Sunday 1 May 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in Savatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika. In That Respect, the National call-stilts: "the Male-stilts". -"Sir, Bach World Religion", the Female's response That Respect Yes stilts-. What Religion says as follows:
The Male-stilts, has three characteristics, General, and special features of this publication of the sleeper. What are the three? Here, the Male-stilts, evil thinking stupid thinking, say the evil and wickedness. The Male-stilts, if stupid evil thinking not thinking, not speaking evil words, evil act, how time is the mind killer: "this person is stupid, not the human Leg?" And because of that, the Female-stilts, stupid thinking thinking evil, evil, evil language word, therefore, the position he knew: "this person is stupid, not the human Legs". This time, the stupid Male-stilts, right in the present life feel three kinds of suffering. The Male-stilts, if stupid people sit between assemblies, or sitting by the road vehicle, or in the fall (three, crossroads), in that (if) there are people thinking about the appropriate story. If the idiot, the Female-stilts, to being, of not to, according to Hanh in pagan Sybarite, lying, drunk men, cooking wine, often here, the Male-stilts, stupid he thought as follows: "The people think of appropriate story about him, because he had the real place and we have the legal". The Male-stilts, this is the kind of suffering the first priority, stupid life feel right in the present.
Again, the Female-stilts, stupid to see the Kings after getting the name heist have sinned many wrong penalty applicable sailings. They flog, they bat, they taper, they hand tight, they run, they dismemberment, they mutilated the ears, they cut their ears mutilated nose cut, nose; they used the cauldron, they used the penalty sanctions set in the hills of the picture (top shell shape serve up) they used the penalty, gun fire Rahu man pictures (taken fire the wreath), good player (burn), execution (braided straw grab and squeeze) packs of Medicine (retrieved the bark do coat), Antelope (mountain goat punishment) , the humiliation of the picture (taken questions on meat hooks), money (cut of meat into a coin), Kaffir lime blocks, moving image, high pedal, they watered with boiling oil, they are for dogs, they pile people live, they grab a sword beheaded. Here, the Male-stilts, stupid people think as follows: "by the evil of such action, the Kings after catching the thief Rob the guilty, the punishment applied the wrong instant to another. They flog, they bat, they taper, they hand tight, they run, they dismemberment ... they grab a sword beheaded. What does France where we're real and we have those in France. If the Kings know about us, the Kings after he caught me many wrong penalty applicable sailings. They flog, they bat, they taper ... they grab a sword beheaded. "The Male-stilts, this is kind of second priority framework, stupid life feel right in the present.
Again, the Female-stilts, when stupid creep sitting on the couch, or in bed, or lying on the ground, at the time, the evil career he made before, as the evil, evil gun body, evil, idea is hanging, hang, hangs over the pressure. For this, as the Male-stilts, in the afternoon, the ball suspended peaks lying, hanging, hanging overrides on land; also, the Female-stilts, when stupid people sitting on the bench, or sit on the bed, or under the land, while the industry's past, that is evil, evil gun body, evil, idea is hanging, hanging, hanging on the rim pressure. Here, the Male-stilts, stupid people think like this: "we don't do Phuoc, do not do, not do against fear, doing evil, do violent, do sin. Do not do Phuoc, do not do, not do against fear, by doing evil, do violent, do the Sin should have to go to the evil; does animal cruelty after death must go ". Her melancholy, groan, lamented, punching his chest, groan and fell unconscious. The Male-stilts, this is the third priority framework, right in the present, stupid (right) life feel.
The Male-stilts, fools there after doing the evil incarnation, after doing the evil guns, after Italy, when evil ruined the General network, being on the database, evil, fallen, hell. The Male-stilts, if anyone says the right way about him, to say that he's absolutely not nice, totally not stylishly, completely not like Italy. Well as like to say the right thing about hell, hell have to say absolutely not, absolutely not, absolutely not like Italy. About this problem This, the Male-stilts, so an example is also not easy, because a lot is the suffering of hell.
When it was said that, in a Male-other World Religious white stilts:
-White World Religion, That Religion can give children an example?
