Wednesday 4 May 2016

I. BOC LIU (S. I, 1)
Like I hear.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (win), in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika).
Then an Angel, when night was nearly broken, with beauty enemies WINS brilliance all the Jetavana, go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside. Stand on one side, Angel's White World Religion:
-Mr. Ton, how do You pass from the BOC Liu?
This Gentle, non-stop, don't step to Me, beyond the BOC.
-Mr. Suen how fake does not stand back, do not jump to, You transcended from the BOC Liu?
This Gentle, when one-stop fashion, I sink down. This Gentle, when We stepped to Our forecast, other; Therefore, this Gentle, don't stop, don't step to Me, beyond the BOC.
For a long time, I see.
BA-la-NET President subjects.
Don't stand, don't jump to,
Pass accept before in my life.
Angel then say so and accept direction. Angel she was: "What we have accepted Respect". She tastes Like the stems, Religious ceremony, wealthy girl friendship towards him, and then disappear.
... In Sàvatthi. Then an Angel, when night was nearly broken, with beauty enemies WINS brilliance all the Jetavana, go to world Religion. After arriving, the wealthy girl's World Religious ceremony and then stand on one side. Stand on one side, Angel's White World Religion:
-Ladies, you know fake Religious liberation, Escapist, cups for the beings?
-We know, false Sage This liberation, Escapist, cups for the beings.
-Mr. Suen how he knows, false rescue, Escapist, cups for the beings?
Hy, reborn, paragraph
Idea, consciousness being the exception,
The Shou, President,
So this Gentleness,
We know freedom,
Escapist and far,
For the kinds of beings.
III. GIVE to the MAKE- Junk (36.9.2, 262b. 8.7 Junk, special 2, 427b). (S. i, 2)
... Stand aside, Angel's article this shelves are talking up in front of world Religion:
Lives being Pimp,
Such longevity is covered,
Being lead to fairer,
There is no place to stop.
Anyone who provides visualizations,
Fear of death,
Let's do the German,
Brought to chon Tam at peace.
Lives being Pimp,
Such longevity is covered,
Being lead to fairer,
There is no place to stop.
Anyone who provides visualizations,
Fear of death,
Please remove all of that benefit,
Mind the bridge direction NET President.
IV. TIME ELAPSED (Junk 8.8, Special 2, 427b) (S. i, 3)
... (Charm in Sàvatthi), stand on one side, the Angel he says up front That this shelf article Religion:
(Silent) time elapsed,
Night (always on),
Age youth sessions,
Continue left us.
The who is consistent,
Fear of death,
Let's do the German,
Taken to (chon TAM) at peace.
(Time of silence),
Night (always on),
Age youth sessions,
Continue left us.
The who is consistent,
Fear of death,
Please remove all of that benefit,
Mind the bridge direction NET President.
V. HOW MUCH TO CUT. (S. i, 5)
... Stand aside, Angel's article this shelves are talking up in front of world Religion:
How many clips, must cut
How much to give,
How much more practiced,
Pass the bondage cover,
To be nicknamed,
Male-on stilts beyond the BOC Liu?
Must cut to five,
Give up to five,
More practice in France (force),
Pass in bondage,
To be nicknamed,
Male-on stilts "goes beyond the Save BOC".
VI. The BUDS (S. i, 5)
... Stand aside, Angel's article this shelves are talking up in front of world Religion:
How France passion sleeps,
When the other province?
How the French,
When the other enchanted sleep?
How many jobs
Take me to the ceiling structure?
How many jobs
Cause we be pure?
There are five French delights to sleep,
When the other province,
There are five provinces, France
When the other enchanted sleep.
There are five main jobs
Take me to the ceiling structure,
There are five main jobs
Make me pure.
... Stand aside, Angel's article this shelves are talking up in front of world Religion:
The one with the French,
Not being tri-willow,
Be the Guide misled,
Around the heresy.
They enchanted sleep,
They don't have the sense,
Now the truth has come,
They need to wake up.
The one with the French,
Willow subtly discerning voter,
Don't be lead misled,
Around the heresy,
They witness the Chief sensory class.
Salicaceae tri fullness,
On the balance,
They tread.
VIII. MEXICAN REBELLION (22.5, Junk 2, 154b. Junk 9.5, separate 2, 435c) (S. i, 4)
... Stand aside, Angel's article this shelves are talking up in front of world Religion:
The one for the French,
Too wrecked to charm,
Be the Guide misled,
Around the heresy,
They enchanted sleep,
They don't have the sense,
Now the truth has come,
They need to wake up.
The one for the French,
Do not immerse the charm,
Don't be lead misled,
Around the heresy,
They witness the Chief sensory class.
Salicaceae tri fullness,
On the balance,
They tread.
IX. HIS ROMANTIC DESIRE (36.4, Journal 2, 261a. 8.2 Magazine, special 2, 426a) (S. i, 4)
... Stand aside, Angel's article this shelves are talking up in front of world Religion:
For your favorite location to their starboard side,
In this article,
No discerning intelligence,
Not going to the Regency Center,
Single stay mountain forests,
Living with ample magnification,
The taste is not beyond,
The governing magic.
From his starboard side,
Smart Center, photography
With the investment, the affidavit
Get all the weapon bothers,
Single stay in mountain forests (World),
With ample magnification, not
Her unit escaped,
The governing magic.
X. MOUNTAIN FORESTS (36.3, the Magazine 2, 260c. Magazine Special, 8.1 2, 426a) (S. i, 5)
... Stand aside, Angel's article this shelves are talking up in front of world Religion:
Usually live in the mountain forests,
Holy live, Breaking ranks
A day to eat a live,
Why are they enemy colors marvelous?
No work was over,
Not looking forward to the coming,
Live right now,
Hence, the colors marvelous retribution.
So looking forward to the coming,
Because the coal is over,
So fools withered worn,
As lau xanh left the stem.
I. the GARDEN WEDDING FESTIVAL (22.1, Junk 2, 153c) (s. i 1,2,3,4,5) (up 31.9. The four Tribes, the Grand 2, 672b) (9.1 Magazine, 2, 435a)
So I hear.
One world Religion stay in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (win), in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika). In That Respect, the National call-stilts: "the Female-on stilts"-"Sir, Bach World Religion".
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, Angel in the sky, with thirty-three female Bias surrounding, you whinny in the garden, enjoy the wedding Festival year education in Germany. Now, Angel's article this shelves says:
They know not to touch,
If not see the wedding Festival,
On the whole, People,
The thirty.
Be heard this, so the Female-stilts, a Heavenly Angel's landing with other shelves:
Fools, why don't you know,
Application location, cosy said:
"All is impermanent,
Leanne self are being destroyed,
After birth, they kill,
Stock photography is at peace ".
