Monday 2 May 2016

130. The ANGEL

Like I hear.
A world Religion in Savatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). In That Respect it calls the Female-stilts: "the Male-stilts". -"Sir, Bach World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-For this, as the Male-stilts, have two doors; Here, a man standing between the eyes can see people going into the House, go out of the House, come across, come back. Also, the Female-stilts, one with labels, superheroes, saw the beings die of birth again, down, topping, handsome, friendly, fun, bad evil beast, depending on their industry, happy (and I think): "the owner of this situation because of the friendly, export achievement, a friendly Italy friendly, not aggressive the Saints There, the Chief Justice opinion, appropriate career maintenance Chief comments, the environmentally destructive after General network are being on friendly animal, heaven, in this life. Or the owners of this situation, because of the friendly, export achievement, a friendly Italy friendly, not aggressive the Saints, whose Chief opinion, maintain career match, the Chief Justice after body ruined the overall network, was born between species. Also, because of the evil incarnation, export achievement, evil evil idea, attacked the Saints, there are ties, maintain life career matching ties, the environmentally destructive public network, after being being in the realms of hungry daemons demons (pettivisaya). Or the love, because evil stems accomplishments, evil, evil idea guns, attacked the Saints, there are ties, maintain appropriate career life span flaps, the love once shared, networks were being ruined body into the type of urinary bladder birth. Or the love, because evil stems achievement ... (as above). After the General network, were being ruined body into data realms, evil, fallen, hell ".
The Male-stilts, who regarded keeping the hell, after arresting him with many arms, leading her to King Yama (and ladies):
"-My Lord, this man has no heart, not Sa, not is She-la, do not respect the elders in the family. Your Majesty, smite it!
The Male-stilts, King Yama, questioned him, interrogate, interrogated him about the Angel one: "this man, have you seen the Prophet has appeared among the human species?"
He said: "no, Sir." Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to her: "this the other, have you found between species who have a baby young, weak, supine, lying down in the middle of the feces and urine of it or not?" He responded: "Sir, have you seen". Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to her: "this the other, but you're conscious and older, but you don't have to think:" I'm being dominated, we can't escape from birth; Let's do the thing about himself, and Italy. " He responded: "Sir, I can not do, because I launch Yi". Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to her: "this the other, if the launch should not sheltered because doing good body, export, Italy; certainly we will do this unto thee, the other, depending on the launch of Yi Ye. Given that this is an evil of thee, not by the parents do, not by my father do, not by you, not by her work, not by the dear and you do not do your blood system, not by the Sa, Ba-la-subjects do, not by Chu Thien do. Her career by evil You do, People are feeling the life result report for work ".
The Male-stilts, after interrogation, interrogate and questioned the other about Angel, King Yama new questions, interrogate, interrogated about the second angel: "this man, do you see between the human species, the second Angel showing off?" Her response: "no, Sir." Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to the other: "this other person, do you see the woman or man eighty years, or ninety years, or a hundred years, the old, bent as the roof, back, còm sticks, walked the run Seth young, old, over, Wolf hair loss, teeth loss, wrinkled skin , shaky, with silver-colored limbs? " He responded: "Sir, have you seen". Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to her: "this the other, but you're conscious and older, but you don't have to think:" I'm old, I don't get rid of old; Let's do the thing about himself, and Italy. " He responded: "Sir, I can not do, because I launch Yi, Sir". Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to her: "this the other, if the launch should not sheltered because doing good body, export, Italy; certainly we will do this unto thee, the other, depending on the launch of Yi Ye. Given that this is an evil of thee, not by the parents do, not by my father do, not by you, not by her work, not by the dear and you do not do your blood system, not by the Sa, Ba-la-subjects do, not by Chu Thien do. Her career by evil You do, you have to feel the make her fruit shelf life ".
The Male-stilts, after interrogation, interrogate, questioned the other about Angel Monday, King Yama new questions, interrogate, interrogated about the third angel: "this man, do you see between the human species, the third Angel showing off?" Her response: "no Sir." Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to the other: "this man, who has seen the woman or man being sick, suffering serious illness, brain falls is located on in the urine and feces, need others to lift up, need others helped lay down?" He responded: "Sir, have you seen". Then the Male-stilts, King Yama told it: "this other person, but you're conscious and older, but you don't have to think:" I was sick, we can't get rid of the disease; Let's do the thing about himself, and Italy ". "He responded:" Sir, I can not do, because I launch Yi, Sir ". Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to her: "this the other, if the launch should not sheltered because of doing charity, body, export, Italy; certainly we will do this unto thee, the other, depending on the launch of Yi Ye. Given that this is an evil of thee, not by the parents do, not by my father do, not by you, not by her work, not by the dear friends do, not by your blood system, not by the Sa, Ba-la-subjects do, not by Chu Thien do. Her career by evil You do, you have to feel the life result report for work ".
