Tuesday 10 May 2016

CHAPTER TWO: OUT corresponding CHI
1.I. Snow Mountain  (Sv, 63)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
Bhagavan said as follows:
3) - Y on Snow King Mountain Paint this, monks, large snakes autologous growth, strength crop. There, they grow themselves, gained by the power, they go down to the small lake. Once down to the small lake, we go down to the big lake. After going down to the big lake, we go down to the small river. After going down to the small river, we go down to the big river. After going down the big river, we go to the beach, the ocean. There, our body is tremendous and more generous.
4) Also, the monks, monks medicine on the world, to dwell in the world, seven enlightenment practice, making seven enlightenment prolific, gaining tremendous generosity in the legal . And this, monks, are the monks themselves on world health, world reside in the practice of the seven enlightenment, making seven enlightenment prolific, gaining tremendous generosity in the law?
5) Here, the monks, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Trach monks legal practice ... practice enlightenment effort rapture enlightenment ... practice ... practice enlightenment enlightenment equanimity ... practice ... practice to discharge enlightenment sense expenses related to the renunciation, related to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon.
6) Also, the monks, monks medicine on the world, to dwell in the world, seven enlightenment practice, making seven enlightenment prolific, gaining tremendous generosity in the legal .
2.II. CLOSE  (Sv, 64)
1-2) At Savatthi ...
3) - Just as, monks, this body care every cuisine, charming dishes dwell; no food, no dwell. Also, the monks, five hindrances y every dish, the dish is predestined to dwell; no food, no dwell.
4) And this, monks, any dish on lust (kamacchanda) unborn are being run; or to have been born lust growth, generosity? This, monks, had net Minister (subhanimittam), here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes abundantly, net of this is food minister makes no lust arise bore; or for making bore lust for growth, generous.
5) And this, monks, any dish on the field makes arise unborn; or for making bore field is growing, generosity? This, monks, with the minister concerned (patighanimittam). Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes the fullness, the time for this minister is afraid to dish makes unborn pitch is being run; or to the airport makes the growth bore, generous.
6) This, monks, any dish for unborn sloth dullness makes arise; or for more deep torpor bore makes growth, generosity? This, monks, there is no joy, laziness (Tandi), drowsiness (vijambhita), overfeed, timidly mind (linattam). Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes prolific, the main cause drowsiness dishes unborn torpor is being run; or for more deep torpor bore makes growth, generous.
7) And this, monks, dish unborn exchange for Trao makes arise; or exchange for Trao growth was being made, generously? This, monks, there is no pure center only. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes the fullness, the dish was made for foreign unborn Trao is being run; or exchange for Trao growth was being made, generously.
8) And this, monks, any dish to make guests unborn arise; or for being suspected of causing growth, generosity? This, monks, have made legal residence for doubt. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes prolific, the main dish of this method makes the unborn are doubts arise; or for being suspected or has made growth, generous.
9) Just as, monks, this body care on food, dishes that are predestined to dwell; no food, no dwell. Also, the monks, five hindrances y every dish, dishes that are predestined to dwell; no food, no dwell.
10) Just as, monks, this body care on food, dishes that are predestined to dwell; no food, no dwell. Also, the monks, he kept seven enlightenment this dish, which is predestined to dwell dishes; no food, no dwell.
11) And this, monks, any dish for unborn enlightenment concept makes arise; or for enlightenment concept has been practiced arise, make fullness? There are legal entities, the monks, as abode for enlightenment concept. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, the dishes here are made not born Enlightenment concept is being run; or to the Enlightenment notion has caused arises is the practice, make fullness.
12) And this, monks, scouts dish for unborn legal expenses makes sense arise; or for enlightenment scouts have been born to legal practice and make the fullness? This, monks, have good behavior and immoral methods, there are significant legal unnecessary criticism and criticism, with legal entities listed and winning, with the black and white approach (kanhasukkasa-ppatibhaga). Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, the dishes here are made trạch not arise enlightenment measures are being run; or to scout law arises enlightenment has been making practice, make fullness.
13) And this, monks, any dish for not being diligent spending makes sense arise; or for enlightenment has diligently practiced arise and make the fullness? This, monks, it is necessary to gender (arambhadhatu), a globular world (mikkamadhatu), required men (parakkamadhatu). Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, the dishes here are made not born enlightenment effort is being run; or for diligent arise enlightenment has been practicing making, make fullness.
14) And this, monks, dishes for the wedding yet unborn enlightenment makes arise; or for joy arises enlightenment has been the practice, make fullness? This, monks, have the joy of doing abode for enlightenment. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, the dishes here are made not born rapture enlightenment is being run; or for joy arises enlightenment has been making practice, make fullness.
15) And this, monks, any dish for unborn enlightenment equanimity makes arise; or for contempt arises enlightenment has been the practice, make fullness? This, monks, Friendly calm, calm mind. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, the dishes here are made not born calm enlightenment is being run; or to calm enlightenment has been practicing being made, making fullness.
16) And this, monks, any dish on the unborn enlightenment makes arise; or for the birth and enlightenment has been the practice, make fullness? This, monks, had net only minister, any minister disorders. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, the dishes here are made to bring forth enlightenment not arise; or for the birth and enlightenment has been making practice, make fullness.
17) And this, monks, any dish for enlightenment unborn discharge causes arise; or to discharge bore enlightenment is practiced, make fullness? This, monks, with the discharge of doing abode for enlightenment. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness of time this dish was made for discharge unborn enlightenment is being run; or to discharge bore enlightenment is making practice, make fullness.
Just as, monks, this body care every cuisine, charming dishes dwell; no food, no dwell. Also, the monks, he kept seven enlightenment this dish, which is predestined to dwell dishes; no food, no dwell.
3.III. ABOUT  (Sv, 67)
2) - This, monks, the monks do Bhikshus, the ordination, ordination Property, ordination liberation, liberation ordination of knowledge, I say, monks who saw him there many benefits.
3) Who was listening to the monks, the monks, I say there are many benefits. Who audience that monks, the monks, I say there are many benefits. Who close the monks did, the monks, I say there are many benefits. Who remembers thinking that, monks, is the monks, I say there are many benefits. Who depending upon his monks ordained, the monks, I say there are many benefits.
4) Why? This, monks, when he heard from the monks approach so, the renunciation of any life (vupakattho), are two of renunciation: renunciation of renunciation of the mind and body. Such renunciation live will depending anniversary (anussarati) measures that, depending on his legal views.
5) This, monks, while monks lived such renunciation, depending anniversary, custom views that law; in the meantime, started enlightenment concept arises in his monks. While monks practicing enlightenment concept; in the meantime, thanks to practice, go to the Enlightenment notion fullness. He stay with such mindfulness, with wisdom decided scouts, police assistance, legal achievements was observed.
6) While the monks, monks lived such mindfulness, with wisdom decided scouts, suicide and went to observe her methods; in the meantime, the monks, scouts started legal enlightenment arises in his monks. While scouts monks legal practice enlightenment; in the meantime, thanks to practice, scouts go to legal expenses fullness sensation. While wisdom he decided scouts, investments and achievements closely observe his approach, the effort, not passive (asallinam) began to arise where he.
7) While the monks, monks with wisdom decided scouts, investments and achievements closely observe his approach, the effort, not passive began to arise in the monks did. While monks diligent practice enlightenment; in the meantime, thanks to practice, go to enlightenment diligent fulfillment. With an ardent, diligent, not wedding related material (PITI niramisa) arises.
8) While the monks, monks ardent, diligent, joy is not related to the physical start-up; meanwhile, joy arises enlightenment started in his monks. While monks practicing enlightenment joy; in the meantime, thanks to practice, rapture enlightenment come to perfection. With joy you mean, your family will be calm, be calm mind.
9) While the monks, monks with the joy, the body is calm, the mind is calm; meanwhile, calm enlightenment began to arise in the monks did. While monks practicing enlightenment equanimity; in the meantime, thanks to practice, enlightenment equanimity go to perfection. With an equanimity Friendly, optimistic beings. With an optimistic, calm mind.
10) While this, monks, monks Friendly calm, peaceful, calm mind; in the meantime, the monks, the Enlightenment began to arise in the monks did. While the monks practicing enlightenment; in the meantime, thanks to practice enlightenment, go to perfection. He with such calm mind, look smart discharge residence (things) (sadhukam ajjhupekkhita).
11) While this, monks, monks and centered calm, smart look discharge residence (things) like that; in the meantime, the monks, started discharge arises enlightenment in his monks. While monks practicing enlightenment discharge; in the meanwhile, thanks discharge practice enlightenment, go to perfection.
12) This, monks, seven enlightenment practiced thus be made so prolific, the result of seven, seven-awaited benefits. How effective is seven, seven benefits?
13) Right now, immediately (patihacca) achieved (chief) position; if even in the present, not be achieved immediately right knowledge, the time when death, accomplishing right knowledge.
14) If even in the present, not be achieved immediately right knowledge; if the death, no achievement is the district where, when, after the total extinction of five lower fetters, Intermediary evidence PARINIRVANA (antaraparinibbayi).
15) If even in the present, not be achieved immediately right knowledge; if the death, not accomplishing right knowledge; if after the total extinction of five lower fetters, no evidence was Intermediary bowl Nirvana, after the annihilation of five lower fetters, evidence Damage (upahacca) PARINIRVANA.
16) If even in the present, no evidence was immediately right knowledge; if the death, no evidence was right knowledge; if after the total extinction of five lower fetters, no evidence was Intermediary PARINIRVANA; if after the total extinction of five lower fetters, no evidence was Detriment PARINIRVANA, after the annihilation of five lower fetters, they were frustrated Executive PARINIRVANA (asankharaparinibbayi)
17) If even in the present, not the achievements immediately right knowledge; if the death, no evidence was right knowledge; if after the total extinction of five lower fetters, no evidence was Intermediary PARINIRVANA; if after cessation are five lower fetters, no evidence was Detriment PARINIRVANA; if after the total extinction of five lower fetters, no evidence was Countless acts PARINIRVANA; after the annihilation of five lower fetters, are Huu operating certificate PARINIRVANA.
18) If even in the present, not the achievements immediately right knowledge; if the death, no evidence was right knowledge; if after the total extinction of five lower fetters, no evidence was Intermediary PARINIRVANA; if after cessation of five lower fetters, no evidence was Detriment PARINIRVANA bowl; if after the total extinction of five lower fetters, no evidence was Countless acts PARINIRVANA; if after the total extinction of five lower fetters, no operating controls were Huu PARINIRVANA; after the annihilation of five lower fetters, he is the upper level (uddhamsoto), achieved Sac natural cure.
19) This, monks, seven enlightenment by practicing so, by making such fullness should wait seven this result, seven benefits.
4.IV. TRANSFER  (Vatta) (Sv, 70)
1) One time, the Venerable Sariputta at Savatthi stay at Thang forest, garden he Anathapindika.
2) Here, venerable Sariputta, monks call:
- Chu Sage monks.
- Ladies and Sage.
The monks did Venerable Sariputta replied yes. The venerable Sariputta said as follows:
3) - reverences, this seven enlightenment. What is seven? Enlightenment conception, legal enlightenment scouts, diligently enlightenment, joy enlightenment, equanimity enlightenment, the enlightenment, enlightenment discharge. Reverences, which is seven this enlightenment.
4) For seven this enlightenment, this reverences, for enlightenment do we want to dwell in the morning, in his enlightenment, we dwell in the morning. For enlightenment do we want to dwell in the afternoon, in his enlightenment, we take refuge in the afternoon. For enlightenment do we want to dwell in the afternoon, in his enlightenment, we take refuge in the afternoon.
5) If the concept of enlightenment exists within us, this reverences, we clearly know that enlightenment is infinite within us, he is smart enlightenment arises in us, and enlightenment he abides in us, we clearly known to reside. If enlightenment he rejected me, I clearly know my enlightenment was abandoned because this predestined.
