Sunday 1 May 2016

127. A NA LAW

Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi, in Jetavana, Anathapindika Essential place of his residence. And then someone Pancakanga Carpenter.
-Go to this other person, please go to the false Religion, Anuruddha, I, on behalf of the wealthy girl foot fake Religious ceremony bowed Anuruddha and ladies like this: "Dear author Respect, Carpenter Pancakanga false Religious ceremony, wealthy girl Anuruddha bowed, and ladies: hoping that the fake Religious Anuruddha along three more, tomorrow received meal with Carpenter Pancakanga. Looking forward to that false Religious Anuruddha come real soon, because Carpenter Pancakanga have more work, many duties are done for the King ".
-Sir, false Religion.
He well meeting the Carpenter Pancakanga, go to the fake Religious Anuruddha, after false Religious ceremony Anuruddha, wealthy girl came and sat down on one side. Sit down on one side, her dear fake Anuruddha Respect:
-Pancakanga Carpenter of false Religious ceremony, wealthy girl bowed Anuruddha and dear as follows: "Dear author, hoping that the fake Religious Respect Anuruddha with three again tomorrow to take meals with the Carpenter Pancakanga. Mr. Suen, hoping that the fake Religious Anuruddha come for real soon, because Carpenter Pancakanga have more work, many duties are done for the King ".
Silent Anuruddha accept fake religion. And then the fake Religious Anuruddha, after night, in the morning the medical relief, holding y bowls, go to the stay of the Carpenter Pancakanga, after the hosts sitting on the seat has composed. Then the Carpenter Pancakanga hand solicitations and false Religious satisfaction makes Anuruddha with epigastric, hard type and the type of blanket. And after the fake Religious Anuruddha was ate, took off the hands off the vase Bowl, Carpenter Pancakanga took a low chair and then sit down on one side. Sit down on one side, the same false Respect Sir Pancakanga Carpenter Anuruddha:
In this Respect, Sir, the Presbyterian Female-stilts came and said the following: "this home, please practice immeasurable mind liberation". There are some elders say the following: "this home, make great onion cultivation of mind liberation". Mr. Suen, who freed immeasurable and released mind freed, the other meaning of other medium sized French writer, or a synonym, just differences in text?
This owner-, say what he thinks about this issue; Thus, the issue becomes authentically for you.
-Mr. Ton, think thus: "the rescue Center and the immeasurable who practice liberation, the French meaning but other writers".
This immeasurable, owner-Center liberation Action Center and freed, the other meaning of other medium sized French writer. Therefore, this "renunciation, this need to understand true to traditions, this just means that the other meaning other medium.
And this renunciation, how immeasurable is the mind Liberation? Here, this renunciation, Female-stilts, a chronic variable security with useful sentences with the word, so also the second, likewise the third method, likewise the fourth method. As such, the same all over the world, over, under, across, all method of the same, all over the world, who's an immeasurable stay turned with the mind with questions from, boundless, generous, don't hate, don't pitch. With the sentence against ball, with the sentence against Hy, an stay complacent, a variable with the sentence against discharge, ... generous, boundless, not hate, not the pitch. As such, this renunciation, called mind freed immeasurable.
This renunciation, how is the great centre of the freed Act? Here, this renunciation, Female-on stilts, to a tree, an stay, pamper and instill greater so so (during meditation). As such, this renunciation, called great liberation mind practice. Here, this renunciation, Female-stilts for up to two or three stumps, an stay, pamper and instill greater so so (during meditation). As such, this renunciation, called great liberation mind practice. Here, this renunciation, Female-stilts to a rice field villages an stay, pamper and instill greater so so (during meditation). As such, this renunciation, called great liberation mind practice. Here, this renunciation, Female-stilts until two or three rice field villages, security and instill large variables stay until so (during meditation). As the siege, this renunciation is called great liberation mind practice. Here, this renunciation, Female-stilts to a greater Kingdom, stay turned complacency and instill greater so so (during meditation). As such, this renunciation, called great liberation mind practice. Here, this renunciation, Female-stilts until two or three Nations an stay, pamper and instill greater so so (during meditation). As such, this renunciation, called great liberation mind practice. Therefore, this renunciation, this need to understand properly with this disciplines, this just means that the other sense, just another writer.
