Wednesday 18 May 2016

Duty Of laypeople.
A. Open Thread.
1.  The life everyone has a duty:
People born on this universal, everyone has a duty. Generally speaking, it has the list, all the parts must have. Ants, bees, with the fate of ants, bees; the moon, the sun has the fate of the moon, the sun. Although small, large, everything everyone has the destiny of its own. Things to do, for the department then, is a duty.
The larger the list, the more parts; More parts are heavier duty. Whenever there is an extra additional duty list. As many lists as many duties ... The person's duties; but when people + officialdom, of course, people outside the duty, the duty of being more concerned, (+ duty obligations related person). And if he do one a provincial head office, (people + the + first peak) is of course in addition to the two on duty, the duty to rule adds another province (duty to the people + duty + duty rule the whole province). If you want to have multiple identities, but want to vent off duty, they are fraudulent, deceptive. And then, the list is merely nominal. And when the list was bad, then everything is spoiled at all. So the ancients raised Confucius theory of "the list" for social adjustment is therefore welcome.
2.  The laypeople to have more duties than other people:
Based on deductive reasoning in which we see the duty of the laity really heavy. What our identity is composed of up to five words: The Buddhist + home +. Thus, of course, we have the duty of the Buddhists + duty + duties at home. That's not to mention laypeople who was also the name of the other, such as for civil servants, professors, etc ... But Mayor to give this matter from going into details too; below we refer only to the obligation to lay persons only. But if you want the problem to be placed in a bright, casual, and more closely SSE, we suggest dropping letters people. That is, we will not mention the duty of people here; duties that people, for the people knew them already (in any of the moral, citizens have mentioned).
Like the following, we would like to mention the "duty of laypeople" only.
B. Parent Thread
The duty of the laity is what?
Buddha is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Lord, have a clean finish ego, accept all legal whatever good works, merit should be fully aware of the Buddha and allow them to follow the law of causality, so how always only know the good seed, good work.
Buddhists, the Buddha wanted to do, wanted to follow in the footsteps Buddha, to deserve the title of Buddhists, all duties PAHI of Buddhists mean words Buddha taught, to follow the Buddha did, take the path of the Buddha went.
Buddhists, was supposed to do the same there. But because we are laypeople, should not be able to fully follow as Buddha. Two letters in binding our part of the duty that we must fulfill.
Therefore, laypeople, have duties as follows:
Four sections for itself
Duties to the family, relatives
Duty to people outside the family.
I. Duty to Self Body
Duongc nature center also initiates human obligations for nominal value for humans, for rounded personality, Buddhists are always trying to cultivate virtue, cultivation of virtue, let the body and mind are at peace, purity, so enjoy happiness now and step up in the future path of liberation.
Every Buddhist must always try to rise above human life, beyond the six paths. We since time without beginning until now, still living dead drunk pretending to sleep in the romantic mysticism, reincarnation had many lives many lives but also being refunded beings. Today, we may thanks rewarded his previous life, was a pupil Buddha eyes on the scriptures are in, ears to hear the Dharma, as well as night lights available, in fact the boat encountered suffering. If we do not strive to practice, get rid of the habit of disturbing delusions, letting our mentality gradually evolved towards complete fulfillment, so that from the side, the affinity of our previous lives and accessories merit Sakyamuni, women have embodied beings From the sermon, represents for us the only way to escape religious rebirth. The method that a Buddhist monk at home part is determined to implement solutions: five precepts, practicing good cross, repentance except for affliction, dedicated to Buddha, to develop compassion the world. In this way, the new ct can beyond human life, one step down the path of liberation.
II. Duty to family
Laypeople also relatives of the family, so many obligations can not be ignored. Buddhists have parents, spouse, children, kin, or who hire people to help ... For each person classes, Buddhists are each treatment, each duty.
As a rule of Thien Sanh, laypeople have bp as follows for those in the home:
1.  Bon human destiny to parents, must be five things:
a) Do you have heut filial piety to their parents, according to the seasons welding, heat, which quilt blankets nom, trendy warm, so parents are resting sleep.
b) Do I have to get up early every day, to serve as pit work for punctuality, and lo arrange pieces of food and drink for the parents to be both pleasing mouth.
c) Do you have to shoulder all the work hard, replace the parents, to try her parents, happy in old age.
d) Do I have to remember to think always reward the birth, nurture, to care for timely repay their parents while also being money.
e) Do children, when parents are sick, have wholeheartedly care, almost down to the bed, not hard and graciously insisted he see circuit relay, the medical treatment is not afraid costly.