6-10) ... (as above, with the other enlightenment) ...
11) If the exhaust existing enlightenment factor in me, O friends, we clearly know that enlightenment is infinite within us, he is smart enlightenment arises in us, and enlightenment he abides in us, we clearly known to reside. If enlightenment he rejected me, I clearly know my enlightenment was abandoned because this predestined.
12) Just as, reverences, shirt boxes or courtiers of the king of kings full of garments with the color difference. If he wants to wear any kind of clothes in the morning, he was wearing in the morning. If you want to wear any other shirt in the afternoon, he was wearing clothes at noon. If you want to wear any other shirt in the afternoon, he was wearing those clothes in the afternoon.
13) Also, the reverences, for seven this enlightenment, for enlightenment do we want to dwell in the morning, in the enlightenment that we dwell in the morning. For enlightenment do we want to dwell at noon, in the enlightenment that we dwell at noon. For enlightenment do we want to dwell in the afternoon, we take refuge in the afternoon his enlightenment.
14) If the concept of enlightenment exists within us, this reverences, I clearly said ... (see above paragraph 5)
15-19) ... (as in paragraph No. 6-10)
20) If the discharge of enlightenment ... (see above paragraph 11)
5.V. Monks  (Sv, 72)
2) Then the monks went to the Blessed One, after arriving ... sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
- "Sense spending, enlightenment", venerable sir, is called so. So how, venerable sir, is called enlightenment?
- Hey monks, they lead to enlightenment, so we called the Enlightenment.
3) Here, the monks, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... practicing enlightenment associated discharge to the renunciation system, linked to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon.
4) Because he practiced seven this enlightenment, the mind is freed from illegal sex, the mind is freed from illegal possession, the mind is freed from ignorance. In salvation, wisdom arises: "I have been liberated." He knew: "Birth was seeking, Virtue has, what to do have done, no longer come back to this state again."
5) They lead to enlightenment, the monks, so they called enlightenment.
6.VI. KUNDALI  (The earloop) (Sv, 73)
1) A residence time in Saketa Bhagavan, at Ancana Forest, Deer Park.
2) Then go to the wanderer Kundaliya Bhagavan; after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side. On one side, wanderer Kundaliya venerable sir:
3) - Ladies and venerable Gotama, I live near the garden, hang out with the congregation. Once finished eating morning, sir Venerable Gotama, the following is the office (Acara) my. I pedestrians, I traveled, from pineapple pineapple garden through another garden, this garden from other gardens. There, I saw a number of recluses, Brahmin discussion about the benefits escapism debates (itivadapamokkanisamsam) and heckled benefits (uparambhanisamsam). Venerable Gotama longer live with what benefits?
- Hey Kundaliya, Tathagata have the benefit of intelligent performance and deliverance (vijjavimuttiphalanisamsam).
4) - But, Venerable Gotama, these methods are practiced, are making intelligent and prolific causes of liberation are fulfilled?
- Hey Kundaliya, seven enlightenment is practiced, made for fullness, making intelligent and free being fulfilled.
5) - But, Venerable Gotama, these methods are practiced, made for fullness, making seven enlightenment be fulfilled?
- Hey Kundaliya, four are practicing mindfulness, made for fullness, making seven enlightenment is fullness.
6) - But, Venerable Gotama, those that are practiced, made for fullness, making the four foundations of mindfulness be fulfilled?
- Hey Kundaliya, three good practice (sucaritani) is practiced, made for fullness, making the four foundations of mindfulness is fullness.
7) - But, Venerable Gotama, those that are practiced, made for fullness, making three good practice be fulfilled?
- Hey Kundaliya, practiced holder base, made for fullness, making three good practice fullness. But this Kundaliya, upholding based practice how to make how prolific, making three good practice be fulfilled?
8) Here, this Kundaliya, monks when the eye sees color possibilities without taking previous reviews, there is no joy, not to lust (raga) arises. He was loved to dwell, reside mind, inner portion dwell smart, clever liberation. And when the eye sees the color is not available, no desperation (Manku), no oscillation center, the no depression (adinamanaso), no angry heart (avyapannacetaso). He was loved to dwell, reside mind, inner portion dwell clever, cleverly freed.
9-12) Again, this Kundaliya, monks when the ear heard ... the nose ... the tongue tasting smelling incense ... emotional body ...
13) Again, this Kundaliya, when the monks know the legal possibilities, not involved before, no joy, not to lust arises. He was loved to dwell, reside mind, inner portion dwell smart, clever liberation. And monks known as the standard method is not available, no despair, no oscillation center, the no boredom, no angry heart. He was loved to dwell, reside mind, inner portion dwell clever, cleverly freed.
14) Hey Kundaliya, when monks, the eye sees color, for standard colors available or unavailable reviews, hull dwell, reside mind, the internal components are well established, well-liberation ... the ears ... when the nose smell heard the tongue taste the flavor ... ... when ... when the body feelings known method, for the legal ability or unavailable reviews, relatives were residing, the mind is an residence, the internal components are well established, well-liberation. This Kundaliya, upholding the grounds are such practice, is making such fullness, makes three good practice fullness.
15) And this Kundaliya, three good operating practice how to make how prolific, making four foundations of mindfulness be fulfilled? Here, this Kundaliya, monks make themselves evil operating segments, friendly operating practices; Export annihilation evil act, good operating practice import; take the operating segments evil, the good operating practice. This Kundaliya, three is good practice such acts, are making such fullness, makes the four foundations of mindfulness is fullness.
16) And this Kundaliya, the four foundations of mindfulness practice is how to make how prolific, making seven enlightenment be fulfilled? Here, this Kundaliya, monks living body in the body shop, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lives, on the life expectancy shop ... shop ... shop centered on the legal interest on legal entities, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. This Kundaliya, the four foundations of mindfulness practice is thus made for such prolific seven enlightenment makes fullness.
17) And this Kundaliya, seven enlightenment is how practicing, made for how prolific, making intelligent and free being fulfilled? Here, this Kundaliya, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... practicing enlightenment contact discharge to renunciation, related to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. This Kundaliya, seven enlightenment was such practice, is making such fullness, making intelligent and free being fulfilled.
18) When is say so, wanderer Kundaliya venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama ... from now until I take refuge in religious life.
7. VII roof  (S. v, 75)
1-2) ...
3) - Just as, monks, the beam, rafter's tree house with a peaked; All the beam, truss plants that are prone to a peaked, pointed toward the roof and down to a peaked. Also, this, monks, monks practiced seven enlightenment, making seven prolific Enlightenment, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
4) And this, monks, monks practiced like seven enlightenment, making seven enlightenment prolific how fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana? Here, the monks, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon; trạch legal practice ... practice enlightenment effort rapture enlightenment ... practice ... practice enlightenment enlightenment equanimity ... practice ... practice of enlightenment enlightenment contact discharge to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Also, this, monks, monks practiced seven enlightenment, making seven prolific Enlightenment, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
8.VIII. UPAVANA  (Sv, 76)
1) A time Venerable Venerable Sariputta Upavana and lived in Kosambi, at Ghosita garden.
2) Then the venerable Sariputta, in the afternoon, from where Meditation got up, went to the venerable Upavana; after arriving, said to the venerable Upavana words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side. On one side, venerable Sariputta told venerable Upavana.
3) - Ladies and Sage Upavana, monks can know whether, by itself or as of volition, been cleverly seven enlightenment abides in me, and lead to stay optimistic?
4) - Dear Sage Sariputta, monks can know, by itself or as of volition, been cleverly seven enlightenment begins within us, leading to stay optimistic. Dear Sage, monks started chanting only enlightenment, knows: "Our mind is cleverly freed. Dullness in my torpor was cleverly plucked clean. It was clever exchange Trao in subduing. Effort has begun in us. Get enlightenment did object (atthikatva), we use the mind volition. Enlightenment does not have degenerate (linam) "... Dear Sage, monks began to discharge only enlightenment, knows:" Our mind is cleverly freed. Dullness in my torpor was cleverly plucked clean. It was clever exchange Trao in subduing. Effort has begun in us. Get his enlightenment as an object, we use the mind volition. Enlightenment does not have degenerate ". Likewise, Mr. Sage Sariputta, monks can know, by himself as reasonable volition, seven enlightenment factors are cleverly dwell within us, leading to stay optimistic.
9.IX. HAVING  (1) (Sv, 77)
2) - Hey, monks, seven enlightenment has not arise, if practiced, makes fullness, can arise. But not without the existence of the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment. What is seven?
3) mindfulness enlightenment enlightenment ... discharge. This, monks, seven enlightenment has not arise, if practiced, makes fullness, can arise. But not without the existence of the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment.
10.X. HAVING  (2) (Sv, 77)
2) - Seven this enlightenment, this, monks, not start up, if practiced, makes fullness, can arise. But not without Auspicious Career precepts. What is seven?
3) mindfulness enlightenment enlightenment ... discharge. Seven of this enlightenment, this, monks, not start up, if practiced, made for fullness, can arise. But not without Auspicious Career precepts.
11.I. HAVING TYPE  (Sv, 78)
2) - Just as, monks, some kind of sentient (PANA) in four gesture, when, while standing, sitting, lying. All that kind of care delivery on the ground, to dwell in the land; which made four gestures. Also, this, monks, monks medicine on the world, to dwell in the world, seven enlightenment practice, making seven enlightenment fullness.
3) And this, monks, how the monks themselves on world health, world reside in the practice of the seven factors of enlightenment, makes prolific seven enlightenment? Here, the monks, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to practice renunciation ... enlightenment contact discharge to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards give up. Also, this, monks, monks medicine on the world, to dwell in the world, seven enlightenment practice, making seven enlightenment fullness.
12.II. EXAMPLE SOLAR  (1) (Sv, 78)
2) - Just as, monks, this is the sign ahead, as minister heralded the sun was about to rise, meaning daybreak. Also, this, monks, this is the sign ahead, as minister heralded the seven enlightenment arises, ie befriends friendly. Monks befriend good, this, monks, is expected that seven will be practicing enlightenment, seven enlightenment will be made prolific.
3) And this, monks, the monks how do you in good faith, cultivate the seven factors of enlightenment, makes prolific seven enlightenment? Here, the monks, monks practice ... practice concept discharge enlightenment enlightenment related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Thus, the monks, the monks do you faith, cultivate the seven factors of enlightenment, makes prolific seven enlightenment.
13.III. EXAMPLE SOLAR  (2) (Sv, 79)
2) Just as, monks, this is the sign ahead, as minister heralded the sun was about to rise, which means dawn. Also, this, monks, this is the sign ahead, as minister heralded the seven enlightenment arises, ie as of volition. Monks achievements of attention, this, monks, is expected that seven will be practicing enlightenment, seven enlightenment will be made prolific.
3) And this, monks, how the monks as of volition, seven enlightenment practice, make prolific seven enlightenment? Here, the monks, monks practice ... practice concept discharge enlightenment enlightenment related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Also, this, monks, monks achievements of volition, seven enlightenment practice, making seven enlightenment fullness.
14.IV. DISEASE  (1) (Sv, 79)
1) Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Rajgir, Truc Lam forest, nurtured spot the squirrel.
2) At that time, Venerable Kassapa Pipphali residing in caves, sick, suffering, is mortally ill.
3) Then Bhagavan, in the afternoon, from Meditation got up, went to the venerable Maha Kassapa; after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted.
4) Sit down, Bhagavan told Maha Venerable Kassapa:
- Hey Kassapa, he has patience to be reasonable? He can tolerate reasonable? Are minimizing unpleasant, no growth? Are there symptoms reduce, no growth?
- Buddha, I can not patience, the unbearable. Unpleasant place human growth vehemently, no mitigation. There are symptoms of growth, no mitigation.