This renunciation, had four owners this contentious (bhavuppattiyo: the birth of four start-up for a new life). What are the four? Here, this renunciation, someone, with a limited amount of aura (parittabha) an stay, turns complacent and instill. Her position after the destructive incarnation of common network be contentious "stay with Chu Thien Quang Minimum. Here, this renunciation, someone with the aura, an immeasurable stay, pamper and instill. Her position after the destructive incarnation of common network be contentious "stay with Chu Thien Quang Immeasurable. Here, someone with the renunciation of this aura, an infection junk stay turned complacent and instill. Her position after the destructive incarnation of common network be contentious "stay with Chu Thien Quang Infections Magazine. Here, this renunciation, someone with pure aura an stay, turns complacent and instill. Her position after the destructive incarnation of common network be contentious "stay with Chu Thien Quang Tinh Variables. This renunciation, there are four types of organic beings.
-Have the time, this renunciation, Chu Heaven there at one spot. When you set this meeting at a place, see variation of color, do not see the differences aura. For this renunciation, as had the green light, the oil goes into a home. When the oil lamp was brought her into the House, see the differences but no flame, see differences of light. Likewise, this renunciation, Chu Heaven there at one spot. When you set this meeting at a place, see variation of color, do not see the differences aura. Have this Heavenly, renunciation, he went out from there. When Chu's Heavenly going out from there, see the variation of color and also found differences aura. For this renunciation, as, someone brought many oil lamp out of the House, when the oil lamp she was brought out of the House, see the variation of color and also found differences of light. Likewise, this renunciation, Chu's Heavenly time go out from there. When Chu's Heavenly going out from there, see the variation of color and also found differences aura.
This renunciation, no Bias to think: "this is usually longer, permanent, usually constant for us". But where does an Angel Chu, Chu, the other Heavenly spot to live in comfort. For this renunciation, as, when the flies were carried away in the burden or blow in the basket, they do not have the thought: "this is the permanence or permanent, usually constant for us". But somewhere, where the flies there an onsite residencies, she flies her to live in comfort. Also, this renunciation, Chu Heaven he did not think "this is usually also the resident, or usually constant for us". But somewhere, where does an Angel Chu, Chu, the other Heavenly spot to live in comfort.
When was heard so, false Religion Religious respect Kaccana Abhiya Anuruddha fake!
The good instead of the false Religion,-Anuruddha! Here, I have this need to ask more. Mr. ton that Thien Chu, aura, all have a limited amount of glory? Or is there some divine Celestial aura immeasurable?
-Fake, according to Kaccana Gentleness in this case, here are some lettered Natural aura energy limited, but there are also a number of schools of Heavenly aura immeasurable.
-Mr. Anuruddha, so fake Religion, due to what the coast, oil for the celestial beings are lettered starting in one of them, have some Natural aura energy limited client and has some other Celestial aura lettered immeasurable?
This fake Kaccana, Md – here We will ask Sage. If false, false Sage ring mosaic Sage s answer. Fake fake gentler Kaccana Gentleness this thought? Male-on stilts to a tree, and instilled great variables stay until so (during meditation), and female-stilts for up to two or three stumps, stay turned complacency and instill greater so so (during meditation), in two practice centers, the practice of mind would more extensive?
-Mr. Suen, Female-stilts for up to two or three stumps, an stay, pamper and instill greater so so (during meditation), in the center of the two, the wider this.
This fake Kaccana gentler Sage-author think? Female-stilts for up to two or three stumps, stay turned complacency and instill greater so so (during meditation), and female-stilts, until a paddy field village, an stay, pamper and instill greater so so (during meditation) in either the mind, the mind does the larger?
-Mr. Suen, Female-stilts to a paddy field village, an stay, pamper, and instill greater so so (during meditation), in the center of the two, the wider this.
This fake Kaccana Gentleness, National--stilts until two or three villages, paddy fields, security, turned complacency and instill greater so so (during meditation), and female-stilts to a greater Kingdom, an stay, pamper and instill greater so so (during meditation) in two the practice Center, the wider this?
-Mr. Suen, Female-stilts, until a great Kingdom, an stay, pamper and instill greater so so (during meditation), in two the practice of mind, the mind, the wider this.
