wrong, what is conditioned by feelings right view, what is the feeling by only right view is pure grace, what is conditioned by the evil feeling of, what was the feeling of being cleansed by grace only evil, what is conditioned by concentration sensations, what feelings are conditioned by concentration net only, what are feelings conditioned by the desire (chanda), what is the feeling conditioned by the desire to purify only, what is conditioned by class feeling, what feelings are purified by affinity range only, what is conditioned by a great feeling, what a great feeling to be transcended only by grace.
5) When the desire is not only pure, pure class not only, not pure thoughts only; conditioned so, get those feelings. And the only pure desire, but not reach, only purified, pure idea is not just; conditioned so, get those feelings. And the only pure desire, reach only purified, but the idea is not only pure; conditioned so, get those feelings. And the only pure desire, reach only purified, purified idea only; conditioned so, get those feelings.
6) For those who have not attained, must diligently to attain. In the case has been attained; conditioned so, get those feelings.
1) At Savatthi.
2) Then the monks went to the Blessed One ...
3) On one side, his monks venerable sir:
- "Friends school, school property," lord, known as such. So how, venerable sir, is the organic school level?
4) - Here, the monks, monks full property right understanding of grade school ... Full concentration level of school property. Until such, monks was called grade school property.
1) At Savatthi ...
2) - There are eight legal practice, is making fullness, not arise, there can arise, but only when the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment appears.
3) What are the eight? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. Eight This, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, not arise can arise, but only when the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment appears.
15.V. HAVING INITIATION  (2) (Sv, 14)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) - There are eight this method, this, monks, practiced, made for perfection, if not arise can arise, but only to the level of Auspicious precepts.
3) What are the eight? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. It has eight, this, monks, practiced, made for perfection, if not already being run might arise, but only to the level of Auspicious precepts.
16.VI. PURIFICATION  (1) (Sv, 15)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - There are eight this method, the monks, pure, clear, no defilements, cup of sorrow, if not arise can arise, but only when the Tathagata, grade A-La- drought, Enlightenment appears.
4) What are the eight? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. It has eight, the monks, pure, clear, no defilements, cup of sorrow, if not arise can arise, but only when the Tathagata, Arhat Career Chief Enlightenment appears.
17.VII. PURIFICATION  (2) (Sv, 15)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - There are eight this method, the monks, pure, innocent ... may arise, but only to the level of Auspicious precepts.
4) What are the eight? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. It has eight, the monks, pure, clear, no defilements, cup of sorrow, if not arise can arise, but only to the level of Auspicious precepts.
18.VIII. GARDEN CHICKEN  (1) (Kukkutarama) (Sv, 15)
1) Thus have I heard.
A time Venerable Ananda, venerable Bhadda Chicken Gardens resident, at Pataliputta.
2) Then venerable Bhadda, in the afternoon, from Meditation got up, went to the Venerable Ananda; after arrival, the Venerable Ananda speak words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, Venerable Venerable Ananda Bhadda told:
- "Phi Pham happy, non-virtues," the Sage Ananda, is referred to as such. How, Mr. Sage, is non-virtue?
- You instead, rather benign, Sage Bhadda! Hien charity instead, this Bhadda Sage, is the tunnel (ummagga) of Sage! Hien rather good, is what eloquence! Rather nice, is the question!
4) Hey Sage Bhadda, is thus a question of Sage: "Phi Pham happy, non-virtues, this sage Ananda, referred to as such. How, Mr. Sage, is non-virtue? "Reasonable?
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
5) - Hey Sage, the way this sector is pagan eight non-virtues. That is wrong ... wrong to knowledge.
19.IX. CHICKEN GARDEN  (2) (Sv, 16)
1-2) in Pataliputta's coast ...
3) - "Committing virtues, virtues," the Sage Ananda, is referred to as such. This sage, what is virtue, what is the ultimate virtue?
- You instead, heal rather, this Bhadda Sage! Hien charity instead, this Bhadda Sage, the Sage is the tunnel! Hien rather good, is what eloquence! Rather nice, is the question!
4) Hey Sage Bhadda, is thus a question of Sage: "Pham, Almond, Sage Ananda this, such is mentioned. This sage, what is virtue, what is the ultimate virtue? "Reasonable?
- Ladies and must, Sage.
5) - Hey Sage, Noble Path Eight branches are Pham happy. Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. This sage, the total extinction of greed, the total extinction of the field, the total extinction of delusion is the ultimate virtue.
20.X. CHICKEN PARK  (3) (Sv, 16)
1-2) at Pataliputta's coast ...
3) - "discounts, Almond," Sage said, such a question. Dear Sage, what is virtue? How was the issue of dignity? How is the finality of dignity?
4) - You instead, rather benign, Sage Bhadda! Hien charity instead, this Bhadda Sage, the Sage is the tunnel! Hien replaced plea User friendly! Rather nice, is the question!
5) This Bhadda Sage, is thus a question of Sage: "Pham, Almond, Sage Ananda this, such is mentioned. This sage, what is virtue? How was the issue of dignity? How is the finality of dignity? "Reasonable?
- Ladies and must, Sage.
6) - Hey Sage, Noble Path Eight branches are Pham happy, that is right view ... right concentration is. This sage, who complete the Noble Eight this sector, he called the issue of dignity. This sage, the total extinction of greed, the total extinction of the field, the total extinction of ignorance, this is the ultimate virtue.
21.I. TA TANH  (Sv, 17)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) - this, monks, I will preach to the wicked nature and Secretarial He about nature. Listen.
4) And this, monks, how nature is evil? That is wrong ... wrong to knowledge. This, monks, is called evil nature.
5) And this, monks, are the main qualities? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. This, monks, is called right qualities.
1-2) at Savatthi's coast.
Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - this, monks, I will preach for the evil Mr. and friendly French law. Listen.
4) And this, monks, how legal is unwholesome? That is wrong ... wrong to knowledge. This, monks, is called immoral law.
5) What is good law? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. This is called dhamma.
23.III. DAO ROAD  (Sv, 18)
1-2) Savatthi.
Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - this, monks, I will preach to the wicked He Eightfold path and highway. Listen.
4) And this, monks, what is wrong path? That is wrong ... wrong to knowledge. This, monks, is called deviant path.