The Male-stilts, after interrogation, interrogate the other interrogator about the third heaven, King Yama new questions, interrogate, interrogated about Thien Chu Wednesday: "this other person, do you see between the species of The fourth angel showing off?" Her response: "no, Sir." Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to the other: "this man, have you seen between humankind, the Kings after the catch thief robber guilty, many wrong penalty applicable sailings. They flog, they bat. .. (as above) ... they grab a sword beheaded ". He said: "Sir, have you seen". Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to her: "this the other, but you're conscious and older, but you don't have to think:" who really do the evil, they suffer the penalty wrong, right in other such situations, more current is about life after! Let's do the charity body, export, Italy ". He responded: "Sir, I can not do, because I launch Yi, Sir". Then the Male-stilts, King Yama told it: "this man, if you're not so ample magnification because doing good body, export, Italy; they will surely make you, the other person this, depending on the launch of Yi Ye. Given that this is an evil of thee, not by the parents do, not by my father do, not by you, not by her work, not by the dear friends do, not by your blood system, not by the Sa, Ba-la-subjects do, not by Chu Thien do. Her career by evil You do, you have to feel the life result report for work ".
The Male-stilts, after interrogation, interrogate, interrogated the other about heaven Wednesday, King Yama new questions, interrogate, interrogated about the Natural World Thursday: "this other person, do you see between the human Genius Professor Thursday showing off?" Her response: "no, Sir." Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to her: "this the other, do you see between the man, the woman or the man who died was a day, two days or three days, swollen up, blue-grey back, washing debris out?" He said: "Sir, have you seen". Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to her: "this the other, but you're conscious and older, but you don't have to think:" We die, we can't escape from death; Let's do the thing about himself, and Italy ". He responded: "Sir, I can not do, because I launch Yi, Sir". Then the Male-stilts, King Yama said to her: "this the other, if the launch should not sheltered because of doing charity, on guns, Italy; certainly we will do this unto thee, the other, depending on the launch of Yi Ye. Given that this is an evil of thee, not by the parents do, not by my father do, not by you, not by her work, not by the dear friends do, not by your blood system, not by the Sa, Ba-la-subjects do, not by Chu Thien do. Evil career as You do, you have to feel the life result report for work ".
Then the Male-stilts, after interrogation, interrogate, interrogated, he on Angel Thursday, King Yama to remain silent.
Then the Male-stilts, who regarded keeping the hell getting him the penalty called in the pile (Pancavidhabandhanam), they retrieved piles of Red ceramic iron close on the one hand, they retrieved piles of Red ceramic iron close on the second hand, they retrieved piles of Red ceramic iron close on the feet, they retrieved piles of Red ceramic iron close on the second foot They retrieved piles of iron red ceramic close in the middle of his chest, he led the life in here feeling the pain, the suffering, is fierce. But he may not have the General mission of evil until he has not been. The Male-stilts, who regarded keeping the hell caught him lying down and retrieved the hammer man. He led the life in here feeling the pain, the suffering, is fierce. But he may not have the General mission of evil until he has not been. The Male-stilts, the keeper of hell sclera her legs above the top, the bottom and retrieved the hammer man. Her life feel of here ... yet. The Male-stilts, the keeper of Hell's column on a car, dragged him to the running back on the land are burning Red, burned into fire, red tops. People here feel tho ... not yet. Then the Male-stilts the holder of hell she pushed up, dragging her down a mountainside full of coal burning, breaking dawn, burned into the flame, fire red. People here feel tho ... not yet. Then the Male-stilts the holder of hell sclera her legs above the top, the bottom and toss him into a cauldron of Red ceramic, bronze, red fire, fire into fire, red tops. People here were cooked with boiling water foam worshippers tub, here being cooked with boiling water foam worshippers tub, when then float up on, when it sank, while the horizontal drift. He led the life here the sensation of pain, suffering, is fierce. But he may not have the General mission of evil until he has not been. Then the Male-stilts, who keep hell throw into hell. The Male-stilts, hell he has four corners, four doors, divided into equal parts, around the roof roofing iron iron wall up. Iron red ceramic hell background, flowing red, upright, always present, scaling a hundred by week.
The Male-stilts, from the wall to the East of hell, the flames turn up to be blown from a cross to the Western Wall. The flames turn up from the wall to the West to the East wall cross is blown. The flames turn up from the North wall was blown from a cross to the southern wall. The flames turn up from the southern wall was blown from a cross to the North wall. The flame flashes fire up from the bottom, was blown up above the cross. Turn up the flames from above, was blowing wet down below. People here feel the life feeling the pain, the suffering, is fierce. But he may not have the General mission of evil until he has not been.