II. HAVE FUN (36.12 Magazine, 2, 263a) (s. i. 6) (8.11 Magazine, 2, 428a)
... Stand aside, Angel's article this shelves are talking up in front of world Religion:
My father for the fun,
Fun with cow owners,
The birth of medicine, have fun,
Not being y, not fun.
My father for the melancholy,
Home with cow melancholy,
The birth of medicine, melancholy,
Not being y, not melancholy.
III. NOBODY by the (36.14, Journal 2, 263b) (1.6) (12.19 Magazine, 2, 458c)
... Stand aside, Angel's article this shelves are talking up in front of world Religion:
Traders who trade with you,
Of by cattle,
Lit by the Sun,
Country over the sea.
Hurt anyone by his trade,
Of using rice,
By morning,
Water does more than rain.
IV. The POLICE-the ROMAN EMPIRE-CAPITAL (capital of 36.15-Magazine, 2, 263b) (S. i, 6)
Between every two feet,
Suicide-seat is up WINS,
Between the species of the four legs,
Bull is up WINS,
In the row of concubines,
The quarter is up WINS.
In the row of the son,
The head is dark.
Between the legs,
The Chief Justice is up to win.
Between the species of the four legs,
Purity is up WINS.
In the row of concubines,
The need is up.
In the row of the son,
Loyalty is up WINS.
V. the DEEP FOREST (or net President Body) (S. i, 7) (50 Junk. II, An stay, 2, 360b) (16.26 Magazine, 2, 490b)
Now is the time between lunches,
Holiday birds of silence,
Echoes, the deep forest activities,
We run, we're awesome.
Now is the time between lunches,
Holiday birds of silence,
Echoes, the deep forest activities,
We have fun, We like it.
VI. ASLEEP, INDOLENCE (22.23 Magazine, 2, 160a) (S. i, 7) (9.15, the Magazine 2, 437c)
Asleep, yawning, long afternoons,
Not fun, eat,
Here, for being,
Saints not manifest.
Asleep, yawning, long afternoons,
Not fun, eat,
With effort, we segment,
Saints were pure.
VII. DIFFICULT (or turtle) (22.25 Magazine, 2, 169b) (S. i, 7) (9.14 Magazine, 2, 437b)
Difficult to do, difficult mosaic ring,
Lack of entertainment, Sa,
Spot the rotten fools fallen,
Place full of obstacles.
On Sa-administrative subjects
If the mind does not overpower,
Each step, to sa fallen,
Slave to the thought,
As the turtles draw the feet, legs,
In his turtle tomorrow.
Locate Female-stilts too,
Produced every thought, photography
Not to stick anything,
Do not harm anyone,
Absolutely true, President
Do not criticize anyone.
People are very good to tame,
Find anyone in his life?
Anyone know stop criticizing,
As gentle horse ball roi.
People are very good to tame,
Life often mindfulness,
The position he achieved results,
Suffering is the paragraph,
Step by step,
On the road do not balance.
IX. AM PICS (S.i.)
He does not have pm files,
He had no home,
He does not have the line John,
You exit the system be.
We have no pm files,
I have no home,
We don't have John cord,
We get rid of the system be.
I am?
Say what is nest?
Said John cord?
Say what is the be system?
He says the PM is the mother,
Said my wife, nest
Says John is the son of wire,
Says be system is.
Instead of healing, you am!
Instead of healing, not cozy!
Heals instead of wireless, John!
Instead of healing, He be escaping!
X. SAMIDDHI (38.17 Magazine, 2, 281c) (S. i, 8) (Magazine I. 17) 2, 379a)
1) like me.
A world Religion in the United Kingdom in Tapodàràma (Essential XA hot springs).
2) false Religion Samiddhi, when night was nearly broken, wake up and go to the hot springs for bathing. After the bath wash hands, out of the hot springs, the fake Religious standing, up a plate to expose medical limbs to dry.
3) and then a Angel, when night was near the remains, with sharp foes win, brilliance all hot springs, go to the fake Religious Samiddhi, after arriving, stand in the middle of nowhere, talking up the article with false Religious Samiddhi shelves:
No, he's real, qifu gangui
Now the real, not entitled, qifu gangui
Please enjoy and qifu gangui,
It does seem a waste of time.
His time, we don't know.
We forecast, hidden don't show.
No, we're real, qifu gangui
Nothing time.
4) And Angel down to Earth's and ladies with fake Samiddhi Respect:
This National-stilts-he was young age that was, adolescence, hair still black branches in adolescence. In the early poetry of his life, he was not entitled to the craving. This Female-stilts, be entitled to the life span of the craving. OK there remove the current which runs under what were the dominant time.
5) Mds, I suppose – this removes the present and run according to what were the dominant time. This Gentle and fake, I removed what was the dominant time to run according to the present. Gentle World, false Religion, this was said, the exercise was time dominates, more suffering, more troubles (Upàyàsà); the danger that more and more. This also belongs to the present, being the dominant time, come to that, have the ability to navigate, just the new sense of herself out.
6)-this National-on stilts, And how that World Religion has said the exercise was time dominates, more suffering, more negativity, danger in it as much? How current is this France belongs, being the dominant time, come to that, have the ability to navigate, just the new sensory yourself out?
This Gentle, 7)-I was the new, new to not long ago. I can not explain to You and this law. But world Respect, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class now in Ràjagaha (dormitories) in Essential dormitories Tapoda (hot springs) please go to World Religion and asks the meaning. World Religion answers for how he, be like that tho.
8) – this billion-stilts, not easy for us to see the World, a Respect ranks ranks are other Bias, the great divine powers đoanh. This Female-Stilts, if You go to the ranks of world's Respect and asked this meaning, we can come to listen to France.
9)-Yes, Sir.
The fake religious Angel's landing, well Samiddhi goes to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. Sit down one side, false Religion That Religious white: Samiddhi
10)-here, the White World Religion, after the night was almost broken, I wake up and go to the hot springs for bathing. After the bath wash hands, out of the hot springs, the stand up a plate to expose medical limbs to dry. The White World, and then an Angel, after night just complacency, with sharp foes win, all the brilliance of hot water, go to children, after arriving, stand in the middle of nowhere and talking up this shelf post:
"No, he's real, qifu gangui
Now the real, not entitled, qifu gangui
Please enjoy and qifu gangui,
It does seem a waste of time ".
11) When I hear that, white World Religion, the Angel's answer by posting shelf:
"His time, we don't know,
We forecast, hidden don't show,
No, we're real, qifu gangui
Nothing we "time.
12 White World, and Respect) Angel down to Earth's and ladies with children:
"This National-stilts-he was young age that has spice, adolescence, branch, black hair in adolescence. In the early poetry of his life, he does not enjoy the exercise. This Female-stilts, be entitled to the sexual life of the people. Shalt not have current leave to run in what was the dominant time. "
13) when says so, Bach World Religion, the angel said to him:
"We're not fake, Md – this removes the present to run under what were the dominant time. This Gentle and fake, I removed what was the dominant time to run according to the present. What in this Gentle, time, is the exercise, referred to as much suffering, many afflictions (upàyàsa), the danger it back more. The longer this current in France, from being the dominant time, come to that, have the ability to navigate, just the new sensory himself out ".