5) And this, monks, how is the path out? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. This, monks, is called right path.
24.IV. DAO ROAD  (2) (Sv, 18)
1-2) Savatthi.
Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - this, monks, with people at home or with a home person, I do not praise the evil path.
4) The in-home and home users, according to the misconduct, the monks, so because of misconduct and the misconduct, he was not the promotion (aradhaka) chief justice (nayam), legal (dhammam) , and friendly (kusatam). And this, monks, what is wrong path? That is wrong ... wrong to knowledge. This, monks, is called deviant path. For at-home and home users, the monks, I have not praised the evil path.
5) The in-home and home users according misconduct, the monks, so because of misconduct and the misconduct, he was not the chief justice promotion, and improvement measures.
6) And this, monks, with people at home or with a home person, I praise the path route.
7) The residential or home person under right action, the monks, so for right action and the right action, he was the chief of development, and improvement measures. And this, monks, how is the path out? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. This, monks, is called right path. And this with the laity or ordained, I praise the path route.
8) The house, or ordained, in right conduct, the monks, so for right action and right action by the workers, he became chief justice promotion, and improvement measures.
25.V. NOT HUMAN FOOT  (1) (Asappurisa) (Sv, 19)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - this, monks, I will preach to the non-truth of human and He's leg. Listen.
And this, monks, is how non-human feet? Here, the monks, have people under evil knowledge, wrong thinking, wrong speech, wrong now, wrong livelihood, wrong effort, wrong mindfulness, wrong set. This, monks, is called non-human feet.
5) And this, monks, how's that leg? Here, the monks, who according to the district has knowledge, according to the right thought, right speech under, according to the right action, right livelihood under, according to the right effort, in mindfulness, right concentration under. This, monks, is called human foot.
26.VI. NOT HUMAN FOOT  (2) (Sv, 20)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
There, the Exalted says the following:
3) - I will preach for him, the monks, the pilot's legs and feet worse than non-human. I will preach for him, the monks, the human leg and foot's better. Listen...
4) And this, monks, is how non-human feet? Here, the monks, have people under evil wrong ... according to. This, monks, is called non-human feet.
5) And this, monks, is how non-truth is worse than non-human human foot? Here, the monks, have people under evil wrong ... according to, according to the deviant mind, according to Ta liberation. This, monks, is called non-human leg was worse than non-human feet.
6) And this, monks, how is the leg's Career? Here, the monks, who according to the district with knowledge ... under the right concentration. This, monks, is called human foot.
7) And this, monks, how is the level of vacuum also better human's foot steps? Here, the monks, who according to the district with knowledge ... under the concentration, under the right knowledge, according to the district release. This, monks, is called Job's leg was better the human level of vacuum.
27.VII. POT  (Sv, 20)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
3) - this, monks, such as a vase, without the cost of the prone prop tilt down, if the price falls inclined prop difficult time. Also, this, monks, if the mind does not come with a price prop prone reclining time, if the price falls inclined prop difficult time.
4) And this, monks, what is the prop for the mind? Noble Eight main sectors, ie chief knowledge ... right concentration. This so-called prop interest rates.
5) This, monks, such as the pot without a price prop prone reclining time, if there is a price hard to resist when reclining. Also, this, monks, if the mind does not come with a price prop prone reclining time, if there is a price hard to resist when reclining.
28.VIII. No.  (Sv, 21)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
Then Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - this, monks, I will argue for the right concentration with Mr clinics (saupanisam), as measured (saparikkharam). Listen.
4) And this, monks, is right concentration how the clinics, as measured? Secretarial ie knowledge, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness.
5) Circuit mind, this, monks, this section has seven branch quartered measurement. This, monks, is called right concentration with clinics Holy, as measure.
29.IX. LIFE  (Sv, 21)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - this, monks, three of this life. What are the three? Pleasant feeling, unpleasant, non-touch non-life suffering. This, monks, here are three of this life.
4) For the three full understanding of this life is to practice in the Noble Eight branches of knowledge that is the district ... right concentration. Want full understanding of this life is to practice in the Noble Eight sectors.
30.X. Uttiya or UTTIKA  (Sv, 22)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) Then go to the venerable Uttiya Exalted ...
4) On one side, venerable lord Uttiya:
- Here, lord, while the solitude Meditation, ideas are starting up as follows: "In education merits mention is Exalted, and education in the faith are talking about, Bhagavan?"
5) - You instead, heal rather, it Uttiya! This year I Academic merit mentioning, this Uttiya. What is the year? The eye color perception so pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, endearing, relate to sexual and attractive, the language by ear ... the taste perception because perception ... of your nose by tongue receipt contact form ... the perception by itself pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, endearing, relate to sexual and attractive. Academic merit this year, this Uttiya, was I talking about.
6) To make an end to this merit in education, this Uttiya, should practice the Noble Eight sectors. What is the Noble Eight sectors? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. Education wants to make an end of this merit, this Uttiya, should practice the Noble Eight sectors.
31.I. HAPPY  (patipatti) (Sv, 23)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - this, monks, I will preach for about misconduct and for Mr right action. Listen.
4) And this, monks, what is misconduct? That is wrong ... wrong to knowledge. This, monks, is called sexual misconduct.
5) And this, monks, is right action how? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. This, monks, is called right action.
32.II. PEOPLE OF LEAD  (Sv, 23)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
Here, the Exalted says the following:
3) - And this, monks, I will preach to the people He misconduct and right action. Listen.
4) This, monks, how was the misconduct? Here, the monks, have people under evil wrong ... according to. It called the misconduct.
5) And this, monks, how was the right action? Here, the monks, who according to the district with knowledge ... right concentration. This, monks, is called right action.
33.III. Degenerate  (Viraddha) (Sv, 23)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
3) - For those who do, this, monks, is the Noble Eight degenerate sector, for them, is the Noble rot Furniture Eight branches and the right path leads to an end to suffering. For those, the monks, the Noble Eight branches are made (araddho), for them, was prepared as the Noble Eight branches and the right path leads to an end to suffering.
4) And this, monks, is the Noble Eight how the industry? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. For one, the monks, the Noble Eight rot furniture industry, Furniture is Noble rot Eight branches and the right path leads to an end to suffering. For those, the monks, the Noble Eight branches are made, for them, was prepared as the Noble Eight branches and the right path leads to an end to suffering.
