Wednesday 4 May 2016

I. YOUTH (s. i.,68)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (win), in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika).
2) Then King Pasenadi (Tuesday-Wednesday-anonymously) water of Kosala (Kieu-slaps-la) goes to world Religion, after arriving, said up to welcome the Religious inquiry, after talking up the words of welcome dear ask, and then sat down on one side.
3) sit down on one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-Ton fake Gotama has himself has Loads of upper Primary College Primary Sensations?
4)-Dear your Majesty, if anyone can say the Chief Justice was his Endless chon TAM Upper Chief Justice Chief Justice Class, the forecast is right. Dear your Majesty, We have Loads of upper Chief Justice Chief Justice College.
5)-ladies and gentlemen, that the pseudo Religious Gotama Sa, Ba-la-keeper is the host Association, the Patriarch, the Chief lawyer of the Church, has the good fame, hosted the denomination, are revered. Purana Kassapa, Makkali like you Gosàla, Nàtaputta, Belatthiputta, Sanjaya Kakudha Nigantha Kaccàyana, Ajita Kesakambala. When the son asked the: "has considered has Loads of upper Primary College Primary sensations?", they replied, not themselves were Invisible upper Primary College Finances. So how to honor author Gotama, young, being late, and only after laying his new back himself as such?
6)-Ladies, there are four types of older age should not scorn, or should not pejorative because they are young. What are the four?
-Ladies, young Khattiya should not scorn or should not pejorative because they are young. Dear master, the young snakes should not scorn or should not pejorative because they are young. Dear master, the young flame should not scorn or should not pejorative because they are young. Ladies, Male-young stilts should not scorn or should not pejorative because they are young.
Yes, this young four categories should not scorn or should not pejorative because they are young.
7) That Religion says so. Says done, steps Charity Was again added following:
8) Birth-line Empire-seat,
In noble, title,
Shalt not despised as young
Shalt not pejorative is small.
Police Unit-soles-seat,
To the King,
Do the Lord of mankind,
Ruled both kingdoms.
Her position if outrage,
Taking his penalty, United Kingdom
Who preserved his life,
Take away the taste.
9) in villages or forests,
See snake through,
Shalt not despised the young snakes,
Shalt not pejorative solids,
High low figure wrong.
Gas heat, full of live snakes
Attack, it bites,
Both men and women, fools
Who preserved his life,
Please avoid snakes.
10) fire full of aspiration,
Fire burning, burning, burning,
Shalt not despised the young fire,
Shalt not pejorative.
The fire was burning, sharp map
Fire, to instant,
Under attack, fire,
Both men and women, fools
Who preserved his life,
Keep away from the fire.
11) being forest fire,
Fire burning, burning, burning,
After much of the night and day,
Root sprouts again.
12 billion-young world on stilts),
Melt with enthusiasm,
But not you, not the one,
No lineage, wealth
No, no,
As trunk tala.
13) Consequently, the Sage,
Found his happiness,
As for the snake and fire
Title-the Roman Empire-seat,
Locate Female-stilts, maintenance
With the four mentioned above,
Please know how to behave,
Chơn thành District Chief Justice and goodness.
14) When I hear that, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-Real vi, Bach changes That magic Ton! Real World micro, white magic Ton! As people stand back what was thrown down, exposing what was hidden, just a way for people to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness to those who have the eyes can see. Likewise, Chief Justice share many Religious World are the media presentation, explained. The White World, the World of medical regulation, please show respect, y France, qui y they Rose. Hope you get Religious disciples, from now onwards until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!
II. The PERSON (S. i,70)
1) In Essential in Sàvatthi.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country), go to world Religion, celebrations That Honor, wealthy girl once and then sat down on one side.
3) sit down on one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-How many types of France, World Religion, when starting up in a person's mind, will bring back the disadvantage, suffering brain and insecurity for the people?
4)-Dear your Majesty has three types of France when starting up in a person's mind, will bring back the disadvantage, suffering brain and insecurity for the people. What are the three? Join France, dear master, when starting up in a person's mind, will bring back the disadvantage, suffering brain and insecurity for the people. The stadium of France, your Majesty, when starting up in a person's mind, will bring back the disadvantage, suffering brain and insecurity for the people. SI Yes France United Kingdom, when starting up in a person's mind will take back the disadvantage, suffering brain and insecurity for the people. Three French, ladies, when starting up in a person's mind, will bring back the disadvantage, suffering brain and insecurity for the people.
5), si three France,
Evil is the heart for people,
They move the hurt ego,
They work into the ego,
As the bark and tree cores,
Self formed fruit.
III. The KING (s. i.,71)
1) in Sàvatthi.
2) Sat on one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-White World, there's something contentious without old and not die?
3)-Dear your Majesty, there is something being without old and not die.
4) Dear your Majesty, the Imperial-Oil-capital is the Phu, Phu Bai Hao, University has big money, have big assets, had many gold and silver, has many properties, and have more money, grains. The birth has also not escaped the old and dying.
5) Ladies, oil for the Ba-la-Mon is the University, oil for the home is the University, had big money, rich, have large assets, gold-silver, has many properties, and have more money, grain, the birth has also not escaped the old and dying.
6) Ladies, until the Male-stilts, the A-la-Han, has dedicated the piece smuggled or, Violates, has what should have done, was put down, has achieved the ultimate purpose, have been using unlawful ownership segment, were freed thanks to the Chief Justice position, so this incarnation of the well must be ruined , must also be abandoned.
7) car oil King of America,
And then must also disintegrates,
This body also,
Then old.
Just friendly France is not old,
Degrees of Thien Nhan said.
1) in Sàvatthi.
2) sit down on one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-Transparency of world Religion, here when you sit quietly alone, this ideology translational start up where the children: "for those who, ego is cordially? For one, the ego is the enemy? " And then the White World Religion, think thus:
3) "who live as evil, evil speaking, oral live life evil thought; for him, the ego is the enemy. The oil they have said: "the ego is cordially", but the ego for they are enemies. Why is that? What enemies do to your enemies, their ego making their ego. So, for them, the ego is the enemy.
4) who live as friendly, live, live speaking mouth, thought for them, the ego is cordially. Oils for they have said: "the ego is our enemy", but the ego for them cordially. Why is that? What guys sincerely make the cordially, their ego making their ego. So, for them, the ego is the cordially ".
5)-is so right, your Majesty. So yes, dear your Majesty. Dear your Majesty, who live as evil ... So, for them, the ego is the enemy. Dear your Majesty, who live as. .. So, for them, the ego is the cordially.
6) If those who know,
The ego is cordially,
They will not contact,
With the evil.
