Tuesday 10 May 2016

I. Nirvana  (Napoli, s.IV, 261)
1) A time Venerable Sariputta which served the people in the middle, on the banks of the Ganges, in Ukkavela.
2) Then go to the wanderer Samandaka venerable Sariputta; after arriving, said to the Venerable Sariputta's words welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, wanderer said to the venerable Sariputta Samandaka:
- "Nirvana, Nirvana," the Sage Sariputta, referred to as such. This sage, what is Nirvana? (Like doing before, Chapter Four I, from No. 3 to No. 6.)
II-XV.  (Napoli, s.IV, 262)
(Like in Chapter Four of 2-15, with the necessary changes).
XVI. HARD WORKING  (Napoli, s.IV, 262)
(Like Chapter Four of 16)
CHAPTER SIX: respectively Moggalana
I. TO REACH  (Napoli, s.IV, 262)
1) A time Venerable Maha Moggalana residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika in his garden.
2) There, Venerable Maha Moggalana monks call:
- Reverences monks.
- Ladies and Sage.
The monks did meet Venerable Maha Moggalana yes.
3) The venerable Maha Moggalana says the following:
- Here, this reverences, while solitude I Meditation, following the thinking mind to where I started: "First Meditation, Zen One", called so. How is the first Zen?
4) - reverences, I thought as follows: "Here, monks sexual ly, ly immoral law, the first Zen residence certificate, a state of blissful isolation by birth sex, there can reach the quarterfinals. This is called the First Meditation.
5) Then it reverences, I ly sexual, immoral legal ly, the first Zen residence certificate a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range with quad. Reverences, so I stay with this dwell, the organic idea with sexual question (KAMA) are volitional and current (samudacaranti).
6) Then these reverences, Bhagavan to go to my psychic and said: "Hey Moggalana, this Moggalana let no distractions First Meditation. Moggalana this, place the center on the first Zen! Be the first Nhut Meditation Center on ".
7) This reverences Then, in a different time, I first Zen residence certificate, a state of blissful isolation by birth sex, there can reach the quarterfinals.
 8) reverences, if someone said right feet: "The disciple is supported gurus, where evidence is victory," he will say about me as follows: "Maha Moggahana disciples who are Career master support, where evidence is victory. "
II. NOT REACH  (Napoli, s.IV, 263)
1-2) ...
3) - "Meditation Monday, Monday Meditation", referred to as such. Monday how is Zen?
4) And this reverences, I thought as follows: "Here, monks make only the range and quarter-Net, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad , provincial, circuit mind ". Monday here called Zen.
5) Then it reverences, I make only the range and quarter-Net, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, provincial, circuit mind. Reverences, when I stay with this dwell, the great question is useful to reach current and volition.
6) Then these reverences, Bhagavan to go to my psychic and said: "Hey Moggalana, this Moggalana let no distractions Meditation Monday. This Brahmin, put into Zen Center Monday! Please Nhut Meditation Center on Monday! Take the Zen Center on Monday! "
7) This reverences Then, in a different time, I Meditation Monday residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, provincial, circuit mind.
8) (As of paragraph 8 above).
III. WITH PEANUTS  (Napoli, s.IV, 264)
1-2) ...
3) - "Meditation Tuesday, Tuesday Meditation", such is mentioned. How is Meditation Tuesday?
4) Then the reverences, I thought as follows: "Here, monks cup discharge residence joy, mindfulness, awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, residence certificate Tuesday meditation ". Tuesday here called Zen.
5) Then it reverences, I discharge residence cup joy, mindfulness, awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, Tuesday Meditation residence certificate. Reverences, so I stay with this dwell, the wedding is a great question with the property and the current volition.
6) Then these reverences, Bhagavan to go to my psychic and say: "Hey Moggalana, this Moggalana let no distractions Meditation Tuesday! Moggalana this, place the center on Tuesday Zen! Please Nhut Meditation Center on Tuesday! Take the Zen Center on Tuesday! "
7) This reverences Then, in a different time, I stay exhaust cup joy, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, Tuesday Meditation residence certificate.
8) (paragraph 8 of the business as before)
IV. DISCHARGE  (Napoli, s.IV, 265)
1-2) ...
3) - "Zen fourth Wednesday Meditation", such is mentioned. How is Wednesday Meditation?
4) reverences, then I think as follows: "Here, monks suffering discharge, discharge of optimism, joy kill pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharge bar concept the provincial". Wednesday here called Zen.
5) Then it reverences, I discharge line, discharge optimism, joy kill pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. Reverences, so I stay with this dwell, the great question is useful to communicate with current and volition.
6) Then these reverences, Bhagavan to go to my psychic and said: "Hey Moggalana, this Moggalana let no distractions Meditation Wednesday. Moggalana this, place the center on Wednesday Meditation! Please Nhut Meditation Center on Wednesday! Take the Zen Center on Wednesday! "
7) This reverences Then, in a different time, I lost discharge, discharge of suffering, kill joy pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts.
8) (As of paragraph 8 above).
V. NOWHERE  (Napoli, s.IV, 266)
1-2) ...
3) - "land of boundless, boundless origin", such is mentioned. How is the land of boundless?
4) reverences, I thought as follows: "Here, the monks pass completely excellent idea, termination for great concern, not a great difference volition, I know that: 'Nowhere is priceless marginal ', boundless residence certificate of origin ". This is called a land of boundless.
5) Then it reverences, identity annihilation idea completely, ending the great concern, not a great difference volition, I know Nowhere is boundless, boundless residence certificate of origin. Reverences, so I stay with this dwell, the great question is useful to identity and current volition.
6) Then these reverences, Bhagavan to go to my psychic and say: "Hey Moggalana, this Moggalana, do not have land of boundless distraction! This Moggalana, put heart into the land of boundless! Keep in mind to not boundless Nhut Origin! Let the land of boundless heart on! "
7) This reverences Then, in a different time, a great pass completely sharp, ending on a great concern, not a great difference volition, I know Nowhere is boundless, boundless residence certificate coin.
8) (As of paragraph 8 above).
FOR. FORMULA  (Napoli, s.IV, 266)
1-2) ...
3) - "land of boundless, boundless origin", such is mentioned. How is the land of boundless?
4) reverences, I thought as follows: "Here, the monks pass boundless origin completely, said that: 'Consciousness is infinite', boundless residence certificate of origin". This is called a land of boundless.