34.IV. The other side  (Sv, 25)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
3) - There are eight this method, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, brought from this shore to the other side (aparapa ramgamanaya). What are the eight? Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. Eight This, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, brought from this shore to the other shore.
4) Exalted such theory. Auspicious such theory is complete, gurus say more:
1)  Less replace those,
Reached the other shore.
Most other masses,
Running back and forth to this shore.
2)  Those who follow lecture,
Dharma skillfully uttered,
They came to the other side,
Ma realm clever pass.
3)  Then take the measures tar,
Wise transparent legal practitioners,
Leaving home, no home life,
In solitude, hardly optimistic.
4)  Here, want enjoyment,
Take away all desire,
Wise self-purification,
Self mind from negativity.
5)  Those who skillfully practiced,
Chief interest in enlightenment,
Abandon the attachment,
Happy not clinging,
Gonorrhea or take, luminous,
Achieving the first President in my life.
35.V. SA-luggage  (1) (Sv, 25)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
3) - this, monks, I will preach for about recluses He almond and almond fruit recluses. Listen.
4) And this, monks, recluses how well? Noble Eight main sectors, ie chief knowledge ... right concentration. This, monks, is called recluses well.
5) And this, monks, is how well Salmone results? Provision save results, First hybrid fruit, Real hybrid fruit, fruit Arhat. This, monks, is called recluses unfortunate results.
36.VI. SA-luggage  (2) (Sv, 25)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
3) - this, monks, I will preach for about recluses He almond and almond Salmone purposes. Listen.
4) And this, monks, recluses how well? Noble Eight main sectors, ie chief knowledge ... right concentration. This, monks, is called recluses well.
5) This, monks, is how well the purpose recluses? This, monks, involved annihilation, annihilation field to make an end to ignorance. This is called a recluse purpose well (samannattho).
37-38.VII-VIII. Brahmin HẠNH  (1-2) (Sv, 25-26)
 (Like 35-36, just watch: the business before it comes to recluses well, this experience comes the Brahmin almond)
39-40.IX-X. Virtue  (1-2) (Sv, 26)
 (As of 35-36, just watch: the business before it comes to recluses virtues, the virtues of this comes to discounts)
41.I. Dispassion.  (Sv, 27)
1) Human coast at Savatthi ...
2) Then many monks ... lord.
3) - this, monks, if the pagan wanderer He asked the following: "For what purpose, these monks Hien, Pham happy to be living below the recluse Gotama?" Asked so, this the billion- pretentious, and he needs to answer the pagan wanderer was as follows: "Since the purpose of taking advantage paragraph, the monks Hien, Pham happy to be living below the recluse Gotama."
4) This, monks, but if the pagan wanderer He asked the following: "Is there any way, there is no path, the reverences, lead to the total extinction involved?" Asked so, this the monks, and he must answer for his pagan wanderer as follows: "there are roads that lead to the total extinction of the path involved".
5) And this, monks, how is the way, how is the path taken to get involved section? Noble Eight main sectors, ie chief knowledge ... right concentration. This, monks, this is the way, this is the path taken to get involved section. Asked this, this, monks, and he must answer for the wanderer so pagan that.
42.II. Fetters  (Samyojanam) (Sv, 28)
2) - Hey, monks, if the pagan wanderer He asked the following: "For what purpose, these monks Hien, Pham happy to be living below the recluse Gotama?" Asked so, this the billion- pretentious, and he must answer to the pagan wanderer was as follows: "for the purposes of paragraph take the fetters, the monks Hien, Pham happy to be living below the recluse Gotama ..."
2) "... For the purpose of cleaning up the custom hypnosis spit, this tributary Hien, Pham happy to be living below the Exalted ..."
44.IV. OF HIGHWAY  (Addhanam) (Sv, 28)
2) "... For the purpose of operating full understanding Highway, this tributary Hien, Pham happy to be living below the Exalted ..."
45.V. TAKING THE PERIOD cankers  (Sv, 28)
2) "... For the purposes of paragraph take the cankers, this tributary Hien, Pham happy to be living below the Exalted ..."
46.VI. Be liberated through MINH  (Vijjavimutti) (Sv, 28)
2) "... For the purpose of realization was freed thanks to intelligent performance, the monks Hien, Pham happy to be living below the Exalted ..."
47.VII. TRI  (Sv, 28)
2) "... For the sake of self is, this tributary Hien, Pham happy to be living below the Exalted ..."
2) - Hey, monks, if the pagan wanderer He asked the following: "For what purpose, these monks Hien, Pham happy to be living below the recluse Gotama?" Asked so, this the billion- pretentious, and he must answer for the foreign wanderer was as follows: "as the first President purposes completely, without clinging, this tributary Hien, Pham happy to be living below the Exalted".
3) But the monks, if the pagan wanderer He asked the following: "Is there any way, this reverences, with any path taken to complete the first President without clinging?" Asked so , the monks, the He should answer for his pagan wanderer as follows: "there is a path, this reverences, have taken to complete the path of the first President, there is no attachment."
4) And this, monks, how is the way, how is the path leading to the first President absolutely no attachment? Noble Eight major sectors, ie chief knowledge ... right concentration. This, monks, this is the way, this is absolutely the path leading to the first President, no attachments. Asked this, this, monks, and he must answer for his pagan wanderer so.
FOR. BRIEF NOTES SOLAR  (Suriyassa peyyalam)
All are predestined in Savatthi.
49.I. FRIENDLY PROPERTY  (1) (Sv, 29)
2) - Hey, monks, like the minister to go ahead and sign herald the sunrise, which means dawn (arunuggam); also, the monks, the generals went ahead and sign heralded the arising of the Noble Eight branches are good friends with.
3) Hey, monks, monks with good friends, the wait that the Noble Eight branches will be practiced, the Noble Eight branches will be prolific. And this, monks, are the monks with good friends, cultivate the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... practice concentration .. . Navigate to abandon. Thus, the monks, monks do with good friends, cultivate the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry.
50.II. Virtue  (2) (Sv, 30)
2) - Hey, monks, like the minister to go ahead and sign herald the sunrise, which means dawn; also, the monks, so go ahead and foreshadowed the Noble Eight branches arise is the morality achievements.