Guys who do evil,
Hard to be happy, chon TAM
Suffered death prison,
From the human body.
Guys have such a career,
What is his?
Get something out?
Something following them,
As the ball tracked?
Here the perpetrator being dead,
Do the German industry,
Do the evil German industry,
Retrieved both gone.
Both of the guys,
As the ball track.
Both as perpetrator,
So please do,
Accumulated for the hereafter,
Merit for posterity,
Is giving people.
1) Sat on one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
2)-here, the White World, while you're sitting alone in this thought alone, net start up where the children: "for those who, ego is protected? For one, the ego is not protected? " And then the White World Religion, think thus:
3) "those who do evil incarnation, the mouth speaks evil, evil thoughts, the people he protects the ego. Oil for them is the statue of warrior-protection, or protection warrior code, or be far from infantry protection, or protection of infantry; for those people, the ego is not protected. Because why? Because of such protection is to protect the outside, not the inside protector. So for those people, the ego is not protected.
4) And those who do body, the mouth speaks, the thought, the people he protects the ego. Oil for them not to be objects or not, protection warriors are warriors code protection, or not far from army-protected, or not be protective infantry; for those people, the ego is protected. Because why? Because such protection is the protection of the inside, not the outside protection. So for those people, the ego is protected ".
5) Benign rather protect oneself!
Heals instead of protecting the lyrics!
Heal instead protect Italy!
Heals instead of protection!
Debora singer guys protecting,
And the same throughout,
He called the unit,
Is to be protected.
VI. MINORITY (s. i.,73)
1) in Sàvatthi.
2) sit down on one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-Here, the White World, while you're sitting alone, this thought alone net start up where the children: "Little change is the people in this life, after being rich, plentiful property can not be charismatic, not been steeped, not to be enthralled in the exercise and does not have the behavior not nice for others. On the contrary, the truth is that many of these people in this life, after the property-rich, plentiful, may be charismatic, being steeped in charm, being that these behaviors are not good for the others.
3)-is truly so, dear your Majesty. Is truly so, dear your Majesty. Little change is the people in this life, after the property-rich, plentiful, can not be charismatic, not been steeped, not to be enthralled in the exercise and does not have the behavior not nice to other people. On the contrary, it is much rather those in this life, after the property-rich, plentiful, may be charismatic, being steeped in charm, being that these behaviors are not good for the others.
4) Species who were passionate,
In properties, in the education,
They are greedy, crazy,
In the education in life,
No clear sense,
Has the passion,
Like the deer,
Don't see the set collapsed,
Later they suffering,
Good thing coming evil.
1) sit down on one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
2)-here, the White World, you sit in France (to sue), you see the main Police-Phu, đại đế-seat She-la-great subject, the great master, there's big money, rich, have large assets, have more in gold and silver, has many properties, and have more money, grains; because the kernel, because the coast, because the cause of education, have knowingly say disappointed. The White World Religion, think thus: "Now we have sick treatment of events. Now let the gentle unit (bhadramukha) is having a reputation thanks to your disposal event ".
3)-Dear your Majesty, the Imperial capital University-Phu-, She-la-modern subjects, the democratic family, has a large amount of rich, have large assets, have more in gold and silver, has many properties, and have more money, grains; because the kernel, because the coast, because the coast, workers were intentionally speaking up hope lyrics. Therefore, they will suffer a disadvantage, suffering in a long time.
4) Species who were passionate,
In properties, in the education,
They are greedy, crazy,
In the education in life.
No clear sense,
Has the passion,
What the fish,
Don't see the set collapsed.
Later they suffering,
Good thing coming evil.
VIII. MALLIKÀ: Loss-seat (S i 75)
1) In Sàvatthi.
2) King Pasenadi Kosala country at the time to be present with the Queen Mallikà, on the upper floor (the Imperial Palace).
3 King Pasenadi Kosala country) and then told the Queen: Mallikà
-Mallikà, has anyone else This cordially with the Queen than Queen's ego.
4)-Dear your Majesty, there is no one else with more cards cordially is the ego of the designation. But yes, who else is cordially with the United Kingdom rather than the ego's?
5) – this Mallikà, no one else with me than cordially is our ego.
6 King Pasenadi Kosala country) and then step downstairs and go to world Religion, after arriving, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and then sat down on one side. Sit down one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
7)-here, the White World, you go up upstairs (the Imperial Palace) with Queen Mallikà and Queen Mallikà you told:
"-Mallikà, has anyone else This cordially with the Queen than Queen's ego?".
When it is said that Bach, World Religion, the Queen with his answer: Mallikà
"-Dear your Majesty, there is no one else with more cards cordially is the ego of the designation. But yes, who else is cordially with the United Kingdom rather than the ego's? ". Is says so, Bach World Religion, my answer to the Queen Mallikà:
"This Mallikà – no one else more to me cordially is my ego".
8) Then, after knowing this significance, meanwhile talking up this shelf post sailings:
We go along throughout the Center,
All removable media,
Also not to be found,
One more body ego.
Ego for everyone,
So cordially.
Then who loved the ego,
Shalt not hurt ego.
1) In Sàvatthi.
2) at the time, King Pasenadi Kosala country hosted a great international forums. The bulls five hundred, five hundred cows males, five hundred, five hundred children cows goats, sheep and five hundred (urabbha) was the head pimp ceremonies to international forums.
3) And have those slaves, or service, or the employees, penalties, is promoting fear driven, with tear-filled face, weeping and doing the work of preparation (for the actual forums).
4) Then a lot of Female-on stilts, in the morning the medical relief, holding the bat goes to Sàvatthi to qifu gangui real; qifu mumo carried, after a meal, on the way back to reality, qifu gangui went to World Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. Sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
5)-here, the White King Pasenadi Kosala country, That held a great feast of international forums. The bulls five hundred, five hundred cows males, five hundred, five hundred children cows goats, five hundred sheep are pimp to ceremonies to international forums. And have those slaves, or service, or people who labor, penalties, is promoting fear driven, filled with tears and lamented, doing the work of preparation for the international forum.
6) Then, after understanding the meaning of this, right in the meantime, comes up the post racks:
Religious, worship people,
Toss the pile, winning wine,
Not the door latches, reunions,
They are not great results.
The seat would be killed,
Goats, sheep and cattle,
Such forums, international desk
Undergraduate Bible don't go.
The Economic Forum, not
Donation is usually constant,
There is no murder,
Goats, sheep and cattle,
Such forums, international desk
Undergraduate Bible will go.
The ranks of such international locations,
International forums so, big results.
One such ceremony,
Only better, not bad,
Is a great forum, international
Be lettered Celestial wedding Festival.