This fake Kaccana Gentleness, National--stilts to a United Kingdom, stay, and instill greater so so (during meditation), and female-stilts until two or three in a United Kingdom University, stay, pamper and instill greater so so (during meditation), in two the practice of mind, the mind does the larger?
Mr. Anuruddha fake Religious, Male-stilts for up to two or three Nations, an stay, turns complacent and instill at large until such (while meditation), in the center of the two, the wider this.
Fake fake gentler Kaccana Gentleness this thought? Female-stilts for up to two or three Nations, an stay, pamper and instill greater so so (during meditation), and female-stilts to take advantage of the land border, marine safety award stay, pamper and instill greater so so (during meditation), in two the practice of mind, the mind does the larger?
-Mr. Suen, Female-stilts to take advantage of the land border, marine safety award stay, turns complacent and instill so big (while meditation), in the center of the two, the wider this.
This fake Kaccana Gentleness, so-this, due to this coast, between the Chu's Bias was being run in a Natural, there are some lettered Natural aura energy limited but there are some lettered Celestial aura immeasurable.
-Heals instead of false Religion, Anuruddha! I have a question, need not ask further. Mr. Suen, regarding client aura, auras are all junk is infected or has some Chu Celestial aura purity?
-Depending on the case, this Gentle Kaccana fake, here are some lettered Celestial aura magazine, but there are also a number of schools of Heavenly purity aura.
-Mr. Anuruddha, so fake Religion, due to what the coast, in the celestial beings are lettered starting in one of them, have some junk aura infection, but there is some Heavenly divine aura purity?
This fake Kaccana, Sage-I will give an example of a fake Buddy. Thanks for the example here, who has Tri understands the meaning of words. For as this fake Kaccana Gentleness, a burning lamp, with no oil is clean, with light heart also was not clean. Because the oil is not clean, and also because the heart not to be clean, lights should burn lamp very dullness. Likewise, this fake Kaccana Sage, here Female-stilts an stay turned complacent and instill with aura magazine. The fuselage of the almond porn not cleverly ended, kissing is not cited by hypnosis piece Swiss deposits excluding foreign election trạo, too smart not to be stock photography. Because of not being cleverly suggestive trunk termination, because not the paragraph except kissing the Swiss deposits, because not stock photography offers trạo foreign election too, he was burning up a way overshadowed. Her position after the destructive incarnation of common network be contentious "stay with Chu Thien aura magazine. For as this fake Kaccana, Gentleness, a lamp oil is burned, with clean and oil with light heart also be clean. Because the oil is clean and also by tim lights are clean, so he was no burning lamp fog. Likewise, this fake Kaccana Sage, here Female-stilts an stay turned complacent and instilled with the aura, the fuselage was smart's explicit end, the Swiss deposits are cleverly Kiss except paragraph, foreign election trạo too be clever photography. Because the fuselage are cleverly suggestive of termination, due to marry the Swiss deposits are cited by foreign election trạo, except paragraph too cleverly's position, photographers are being burned up no fog. After the General, the network's destructive relatives are being "stay with Chu to natural pure aura. So, this fake Kaccana Gentleness, this, because this coast, between Celestial beings he lettered starting together in a Natural, there are some schools of Heavenly aura magazine, but there are some lettered Celestial aura purity.
When was heard so, false Religion Religious respect Kaccana Abhiya Anuruddha fake:
-Truth heals instead of false Religion, Anuruddha! Mr. Ton, Ton Anuruddha fake didn't say: "so I heard" or "things like that". By contrast, Mr. Ton, Ton Anuruddha fake just says: "this is so Bias and Chu Chu the other Bias is so". Mr. Suen, I think: "Anuruddha was certainly false Religious life from before, that conversation from before, that conversation before with Chu's Genius".
This Gentleness of speech, Kaccana imitation than Hien to almost have to challenge the statement, but we will answer for Gentleness. This fake Kaccana Gentleness, have long, We have been living from before, that conversation from before, that conversation before with Chu's Bias.
When I heard that, the fake Religious Abhiya Kaccana told Carpenter: Pancakanga
-Real benefits instead of Him, this renunciation, that he doubts things are clips from before, and was also the occasion to hear this disciplines.

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