3) Hey, monks, monks achievements virtue, waiting time that ... (as of above, with the necessary changes).
51.III. CONVENTION TO  (1) (Chanda) (Sv, 30)
1-2) ... That is the full desire (chanda-sampadā) ... (as of above, with the necessary changes).
52-54.IV.VI. NGA, COMMENTS, DO NOT AFFAIRS  land.  (1) (Sv, 30)
 (Full fully self ... is ... full no distractions, with the necessary changes) ...
55.VII. AS MANAGEMENT  (1) (Yoniso). (Sv, 31)
2) - Hey, monks, like the minister to go ahead and sign herald the sunrise, which means dawn; also, the monks, the generals went ahead and sign the Noble Eight caveat arises industry is full as of volition (yonisomana-sikarasampada).
3) Hey, monks, monks full as of this intention, the Noble Eight wait that industry will be practicing, Noble eight branches will be prolific. And this, monks, how fully monks as of volition, the Noble Eight industry practice, and make the Noble Eight prolific industry?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... practice concentration, inter to the renunciation system, linked to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Also, this, monks, monks full as of volition, the Noble Eight industry practice, making the Noble Eight prolific industry.
 II. Photography Appeal (Ragavinaya).
2) - Hey, monks, like the minister to go ahead and sign herald the sunrise ... is good friends with.
3) Hey, monks, monks do with good friends, the wait that the Noble Eight branches will be practiced, the Noble Eight branches will be prolific. And this, monks, are the monks with good friends, cultivate the Noble Eight branches, and make the Noble Eight prolific industry?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings that knowledge to convince participating salvage, salvage is convince the courts, with the finality convince si ... practice concentration, to convince finality is involved, with the ultimate convince courts, with finality is convince si. Thus, the monks, monks make friends with charity, the Noble Eight industry practice, making the Noble Eight prolific industry.
57.IX. Virtue  (2) (Sv, 31)
1-2) - this, monks, go ahead ... as the main achievement is the virtue ... (as above).
58.X. CONVENTION TO  (2) (Chanda) (Sv, 32)
1-2) - this, monks, like what's ahead ... full of desire ... (as above) ...
59.XI. FALLS  (2) (Sv, 32)
1-2) - this, monks, like what's ahead ... full down ... (as above) ...
60.XII. COMMENTS  (2) (Sv, 32)
1-2) - this, monks, as the go ahead is the full ... is ... (as above) ...
61.XIII. Undistracted  (2) (Sv, 32)
1-2) ... is the full no distractions ... (as above) ...
62.XIV. AS MANAGEMENT  (2) (Sv, 32)
2) - ... Hey, monks, like what's ahead ... full as of volition.
3) And this, monks, monks full as of this intention, the Noble Eight expect that the industry will be practiced, the Noble Eight branches will be prolific. And this, monks, how fully monks as of volition, the Noble Eight industry practice, making the Noble Eight prolific industry?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings that knowledge to convince participating salvage, salvage is convince the courts, with the finality convince si. Thus, the monks, monks full as of volition ... practice concentration to convince finality is involved, with the ultimate convince courts, with finality is convince si .. . Thus, the monks, monks full as of volition, the Noble Eight industry practice, and make the Noble Eight prolific industry.
All are predestined in Savatthi.
2) - There is a law, the monks, many benefits for the Noble Eight industries are being run. What is a law? It was with good friends.
3) With the monks with good friends, this, monks, is expected to be the Noble Eight branches will be practiced, will be making fullness. And this, monks, are the monks with good friends, cultivate the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... practice concentration contact to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Thus, the monks, the monks do with good friends, cultivate the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry.
64.II. Virtue  (1) (Sv, 33)
2) - There is a law, the monks, many benefits for the Noble Eight branches arise. And what a lot of legal benefits for industry arise Noble Eight? ... (As above) ...
65.III. CONVENTION TO  (1) (Sv, 33)
1-2) ... ie full desire ...
66.IV. FALLS  (1) (Sv, 33)
1-2) ... that is fully self ...
67.V. COMMENTS  (1) (Sv, 33)
1-2) ... that is full is ...
68.VI. Undistracted  (1) (Sv, 33)
1-2) ... Full ie no distractions ...
69.VII. AS MANAGEMENT  (1) (Sv, 33)
1-2) ... that is full of action as the ...
3) With a full monks as of volition, are waiting for the Noble Eight branches will be practiced, the Noble Eight branches will be prolific. And this, monks, how fully monks as of volition, the Noble Eight industry practice and make the Noble Eight prolific industry?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... practice concentration contact to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Thus, the monks, the monks full as of volition, the Noble Eight industry practice, making the Noble Eight prolific industry.
 II. Photography Appeal
70.VIII. BETTER WITH FRIENDS  (2). Until 76.XVI. AS MANAGEMENT (2) (Sv, 34-35)
1) At Savatthi ...
 (It is almost like from the 63 to the 69).
All are predestined at Savatthi ...
2) - I do not see any other legal entity, so that law, not the Noble Eight arises industry is being run, or the Noble Eight sectors are going to start up and mature practice. Ie France was good friends with.
3) With the monks with good friends, this, monks, is the Noble Eight branches waiting to be practiced, the Noble Eight branches will be made prolific. And this, monks, how monks with good friends, cultivate the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... practice concentration contact to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Thus, the monks, the monks with good friends, cultivate the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry.
78-83.II-VII.  (Sv, 36)
 (As the previous paragraph with the necessary changes).
 II. Photography Appeal
2) - I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the Noble Eight branches are practiced, made for fullness. It was with good friends.
3) With the monks with good friends, this, monks, is the Noble Eight branches waiting to be practiced, the Noble Eight branches will be made prolific. And this, monks, how the monks with good friends, cultivate the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings that knowledge to convince participating salvage, salvage is convince the courts, with the finality convince si ... practice concentration with convince finality is involved, with the ultimate convince courts, with finality is convince si. Thus, the monks, the monks with good friends, cultivate the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry.
85-90.II-VII.  (Sv, 37)
 (As the previous paragraph with the necessary changes).
All are predestined at Savatthi ...
91.I. ORIENT  (1) (Sv, 38)
2) - Just as, monks, celestial Ganga eastward, toward the east, swept eastward. Also, this, monks, monks make Noble Eight prolific industry, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana. This, monks, the monks how to practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana?
3) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... practice concentration contact to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. This, monks, such as monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
92-96.II-VI. DIRECTIONS EAST  (2-6) (Sv, 38-39)
 (As of 91, only the names of the rivers Yamuna, Aciravati, Sarabu, Mahi, large rivers such as the Ganges, Yamuna, Aciravatti, Sarabhu, Mahi ...)
97-102.VII-XII. COAST  (1-6) (Sv, 39-40)
 (As of 91-96, only, here is the direction of the sea, not toward the east).
 II. Photography Appeal
103-108.I-VI. DIRECTIONS EAST  (1-6) (Sv, 40)
109-114.VII-XII. COAST  (1-6) (Sv, 40)
1-2) ...
3) - Here, the monks, monks trainings that knowledge to convince participating salvage, salvage is convince the courts, to convince finality is si ... (as above with changes needed) ...
115-120.I-VI. DIRECTIONS EAST  (1-6) (Sv, 41)
121-126.VII-XII. COAST  (1-6) (Sv, 41)
1-2) ...
3) - Here, the monks, monks knowledge trainings, entered immortality, towards immortal, immortal finality.
127-132.I-VI. DIRECTIONS EAST  (1-6) (Sv, 41)
133-138.VII-XII. COAST  (1-6) (Sv, 41)
1-2) ...
3) - Here, the monks, monks trainings knowledge, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana ... Also, this, monks, monks Noble Eight industry practice, making the Noble Eight prolific industry ... Nirvana inclined, towards Nirvana, Nirvana swept.
V. FOOD undistracted
139.I. Tathagata  (Sv, 41)
 I. argues
1) Human coast at Savatthi ...
2) - Like, this, monks, for all kinds of beings without legs, legs of the four legs, or multiple legs, with sharp or not sharp, with a great idea or not, or no ideas and no chess; Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment, called Ultimate. Also, this, monks, dhamma philistine has nothing, all distractions do not get basic, they were not spontaneous as gathering place. No distraction is paramount called for all measures that.
3) With no distractions, monks, the monks, waiting that the Noble Eight branches are practiced, the Noble eight sectors make fullness. And this, monks, are the monks are not distractions, practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry?
4) Here, the monks, monks are not distractions, trainings related knowledge renunciation, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon the practice ... concentration related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon.
5) Also, the monks, monks are not distractions, practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry. (Three other texts of renunciation, is also similar theory).
 II. Photography Appeal
1-2-3) ...
4) - Here, the monks, monks trainings knowledge, get involved as a salvage convince, convince taken as a salvage yard, grab convince si do trainings salvage ... to, get involved as a salvage convince, convince taken as a salvage yard, taken as a salvage convince si ...
1-2-3) ...
4) - Here, the monks, monks trainings knowledge, get immortalized as the place of integration, taking immortal work purposes, immortal as salvage lat ... practice concentration, obtain immortality as integration site, grab the immortal work purposes, for immortality as salvage.
 IV. Nirvana
1-2-3) ...
4) - Here, the monks, monks practice is inclined to the right view Nirvana, towards Nirvana, Nirvana ... sweep of practice right concentration fond of Nirvana, the direction of Nirvana, Nirvana swept ...
140.II. Footprint  (I-IV) (Sv, 43)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) - Just as, monks, that everyone has the footprint of the sentient pedestrians, all file associations (samodhanam gachanti) in the elephant foot, because the foot elephant called the ultimate in all kinds of pins, ie the huge part. Also, the monks, there are good legal philistine public, all distractions do not get the basic, no distractions do take place to gather, no distractions are called supreme in all dhamma.
3) With no distractions, monks, the monks, are waiting for the Noble Eight industries that practice, the Noble Eight branches will be prolific.
141.III. Chop ROOF  (I-IV) (Sv, 43)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) - Just as, monks, the rafters of a house with a pointy roof, they all go to the pointy roof, pointed toward the roof, curly hair gathered into. Pointy roof over them are called supreme. Also, the monks ... (as of above)
142.IV. Roots  (I-IV) (Sv, 44)
2) - Just as, monks, that everyone has certain roots flavor, kind of black sheep-herd (kalanu-sariyam) called supreme. Also ... (as above) ...
143.V. Directions  (I-IV) (Sv, 44)
2) - Just as, monks, that everyone has the kind of core public taste, sheep-herd types of red (lohitacandanam) called supreme. Also ... (as above) ...
144.VI. BIRTH HOUSE OF FLOWERS  (Bong Favoured: vassikam?) (I-IV) (Sv, 44)
2) - Just as, monks, that everyone has the aroma of flowers yet, lily called supreme. Also ... (as above) ...
145. VII. KING  (I-IV) (Sv, 44)
2) - Just as, monks, that everyone has certain emirates (kuttarajano), all depending Dharmaraja. Dharmaraja for them called supreme. Also ... (as above) ...
146.VIII. MOON  (I-IV) (Sv, 44)
2) - Just as, monks, ordinary light of any stars yet, all is not equal to one-sixteenth the light of the moon. Moonlight for them called supreme. Also, the monks ... (as above) ...
147.IX. SOLAR  (I-IV) (Sv, 44)
2) - Just as, monks, in the fall, when nowhere expand no haze, the sun reaching up nowhere, wipe out all the darkness in the sky, shining, glowing. Also, the monks ... (as above) ...
148.X. CLOTH  (I-IV) (Sv, 45)
2) - Just as, monks, what qualities have been woven fabrics, woven fabrics in Balaam called the supreme complaints ... Also, this, monks, that everyone has yet friendly France all distractions do not take the basic, no distractions do take place to gather, no distractions are called supreme in all dhamma.
3) With no distractions, monks, the monks, are waiting for the Noble Eight industries that practice, the Noble Eight sectors are making fullness. And this, monks, are the monks are not distractions, practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... practice concentration contact to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon.
5) Thus, the monks, monks are not distractions, practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry.
All are predestined in Savatthi.
149. I. HUMAN HEALTH  (Sv, 45)
2) - Just as, monks, that everyone has something to do actions need to have strength, all these actions are based on conditions of land, all dwell in the land. Also, this, monks, monks themselves on world health, dwell on gender, the Noble Eight industry practice, making the Noble Eight prolific industry. And this, monks, the monks how he kept on the world, to dwell on the world, practicing the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry?
3) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... practice concentration contact to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Also, this, monks, monks medicine on the world, to dwell in the world, practicing the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry.
 (This paragraph Hang Ha comb paralleling theory, be more broad theory).
150.II. The seeds  (1) (Sv, 46)
2) - Just as, monks, that everyone has the seeds of yet, the public seedlings (bhutagama) growth, strong, generous, all land based on conditions, will dwell in the land. Also, this, monks, monks medicine on the world, to dwell in the world, practicing the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry, achieving growth, strong and generous in the measures. And this, monks, are the monks themselves on world health, world reside in the practice of the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry, achieving growth, strong, generous in the law?
3) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... practice concentration contact to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Also, this, monks, monks medicine on the world, to dwell in the world, practicing the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight fullness and reach growth sector, strong and generous in the measures.
151.III. Snakes  (Naga) (Sv, 47)
2) - Y on Snow King Mountain Paint this, monks, large snakes autologous growth, strength crop. There, they grow themselves, gained by the power, they go down to the small lake; after down small lakes, big lakes we go down, we go down to the small river; after going down to the small river, we go down the big river; after going down the big river, we go to the beach, the ocean. In our bodies there is great and more generous.
3) Also, the monks, monks medicine on the world, to dwell in the world, practicing the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific sector, achieving tremendous generosity in good behavior.
And this, monks, are the monks themselves on world health, world reside in the practice of the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry, reached the enormous generosity of the dhamma?
4) Here, the monks, monks practice ... practice right view concentration is related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Also, this, monks, monks medicine on the world, to dwell in the world, practicing the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry, reached the enormous generosity of the legal ...
152.IV. PLANT  (Sv, 47)
2) - Just as, monks, natural trees to the east, toward the east, down to the east, when cut from the root, the tree would fall in any direction?
- Buddha, inclined towards it, towards it toward, towards it swept.
3) - Also, the monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana. And this, monks, the monks how to practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation ... trainings related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, related annihilation, direction to abandon. Also, this, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
153.V. Chair  (Sv, 48)
2) - Just as, monks, a chair, if tilted down, the water was spilled on the back can not be poured. Also, this, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry, for the causes of evil has been poured out, not to be poured into. And this, monks, the monks how to practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific sectors for evil, immoral law was poured out, unable to pour into again?
3) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation, ... trainings related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, Navigate to abandon. Also, this, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry, for the causes of evil has been poured out, not able to be poured into.
154.VI. WHEAT vegetables  (Sukiya) (Sv, 48)
2) - Just as, monks, stubble wheat, or barley stubble is placed towards righteousness, when pressure on the limbs, the limbs can puncture, or can shed blood. The situation may occur. Why? Because fiber is placed towards the true beard.
3) Also, the monks put towards true thanks to the practice path right feet, the ignorance is cut, proving to be starting up, Nirvana will be attained. Such events occur. Why? Because knowledge is placed towards a righteous way. And this, monks, the monks how true thanks placed towards knowledge, thanks rightly placed towards the path of ignorance should puncture, do arise intelligent, enlightened by Nirvana?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation ... trainings related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, related annihilation, direction to abandon. Also, this, monks, monks rightly placed towards knowledge, rightly placed towards the path, puncture ignorance, as intelligent being run, realize Nirvana.
155.VII. NOWHERE  (Sv, 49)
2) - Just as, monks, in the air, there are many types of wind blowing, the wind blows from the east, from the west wind blows, the wind blows from the north, from the south wind blowing, wind blown dust , wind blown dust, cold wind blowing, blowing hot wind, small wind blowing, the wind blowing loudly.
3) Also, the monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make prolific Noble Eight branches are the four foundations of mindfulness practice, go to the fullness, the four primary needs ... four as the sufficiency ... five senses ... five ... seven enlightenment forces are going to practice to perfection. And this, monks, the monks how to practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry, the four foundations of mindfulness practice is going to fullness ... four ... four such primary needs the sufficiency ... five senses ... five ... seven enlightenment forces are going to practice to perfection?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation ... trainings related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, related annihilation, direction to abandon. Also, this, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific sector, four are practicing mindfulness go to perfection, the four primary needs ... as standard four-sufficiency. .. five senses ... five ... seven enlightenment forces are practicing to go to fullness.
156.VIII. RAINFALL MAY  (1) (Sv, 50)
2) - Just as, monks, in the late summer months, dust flying up, then season with big cloud suddenly do they dissipate and translational only. Also, this, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific sectors for evil, unwholesome further measures being suddenly (thanase?) Do they dissipate and net only. And this, monks, the monks how to practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific sectors for evil, unwholesome further measures being immediately make them dissipate and translational only ?
3) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation ... trainings related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, related annihilation, direction to abandon. Also, this, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific sectors for evil, unwholesome further measures being (uppannuppanne) immediately make them dissipate and net only.
157.IX. RAIN CLOUD  (2) (Sv, 50)
2) - Just as, monks, a big wind that occasionally makes big rain clouds dissipated arises, translational only. Also, this, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific sectors for evil, unwholesome further measures arise, causing them to dissipate and translational only. And this, monks, the monks how to practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific sectors for evil, immoral law that continue to arise and dissipate them only pure?
3) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation ... practice concentration ... towards abandon. Also, this, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific sectors for evil, immoral law that continue to arise, and net they just dissipate.
158.X. Boat  (Sv, 51)
2) - Just as, monks, a sailing boat, full mast, sails and ropes (vettabandhanabandhaya), and ran aground on the coast, in water to six months for wear and tear. Also during the dry season, the wires are wind and solar sails made damage. Then, during the rainy season, being wet (abhippavutthani) by rain thunderstorm, very (appakasiraneva) weakened, damaged and decaying. Also, this, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight branches prolific, very easy to make the weak fetters worn and rotting. And how, this, monks, monks practiced a Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight branches prolific, very easy to make the weak fetters worn and rotting?
3) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation ... trainings related to renunciation ... towards abandon. Also, this, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight branches prolific, very easy to make the weak fetters worn and rotting.
