Tuesday 19 April 2016


Like I hear:
One world Religion stay in between the Sakka (Like-ca). Devadaha was a commune of Sakka. In That Respect, the National call-stilts: "the Male-stilts".
"-Sir, of the White World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-The Male-stilts, have some Sa, Ba-la-Mon there are theories such as the following, comments as follows: "everyone will get what people sense this, life expectancy, life gauge or gauge of real-life Club, all by the career of the past; with the fire burning, the kill the career of the past, with no artifacts of the new industry, there will be no progress to the future. Because there is no progress to the future, industry segment removal; by industry segment removal, the removal; because sympathy tho, paragraph gauge the removal; so the life span, all suffering will destroy take. "
The Male-stilts, theory the Nigantha (Ni qian'an County atomic). The Male-stilts, We say so, We go to the Nigantha and says as follows:
"-Chu Ja Nigantha, there are true, you have the following theory, opinion as follows:" everyone will get what people sense this, life expectancy, life gauge or gauge of real-life Club, all by the career of the past; with the fire burning, the kill the career of the past, with no artifacts of the new industry, there will be no progress to the future. Because there is no progress to the future, the industry was destroyed by the industrial segment, segment destruction segment destruction are suffering; because sympathy tho, paragraph gauge the removal; so the life of killing, all the suffering will be kill take? "
The Male-stilts, if the Nigantha, when We ask, himself has said so, I said the following sailings:
"-Chu, the Nigantha Gentleness He had said:" in the past, we have available, we do not present? "
"-Dear Gentle, not so.
"-Chu, the Nigantha Gentleness He had said:" in the past, we have created evil, we don't create evil? "
"-Dear Gentle, not so.
"-Chu, the Nigantha Gentleness he said:" we have created evil career like this or like that? "
"-Dear Gentle, not so.
"-Chu, the Nigantha Gentleness he had said:" as this level Gauge was kill or take advantage of the level gauge like this need to be destroyed, or take advantage of the level of suffering like this, all the suffering will be kill take? "
"-Dear Gentle, not so.
"-Chu Ja Nigantha, he said:" The real French charity thorough piece right in the present or the achievements of the French charity? "
"-Dear Gentle, not so.
"Chu-Ja as he spoke, the Nigantha, He doesn't know:" in the past, we have available, we do not present "; He doesn't know: "in the past, we have created evil, we don't create evil karma"; He doesn't know: "we have created evil career like this, or like that of the other"; He doesn't know: "level Gauge like this have been destroyed, the level gauge like this need to be destroyed, or take advantage of the level of suffering like this, all the suffering will be kill take"; He doesn't know: "The piece take the real friendly France right in the present or the achievements of the French charity"; the situation as such, reasonable time, when the fake Religious Nigantha again replied: "everyone will get what people sense this, life expectancy, life gauge or gauge of real-life Club, all by the career of the past, with the burn, the destruction of the past, with the industry not created the new business , there will be no progress to the future. Because there is no progress to the future, are snippets of removal; because the industry is suffering, the removal phase removal; because sympathy tho, paragraph gauge the removal; so the life kill all life gauge will be kill take? ".
"-Chu Ja Nigantha, if you are know:" in the past, we have available, we do not present "; He was said: "in the past, we have created evil, we don't create evil karma"; He was said: "we have created evil career like this, or like that of the other"; you know: "level Gauge like this have been destroyed, or level of suffering like this need to be destroyed, or take advantage of the level of suffering like this, all the suffering will be kill take"; you know: "The piece take the real friendly France right in the present or the achievements of the French charity"; the situation is thus the true forecast is reasonable when the fake Religious Nigantha replied: "everyone will get what people sense this, life expectancy, life gauge or gauge of real-life Club, all by the career of the past with the burn, the destruction of the career of the past; with no new industry creation, there will be no progress to the future. Because there is no progress to the future career of the removal; by industry segment removal, the removal; because sympathy tho, paragraph gauge the removal, so the life span, all suffering will be "thorough removal.