5) - This Kassapa, these seven enlightenment right feet so I preached, practiced, made for fullness, resulting in winning position, enlightenment, Nirvana. What is seven? Enlightenment concept, this Kassapa, right feet so I preached, practiced, made for fullness, resulting in winning position, enlightenment, Nirvana ... Discharge enlightenment, this Kassapa, because my theory right feet preached, practiced, made for fullness, resulting in winning position, enlightenment, Nirvana. Seven of this enlightenment, this Kassapa, because I preached right feet, practiced, made for fullness, resulting in winning position, enlightenment, Nirvana.
- Indeed, venerable sir, it is enlightenment. Indeed, transparency Auspicious, we are enlightenment.
6) Exalted such theory, Maha Kassapa venerable credit joyful life Bhagavan taught words. Maha Kassapa and Venerable get rid of his disease. Diseases of the venerable Maha Kassapa did was take the same paragraph.
15.V. DISEASE  (2) (Sv, 80)
1-6) (Completely the same business on, only this is the case he Maha Moggalana).
16.VI. DISEASES  (3) (Sv, 81)
1) One time Bhagavan in Rajgir, Truc Lam forest, nurtured spot the squirrel.
2) At that time, Bhagavan sick, the suffering, the disease is important.
3) Then Venerable Maha Cunda went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
4) Bhagavan told Cunda Venerable Maha sat in:
- Hey Cunda, let's theory of enlightenment.
5) - Buddha, has seven enlightenment right feet by Bhagavan preached, practiced, made for fullness, resulting in winning position, enlightenment, Nirvana. What is seven? Buddha, enlightenment concept right feet by Bhagavan preached, practiced, made for fullness, resulting in winning position, enlightenment, Nirvana ... Buddha, enlightenment discharge by Bhagavan feet Secretarial preached, practiced, made for fullness, resulting in winning position, enlightenment, Nirvana. Buddha, the seven enlightenment right feet by Bhagavan preached, practiced, made for fullness, leading to win position, enlightenment, Nirvana.
- Indeed, this Cunda, it is enlightenment. Indeed, this Cunda, they are enlightenment.
6) Venerable Maha Cunda such theory, accepted masters. Bhagavan and his escape from the disease. Exalted be He's disease take such sections. (Beijing Han Tang: Tang, University 2,73la)
17.VII. To the other shore, OR WITHOUT  FURTHER  (Sv, 81)
2) - There are seven this enlightenment, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, brought from this shore to the other side. What is seven? Enlightenment conception, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, brought from this shore to the other side ... Discharge enlightenment, this, monks, practiced, made for supplements please, take from this shore to the other side. Seven of this enlightenment, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, brought from this shore to the other side.
3) Exalted such theory. Auspicious such theory is complete, gurus say more:
1)  Less replace those,
Through the other side,
Most other masses,
Running back and forth to this shore.
2)  Those who preached,
Dharma skillfully uttered,
They came to the other side,
Makai cleverly pass the scene.
3)  Then take the measures tar,
Wise transparent legal practitioners,
Leaving home, no home life,
In solitude difficult to communicate.
4)  Here want enjoyment,
Take away all desire,
Wise self-purification,
Self-afflicted mind.
5)  Those who skillfully practiced,
Chief interest in enlightenment,
Abandon the attachment,
Joy, not clinging,
Gonorrhea or take, luminous,
Achieving the first President in my life.
18.VIII. Degenerate  (Virdddha), make TU (Aradda) (Sv, 82)
2) - Hey, monks, who degenerate seven enlightenment, the Noble Eight also degenerate leading to cessation of suffering industry. This, monks, those who deluded seven tons religious enlightenment, the Noble Eight also taken to eradicate suffering industry. What is seven? Enlightenment conception, ... discharged enlightenment.
3) Hey, monks, who degenerate or deluded seven enlightenment is also degenerate or deluded Noble Eight branches taken to eradicate suffering.
19.IX. CHURCH  (Sv, 82)
2) - Seven this enlightenment, this, monks, if practiced, made for fullness, it will become the holy extradition. (Niyyanika: Bringing to liberation), who led the office right feet cessation of suffering. What is seven? Enlightenment concept ... discharge ... Seven enlightenment enlightenment this, this, monks, if practiced, made for fullness, it will become the church's extradition, who led the office segment right feet Removal suffering.
20.X. Boring  (Sv, 82)
2) - There are seven this enlightenment, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to boredom Nhut direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana . What is seven? Enlightenment concept ... discharge ... Seven enlightenment enlightenment this, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to boredom Nhut direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win location, enlightenment, Nirvana.
21.I. OUT  (Bodhana) (Sv, 83)
2) Then the monks went to the Bhagavan; after arriving ... and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, his monks venerable sir:
- "Sense spending, enlightenment", venerable sir, is referred to as such. So how, venerable sir, is called enlightenment?
- Bringing to enlightenment, this, monks, so called enlightenment.
4) Here, monks practice ... practice concept discharge enlightenment enlightenment related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon.
5) Putting to enlightenment, this, monks, so called enlightenment.
22.II. Preach  (26.17 Magazine University 2, 196a) (Sv, 83)
2) - Hey, monks, I will argue for the enlightenment he's seven. Listen. And this, monks, how are the seven factors of enlightenment? ... Exhaust concept enlightenment enlightenment. This, monks, there are seven this enlightenment.
23.III. STAY AND ORIGIN  (Thana) (26.71 Magazine University 2, 190B) (Sv, 84)
2) - Do volition, making legal fullness of abode for education and participation (kamaraga), the monks, should lust (kamacchanda) unborn are being run; and bore away to lust growth, generous.
3) Do volition, make fullness of abode for the legal field, the monks, so the field is being run unborn; and bore away to the field of growth, generous.
4) Do volition, making legal fullness of abode for dullness torpor, the monks, should dullness sloth bear not arise; and dullness torpor was born to go to grow, generous.
5) Do volition, making legal fullness of abode for foreign Trao, the monks, should Trao unborn exchange is being run; Trao exchange and bore away to grow, generous.
6) Do volition, making legal fullness of abode for doubt, the monks, should not bring forth doubts arise; and bore away doubts on growth, generous.
7) Do volition, making legal fullness of abode for enlightenment concept, this, monks, should not bring forth enlightenment concept arises; Enlightenment concept was born and went to the growth, generous.
8) Do volition, make fullness of abode for the discharge of legal enlightenment, this, monks, should discharge unborn enlightenment is being run; and discharging bore enlightenment go to growth, generous.
24.IV. AFRICA AS MANAGEMENT  (Ayoniso) (Journal 27, 14 University 2, 195b) (Sv, 84)
2) - Due to non-cooperation as the reason, the monks, lust (kamacchanda) unborn are being run; and lust have come to growth arise, generous.
3) ... the field is being run unborn; and bore away to the field of growth, generous.
4) ... dullness sloth bear not arise; and dullness torpor was born to go to grow, generous.
5) ... Trao unborn exchange is being run; Trao exchange and bore away to grow, generous.
6) ... bore no doubt arise; and bore away doubts on growth, generous.
7) ... and recite unborn enlightenment does not arise; and enlightenment concept was born to be eradicated ... discharge unborn enlightenment does not arise; and discharging bore enlightenment being annihilated.
8) ... And this, monks, if volition justice, unborn lust can not arise; and lust was born to be annihilation.
9) ... golf unborn can not arise; and bore pitch was total annihilation.
10) ... dullness torpor unborn can not arise; and dullness torpor was born to be annihilation.
11) ... exchange Trao unborn can not arise; and bore exchange Trao was total annihilation.
12) ... can not be unborn doubt arise; and doubts have been born annihilation.
13) ... Because as of volition, the monks, unborn enlightenment concept is being run; and enlightenment concept was born, thanks to practice, go to the fullness ... discharge unborn enlightenment is being run; and discharging bore enlightenment, through study and practice, come to perfection.
25.V. NO DAMAGE REDUCTION  (Aparihani) (1) (Sv, 85)
2) - Hey, monks, I will lecture for about seven measures He did not harm reduction. Listen.
3) And this, monks, are the seven measures do not harm reduction? Ie seven enlightenment. What is seven? ... Exhaust concept enlightenment enlightenment. This, monks, the method is not harm reduction seven measures.
26.VI. TAKING THE PERIOD  (Khaya) (Sv, 86)
2) - Which way, any path, this, monks, lead to the total extinction of desire, let's practice this path, that path.
3) And any path, any path, this, monks, lead to the total extinction of craving? Ie seven enlightenment. What is seven? ... Exhaust concept enlightenment enlightenment.
4) When is say so, venerable lord Udayi:
- Practice how to make prolific how, venerable sir, seven enlightenment lead to the total extinction of craving?
5) - Here, this Udayi, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards renunciation, generosity, immense, immeasurable, not courtyard. For your enlightenment concept of practice related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards renunciation, generosity, immense, immeasurable, not courts, the desire is to make an end. Because thirst is total annihilation should now be total annihilation. Because now is to make an end is to make an end to suffering.
6-11) ... trạch diligent legal enlightenment ... ... rapture enlightenment enlightenment ... calm ... the enlightenment enlightenment ...
12) Here, monks practiced enlightenment-related discharge of renunciation, related to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards renunciation, generosity, immense, immeasurable, not golf. For your enlightenment discharge practices related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards renunciation, generosity, immense, immeasurable, not courts, the desire is to make an end. Because thirst is total annihilation should now be total annihilation. Because now is to make an end is to make an end to suffering.
13) Therefore, this Udayi so desire should take now to make an end segment. Due to the total extinction should now make an end to suffering.
27.VII. Cessation  (Review 27, 18 Great 2,196a) (Sv, 87)
2) - Which way, any path, this, monks, leading to cessation of craving, let's practice this path, that path.
3) And this, monks, any path, any path to cessation craving? Ie seven enlightenment. What is seven? ... Exhaust concept enlightenment enlightenment.
4) Practice how to make prolific how the monks, seven enlightenment to cessation craving?
Here, the monks, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon, ... practice enlightenment contact discharge to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon.
5) Practice thus making such fullness, the monks, seven enlightenment to cessation craving.
28.VIII. TO IMPORT  (Nibbedha). (Sv, 87)
2) - Hey, monks, I will preach to the road he can enter part (nibbedhabhagiyam). Listen.
3) And this, monks, is the way how to enter the part? Ie seven enlightenment. What is seven? ... Exhaust concept enlightenment enlightenment.
4) When they heard that, venerable lord Udayi:
- Practice how to make prolific how, venerable sir, seven enlightenment can lead to integration?
5) - Here, this Udayi, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards renunciation, generosity, immense, immeasurable, not courtyard. He thanks enlightenment center concept to practice, be punctured (nibbijjhati), break (padaleti) participated aggregates previously pierced unprecedented, never before broken; he punctured it, breaking the previous aggregates yard pierced unprecedented, never before broken; he punctured it, breaking the previous aggregates si pierced unprecedented, never before broken ... Cultivation enlightenment contact discharge to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, in relation to paragraph Removal, navigate to abandon, generous, huge, immeasurable, not golf. He thanks discharge practice enlightenment heart, pierced by, breaking is taking unprecedented aggregates previously pierced, had never before been broken; he punctured it, breaking the previous aggregates yard pierced unprecedented, never before broken; he punctured it, breaking the previous aggregates si pierced unprecedented, never before broken.
6) Practice thus making such fullness, this Udayi, seven enlightenment can lead to accession.
29.IX. A FRANCE  (Sv, 88)
2) - I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to the total extinction of the measures capable of being fetters. That was seven enlightenment, this, monks, how are the seven? ... Exhaust concept enlightenment enlightenment.
3) Practice how to make prolific how the monks, seven enlightenment lead to the total extinction of the measures capable of being fetters? Here, the monks, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to renunciation, enlightenment ... practice-related discharge renunciation, related to dispassion, related annihilation, direction to abandon. Such practice, makes abundantly so, the monks, seven enlightenment lead to the total extinction of the measures capable of being fetters.