X. the SLOPES BE (s. i.,76)
1) at the time, King Pasenadi Kosala country are getting tied up some people. Some people tied up with ropes, some tied by chains, some tied by grip.
2) And some Eastern Male-on stilts in the morning up y, holding the bat, go on to Sàvatthi qifu gangui. Go real qifu gangui, after meals, on the way back, they go real qifu gangui to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party.
3) sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
-Here, the White King Pasenadi Kosala country, Like getting tied up some people. Some people tied up with ropes, some tied by chains, some tied by grip.
You show respect after knowing this significance, right in her article at talking up the shelves:
Ranks there placement said
So don't tied up firmly,
Tie wire, iron spikes,
Rustic wood grip;
Passionate about the education,
With the treasure, jewelry,
And the mind of thought,
Towards children, about his wife.
Ranks there placement said
Tied so firmly true.
Bondage maintenance oil down,
The delicate and difficult to escape,
The chon TAM renunciation,
Cut them in two,
Not expecting hopes,
From exercise.
1) A world Religion in Sàvatthi, Pubbàràma (East), in Migàramàtu Castle (Loc Template Atomic lectures)
2) at the time, the dominant religion in the afternoon, from exclusive residential NET Meditation spot stood up, and to sit in the veranda outside the door.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country go to world Religion; After the ceremony, wealthy girl, How to show respect and sit down on one side.
3) at the time, seven hair braided taste, taste, taste lỏa seven Niganthà seven, seven wear a y and seven full-body feathers with travel unit, with long nails, big as the cane, gills qifu gangui artist tools are passing by, a World Religion not far away.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country), from stand up seat, a party on the role of medical relief, knelt down on his knees, face hand accept the hand towards the position of hair braided, seven seven Niganthà taste, taste, taste of seven lỏa seven wearing a y position and the seven he spoke up and artists travel three times his name: "Mr. Chu Ton King Pasenadi Kosala country's child, ".
5 King Pasenadi Kosala country) and then, when seven hair braided taste, taste, taste lỏa seven Niganthà seven, seven wear a y position and the seven he went through artist tours not long sailings go to world Religion, celebrations, wealthy girl to him and sat down on one side.
6) sit down on one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-White World, there are the false Religion is the A-la-Han in this life, or what are going on the road towards the A-la-fruit Chinese leaders?
7)-Ladies, when your Majesty is also the renunciation, in life expectancy enjoyed by the exercise, were the children of bound, familiar with the type of Frizzle forums of Kàsi, jewelry with wreaths, incense oil, wax, use gold and silver, the era of the United Kingdom it is hard to know which is the A-la-Han or the ranks are on the road towards the A-la-Han.
8) Dear your Majesty, must "stay was about Germany's person, and is in for a long time can not be, have to work, not work, must have the wisdom, not evil with wisdom.
9) Ladies, to major the same profession knows a person's purity, are in for a long time can not be, have to work, not work, must have the wisdom, not with evil.
10) Yes, during that time was the misfortune of a loyal person, are in for a long time can not be, have to work, not work, must have the wisdom, not evil with wisdom.
11) Dear your Majesty, are the main conversation knows a person's intellect, and is in for a long time can not be, have to work, not work, must have the wisdom, not evil with wisdom.
12)-Real World, Bach replaced the magic Ton vi! Real hope, owned the White World, when the Religion was cleverly says the following: "ladies, when your Majesty's also renunciation...... didn't the evil with wisdom"!
13) White World, there are those who this child's detective, who, after going to the water reconnaissance, they come to you. They then report the new Mint.
14) of the White World, here the people after the wash the dust and nhớp, after bathing and massage oil, after the cleaning brush hair, dressed in a white cloth, they are served care and enjoy life in education for Germany.
15) Then, after understanding the meaning of this, right in the new article comes up at the shelf:
Not due to General sharp,
Known to man,
Not look at first glance,
Set trusted.
Under ethical clothes,
With homemade, General
These guys live inaction
Phây phây living this life.
As earrings,
Assuming the form of earrings really are,
As half of the money in bronze,
Be painted gold layer spreads.
Some life cover,
Hidden below the surface,
Internal real body impure,
Facing American magic.
II. The YEAR KING (S. i,79)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) one time, King Pasenadi Kosala country with the King, the player, are entitled to life, be provided and be đoanh with fins in German education. The following story was run up the Middle: "Exercise of touch would prevail?"
3) here, someone said, "is the ultimate sex"; someone said: "as the ultimate sex"; someone said: "education is paramount"; someone said: "as the ultimate sex"; someone said: "education is paramount". And the King he could not convince each other on this issue.
4 King Pasenadi Kosala country) and then said to the King:
-Chu, Respect let us go to the ton, after reaching ask That Religious meaning. World Religion how we answer, we would like that tho.
5)-Dear Yes, false Religion.
The King of King Pasenadi Kosala country answers yes then.
6) and then in King Pasenadi Kosala country with the King, the player, go to the Religious World, after arriving, That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl and sat down on one side.
7) sit down on one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-Here, Bach World Religion, in our life are entitled, King offered, be đoanh with fins in education in Germany, the following story is kicked up between us: "Education is paramount?". Someone said: "education is paramount". Someone said: "as the ultimate sex". Someone said: "education is paramount". Someone said: "education is paramount". Someone said: "education is paramount". The White World, education is paramount?
8)-Ladies, according to the same level of interest that we say that education is paramount in education in Germany. And Yes, the colors then for some people's identities are preferred, for some people not be preferred. Dear master, if one preferred for the French, the Italian Park Center, no want the colors other than French, the French identity would better the French identity, the time for this unit, the French identity is paramount, for it, the French identity is infinite.
9) Ladies, the reputation ... ... The incense ... ... The ... ... Dear your Majesty, he for some people is preferred, the exposed him to some people not be preferred. Dear master, if one preferred for contact center staff in France, Italy, wouldn't the exposure other than French, the French exposure would better the exposure of France, the time for this unit, the French Supreme's exposure, the exposure he is French.
10) at the time, had the upasaka Candanangalika sitting in the assemblies. Then Candanangalika renunciation from seats stand up up up a side role, y upper accept the hand towards the World and Religious World Religion:
-White World, a thought run up the place. Improve transparency, a thought run up the place.
11) That Religion says:
-Candanangalika This, say he thought up.
12) And upasaka Candanangalika before That Su n with a shelf:
Like the Red Lotus,
Soothing scents, fragrant sticky.
In the early morning mist glass hatch,
With floral and stagnant.
See Angira,
Dazzling aura shining magic,
Bright as the Sun,
The middle of nowhere.
13) and then in King up in Austria up on his Candanangalika renunciation.
14) but the renunciation Candanangalika up in her shirt up on Religious life.