The Male-stilts, then there is a very long time, when the East doors of hell are opened. He ran on it very fast and agile. When he ran very fast and agile, the outer skin, the skin burnt in fire, burnt flesh, tendons, bones were burnt black sauna smoke. The escape of the person he is. The Male-stilts, although he has tried a lot, the door remains closed against him. Here's the life feeling the sensations of pain, suffering, is fierce. But he may not have the General mission of evil until he has not been.
Then the Male-stilts, there is a very long time, when the Western door is open ... (as above) ... the North door was open ... (as above) ... the South door was open. He successively run in there very fast and agile. When he ran very fast and agile, the outer skin, the skin burnt in fire, burnt flesh, tendons, bones were burnt black sauna smoke. The escape of the person he is. The Male-stilts, oil for people trying so many, the door remains closed against him. Here's the life feeling the sensations of pain, suffering, is fierce. But he may not be a common destiny until the evil of him not yet. Then the Male-stilts, there is a very long time, when the Eastern door was opened, he successively run in there very fast and agile ... (as above) ... the escape of the person he is.
He walked out the door of hell.
But the Female-stilts, close the great hell is hell nị Chalk (Guthaniraya). He fell into hell. The Male-stilts, in the pollen nị hell, beings with her mouth as the needle cut the outer skin; After the cut, we cut in the skin; After the cut end to the skin in, they cut the meat; After the cut of meat, they severed the tendon strings; After severed tendon strings, they cut off the bone; After the cut, we cut off the bone marrow. Here, her life feel the sensations of pain, suffering, is fierce. But he may not have the General mission of evil until he has not been.
But the Female-stilts, close the great hell is hell's nị Chalk Heat recovery (Than breaking dawn-Kukkulaniraya). He fell into it. There, he feels the life feeling the pain, the suffering, is fierce. But he can't General destiny until he's yet to be evil.
But the Female-stilts, close the great hell of heat recovery is the life Magnet (Sambalivanam) high a by week, with long spiky fingers, red fire sixteen, fire into fire, red tops. They caught him climbing, climbing down. In it he feels the life feeling the pain, the suffering, is fierce. But he may not have the General mission of evil until he has not been.
But the Female-stilts, close the life Magnet is the great Engine of forest chlorophyll (leaf Forest swords-Asipattavanta). Her in. Here, the leaves, because the wind shake the person's hand, cut, cut legs, severed limbs, cut off ears, cut off ears, cut off the tip of the nose. Here, her life feel the sensations of pain, suffering, is fierce. But he may not have the General network until the evil of him not yet.
But the Female-stilts, close Make ye Lin is Restored (the river of lime-Kharodakanadi). He fell into. In it he was drifting under the water, she was drifting backwards drift under the water line, reverse the water flow. In it he feels the life feeling the pain, the suffering, is fierce. But he may not be a common destiny, until evil career he has not been.
Then the Male-stilts, who regarded keeping the hell, her statements up with fishing hooks, put him on the ground and told her: "this the other, what do you want?" He said: "gentlemen, I'm hungry". Then the Male-stilts, who regarded keeping the hell mouth pried open red ceramic iron piles grab her and put her mouth the same Bureau, fire red, red furnace fire into fire, flaming red tops. Her lips were on fire, burning mouth, throat burned, his chest burned. And drag the large intestine small intestine, according to one, the same Bureau he fell out from the bottom. In it, she feels the sensation of pain, th suffering, is fierce. But he may not have the General network, until the evil of it yet.
Then the Male-stilts, who regarded keeping the hell told her: "this the other, what do you want?" He said: "gentlemen, I'm thirsty." Then the Male-stilts, who regarded keeping the hell mouth pried open red ceramic iron piles took him out, and pour into the boiling cooking copper water mouth, red fire, fire into fire, red tops. Thy lips he burned, burnt mouth, throat burned, his chest burned. And large intestine, small intestine towed (water's boiling copper) flows out from the bottom. People here feel the life feeling the pain, the suffering, is fierce. But he may not have the General network until the evil of him not yet.
Then the Male-stilts, who regarded keeping the hell back to toss her into the underworld.
A very ancient, the Female-stilts, King Yama to think as follows: "Those who do evil in life, is the head of the other false penalty life as such. Hoping that we are doing, and As a hybrid, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan appeared in life, and we can serve That Religion, and That Religion theory for me, and I can understand how the French Religious preaching ".
The Male-stilts, that we're not hearing from a Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-other subjects; But what we are saying just be us only, We only see that, only I understand.
World Religious preaching. After the Charity Was said so degree direction, say add as follows:
Angel oil alarm,
Youth still ample magnification,
They favor the long, sad
Beings do people down.
Here the human Foot steps,
Be angels,
Never ample magnification,
In the magic of France ranks of Saints.
See the fear in its observance,
In the present birth.
Be freed accept the player,
Birth to death is the paragraph except,
Alone at peace,
Current President immediately,
Any resentment, fear
The pass;
Every painful misery,
They are super.

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