2. The  duty of parents to children, also must be 5 things:
a) To teach children to control your all wickedness, as all good, to become people with virtue.
b) It admonishes the children, who make up close to wisdom.
c) To remind children to study diligently.
d) Must whether to marry their children in time for spring time.
e) children attend the home abacus, the public contribution in the construction of family happiness.
3.  The duty of the husband and wife, must be 5 things:
a) To honor and peace with her husband, when her husband leave or returning, must transfer affable.
b) When the husband is away, at home to worry about cleaning, sewing, ready meals, waiting for a new husband on the same diet.
c) To preserve chastity, not adultery.
d) At harshly angry husband should not strive flushes, loss of harmony and sometimes have exhausted precepts. When a husband is righteous counsel, the wife must obey; warehouse with precious delicacies, do not use your own.
e) Every night, when her husband thought then, to consider the anchor, discreetly tuck before after closing, cut carefully placed, shines throughout the whole house, and then go to bed later.
4. The  duty of the husband to the wife, also must be 5 things:
a) When the wife or the time to go back, to pick affable.
b) Must have hour dining, and do not be too hard, to the wife from cooking to grieve perchance, toil and anxiety.
c) Must the rich and poor parts of his custom, to the wife shopping for clothes and jewelery just hobby, not narrowing upset wife.
d) Must trust with the household chores for his wife.
e) Do not be so evil consciousness, dark plum training early, making her jealous anguish.
5.  Duty to kin, must meet five conditions:
a) When you see people who work there are not healthy, they must dissuade mercy, command prompt.
b) In kin, someone is sick, accident, disability, they must wholeheartedly help, or rice porridge medicine, or clothes, money and so on.
c) the confidential, private person, I know it should not disclose to others.
d) Relatives of kin, must resort to visit, remind each other to do good to avoid evil. Sometimes there is no contract, and should be happy, do not try to accept each other angry.
e) In the near and dear ones, with rich and poor, of course, perhaps the project is to people, to help those deficiencies.
6.  duty for all maids in the house, must meet five conditions:
a) The landlord prior to dictate what maids, before their must know, hungry, full, warm, cold, how they are healthy enough and please do pit.
b) At any n maid do, before they have to know, hungry, full, warm, cold, how they are healthy enough and please do pit.
b) At any disturbances sick maid, have tended to give them medicine and rest, to the health improvement.
c) When they have a sin, must consider as they intentionally or accidentally. If unintentional sins unintentionally, should be tolerated; if they decide heart damage, strict liability, they must really, with elegant words, tell them to leave error.
d) When their attackers facilities amassed own money, not to seek ouster.
e) When you want to reward for their labor, justice must be kept level, depending on the merits of each of the split proportionately.
7. The duty helpers for the home, also must meet five conditions:
a) Every morning to wake up before the home, do not wait call.
b) Be aware of a number of outlets accept part of your work, as usual on that implementation, not to say of all life.
c) When the work to be cautious of home appliances, not to yoke flashed, damage and loss.
d) Must wholeheartedly love the home, time to go home, have graciously mourners, when the owner returned, delighted to welcome.
e) Do not criticizing, gossiping all the outsiders.
I II. Duty to The Family Apart
The people outside the family, we want to say here, not strangers, or neighbors, but the people who are involved closely with us, but also relatives, not in general under one roof, so-called people outside the family.
These men hold important roles in our lives, driving us on the path of moral understanding, played a part in the construction of great happiness for us. These are the teachers teach and the old monks and true practitioner.
1.  Duty game to master, must be 5 things:
a) The teacher must love as parents
b) Be sure to obey teachers.
c) To help teachers in the lurch.
d) Be diligent study to please him.
e) Once out of school, then, must also resort to visit him, to show public affection and esteem thanks to teach virtue of the Master ..
2.  The duty teacher for games, also must be 5 things:
a) Be diligent student teaching.
b) Must try their pupils how to make progress quickly than other students, on talent and virtue.
c) Must pay attention to how weak Things pupil forever imprinted on the mind.
d) must be clearly explained them dear theories and repeatedly asked students not misled.
e) There should be generosity, the desire to give their students become better than me.
