Saturday 7 May 2016

I. MÀRA (Magazine 6, 2, 39b) (,188 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) and then the fake Religious Ràdha go to That Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ràdha of the White World Religion:
-"Màra, Màra", the White World Religion, are said to so. So how, the White World, called Màra?
4)-If this had forecast, Ràdha, die (Màra) or the police (Màretà), or the dead (Mìyati). So, you see Ràdha this is death, please see is fake suicide, be seen as being dead, please see is sick, please see is scourge, please see the arrow is, let's see, let's see self-unhappiness is Leanne's misfortune. Those who see identity as such is seen talking ingenue districts.
5-7). Shou ... idea ... the ...
8) If this formula, Ràdha, has died, or has killed, or have died. So, you see Ràdha this recipe is death, please see is fake suicide, be seen as being dead, please see is sick, please see is the scourge, please see the arrow is, let's see, let's see self-unhappiness is Leanne's misfortune. Those who find such knowledge is seen talking ingenue districts.
9)-White World Religion, with Chief Justice?
-The Chief Justice, Ràdha, with the purpose of this boring.
10)-White World, boredom with what purpose?
-Boring, this Ràdha, with the purpose of taking the Cup.
11)-White World Cup ton, take for what purpose?
-Glass of this, Ràdha, with the purpose to be freed.
12)-White World Religion, with what purpose?
-Get rid of this, Ràdha, with the goal of nirvana.
13)-Bach World Religion, Nirvana with what purpose?
-Ràdha This, he goes too far with this question, can't grasp the limits of the question. Enter into Nirvana, Ràdha, this is the practice Violates almond; Nirvana is the end goal; Nirvana is the research wing.
II. BEINGS (Magazine 6, 2, 40a) (,189 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ràdha of the White World Religion:
-"Beings, beings", World Religion, are said to so. So how, the White World Religion, known as beings?
4 This Ràdha, education) would (chanda), who would, Hy, thirsty craving for identity, be in the know, there, so the so-called sattà (beings).
5-7) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
8) Education, take part, Hy, thirsty craving for knowledge, be there, in that so called beings.
9) such as this, Ràdha, the son or the daughter played with the home by land. Until the home by land, not greed, not sex escape escape, escape, yet craving thirst not escapist, enthusiasm not escapist, thirsty craving not escapist, they also stick to, like, containing, and wrecked the home by land.
10) But when the son or the daughter, then for the home by land, greed, sexual crush cups have exited the Escapist, please rea was Escapist, thirst was Escapist, enthusiasm was Escapist, thirsty craving was Escapist, with arms and legs, they break , to break, blow, not playing with the House with him.
11) also, you Ràdha this break, break, blow, don't play with colors, attention directed to the removal of thirst craving for identity.
12-14) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
15) ... He take a break, break, blow and not playing with consciousness, pay attention to the direction kill thirst craving for knowledge.
16) Paragraph removal, thirst Ràdha, this is Nirvana.
III. ROPES REBORN (2, 6, 37c Magazine) (,190 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ràdha of the White World Religion:
-"Kill the rope reborn. Paragraph removal rope reborn ", World Religion, are said to so. What is the rope reborn, Bach World Religion? What is the paragraph removal rope reborn?
4 This voracious, Ràdha)-what sex, what, what, what, craving thirst Hy means the media player dispute, mind stubbornly stay, accept what hypnosis options for colors, so called rope reborn. The paragraph is paragraph removal ng ch removal rope reborn.
5-7) ... for tho ... with ... with ...
8 what sex, what Chums), Hy, thirsty craving anything, everyone will get the media player dispute, mind stubbornly stay, accept what hypnosis options for form, it's called rope reborn. The snippets of them is the removal phase wire reborn.
IV. The DEPARTMENT TURNED to the VOTERS (6, 2, 37c Magazine) (Parinneyya) (490,487 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3 Religious) told the fake Religious Ràdha are sitting on one side:
-Ràdha, we're going This novel about the French need to turn voter, the voter. And He was turned to the voters. Take a listen and we will experience impaired judgement.
