Friday 29 April 2016

126. In LINE-DI

Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Rajagaha (United Kingdom-XA), Veluvana (Lisa), foster care premises. And then the fake Religious relief morning Bhumija y, y bowls, go to stay made of Prince Jayasena, after to sit on seats already compose available. Then Prince Jayasena go to the fake Religious Bhumija, after to say up with the fake Religious Bhumija welcome the inquiry, after talking up the words of welcome dear ask, and then sat down on one side. Sit down one side, Prince Jayasena ladies with fake Bhumija Respect:
Dear fake Bhumija Respect, has a number of Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects have the following theory, as follows: "If there are Violations, operating time will not reach fruition; If no action Date, wish time didn't reach fruition; If there is no administrative violations of wishes, and happy, not reach fruition if no and no Administrative Violations wishes, time does not achieve results ". Here, the ranks of the false Religious Leaders say anything, and the Bhumija have argued?
-Dear Prince, I don't make That face Ton is heard as such, be remembered as such. And this happens, That Religion has explained as follows: "If there is no Date, happy wishes, Chief Justice (ayoni so), not reach fruition; If no action Date not happy wishes, the Chief Justice, the time does not reach fruition; If there is no wish and act happy Offense not the Chief Justice, the weather did not reach fruition; If no and not without wishes, happy Offense doesn't rewarding time Chief Justice not reach fruition. If there is one way of breaking the Administration wishes, the Chief Justice, the time to achieve results; If no action Date happy wishes, a primary way, time to achieve results; If there is no administrative violations of wishes, and happy in a way, the Chief Justice of the time to achieve results; If no and not without wishes happy Offense operating a primary way, time to achieve results ". Dear Prince, I don't make That face Ton is heard as such, be remembered as such. Things happen, That Religion has such explanations.
-If the direction of theoretical physics Bhumija so false Religion, such arguments, I think that's sure direction of false Religion, stand higher than the Bhumija on top all Sa, Ba-la-trivial subjects.
Then Prince Jayasena invite false Religious Bhumija, used with bat eat (thalipaka).
And then the fake Religious Bhumija, after qifu gangui meal take back go to place like ton, after reaching the World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl and then sat down on one side. Sit down one side, false Religion That Religious white Bhumija:
-Transparency of world Religion, here, in the morning the medical relief, holding the Bowl y, go to stay made of Prince Jayasena, after the sitting on seats available, composed of the White World, Prince Jayasena to children, after coming up with the words to say Welcome to enquire, after talking up the words of welcome dear asking and then sat down on one side. Sit down on one side, the White World to honor Prince Jayasena told the following: "Dear author Respect Bhumija, some Sa-keeper, She-la, ... of false Religious Leaders ranks say anything, have argued?" When I heard that, I said, How white with Prince Jayasena, as follows: "this Prince, I don't make That face, is heard as follows, be remembered as follows ... ”... I think that's false Religious Leaders certainly Bhumija, stand higher on the top of all Sa-keeper, She-la-trivial subjects ". The White World Religion, do not understand the question, so answer as such, you have the right words to say, I can't Respect That misrepresent the words of world Religion with this not true, but I have explained properly France, France, and a happy accomplices right France, France would have no reason to criticize?
-Indeed, this was asked, so, Bhumija answered that, he said, speaking of world Religious lyrics ng Ridin He do not distort World Religion with no true, He explained the true France, France, and a happy accomplices right France, France had no reason to criticize.
The Sa-, Bhumija subjects this or she-la-keeper would have TA, TA, TA, TA, TA, TA, Ta network, deviant plan, if they have Executive wishes happy Offense, not reach fruition; If they don't have the baggage wish happy Offense, not reach fruition; If they have and do not have aspired, Violates, doesn't reach fruition; If they do not have and do not have no wishes, happy time Offense failed to reach fruition. Why is that? This is not the method to achieve results, Bhumija.
Such as this, one needs the oil, Bhumija, find oil, go here and there to find oil. After pouring the sand into a barrel of water and then sprinkle soy source, keep pressed (for oil sands). If she wishes, after pouring the sand into a barrel of water and then sprinkle soy source, keep pressed (for oil sands), he could not get the oil. If he does not have a voluntary Treaty, after pouring the sand into a barrel of water and then sprinkle soy source, keep pressed (for oil sands), he could not get the oil. If people with and without desire, after pouring the sand into a barrel of water and then sprinkle soy source, keep pressed (for oil sands), he could not get the oil. If he does not have and does not have aspired, after pouring the sand into a barrel of water and then sprinkle soy source, keep pressed (for oil sands), he could not get the oil. Why is that? This is not, this method to get the oil, Bhumija. This, too, the Sa-, Bhumija subjects or she-la-Mon there are ties, Ta ta ... thinking, if they wish, Pham, they did not reach fruition; If they do not wish ... Yes and no wishes ... no and not without wishes, happy Offense time they do not achieve results. Why is that? This is not the method to achieve results, Bhumija.
Such as this, one needs, milk, Bhumija search request milk, go here and there to find milk, holding the Horn young to milk cow. If she wishes, holding young cow horns to milking, she could not get the milk. If he doesn't have the desire ... If he wishes, Yes and no ... If he does not have and does not have aspired, holding the Horn young cow to milk, it could not get the milk. Why is that? Hey, this is not the Bhumija method to get the milk. This, too, the Sa-, Bhumija subjects or she-la, there are deviant comments ... have ties, if they wish, they are not violations of conduct achieved results; If they do not have a voluntary Treaty; If they have and do not have aspired; If they do not have and do not have no wishes, happy Offense, they do not achieve results. Why is that? This is not, this method to achieve results, Bhumija.