World Religion answers:
-Can be, this Male-stilts. For this, such as Male-on stilts, someone caught a thief steal, directed to the King and my Lord: "Your Majesty, this is a thief robbing guilty for Him! Make the penalty it as master wants ". And King said the following about the name heist: "Hey, You go and in the morning take a stab this person with a hundred spear". And in the morning, they stabbed him with a hundred spear. Then at noon, King said: "you, who's This?" -"My Lord, it's still alive". Then the King said the following about the thief robs him: "Hey, let's go and in the afternoon, take a stab this person with a hundred spear". And in the afternoon, they stab him with a hundred spear. Then, the King said: "you, who's This?" -"My Lord, it's still alive". Then the King said the following about the other: "this, in the afternoon, they stab people with a hundred spear". And in the afternoon, they stab him with a hundred spear.
The Male-stilts, He thought? He stabbed three hundred, so does life feel miserable, charm pros?
-Transparency of world Religion, only spear stabbed once, the other by her charm also feel agony, also said nothing to three hundred spear!
Then listen to a Ton of small stones, large hands and told the Female-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, He thought? Something larger, this rock, to listen my hands, or Snow Mountain (Himava) King of the mountains category?
-It's too small, the White World, this large stone by the hand because the World listen Respect. Compare with Painted Snow King mountain types, it is not significant, it is not equal to a thousand thousand times (Mount Snow) it can not compare!
-Also, the Male-stilts, he stabbed by three hundred, so she's feeling miserable life charm. The gauge's priorities compare with premium gauge in hell not significant, not by a thousand ten thousand times, not comparable. The Male-stilts, the keeper of hell getting him the penalty called in the pile (pancavidhabandhanam). They retrieved piles of Red ceramic iron close on the one hand, they retrieved piles of Red ceramic iron close on the second hand, they retrieved piles of Red ceramic iron close on the feet, they retrieved piles of Red ceramic iron close on foot Friday, they retrieved piles of iron red ceramic close in the middle of the chest. He led the life in here feeling the pain, the suffering, is fierce. But he may not have the General mission of evil until he has not been. The Male-stilts, the person in the middle of hell getting him lying down and retrieved the hammer man. He led the life in here feeling the pain, the suffering, is fierce. But he can't General destiny until he's yet to be evil. The Male-stilts, the keeper of hell sclera her legs above the top, the bottom and retrieved the hammer man. People here feel tho ... (as above) ... not yet. The Male-stilts, the keeper of Hell's column on a car, dragged him to the running back on the land are burning Red, burned into fire, red tops. People here feel tho ... not yet. Then the Male-stilts, the keeper of hell he pull up push him down on a ridge coal breaking dawn, red fire, fire into fire, red tops. People here feel tho ... (as above) ... not yet. Then the Male-stilts, the keeper of hell sclera her legs above the top, the bottom and toss him into a cauldron of Red ceramic, bronze, red fire, fire into fire, red tops. People here were cooked with boiling water foam worshippers tub, here was a cooking pot of boiling water with worshippers tub; When it emerges, when it sank, while the horizontal drift. He led the life in here feeling the pain, kh, is fierce. But he may not have the General mission of evil until he has not been. Then the Male-stilts, who keep her Possessive threw hell hell. The Male-stilts, hell, four corners, four doors, divided into equal portions; around the iron wall; roofing iron roof over it. The background iron red ceramic, hell fire, flaming red; stand straight, wide, always present a hundred by week.
The Male-stilts, with so many traditions, We talk about hell, but it's hard to tell which is full of this, the Male-stilts, because the suffering in hell too much.
The Male-stilts, have the kind of birth type of birth, eagles have breath, eating grass. They eat the grass is wet and dry, with teeth grinding, chewing grass. The Male-stilts, the birth of the birth, Eagle he had breath, eat grass? The types of horses, cattle, donkeys, goats, deer or other animal beings, beings, eagles have breath, eating grass. The Male-stilts, stupid left by previously outlawed here, so before doing the evil karma, here, after the General network sabotage body, engenders "stay with the species, the type of love love eating grass.
The Male-stilts, have the kind of birth birth, Eagle has a breath and eat feces. They smell the feces from the road, adjacent to, think: "we're going to eat here, we'll eat here". Such as the Ba-la-subjects to smell, the international celebration of birth, thought: "we're going to eat here, we'll eat here". Also the Male-stilts, there kinds of birth, type of birth, Eagle in there breathing, and eating. They smell the feces from the road, adjacent to, think: "we're going to eat here, we'll eat here". This and the Female-stilts, the animal's birth, birth, Eagle has a breath and eat feces? The types of chickens, pigs, dogs, jackals (can), or all the other beings, beings, eagles have breath, eat feces. The Male-stilts, stupid left by previously outlawed here, so before doing the evil here, after the destructive incarnation of common network engenders love with the resident's breadth, the types of love to eat feces.