5) Then it reverences, boundless pass origin, I know that consciousness is infinite, boundless residence certificate of origin ... reverences, so I stay with this dwell, the organic idea with No question infinitude of being volition and current.
6) Then these reverences, Bhagavan to go to my psychic and say: "Hey Moggalana, this Moggalana, do not have land of boundless distraction! This Moggalana, put heart into the land of boundless! Please Nhut boundless mind on Origin! Let the land of boundless heart on! "
7) This reverences Then, after a while, I pass not infinite origin, know that consciousness is boundless, boundless residence certificate of origin.
8) (As of paragraph 8 above).
VII. WON TITLE ORIGIN  (Napoli, s.IV, 267)
1-2) ...
3) - "Forever owns the land, owns Unknown Origin", such is mentioned. What is the origin naught?
4) reverences, I thought as follows: "Here, the monks pass infinitude of consciousness completely, said that: 'There is something', owned residence certificate Unknown Origin". Reverences, here called Anonymous owns the land.
5) Then it reverences, after crossing the infinitude of consciousness, I knew that there was no anything, naught residence certificate of origin. Reverences, so I stay with this dwell, the organic idea with boundless question of origin and current volition.
6) Then these reverences, Bhagavan to go to my psychic and say: "Hey Moggalana, this Moggalana let no distractions Unknown Origin ownership. This Moggalana, place of origin ownership interest in Wuxi! Keep in mind to naught Nhut origin! Let the parish center to naught! "
7) This reverences Then, after some time, the land of boundless pass, I know that there is something, residence certificate of origin naught.
8) (As of paragraph 8 above).
VIII. PHI CONCEPT  (Napoli, s.IV, 268)
1-2) ...
3) - "Non ideal non-perception, Non ideal non-perception", such is mentioned. How is the ideal non-perception Africa?
4) Then the reverences, I thought as follows: "Here, the monks pass Unknown Origin ownership completely, residence certificate Non ideal non-perception." This is called an ideal non-perception Africa.
5) Then it reverences, I pass Unknown Origin ownership completely, residence certificate ideal non-perception Africa. Reverences, so I stay with this dwell, the great question for naught organic origin and current volition.
6) Then these reverences, Bhagavan to go to my psychic and say: "Hey Moggalana, this Moggalana let no distractions ideal non-perception Africa! This Moggalana, put heart into the ideal non-perception Africa! Take heart in Africa Nhut ideal non-perception! Let the ideal non-centered African origin idea! "
7) This reverences Then, after a while, I pass naught completely origin, residence certificate ideal non-perception Africa.
8) (As some of the previous 8).
IX. ANONYMOUS GENERAL  (Napoli, s.IV, 268)
1-2) ...
3) - "Forever Minister concentration, concentration formless" (animitto ceTe samadhi), such a question. How is formless concentration?
4) And this reverences, I thought as follows: "Here, monks did not work all the generals, generals residence certificate concentration Forever". This concentration is called Anonymous minister.
5) Then reverences this, I do not work all the generals, abides Infinite Minister concentration. Reverences, so I stay with calm at this, (I gain) depending upon general formula (nimittanusarivinnanam).
6) Then these reverences, Bhagavan to go to my psychic and say: "Hey Moggalana, this Moggalana let no distractions formless concentration! This Moggalana, put heart into formless concentration! Let's concentrate on the formless Nhut concentration! Be the center of attention in Wuxi minister! "
7) This reverences Then, after a while, I did not work all the generals, generals residence certificate Unknown concentration.
8) reverences, if anyone had said right feet: "The disciple is supported masters, certificates and achieve win position". He will talk about me as follows: "Moggalana disciples who are masters support, certification and achieve win position".
Sakka X.  (DE-LIKE) (Napoli, s.IV, 269)
1) A time Venerable Maha Moggalana residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden.
2) Then the venerable Maha Moggalana as stretching arms athlete is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched arm, so in Jetavana disappeared and appeared before the devas in Tavatimsa Heaven (Tam Tam Cross disaster).
3) Then God owners along with 500 devas Sakka went to Venerable Maha Moggalana; after arrival, Venerable Maha Moggalana bowed and stood aside.
4) The venerable Maha Sakka Moggalana told God all standing on one side:
- You instead, all this God, is taking refuge in the Buddha. Because human refuge in the Buddha, all this God, here some beings, body damage after public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. You instead, all this God, is the legal refuge. Due to France's refuge, all this God, here some beings, body damage after public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. You instead, all this God is our refuge in the Sangha. Do we Increasing human refuge, all this God, here some beings, body damage after public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world.
5) - You instead, this Moggalana Sage, is taking refuge in the Buddha. Because human refuge in the Buddha, the Sage Moggalana, here some beings, body damage after public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. You instead, this Moggalana Sage, is taking refuge in France, this sage is the refuge they Moggalana ... Increase. Do we Increasing human refuge, said Sage Moggalana, here some beings, body damage after public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world.
6-7-8) God all the devas Sakka with 600 ...
9-10-11) with 700 Sakka Thien all gods ...
12-13-14) with 800 Sakka Thien all gods ...
15-16-17) God all the devas Sakka to 8000 ... (like number 3,4,5 as above, with the necessary changes) ...
18) Then God all Sakka with 500 Devas went to Venerable Maha Moggalana; after arrival, bowed and stood venerable Moggalana side.
19) The venerable Maha Sakka Moggalana told God all standing on one side:
- You instead, all this God, is full of confidence estate (avecca Pasadena) to the Buddha: This is Exalted, Arhat level, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Si, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, Bhagavan. Do people fully trust estate to the Buddha, all this God, so, here some beings, body damage after public network, improve animal is born, Heaven, this world. You instead, all this God, the trust estate to France: France World Honoured by theory, the current practical, effective immediately, to come and see, able to raise up, get yourself a wise man feeling understood. Due to the complete personnel such trust estate for the French, all this God, here some beings, body damage after public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. You instead, all this God, is full of confidence for their estate Increase: Te unfortunate that they disciple of Bhagavan. Well as their direct disciple of Bhagavan. Chief unfortunate that they disciple of Bhagavan. Pure happiness that they disciple of Bhagavan. Ie four pairs of eight of them. Bhagavan's disciples is worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of respect, worthy of approval hand, is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. Do people trust estate full of them monks and all this God, here, some of them born after the body damage the public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. You instead, all this God, is full of the world are absolutely loving the glass saints, not destroyed, not destroyed, not dotted, unpolluted, bring deliverance, is the wise spread admiration, not contaminated (by taking and ignorance), leads to meditation. Due to the world's full of loving the glass saints, all this God, so here some beings, body damage after public network, was born in the animal charity, Heaven, this world.