III. GREAT FOOD: eat more (S. i,81)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
At the time, King Pasenadi Kosala country typically eat a hearty meal.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country) after dinner, no enough, delight, away to world Religion after arriving, wealthy girl That ceremony to honor and sat down on one side.
3) Then King Pasenadi after Religious Kosala country has finished eating, no enough, delight, right at the time said article up shelves:
People often mindfulness,
Are eating, said affordable,
Extent, feel strong, life
Slow and old, long shelf life.
4) at the time, Ms. young-la-Sudassana subjects King Pasenadi Kosala country behind.
5 King Pasenadi Kosala country) and then call Sudassana youth:
-You, please go to and memorized from the shelves of Religious articles and while cleaning up food for me, read the article up the shelves. We will daily supply for him a hundred gold coins.
6)-Sir, your Majesty.
Yes King Pasenadi landing Sudassana youth water Kosala, memorize this shelf from the article, and while the rice King Pasenadi Kosala water for cleanup, read up the article this shelves:
"People often mindfulness,
Are eating, said affordable,
Extent, feel strong, life
Slow, long lifespan and old ".
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country 7) sequential limit, so just eat as much as a nàlika.
8) King Pasenadi after a while, the body is healthy, hand massage limbs and speak inspirational words here: "Oh, How true Religion had thought thought of benefit for us, both the current and future position life!"
Stay in Sàvatthi.
1 Ajàtasattu, her son King Videhi) water Màgadha, summoned the four branches King Pasenadi Kosala country with war and advanced Kàsi.
King Pasenadi Kosala country) is heard: "King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi Magadha countries summoned the four branches to war with me and advanced Kàsi".
3 King Pasenadi Kosala country) and then after the convening of the four types of army arrayed in the Kàsi, against King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi water Magadha.
4) Then the King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi Magadha, King Pasenadi attack water water Kosala. During the battle, King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi Magadha King Pasenadi victory water water Kosala. Being King Pasenadi Kosala country, defeat back in Sàvatthi.
5) Then some Male-on stilts, in the morning the medical relief, holding the bat, went on to Sàvatthi qifu gangui. Go to qifu gangui in Sàvatthi, after a meal, in fact, they go back to qifu gangui to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. Sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
6)-here, the White World Religion, King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi water Magadha, after the convening of the four types of branches King Pasenadi Kosala water war with, advanced Kàsi. The White King Pasenadi Kosala country, How to be heard: "King Ajàtasattu her son Videhi Magadha water war with the us, advanced Kàsi". Then King Pasenadi Kosala country, after the convening of the four kinds of branches, arrayed in the Kàsi against King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi water Magadha. The White World, and King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Magadha King Pasenadi and water water Videhi Kosala hand-to-hand fight each other. During the battle, King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi Magadha King Pasenadi victory water water Kosala. The White World Religion, being King Pasenadi Kosala country, defeated retired to his capital is Sàvatthi.
7)-the Female-stilts, King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videbi water is evil, evil is Magadha you Lu, is the evil society. And the Female King Pasenadi Kosala country, stilts-is the friendly owner, is friendly you Lu, is the friendly deal. This National-stilts And, today, in this night, King Pasenadi Kosala country experiencing a night of suffering people.
Won the battle being grudge,
Tasting defeat suffering,
Anybody win, quit,
President, enjoyed peace.
8) Then the King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi Magadha countries convened four kinds of branches, King Pasenadi Kosala country with war and advanced Kàsi.
King Pasenadi Kosala country 9) hearing: "King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi water Magadha, after the convening of the four kinds of branches, to make war and advanced Kàsi".
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country), after the convening of the four kinds of branches, arrayed in the Kàsi against King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi water Magadha.
11) And King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Magadha King Pasenadi and water water Videhi Kosala hand-to-hand combat with each other. In the fight, King Pasenadi Kosala country winning the King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi Magadha King alive and water.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country) thinking as follows: "while the King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi Magadha water harm me, oil we don't hurt anyone; but he is the nephew of the King. So we take a whole army of statues, confiscated the entire code, the entire far from land, the entire infantry of the King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi Magadha water and just let the King's life ".
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country-13), after confiscating the entire audience......, and just let the King's life.
large numbers) and then a 14 billion-unit on stilts in the morning, carrying medical relief medicine Bowl and go on to Sàvatthi qifu gangui. Qifu mumo carried in Sàvatthi, after lunch, on the way back, they go real qifu gangui to Ton after Ton World ceremony, wealthy girl, came and sat down on one side. Sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
15)-here, the White World Religion, King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi water Magadha, after the convening of the four kinds of branches, King Pasenadi Kosala country with war and advanced Kàsi. The White King Pasenadi Kosala country, How to be heard: "King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi water Magadha, after the convening of the four kinds of branches, war with me and advanced Kàsi". And then the White World Religion, King Pasendi Kosala country, after the convening of the four kinds of branches, arrayed against the King of Ajàtasattu, her son, Videhi Magadha. And then the White World Religion, King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Magadha King Pasenadi and water water Videhi Kosala hand-to-hand combat with each other. In the fight, King Pasenadi Kosala country winning the King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi Magadha King alive and water. Then King Pasenadi Kosala country thinking as follows: "while the King Ajàtasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi Magadha water harm me, oil we don't hurt anyone; but he is the nephew of the King. So we take a whole army of statues, confiscated the entire code, the entire far from land, the entire infantry of the King Ajàtasatu, son of Mrs. Videhi Magadha water and just let the King's life ". Then King Pasenadi Kosala country, after confiscating the entire audience, the entire code, the entire far from land, the entire infantry of the King her son Ajàtasattu Videhi Magadha, water and spare the King's life.
16) Then, after understanding the meaning of this right in article comes up at the shelf:
Because the thought of self-interest,
Should harm people, robbed
When other people harm, robbery
Harmed, hurt people.
Stupid people think so,
When evil is not yet ripe,
When evil is ripe,
Stupid bear the suffering.
Police arrested the police,
Who, being the winner,
Yelling at people, who yelled at again,
The human brain, left brain,
Do career was unfolding,
Harmed, hurt people.
VI. The DAUGHTER (S. i,86)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2 King Pasenadi Kosala country) and then go to That Religion; After the ceremony, wealthy girl, How to show respect and sit down on one side.
3) and then a King Pasenadi Kosala country who go to and informed King Pasenadi Kosala country ear adjacent: "Dear your Majesty, Queen Mallikà was born was a daughter".
4) when King Pasenadi Kosala country, say so critically Hy.
5) Then, after King Pasenadi Kosala country critically Hy, right at the time said article up shelves:
This home, in life,
There are a number of missing women,
Can a better,
Compare with my son,
There's wisdom, about Germany,
Making samples admiration.