159.XI. THE GUEST  (Sv, 51)
2) - Just as, monks, there is a guest house, is there someone from the East coming in, someone from the West coming in, there are people from the north coming in, someone from the South to the , Sat-insole-people coming in town, someone Brahmin coming in, someone Phệ-amnesty coming in, with people coming in prime-momentum. Also, this, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific sector, with the need to put his legal position tri thanks to wins, they win thanks to his legal position tri willow; with the need to make an end to the legal position by winning, they take the legal section was won by location; with the need to realize the legal position by winning, they realized that thanks to wins legal position; with the need to practice law by winning location, they cultivate the victory thanks to his legal position.
3) And this, monks, how is the need to put his legal position tri thanks to wins? Needs to be answered is five aggregates. What is the year? Identity ie aggregates, aggregates life, perception aggregates, aggregates act, aggregates form. These phenomena, this, monks, is the need to put his legal position tri thanks to wins.
4) And this, monks, how is the need to make an end to the legal position by winning? Ignorance, friendship and charity (bhavatanha), the need to make an end to this legal victory by location.
5) And this, monks, those who need to win enlightenment by location? Intelligent and liberated the monks, the factors that must be realized thanks to winning position.
6) And this, monks, those who need to practice by winning position? Just and consistent, the monks, the factors that must be practiced by winning position.
7) And how, this, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry; for the need to put his legal knowledge, they are the legal full understanding that winning position thanks; legal entities need to make an end by winning position, they take the legal section was won by location; those measures should be realized thanks to winning position, they realize that by winning the legal position; for those practicing law need to win thanks to location, they cultivate the victory thanks to his legal position?
8) Here, the monks, monks practice ... practice right view concentration is related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Thus, the monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry; for the need to put his legal position tri thanks to wins, he put his legal knowledge was due to win the position; for the need to make an end to the legal position by winning, he did make an end to the legal position thanks to winning; those measures should be realized thanks to winning position, he realized that the legal position thanks to winning; for those practicing law need to win by position, he was the legal practice by winning the position.
160.XII. THE RIVER  (Sv, 53)
2) - Just as, monks, celestial Ganga eastward, toward the east, swept eastward. Then there was a huge mass held hoes and baskets, said: "We will make this celestial Ganges River to the west, towards the west, down the west". What do you think of, this, monks, large masses that can make natural Ganges westward, toward the west, not swept westward?
- No, venerable sir.
- Why? Because that heavenly Ganges eastward, toward the east, down to the east, could not easily inclined to the west of the Ganges River, toward the west, swept westward. Large masses that only have hardships, afflictions only.
3) Also, the monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific branch of the king, the king's courtiers, friends, colleagues, relatives or relatives of the same blood, bringing assets to invite: "come, this You! Back to the coffee-sa makes disturbing you? Why bald and pedestrians with robe and bowl? Please disrobed, enjoying the property and do the merit ". This, monks, monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry and complete legal waiver continuous learning; Such events do not occur. Why? Whereas the monks, his mind was long fond of renunciation, towards renunciation, the renunciation down, unable to return to secular life can return; Such events do not occur. And how is the monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry?
4) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation ... trainings related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, related annihilation, direction to abandon. Thus, the monks, the monks practice the Noble Eight branches and make the Noble Eight prolific industry.
1) All are predestined in Savatthi.
161.I. GLOBAL REACH  (Sv, 54)
2) - Hey, monks, there are three types of bridges range. What are the three? Range of educational needs, the demand for organic range, range of discounts players happy. These phenomena, this, monks, is three to seek. Games by winning three major bridges tri Noble eight branches this is practice. What is the Noble eight branches are practiced?
3) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation ... trainings related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, related annihilation, direction to abandon. Games by winning three major prophet of this bridge is the Noble Eight industry practice.
4-5) ... The practice of concentration, with the total extinction of finality is involved, to make an end is a salvage yard, to finality is si annihilation.
6-7) ... The practice of concentration, can enter the immortal, immortal purpose, the finality is immortal.
8-9) ... The practice of concentration, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
 II. WILLOW TRI: Parinna
10-17) - this, monks, there are three types of bridges range. What are the three? Range of educational needs, the demand for organic range, range of discounts players happy. These phenomena, this, monks, is three to seek. As a full understanding of this three players reach the Noble Eight industries practice.
 III. Cessation: Parikkaya.
18-25) - this, monks, there are three types of bridges range. What are the three? Education to seek, to seek friendship, to seek virtue. That is why the purpose of this paragraph which take three to seek the Noble Eight industries practice.
26-33) - this, monks, there are three views of this bridge. What are the three? Education to seek, to seek friendship, to seek virtue. That is why the purpose of this paragraph which take three to seek the Noble Eight industries practice.
162.II. Arrogance  (Vidha) (I-IV) (Sv, 56)
1) ... Savatthi ...
2-33) - this, monks, three arrogance. What are the three? Pride: "I am more"; pride: "I'm in"; pride: "I lost". This, monks, that this three-conceit. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, cessation, take third paragraph of this arrogance is the Noble Eight industry practice. What is the Noble Eight branches are practiced?
Here, the monks, monks practice ... practice right view concentration is related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, to make an end to this arrogance that three Noble Eight sectors need to practice.
163.III. Illegal OR  (I-IV) (Sv, 56)
2-33) - this, monks, these three defilements. What are the three? Illegal sex, property illegally smuggled ignorance. This, monks, that this three defilements. Because the purpose of winning Willow tri tri ... ... annihilated ... this piece take three illegal or that the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
164.IV. PROPERTY  (I-IV) (Sv, 56)
2-33) - this, monks, three of this property. What are the three? Education property, excellent organic, organic formless. Because the purpose of winning Willow tri tri ... ... annihilated ... this useful piece take three, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
165.V. Pernickety  (Dukkhata) (I-IV) (Sv, 56)
2-33) - this, monks, three suffering this nature. What are the three? Suffering suffering nature, nature suffering onion, sufferings nature. Because the purpose of winning Willow tri tri ... ... annihilated ... take three paragraphs of this nature suffering, this, monks, is the Noble Eight sectors need to practice.