20) - You instead, Mr. Sage Moggalana, is full of confidence estate for Buddha: This is Exalted, Arhat level, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Officers Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, Bhagavan. Do people fully trust estate for the Buddha said Sage Moggalana, here some beings, body damage after public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. You instead, this Moggalana Sage, is full of confidence for the French property: This is a smart approach preached by the Blessed One ... was himself awakened wise people understand. Do people fully trust estate to France, Sir Sage Moggalana, some of them born here, after the body damage the public network, was born in good fun, Heaven, this world. You instead, Mr. Sage Moggalana, is full of confidence for their estate Increase: Te well as disciples of the Blessed One ... is unsurpassed field of merit in life. Do people trust estate full of disciples of the Exalted, said Sage Moggalana, so, here some beings, body damage after public network, was born in the animal charity, Heaven, earth present. You instead, Mr. Sage Moggalana, the world is full of loving saint of glass, not destroyed ... taken to meditation. Due to the world's full of glass was the loving saint, sage Moggalana sparse, so, here some beings, body damage after public network, was born in the animal charity, Heaven, this world.
21-23) Then God all the devas Sakka with 600 ...
24-26) Then God all the devas Sakka with 700 ...
27-29) Then God all the devas Sakka with 800 ...
30) Then God all the devas Sakka to 8000 went to the Venerable Maha Moggalana; after arrival, Venerable Maha Moggalana bowed and stood aside.
31) The venerable Maha Sakka Moggalana told God all standing on one side:
- You instead, all this God, is full of confidence estate for Buddha: This is Exalted, Arhat level, the chief variable is born to Tri ... good fun, Heaven, this world.
32) - You instead, Mr. Sage Moggalana, is full of confidence estate ... Buddha was born in the animal charity, Heaven, this world.
33) Then God owners along with 500 devas Sakka went to Venerable Maha Moggalana ...
34) The venerable Maha Sakka Moggalana told God all standing on one side:
- You instead, all this God, is taking refuge in the Buddha. Because human refuge in the Buddha, all this God, so here some beings, body damage after public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. They have other gods than 10 law: natural life span, chromosphere, celestial bliss, heavenly honor, revenge win disasters, chromosphere, cerulean, natural flavor, bias, bias contact. You instead, all this God, is a refuge in France. Due to France's refuge, all this God, so here some beings, body damage after public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. They have been 10 legal interests other than the heavenly beings: natural disasters ... contact life span. You instead, all this God, is the Sangha. Due to the Sangha's, all this God, so, here some beings, body damage after public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. They have been 10 legal interests other than the heavenly beings: natural disasters ... contact life span.
35) - You instead, Mr. Sage Moggalana, the natural emotional refuge in the Buddha ... (as above).
36-38) Then Thien Thien Nhon all Sakka with 600 ...
39-41) Then Thien Thien Nhon all Sakka with 700 ...
42-44) Then Thien Thien Nhon all Sakka with 800 ...
45-47) Then with 8000 Thien Thien Nhon Sakka all ...
48) Then God owners with 500 Thien Nhon Sakka went to Venerable Maha Moggalana; after arrival, Venerable Maha Moggalana bowed and stood aside.
49) Then the venerable Maha Sakka Moggalana told God all standing on one side:
- You instead, all this God, is full of confidence estate for Buddha: This is Exalted, Arhat level, Right Turn ... Exalted Prophet. Do people fully trust estate to the Buddha, where some beings, body damage after public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. They have been 10 legal interests other than the heavenly beings: natural disasters ... contact life span. You instead, all this God, is full of confidence for the French ... Real estate trust for us Increase ... the world is full of Aryans ... natural affinity contact lens.
50) - You instead, Mr. Sage Moggalana, is full of confidence estate for Buddha ... natural touch.
51-53) Then God all the devas Sakka with 600 ...
54-56) Then God all the devas Sakka with 700 ...
57-60) Then God all the devas Sakka with 800 ...
61-63) Then God all the devas Sakka to 8000 ... natural touch.
XỊ. CANDANA  (Napoli, s.IV, 280)
1-63) Then God Candana death ...
1-63) Then God Suyama death ...
1-63) Then God Santusita death ...
1-63) Then God all Sunimmita ...
1-63) Then God Vasavatti death ...
CHAPTER SEVEN: cittāsampayutta
I. fetter  (Napoli, s.IV, 281)
1) One time, a large number of monks residing in Macchikasanda elders, in Ambataka forest.
2) At that time, a large number of elders, monks, after the return to beg to eat, sit in the house gathered round, and among these people, the following story is started up:
- Reverences, or the legal fetters are fetters; This is the meaning of another, different language, or synonyms, only words?
3) Here, some elders, monks answered:
- Reverences, or the legal fetters are fetters; This is the meaning of another, different language.
Some elder monks answered:
- Reverences, or the legal fetters are fetters; It is the means, only words.
4) At the time, lay Migapathaka Citta come to do some work to be done.
5) Lay Citta heard a large number of elders, monks, after the return to beg to eat, sit in the house gathered round, and among these people, the following story was started up: "Hey reverences, or the legal fetters are fetters; This is the meaning of another, different language, or synonyms, others just words? "Some monks elders replied:" reverences, or the legal fetters are fetters; This is the meaning of another, different language. " Some monks elders replied: "reverences, or the legal fetters are fetters; It is the means, the other just words ".
6) Then lay Citta went to the elders of his monks; after arrival, pay homage to elders, monks and sat down on one side.
7) On one side, lay Citta said to the elders, monks:
- Venerable monks Bach, (we) hear there are some elders, monks east, following the return to beg to eat, sit in the house gathered round, and between this position, start up the story after here: "reverences, or the legal fetters are fetters; This is the meaning of another, different language, or synonyms, only words. " Some monks elders replied: "reverences, or the legal fetters are fetters; It meant the only other language. "
- Yes so, it lay.
8) - White Venerable monks, or the legal fetters are fetters; This is the meaning of different words and different. Bach Venerable monks, I will tell you one example. Here, some people are located, thanks for example to understand the meaning words.