4) And this, monks, are the legal entities capable of being fetters? Eyes, this, monks, is capable of being legal fetters. Here, before starting up the parameters (ajjhosana), incorrect use, bind (samyojanavinibandha) ... Italian is capable of being legal fetters. Here, the start-up of previous participation, wrong use, bondage.
These phenomena, this, monks, is called the method being capable of fetters.
30.X. UDAYI  (Sv, 89)
1) A residence in the middle of Bhagavan who Sumbha, in a town of people named setaka Sumbha.
2) Then venerable Udayi, went to the Blessed One ... sat to one side, venerable lord Udayi:
3) - It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather bizarre, venerable sir! Much rather emotional (bahukatam), venerable sir, is pleased admirers, reverence, the child's mind and you for Bhagavan. Buddha, before children were still at home, I do not have much emotion (bahukata) for France, no more emotional for Boost. But, venerable sir, when you feel (sampassamano) pleased admirers, revered, the knife and your heart to Bhagavan, when I left home, abandoned the family, no family life. Exalted and preach to me: "This is excellent, this is the start collective identity, identity this is annihilated, this is the path to excellence cessation. This is life, this is the starting group life, this is life ... This is the cessation of consciousness, collective consciousness this is starting, this is the form of annihilation, this is the path leading to the extinction method ".
4) Then, venerable sir, I come to the empty house, and while depending shop (samparivattento) by the aggregates being destroyed this year, won the tri-like, "This is suffering". Con tri realistic goal: "This is the start file format". Con tri realistic goal: "It is hard kill". Con tri realistic goal: "This is the way to destroy suffering".
5) France, venerable sir, is that I fully certified tri (abhisamito). The road is the attainment, this path is the practice, made for fullness, will rule over you, so stay with peace, so, reaching such attainment (tathattaya). Thus, you will clearly know that "took advantage Sanh Pham well succeeded, what to do have done, no longer come back to this state again." Buddha, the concept of enlightenment attained. This concept is practiced, made for fullness, will rule over you, so stay with peace, so, reach the attainment of such. Thus, you will clearly know that "Sanh took advantage ... no callbacks this state again" ... The evidence is, venerable sir, discharging enlightenment. This discharge is practiced, made for fullness, will rule over you, so stay with peace, so, reach the attainment of such. Thus, you will clearly know that "took advantage Sanh Pham well succeeded, what to do have done, no longer come back to this state again." Venerable sir, this road is the attainment, this path is the practice, made for fullness, will rule over you, so stay with peace, so, reach the attainment of such. Thus, you will clearly know that "Sanh took advantage ... no more callbacks this state."
6) - You instead, heal rather, it Udayi! This road, this Udayi, he attained, this path is to practice, will be making prolific led him, with such reside, thus reaching such attainment. Thus, he will clearly know that "Sanh took advantage ... no more callbacks this state."
IV. PRODUCT hindrances
31.I. FRIENDLY  (1) (Sv, 91)
2) - All that has the problem, this, monks, partaking of good and evil, but of good parts, all measures that distractions do not get the basic, no distractions do take place to gather ; undistracted called for legal supremacy was.
3) With no distractions, monks this, this, monks, is expected that seven will be practicing enlightenment, seven enlightenment will be made prolific. And how, this, monks, monks do not practice seven visual distractions spending, make prolific seven enlightenment?
4) Here, the monks, monks practice ... practice concept discharge enlightenment enlightenment related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Thus, the monks, monks are not distractions to practice the seven factors of enlightenment, makes prolific seven enlightenment.
32.II. FRIENDLY  (2) (Sv, 91)
2) - All that has the problem, this, monks, partaking of good and evil, but of good parts, all he took such measures as the basis for the work, taken as the place of volition do gathering; as of volition is called the ultimate for that approach.
3) With the monks achievements of this intention, this, monks, is expected that seven will be practicing enlightenment, will be making fullness. And how, this, monks, monks achievements of volition, seven enlightenment practice, make prolific seven enlightenment?
4) Here, the monks, monks practice ... practice concept discharge enlightenment enlightenment related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Thus, the monks, monks achievements of volition, seven enlightenment practice, making seven enlightenment fullness.
33.III. Defilements  (1) (Sv, 92)
2) - This year the monks have this defilements for gold. Due to his defilements, gold was defiled, no highly skilful, without afford taking, no glare, prone moldy (pabhangu), and not rightly be used.
3) Iron, the monks, the defilements of gold. Due to his defilements, gold shall be defiled ... use.
4) Copper (loham), the monks, the defilements of gold. Due to his defilements, gold shall be defiled ... use.
5) Tin (Tipu), the monks, the defilements of gold. Due to his defilements, gold was defiled ...
6) Lead (sisam), the monks, the defilements of gold. Due to his defilements, gold was defiled ...
7) Silver (sajjhum), the monks, the defilements of gold. Due to his defilements, gold was defiled, no highly skilful, without afford taking, no glare, prone to chipping, and not be used rightly.
8) The defilements of gold, the monks, by his defilements, gold was defiled, no highly skilful, afford no taking, no glare, prone to chipping, and not rightly take use. Also, the monks, five defilements of mind, it is the mind that makes defilements defiled, no highly skilful, without afford taking, no glare, prone moldy, not legs provincial chief fixed to cessation of defilements. What is the year?
9) Education participated (kamachanda), the monks, the defilements of the mind. Due to his defilements, defiled mind, no highly skilful, without afford taking, no glare, prone to chipping, the province is not true to cessation of defilements.
10-13) ... (With golf, deep in torpor, exchange Trao, Comfort)
14) But this method, this, monks, is five defilements of mind. The main was due to the defilements, highly skilful mind can not, afford no taking, no glare, prone to chipping, and the province is not true to cessation of defilements.
34.IV. THE defilements  (2) (26.67 Journal, University 2,189b) (Sv, 93)
2) - Hey, monks, seven enlightenment are not obstacles, not hindrances, not defiled mind, practiced, made for fullness, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective. What is seven?
3) There enlightenment concept, this, monks, no obstacles, no hindrances, not defiled mind, practiced, made for fullness, leading to effective realization and liberation ... Discharge intelligent sense spend no obstacles, no hindrances, not defiled mind, practiced, made for fullness, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective.
4) This, monks, seven enlightenment are not obstacles, not hindrances, not defiled mind, practiced, made for fullness, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective.
35.V. AS MANAGEMENT  (1) (Sv, 93)
2) - Due to non-cooperation as the reason, the monks, lust (kamacchando) unborn are being run; and was being taken to lust growth, generous.
3) ... the field is being run unborn; and the pitch was being taken to grow, generous.
4) ... dullness sloth bear not arise; dullness and torpor has led to growth being, generous.
5) ... Trao unborn exchange is being run; and was being taken to exchange Trao growth, generous.
6) And this, monks, such as management fees volition, bore no doubt arise; and doubts were being taken to grow, generous.
36.VI. AS MANAGEMENT  (2) (Sv, 94)
2) - Do as management attention, this, monks, unborn enlightenment concept is being run; and enlightenment concept was born, thanks to practice, go to the fullness ... discharge unborn enlightenment is being run; and discharging bore enlightenment, through study and practice, come to perfection.
37.VII. GROWTH, REDUCE OR  ETHNIC  (26.67 Journal, University 2,189b) (Sv, 94)
2) - There are seven this enlightenment, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to growth, not to reduce. What is seven?
3) Cast Discharge enlightenment enlightenment ....
4) Seven this enlightenment, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to growth, not to reduce.
38.VIII. Obstacles, hindrances  (Journal 26, 69, University 2, 189c) (Sv, 94)
2) - There are five obstacles, hindrances, the monks, as defiled mind, intellectual weakness. What is the year?
3) Sexual desire, this, monks, are the obstacles, hindrances, as defiled mind, intellectual weakness. Field, this, monks, are the obstacles, hindrances ... Kiss hypnotic bass, this, monks, are the obstacles, hindrances ... Trao exchange, this, monks, are the obstacles, Nghi hindrances ... or, this, monks, are the obstacles, hindrances, as defiled mind, intellectual weakness.
4) In the obstacles, hindrances to this, this, monks, do defiled mind and intellectual weakness.
5) Seven this enlightenment, this, monks, not the obstacles, hindrances, do not defiled mind, practiced, made for fullness, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective. What is seven?
6) Mindfulness Enlightenment, the monks, not the obstacles, hindrances, do not defiled mind, practiced, made for fullness, leading to effective realization and liberation ... Smart Rinse enlightenment, the monks, not the obstacles, hindrances, do not defiled mind, practiced, made for fullness, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective.
7) Seven this enlightenment, this, monks, is not obstacles, hindrances, do not defiled mind, practiced, made for fullness, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective.
8) While this, monks, saints take legal practitioners as object (atthim katva) volition, concentrating all minds (sabbacetaso sammannaharitva), ear Justice; while he, in no hindrances exist in him. And seven enlightenment, in the meantime, thanks to practice, go to perfection.
9) In any hindrances, meanwhile, does not exist? Hindrances lust, meanwhile, does not exist. Golf hindrances ... Kiss hindrances hypnotic bass ... ... Trao exchange hindrances or hindrances Nghi, meanwhile, does not exist. Five hindrances, meanwhile, does not exist in him.
10) Seven public enlightenment, in the meantime, thanks to practice, go to the fullness? Enlightenment conception, in the meantime, thanks to practice, go to the fullness ... Equanimity Enlightenment, in the meantime, thanks to practice, go to perfection.
11) While this, monks, saints take legal practitioners as object volition, concentrating all minds, listen Justice; while he, in no hindrances exist in him. This seven-enlightenment, in the meantime, thanks to practice, go to perfection.
39.IX. PLANT  (26.70 Journal, University 2,190a) (Sv, 96)
2) - There are big trees, the monks, born from a small seed, has a large tree trunk, raised embraces other plants. He was covered trees, destroyed, damaged, fall down, lying down theaters.
3) And this, monks, large trees from the seeds being smaller, has a large tree trunk, raised embraces other plants, the trees that were covered, destroyed, damaged, fall, lying down theaters. For as the Bodhi tree, almond tree, the tree of birth (pilakka), sycamore (Udumbara), cypress direction (kacchaka), kapitthaka trees; Large trees, this, monks, born from a small seed, has a large tree trunk, raised embraces other plants. He was covered trees, destroyed, damaged, fall down, lying down theaters.
4) Also, the monks, here, with the exception of Prince devotees desire, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life, but he desires, or desires currency make him more harm destroyed, damaged, fall down, lying down theaters.
5) In the obstacles, hindrances to this, this, monks, embraces the mind, making intellectual weakness. What is the year? Lust (kamacchanda), this, monks, are the obstacles, hindrances, covering the heart, making intellectual weakness. Field, this, monks, are the obstacles, hindrances, embraces the mind, making intellectual weakness. Dullness torpor ... ... Nghi or exchange Trao, this, monks, are the obstacles, hindrances, embraces the mind, making intellectual weakness. This, monks, five obstacles, hindrances to this cover for a weak heart and intellect.
6) Seven this enlightenment, this, monks, not the obstacles, hindrances, not covering interest, practiced, made for fullness, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective. What is seven? Enlightenment conception, this, monks, not the obstacles, hindrances, not covering interest, practiced, made for fullness, leading to effective realization and liberation ... Discharge intelligent enlightenment, this, monks, not the obstacles, hindrances, not covering interest, practiced, made for fullness, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective. Seven of this enlightenment, this, monks, is not obstacles, hindrances, not covering interest, practiced, made for fullness, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective.