4)-Sir, of the White World Religion.
Ton Ràdha Ton pseudo World responded well. What Religion says as follows:
-Ràdha, how is This France needed to turn the voters? This is France, Ràdha, the need to transform. This Ràdha is, tho, France needs to turn. This idea, Ràdha, France needs to turn. The Ràdha, this is France, need to turn. This formula, Ràdha, France needs to turn. This legislation, this is the French, Ràdha need to turn.
5) And Ràdha this, how is the tri?
Ràdha this, the paragraph, the paragraph reference removal removal, the removal phase si. As such, this Ràdha, called the Chief Justice turned to the voters.
6) And Ràdha, how is this person was the Chief Justice turned to the voters? Tier A-la-Han, need to respond like that. False Religion ranks with names like this, with their line like this. As such, this Ràdha, who was the Chief Justice turned to the voters.
V. SA-MON (490,487 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3-4) That tells the fake Religious Ràdha Religious are sitting on one side:
This Ràdha, there are five players-aggregates. What is the year? Its best player, aggregates, aggregates the idea its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player player.
5) this Ràdha, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would not as they really know the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of the five aggregates, the player Sa-Ba-la-Mon or Mon not accepted as Sa-Sa between the subjects, or not accepted as She-la-Mon between Ba-la-Mon. And the fake Religious ranks he can't right himself in the present, with the position, food poisoning, and an aim of Sa-subjects stay happy or her purpose-la-Mon.
6) this Ràdha, But the Sa, or Ba-la-band as they really know the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of the five aggregates, the player Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects are accepted as Sa-Sa between subjects, and be accepted as She-la-Mon between Ba-la-Mon. And the fake Religious right's ranks in the present, with his own mind, enlightenment, the winning hit and stay the purpose of Sa-happy subjects and purposes of She-la-Mon.
VI. SA-MON (,192 S.iii)
1-3) human charm in Sàvatthi.
4) This Ràdha, there are five players-aggregates. What is the year? Its best player, aggregates, aggregates the idea its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player player ... (like on, just add the starter and set the paragraph on the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of its five aggregates).
1-3) human charm in Sàvatthi.
4) This Ràdha, there are five players-aggregates. What is the year? Color Prime aggregates Prime form ... aggregates.
5) this Ràdha, when Holy multicultural level like real disciple knows the episode run, the paragraphs, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of the year its aggregates. This unit, this Ràdha, known as the Saints were disciples attend the save, no longer being rotten fallen, sure to reach the rescue wing.
1-3) human charm in Sàvatthi.
4) This Ràdha, there are five players-aggregates. What is the year? Color Prime aggregates Prime form ... aggregates.
5)-when the national Ràdha This-stilts after the launch episode as true, the paragraph, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of the five aggregates, this player he was freed, not accept the seat; so, call billion-unit on stilts is A-la-Han, has dedicated the piece smuggled or, have achievements, Offense has done the work to be done, have put the burden down, has achieved the purpose, use, unlawful possession of the endless passages were already freed thanks to the Chief Justice position.
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3-4) That tells the fake Religious Ràdha Religious are sitting on one side:
This means that there are education, Ràdha-do, took part, Hy, thirsty craving for good, let them. As such, the colors will be dedicated segment, cut off the ends to the roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, not being run in the future.
5-7) ... for tho ... for ... for ...
This voracious, Ràdha) has education, take part, Hy, thirst, craving for knowledge, leave them. So, the formula will be the paragraph, cut off the ends to the roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, not being run in the future.
(Like on, just added: everyone will get there the media player dispute, mind stubbornly stay, accept custom hypnosis).
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ràdha of the White World Religion:
-"Màra, Màra", the White World, so referred to. What is the Màra Bach, World Religion?
4)-good, Ràdha, this is Màra. The life is Màra. Idea is Màra. Is Màra. Formula is Màra.
5) due to this Ràdha, thus, steps to the Holy disciples multicultural boring for good, boring, mundane life with respect for ideas, for the mundane, boring for consciousness. So boring, does taste Cup took part. By participating, the glasses he freed. In the release, starting up: "We've been freed". The position he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
(Previous experience, only instead of nature by Màra Mara (Màradhamma).