9) White Venerable monks, such as a bull black and white bulls are sticking together by a rope or a yoke. If someone says "black bull for bull fetters white, and white oxen for oxen fetters black". Saying so is not speaking right feet?
- No, it lay. This Layman, black bulls is not the fetter of the white ox. And white bulls nor the fetters of black bulls. Because they stuck by a wire or by a yoke, where the penis is fetters.
10) - Likewise, transparency Venerable monks, the eyes are not bound by excellence; the color is not bound by the eyes. And here, both conditioned by what arises lust, lust here he is bound. Ear is not bound by the hour ... The nose is not bound by the incense ... The tongue is not bound by the position ... Body is not bound by the contact ... Italy is not bound by the law. The method is not bound by standard. And here, both conditioned by what arises lust, lust here he is bound.
11) - Benefits in place of Mr, this Homeowners! He cleverly benefits instead, the Layman! Because that's labeled He further insight (kamati) profound teachings of the Buddha.
II. ISIDATRTA  (1) (Napoli, s.IV, 283)
1) One time, many monks residing in Macchikasanda elders, in Ambataka forest.
2) Then go to the Citta lay monks elders; after arrival, pay homage to elders, monks and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, lay Citta said to the elders, monks:
- Bach Venerable monks, elders hope that you accepted the invitation tomorrow my meal.
The elder monks silently accepted.
4) Then lay Citta, after knowing the elder monks said yes, got up from his seat, bowed to the elder monks, the organic body toward the position and then leave.
5) The elder monks, after you have accomplished night, morning robes, holding the bowl y, go to the abode of Citta layman; after arriving, was prepared to sit down place.
6) Lay Citta went to the elders, monks; after arrival, pay homage to elders, monks and sat down on one side.
7) On one side, lay Citta said to the Venerable Thera:
- Thera Venerable Sir, "Gender difference, gender difference" (dhatunanattam) is referred to as such. Bach Ven, until how, Bhagavan comes to gender difference?
When they heard that, Venerable Thera remain silent.
8) Second, lay Citta said to the Venerable Thera:
- Thera Venerable Sir, "Gender difference, gender difference" is spoken of as such. Bach Ven, until how, Bhagavan comes to gender difference?
The second time, Venerable Thera remain silent.
9) The third time, Homeowners Citta said to the Venerable Thera:
- Thera Venerable Sir, "Gender difference, gender difference" is spoken of as such. Bach Ven, until how, Bhagavan comes to gender difference?
The third time, Venerable Thera remain silent.
10) At that time, venerable monks Isidatta as most of us have practiced for his monks.
11) Then he came to say to Venerable Thera Isidatta:
- Bach Ven, you ask that question's answer lay Citta.
- Hey Isidatta, answer the question of Homeowners Citta.
12) - Homeowners Hey, did He asked: " 'Gender difference, gender difference', Venerable Thera transparency, referred to as such. So how, transparency Ven, Bhagavan comes to gender difference "reasonable?
- Ladies and yes, white Ven.
- Hey Homeowners, Bhagavan said about gender difference nature as follows: "The label gender, gender identity, gender consciousness ... The world, France, conscious world." Until such, this Layman, Bhagavan said about gender difference nature.
13) Homeowners Citta, after joyful, credit life Isidatta said venerable word, for satisfying homemade, hand-offerings to the monks elders with epigastric cuisine type and kind of soft hard.
14) The elders, monks, after the meal, take your hands off the bowl, from the seat up and leave.
15) Then the Venerable Thera told venerable Isidatta:
- You instead, this Isidatta Sage, this question was he replied. This question is not answered. Sage Isidatta This, in other occasions, if the same question arose, Sage answer that.
III. ISIDATTA  (2) (Napoli, s.IV, 285)
1) One time, a large number of monks residing in Macchikasanda elders, in Ambataka forest.
2) Then go to the Citta Homeowners monks elders; after arrival, pay homage to elders, monks and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, Homeowners Citta said to the elders, monks:
- Bach Venerable monks, elders hope that you accepted the invitation tomorrow my meal.
The elder monks silently accepted.
4) Then Homeowners Citta, after knowing the elder monks said yes, got up from his seat, bowed to the elder monks, body toward the right hand he then went away.
5) The elder monks that, after you have accomplished night, in the morning, robes, holding the bowl y, go to the abode of Citta Homeowners; after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted.
6) Then Homeowners Citta monks went to the elders; after arrival, pay homage to elders, monks and sat down on one side.
7) On one side, white Homeowners Venerable Thera Citta:
- Bach Venerable Thera, there are some (evil) arises in life is this: "The world is permanent, or the world is not permanent? The world is finite or infinite world? Life and body is one, or the lives and bodies are different? Tathagata exists after death, or Tathagata does not exist after death? Tathagata exists and does not exist after death, or Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death? ". Again there are 62 wrong speak up in Brahma Net Sutra. Venerable White, the evil is present by what we are present? Because something is not there, they are not present?
When saying this, Venerable Thera silence.
8) Second, Homeowners Citta ...
9) The third time, Homeowners Citta prospectus venerable Thera:
- Bach Venerable Thera, there are some (evil) arises in life is this: "The world is permanent, and the world is impermanent? The world is finite or infinite world? Life and body is one, or the lives and bodies are different? Tathagata exists after death, or Tathagata does not exist after death? Tathagata exists and does not exist after death, or Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death? "Again there are 62 wrong speak up in Brahma Net Sutra. Venerable White, the evil is present by what we are present? Because something is not there, they are not present?
The third time, Venerable Thera remain silent.
10) At that time, venerable monks Isidatta as most of us have practiced for his monks.
11) Then he came to say to Venerable Thera Isidatta:
- Bach Ven, you ask that question's answer Homeowners Citta.
- Hey Isidatta, answer the question of Homeowners Citta.
12) - Homeowners Hey, does he asked as follows: "O Venerable Thera, there are some (evil) arises in life is this: 'The world is permanent ...' Bach Venerable, the wrong view by what is present, they are present? Because something is not there, we do not have the "reasonable?
- Ladies and yes, white Ven.