40.X. Hindrances  (Journal 26, 68, University 2, 189c) (Sv, 97)
2) - In these hindrances, the monks, the si renders effects, no effects of the eye, the effect of no-mind, cessation of wisdom, partake of damage, not to Nirvana. What is the year? Hindrances lust, the monks, the si renders effects, no effects of the eye, the effect of no-mind, cessation of wisdom, partake of damage, not to Nirvana. Golf hindrances ... Kiss hindrances hypnotic bass ... ... Trao exchange hindrances or hindrances Nghi, the monks, the si renders effects, no effects of the eye, the effect of no-mind, cessation intellectual, partake of damage, not to Nirvana. This five hindrances, the monks, the si renders effects, no effects of the eye, the effect of no-mind, cessation of wisdom, partake of damage, not to Nirvana.
3) Seven this enlightenment, the monks, the wall of the eye, the mind works, intellectual growth do not partake of damage, leading to Nirvana. What is seven? Enlightenment conception, this, monks, the wall of the eye, the mind works, intellectual growth do not partake of damage, leading to Nirvana. Trach Effort legal ... ... Hy ... ... Discharge of calm ... The Enlightenment, the monks, the wall of the eye, the mind works, as intellectual growth, no part to damage, leading to Nirvana. Seven of this enlightenment, the monks, the wall of the eye, the mind works, intellectual growth do not partake of damage, leading to Nirvana.
Treatise V.
41.I. THE arrogance  (Vidha) (27.19 Journal, University 2,196a) (Sv, 98)
1) Human coast at Savatthi ...
2) - The recluse or Brahmin does, this, monks, in the past, has three sections take pride (vidha); All these persons are due to practice and make prolific seven enlightenment. The recluse or Brahmin does, this, monks, in the future, will make an end to three conceit; All these persons are due to practice and make prolific seven enlightenment. The recluse or Brahmin does, this, monks, in the current period, the total extinction of this three-conceit; All these persons are due to practice and make this prolific seven enlightenment.
3) What are the seven factors of enlightenment? ... Discharge anniversary enlightenment enlightenment.
4) The recluse or Brahmin does, this, monks, in the past, has three sections take pride; All these persons are due to practice and make this prolific seven enlightenment.
42.II. Treatise  (Journal 27, 10. University 2, 194a) (Sv, 99)
2) - With the arrival of Dharmaraja, this, monks, is the appearance of the seven treasures. What is seven?
3) The presence of precious wheel, precious elephants, horses treasures, pearls, precious, female treasure, treasure lay, the general appearance of the treasure. Along with the emergence of Dharmaraja, this, monks, is the appearance of the seven treasures.
4) Along with the appearance of the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment, this, monks, is the appearance of the seven precious enlightenment. What is seven?
5) Cast precious enlightenment enlightenment appear ... Discharge treasures appear. Along with the appearance of the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment, this, monks, is the appearance of the seven enlightenment this treasure.
43.III. Mara  (Sv, 99)
2) - Hey, monks, I will preach for Mr. path to conquering Mara. Listen.
3) And this, monks, how is the way to conquer Mara? Ie seven enlightenment. What is seven? ... Discharge anniversary enlightenment enlightenment. This is the way, the monks, sent to conquer Mara.
44.IV. PROPERTY LIST  (Duppanna) (Sv, 99)
2) Then the monks went to the Bhagavan; after arriving ... sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
3) - "The stupid mental paralysis, mental paralysis stupid guys", venerable sir, is referred to as such. So how, venerable sir, is called wisdom stupid list?
4) - Since the seven enlightenment not practice, not making fullness, the monks, so called stupid mental paralysis. What is seven? ... Discharge anniversary enlightenment enlightenment.
5) This, monks, the seven enlightenment because this is not the practice, not making fullness, wisdom should be called stupid list.
1-2) ...
3) - "There are no stupid wisdom, wisdom is not stupid", venerable sir, is referred to as such. So how, venerable sir, is called wisdom is not stupid?
4) - Do practice, by making prolific seven enlightenment, this, monks, is called wisdom is not stupid. How is this seven enlightenment? ... Discharge anniversary enlightenment enlightenment.
5) Due to the practice, by making this prolific seven enlightenment, this, monks, is called wisdom is not stupid.
46.VI. Archery  (Daliddo) (Sv, 100)
1-2) ...
3) - "Archery, impoverishment", venerable sir, is called so. So how, venerable sir, is called impoverishment?
4) - Do not practice, because it does not make sense fullness seven limbs, should be called impoverished. What is seven? ... Discharge anniversary enlightenment enlightenment.
5) Do not practice, do not make this prolific seven enlightenment, this, monks, is called impoverishment.
47.VII. NO archery  (Sv, 100)
1-2) ...
3) - "Do not impoverished, not impoverished," lord, known as such. So how, venerable sir, is called not impoverished?
4) - Do practice, by making prolific seven enlightenment, this, monks, is called not impoverished. What is seven? ... Discharge anniversary enlightenment enlightenment.
5) the due practice, makes this abundantly seven enlightenment should be called not impoverished.
48.VIII. SOLAR  (Sv, 101)
2) - This is the sign to go ahead, the monks, the generals are warning sunrise, dawn ie. Also, this, monks, this is the sign to go ahead, this is the Minister notice seven enlightenment arises, ie befriends friendly (kalyanamittata).
3) monks befriend good, this, monks, is expected that seven will be practicing enlightenment, seven enlightenment will be made prolific. How, the monks, the monks do you in good faith, are practicing the seven enlightenment, made for seven prolific enlightenment?
4) Here, the monks, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to practice renunciation ... enlightenment contact discharge to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, Navigate to abandon. Thus, the monks, the monks do you faith, cultivate the seven factors of enlightenment, makes prolific seven enlightenment.
49.IX. SPEND PART  (1) (Journal 27, 20, University 2, 196a) (Sv, 101)
2) - After spending part of cabinet, the monks, I do not see a somewhat different bars made seven enlightenment is being run, the monks, ie that such components of volition.
3) With the monks achievements of this intention, this, monks, is waiting for that enlightenment practiced seven, made for fullness. And this, monks, are the monks achievements of this intention, the seven enlightenment practice, make prolific seven enlightenment?
4) Here, the monks, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to practice renunciation ... enlightenment contact discharge to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, Navigate to abandon.
5) Also, the monks, monks befriends friendly, seven-enlightenment practice, making seven enlightenment fullness.
50.X. SPEND PART  (2) (Sv, 102)
2) - After spending into foreign parts, this, monks, I have not seen a detailed shop other part makes seven enlightenment is being run, this, monks, spent part was making friends with good news.
3) The monks do you in good faith, this, monks, is waiting for that enlightenment practiced seven, made for fullness. And this, monks, the monks how do you in good faith, cultivate the seven factors of enlightenment, makes prolific seven enlightenment?
4) Here, the monks, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to practice renunciation ... enlightenment contact discharge to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, Navigate to abandon.
5) Also, the monks, monks befriends friendly, seven-enlightenment practice, making seven enlightenment fullness.
1) All of conditions at Savatthi ...
51.I. Food  (Journal 27, 4, University 2, 192A) (Sv, 102)
2) - I will preach for him, the monks, the food and non-food five hindrances and the seven enlightenment. Listen.
 I. FOOD OF hindrances
1-2) ...
3) - What is the food, the monks, causing lust (kamacchanda) unborn are being run; or have been born lust growth, generosity? There interoperability, this Monks. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes fullness, this is the main cause dishes bore no lust arise, or lust have been born to grow, generous.
4) What is the food, the monks, which makes golf unborn are being run; or courts have been born to grow, generous? There are obstacles Minister (patighanimittam), the monks. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes fullness, this is the main dish was made for golf unborn arise, or courts have been born to grow, generous.
5) What is the food, the monks, causing dullness sloth bear not arise; drowsiness or torpor have been born to grow, generous? No joy, lazy, depressed, overfeed, sluggish mind. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes fullness, this is the main cause drowsiness dishes unborn torpor is being run, or were born more deep torpor growth, generous.
6) What is the food, the monks, making foreign Trao unborn are being run, or have been born to foreign Trao growth, generosity? There is not only pure heart, the monks. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes fullness, this is the main cause Trao foreign dishes unborn are being run, or have been born to foreign Trao growth, generous.
7) What is the food, the monks, giving birth is suspected or not arise, or suspected or have been born to grow, generous? There are of doubtful legal residence. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes fullness, this is the main cause for the suspected food or unborn are being run, or suspected or have been born to grow, generous.
8) - What is the food, the monks, causing unborn enlightenment concept is being run, or the birth anniversary of enlightenment has been the practice, made for perfection? This, monks, have legal residence for enlightenment concept. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, this is the main dish for the notion that enlightenment is being run unborn, or the birth anniversary of enlightenment has been the practice, make fullness.
9) And this, monks, something that makes scouts dishes unborn enlightenment measures are being run, or scout bore enlightenment approach is practiced, made for perfection? There are good and evil, this, monks, there are legal guilty and not guilty, there are legal and wins list, with a part of the black and white approach. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, this is the main cause trạch legal dishes unborn enlightenment is being run, or scout bore enlightenment approach is practiced, made for fullness.
10) And this, monks, what is the dish made diligent unborn enlightenment is being run, or enlightenment bore diligently practiced, made for perfection? Having played to instructions, the monks, ardent gender, gender powerful. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, this is the main cause food unborn enlightenment effort is being run, or enlightenment bore diligently practiced, made for fullness.
11) And this, monks, is what makes the wedding dishes unborn enlightenment is being run, or the rapture enlightenment factor is the practice bore, made for perfection? Here, the monks, there are legal enlightenment abode for joy. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, this is the main cause for joy dishes unborn enlightenment is being run, or the rapture enlightenment factor is the practice bore, made for fullness.
12) And this, monks, what is the dish makes unborn enlightenment equanimity is being run, or equanimity enlightenment factor is the practice bore, made for perfection? This, monks, Friendly calm, calm mind. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, this is the main cause for contempt dishes unborn enlightenment is being run, or equanimity enlightenment factor is the practice bore, made for fullness.
13) And this, monks, is what makes the dish unborn enlightenment is being run, or the birth enlightenment has been the practice, made for perfection? This, monks, had net only minister, any minister disorders. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, this is the main cause of food unborn enlightenment is being run, or the birth enlightenment has been the practice, made for fullness.
14) And this, monks, what is the cause for discharge dishes unborn enlightenment is being run, or discharge bore enlightenment is practiced, made for perfection? This, monks, with the discharge of legal residence for enlightenment. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, this is the main cause for discharge dishes unborn enlightenment is being run, or discharge bore enlightenment is practiced, made for fullness.
15) - And this, monks, is not what makes dishes bore no lust arise, or lust have been born to grow, generous? This, monks, have impure minister. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, the time the dishes are not making bore no lust arise, or lust have been born to grow, generous.
16) And this, monks, is not what makes golf dish unborn are being run, or the yard was bare growth, generosity? This, monks, have compassion liberation. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, the time this is not the dish makes golf unborn are being run, or the yard was bare growth, generous.
17) And this, monks, something not cause drowsiness dishes unborn torpor is being run, or were born more deep torpor growth, generosity? This, monks, it is necessary to gender, gender ardent, powerful world. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, the time this is not cause drowsiness dishes unborn torpor is being run, or were born more deep torpor growth, generous.
18) And this, monks, is not what makes Trao foreign dishes unborn are being run, or have been born to foreign Trao growth, generosity? This, monks, there is only pure heart. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, the time the food is not making foreign Trao unborn are being run, or have been born to foreign Trao growth, generous.
19) And this, monks, is not what makes dishes bore no doubt arise, or suspected or have been born to grow, generous? This, monks, there is good and evil, there is legal guilty and not guilty, there is paralysis and win approach, with legal part in black and white. Here, if the intention is to do justice to the fullness, the time this is not cause for suspected food or unborn are being run, or suspected or have been born to grow, generous.