The Male-stilts, there kinds of contentious material in the type of birth, eagles have breath, engenders in the shadows, in the dark and old die in the dark. The Male-stilts, the contentious material, kind beings, eagles have breath, engenders in the shadows, in the dark and old die in the dark? Insects, the worshippers, the dòi, worm spotted đôm and types of birth in other types of birth, eagles have breath, living in the dark. The Male-stilts, stupid left by previously outlawed here, so before doing the evil here, after the General network sabotage body, engenders "stay with her love of the species that is the type of love was born in the shadows, in the dark, and old die in the dark.
The Male-stilts, there are contentious things, kind of being, eagles have breath, born in water, the water in the old, dead in the water. This and the Female-stilts, the birth of the birth, Eagle he had breath, engenders in the water, the water in the old, dead in the water? The type of fish, turtles, alligators, or birth, kind beings, eagles have breath, engenders in the water, the water in the old, dead in the water. The Male-stilts, stupid, because the previously outlawed here, so before doing the evil here, after the destructive incarnation of common network engenders "stay with the species love, i.e. the species love engenders in the water, the water in the old, dead in the water.
The Male-stilts, there the birth of Eagle species being, have the breath, engenders in impure, impure in old, dead in the impure. This and the Female-stilts, the contentious material, type of birth, has the Eagles in the breath, engenders in impure, impure in old, dying in impure? The Male-stilts, love would fish in the dead or old engenders in dead fish, dead fish, dead or in or out of the body peel, Peel, or food, or in puddles, or born in the swamps (nhớp) ... old ... or die in swamps (nhớp). The Male-stilts, stupid, because the previously outlawed here, so before doing the evil here, after the General network sabotage body, engenders "stay with the species love, i.e. the species love engenders in impure, impure in old, dead in the impure.
The Male-stilts, with so many traditions, We talk about the shock of birth type, but it's hard to tell which is full of this, the Male-stilts, because the suffering in too many contentious Eagle species.
For this, as the Male-stilts, a person toss a tree got a hole on the sea, a wind from the East blew it passed to the West; a wind from the West blow it passed to the East; a wind from the North blew it passed to the South; a wind from the South blew it passed to the North. And then there's a blind tortoise, for a hundred years to come head up once. The Male-stilts, He thought? The blind turtle can quickly insert it into the hole in the neck of this tree?
-If there are, the White World, just once, after a very long time.
-More than this, the mau is also Male-stilts, blind turtle can crawl into the old tree has other vulnerabilities; but the Female-stilts, we declare that also made more difficult the return, once the idiot crashing into fallen. Why the fins? Because of this, the Male-stilts, no administrative, security, net, Phuoc Thien. The Male-stilts, here only eat each other and eat meat. This and the Female-stilts, if someone's stupid after a very long time, have made people back, he will bring forth vile family family, downgrade, in Hunter's family, in a family of bamboo knit family, guys who make the car, or in the family who dumped manure in poor families, not enough to drink or to eat, until back cover cloth is also hard to find. Then again, he's hard to look bad, the crude, low or dwarf disease, blind or lame, lame or were defeated, he may not be the food, drink, flowers, fabrics, aromatherapy, beds, light and shelter. He released the evil incarnation, evil, evil idea guns; because of the evil, evil password overnight, evil idea; After the destructive incarnation of common network, born in the evil beast, fallen Host, database, hell.
For this, as the Male-stilts, a gamble, in broth to pour the first silver, lost children, lost his wife, lost all possessions, finally back to prisoners. But the Female-stilts, also a small soup, pour broth by Silver pour silver this first, he takes the baby, take my wife, take all the assets, back eventually to prisoners. And this gamble to larger, with her stupid gamble, because evil stems, evil, evil idea guns, after the General network, to ruined the birth relatives on the evil, evil, fallen, hell. The Male-stilts, this is the place of origin of complete fullness of fools.