- Hey Homeowners, some (evil) arises in life is this: "The world is permanent, and the world is impermanent? The world is finite or infinite world? Life and body is one, or the lives and bodies are different? Tathagata exists after death, or Tathagata does not exist after death? Tathagata exists and does not exist after death, or Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death? "Again there are 62 wrong speak up in Brahma Net Sutra. The owner of this, so the body is to be present, so the presence of this wrong. Because the body is not present, so we are not present?
13) - White Venerable, how the body is present?
- Here, the Homeowners, uncultured ordinary guys not see the saint, not the legal maturity of the saint, not the legal practice of the sages, not seen Chan's levels, not the legal maturity levels human foot, no legal practice Chan's levels. They assume form to be the self, or the self as possessing form, or form as in self, or self as in form ... assume feeling to be the self ... perception ... the practice ... He assumes consciousness to be the self, or the self as possessing consciousness, or consciousness as in the self, or self as in form. Thus, this The homeowner, the body is present.
14) - And how, transparency Venerable, the body is not present?
- Here, this The homeowner, the disciple of St. Multicultural seen the sages, saints tame the law, the legal practice of the sages, is that Chan's Career, Career maturity of Chan's legal, religious Chan's legal collective levels. He does not assume form to be the self, or the self as possessing form, or form as in self, or self as in form, not a great restaurant ... ... life does not assume consciousness to act ... self, or the self as possessing consciousness, or consciousness as in the self, or self as in form. Thus, this The homeowner, the body is not present.
15) - White Ven, Ton virtue (ayyo) Isidatta come from?
- Homeowners Hey, I come from Avanti.
- Bach Ven, at Avanti, has a name men e Isidatta, a friend of our separation, was ordained monk?
- What can be, the Homeowners.
- White monk, Venerable was present where?
When saying this, venerable Isidatta silence.
- Bach Ven, there must Ton virtues is Isidatta reasonable?
- What can be, the Homeowners.
- So prospectus Ven, Ton virtue Isidatta joyously at Macchikasanda. Ambataka forest endearing! I will make every effort to make offerings to Lord Sun Isidatta with items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment.
- It is very moral words, the Homeowners.
16) Then Homeowners Citta happy, credit life Isidatta venerable words, satisfying homemade, hand-offerings to the monks elders with haute cuisine kind of hard and soft types.
 17) Then the elder monks, after the meal, take your hands off the bowl, from the seat up and leave.
18) Then the Venerable Thera told venerable Isidatta:
- You instead, this Isidatta Sage, this question has been answered Sage. This question is not answered. Sage Isidatta This, in other occasions, if the same question arose, Sage answer that.
IV. MAHAKA  (Napoli, s.IV, 288)
1) One time, a large number of monks residing in Macchikasanda elders, in Ambataka forest.
2) Then go to the Citta Homeowners monks elders; after arrival, pay homage to elders, monks and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, Homeowners Citta said to the elders, monks:
- Bach Venerable monks, elders hope that you accepted the invitation tomorrow my meal.
The elder monks silently accepted.
4-5) (As paragraph 4.5 of experience before).
6) Then Homeowners Citta for satisfying homemade, hand-offerings to the monks elders with epigastric cuisine type and kind of soft hard.
7) The elder monks after eating, take your hands off the bowl, from the seat up and leave. Homeowners Citta Then, after saying: "Let's collect the remnants of food balance" and followed behind the elder monks.
8) At the time, very hot weather is harsh (kutthitam). And elders, monks went to the body like melted into water, because he ate a full meal.
9) At that time, he came to New tu Mahaka is the best among them monks did. Then Venerable said to Venerable Thera Mahaka:
- You instead, transparency Venerable Thera, where a cool breeze blowing, there emerged thunderstorms with rain each seed down.
- You instead, the Sage Mahaka, where a cool breeze blowing, there emerged thunderstorms with rain each seed down.
10) Then he came to practice Kabbalah Mahaka make cool wind blows, the storm emerged, each seed rain down.
11) Then lay Citta thinking as follows: "New religious monks, monks in this we get such a force unseen."
12) Then he came to the garden after arriving Mahaka (hermitage) immediately told Venerable Thera:
- Bach Venerable Thera, such as the last.
- So just then, this Mahaka Sage. Doing so is the past, this Mahaka Sage. Such offerings are just then, this Mahaka Sage.
13) Then elders, monks went to the Vihara, Venerable Mahaka also go to their remote provinces.
14) Then go to the Citta Homeowners venerable Mahaka; after arrival, bowed and sat down venerable Mahaka side.
15) On one side, said Citta Homeowners venerable Mahaka:
- You instead, Venerable prospectus, if the Sun Lord for showing Mahaka manifested miracles legal traders.
- This thing Homeowners, spread in the corridor upper robe and spread a bunch of grass.
- Ladies and yes, white Ven.
Citta homeowners meet venerable Mahaka yes, for medical cover in the upper hallway, and sprayed a bunch of grass.
16) Then he came to Mahaka in remote provinces, laid back bars, practice makes human psychic flame erupted from the hole between the pipe and lock the door, but not burning grass burning upper robe.
17) The owner Citta y upper dam, panic, fluffy hair upside, stand aside.
18) Then he came to Mahaka, from amnesty Tinh Gia go out and tell all Citta:
- Well, so is the past, the Homeowners.
- Well, so is the past, Venerable sir Mahaka. Doing so is just then, Venerable sir Mahaka. Such offerings are just then, Venerable sir Mahaka. Bach Ven, Ton moral desire to live comfortably Mahaka at Macchikasanda. Ambataka forest endearing! I'll try to make offerings to the venerable Mahaka items such as medical, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment.
- It is very moral words, the Homeowners!
19) Then venerable cleanup Mahaka couch, holding a bowl y, go out Macchikasanda, and so farewell Macchikasanda no longer revert back again.
V. KAMABHU  (1) (Napoli, s.IV, 291)
1) A residence in the venerable Kamabhu Macchikasanda, at Ambataka forest.
2) Then go to the Citta Homeowners venerable Kamabhu; after arrival, bowed and sat down venerable Kamabhu side.
3) venerable Kamabhu Citta told The homeowner was sitting on one side:
- Homeowners Hey, this word is mentioned:
Parts are pure,
Cover white ceiling,
Only one wheel,
Chariot constantly running.
Let's see what you're up to,
No violation faults,
Cut off the flow of water,
No longer caught.
Homeowners this, this brief speech, the meaning must be understood how widely?
- Bach Ven, there must be Exalted speech mentioning this?