20) - And this, monks, is not what makes dishes unborn enlightenment concept is being run, or the birth anniversary of enlightenment has been the practice, made for perfection? This, monks, have legal residence for enlightenment concept. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes fullness, this time not the dishes that were brought enlightenment concept is being run, or the birth anniversary of enlightenment has been the practice, made for fullness.
21) And this, monks, is not what makes scouts dishes unborn enlightenment approach is being run, or scout bore enlightenment approach is practiced, made for perfection? This, monks, there are good and evil, guilty and not guilty, paralysis and win, take part in black and white. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes fullness, this time the main dish is not made legal enlightenment unborn scouts are being run, or scout bore enlightenment approach is practiced, are making fullness.
22) And this, monks, is not what makes dishes unborn enlightenment effort is being run, or enlightenment bore diligently practiced, made for perfection? This, monks, it is necessary to gender, gender ardent, powerful world. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes fullness, this time the main dish is not making diligent unborn enlightenment is being run, or enlightenment bore diligently practiced, is making fullness.
23) And this, monks, is not what makes the wedding dishes unborn enlightenment is being run, or the rapture enlightenment factor is the practice bore, made for perfection? This, monks, have legal residence for joy enlightenment. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes fullness, when this is not the main cause for joy dishes unborn enlightenment is being run, or the rapture enlightenment factor is the practice bore, made for fullness.
24) And this, monks, is not what makes dishes unborn enlightenment equanimity is being run, or equanimity enlightenment factor is the practice bore, made for perfection? This, monks, Friendly calm, calm mind. Here, if the fees as of volition, make fullness, when this is not the main cause for contempt dishes unborn enlightenment is being run, or equanimity enlightenment factor is the practice bore, made for members screen.
25) And this, monks, is not what makes the dish unborn enlightenment is being run, or the birth enlightenment has been the practice, made for perfection? This, monks, had net only minister, any minister disorders. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes fullness, when this is not the main cause of food unborn enlightenment is being run, or the birth enlightenment has been the practice, made for fullness.
26) And this, monks, something not cause discharge dishes unborn enlightenment is being run, or discharge bore enlightenment is practiced, made for perfection? This, monks, with the discharge of legal residence for enlightenment. Here, if such fees are reasonable volition makes fullness, when this is not the main cause for discharge dishes unborn enlightenment is being run, or discharge bore enlightenment is practiced, made for fullness.
52.II. FRANCE MON  (Pariyaya) (Review 27, 4, University 2, 192A) (Sv, 108)
2) Then, a large number of monks, in the morning, robes, went into Savatthi bring medical bowl for alms.
3) Then the monks was thinking: "Now it is too early to go into Savatthi for alms, so let's go to the garden of the pagan wanderer".
4) Then the monks went to the garden of the pagan wanderer; after arrival, speak with the pagan wanderer words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. The pagan wanderer told the monks were sitting on one side:
5) - reverences, recluse Gotama has the following sermon to his disciples: "Come, this, monks, after the annihilation of legal hindrances are doing defiled mind, as weak position Property, just like the real practice of the seven factors of enlightenment. " Reverences, we also like that sermon to his disciples: "Come, O friends, after the annihilation of legal hindrances are doing defiled mind, intellectual weakness, just like the real practice seven enlightenment ".
6) Here, the reverences, what is peculiar (viseso), something that wins (abhippayo), what is the difference between the recluse Gotama and we, ie the teachings of the sermon or gender ?
7) Then the monks was not joy, not refute the words of the wanderer and his heathen; not joy, not denied, arose from their seats to go with the thought: "We'll get to know the meaning of this word from where Bhagavan".
8) Then his monks, after seeking alms in Savatthi, after the meal, begging for food on the way back, go to Bhagavan; after arrival, they bowed and sat down on one side.
9) On one side, his monks venerable sir:
- Here, venerable sir, we, in the morning, robes, took care to bowl and went into Savatthi for alms. Buddha, then we thought: "Now it is too early to go into Savatthi for alms. So let's go to the garden of pagan wanderer ". Then, venerable sir, we go to the garden of pagan wanderer; after arrival, speak with the pagan wanderer words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Then venerable sir, the pagan wanderer told us were sitting on one side: "reverences, recluse Gotama following sermon ... that is about the Catholic teachings or instructions?"
10) Then, venerable sir, we do not praise, not dismissed talk of his pagan wanderer; not joy, not refute, from the seat up we came away with the thought: "We'll be out of this speech from Bhagavan".
11) - To say that, this, monks, have to answer to the pagan wanderer as follows: "reverences, with any practice, practice so that, five hindrances are becoming ten, seven enlightenment is becoming fourteen? "to answer that, the monks, the pagan wanderer can not explain, will run into difficulties.
12) Why? Because of that, this, monks, this matter is beyond their horizons. This, monks, I see no one in Heaven, this world, in the Makai, Brahma world, with masses recluses, Brahmin, gods and men who can make satisfactory chronic heart with the answers to these questions, except the Tathagata, or disciples Tathagata, or those he heard from two.
13) - And this, monks, public practice, so he kept his practice, hindrances become ten years?
14) What in inner lust this, monks, what was hindrances. Something just outside lust penis hindrances. Called lust are significant hindrances to this. It is because of this method should the two.
15) What are internal yard, the monks, which was hindrances. Something just outside the yard, so that hindrances. Called pitch was significant hindrances to this. It is because of this method should the two.
16) What about internal dullness of torpor, the monks, which was hindrances. Something deep torpor of wedlock, which was hindrances. Dullness called torpor is meaningful. It is because of this method should the two.
17) What of exchange clearing house, the monks, which was hindrances. Trao something of foreign exchange, which was hindrances. Trao exchange called hindrances are meaningful. It is because of this method should the two.
18) What are internal doubt, the monks, which was hindrances. Something just outside doubt, what was hindrances. Called doubts are significant hindrances to this. It is because of this method should the two.
19) This, monks, is the practice, by this method, of hindrances become ten.
20) - And this, monks, public practice, so he kept his teachings, the seven enlightenment became the fourteenth?
21) What is the concept of internal law, the monks, the Enlightenment was the idea. What is the concept of foreign law, the notion that the Enlightenment. Called enlightenment concept is meaningful. It is because of this method should the two.
22) What is decided scouts, suicide, observing with wisdom for the internal law, the monks, the Enlightenment was the scout law. What is decided scouts, investment monitoring, observation for foreign law, the law that is trạch enlightenment. Trach called enlightenment measures are meaningful. It is because of this method should the two.
23) What is the effort itself, the monks, the Enlightenment was diligent. Something is keeping their mind, the enlightenment he is diligent. Diligent called enlightenment is meaningful. It is because of this method should the two.
24) What is the joy is of that quartet, the monks, the Enlightenment was joy. What is the rapture does not reach, no quad, the joy that is enlightenment. Called rapture enlightenment is meaningful. It is because of this method should the two.
25) What is the relative calm, the monks, the Enlightenment was calm. What is the mind calm, the calm that is enlightenment. Called equanimity enlightenment is meaningful. It is because of this method should the two.
26) What is the statutory range, with the quarterfinals, the monks, the Enlightenment was set. What is not to reach, not the quarterfinals, which was the Enlightenment. Enlightenment is called the sense of this. It is because of this method should the two.
27) What is the internal discharge for Justice, the monks, the Enlightenment was discharged. What is the legal discharge for the exchange, the enlightenment he is discharged. Called discharge meaningful enlightenment is this. It is because of this method should the two.
28) This, monks, is the practice, he kept this method, seven enlightenment became fourteen.
53.III. FIRE  (27.3 Journal, University 2, 191c) (Sv, 112)
2) Then, a large number of monks, in the morning, holding up medical care bowl, went into Savatthi for alms.
3-10) ... (Like Sutra Mon 52)
11) - To say that, this, monks, the wanderer pagan should be answered as follows: "reverences, while passive interest (linam), in the meanwhile, the practice is not enlightenment Also, in the meanwhile, the practice is to be the time of enlightenment? But, this reverences, while fluctuating interest (uddhatam), meanwhile, practiced public enlightenment is not the time, in the meanwhile, the practice is to be the time of enlightenment? "Asked so, this the Billion -kheo, the pagan wanderer can not explain, will run into difficulties.
12) Why? Because of that, this, monks, this matter is beyond their horizons. This, monks, I see no one in Heaven, this world, in the Makai, Brahma world, with masses recluses, Brahmin, gods and men who can make satisfactory chronic heart with the answers to these questions, except the Tathagata, or disciples Tathagata, or those he heard from two.
13) - While the passive mind, the monks, meanwhile, is not the time to practice equanimity enlightenment, not the practice of the Enlightenment, not the discharge time is practice-enlightenment. Why? When the mind is passive, the monks, it's hard to do mind arising out of this law.
14) Just as, monks, someone who wants to light a small fire, he threw into it wet grass, wet cow dung, wet firewood, so that fire between the rain, wind and dust sprinkled on top; he can spark small fire was not red?
- No, venerable sir.
- Also, the monks, while the passive mind, meanwhile, is not the time to practice equanimity enlightenment, not the practice of the Enlightenment, not the discharge time is practice-enlightenment . Why? Because of that, the passive mind, it's hard to do mind arising out of this law.
15) - And this, monks, while the passive mind, meanwhile, is the time to scout legal practice enlightenment, to the diligent practice is enlightenment, joy to the practice is enlightenment. Why? Because of that, this, monks, when the mind is passive, it's easy to make the mind arising out of this law.
16) Just as, monks, someone who wants to light a small fire, he throws in there hay, dried cow dung, firewood, using mouth-blown, no dust sprinkled on top; he can kindle the flame was not red?
- Ladies have, venerable sir.
- Also, the monks, while the passive mind, meanwhile, is the time to scout legal practice enlightenment, to the diligent practice is enlightenment, joy to the practice is enlightenment. Why? Because of that, this, monks, when the mind is passive, it's easy to make the mind arising out of this law.
17) - And this, monks, while fluctuating interest, meanwhile, is not the legal practice enlightenment scouts, not the diligent practice is enlightenment, not a sense of joy that practice lead. Why? Because of that, this, monks, fluctuating mind, it's hard to be purified by the method just does.
18) Just as, monks, someone who wants to extinguish a huge fire. Here, he threw into the dry grass, dried cow dung and firewood, mouth blown, and no dust sprinkled on top. He can extinguish large fire was not?
- No, venerable sir.
- Also, the monks, while fluctuating interest, not the time the legal practice enlightenment scouts, not the diligent practice is enlightenment, not the practice of the rapture enlightenment. Why? Because of that, fluctuating mind, it's not easy to be purified by the method just does.
19) - And this, monks, while fluctuating interest, meanwhile, is the time to cultivate equanimity enlightenment, to the practice of the Enlightenment, to the practice of discharging enlightenment. Why? Because of that, it's easy to be fluctuating mind only through the legal net is.
20) Just as, monks, someone wants to extinguish a huge fire. Here, he threw into the wet grass, cow dung thrown into wet, wet wood thrown on to the middle of the wind and rain, and sprinkle dust on top. He can extinguish large fire was not?
- Ladies have, venerable sir.
- Also, the monks, while fluctuating interest, meanwhile, is the time to cultivate equanimity enlightenment, to the practice of the Enlightenment, to the practice of discharging enlightenment. Why? Because of that, fluctuating mind, it's easy to be purified by the method just this.
21) But for the concept, the monks, I say that in all cases benefit.
54.IV. FROM  (27.32 Journal, University 2, 197b) (Sv, 115)
1) One time, Bhagavan Koliya reside among the people, of the people in the town named Haliddavasana Koliya.
2) Then, a large number of monks, in the morning, holding up medical care goes into Haliddavasana bowl for alms.
3) Then the monks he thought: "It is too early to go into Haliddavasana alms. So, let's go to the garden of the pagan wanderer ".