The Male-stilts, has three characteristics, General, and special features of the Indian position. What are the three? Here, the Male-stilts, American thinking in good thinking, say charities, and the charity. The Male-stilts, if people do not improve thinking thinking, not saying a Word, the friendly charity, how time is the mind killer: "it is the position, is the human Foot steps"? And because of that, the Female-stilts, American thinking in good thinking, say charity charity action, language, so the location know him: "this Position is position, is the human Foot steps". This time, the American Male-stilts, right in the present life feel three types of Lac Hy. The Male-stilts, if people sit between assemblies, or sitting by the road vehicle, or in the fall (three, crossroads), in that (if) someone thought up the story about the appropriate person; If the position of this, the Male-stilts, from birth, police removed the disclaimer taken of not for, renouncing ties in lewd, quit lying, abandon the drunk wine yeast, cooking time here the Male-stilts, who thought her position as follows: "The people think of appropriate story about him, because he had the real place and we have the legal". The Male-stilts, this was the kind of touch, people feel intellectual Hy tho right in the present.
Again the Male-stilts, the mind see the chaplain, after catching the thief robbing crime, raising other false penalties apply. They flog, they bat, they con. .. (as above) ... they grab a sword beheaded. Here, the Male-stilts American thinking as follows: "by the evil of such action, the Kings after catching the thief Rob the guilty, the punishment applied the wrong instant to another. They flog, they bat. .. (as above) ... they grab a sword beheaded, the France was no where, and we don't have the legal ". The Male-stilts, this was the kind of touch Hy Monday, American life feels right in the present. Again, the Female-stilts, when American leo sitting on the couch, or in bed, or lying on the ground, at the time the charity career he made before, as friendly, friendly, Italy friendly guns hanging onion is, hang, hangs on her pressure pressure. For this, as the Male-stilts, in the afternoon, the ball suspended peaks lying, hanging, hanging overrides on land; also, the Female-stilts, when people sit on a Chair or sit on the bed, or under the land, while the career she's past that is evil, evil gun body, the evil Administration located, hanging suspended Italian pressure, hanging on the rim. Here, the Male-stilts, American thinking as follows: "we don't do evil, violent, do not do not do sin, again do Phuoc, do, do against fear. Do not do not do evil, violent, don't do guilt, so do Phuoc, do, do against fear, are going to the (friendly) animal, the animal after she's (friendly) died, I was gone. " The taste is not melancholy, not groan, not lamented, don't punch the chest, groan and fell unconscious. The Male-stilts, this is the Lac Hy Tuesday, right in the current who position feeling tho. The Male-stilts, the other positions after doing environmentally friendly conduct, after the guns do charity, after Italy friendly, environmentally destructive after a public network, engenders in friendly animal, heaven, the eternal. The Male-stilts, if anyone say properly about the are saying that she's perfectly fine taste, stylishly, absolutely love Italy. Well as to say properly about the Natural World to say that heaven perfectly fine, totally stylishly, absolutely love Italy. About this problem This, the Male-stilts, so an example is also not easy, because a lot of the (an) tribe of heaven.
When it was said that, in a Male-other World Religious white stilts:
-White World Religion, That Religion can make an example?
-Can be, this Male-stilts. For this, as the Male-stilts, King Moved London are full of seven treasure and four dishes such as Italy and Germany, so does life feel lost coast Hy. What are the seven? Here, the Male-stilts-King-Emperor, capital, did Daddy poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, on-slapped the Moon after shampooing, climb power to son about Heavenly treasures London, time out, enough of a thousand lemon, with rims, axle, full of all the parts. Thus, King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl thoughts: "I hear like this: When a King-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl on Daddy-slapped the Moon, after shampooing, climb power to son about London Bias, if any treasure, enough of a thousand lemon car, with the main vehicle and axle, complete all parts He is the ruler, Moved London United Kingdom. So we can be Moved London United Kingdom ".
The Male-stilts, King-Emperor-seat Cafe, a wealthy girl ceremony from seats stood up, considering the upper shoulder, left hand on a medical hold water with the right hand and sprinkle soy source of water on the car and said: "Let's jewel rolling across this car. This car treasure Let's conquer! " This and the Female-stilts, the car rolling treasure to the East and King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl with four branches followed. This and the Female-stilts, where the car stopped, the King's treasure-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, did stay together with four branches.
The Male-stilts, the champion of the United Kingdom in the East to the Emperor-King-seat Cafe, wealthy girl, ceremony and say: "come here, your Majesty!" Welcome, welcome your Majesty! My Lord, all in. Your Majesty please teachings for us! "
Emperor-King-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, said: "there was contentious. Not be taken of not giving. Don't be. Don't be lying. Not drinking alcohol. Let's Eat for adapting ".