- Yes, the Homeowners.
- So let's wait a bit, transparency Venerable, I will think about the meaning.
4) Then lay Citta, after a moment of silence, said to the venerable Kamabhu:
- "Parts are pure," Venerable prospectus, is synonymous with the rules. "The roof covering white ceiling", the white monk, is synonymous with liberation. "A wheel," Venerable prospectus, is synonymous with the concept. "Continuous run" Venerable prospectus, is synonymous with the pacing. "Chariot", the white monk, is synonymous with the body formed by the four elements of this, so parents are born, nurtured by rice gruel, impermanent, being turned septic, been consumed, destroyed, was destroy. Participation, transparency Venerable, is a mistake. Golf is a mistake. Si is a mistake. For the monks had to make an end of cankers, which are the total extinction, cut off from the roots, making the trunk as I-la, can not be reborn, can not arise in the future. Thus, the monks had to make an end of illegal or non-infringement are called faults. "This is coming," Venerable prospectus, is synonymous with the Arhat. "The water," Venerable prospectus, is synonymous with thirst. For the monks had to make an end of cankers, that desire is the total extinction, cut off the roots, making the trunk as I-la, can not be reborn, can not arise in the future. Thus, the monks had to make an end is called taints can cut water line.
Participation, transparency Venerable, is binding. Golf is bound. Si is bound. Monks make an end to the illegal or, they are to make an end, cut off at the root, making the trunk as ta-la, can not be reborn, can not arise in the future. Thus, monks annihilation taints called unfettered.
5) Thus, transparency Ven, this word is Bhagavan mentioned:
Parts are pure,
Cover white ceiling,
Only one wheel,
Chariot constantly running.
Let's see what you're up to,
No violation faults,
Cut off the flow of water,
No longer caught.
Bach Ven, this brief speech, the meaning must be interpreted broadly so.
6) - Taking a prime place of Mr, this Homeowners! He tactfully elected instead, the Homeowners! Since that mental labels He continued profound teachings of the Buddha.
FOR. KAMABHU  (2) (Napoli, s.IV, 193)
1) A residence in the venerable Kamabhu Macchikasanda, at Ambataka forest.
2) Then go to the Citta Homeowners venerable Kamabhu; after arrival, venerable Kamabhu bowed, then sat down on one side.
3) On one side, Homeowners Citta Kamabhu venerable sir:
- Bach Venerable, how many operating all?
- The homeowner has three operating this: mental, oral and mind.
- You instead, transparency Ven.
Citta happy homeowners, credit life Kamabhu venerable words said, and then asked to add one more venerable Kamabhu:
- Bach Venerable, how is personally? How is the border issue? What is the issue?
- Breath very, breath out, the Family Home, is all mental. Games and export quartet is operating. Life is the idea and practice.
- You instead, transparency Ven.
Citta happy homeowners, credit life Kamabhu venerable words said ... asked more questions:
5) - Why, transparency Ven, inhale exhale as corms? Why is the gate, and fourth operating range? Why is the operating concept and life?
- Breathing very exhale, it assumed all, of the body. It relates to the body; therefore, inhale exhale as corms. Before the bridge to reach, suicide, this The homeowner, then new words; Therefore, the export range and operating quarterfinals. Belong to the thought and life. It relates to the heart; therefore, thought and feeling which is standard practice.
- You instead, transparency Ven.
... Ask more questions:
6) - How, Venerable white, is witness to life thought Extinction?
- Hey Homeowners, monks attaining life thought to exterminate not think: "I will attain a great feeling to Kill", or: "I'm feeling great attainment of Extinction", or: "I have already accomplished life thought to kill. " Because his mind before was practicing so, should lead to such achievements as truth.
- You instead ...
... Ask another question:
7) - Kill monks attaining the life thought, Venerable prospectus, those are eradicated before, mental, or gate operator, or the operator?
- Kill monks attaining the life thought, this Homeowners, shall be destroyed before export, to all mental things, and then to the operator.
- You instead ...
... Ask more questions:
8) - White Ven, who died, was shared destiny, and monks attained to exterminate life thought, between these people have nothing else wrong?
- For people who have died, have shared destiny, the Homeowners, personally he is annihilated, be calm; export shall be annihilated, be calm; the practice is eradicated, be calm, be life-annihilation; only heat is pure; the base is destroyed. Monks have also attained the Cessation of life thought, this Homeowners, corms been eradicated, calm; export shall be annihilated, calm; the practice is eradicated, calm; life span is not annihilation; not only pure heat; the apartment is in the morning. This Homeowners, who died, was shared destiny and monks attained to exterminate life thought, among these people there are such differences.
- You instead ...
... Ask more questions.
9) - How, Venerable prospectus, is out to exterminate a great life?
- Hey Homeowners, monks out to exterminate life thought without thinking: "I'm going out to exterminate a great life," or "I'm out of ideas to exterminate life", or: "I was out life thought to kill. " Because his mind before was practicing so, should lead to such achievements as truth.
- You instead, transparency Ven ...
... Ask more questions:
10) - Kill monks out of the idea to life, Venerable transparency, public law arises before, body, oral, or the act?
- Monks out to exterminate life thought, this Homeowners, volitional arise before, then mental, and then to the border issue.
- You instead, transparency Ven ...
... Ask more questions:
11) - Kill monks from the sensations and perceptions, transparency Venerable, how much emotional feeling?
- Kill monks life thought out to be three touch sensations: no contact, formless emotional, very emotional prayer.
- You instead, transparency Ven.
Citta happy homeowners, credit life ... and ask more questions:
12) - Kill monks from the sensations and perceptions, transparency Ven, where the mind inclined, towards where, leaning Where?
- Monks out to exterminate life thought, this Homeowners, his mind is inclined to renunciation, toward renunciation, renunciation inclined.
- You instead, transparency Ven.
Citta happy homeowners, credit life Kamabhu venerable words said and asked more questions:
13) - White Venerable, how much more legal help for realization of the idea Life Extinction?
- Actually, this The homeowner, it Homeowners need to ask before, Homeowners asked again later. However, I will answer for Homeowners. Homeowners this, there are two methods of great help to exterminate life thought to be attained. It is just and consistent.
VII. GODATTA  (Napoli, s.IV, 295)
1) A residence in the venerable Godatta Macchikasanda, at Ambatavana.