14) when it was said so, Bach World Religion, Angel told the child:
"This National-and-stilts, how Religious education the World has said were the dominant time, more suffering, more negativity, danger here as more? How current is this belongs not be time, coming to that show, likely the upper direction, only the new sensory yourself out? "
15) when says so, Bach World Religion, the angel said to him:
"This is me, false Sage-the new, new to not long ago. I can not explain to him about the France and this law. But world Respect, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class now in Ràjagaha (dormitories), at Tapoda hostel Elf (hot springs). Go to world Religion and asks the meaning. World Religion answers for how he, make life so maintenance ".
16) when says so, Bach World Religion, Angel told the child:
"This National-stilts-, not easy for us to see the World, a Respect ranks ranks are the other great power Bias chư đoanh fins. This Female-stilts, if You go to the ranks of world Religion and the question of meaning, we will also come and hear France ".
-White World, if she's telling the truth, Angel time's position here, not far from how much.
17) When being told so, angel said with a pseudo Religious Samiddhi as follows:
-Ask away, Male-stilts! Ask away, Male-stilts! I've been to.
18) And World Religion comes up with shelves post Angel:
Beings are understanding,
The things that are said,
And accept the attitude,
On what was said.
If they do not finish off voters
The things that are said,
They go to bind.
Dead body by dominant,
If they finish off the tri was
The things that are said,
They have no idea of the tri,
The things that are said.
For such a position,
Certain faults do not.
If you know,
Please speak up yaksha.
19)-White World, you don't have to understand the meaning That things a Ton comes up in a nutshell. Heal instead, if That Religion comes up for you to be able to understand how the things a Ton comes up in a nutshell.
20) By, win or lose,
Think so struggling start-up;
All three do not fluctuate,
By winning, not starting up.
As if He had said,
Please speak up, yaksha.
21)-White World, you don't have to understand the meaning That things a Ton comes up in a nutshell. Heal instead, if That Religion comes up for you to be able to understand how the things a Ton comes up in a nutshell.
22) leave calculations,
Do not run under the frivolous idea,
From craving,
As for the list in my life,
Her constant phase position be,
No anxiety, no craving.
The heavenly and divine man,
This life or hereafter,
In lettered picket,
Or at any stay of,
Find the bridge but not met,
Entrenchment of the position.
If you know her
Please speak up, yaksha.
23)-Bach World Religion, brief words of world Religion, I understand the meaning as follows:
Throughout the world it made,
Evil body, mouth, Italy,
From craving,
Mindfulness, mind the feeling,
Not asceticism pressed correctly,
Waste, not benefits.
... (Charm in Sàvatthi). Stand on one side, the Angel he says up front That this shelf article Religion:
As the engine has to touch the skin,
As the fire on top,
Female-stilts make mindfulness,
Spice quit craving.
As the engine has to touch the skin,
As the fire on top,
Female-stilts make mindfulness,
Spice body opinion.
No gizmos, no touching,
Yes, the touch,
Should harm people do not harm,
News has exposed, have touch,
Who hurt people no harm,
NET people, not pollution,
Stupid evil fruit,
As contrary wind tossing dust.
Foreign civil and slopes,
Beings suffer constant be,
The ask Gotama,
One escape from this constant?
People stay about there,
Cultivation of mind and wisdom,
Zealous and prudent,
Female-stilts she escape and be strong.
With one out, gave up
Tham, and ignorance,
Pirated Apps, cosy ranks,
Her constant escape be taste.
List the place and identity,
The take, balance,
Paragraph hindrances, colors,
Be strong be sure the paragraph.
IV. TAME the MIND (S. i, 14)
Place Italy tame,
Place of suffering.
Italy completely tame,
Escape suffering completely.
Should not overpower the Italian,
Absolutely all aspects,
Shalt not be tame,
If autonomy was reached.
Evil place France run,
Place to tame Italy.
V. A-LA FLAVOUR-CHINESE Junk (22.6-7, La-2, Han, 154b (S. i, 14) (9.6, the Magazine 2, 435c)
Locate Female-stilts La-Han,
Did the right thing to do,
The contraband was to take advantage of snippets,
This body, ultimate incarnation.
He could taste says:
"I have just spoken up"
He could taste says:
"They say".
Locate Female-stilts La-Han,
Did the right thing to do,
The contraband was to take advantage of snippets,
This body, ultimate incarnation.
He could taste says:
"I just speak up",
He could taste says:
"They say".
He cited location unknown,
Title in the world,
Because just the title,
The position's title.
Locate Female-stilts La-Han,
Did the right thing to do,
The contraband was to take advantage of snippets,
This body, ultimate incarnation.
There are Female-stilts,
Come near to his starboard side,
When he says:
"I just speak up."
When he says:
"They say is mine"?
Who take advantage of their snippet,
No longer the forcing, the
All be his starboard side,
Be completely dedicated. snippet
Have the clarity of mind,
Beyond all the frivolous idea,
He could taste says:
"I just speak up",
He could taste says:
"They say".
He cited location unknown,
Title in the world,
Because just the title,
The position's title.
VI. The LIGHT (Magazine, 2, 360b (S. i, Nov. 15) (15.12 Magazine, 2, 478c)
What animal life, lighting
Because of them, the brilliance?
To ask What Religion,
Want to know the answer.
Four lighting objects,
Thursday, no.
Day, sun shining,
Last night, the Moon shone the radiance,
Red night on fire,
Brilliance everywhere.
The Chief sensory dark WINS
This morning, light loads.
VII. WATER FLOWS (S. i, Nov. 15)
Where the water flows backwards?
Place the stop maelstrom?
List the place and identity,
The kill, not balance?
Where water and land,
The fire, the wind is not strong,
So the water flowing backwards,
Place the stop maelstrom,
Place and identity,
The kill, not balance.
VIII. BIG RICH (S. i, Nov. 15)
Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat large, rich
The magnitude of the property,
Always jealousy of each other,
Enjoy education efforts are not known,
Among the living,
Stream drift reborn.
Who put disabled and AI,
Does not fluctuate between years.
Remove the Spice flavor,
Leave me, cattle, stem,
Remove the join and leave the yard,
And ignorance,
Pirated ranks, La-Han,
Does not fluctuate between years.
IX. FOUR WHEELS (S. i, 16)
Four wheel, nine doors,
Full of UE, implications to take part,
Immerse in soil slurry,
Oh, Mr. hung, University
Being so interesting,
The future will be like?
Cut the wedding and forcing, the
Evil and greed, sex
The apartments take advantage of charity,
Being such a pet.