The Male-stilts, all winners of the United Kingdom in the East became vassals to the King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
The Male-stilts, and then the car does treasure diving in the East and then rise and local dive ... dive in the South Sea, and then emerge and diving on the West ... great snorkeling in the West ... then emerge and diving to the North and King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl with four branches followed. The Male-stilts, where the car stopped, the King's treasure-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl did an stay with four branches.
The Male-stilts, the champion of the United Kingdom in the North to the Emperor-King-seat Café and wealthy girl desk did say: "come here, your Majesty! Welcome, welcome your Majesty! Your Majesty; all of You, all of you. Your Majesty please teachings for us! "
The Male-stilts, all winners of the United Kingdom in the North became vassals to the King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
The Male-stilts, the car's treasure after the conquest of the Earth until the sea border, raising capital back to Ku-savati, and France, on the inner door as a protected page for internal arc of King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl. The Male-stilts, so was the appearance of the King's treasure-car racks-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
Again, the Female-stilts, elephant treasure appears to King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, pure white, seven of resilience, have the force, out of nowhere and named Uposatha (father-slapped). See (elephant treasure), Emperor-King-seat poolside ceremony, wedding and Festival Centre, wealthy girl thought: "Heal rather be this elephant ride, if it subject to dwell". This and the Female-stilts, like a gentle noble object subject to dwell long on the elephant's treasure to himself, to good things. The Male-stilts, Oldtimer, King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, to try elephant this early morning elephant ride, treasure going around the Earth until the sea border and then back to the capital at Kusavati up the breakfast hour. The Male-stilts, so was the appearance of Emperor-King elephant-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
Again, the Female-stilts, the horse appears for the treasure of King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, pure white, as Black Crow, black horse mane, have the force, out of nowhere and named Valahaka. See (horse treasure), Emperor-King-seat poolside ceremony, wedding and Festival Centre, wealthy girl thought: "nice ride this horse to be changed if it is subject to dwell". This and the Female-stilts, like a gentle noble code, subject to dwell long on the horse's manually to treasure, to subject to dwell. The Male-stilts, Oldtimer, King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl did to try this treasure, horse ride, early-morning sailings going around the Earth until the sea border, and then back to the capital at Kusavati up the breakfast hour. The Male-stilts, so as to appear the King's treasure-the Imperial horse-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
Again, the Female-stilts, appeared to the King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl. The treasure was Yuri, lucid, pure substance, eight-sided, hard files, hard grinding, purity, throughout, all perfect. The Male-stilts, aura this same lighting treasure throughout a by week. The Male-stilts, Oldtimer, King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl did to try this treasure has four branches, pitching for latest Bao Chau high on military and can advance in the murky darkness. The Male-stilts, people in the surrounding villages are starting to work, the idea that the Sun was shining. The Male-stilts, so was the appearance of the treasure the King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
The Male-female treasure, stilts reappears for the Emperor-King-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, pretty, seemly gesture, stylishly, wonderful skin color, not too high, not too low, not fat, not thin, not too black, not too white, pass on the content of the human identity, by Chu Thien Hue light. The Male-female body, stilts, this treasure is (smooth smooth) as cotton, like velvet. The Male-stilts, when cold, the female limb treasures became warm; When the Sun is hot, the cold becomes cool. The Male-stilts, female treasure FRY odor, odor mouth shower. The Male-female, this treasure on stilts up and go to sleep after the Emperor-King-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, every action as King delight, quiet stylishly. The Male-female, stilts treasures no one thought any credit for the Emperor-King-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, is the case of the body. The Male-stilts, so is the appearance of a female Emperor-King-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
Again, the Female-stilts, jewel appeared to the King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl did was heavenly label, due to divorce and birth thanks to Thien Shu industry labels can find the treasure buried there or not there. Renunciation of this treasure to the King-Emperor-seat Café and wealthy girl did say:
-"Your Majesty, your Majesty, shalt not have anxiety, I will handle adapts Majesty property".
The Male-stilts, Oldtimer-King of the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, would like to try this treasure renunciation, ride a boat and paddle out to the mainland between the Ganges and the homeless singer jewel:
"This renunciation,-we need gold.
"-My Lord, please for sailing close to the shore.
"This renunciation,-we need gold right here.