2) Then go to the Citta Homeowners venerable Godatta; after arrival, bowed and sat down venerable Godatta side.
3) venerable Godatta Citta told The homeowner was sitting on one side:
- Hey Homeowners, immeasurable deliverance, no freedom of mind ownership, not freedom of mind, freedom of mind formless, the other is legal language, or other means only words?
- Bach Venerable, the method, according to his teachings, the more this approach means, other language. Bach Venerable, also the practice, according to his teachings, the meaning of this law, only words.
4) - But, the Homeowners, public practice, according to his teachings, the other is the meaning of this law, other language?
5) - Here, the white monk, monks reside, turned complacency with an ownership interest with the question; also, the Monday; also, the Tuesday; also, the fourth. Thus, the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides with heart complications of chronic sentence with the word organic, boundless generosity, not hatred, not golf. With the organic mind with compassion ... with a mind to dwell sentences with joy ... turned complacent an question centered existence to discharge; also, the Monday; also, the Tuesday; also, the fourth. Thus, the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides turn the organic content with the discharge center, boundless generosity, not hatred, not golf. Venerable Bach, is called immeasurable relief.
6) And the Venerable transparency, how property is incredibly liberating mind? Here, the monks took the infinitude of consciousness completely, think: "There is no object", owned residence certificate Unknown Origin. Venerable Bach, is called freedom of mind owning wealth.
7) And the Venerable transparency, what is not freedom of mind? Here, the white monk, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house and thought: "This is the empty self or self owned". Bach Ven, this call is not freedom of mind.
8) And the Venerable transparent, formless How is freedom of mind? Here, the white monk, monks do not work all the generals, generals residence certificate Unknown concentration. Venerable Bach, is called formless liberated mind.
9) This is the practice, transparency Ven, according to his teachings, the other is the meaning of this law, other language.
10) And the Venerable transparency, public practice, according to his method, the method is meant, just another language?
11) Greed (raga) to do the measurement, making the measurement field, si do the measurement. For the monks had to make an end of cankers, we were to make an end, cut the roots, the trunk was doing ta-la, making rebirth can not, can not arise in the future. Venerable Bach, for the immeasurable deliverance, estate liberated mind is considered paramount. But this estate liberated mind empty, without arguments; empty, no courts; empty, with no delusion.
12) Greed, transparency Venerable, is an obstacle, golf is an obstacle, a hindrance si. For the monks had to make an end of cankers, we were to make an end, cut the roots, the trunk was doing ta-la, making rebirth can not, can not arise in the future. Venerable Bach, for liberating the mind possesses wealth, estate rescue center is considered paramount. But estate liberated mind is empty, no participation; empty, no courts; empty, with no delusion.
13) Greed, transparency Venerable, the minister effect, the field of general cooperation, the minister effect si. For the monks had to make an end of cankers, we were to make an end, cut off the roots, the trunk was doing ta-la, making rebirth can not, can not arise in the future. Venerable Bach, for formless freedom of mind, freedom of mind estate is considered paramount. But this estate liberated mind empty, without arguments; empty, no courts; empty, with no delusion.
14) This is the practice, transparency Venerable, by his practice, the only method is synonymous other words.
VIII. Nigantha  (Ni-devout-mail) (Napoli, s.IV, 297)
1-2) At that time, Nigantha Nataputta went to mass with a Nigantha Macchikasanda.
3) The homeowner heard Nigantha Nataputta Citta went to mass with a Nigantha Macchikasanda.
4) Then Homeowners Citta along with some others go east Homeowners Niganttha Nataputta; after arriving, they speak the words courtesy asked, after saying these words courtesy to ask friends sat down to one side.
5) The homeowner told Nigantha Nataputta Citta sitting on one side:
- There must, it Homeowners, he believed in the teachings of the recluse Gotama this: "There is a definite no range, no quarterfinals, with the destruction of the Games and quartet"?
- Venerable Sir, here I have no faith in the Blessed One set of problems: "There is a meditation not reach, not the quarterfinals, with the destruction of the Games and the Quartet".
6) Be heard that, Nigantha Nataputta his congregation looked around and said:
- Chu venerable see? It is visual quality of this Citta Homeowners! It is unspoilt disguise this Citta Homeowners! It's no delusion that this Citta Homeowners! Who thinks Games and extremities can be eradicated think maybe that is bound to be the wind in the grid. Who thought can reach and extremities ie eradicated think could use his fists to stop the waters of the Ganges.
7) - The venerable think how, venerable sir, what better revenge win, place or trust?
- Homeowners Hey, where wins over the trust.
8) - If I wish, venerable sir, separatist education, legal ly immoral, my first Zen residence certificate, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals. If I wish, venerable sir, I do net ... just the range and residence certificate Meditation quarterfinals Monday. If I wish, venerable sir, I make an end wedding ... Tuesday Meditation residence certificate. If I wish, venerable sir, may I make an end Zen touch ... Wednesday residence certificate. Knowing this, venerable sir, that as such, I will come to trust for any monk or Brahmin you do that: "There was no range Meditation, not the quarterfinals, with the destruction the range and extremities. "
9) When they heard that, Nigantha Nataputta his congregation looked around and said:
- Chu venerable see? It does not matter directly is this Citta Homeowners! It damaged the puppet is this Citta Homeowners! Homeowners falsehoods It is this Citta!
- Venerable Sir, I understand the words of the venerable saying, "Chu venerable see? It is visual quality of this Citta Homeowners! It is unspoilt disguise this Citta Homeowners! It's no delusion that this Citta Homeowners! ". And this, venerable sir, I understand the words of the venerable saying, "Chu venerable see? It does not matter directly is this Citta Homeowners! It damaged the puppet is this Citta Homeowners! Homeowners falsehoods It is this Citta! "
10) Venerable Sir, if the first words of the Venerable is right feet, the following words of the Venerable was nowhere disguise. Venerable Sir, if the following words of the Venerable is right feet, the first words of the Venerable was nowhere disguise. Venerable Sir, there are ten questions right, if he came to understand the meaning of them, when he came to punch returns (patihareyyasi) punches me along with them Nigantha. A question, an explanation, an answer. Two questions, two sentence explanation, two answers. Three questions, three sentences explaining, three answers. Four questions, four sentences explaining, four answers. Five questions, five sentences to explain, in answer. Six questions, six explanation, six answers. Seven questions, seven questions explained, seven answers. Eight questions, eight questions explained, eight answers. Nine questions, Nine explanation, nine answers. Ten questions, ten sentences to explain, ten answers.