And b. be the son,
Is the hero, the master,
So son,
Gentle wife's Germany,
Truth is the symmetry direction,
Border for the whole country.
1) in Sàvatthi.
2)... Sit down one side. Sit down one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-White World Religion, have a France which could lead to a prime witness and survive both happy: happy happy this life and the hereafter?
3)-Ladies, have a can put to Prime witness and survive both happy: happy happy this life and the hereafter.
4)-Bach World Religion, what's legal, can lead to a prime witness and survive both happy: happy happy this life and the hereafter?
5)-Any launch, Mr. Yi, is a France can bring to the Prime witness and survive both happy: happy happy this life and the hereafter. Dear your Majesty, as well as elephants, in all species have short legs, love produced all of General characteristics in the feet of it; and the feet of the elephant is considered the first great aspect in all types of legs. Please, any secluded Launcher is a France can bring to the Prime witness and survive both happy: happy happy this life and the hereafter.
6) Who wishes longevity,
No disease, there are marvelous colors,
Is being up heaven,
The nobility of birth,
To continually increase,
Effort, not stopping to think.
The sages concur the exclamation,
No fresh ample magnification, almond
For those who heal,
Do the German, Hanh
The Sage is not ample magnification,
Are both benefit,
Benefits in this life,
Life after the interest.
Hero killer is known,
Is gentler, chon TAM ranks
If knowing grasp whip,
Happiness for yourself.
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)... And then sat down on one side. Sit down one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-Here, Bach World Religion, while the quiet sitting alone, the following ideas are starting up: "France is So subtly, Religious instructors. And France's lecture for charity, charity you Lu, friendly deals, not for evil, evil, evil society "Lu you.
3)-is so right, your Majesty. Dear Sir, We are skilled instructors. And France's lecture for charity, charity you Lu, friendly deals, not for evil, evil, evil Brigade deals you.
4) A time, ladies, we're in the middle of their line Sakka (Like-ca) in a town of Sakka.
5) Then Yes, Female-stilts Ànanda to Me, after me, wealthy girl, came and sat down on one side. Sit down one side, ladies, Male-the white Ànada on stilts with Us:
"-The White World Religion, the half life of Breaking this friendly, happy friendly you Lu, friendly society".
6) When being told so, Yes. We spoke with Male-stilts Ànanda:
"-Ànanda, not This way. Ànanda, this is not so. Really, this whole life, Ànanda happy Offense belongs to charity, charity you Lu, friendly deals. From a Male-stilts made friends with this friendly, Ànanda, we hope that he will overhaul the eight industry leaders, Holy maintenance make the fullness of friendly disciplines Eight leaders Saints owner, friendly you Lu, friendly deals.
7) And Ànanda, how is the Female-friendly, friendly stilts you Lu, friendly deal makes Eight industry leaders Saints fullness?
8) here, this Ànanda, Male-stilts practice Chief tri, y for the far, y for every y, paragraph glass removal, every medical discharge, primary practice thinking, speech, practice practice practice, Chief Justice Chief Justice network, primary practice, practice mindfulness practice, the Chief Justice, y for the far glass , y for every y, paragraph glass removal, every medical discharge. As such, this Ànanda, was a Female-friendly, friendly stilts you Lu, friendly deals, the eight leaders, Holy practice makes the fullness of the Holy leader of eight branches.
9) and the subject of this Ànanda, France, he needs to understand how the Violate this happy life full of goodness, goodness you Lu, friendly deals.
10 This, because Ànanda) y, do you with friendly, should the beings were beings are freed from birth; the beings were old men are freed from the elder; the infected beings are freed from the disease; the death of beings are freed from death; the beings were melancholy, bi, suffering, the pros, the brain is freed, melancholy, miserable, brain. And according to this subject, the French main Ànanda this, he needs to understand how the Violate this happy life full of goodness, goodness you Lu, friendly society ".
11) this therefore, needs to learn: "I will be friendly, friendly you Lu, friendly society". So, your Majesty, your Majesty, this need to learn. Majesty, Majesty, for this can become friendly, friendly you Lu, friendly deals, your Majesty need not just medical, stay on a France, i.e. not launch Yi in friendly France.
12) Ladies, if your Majesty an ample zoom, y not stay there just not ample time, the Launcher will offer thoughts: "your Majesty, an ample zoom, y not stay there just not ample magnification; so let's take an ample zoom, y not stay there just not ample Launcher ".
13) Ladies, if your Majesty, an ample zoom, y not stay there just not ample magnification, the Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat vassals will think: "your Majesty, an ample zoom, y not stay there just not ample magnification; so let's take an ample zoom, y not stay there just not ample Launcher ".
14) Dear Sir, if your Majesty an ample zoom, y not stay there just not ample magnification, the population in the commune and national levels will think: "your Majesty, an ample zoom, y not stay there just not ample magnification. So let's take an ample zoom, y not stay there just not ample Launcher ".
15) Ladies, if your Majesty an ample zoom, y not stay there just not ample magnification, the ego is sheltered, maintained, household supply be sheltered households, the treasure was hidden, households maintained.
16) Who wanted the property,
To continually increase,
The gentler place to scatter the exclamation,
No fresh ample magnification almond.
For those who heal,
Make the public happy.
The Sage is not ample magnification,
Are both benefit,
Benefits in this life,
Life after the interest.
The guys called hero
Is gentler, chon TAM ranks
If the know grab Ahold
Happiness for yourself.
IX. no CHILDREN (s. i.,89)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2 King Pasenadi Kosala country) and then, in the afternoon went to world Religion, after arriving, That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl and sat down on one side. How to honor King Pasenadi Kosala country are told to sit a party:
-Dear your Majesty, your Majesty come from in between the lunch like this?
3)-here, the White World Religion, there are millionaire owner was destined to Sàvatthi in General, and I came to see the property of him should not be transported into the inner city. The White World Religion, have up to eight million gold coins, not talking to silver. The White World Religion, yet the food of millionaire owner he made porridge and sour plate yesterday to leave. Also the fabric wear only hemp garments into three plates. Also, the car ride is small, old and decrepit, with integrated cover canopy with leaves.
4)-Truth as such, your Majesty! So true, your Majesty! A human Foot, not ladies, oil for large property does not bring about peace for yourself, do not bring about peace for their parents, do not bring about peace for his wife, did not bring about peace for the person served, for the person doing the wedding Festival, doesn't bring peace to dear friends; for the Sa, Ba-la-subject, not the mind set of the donation of the upper direction, is likely to bring up the upper world, brought to the tribe, headed for heaven. The assets of the people if not using finances chon TAM life, King God plundered, or plundered, theft or fire, water or washed away, or were descendants succeeded hostility plundered. The work is so dear, the property if not using finances chon TAM, brought to life the loss reduction, not taken to enjoy life.