The Male-stilts, then shove my hand down two treasure renunciation of water prompted a ghè filled both gold and then ask the net with Emperor-King-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl:
"-My Lord, so had enough yet? My Lord, do so already? "
Emperor-King-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl answered:
"This renunciation, as such-is sufficient. This renunciation, do so. Renunciation, this donation is so okay ".
The Male-stilts, so was the appearance of renunciation-King of the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
Again, the Female-stilts, General treasure appears to King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, cultivated, intelligent, lucid, c likely recommended King-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, when value for advancing the progress, when the value for the back, back when value for stop, then stop:
This unit to my Lord the King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl:
"-My Lord, shalt have great anxiety, I will mentor your Majesty".
The Male-stilts, so was the appearance of General King-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
The Male-stilts, King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl did a full seven such treasure.
Again, the Female-stilts, King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl did have four full as Germany. What are the four?
The Male-stilts, King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony did handsome, wealthy girl, stylishly elegant gestures, colors an very good Luan, seeing beyond people. The Male-stilts, that is as the first German Emperor-King's-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
The Male-stilts, again, King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl did live longer, the life span of WINS away from the others. The Male-stilts, that is as the second King of the German-Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
Again, the Female-stilts, King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl did less disease, less can not heat woes too cold, not too hot, to be distributed to army regulate digestion, WINS away from other people. The Male-stilts, that is as the third King of the German-Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
Again the Male-stilts-King-Emperor, capital, christened the Café, wealthy girl was the She-la-keeper and owner of charity and love. The Male-stilts, as his father was the son craving love and m n; also, the Female-stilts, King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl did was the She-la-keeper and owner of charity and love. The Male-stilts, the Ba-la-keeper and owner was Emperor-King-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl craving and adoration. The Male-stilts, as those who are the fathers of charity and love; also, the Female-stilts, the Ba-la-keeper and owner was Emperor-King-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl craving and adoration. Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl did go to United with four branches. The Male-stilts, the Ba-la-keeper and his home to the Emperor-King-seat Café and wealthy girl ceremony did ask that:
"-My Lord, let go slow so we can admire more permanent".
The Male-stilts-King-Emperor seat but the ceremony consistent wealthy girl again ordered the car:
"This British-car, check the car slow enough so I could see the She-la-keeper and his more permanent home".
The Male-stilts, such as Italy Germany Wednesday of King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl.
This and the Female-stilts, King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl thoughts: "Now let's built the outdoor shower between the trees I-la, about a hundred bows games!"
The Male-stilts, King Moved there four rotating full as Germany.
The Male-stilts, He thought? King London, full Transfer of seven treasure and four dishes such as Italy in Germany; so does life feel, lost coast Hy?
-White World Religion, King Moved only a full rotation, because human life is lost, Coast Hy; also say what the full seven treasure and four dishes such as Italy in Germany.
Then listen to a Ton of small stones, large hands and told the Female-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, He thought? Something bigger? This Rock, to listen my hands or Mount Snow paint, King of the mountains category?
-It's too small, the White World Religion is this, large stone by the hand, so That mutual respect listen, compare with Painted Snow King mountain types, it is not significant, it is not equal to a thousand thousand times (Snow Mountain), it is not comparable.
-Also, the Male-stilts, King Moved with seven and four dishes such as Italy and Germany, so does life feel coast Lac Hy Hy's, peanuts compared with the Lok insignificant nothing, not by a thousand ten thousand times, not comparable. The Male-stilts, who has Tri, if after a very long time, been born as, he will produce in a high-demand the family Empire-seat, or Ba-la-Mon, or the wealthy, hitters renunciation of property many, many resources, gold and silver rich, rich material, rich paddy rice. Moreover, her handsome, stylishly, cute, full of excellent content paramount. He received the taste of food, drink, dress fabric, vehicles, loop, aromatherapy, flower bed, stay and light. He lives with friendly unit, charity, charity Italian exporters. Live with friendliness, export friendly, Italy friendly, environmentally destructive after a public network, she is being pet friendly, up heaven. For this, as the Male-stilts, a gamble, in the gamble (pour dice) was money very much. Truth is too small, the Female-stilts, as did gamble, thanks to this first-person gamble gamble her money a lot. The larger gamble is the gamble that the position after the action, the friendly friendly, Italy friendly, environmentally destructive public network, after being up in good fun, heaven, the eternal. The Male-stilts, here is the complete result of the bridges of ranks there.
World Religious preaching. The Male-stilts she trusts That Religious lyrics-life wedding Festival.

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