4) Then the monks went to the garden of pagan wanderer; after to speak with the pagan wanderer words of welcome he inquired, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends, they sat down on one side. The pagan wanderer told the monks were sitting on one side:
5) - reverences, recluse Gotama has the following sermon to his disciples: "Come, this, monks, after the total extinction of five hindrances, these measures do defiled mind, as weak position property, please stay, please turn a friendly way with the mind of; too, with the Monday; too, with the Tuesday; too, with the fourth. Thus, the same around the world, on the lower horizontal surface, all of the parish, the border around the multitude, he abides, turning the organic content with the word heart, boundless generosity, no hatred, no anger .. . with the organic mind with compassion ... with organic heart with joy ... the heart of the property with the discharge; too, with the Monday; too, with the Tuesday; too, with the fourth. Thus, the same around the world, on the lower horizontal surface, all of the parish, the border around the multitude, he abides, the mind turns to friendship with chronic discharge, boundless generosity, not hatred, not pitch. "
6) reverences, we also preach to the disciples as follows: "Come, O friends, after the total extinction of five hindrances, these measures do defiled mind, intellectual weakness, please stay, chronic an attention turns to the property with the ... with the organic mind with compassion ... with organic heart with joy ... the heart of the property with the exhaust ... do not hate, do not pitch. "
7) Here, the reverences, what is unique, what is the enemy wins, what is the difference between the recluse Gotama and we, ie the teachings of the sermon or gender?
Then the monks was not joy, not refute the words of his pagan wanderer; not joy, not refute, from the seat up, they came away with the thought: "We'll get to know the meaning of this word from where Bhagavan".
8) Then his monks after seeking alms in Haliddavasana, after meals, begging for food on the way back, go to Bhagavan; after arrival, they bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, his monks venerable sir:
9) - Here, venerable sir, we, in the morning, holding up medical care goes into Haliddavasana bowl for alms. Then, venerable sir, we are thinking as follows: "It is too early to go into Haliddavasana alms. So let's go to the garden of pagan wanderer ". Then, venerable sir, we go to the garden of pagan wanderer ... (as above) ... Then we, venerable sir, not joy, not refute the words of his pagan wanderer ; not joy, not refute, from the seat up, we came away with the thought: "We'll get to know the meaning of this word from Bhagavan".
10) - To say that, this, monks, have to say to the heathen wanderer was as follows:
"But this reverences, mind liberated from practice like? How interesting direction? How do I win? What results? Salvage like? This and reverences, practice compassion liberation like? How interesting direction? How do I win? What results? Salvage like? This and reverences, joy liberated mind ... mind freed discharge practice like? How interesting direction? How do I win? What results? Salvage like? "When asked so, the monks, the pagan wanderer can not explain, will run into difficulties.
11) Why? Because of that, this, monks, this matter is beyond their horizons. This, monks, I see no one in Heaven, this world in Makai, Brahma world, with masses recluses, Brahmin, gods and men who can satisfy Center for answers to these questions, except the Tathagata, or disciples Tathagata, or those he heard from two.
12) And this, monks, from the freedom of mind to practice like? How interesting direction? How do I win? What results? Salvage like?
Here, the monks, monks practice the concept of enlightenment ... cultivate friendship with discharge from the property with the word enlightenment, related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, in relation to paragraph Removal, directed to give up. If he wants: "I will stay with disgust for legal concept is not disgusting," he stay here with great disgust. If he wants: "I will not stay with great disgust of legal disgusting", he did not stay here with great disgust. If he wants: "I will stay with disgust for legal concept is not disgusting and odious law", he stay here with great disgust. If he wants: "I will not stay with great disgust of disgust and legal measures are not disgusting", he did not stay here with great disgust. If he wants: "Abandon neither disgust and loathing, I will discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness," he stay here with equanimity, mindful awareness, or to gain liberation called bar net, he abides. This, monks, is the mind freed from the ultimate purity, I claimed it. Here is wisdom for monks did not reach higher liberation.
13) And this, monks, practice compassion liberation like? How interesting direction? How do I win? What results? Salvage like?
Here, the monks, monks practice the concept of enlightenment cultivate friendship with bi ... organic exhaust with bi enlightenment question related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation , directed to give up. If he wants: "I will stay with disgust for legal concept is not disgusting," he stay here with disgust idea ... If he wants: "Abandon neither disgust and loathing, I will discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, "he stay here with equanimity, mindfulness and awareness. Completely overcome the great excellence, a great ending for concern, not the intention of the great difference, he thought: "Nowhere is boundless," and he reached the land of boundless residence. This, monks, I said, compassion boundless liberation taken as supreme origin. Here is the wisdom of the monks did not reach higher liberation.
 14) And this, monks, cultivate joy liberated mind like? How interesting direction? How do I win? What results? Salvage like?
Here, the monks, monks practice the concept of enlightenment cultivate friendship with joy ... the organic discharge with joy enlightenment related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation , directed to give up. If he wants: "I will stay with disgust for legal concept is not disgusting," he stay here with disgust idea ... If he wants: "Abandon neither disgust and loathing, I will discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, "he stay here with equanimity, mindfulness and awareness ... pass the boundless origin completely, he thought:" consciousness is infinite, "the he reached boundless origin and residence. This, monks, I say that the joy of liberation took center possess boundless supreme. Here is the wisdom of the monks did not reach higher liberation.
15) And this, monks, practicing discharge liberated mind like? How interesting direction? How do I win? What results? Salvage like?
Here, the monks, monks practice the concept of enlightenment ... cultivate friendship with exhaust discharge to discharge organic enlightenment question related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation , directed to give up. If he wants: "I will stay with disgust for legal concept is not disgusting," he stay here with great disgust. If he wants: "I will not stay with great disgust of legal disgusting", he did not stay here with great disgust. If he wants: "I will not stay with great disgust of disgust and legal measures are not disgusting", he did not stay here with great disgust. If he wants: "Abandon neither disgust and loathing, I will discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness," he stay here with equanimity, mindfulness and awareness. After crossing the land of boundless completely with the thought: "There is something," he attainment and residential property Unknown Origin. It is said that the monks, discharge liberated mind taking darken Unknown Origin owns wins. Here is the wisdom of the monks did not reach higher liberation.
55. V. SANGARAVA  (Sv, 121)
1) Savatthi ...
2) Then Brahmin Sangarava go to Bhagavan; after arriving, told Bhagavan words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends, he sat down on one side. On one side, Brahmin Sangarava said to Bhagavan:
3) - What's Due, conditioned by what, sir Venerable Gotama, sometimes the technical note (Manta) which I memorized long day (sajjhayakata: recitation) does not remember it, say what the arts do not pay memorized? What's Due, conditioned by what, sir Venerable Gotama, sometimes the art that I do not pay memorized a long time, remember to be, but says nothing of note memorized arts?
4) - This Brahmin, when the mind is residing with lust (kamaraga) invade, dominate and lust are not as clearly known from the arrival cup began to lust; in the meantime, he does not really know and see as their interests; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the interests of the people; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the benefits of both. Therefore, the technical note memorized long be remembered not, also say the comments are not memorized arts.
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of water mixed with dye Shellac, or magenta, or blue, or yellow, and here a person want to watch eye shadow his face, no as it's known to be, see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with the mind being invaded lust, lust is dominated, not as clearly known from the arrival cup began to lust; in the meantime, he does not really know and see as their interests; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the interests of the people; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the benefits of both. Therefore, the technical note memorized long be remembered not, also say the comments are not memorized arts.
5) Again, this Brahmin, while staying with the pitch being invaded center, golf was dominated, not as they really know the renunciation from the game has started up; in the meantime, he does not really know and see as their interests; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the interests of the people; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the benefits of both. Therefore, the technical note memorized long day could not be remembered, also say the comments are not memorized arts.
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of boiled water is fire, boiling, rolling boil. Here, a person may want to watch the eyes of his can not know and see as truth. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with the pitch being invaded mind ... So, the note memorized arts can not be remembered, also say the comments are not memorized arts.
6) Again, this Brahmin, while residing with hypnotic mind being invaded dullness, dullness torpor was dominant, not as they really know the renunciation out of dullness torpor have arisen; in the meantime, he does not really know and see as their interests; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the interests of the people; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the benefits of both. Therefore, the technical note memorized long day could not be remembered, also say the comments are not memorized arts.
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of moss covered water. Here, a person may want to watch the eyes of his face, as they really know and can not see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with hypnotic mind dullness was invaded ... also say the arts are not paying memorized.
7) Again, this Brahmin, when the mind is Trao resident foreign invasion, were the dominant foreign Trao, not as they really know the renunciation from foreign Trao has arisen; in the meantime, he does not really know and see as their interests; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the interests of the people; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the benefits of both. Therefore, the technical note memorized long day could not be remembered, also say the comments are not memorized arts.
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of water before the wind, oscillations, vibrations, churn. Here, a person may want to watch the eyes of his face, as they really know and can not see. Also, the Brahmin, the foreign resident to mind being invaded Trao ... also say the comments are not memorized arts.
8) Again, this Brahmin, while residing with suspected heart or invaded, suspected or dominant, and not as they really know the arrival marginalized began to doubt; meanwhile, said he does not like the real thing and see its benefits; in the meanwhile, not realistic to know and see the benefit of persons; in the meanwhile, not realistic to know and see the benefits of both. Therefore, the technical note memorized long day could not be remembered, also say the comments are not memorized arts.
For example, the Brahmin, a water bowl stir, stir the turbid, muddied, set in the dark. Here, a person may want to watch the eyes of his face, as they really know and can not see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with suspected heart or invaded, suspected or dominant ... also say the comments are not memorized arts.
9) It is human, this is the charm, this Brahmin, when the uncle had memorized arts can not remember a long time to get, and what the notes say art is not memorized.
10) - Hey Brahmin, while staying with the center being invaded lust, lust is not dominant, the realistic awareness of the renunciation of lust has arisen; in the meanwhile, he really knows and sees as its interests; in the meanwhile, as they really know and see the benefit of the people; in the meanwhile, as they really know and see the benefits of both. Therefore, the Notes are not memorized arts long be remembered, also says nothing of note has been memorized arts.
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of water do not mix with drugs Shellac, or magenta, or blue, or yellow. Here, a person may want to contemplate eye shadow his face, as they really know and can see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with the center being invaded lust ... also say the note was memorized arts.
11) Again, this Brahmin, while staying with the pitch being invaded mind ... also say the note was memorized arts.
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of boiled water is not fire, without boiling, not rolling boil. Here, a person may want to contemplate eye shadow his face, as they really know and can see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with center field being invaded, not being the dominant pitch ... also say the note was memorized arts.
12) Again, this Brahmin, while staying with the center being invaded sloth dullness, dullness torpor being dominated ... also say the note was memorized arts.
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of water is not covered moss. Here, a person may want to contemplate eye shadow his face, as they really know and can see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with the center being invaded torpor dullness, dullness torpor being dominated ... also say the note was memorized arts.
13) Again, this Brahmin, while residing with foreign Trao mind being invaded, not being the dominant foreign Trao ... also say the note was memorized arts.
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of water is not the wind, not wavering, not shaken, not rage. Here, a person may want to contemplate eye shadow his face, as they really know and can see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with foreign Trao mind being invaded, not being the dominant foreign Trao ... also say the note was memorized arts.
14) Again, this Brahmin, while non-resident with suspected heart or conquest, no doubt dominate ... also say the note was memorized arts.
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of water neutral, transparent, not stirred, placed between the light. Here, a person may want to contemplate eye shadow his face, as they really know and can see. Also, this Brahmin, while not residing with suspected heart or invaded, not suspected or known govern the emergence and lifelike marginalized began to doubt; in the meanwhile, he really knows and sees as its interests; in the meanwhile, as they really know and see the benefit of the people; in the meanwhile, as they really know and see the benefits of both. Therefore, the Notes are not memorized arts long be remembered, also says nothing of note has been memorized arts.