5) such as, your Majesty, a lake in place, with water in the morning, with cool water, with suave, with white water, with Ben fine and stylishly. But not people to the water to drink water, or burden, or bathing, or using the fountain on any job. So, your Majesty, the water not used life chon TAM Chief will take to reduce loss, not taken to enjoy life. Please, someone not human Legs, oils for large property, does not bring about peace for themselves...... The work is so dear, the property if not using finances chon TAM, brought to life the loss reduction, not taken to enjoy life.
6) And human Feet, my degree, have been huge assets, offering peace for yourself, bring peace to parents, to bring peace to his wife, bring peace to the person served, for the workers, bring peace to dear friends; for the Sa, Ba-la-Mon, the the donation driven, likely promoted the upper world, brought to the tribe, headed for heaven. The property of the people are using life chon TAM Chief, King God not taken, or not taken, theft or fire, or not being washed water, or not been progeny succeeded hostility plundered. The work is so dear, the property if the use life chon TAM Chief, will take to enjoy life, does not lead to reduced n t.
7) such as, your Majesty, a Lake not far from villages or towns, with water in the morning, with cool water, with suave, with white water, with Ben fine and stylishly. And there are people who come to the water to drink water, or burden, or bathing, or use fountain on any job. So, ladies, he is using life water Chief chon TAM, will bring to life entitled, does not lead to reduced loss. Please your Majesty, a human Foot steps when a large property, bring about peace for themselves...... The work is so, the property is used, the Chief life will be brought to chon TAM entitled, does not lead to reduced loss.
8) such as fresh water,
Located in place no man,
Don't people drink, users,
Come to the loss reduction;
Well so is the property,
HA guys listed have been,
Not life itself,
Not for anyone.
Lucid intelligence guys,
The property is recorded,
Know the life, service,
With her children, unions,
Become like the calf,
Nurture and help,
When innocence died,
Is being up heaven.
X. NO CHILD (s. i.,91)
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country) 1, noon, go to world Religion, after arriving, That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl and sat down on one side. How to honor King Pasenadi Kosala country are told to sit a party:
-Dear your Majesty, your Majesty where to go between lunches like this?
2)-here, the White World Religion, there are millionaire owner in Sàvatthi were destined. And I came to see the property of him should not be transported into the inner city. The White World Religion, have up to eight million gold coins, not talking to silver. The White World Religion, yet the food of millionaire owner he made porridge and sour plate yesterday to leave. Also the fabric wear only hemp garments into three plates. Also, the small ride vehicles are old and decrepit, with integrated cover canopy with leaves.
3)-truth so yes, United Kingdom. So true, your Majesty. Dear your Majesty, the millionaire owner's Oldtimer, did he eat qifu gangui to a pratyekabuddha named Tagarasikkhi. The position he said: "alms for Sa-Mon". Finished, she said from a seat stood up, and then leave. But later, she regretted, saying: "better, the service people working with food or qifu gangui of this fact". And Furthermore, he won the unique son of life, because the assets of the people.
4) Dear your Majesty, because who does homeowners millionaires alms food, qifu mumo carried Toxic Taste Buds Buddha named Tagarasikkhi. As a result of her actions, her DD birth seven times up to come along in good fun, Natural World. As a result the residue remaining, the influence he made millionaire seven times in Sàvatthi.
5) Dear your Majesty, because her homeowners millionaires who after alms, again regret saying: "better, the people who serve or work with food qifu gangui of this fact". As a result of her actions, her position towards the center of the dish was not good, the mind of her position towards the map even not be nice, mind of him towards the vehicles not be nice, mind of him towards the German education year influence life span are not nice.
6) Yes, because her homeowners millionaires who won the unique son of life, because the assets of the people. As a result of her actions, she heated cooking in hell for years, many hundreds of years, hundreds of thousands of years. As a result the residue remaining, his influence is not the seven times to enter the King's Treasury. Dear your Majesty, for the millionaire owner, the former being destroyed and the segment in Germany Germany's new not yet contain take off more. And now, ladies, the millionaire homeowners are heated to cook the hell Mahàroruva.
7)-White World, so the homeowners millionaires have birth to hell Mahàroruva?
8)-Ladies, so the homeowners millionaires have birth to hell Mahàroruva.
9) Rice, property, gold and silver,
Or any possessions,
Slaves and labor,
The network lives depend,
Are gone,
Don't bring anyone,
All must leave,
When to leave alone.
10) only the action,
Body, mouth and Italy.
In truth, taste new
Bring forth,
Her career by physical,
As the ball does not leave the picture.
11) so please do,
Accumulated for the hereafter,
Merit for posterity,
Do the giving.
I. the PERSON (S. i,93)
1) in Sàvatthi.
2 King Pasenadi Kosala country) and then go to That Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. How to honor King Pasenadi Kosala country are told to sit a party:
-Yes, there are four types of people attend, present in his life.
3) what are the four? Living in the dark and driven to darkness, living in the dark toward the light, live in the light towards the dark, live in the light towards the light. (See A-ii, 85 Rose II. 85).
4) Dear, and how people live in the dark toward the darkness? Here, Sir, there are a number of people being in the family way, down deep fried guys family-da-la or knit families, or families who do crash traps, or the family car, or who make garbage family poverty, food deprivation, being designed tough, hard wearing, and food making him ugly hard look , còm back, many diseases, blindness, turning the hand, foot, or failure half paralyzed. He didn't get to eat, drink, dress fabric, vehicles, loop flower, flavouring, chalk wax, not get seats is located, accommodation, lights the torches. Her relatives do evil, evil thoughts, evil speaking mouth. Do as the evil, evil, evil mind speaking mouth, after the General network, she ruined the body being in the evil beast, fallen Host, database, hell. Dear your Majesty, for such a person to go from dark to dark or dark to go from this to the other, or dark red blood comes from red blood stains. Dear master, I said people with such examples. Dear your Majesty, so people who live in the dark, driven to darkness.
5) And dear your Majesty, how are the people who live in the darkness towards the light? Here, Sir, there are a number of people being in the family way, down deep fried guys family-da-la, or knit families, or families who do crash traps, or the family who made the car, or the family garbage people, poverty, food deprivation, being designed tough, difficult to get dressed. And her ugly, hard look, còm back, many diseases, blindness, sloping hand, failure or half paralyzed. He didn't get to eat, drink, dress fabric, vehicles, loop flower, flavouring, chalk wax, not get seats is located, accommodation, lights the torches. Environmentally friendly, making her mouth saying, thinking. So as, mouth said, thought, after the body's General network sabotage was being up in good, heaven, the eternal. Dear your Majesty, for such a person from the land or from the procession, procession of climb climbing horseback, or from horseback to climb the trunk the elephant, the elephant trunk or climb stairs. Dear master, I said people with such examples. Dear your Majesty, so people who live in the darkness towards the light.