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ràdha of the White World Religion:
-"Impermanence, impermanence," Bach said, So so. The White World Religion, what is impermanent?
4)-good, Ràdha, this is impermanent. The life is impermanent. Thought is impermanent. Are impermanent. Consciousness is impermanent.
5) Do find so. .. The position he knows ... ". .. no longer back this status."
(As above, just replace the impermanence by Leanne impermanence).
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ràdha of the White World Religion:
-"Miserable, miserable", the White World, so being told to. The White World Religion, what is suffering?
4)-good, Ràdha, this is crazy. The life is suffering. Thought is agony. The Administration is suffering. Consciousness is suffering.
5) Do find so. .. The position he knows ... ". .. no longer back this status."
(Like on, only instead of suffering by Leanne gauge).
(Like on, only instead of suffering by egolessness).
(Like on, only instead of suffering by Leanne egolessness).
(Like on, only instead of suffering by taking advantage of France (khayadhamma: the dedicated paragraph).
(Like on, only instead of suffering by killing (vayadhamma: subject to paragraph removal).
(Like on, only instead of suffering by the initialization file).
(Like on, only instead of suffering by paragraph removal).
I. MÀRA (Magazine Vol. 6, 2, 40 c) (,198 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ràdha of the White World Religion:
-Heal instead, Bach World Religion! World Religion make a brief sermon for children, to the French after listening, can live alone, the President, not an ample zoom, zealous, essential need.
4-23)-what is this, Màra Ràdha, here he needs to please the paragraph, minus the paragraph except greed, sex and crush except paragraph. And what is this, Màra Ràdha? This is Màra, Ràdha,; Here He needs to please, need segments except segment except greed, need and wholeheartedly take part except the paragraph. The life is Màra, here He needs to please, need segments except segment except greed, need and wholeheartedly take part except the paragraph. Idea ... The onions ... The Màra, here He needs to please, need segments except segment except greed, need and wholeheartedly take part except the paragraph.
24) what belongs to Ma Lam (Màradhamma), this Ràdha, here, he needs to please, except sections need paragraphs except greed, need and wholeheartedly take part except paragraph ...
25) what is impermanent.
26) what is impermanent Leanne ...
27) what is suffering ...
28) what is Leanne gauge ...
29) what is anatta.
30) what is anatta Leanne ...
31) what is the take ...
32) what is the kill ...
33) what is run before, here he needs to please, except sections need paragraphs except greed, need and wholeheartedly take part except paragraph.
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ràdha of the White World Religion:
-Heal instead, Bach World Religion! World Religion make a brief sermon for children, to the French after listening, can live alone, net safety, not cuteness, fervent, ample magnification is needed.
4)-what is the kill this Ràdha France, here, he needs to please, except paragraph paragraph except greed, sex and crush except paragraph. And what is the kill this Ràdha France? This is a snippet, Ràdha, removal of France; Here he needs to please, except sections need paragraphs except greed, need and wholeheartedly take part except paragraph. Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... Consciousness is the removal of France; Here he needs to please, except sections need paragraphs except greed, need and wholeheartedly take part except paragraph.
I. MÀRA (III-Preliminary Advisory Products)
II. MÀRA TANH (III-Preliminary Advisory Products)
III. IMPERMANENCE (III-Preliminary Advisory Products)
IV. LEANNE IMPERMANENCE (III-Preliminary Advisory Products)
V. the GAUGE (III-Preliminary Advisory Products)
VI. LEANNE GAUGE (III-Preliminary Advisory Products)
VII. ANATTA (III-Preliminary Advisory Products)
VIII. EGOLESSNESS TANH (III-Preliminary Advisory Products)
IX. EXTERMINATE (III-Preliminary Advisory Products)
X. PARAGRAPH REMOVAL (III-Preliminary Advisory Products)
XI. The INITIALIZATION FILES (products, III-Preliminary advice)

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