"-Chu Ja Nigantha, such a person was shot arrows, arrows are laced poison very thick. Her human emotions by arrow, head of the life feeling the pain, agony, suffering extreme. Your friends, your blood of people invited to a surgeon to. Locate surgeons cut wide mouth wounds. So he cut the mouth wound, head of the sense of pain, suffering, extreme suffering. Her surgeon position detection with arrow search. People Finder by arrows with search, head of the life feeling the pain, extreme suffering, suffering. Locate surgeon pulled the arrow out of him. Her characters are drawn arrows, head of the sense of pain, suffering, extreme suffering. Surgeon's taste for burning mouth wound with red coals (or up the mouth of the wound with hot fabrics like red coals). Her mouth so red coals burning injuries, head of the pain sensations, extreme suffering, suffering. After some time, when the skin has healed the wound on the mouth, he is not sick, peace, freedom, self in, and go to the place where he wanted to. He thought: "before we were shooting arrows, arrows are laced poison very thick. Due to human emotion, we led the life arrow feeling the pain, agony, suffering extreme. Blood kin's friends have invited an anatomical surgeon arrived. Locate surgeons cut her wide mouth wounds. We do human mouth wide cutter head life wound the feelings of pain, suffering, extreme suffering. Anatomical medical unit's search for the arrow to search widgets. Do people search for arrows with him tho Detectors led supplies the feeling of pain, suffering, suffering extreme. Taste her surgeon pulled the arrow out of him. Characters are drawn arrows, one leader of the life feeling the pain, agony, suffering extreme. Surgeon's taste for burning mouth wound with red coals (or up the mouth of the wound with hot fabrics such as red coal?). Because the human mouth red coals burn injuries, he led the life feeling the pain, agony, suffering extreme. Now the skin has healed the wound on the mouth, not the disease, peace, freedom, self in, and go anywhere we want. "
"As such, this Gentle Nigantha lettered, if you are know:" in the past, our present, we do not present "; He was said: "in the past, we have created evil, we don't create evil", he said: "we have created evil, like this or like that", he said: "the level Gauge like this have been destroyed, or level of suffering like this need to be destroyed to take advantage; or with take the gauge of the level like this, all the suffering will be kill take "; you know: "The piece take the real friendly France right in the present or the achievements of the French charity"; the situation is thus the true forecast is reasonable when the fake Religious Nigantha replied: "everyone will get what people sense this, life expectancy, life gauge, or any real-life communication framework, all by the career of the past; with the fire burning, the kill the career of the past, with no artifacts of the new industry, there will be no progress to the future. Because there is no progress to the future, are snippets of removal; by industry segment removal, the removal; because sympathy tho, paragraph gauge the removal; so the life of killing, all the suffering will be "thorough removal.
"Chu Ja Nigantha, and because of that He doesn't know:" in the past, we have available, we do not present "; He was not said: "we have created evil, we don't create evil karma"; He was not said: "we have created evil career like this, or like that of the other"; He is not known: "level Gauge like this have been destroyed, or level of suffering like this need to be destroyed, or take advantage of the level of suffering like this, all the suffering will be kill take"; He was not said: "The real French charity thorough piece right in the present or the achievements of the French charity"; real time is not justified when the fake Religious Nigantha replied: "everyone will get what territory human sense of touch, life expectancy, life gauge, or any real-life communication framework, all by the career of the past; with the fire burning, the kill the career of the past; with no new industry creation, there will be no progress to the future. Because there is no progress to the future, are snippets of removal; by industry segment removal, the removal; because sympathy tho, paragraph gauge the removal; so the life of killing, all the suffering will be "thorough removal.
The Male-stilts, when be said so, the Nigantha told Us:
"Fake Nigantha Nataputta, Sage-dear is completely full, tri level opinion, claiming to have comprehensive knowledge of tri is as follows:" the oil we have to go, have standing, sleep and have the knowledge, the opinion exists always the voters constantly in place ". The position was as follows: "this the Nigantha, if He had gone to do evil, please make her career goals trail by ascetic suffering. Maintained by households, households maintained speech, households maintained Italy ". Here, right in the present should not do the business in the future. With the fire burning, the kill the career of the past, with no new industry creation, there will be no progress to the future. Because there is no progress to the future, are snippets of removal; by industry segment removal, the removal; because sympathy tho, paragraph gauge the removal; so the life of killing, all the suffering will be destroyed. And because we accepted and we did things, should ring mosaic we are the wedding ".
When was this, to say that the Male-stilts, I say with the Nigantha:
"-Chu Ja Nigantha, have this year, right in the present have two newspapers. What is the year? Credit, Hy, customized text, verify the reason (akaraparivitakka), the real-life ring mosaic (TA) opinion. This year, this French Nigantha Sage client right in the present there are two newspapers. Here, what is the confidence of false Religion does for the Nigantha direction ranks in the past? What is thrilled, what are the options, what is the reason for appraisal, how is mosaic ring accept tho (TA) opinion, gentlemen? "
The Male-stilts, say so, We do not see a legitimate answer between the Nigantha. And again the Male-stilts, I tell the Nigantha him as follows:
"-Chu Ja Nigantha, do you think? When you earnestly, earnestly essential needs, while he is the life He led the sudden start suffering, feeling, pain, suffering, suffering extreme? Also, while he did not earnestly, not essential needs, while he is the head of the life he's not suffering, feeling, pain, painful start, suffering?
"-Mr. Sage Gotama, fake when we earnestly, earnestly essential needs, in the life we led the sudden start suffering, feeling, pain, suffering, extreme suffering. Also, while we do not earnestly, not essential need, while our life not led him the suffering sensations, sudden, painful, painful start, suffering.