6) And dear your Majesty, how people live in the light towards the darkness? Here, dear, there are number of people born in a noble family, in a family Suicide-the Roman Empire-the capital of the great, or in her family-la-modern subjects, or in the family home, modern family has big money of the rich, have large assets, have more in gold and silver, has many properties, and a lot of money of, cereals. He was handsome, good-looking, cute, beautiful skin, pretty. He received food, drinks, clothes, vehicles, loop flower, pollen, wax, aromatherapy is located, shelter, light the torches. He as evil, evil thoughts, evil speaking mouth. Do as the evil, evil, evil mind speaking mouth, after the General network, she ruined the body being in the evil beast, fallen Host, database, hell. Such as, Yes, a person from the floor climbed down the trunk or stems from an elephant, elephant or horseback, climbed down from horseback to climb down the procession, or from the procession climbed down the ground, or from the soil creep down the dark ground. Dear master, I said people with such examples. Yes, such is the life of the light towards the dark.
7) And dear your Majesty, how people live in the light towards the light? Here, dear, someone born in a noble family, in a family Suicide-the Roman Empire-the capital of the great, or in her family-la-modern subjects, or in the family home, great family pride had big money, rich, have large assets, have more in gold and silver, has many properties, and have more money, grains. And her handsome, good-looking, cute, beautiful skin, pretty. He received food, drink, dress fabric, vehicles, loop flower, pollen, wax, aromatherapy is located, shelter, light the torches. Environmentally friendly, making her mouth saying, thinking. So as, mouth said, thought, when he ruined the General network was being up in good, heaven, the eternal. Such as, Yes, a person from the procession the procession through this to another, or from stepping through this horseback riding the other, or from stepping over the body of this elephant trunk other elephants, or from stepping through this floor upstairs. Dear master, I said people with such examples. Dear your Majesty, so people who live in the light, toward the light.
8) Ladies, such people are present, the presence in his life.
9) Ladies, no hunger and poor San join date:
Glue Fang, evil thinking,
Ta comments, missing the ceremony means,
Nhiếc yelled at and plated with seat
SA-keeper, She-la,
Along with qifu gangui others;
Not to worry,,
Prevent the alms,
Rice water for applicants;
Your Majesty, such person,
When the General network sabotage,
Birth hell scared hero.
Oh, man, Human
Referred shadow beings,
And driven to darkness.
10), the poverty
There are generic, not San took part,
Alms, charity,
There is no mind, releases,
Stand up and welcome
SA-keeper, She-la,
Along with other artists, qifu gangui
Tu happy learning promoted by;
Not prevent the alms,
Rice water for applicants;
Your Majesty, such person,
When the General network sabotage,
Is being up heaven,
Oh, man, Human
Referred shadow beings,
But towards the light.
11), the proud,
Real credit and San take part,
Glue Fang, evil thinking,
Ta comments, not sensu ceremony,
Nhiếc yelled at and the seat plate.
SA-keeper, She-la,
Along with other artists, qifu gangui
Not to worry,,
Prevent the alms,
Rice water for people.
Your Majesty, such person,
When the General network sabotage,
Birth right to hell.
Oh, man, Human
Known beings of light,
And driven to darkness.
12), the proud,
There are generic, not San took part,
Alms, charity,
There is no mind, disorders.
Stand up and welcome,
SA-keeper, She-la,
Along with other artists, qifu gangui
Tu happy learning peace,
Not prevent the alms,
Rice water for people.
Your Majesty, such person,
When the General network sabotage,
Is being up heaven,
Oh, man, Human
Known beings of light,
And the direction to the light.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) That King Pasenadi Kosala country said with Respect are sitting on one side:
-Where to go, great noon like this?
3)-Bach World Religion, form a common destiny, old, age, has come of age, lifetime has been reached, have the common destiny, is one hundred and twenty years.
4 the White World, the very Religious) AI and endearing nest templates. The White World, if you are an elephant, or sample to you from death, the will for elephants to form the treasure from the dead. The White World, if the child is given a horse, or for samples from dead horse, I will treasure for the sample from the dead. The White World, if you are in a nice Hamlet, or sample to you from death, the will for the villages to form good from dying. The White World, if I can be for a degree, or to sample the nest from the dead, I will give to you from sampling mode of death.
5)-all beings, your Majesty, must die, ending in death, are not overcome death.
6)-it's marvelous How white, Religious behavior! Truth is, That white Religious sacrifice! The White World, World Religion has cleverly said: "all beings must die, ending in death, are not overcome death".
7)-is so right, your Majesty. So yes, dear your Majesty. All beings must die, ending in death, are not overcome death. Such as, your Majesty, all pottery made by the potters, yet heated nine or nine has, all her wares are hot, both end up in the hot, doesn't pass the hot. Please your Majesty, all beings must die, ending in death, are not overcome death.
8) All beings will die,
Life, dead ends,
Career options, they will go,
Get result of evil,
Evil career of fallen, hell,
Friendly, up heaven.
So please do,
Accumulated for the hereafter,
Merit for posterity,
Do the giving.
III. The WORLD (S. i,98)
1) in Sàvatthi.
2) sit down on one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-White World, how much in life, when starting up brought the disadvantage, distress, insecurities stay?
3)-Ladies, there are three in my life, when starting up brought the disadvantage, distress, insecurities stay.
4) how are the three? Dear master, is in life, when starting up brought the disadvantage, distress, insecurities stay. Dear master, is in life, when starting up brought the disadvantage, distress, insecurities stay. Dear your Majesty, si is in life, when starting up brought the disadvantage, distress, insecurities stay.
5) Ladies, three in France, when starting up bring about disadvantages, suffering, insecurity.
6) taking part, si three France,
Evil is the heart for people,
They move the hurt ego,
They work into the ego,
As the bark and tree cores,
Self formed fruit.
IV. the PALACE of ARTS (S. i,98)
1) in Sàvatthi.
2) sit down on one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-Place the White World, Religion, alms need to bring?
3) Dear your Majesty, in place, the mind is the wedding Festival.
4) White World, place was big result?
5)-Yes, the sentence: "he needs to take place for another" with the sentence: "the place was large." Dear your Majesty, who maintained about bitten. For the person who does not hold the world not so. In this regard, dear, We will ask your Majesty, your Majesty, how, please ring mosaic answered her question as such.