Such as this, one needs, Bhumija birth, birth, go to here and there to find birth bridge, after pouring water into a ghè, then take the guest to stir sticks. If she wishes, after pouring water into a ghè, stirring rod, she took to get contentious. If he does not have a voluntary Treaty; If he wishes, Yes and no; If he does not have and does not have aspired, pour the water into a ghè, stirring rod, she took not take birth. Why is that? Hey, this is not the Bhumija method to take birth. Also, the Sa-, Bhumija subjects this or she-la-subjects have ties. (as above) ... There are deviant, if they wish, they are not violations of conduct achieved results; If they do not have a voluntary Treaty; If they have and do not have aspired; If they do not have and does not have the time, they do not achieve results. Why is that? Hey, this is not the Bhumija method to achieve results.
Such as this, one needs, fire, Bhumija search fireballs, go here and there to find the fire. He brought the fire, then spin furniture on rubbing with a wet rods and plastic have, if she wishes, take part on the map turned the fire and then rubbed with a wet rods and there are plastic, the forecast doesn't take missile; If he does not have a voluntary Treaty; If people with and without desire, if he does not have and cannot have aspired to bring the part on the map turned fire, then rubbed with a wet rods and there are plastic, the forecast does not take fire. Why is that? This is not, this method to get the fire, Bhumija. This, too, there are the Bhumija Sa, or she-la-subjects have ties. (as above) ... There are deviant; If they have aspired, in Violation, they did not reach fruition; If they do not have a voluntary Treaty; If they have and do not have aspired; If they do not have and do not have no wishes, they can not reach fruition. Because why? This is not, this method to achieve results, Bhumija.
The Sa-, Bhumija subjects this or she-la-keeper would have the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network, mindfulness, the Chief Justice; If they have aspired, in Violation, they achieve results; If they do not have a voluntary Treaty; If they have and do not have aspired; If they do not have and do not have no wishes, happy Offense, they achieve results. Because why? Here l method, Bhumija, to achieve this result.
Such as this, one needs the oil, Bhumija, find oil, go here and there to search for oil, the same oil seed after pouring into the bucket of water and then sprinkle soy source, keep pressed (for oil). If she wishes, after pouring the oil into the bucket of water and then sprinkle soy source, keep pressed (for oil), the oil obtained. If he does not have a voluntary Treaty; If he wishes, Yes and no; If he does not have and does not have aspired, after pouring the oil in the tank-like seed, continued the water sprinkle soy source and then pressed (for oil), the oil obtained. Because why? This is the method, Bhumija this to get the oil. This, too, the Bhumija Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would be Chief Justice opinion ... have the Chief Justice. If they have aspired, Pham, time they reach fruition; If they do not have a voluntary Treaty; If they have and don't have the desire, if they do not have and do not have no wishes, happy Offense, they achieve results. Because why? This is the method, Bhumija this can achieve results.
Such as this, one needs, milk, Bhumija search request milk, go here and there to find milk. And her milking breast from where the cow was young. If she wishes, to milk from the breast where the cow was young, people get milk. If he does not have a voluntary Treaty; If he wishes, Yes and no; If he does not have and does not have aspired, she squeezed the milk from the breast where the cow was young, people get milk. Because why? This is the method, Bhumija this to get the milk. Also, the Sa-, Bhumija subjects this or she-la-keeper would be Chief Justice. (as above) ... have the Chief Justice, if they wish, Act Violations, they achieve results. If they do not have a voluntary Treaty; If they have and do not have aspired; If they do not have and do not have no wishes, happy Offense, they achieve results. Because why? Hey, this is the method of Bhumija to achieve results.
Such as this, one needs, Bhumija birth, birth, go to this place and there find contentious bridge; After pouring (dadhi) into a ghè, then grab the trees stirring rod, hitting. If she wishes, after pouring (dadhi) into a ghè, then stir sticks, tree, taking the time he retrieved was contentious. If he does not have a voluntary Treaty; If he wishes, Yes and no; If he does not have and does not have the desire, time after pouring (dadhi) into a ghè, then stir sticks, grab, he retrieved was contentious. Because why? This means, it is the Bhumija ph p to take birth. Also, the Sa-, Bhumija subjects this or she-la-keeper would be Chief Justice opinion ... have the Chief Justice; If they have aspired, Pham, time they reach fruition. If they do not have a voluntary Treaty; If they have and do not have aspired; If they do not have and do not have no wishes, happy Offense, they achieve results. Because why? Hey, this is the method of Bhumija to achieve results.
Such as this, there is a need, Bhumija fire, find the bridge, go here and there to find the fire, after the section on fire then spin furniture with a dry tree rubbing no plastic. If she wishes, take part on the map turned the fire and then rubbed with a piece of dried tree SAP, he stole the fire. If he does not have a voluntary Treaty; If he wishes, Yes and no; If he does not have and does not have aspired, bring the upper map turns fire and then rubbed with a piece of dried tree SAP, he stole the fire. Because why? This is the method, Bhumija this to get the fire. This, too, the Sa-, Bhumija subjects or she-la-keeper would be Chief Justice opinion ... the Chief Justice. If they have aspired, Pham, time they reach fruition; If they do not have a voluntary Treaty; Yes and no, if they do not have and do not have no wishes, happy times, Criminals they reached results. Why is that? Hey, this is the method of Bhumija brought to fruition.
If the four examples of this come from the start, Bhumija, where he gives Prince Jayasena, Prince Jayasena nature trust, and when trust, will act as a person has to trust Him.
-But how, Bach World Religion, four examples to start from where the son for Prince Jayasena, run up in a natural way, from the first ever heard, like Religion?
World Religious preaching. False religious Bhumja Religious life That words credit Hy Festival teaches:

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