11) Then Homeowners Nigantha Nataputta Citta not ask reasonable questions to this ten, from the seat up and leave.
IX. Acela  (naked) (Napoli, s.IV, 300)
2) At the time naked Kassapa went to Macchikasanda, an old friend when he was Homeowners Homeowners Citta.
3) Homeowners naked Citta heard Kassapa, a former friend of his when he was Homeowners, came Macchikasanda.
The homeowner then went to Citta Kassapa naked; after arrival, speak with naked Kassapa words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side.
4) On one side, Homeowners Citta told naked Kassapa:
- Venerable Kassapa, venerable monastic how long?
- Homeowners Hey, we had about thirty years ordained.
5) - Venerable Sir, in thirty years, he came to have any mercy rooftop legal evidence, knowledge wins saint worthy and stay optimistic?
- Hey Homeowners, for the past thirty years, the evidence does not and is not a legal resident traders optimistic yet, a worthy knowledge saint wins, except the naked, the bald, the dusting and sand (pavalanipphotana).
6) When they heard that, Homeowners Citta told naked Kassapa:
- It is too incredible, it is rare, Dharma is the theory for the past thirty years, no evidence, not a legal resident traders optimistic yet, a unique knowledge saint worthy winner!
7) - Homeowners Hey, how long have you doing a layman?
- Venerable Sir, I am a layman has been thirty years.
8) - In the past thirty years, the Homeowners, he had attained the upper legal and human resident public communications, knowledge worthy saint wins?
- Why is this not, venerable sir! If I wish, venerable sir, I sexual ly, ly immoral law, the first Zen residence certificate, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals. If I wish, venerable sir, I just ... pure class and residence certificate Meditation quarterfinals Monday. If I wish, venerable sir, joy ... my cup Meditation residence certificate Tuesday. If I wish, venerable sir, to make an end ... my optimism Meditation Wednesday residence certificate. If earlier I shared destiny Exalted, venerable sir, it's no wonder, if Bhagavan will say about me as follows: "There is a certain fetters, so bound by his fetters, Citta revert back to that this world anymore. "
9) When they heard that, naked Homeowners Kassapa told Citta:
- It is wonderful, venerable sir! It is rare, venerable sir, Dharma was smart theory. A white robe Homeowners can attest to achieve, could touch the upper legal resident workers, knowledge worthy saint wins! Dear Homeowners, let me be ordained in France and this Law. Let me ordained.
10) Then put naked Citta Homeowners Kassapa to some elders, monks; after arriving, said to the elders, monks:
- Bach Venerable monks, naked Kassapa is a friend of us as we also Homeowners. Venerable monks ordained let this person, for ordination. I'll try to make offerings such as medical materials, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment.
11) Kassapa speakers can be ordained in France and this Act, be ordained. Be ordained soon, Venerable Kassapa live alone, calm, no distractions, zealous, ardent. Soon he achieved the purpose for which the right feet devotees ordained death, abandoned the family, not family oriented life: the Supreme happy salvage discounts, for themselves with the upper tri position, attained and dwell. He knew: "Birth was seeking, Virtue has, what to do have done, no longer come back to this state again."
12) And the Venerable Kassapa became an Arhat again.
X. VISIT THE DISEASE  (Napoli, s.IV, 302)
1-2) At that time, Homeowners Citta sick, the suffering, the disease is important.
3) Then, the majority in the garden gods, the gods of the forest, in the tree gods, the gods of the forest herbs, the trees in the forest gathered and told Homeowners Citta:
- Homeowners take this vow: "In the future, we will of Dharmaraja Holy King!"
When they heard that, Homeowners Citta told Devas in gardens, forest gods, gods in trees, forest gods in the herbs, the trees in the woods:
- That he is impermanent, something that is not permanent, so he needs to leave and pass.
4) When they heard that, the dear friends, the blood relatives told Homeowners Ciita:
- Hey death in southern Shan, make mindfulness, do not have to say haphazard.
- I told you what makes you say to me: "Hey death in southern Shan, make mindfulness, do not have to say haphazard"?
- Hey Good men to death, because he said the following: "What he is impermanent, something that is not permanent, so he needs to leave and pass".
- Whereas the garden gods, the gods of the forest, in the tree gods, gods reside in the forest of herbs, the trees in the forest told me the following: "The homeowner Hey, let's pray: 'In future, we will of Holy king Dharmaraja ' ". So I replied to them: 'That was impermanent, something that is not permanent, so he needs to leave and pass''.
5) - this death in southern Shan, the gods in the garden ... the trees in the forest were consistent found sense that told him, "Please pray Homeowners: 'In the future, we will become king Transfer monarch ' "?
- The garden of the gods, the gods of the forest, the tree gods, gods reside in the forest of herbs, the trees in the forest he was thinking as follows: "The owner of this Citta morality, good nature, if vow: 'In the future, you're going to cakkavatti! "wishes for pure, lawful, successful people will make over the world, will bring fruits lawful". Devas in the gardens, forest gods, gods in trees, forest gods in the herbs, the trees in the same forest, due to the significance such shops should have said as follows: "The homeowner Hey, let's play prayer: "In the future do you cakkavatti '". So I told them: "What was impermanent, so he is not permanent, so he needs to leave and pass".
- Hey Good men electronic part, be presented for our teachers.
- So he needs to learn as follows: "We will fully trust estate to the Buddha: 'He is the Exalted, Arhat level, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League , Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, Bhagavan ". We will have enough trust estate for France: 'This is a smart French Exalted by theory, the current practical, immediate results, to come and see, able to raise up, get yourself a wise man sense understanding '. We will be full of confidence for their estate Increase: 'Compassion is our unfortunate disciple of Bhagavan. Well as their direct disciple of Bhagavan. As well as disciples of the Exalted. Pure happiness that they disciple of Bhagavan. Ie four pairs of eight of them. Bhagavan's disciples is worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of homage, deserves accept the hand, is unsurpassed field of merit in the world '. All that can provide for the family, all have offered them, serve to even the morality and good character. "
As such, he needs to learn.
7) When Homeowners Citta made the dear friends, the blood relatives have the net credit to the Buddha, for us monks and advised them alms, he immediately shared destiny.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/5/2016.MHDT.

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