6) Dear your Majesty, your Majesty? Here, the United States is engaged, and the ongoing conflict. Then a young Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat to, no learning, no coaching, no practice, no serve, timid, scared, scared. Your Majesty to accept him? Your Majesty's advocate, not a person, and as such benefits to the United Kingdom?
7)-White World Religion, I don't advocate and a person so there is no benefit for the child.
8) and then a young She-la, there is no learning ... Then a young Vessa (traders) to ... Then a young Sudda (Player-da: along the nail) comes, there is no learning ..., ... and so there is no benefit for the child.
9)-Dear your Majesty, your Majesty? Here, the United States is engaged, and the ongoing conflict. Then a young Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat to, have learning, have trained, have, has served, not timid, not fear, not to tremble. Your Majesty to accept him? Your Majesty's advocate, not a person, and as such benefits to the United Kingdom?
10)-White World Religion, children's advocate. And so have the benefits to children.
11) – Then a young She-la, to be learning ... Then a young Vessa. Then a young Sudda to be learning ..., .... and so there is nothing for your Majesty?
12)-White World Religion, children's advocate, and so have the benefits to the child.
13)-Please, oil for a renunciation from a family, abandonment, living family, not her piece except in the genus and qualify in spent. Alms for the person so bitten.
14) what is in the genus except? Join the exercise sections except, except the Swiss deposits are kissing, except paragraph, foreign trạo are the facilities, except paragraph except. In this genus the subtraction.
15) what is in the genus? Benighted world aggregates are meeting, infinitely learning defined aggregates are meeting, infinitely learned wisdom aggregates are enough, the academic society freed aggregates are meeting, infinitely exit award school tri comments be aggregates. In this genus are meet.
16) such a Major, in the genus except in the genus, alms for the person so bitten.
17) That Religion says so. Then masters degree say more:
Kings are engaged,
Will retain youth,
Art supply was fine, friendly
The mighty and strong.
The King is not a selection,
According to the life standards of birth.
Also, the person who has Tri,
Homage commissioned delivery,
This ranks the Holy life,
Ring the humiliation and gentle.
Let's do comfortable Cup
Construction for the multicultural,
The dry forests do hot water,
Rugged, open way.
With the investment,
Let users,
For the food, beverage,
For cloth wearing, stay.
As clouds thunderstorm roar,
A Flash of light hundred clouds,
Rain water rushing rushing down,
Full high low.
Likewise, steps charity trusts,
Multicultural, food storage,
Meet guys qifu gangui.
Guys who decorated the wedding Festival,
Serve food and beverage plants,
Says "For, please provide for".
As such, la, ROAR, shouting,
Rain precipitation as God hooks,
The great merit,
So he brings,
Bring the rain rain, grace hooks,
On the alms people.
V. EXAMPLE the MOUNTAINS (S. i, 100)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) That King Pasenadi Kosala country said with Respect are sitting on one side:
-Dear your Majesty, your Majesty comes from where?
3)-White World, so is busy with the busy monarchs. The Kings-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, infatuated with pride, greed, material influence life span to achieve the safety level of living, and conquer all the land.
4)-Dear your Majesty, your Majesty? Here, if people come to the United Kingdom from the East, a reliable supporters. He came and ladies: "Your Majesty, Majesty, looking forward is known, the child from the East again and have found in it a mountain as high as frivolous, are moving and trampling, crush all kinds of love. Your Majesty, your Majesty, do what needs to be done ".
5) and then a different person coming from the West ... And then a third comes from the North. And then a fourth coming from the South, the body of reliable credit. He came and ladies: "Your Majesty, Majesty, looking forward is known, the child from the South and has seen in it a mountain as high as frivolous, are moving and trampling, crush up all kinds of love. Your Majesty, your Majesty, do what needs to be done ". So, Yes, a big terrorism run up for the kill, take advantage of humanity so awful, was reborn as the hard times, United Kingdom can do what?
6)-as such, the White World, a big boot up, the terrorists kill make terrible truth, humanity was reborn as hard, I can do that, except for the right to live in France, living healthy, happy-making Chief chon TAM made the Germany!
7)-Dear your Majesty, your Majesty knows, tell Me I give your Majesty or. Ladies, old and dead heading to conquer your Majesty. When the United Kingdom was conquered by dead old Majesty, what can I do?
8)-White World Religion, when you grow old and die, time I can do anything, except the right to live in France, living happy, healthy finances chon TAM, made public in Germany!
9) White World Religion, things like the Kings-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, passionately, pride with the United Kingdom the right to life, the enjoyment of material greed, achieve the safety level of living and conquering vast lands along with the statue. The White World Religion, the battle with the army of not giving a direction to go (gati), a fulcrum for the Kings, a dead old after being conquered.
10) White World, things like the Kings-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, passionately, pride with the United Kingdom the right to life, the enjoyment of material greed, achieve the degree of safety and life conquering a vast belt of land along the battle with soldiers ..., codes ... with far..., ... with the infantry. The White World Religion, the battle with infantry failed to deliver a direction to go, a place to stand for God's Kings once were dead old conquerors.
11) World of the United Kingdom, White has the refined spirit of the mantra. You can with the mantra, smash the enemy to attack. But the White World Religion, the battle of Magic notes don't provide a direction to go, a place to stand for the King when the old one died.
12) Bach World Religion, in the United Kingdom had provided much of the gold is contained within the basement or upstairs, and with the gold then we can break the enemy attacks the finances. But the White World, the financial battle is not giving a direction to go, a place to stand for God's Kings once were dead old conquerors.
13) and World Religion, when you were dead old conquest, the son can do nothing except the right to live in France, living happy, healthy finances chon TAM, made public in Germany!
14)-is so right, your Majesty. So yes, dear your Majesty. When the United Kingdom was conquered by dead old Majesty, can do nothing, except the right to live in France, living happy, healthy finances chon TAM, made public in Germany!
15) That Religion says so ..., ... and direction level adds:
As large rocks,
Stand up nowhere,
Proceed to spill around,
Pressure override all four sides.
Also, old and dead
Move to,
The Police-the Roman Empire-seat,
She-la, Phệ-XA,
The seat-da, fried-da-la
Garbage dump, guys,
No one quit,
All were conquered.
Here is not the statue,
Not far from soldiers, infantry,
Not Uncle art, battle
No property battle
Can help win,
Fight with the old, in with the dead.
Therefore the Sage,
Clearly self benefit,
The position puts trust,
In Theravada Buddhism, French and Increase.
Anyone with relatives, export, Italy,
The correct maintenance of the French, the Chief Executive
This life was to scatter the exclamation,

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