Wednesday 18 May 2016

Buddha was born DESK OF ANALYSIS.
Every year on each of April lunar start blooming lotus. Signalling lotus blossom season as Vesak returned to celebrate the Buddha was born. History has it that Mrs. Maya, the princess of a neighboring country, is the wife of the King of Kapilavastu water, during pregnancy, according to the customs of his land to return home for the birth mother. On the way back, while stopped to rest at the Lumbini Park, Queen Maya gave birth to Prince. When the Crown Prince was born, the gods to improve pickup and bathing. Then, once to the ground, he walked seven steps and below each step is a blooming lotus. Prince raised his hands to heaven, he said: " Heavenly galaxy, solipsistic monopoly ".
It was seven feet and his first words. Who knows historic Buddhist Vesak Sanh with different explanations about the meaning seven steps and first words uttered. There are many people, in and outside of Buddhism, wondered why Buddhism is a religion out ego Buddha said that only He is the most precious, not only in heaven but also throughout the heavens and planes people. There are many argue that all people are honored each heaven He is "the Exalted One who" is like saying on nor wrong and contrary to the teachings nor liberation ... and so and so and so forth. Actually in the Buddhist scriptures, have explained the event. Today's Vesak season, the writer would like to focus more, based on the classic medicine and meaningful prayer, to unravel.
On the " Divine galaxy, solipsistic unique " Vietnamese translation is: " In the heavens under heaven, we are precious only ". This question is only part of the sentence, which was recorded in Beijing Admin-General Ban-Coast in Digha A function of Book One, a book of short comb Christmas arts karmic birth, enlightenment and edification of the seven Buddhas in the world Saha. Originally the sentence is translated as follows: " In the heavens under heaven, only we are precious, we want to save sentient beings from the cycle of birth, old age ," [1] [2]. Those are the words of Buddha Sakyamuni recounted when Germany Vipassī Buddha, Buddha being the first appointment in the Saha world, the birth was so speechless, just as He (Buddha Shakyamuni) was speechless so, and " he is also the Buddhas practices " [3]
In terms of language , the above shows that only He who is the most precious of human beings and heaven, he got rid of rebirth within and manifested this world to save living beings from samsara those who. However, if the terms of the meaning of words, we should understand the word " I " in the sentence " only there was precious " is not something I am of Prince Siddhartha, a Falling birth and death as the intersection of hundreds of thousands of other beings. The word I am here is the Buddha Nature , the Heart Truth , never born never destroyed, completely pure, is so far away from all that something called treatment. Ones that I or the Self that is the Self , is dharmakaya permanent, never diminishing, spanning across space and time. In the Mahaparinirvana, the Tathagata-nature, Buddha taught: " Falling ie that the Tathagata organs. All sentient beings have Buddha-nature that is the meaning of self. That's down from the public so far often countless afflictions conceal, so they did not realize was born . " Also in this business (Phẩm Four Generals), Buddha said that " the body of the Tathagata Dharma Body ie, not blood vessels carcass composite tendon bone marrow. Because depending upon earth that manifested in pregnant mothers, because depending upon how to sentient beings' that manifested as a child ... ".
In fact, the Buddha Nature or True Mind or Self or Dharmakaya is something difficult to understand, difficult to identify and hard to present as its essence is beyond language, beyond the relative world of phenomena. We can only know through perception, through scriptures that Buddha-nature is something that only enlightened people know is, is something " not born not kill, do not go do not come, neither too past, future, present, and not by the workers, but also not human, not the work itself, not the author, not the generals, not the generals do not, there must be a list, did not list, not matter, not the short term, not photography in warm lead, gender, type ... ".
When talking about the Buddha Nature, the Buddha often used way left four owls to teach us, that is separated from the four categories is accepted or four relative world: yes, no, there is not, there is not no . In addition he also used allegoric or modal fables , contains profound meaning, absolutely reasonable suggestion that absolute truth can not be used directly without explaining words because words just express what instrument relative ideology, had pictures with generals in the world of duality. Legs like to talk about the Buddha Nature Center, he told in Mahaparinibbana Sutta about a poor girl, indoor gold warehouse without knowing, until a well-known visitor facilities for safe storage only treasure, she became wealthy. Well-known visitor facilities for Buddhist example, poor girl for countless beings example being the negativity is covered and only pure gold warehouse Chan Buddha Nature Center. Stories guy with death or European jewel in the bottom pocket of the Lotus Sutra are the same.
So, when you say " Heavenly galaxy, unique solipsistic " Buddha, then was Prince Siddhartha, he does not talk about individuals, about five Aggregates Aggregates birth and death, but about the True mind, the True Self of beings. The mind that is precious, and something new is paramount True Mind which is the Buddha mind that everyone has, whether rich and poor on man, regardless of language, skin color, regardless of political religion.
Now about seven feet on seven lotuses bloom of Buddhism. Why not three steps, four or five steps. Someone explain He walked seven steps is because "He is the Buddha Saturday", followed six Buddhas before him, which began as Vipassī Buddha. Having someone to explain the seven steps are typical for seven great: great location (land) and aquatic higher (water), the wind (the wind), the fire (fire), modern vanity, is modern, contemporary and informal; seven lotuses bloom Buddha symbolizes the success of the seven rows to include Buddhist monks, nuns, novice, novice nuns, Soul Rub manna, Upasaka, and Upasika, ... still on and so forth.
In fact, the number seven in Buddhism there are many typical. In addition there are great losses Bodhi interior portion toward the seven levels of enlightenment, a symbol of enlightenment sequence. In addition, there are interior enlightenment, ie seven measures of Buddhists should practice towards liberation (Mindfulness Enlightenment, the French Enlightenment Trach chi, chi Sensory Effort, Giac Hy chi, chi Contempt An Enlightenment, the Enlightenment, Enlightenment detailed Discharge). Master of the biblical Ten Discourses of the Buddha said to ten minutes "seven measures" [4] a total of seventy-law gave Tathagata enlightenment, Enlightenment (seven properties, seven enlightenment, seven informal location, depending seven newspapers, seven non Dhamma, Dhamma seven, seven French merchant, a great seven, seven wonders of revenge, seven illegal fullest).
The number seven carries much symbolism as above and the first seven steps of Buddha may also imply that, however, who are imbued with the Buddhist religion also know that France, not only walked seven Buddha steps to seven feet lotus blooms that is immeasurable step by step throughout the realms Saha, across space and time endless infinity. Nowhere, not a moment without the Buddha's footsteps, without lotus blossom .END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/5/2016.MHDT.

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