X. the SEROW (S. i, 16)
The feet as the legs,
While powerful, slender to medium
To some extent, there diet
Not greedy, passionately,
Such as the forest elephant, Lion,
Poison, not desire.
After arriving, I asked,
How do you escape the suffering?
There are five education in life,
Italy's apartment Friday,
Here, from desire,
So escape the suffering.
I. with the FRIENDLY (s. i16)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (win), in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika).
2) Then a lot of pants Satullapa, after the first night was near, with sharp foes win full brilliance the Jetavana, go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside.
3) Stand on one side, an angel comes up this front shelf post Religious World:
Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy, France
Be better, not bad.
4) and then a Angel and another article this shelves comes up in front of the World Religion:
Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy, France
Is wisdom, not anything else.
5) Then an Angel and another article this shelves are talking up in front of world Religion:
Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy, France
Not melancholy, between melancholy.
6) and then a Angel and another article this shelves are talking up in front of world Religion:
Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy, France
Beings being friendly.
7) and then a Angel and another article this shelves are talking up front of world Religion:
Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy, France
Beings usually enjoy.
8 another Angel) and then a white World Religion:
-Transparency of world Religion, in all of her taste, who spoke up in a good way?
-On this issue, all he speaks up in a good way. However, listen to me:
Please yourself with healthy people,
Please close the charity,
Know the magic guy, France
Freed of all suffering.
World Religious preaching. Her pants life the word of credit World Religious wedding Festival.
II. SAN JOIN DATE (2, 354c, Junk)-(Magazine, 2, 473b) (S. i, 18)
1) A world Religion stay in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) Then a lot of pants Satullapa, after the first night was near, with sharp foes win, brilliance Jetavana, the entire region away to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside.
3) Stand on one side, an angel comes up this front shelf post Religious World:
Because San join date, launch, Yi
So not alms,
Who desires the Germany,
There should place alms.
4) and then a different Angel spoke up this front shelf post Religious World:
Things guys San join date,
Should dare not alms,
She's afraid to come with them,
It does not alms.
Things guys San join date,
Is hungry and thirsty,
Fools are feeling tho,
This life and the hereafter.
So be prepared to take part, xan
Alms, UE, structure
Solid beings an stay,
The Germany in the hereafter.
5) and then a different Angel spoke up this front shelf post Religious World:
Don't die between the dead, the
As the friendly owners on the road,
San share rare food,
The French are so often.
Little guys, fun-san,
Many guys hard, bring,
Alms from the hard,
Our guys are a thousand gold coins.
6) and then a different Angel spoke up this front shelf post Religious World:
Hard instead of the loan,
Hard instead of making her happy.
Wicked hard positive options,
Difficult to change France ranks.
So guys, evil Sage,
Animal birth to other false,
Wicked being hell,
People heal up the Sun.
7 other white Angel) and then a World Religion:
-White World, in all of her taste, would have said a good way?
-On this issue, all he had to say in a good way. However, please listen to me:
The Department continued the Chief, chon TAM
The oil must live gibberish,
The oil must feed his wife,
Food trivia,
But he still was,
From 25,00,
From thousand of the alms,
From hundreds of thousands of animals for,
The value does not equal,
He guys like that.
8) and then a different Angel spoke up this shelf post with Respect:
Why them alms,
So much wider,
The value does not equal,
Poor, chon TAM alms?
Stars of thousands of alms,
From hundreds of thousands of animals for,
The value does not equal,
He guys like that?
9) Then That article this shelves comes up with Religious Angel:
Have those alms,
In an unusual way,
After the slash and kill,
New transcend melancholy.
The alms as such,
Full of tears,
The value does not equal,
Poor, chon TAM alms.
From thousand of the alms,
From hundreds of thousands of animals for,
The value does not equal,
He guys like that.
1) in Sàvatthi.
2) Then a lot of Satullapa, when the night first pants near complacency, with sharp foes win, brilliance Jetavana, the entire region away to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside.
3) Stand on one side, an Angel speaks the word of inspiration in front of world Religion:
Heals instead of the alms!
Dear Religious hierarchy.
Because San join date, launch, Yi
So not alms,
Who desires the Germany,
There should place alms.
4) and then a different Angel spoke up this induction before the words World Religion:
Heals instead of the alms,
Dear fake Religious ranks!
But the truth is good,
Alms in deprivation!
Little guys, fun-san,
Many guys hard, bring,
Alms from the hard,
Our guys are a thousand gold coins.
5) and then a different Angel says up front That inspired this word Ton:
Heals instead of the alms,
Dear fake Religious ranks!
But the truth is good,
Alms in deprivation!
Heals instead of the alms,
Derived from the trust.
Alms and fight,
Is said to be equal,
A handful of fresh guys,
Far East wins.
For the oil to be less,
But with confidence,
Therefore be at peace,
The benefit for the people.
6) and then a different Angel says up front That inspired this word Ton:
Heals instead of the alms,
Dear fake Religious ranks!
But the truth is good,
Alms in deprivation!
Heals instead of the alms,
Derived from faith!
Heals instead of the alms,
With legitimate property!
Who is he,
With legitimate assets,
Due to the effort,
Thus produced is;
The position he crossed the stream,
Death Yes-ghost world
After death was contentious,
Shelter of Chu.
7) and then a different Angel says up front That inspired this word Ton:
Heals instead of the alms,
Dear fake Religious ranks!
But the truth is good,
Alms in deprivation!
Heals instead of the alms,
Derived from faith!
Heals instead of the alms,
With legitimate property!
Heals instead of the alms,
There is clarity of thought!
He has a thought,
Charity ranks Was to scatter the exclamation.
Alms for the,
Revered in life,
The alms,
Enjoy the fruit blessed big,
As nice seeds,
Sowing in paddy fields.
8) and then a different Angel says up front That inspired this word Ton:
Heals instead of the alms,
Dear fake Religious ranks!
But the truth is good,
Alms in deprivation!
Heals instead of the alms,
Derived from faith!
Heals instead of the alms,
With legitimate property!
Heals instead of the alms,
There is clarity of thought!
Instead of the fresh, homemade
For the beings!
Between beings,
Who's life do not harm,
Fear of others,
Do not do evil, real charity,
They compliment the shy guys,
But criticizing the hero,
The main fear of being criticized,
Healthy people do not do evil.
9 other white Angel) and then a World Religion:
-Transparency of world Religion, among them children, say who is good?
-On this issue, all he speaks up in a good way. Yet listen to me:
Alms with confidence,
The evening was approved,
There are more legal alms,
France's Dhammapada.
From of old, from ancient time,
Who heals, the chon TAM,
With wisdom,
Reaching Nirvana scene.
IV. WE DON'T HAVE to (S. i seselle 60)
1) A world Religion stay in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (win), in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika).
2) Then a lot of pants Satullapa, after the first night was near, with sharp foes win full brilliance the Jetavana, go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside.
3) Stand on one side, an angel comes up this front shelf post Religious World:
Between species of us,
Has the education impermanence.