166.VI. HOANG VU  (Khila) (I-IV) (Sv, 57)
2-33) - this, monks, three wilderness. What are the three? Join desolate, desolate courtyard, desolation and delusion. Because the purpose of winning Willow tri tri ... ... annihilated ... this desolate piece take three, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
167.VII. INFECTION STRUCTURE  (Malam) (I-IV) (Sv, 57)
2-33) - this, monks, there are three profiles of this infection. What are the three? Join contaminated, contaminated field, si contaminated. This, monks, that this three contaminated. Because the purpose of winning Willow tri tri ... ... annihilated ... take third paragraph of this contaminated, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
168.VIII. DAO ACTION  (I-IV) (Sv, 57)
2-33) - this, monks, three oscillations. What are the three? Join fluctuations, pitch variation, si oscillation. This, monks, that this third oscillation. Because the purpose of winning Willow tri tri ... ... annihilated ... the annihilation of three oscillators, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
169.IX. LIFE  (I-IV) (Ss.v, 57)
2-33) - this, monks, three of this life. What are the three? Pleasant feeling, unpleasant, non-touch non-life suffering. This, monks, that this life is three. Because the purpose of winning Willow tri tri ... ... annihilated ... take three paragraphs of this life, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
170a.X. Craving  (Craving) (I-IV) (Sv, 57)
2-3) - this, monks, three this craving. What are the three? Sexual desire, craving organic and non-organic thirst. This, monks, including three this craving. Because the purpose of winning Willow tri tri ... ... annihilated ... take third paragraph of this craving, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice. What is the Noble Eight sectors need to practice?
Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation ... trainings related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, cessation-related, related to annihilation, towards abandon.
Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, cessation, take third paragraph of this desire, this, monks, is the Noble Eight sectors need to practice.
170b.XI. Craving  (Tasina or Craving) 2-4 (I-IV) (Sv, 58)
1-2-3) ...
4-33) - There are three this craving, monks ... This is why the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, cessation, take third paragraph of this desire, this, monks, is the Noble Eight branches need to practice.
Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation ... trainings related to renunciation, dispassion ... related to related to annihilation, direction to renounce ... practice concentration to make an end finality is involved, to make an end is a salvage yard, to finality is si ... annihilation concentration practice whose aim is to enter the immortal, with the aim is immortal, immortal to salvage ... practice concentration in favor of Nirvana, towards Nirvana, Nirvana ... swept the sake willow win tri tri ... ... annihilated ... take third paragraph of this desire, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
1) All are predestined at Savatthi ...
171.I. BOC FLOWS  (Ogha). (Sv, 59)
2) - Hey, monks, has four express this note. Which four? Education upsurge save, save property described, is described save, save express ignorance. This, monks, there are four express this note. Because the purpose to win voters, want full understanding, completely cut, wanted to make an end of this four-described flow, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
3-33) (As the Games segment bridges ...)
172.II. ACH Phuoc  (Yogo) (Sv, 59)
2-33) - this, monks, is blessed with four yoke. Which four? Education yoke blessed, blessed organic yoke, the yoke is blessed, blessed yoke of ignorance. This, monks, that this blessed four yoke. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, cessation, this blessed piece yoke take four, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
2-33) - this, monks, has four attachments. Which four? Sexual prime, is prime, prime precepts, self defense argument. This, monks, there are four attachment are. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, cessation, clinging to four this paragraph, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
174.IV. Knots  (Gantha) (Sv, 59)
2-33) - this, monks, this four knots. Which four? Join relatives knots, pitch yourself knots, knots itself obvious precepts, accept the fact that this is the body knots. This, monks, that this four knots. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, cessation, take four knots this paragraph, the monks, the Noble eight sectors need to practice.
175.V. DEPENDING MIEN  (Sv, 60)
2-33) - this, monks, there are seven this free option. What is seven? Custom Hypnosis lust (kamaraganusaya), depending hate free, free is customizable, depending complimentary amenities, custom hypnosis chronic, depending organic participating newspapers (bhavaraganusaya), ignorance depending newspapers. This, monks, that this free seven option. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, cessation, hypnosis annihilation seven this option, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
2-33) - this, monks, there is merit in education. What is the year? The eye color perception so pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, endearing, relate to sexual and attractive. The sound perception by ear ... The flavor perception by nose ... The taste perceived by the tongue ... The body contact due to cognitive, communication ability, ability rapture, capable reviews, endearing, relate to education , interesting.
This, monks, there is merit in this education. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, cessation, sexual annihilation merit in this, this, monks, is the Noble Eight sectors have been practicing.
177.VII. The hindrances  (Sv, 60)
2-33) - this, monks, these five hindrances. What is the year? Hindrances lust (kamacchandanivarana), golf hindrances, hindrances sloth dullness, exchange Trao hindrances, hindrances facilities. This, monks, that this is the five hindrances. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, cessation, take five hindrances this paragraph, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
178.VIII. Aggregates  (Sv, 60)
2-33) - this, monks, this five aggregates. What is the year? Identity ie aggregates, aggregates life, perception aggregates, aggregates act, aggregates form.
This, monks, that this year aggregates. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, cessation, this segment aggregates take years, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
179.IX. LOWER PART fetters  (Sv, 61)
2-33) - this, monks, has five lower fetters. What is the year? The body is suspected, obvious precepts, lust, anger. This, monks, it is five lower fetters. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation five lower fetters, Noble eight sectors need to practice.
PART 180.X.THUONG fetters  (Sv, 61)
2) - There are five fetters upper part, the monks. What is the year? Sac involved, formless greed, romance, agitation, delusions. This, monks, which is in the upper part of fetters. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice. What is the Noble Eight sectors need to practice?
3-17) Here, the monks, monks trainings related knowledge renunciation ... trainings related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation , directed to give up. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.
Just as, monks, the Ganges ...
18) This, monks, with the upper part of fetters. What is the year? Sac involved, formless greed, romance, agitation, delusions. This, monks, which is in the upper part of fetters. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice. What is the Noble Eight sectors need to practice?
19-33) Here, the monks, monks Secretarial practice ... practice knowledge with the ultimate concentration is the total extinction of greed, the salvage yard is to make an end, with the finality is to make an end si ... can enter the immortal, immortal oriented, with finality is immortal ... fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana. Because the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, the monks, the Noble Eight this sector need to practice.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/5/2016.MHDT.

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