15) This is the person, this is the charm, this Brahmin, when the arts are not paying long day memorizing could be remembered, also says nothing of note has been memorized arts.
16) There are seven this enlightenment, this Brahmin, no obstacles, no hindrances, do not defiled mind, practiced, made for fullness, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective. What is seven? Enlightenment concept, this Brahmin, not the obstacles, hindrances, do not defiled mind, practiced, made for fullness, leading to effective realization and liberation ... Discharge intelligent sense spending, not the obstacles, hindrances, do not defiled mind, practiced, made for fullness, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective. Seven of this enlightenment, this Brahmin, not the obstacles, hindrances, do not defiled mind, practiced, made for fullness, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective.
17) When is say so, Brahmin Sangarava venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! ... From now until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
56. VI. ABHAYA  (fearless) (27.1 Journal, University 2,191a) (Sv, 126)
1) Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir), at Mount Vulture.
2) Then Prince Abhaya went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, Prince Abhaya venerable sir:
3) - Buddha, Purana Kassapa said as follows:
- "There are no workers, no grace to not know, do not see. Do not know, do not see no workers, no grace. No workers, no grace to know, to see. Know and see no workers, no grace. " Here, Bhagavan has said how?
4) - Hey Prince, with people, with affinity to not know, to not see. Do not know, do not see people, with grace. This Prince, with people, with grace to know, to see. Know and see people, with grace.
5) - Due to public workers, yet so charming, venerable sir, to not know, to not see? How do not know, that there's not that charming?
6) - Hey Prince, when to stay with the center being invaded lust, lust is the dominant and as they really do not know, do not see the renunciation from participating fitness and bore; this is the person, this is fate, this Prince, to not know, to not see. Thus, do not know, that there's not that charming.
7) Again, this Prince, when the mind is permanent pitch invasion, the field was dominated ...
8) Again, this Prince, when the mind is permanent torpor invaded dullness, dullness torpor was dominant ...
9) Again, the Prince, when the mind is Trao resident foreign invasion, were the dominant foreign Trao ...
10) Again, this prince, when resident with suspected heart or invaded, suspected or dominant, and really do not know, do not see the emergence of marginalized doubt bore; this is the person, this is fate, this Prince, to not know, do not see. Thus, do not know, that there's not that charming.
11) - Buddha, the practice is called what?
- Hey Prince, known as the hindrances.
- Indeed, we are hindrances, venerable sir. Indeed, they are hindrances, Auspicious prospectus. Just been conquered by a hindrances alone, lord, nor can know as truth, seen as real, what was said was the five hindrances to conquer.
12) - But, venerable sir, by the public, by the grace to know, to see? How to know and see people, with grace?
13) - Here, the Prince, monks practicing enlightenment concept related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. He thanks practiced center concept as truth Enlightenment should know and see. This is the, this is the charm, this Prince, to know, to see. Thus, know and see people, with grace.
14-18) Again, this Prince, monks ...
19) Again, this Prince, monks practiced enlightenment-related discharge of renunciation, related to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. He thanks exhaust center practiced realistic enlightenment should know and see. It is human, it is predestined to know, to see. Thus, people see and know, with grace.
20) - Buddha, the practice is called what?
- Hey Prince, known as the Enlightenment.
- Indeed, it is enlightenment, venerable sir. Indeed, it is enlightenment, transparency Auspicious. Buddha, only full enlightenment only one was able to see and know as truth, but said nothing full seven enlightenment.
Buddha, physical fatigue and mental fatigue while you climb Mount Vulture was calm, gentle and child law has been completely realized.
VII. PRODUCT breathing exhalation
57. I. BONES  (27.38 Journal, University 2,198a) (Sv, 129)
 I. too big, BIG BENEFITS
1) Savatthi ...
2) - Practice core idea, the monks, make prolific, was a huge success, be of great benefit.
3) Hey, monks, core idea how to practice, make how prolific, leading to greater effect, lead to major benefits?
4) Here, the monks, monks practice the concept of enlightenment remains a great friendship with related renunciation, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... tu property set to discharge the core enlightenment ideas related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon.
5) This, monks, is the practice remains so great, was making so prolific, with great results, with great benefit.
2) - Practice, core making great fullness, the monks, one of the awaited results: Even in the present position is the chief, or if any medical opinion, evidence Any refund.
3) Practice how great reinforcement, make prolific how the monks, one of the awaited results: Even in the present position is the chief, or if any medical opinion, evidence is Real Full ?
4) Here, the monks, monks practice the concept of enlightenment remains a great question ... organic cultivation with organic discharge the core Enlightenment ideas related to renunciation, dispassion relate to, inter Us to cessation, towards abandon.
5) The practice of such a great core, is made so prolific, the monks, one of the awaited results: Even in the present position is the chief, or if any medical opinion, evidence Any refund.
2) - Essence concept, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, taken to mean big benefits.
3) Plot idea, how to practice, make prolific how, this, monks, taken to mean big profit? ... (As the above paragraph 4.5).
 (As of on, only lead to greater peace, from suffering the yoke)
 V. excited BIG (samvega)  (Sv, 130)
 (Same as above, except that lead to great excitement)
 (As of on, the other is brought to communicate only resident)
58. II. INSECT EATING  (Pulavaka)
I-VI) are identical idea Cultivation eat, the monks ...
59.III. BAM GREEN  (Vinilaka)
I-VI. Green is a great practice determine bruises, the monks ...
60. IV. Chapping  (Vicchiddaka)
I-VI. Great practice determine cracks, the monks ...
61. V. swelling  (Uddhumataka)
I-VI. Cultivation swollen great determination, the monks ...
62. VI. FROM  (27.33 Journal, University 2,197c)
I-VI. Cultivate compassion, these monks ...
I-VI. Cultivate compassion, these monks ...
64. VIII. HY
I-VI. Hy practice center, the monks ...
65. IX. FAR
I-VI. Exhaust Centre practice, this, monks ...
66. X. breathing exhalation
I-VI. Practice breathing exhalation, the monks ...
67. I. unconscious  (27.30 Journal, University 2,197a)
I-VI. Cultivate impure thoughts, the monks ...
68.II. DEATH  (27.31 Journal, University 2,197b)
I-VI. Great practice this death, the monks ...
69. III. Disgust  (27.38 Journal, University 2,198b)
I-VI. Great practice for food disgusting, the monks ...
I-VI. Great practice impossible to touch the world, this, monks ...
71. V. Supreme  (27.37 Journal, University 2,198a)
I-VI. Great practice impermanence, the monks ...
72. VI. LINE  (27.38 Journal, University 2,198a)
I-VI. Cultivate great suffering, this, monks ...
I-VI. Great practice selflessness, these monks ...
I-VI. Great practice to make an end, the monks ...
I-VI. Great practice dispassion, the monks ...
76. X. cessation
2) - Practice cessation idea, make prolific, the monks, was a huge success, be of great benefit.
3) And this, monks, practicing how cessation idea ...
4) Here, the monks, monks practice the organic concept with great enlightenment annihilation ...
5) The practice of such cessation idea, makes abundantly so, the monks, was a huge success, be of great benefit.
2) - Practice cessation idea, make prolific, the monks, one of the awaited results: Even in the present position is the chief, or if any medical opinion, evidence Any refund.
3) Practice how to make a great fullness cessation how the monks ...
4) Here, the monks, monks practice the organic concept with great enlightenment annihilation ...
5) The practice of such cessation idea, makes abundantly so, the monks ...
2) - Chiang eradicated the practice, made for fullness, taken to mean big benefits, leading to greater peace from suffering, leading to greater excitement, leading to large residential communications.
3) Practice how great annihilation, make prolific how, taken to mean big benefits, leading to greater peace from suffering, leading to greater excitement, resulting in a large residence located?
4) Here, the monks, monks practicing organic concept with great enlightenment question ... practice cessation discharge organic enlightenment with great question relating to cessation of renunciation, related to dispassion , relating to cessation, towards abandon ...
5) The practice of such cessation idea, makes abundantly so, the monks, taken to mean big benefits, leading to greater peace from suffering, brought to the big inspiration to communicate large residence.
2) - Just as, monks, in favor of the East River Ganges, eastward, swept eastward. Also, this, monks, monks practiced seven enlightenment, making seven prolific Enlightenment, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
3) Here, the monks, monks practice ... practice concept discharge enlightenment enlightenment related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon. Also, this, monks, monks practiced seven enlightenment, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
78-88. II-XII.  (Sv, 134)
 (Until the Iron Range, as above)
X. FOOD undistracted
89-98. IX.  (Sv, 135)
- Hey, monks, sentient beings do not like feet, or legs, or have four legs, or has many legs ...
 (As above, pursuant to paragraph seven enlightenment)
99-100. I-XII.  (Sv, 135)
- Hey, monks, for such actions need to use the power ...
 (As above, pursuant to paragraph seven enlightenment)
101-110. I-XII.  (Sv, 136)
- There are three discovering the, this, monks. What are the three? Education to seek, to seek friendship, to seek discounts happy ...
 (As above, pursuant to paragraph seven enlightenment)
111-119 I-IX.  (Sv, 136)
1) Human coast at Savatthi ...
2) - There are four express store, the monks. Which four? Education upsurge save, save property described, is described saved, saved ... ignorance upsurge
120.X. SHANGHAI STOCK fetters  (Sv, 136)
2) - Hey, monks, with the upper part of fetters. What is the year? Join gender identity, take formless, chronic, agitation, delusions. This legal entities, this, monks, is in the upper part of fetters.
3) Hey, monks, with the aim of winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, seven need to cultivate enlightenment. What is seven? ...
4) Here, the monks, monks practice ... practice concept discharge enlightenment enlightenment related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, contact to cessation, towards abandon.
5) This, monks, for the purpose of winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, seven enlightenment must practice.
121. I.  (Sv, 137)
2) - Just as, monks, in favor of the East River Ganges, eastward, swept eastward. Also, this, monks, monks practiced seven enlightenment, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
3) Here, the monks, monks practice ... practice concept discharge enlightenment enlightenment to convince participating purposes, for the purpose of photography for the field, with the aim convince si. Also, this, monks, monks ... down about Nirvana.
122-132. II-XII.  (Sv, 138)
 (As above, until the Iron Range) ...
XV. PRODUCT undistracted (Photography Appeal)
132-142. IX.  (Sv, 138)
Including business:
Tathagata's feet, a peaked, Unit Roots, The Core, Plants, Flowers Lee, King, Moon, Sun, and is the tenth fabrics.
143-154. I-XII.  (Sv, 138)
Including business:
Strength, seeds, Snake, Tree, Chair, Facial Wheat, Void, Clouds, ships, boats, hotels, Song.
XVII. PRODUCT RANGE DEMAND  (Photography Appeal)
155-164. IX  (Sv, 139)
Including business:
Games Bridges, Maggie, Gonorrhea Or, Friendship, Passion, Obstacles, stains, pain, Life, Love, Thirst.
165-174. I-IX.  (Sv, 139)
1) Human coast at Savatthi ...
2) - Hey, monks, has four express this note. Which four? Education upsurge save, save property described, is described save, save express ignorance.
SECTION X. 175. fetters SHANGHAI  (Sv, 139)
2) - Hey, monks, with the upper part of fetters. What is the year? Join gender identity, take formless, chronic, agitation, delusions. This is in the upper part of fetters.
3) Hey, monks, with the aim of winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, seven need to cultivate enlightenment. What is seven?
4) Here, the monks, monks practice ... practice concept discharge enlightenment enlightenment for the purpose of participating convince, convince courts, convince si, entered immortality, for immortality as supreme, grab immortality as salvage, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
5) This, monks, with the aim of winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, seven enlightenment must practice.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/5/2016.MHDT.

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