Who influenced them in their lifetime,
Were they tied, they forced.
Ample magnification for them,
Difficult to escape with them,
People would hardly escape,
Getting conquered death.
From birth, the desire
Suffering from desire,
Desire is featured photographer,
Thanks to this painter and photographer,
The scourge is NIE,
Thanks to this miserable stock photography.
Things wrong in my life,
They are not the exercise,
Fourth anniversary of the main craving,
Is human desire.
Wrong character differences exist,
So in the world,
So the Sage rank position,
Subduing the desire.
Let's abandon the outrage,
Take his clothes and photographer,
Please pass all,
Any unlawful use bind.
Shalt not have too accept in advance,
For colors,
Can't get gauge,
With whom does nothing.
Let's abandon the calculation,
Do not run under the frivolous idea,
Severed all craving,
With the colors in my life.
Her mind directly under paragraph position,
No anxiety, no AI;
The heavenly and divine man,
This life or hereafter,
In lettered picket,
Or at any stay of,
Find the bridge but not met,
Traces of him,
They sought but not found,
Such a rescue unit.
(False Religion Mogharàjà said like this)
The heavenly and divine man,
This life or hereafter,
The ultimate level of mankind,
Lo happy beings,
They did taste ceremony, wealthy girl,
So riveted the exclamation that they don't?
(World Rank, the Crown)
Hey Mogharàjà
They should also concur the exclamation,
Degrees of liberation.
This Female-stilts, qifu gangui
If they knew the Chief of France,
Except paragraph was or,
They become freed.
1) A world Religion in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (win), in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika).
2) Then a lot of the first pants Ujjhànasannà (Maternity responsible for astronomical objects), after the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win, brilliance Jetavana, the entire region away to world Religion. After arriving, the middle of nowhere.
3) Then an Angel standing in the middle of nowhere, talking up the article this shelves in front of world Religion:
Anyone who says different its
With their food,
Time-life, all things
Viewed as due to theft,
Other such crooks Harish,
Use fraud to theft.
Let's say there are things to do,
Not saying what not to do,
Do not say yes do,
Guys who know their place.
Those who know say,
Or just listen to it,
The person class as such,
Cannot progress.
Thereof instead of the road,
Help free the entertainment guys.
Thanks to meditation burned,
All bondage pants,
Guys do not do so,
After learning that love,
With mind, Nirvana,
Pass accept before in my life.
4) and then the pants first then stood down to Earth, bowed legs of world Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and World Religion:
-This is our sin, Bach World Religion. We're going to sin, because of stupid, because passion, because real friendly. We think we can attack Religious World. The White World Religion, hoping That Religion accepts us, mistake is mistake to keep in the future.
5) Then Ton smiling.
6) The evening her pants as more and flies up nowhere.
7) an article this shelves said in front of world Religion:
Who wouldn't accept,
Guilt is revealed,
Internal resentment, anger, preferred
Hatred as stubbornly tight.
If there is no sin,
Here no error,
Hatred cannot.
So what is goodness?
With who does not sin?
With anyone not misled?
Who does not suffer from delusion?
Tri guys who often meditate?
As Lai, steps of enlightenment,
Mercy all,
Where he does not sin,
Where You are not misled.
He does not suffer from delusion,
Lord Chief Justice of the common position.
Who wouldn't accept,
Guilt is revealed,
Internal resentment, anger, preferred
Hatred as stubbornly tight.
I don't like hatred,
I confessed to him.
VI. TRUST (s. i.,25), (Magazine, 2, 354b)-(Magazine, 2, 473a)
1) A time, World Religion stay in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (win) in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika).
2) Then a lot of SatullapaKàyikà, when the night first pants near the remains, with sharp foes win full brilliance the Jetavana, go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside.
3) Stand on one side, an angel comes up this front shelf post Religious World:
Credit is the second person,
Are you human,
If not stay any credit,
Be honorable, claiming,
After this body,
Is being up heaven.
Let's abandon the outrage,
Take his clothes and photographer,
Please pass all
Any unlawful use bind.
Shalt not have too accept in advance,
For colors.
Taking part couldn't be,
With whom does nothing.
Fools not intellectual,
Passionate new, ample magnification,
Guys do not launch Yi,
Like keep your treasures.
Shalt not passionate, ample magnification,
Shalt not passionate craving,
Meditation, not ample magnification,
Achieve up to win.
VII. the GATHERING (S. i, 26)-(Magazine, 2,232 a)--(Junk, Especially a 2,411) (S. i, 26) (D., Mahàsamaya, 20, 1, 79b-81b)
1) like me.
A world Religion in the middle of their line Sakka (Like-ca), at Kapilavatthu (Ca-Bhikkhu-la-protection), in the great forests and forestry, along with our Male-stilts about 500, all is A-la-Han. And Chu Thien in ten world means big part is also often the World to admire and Respect Female-stilts.
2) And four Christian Net (Suddàvàsà) think: "That Religion is now in the middle of the Vast forests, Kapilavatthu, Sakka, along with our Male-stilts about 500, all of which is A-la-Han. And Chu Thien in ten world methods, most often also the World to admire and Respect them, female-on stilts. So let's go to That Religion; After arriving, we each read one post That insurgent shelves Ton ".
3) and Chu's Heavenly as fast as home power singer stretching arms were shrinking, or co arms have stretch, disappeared from the net Christian and realized That Religion.
4 Client's holiday World, wealthy Girl Genius) ton and stand aside. After standing on one side, an Angel reading shelves before world Religion:
University of Forestry Congress
Heavenly divine Council gathered,
Us to France,
Us ceremony, wealthy girl WINS.
5 Then the Angel) also read up a shelf before world Religion:
Here we Male-stilts,
Meditation, the mind, the Chief
As the owner of the car seized diamonds,
The Sage rank was based.
6) back a different Angel also read up a shelf before world Religion:
Broken key remove key, such as,
The head was dug, the paragraph,
Living pure, infinite,
Have eyes, smart elephant article.
7) back a different Angel also read up a shelf in front of world Religion:
The one refuge in Buddha,
Will not the evil beast, fallen
After abandoning a body,
Will being do Chu.
VIII. PIECES of STONE CHIPS- (2, Junk, 355a)--(Junk, Especially 2, 473c)-(S. i, 27)
1) like me.
A world Religion in at Ràjagaha (dormitories), in the garden (Maddakucchi)
2) at the time, the legs That were Religious stone pieces hot hit. Feel how the intense Religious life. Dear life feel sharp pain, suffering, littering, fierce, without love, not like. But the sense of mindfulness, Respect patient suffered, not negativity.
3) Then That Respect for the Austrian Sanghàti coverings (Boost-elderly-Le) folded back, lay down the right hip as the lion posture, feet placed on the foot, the mindfulness.