3.  Believers duty for monks and true practitioner must be 5 things:
a) Be honest wholeheartedly for monks and true practitioner.
b) Must respect and obey your teachings and the good is competent teacher.
c) Must be hard to hear the preaching of the old virtuous monk, a thorough examination and then as legal for that practice.
d) It monks to learn the good is of difficult situations and moral weakness that I do not understand.
e) the competent teacher needs time to teach yourself the essential disciplines, such as "meditation", "Buddhist concept" dedicated to the religious day, without interruption.
IV. Salutation And Some Of The Essential Rite laypeople
In addition to the aforementioned duties, laypeople also need to know the form of address when you contact with the Sangha, and the rituals necessary to go to the temple, the Buddhist ceremony, holding business etc ... Forums are Buddhists, then these things, although the form, can not not known.
1.  How to say hello and to the Sangha of address:
Buddhists have to know how to treat, with the monks of address must be allowed for:
a) When you see a monk at the pagoda or more, or in the street, hands should respectfully salute, by concept: "Namo Amitabha Buddha", with joy with his face. He demonstrated a way of offering bold sentiment, rather than offering handshake style of Western Europe. The reason greeted each other with a question sure Buddha, is a reminder that everyone has Buddha nature (nature Amitabha), if much determination, and also to the realm of Pure and will eventually become a Buddha.
b)  On the vocative, laypeople should not call monks by Parent or Brother or so-called Path property that he, although he is the master contract.
The Venerable English, Venerable should not abuse it, not for any monk also known as Venerable Venerable or both. Only for those with pious monks, many aged up (age Path), and for her not too familiar, so use the word new or Venerable Venerable. For Duty counsel position, the old monk knew her often, to use the word "I" is the right way and the most meaningful. You are meant revered as the father (military, monks, women) and are often taught on the practice themselves. Seems both revered teacher, just an intimate, just honest, not as the word or Venerable Venerable courtesy stylish looks, lip, superficial. Currently the service is widespread, use nouns and Venerable Venerable. We should be cautious when using these words, to avoid being misunderstood as arrogant religion you want to be known as the Sangha, because also like title, nominal.
c) Prior to the Buddha main hall, to wash your face, gargle, wash your hands to clean, in addition to paper gout doorstep, do not bring harm to the Phuoc Dien. When they went toward the wrong side Optoelectronics, when the then walked toward organic, the way "organic interference" of the Buddha (Vertical Organic walk around, ab or seven rounds, to show reverence for the Buddha).
When you go out, pay attention beware feet, to avoid overlap is trampled. Keep so, is merit, rather than saving lives, without knowing hold.
d) When chanting, hands clasped to chest height, ten finger pairs are equal, not staggered, two palms snugly back, do not leave space between. Equal footing, shaped "bowl", eyes looking down, hard for the pure legal, or should not rely voice, loud noises recite them. Must recite feeding rhythm, and intonation to the voice of his gong Duy na (lead).
When Buddha, in stature to the ground, which means head, hands, knees, close to the projector, which respects all holidays. When the chain must bow to the side, because there are pagodas behind Passport France or Buddha and gave way to the throne Abbot. Buddha When finished, go to step back, gazing at the statue, do not turn your back.
e) Before the economic or legal hold to wash their hands. Where poultry brought books, so hug the chest, do not pair the armpit as books often, because of such glass glass Buddha. If the business that wants to greet the bird, the right to trade on the table prior to the offer. Meet absence spot for, then hugged to his chest that say 'Amitabha Buddha "as is. Diets impressive especially greet the scriptures that far.
Above is a brief mention some unfortunate economic posture that laypeople must preserve. Renouncers majesty is very much, but not the scope of this article should not mention.
C. Conclusion
Lay recommend keeping duties.
The duty of the laity as just described above, but even though in many, but there is nothing difficult high complexity. Those things, a person is not a Buddhist, but there is little virtue, has got it, got it.
But the important thing here, not knowing which is the practice, the knowledge he has. In everyday life trivial, there are many duties is even more difficult when the battle to kill enemies, or climbing mountains and wade streams. The hard work is just as extraordinary mobilization effort and enthusiasm in a certain time period, rather than the trivial daily duties, want to make the round, must use patience and try lifetime. For this reason we have a saying that a proverb: "First convent house, cultivate the market Monday, Tuesday pagoda".
So we should not disregard the duty of our mediocrity, but always try to make a circle. This effort will give us a true reward is to gradually make sure we hit the road to liberation.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/5/2016.MHDT.

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