4) And seven hundred pants Satullapakàyikà, after first night was near, with sharp foes win brilliance Maddakucchi the entire region, go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, then Respect to stand aside.
5) Stood on one side, an Angel read up this inspiration lyrics in front of world Religion:
-Sa-keeper is so Long ranks Gotama. And as a Long, life-body bearing Him kicked up, suffering pain, throbbing, aching, violently, not like, not like, Him the mindfulness, bearing, not negativity.
6) and then a different Angel says up front That inspired this word Ton:
-Sa-keeper Gotama is actually the lion rank. And as the lion, Mr. bearing life body kicked up, suffering ... no negativity.
7) and then a different Angel says up front That inspired this word Ton:
-Sa-keeper Gotama truth is Tuan Wage code. And as Salaries, bearing codes bodied Ganesh Ganesh kicked up, suffering ... no negativity.
8) and then a different Angel says up front That inspired this word Ton:
-Sa-keeper Gotama is actually ranks Calf United Kingdom. And as Mr Niu bearing life body kicked up, suffering ... no negativity.
9) and then a different Angel says up front That inspired this word Ton:
-Sa-keeper Gotama is actually patient ranks. And degrees of patience with resilient body bearing Him tho, starting up, suffering ... no negativity.
10) and then a different Angel says up front That inspired this word Ton:
-Sa-keeper Gotama is actually a Subtly subduing ranks. And as a Subtly subduing Him, ranks bearing life body kicked up, suffering ... no negativity.
11) and then a different Angel says up front That inspired this word Ton:
-See the mind of Mr. fudge was practicing meditation and freed, there emerged, no sink, all the action is formed, no irritation. One could think I go back a Long way, such as a lion, a revision of such codes, one degree Tuan Calf United Kingdom as such, a patient of such resilience, a Photography degree offers like that, unless it is a blind.
The She-la,
Expertise in Vedic,
Ascetic practice, oil
For hundreds of years,
They may not,
Chơn thành District Chief to be freed.
Leanne self too down,
Not to the other side,
Thirsty craving,
Was forbidden to bind,
Ascetic practice, oil
For hundreds of years,
They may not,
Chơn thành District Chief to be freed.
Leanne self too down,
Not to the other side.
In life, photography
His starboard side with the education,
The mind is not an,
Don't practice meditation.
In the forest alone,
But Center Yi, reporter
Locate him hard beyond,
The conquest of death.
Photography was his starboard side,
Manual practice meditation,
Smart NET Security Center,
Get fullness,
In the forest alone,
Center not ample magnification,
She's handy with a taste beyond,
The conquest of death.
IX. The DAUGHTER of PAJJUNNA (Magazine, 2, 350a) (Nickname, 14.4, 2, 469a), (S. i, 29)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Vesàli, Lam, at The lecture Coincides.
2) And Kokanadà, daughter of Pajjunna, after the night has just complacency, with sharp foes win full lighting the greater Forest, go to the Religious World, after arriving, wealthy girl That ceremony to honor and then stand on one side.
3) Stood on one side, the male Kokanadà, daughter of Pajjunna, talking up this front shelf post Religious World:
Chief Justice Chief Justice, College Degrees
The terrace of the beings,
Now an Modern forestry, stay
In Vesàli,
Let the wealthy girl,
His daughter Pajjunna,
The Name Kokanadà.
Before I just heard,
Food poisoning symptoms Chief ranks.
The endless ranks of upper French label,
Chief Justice Chief Justice College Ranks.
Today you can,
Know the Chief of France,
Due to the Friendly Was preaching,
Its ranks-ni Chief Justice.
Those who least intellectual,
Contempt against France, the Holy doctor
Will fall into hell,
Dubbed Roruva,
Long time experience,
Led life span much suffering.
Those who are Holy for France,
Mosaic ring, net, President, Center
From the human body,
Dear Heavenly divine fullness.
X. the DAUGHTER of PAJJUNNA (Magazine, 2, 349c) (14.3 Magazine, 2, 469a) (s. i.,30)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Modern, Adrianto Vesàli, in Infections of the lectures.
2) And Cùla-Kokanadà, daughter of Pajjunna, after the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win brilliance all the greater Forest go to World Religion; After going to the World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and then stand on one side. Stand on one side, Cùla-Kokanadà, daughter of Pajjunna, talking up the article this shelves in front of world Religion:
His daughter Pajjunna,
The Name Kokanadà.
Beauty as the optical power,
She has come here,
Buddhist ceremonies and France wealthy girl,
Say this benefits, shelves
Oils with many disciplines,
The analysis in France.
But the strategy means saying,
According to my understanding,
In life, shalt not do evil,
All three: the fuselage, export, Italy,
Give up everything,
Mindfulness, mind the feeling,
Not asceticism pressed correctly,
Waste, not benefits.
Like I hear.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (win), in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika). Then an Angel, after the night was almost complacent, with s c enemies WINS brilliance all the Jetavana, go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, then Respect to stand aside. Stand on one side, the Angel he says up front That this shelf article Religion:
I. BURNED (5.4, 2.403 Magazine) (s. i., 31)
In the house burned,
Widgets bring out,
He has interests,
Not burn plants.
Likewise in this life,
Being an old dead burned,
Please provide, by laboratory experiments,
Laboratory animals, cleverly brought out.
There are countries which, having lost the fruit,
No pilot, not so.
Thieves plundered, King,
The fire burned ruin,
When the final hour came,
Body, remove the property.
Guys, knowing that,
Shou and alms,
Laboratory experiments done, end,
According to the force's actions,
Not being one to criticize,
Her taste was Heavenly beings.
II. FOR WHAT? (36.6 ha van, Prime College Magazine, 2, 261b) (Magazine, 2, 8.4 526b) (S. i,32)
For what is for?
For what is best for you?
For what is for?
For what is for the eye?
For nothing for all?
Please attend to what you ask?
Feeding is for power,
For even as for the colors,
For the car is for,
For lamps is to the eye.
Who gives shelter,
Her taste for all,
Who taught French, Chief Justice
Her taste for immortality.
III. FOOD (s. i.,32)
Sun, Who, both species,
Are preferred,
Locate yaksha, name
Does not like to eat?
Who said with confidence,
With the investment,
Be part of dishes,
This life and the hereafter.
So let's prevent San took part,
Alms, UE, structure
Love firmly an stay,
The Germany in the hereafter.
IV. A ROOT ... (S. i,32)
A root, two aspects,
Three UE, in the environment,
Big sea, twelve,
Holy Super tier whirlpool area.
V. the COMPLETE RANKS (S. i, 33)
Degrees of fullness,
See secret meanings,
The Broadcasting Board foot of wisdom,
Lost organ, sex
See all ranks,
Steps in good intellectual property position.
The Saints led steps,
On the Holy path.
VI. The FEMALE GENIUS (S. i, 33)
Natural women reunite,
Hungry daemons demons them forth,
He lists forest jungle si,
How has the way out?
The way he named chon TAM,
He means the list loads,
Vehicle called soundless,
With Falun manual Assembly,
Very good car staging is based,
Anniversary is the golden touch screen car,
Guest car unit said,
I.e. chon TAM Dieu, France
The main districts and voter opinion,
Quickly go pioneers.
No matter male or female,
Used vehicle.
Major thanks to her chariot,
Geared toward Nirvana.
Those who day and night,
The Germans always increase,
French student, stuff, stay
Who's birth gender bias?
Who planted the garden, afforestation,
Who build the building of bridges,
Wells, for drinking water,
Those for homes,
Does the day and night,
The Germans always increase,
French student, stuff, stay
Does the Celestial beings.
This is the jungle States members.
Shelter made them Holy,
Accommodation in the United Kingdom, France who
Make mind wedding Festival.
Career and the heart of France,
And Max WINS network,
The magic of France,
Making pure beings,
Not because their line,
Not because the property.
So the Sage rank position,
See the benefits yourself,
The Chief sensory observation Center of France,
So are pure.
Property-benefits-as you develop,
Rights and citizenship,
Male-on stilts to the shore,
Here is paramount.
In life guys participating, xan
Glue Fang or refused,
Created the obstacle course,
Prevent another alms,
This life and the hereafter,
Result report them?
We came in here,
The main question That Religion,
We want to know,
World Religion?
In life guys participating, xan
Glue Fang or refused,
Created the obstacle course,
Prevent another alms,
Being reborn in hell,
Eagle being, Uh-ma.
If it is being done,
The impoverished family of birth,
Medicine, food, sex, loving,
They are very difficult.
What fools ambition,
They do not plan to be produced,
The current result is that,
Life after the evil beings.
Thanks to the things He says,
We understood that,
False religion Gotama,
The other question please.
Here was a body,
From not consuming San took part,
Believe in Buddha and Chief of France,
The same respect we Raise,
This life and the hereafter,
Result report them?
We came in here,
The main question That Religion,
We want to know,
World Religion?
Here was a body,
From not consuming San took part,
Believe in Buddha and Chief of France,
The same respect we Raise,
They lettered brilliance,
In it they are reborn.
If they do the birth,
They bring forth, Phu
Medicine, food, sex, loving,
They are not difficult,
As the Self in heaven,
Joyful life be affected,
Between the item of property,
Are other people together,
The current result is that,
Life after birth gender Bias.
X. CERAMIC CRAFTSMEN (s. i. 35) (Infinite mind, 22.10 Junk 2, 159b) (Nickname, 9.29, 2, 442b)
Is being an infinite mind,
The seven Female-stilts freed,
Take advantage of the paragraph and the reference,
Pass life be strong.
Beyond mud, who they are,
Manual order beyond death,
After abandoning a body,
They escape the yoke of Chu?
They are Upaka,
With Pukkusàti,
Composed of three,
And Phalaganda,
More Bhaddiya,
With Khandadeva,
And Bàhuraggi,
Along with Pingiya,
After abandoning a body,
They escape the yoke of Chu.
Who says good things,
Of the seven Billion-on stilts,
They escape, except paragraph,
The devil, pitfalls
They know, who's French,
History of unlawful removal segment?
No one outside of world Religion,
The real main tenets,
They know of him,
The paragraph was unlawful possession use.
List the place and identity,
The kill, not balance,
They learned French,
Here from where Mr.
Thus they except paragraph,
Unlawful possession use bind.
The profound words,
Hard to know, hard evidence,
France he knew of who,
Why don't you speak?
Oldtimer, the potters,
In Vehalinga,
And his name,
Is Ghatìkàra.
My main worry nourishing,
Both the mother and the father,
As for the Buddha-Romaine,
The disciples.
The far lewd glasses,
Violates, does not like material things,
Oldtimer Dong Huong son,
Their friend,
So I know them,
The seven Female-stilts freed,
Take advantage of the paragraph and the reference,
Pass life be strong.
So this Bhaggava,
Such as He has just said,
Oldtimer, Mr. Potter,
In Vehalinga,
And He was called,
Is Ghatìkàra.
His main worry nourishing,
Both the mother and the father,
As for the Buddha-Romaine,
He disciples.
He far lewd glasses,
Violates, no animals.
Oldtimer He same flavor,
My friend,
So is the reunion,
Between the time you
Both manual practice,
Bring this ultimate incarnation.
I. OLD AGE (S. i,36)
- Anything good to the elderly?
Anything good stubbornly stay?
What object treasure?
What Rob is hard won?
- Is good to old,
Credit is good stubbornly stay,
Wisdom, treasure of mankind,
The German, Rob is hard won.
- What good Things did not grow old?
What good object distinguished school?
What object treasure?
Anything not pirates won?
- Sex is good not old,
Credit is good, the nine schools
Wisdom, treasure of mankind,
The German, Rob is not winning.
- Who you guys go?
Who you people at home?
Who are you when I need?
Who you for posterity?
You the way, you go,
- At home, mother
Friends when needed,
New is you often,
The Germans do it yourself,
Is you.
- Object, the base?
What animals you paramount (in life)?
What love network maintenance?
Great location on the y?
- The child is the basis,
His wife is paramount, you
Spirit rain is network maintenance,
Y on the venue.
- What human beings?
Something always ruỗi dong?
Something good reincarnation?
What's the fear?
- Craving human beings,
The Center itself is always ruỗi dong,
Beings subject to reincarnation,
Suffering, the fear.
- What human beings?
Something always ruỗi dong?
Something good reincarnation?
Because, not Liberation?
- Craving human beings,
The Center main ruỗi follower, always
Beings subject to reincarnation,
Because a gauge, not freed.
- What human beings?
Something always ruỗi dong?
Something good reincarnation?
What is the refuge?
- Craving human beings,
The Center itself is always ruỗi dong,
Beings subject to reincarnation,
Political career, the refuge.
- What runway?
What's killing on the night?
What UE happy Offense?
What does bath water?
- Taking part in exercise called the runway,
Age kill day and night,
Female celebrities UE Pham,
Making the human implications,
Asceticism and Violations,
Is no need for water bath.
- What do you people?
What's the chemistry teacher?
What's the AI?
Get rid of all the suffering?
- The Credits do you people,
Muslim intellectual culture who,
The AI lost Nirvana,
Freed of all suffering.
- Anything entertainment shelf litigation?
What animals do owls self?
What the medical shelves for?
Anything an shelves stay?
- Workers Stadium Sound shelf,
Van DIY OWL self,
Just list the title, Italian shelves
An shelves stay.
I. LISTS (S. i, 39)
- Anything to win it all?
What animals do not number more than?
And there's a France would,
All things depend?
- The list transcends wins all,
The list is not of any more,
The list itself is a legal,
All things are subject.
II. The MIND (S. i, 39)
- What's driving lead life?
What animal brain self harm?
And there's a France would,
All things depend?
- Center the Main pimp led lifetime,
Self harm brain Center, main
The Center itself is a legal,
All things are subject.
- Anything to lead this life?
What animal brain self harm?
And there's a France would,
All things depend?
- As a Main partner,
Self harm brain craving itself,
As a French major,
All things are subject.
- Anything bondage life?
What animal life Act leads?
So passage except France,
Recently referred to Nirvana?
- The wedding Itself bind,
Bridge operating range,
So passage except thirsty craving,
Be called Nirvana.
V. BE STRONG (S. i, 39)
- What Animal life be strong?
What animal life Act leads?
So passage except France,
Every strong piece be?
- Hy Main slopes be life,
Bridge operating range,
So passage except thirsty craving,
All the slopes be paragraph removal.
VI. OVERWHELMED (s. i. 104)
- Nothing overwhelming life?
Anything covered in this life?
What name struck his life?
By what is often the order of the episodes?
- The overwhelming life, death
Old covered life,
Name of charity hit life,
By education, often the order of the episodes.
- What Animals hanging column life?
Anything covered in this life?
What sealed my life?
On what his life an stay?
- Thirsty craving hanging columns,
Old covered life,
Death sealed for life,
On suffering, life safety stay.
VIII. BEING SEALED (s. i. 104)
- What sealed my life?
On what his life an stay?
What animals hanging column life?
Anything covered in this life?
- Death sealed for life,
On suffering, life safety,
Thirsty craving hanging columns,
Old covered lives.
IX. WISH (s. i. 104)
- Anything bondage life?
Subduing what escape?
What animals are the exception, paragraph
Take advantage of the paragraph be made?
- Bondage desires,
Subduing exercise escape,
The desire to be the paragraph except,
All the slopes be sections.
X. LIFE (World) (s. i.,41)
- On what the world of birth?
On what is communication?
The world accept before?
What a miserable life on the brain?
- On Friday, the world being,
On Friday, are communicating,
The world accept the previous six,
On Friday, life of agony.
... Stand aside, Angel's staff comes up with shelves That Religious articles:
What is animal murder?
What animals are not killed sorrows?
There is a kind of French,
He Council,
False religion Gotama?
Police outrage was lost,
Police outrage not melancholy,
Outrage with standalone basis,
With the Supreme sweetness,
France, ranks Saint,
The copper rivets.
The French police's melancholy,
This (Md) human Bias.
II. VEHICLE (s. i.,41)
- Current chariot generals?
The current General flame?
The United Kingdom currently General?
The current General women?
- The current Flag, chariot generals
The current General smoke flame,
The current King of the United Kingdom, General
My husband is currently General woman.
III. The PROPERTY (s. i.,42)
- What asset in life,
For people is paramount?
What the manual approved,
Brought to chon TAM peace?
What animal the ultimate sweet,
In all the sweetness?
How to live life,
The ultimate life called?
- Your faith in this life,
Is the ultimate asset.
The Chief Justice approved the affidavit, France
Brought to chon Tam at peace.
The sweet truth prevail,
In all the sweetness.
Live life wisdom,
Known live paramount.
IV. The RAIN (S. i,42)
What animals are sprouting up,
Is sprouting paramount?
What animals are falling down,
Is the ultimate fall down?
What animals are often pedestrians?
What animal the ultimate theory?
Whether the seed is sprouting,
Is grows up paramount.
The rain is falling down,
Paramount is falling.
Cows are often pedestrians,
My son the ultimate theory.
Ming hui are sprouting up,
Is grows up paramount.
Ignorance is falling down,
Paramount is falling.
Elderly pedestrian, often rise-
The ultimate theory of Buddha.
V. TERRORISM (s. i.,42)
Why in this life,
Many people fear,
Oil the way mentioned,
The form wrong?
The ask Gotama,
Lucid intelligence ranks,
Must an stay anywhere,
Out of fear the hereafter?
Keep Chief Justice stay lyrics,
Stem career shalt not doing evil.
If in the House,
With the abundant assets,
Keep in mind, credit,
Divide the property, amiable.
An stay four, France
Do not fear the hereafter.
- One old man, who is not old?
How to call the runway?
What hindrances to France?
Anything the night of destruction?
Anything cleaner happy Offense?
What does water bath?
How much life the openings,
Whereupon, the mind does not stay?
To ask What Religion,
Looking forward to knowing the answer!
- Love Colors gets old,
The identity is not old,
Taking part in exercise called the runway,
Craving, hindrances to France.
Age on night of killing,
Female celebrities UE Pham,
Immersed in this cleaner,
As whole beings.
Asceticism and Violations,
Is no need for water bath,
Six openings in life,
Whereupon, the mind does not stay,
Indolence and ample magnification,
Slacking, not initiate,
Swedish hypnosis and Kiss,
All six hole,
Need to separate all.
VII. RESPECT the OWNER (s. i.,43)
- What Things in life?
What Supreme goods?
What animals do rust,
The blades in the world?
Anything in this life,
Work of the hell realms?
Who then, is stop?
Who then, is it?
Who often come back,
Our wedding Festival location?
- Home power in life,
Female celebrities, paramount.
Outrage do rust,
The blades in the world.
The thief in this life,
Work of the hell realms.
Thieves take away, was stop,
SA-subjects provide, is,
SA-keeper usually go back,
Our wedding Festival locations.
VIII. EDUCATION (s. i.,44)
- Think, not for anyone,
People give up?
What charities should be uttered?
What evil should be prevented?
- People do for themselves,
Should not abandon yourself,
The word charity, should be uttered,
The word evil, should be prevented.
IX. REAL WAGES (s. i.,44)
- What food column?
Something-the property?
What's attractive?
In life, hard to quit?
What that means, forced
As the bird trap collapsed?
- Trust the food column,
Your spirit-property.
Please want attractive,
In life, want to remove difficult. (icchà)
Lust, voracious forced
As the bird trap collapsed.
X. FLASH (S. i,44)
- Anything illuminated life?
What animals wake up life?
One lemon with people?
The gestures are they?
Anyone raising the perpetrator afternoons, diligence,
As mothers?
What love network maintenance,
Great location on the y?
- Lighting life, wisdom
Mindfulness, awakening
Beef "with people,
The road is plowed roads.
The rain raising the perpetrator afternoons, diligence,
As mothers.
The rain network maintenance beings,
Y on the venue.
XI. no ARGUMENT (S. i,44)
- One does not argue this life?
One life is not ruined the removal?
One clear desires of life?
Who regularly order at?
One such stay safe,
Father, mother, brothers, wealthy girl?
Who has lower oil delivery
Is Suicide-seat reverence?
- Sa-keeper did not take his life,
SA-living subjects, not kill,
SA-subjects clear desire,
SA-common subjects in,
SA-subjects stay as such,
Father, mother, brother dear.
SA-HA oil subjects being,

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