"-So, this Gentle Nigantha, when the client Says earnestly, earnestly essential needs, in the meanwhile the life He led the c m suffering sudden start, feeling, pain, suffering, extreme suffering. In the Meanwhile he did not earnestly, not essential needs, while He does not head the feeling of life, suffering, pain, painful start, suffering. The situation is thus the true forecast is reasonable when the fake Religious Nigantha replied: "everyone will get what people sense this, life expectancy, life gauge, or any real-life communication framework, all by the career of the past; with the fire burning, the kill the career of the past with the new creation, there will be no progress to the future. Because there is no progress to the future, are snippets of removal; because the industry is suffering, the removal phase removal; because sympathy tho, paragraph gauge the removal; so the life of killing, all the suffering will be "thorough removal.
This "Chu Ja Nigantha, if while He earnestly, earnestly essential needs, in the meanwhile the suffering sensations, sudden, painful, painful start, suffering exists. Also, while he did not earnestly, not essential needs, in the meanwhile the suffering sensations, sudden, painful, painful start, suffering also exist. The situation is thus the true forecast is reasonable when the fake Religious Nigantha replied: "everyone will get what people sense this, life expectancy, life gauge, or any real-life communication framework, all by the career of the past, with the burn, the destruction of the career of the past ... (as above) ... all are suffering destruction make ". And because of that, Chu Ja Nigantha, while He earnestly, earnestly essential needs, in the meanwhile the life the feeling of his suffering, conflict, pain, suffering, and the suffering pole while He not earnestly, not essential need in the Meanwhile he did not head the life sense of suffering , sudden, painful, painful start, suffering. As such, the fact He led the feelings life while suffering, conflict, pain, extreme suffering, suffering, self deceived by ignorance, ridiculous, foolish, when he said: "everyone will get what people sense this, life expectancy, life gauge, or any real-life communication framework, all by the career of the past; with the fire burning, the kill the career of the past, with no artifacts of the new industry, there will be no progress to the future. Because there is no progress to the future, are snippets of removal; because the industry is suffering, the removal phase removal; due to the gauge removal; life feel the removal; so the life of killing, all the suffering will be "thorough removal.
The Male-stilts, say so, We do not see a legitimate answer between the Nigantha. And again, the Female-on stilts, he said with the Nigantha, as follows:
"-Chu Ja Nigantha, do you think? Can be affordable: "expect that life is the fruit of this current, do, or due to essential needs could be the life result the future?"
"So, no Sir-Hien.
"-Can be affordable:" expect that life is the fruit of this future effort due or due to essential needs could be existing fruit shelf life? "
"So, no Sir-Hien.
"-Chu Ja Nigantha, do you think? Can be affordable: "expect that industry was lost this life, because essential tons or essential needs can be the life gauge head?"
"So, no Sir-Hien.
"-Can be affordable:" expect that industry was suffering this life, because essential tons or essential needs can be head-life Club? "
"So, no Sir-Hien.
"-Chu Ja Nigantha, do you think? Can be affordable: "expect that that result was life led by seasoned effort or essential need, can not become mature?"
"So, no Sir-Hien.
"-Can be affordable:" expect that that result has not been this mature life leader, due to essential tons or essential need, can become mature? "
"So, no Sir-Hien.
"-Chu Ja Nigantha, do you think? Can be affordable: "expect that most businesses this life facility due to essential tons or essential should become the minimum life facility?"
"So, no Sir-Hien.
"-Can be said to be reasonable:" expect that industry by life facility minimum essential tons or so essential need to become multi-life facility? "
"So, no Sir-Hien.
"-Chu Ja Nigantha, do you think? Can be affordable: "hoping that this life facility is available by the glass or Crystal tones need to become career no-life facility?"
"So, no Sir-Hien.
"-Can be affordable:" expect that industry doesn't have this life facility, due to essential tons or essential needs became available for life facility? "
"So, no Sir-Hien.
"-So, this Chu Ja Nigantha, can not be:" expect that life is the fruit of this current, due to the effort or the essential need to become career are longevity results future ". Can not be: "expect that life is the fruit of this future, due to the effort or due to essential needs, become career are longevity results". Can not be: "expect that industry was lost this life, because essential tons or essential need to become career was leading the life gauge." Can not be: "expect that industry was suffering this life, because essential tons or essential need to become career was leading the life of touch". Can not be: "expect that that result was life leaders achieve this, due to the effort or essential needs can become no Shu". Can not be: "expect that that result doesn't life leader of Shu, because essential tons or essential need has become mature." Can not be: "expect that most businesses this life facility due to essential tons or essential needs, become the minimum life facility". Can not be: "hoping that this life, led by the Department of industry minimum essential tons or essential should become the most fan Shou". Can not be: "expect that industry doesn't have this life facility, due to essential tons or essential need has become life facility". Can not be: "hoping that this life, because the facility is available for essential tons or essential should become no life facility". The situation is thus the essential tons of fake Religious Nigantha is no results, the essential need is to not have the result ".
The Male-stilts, the Nigantha says so. The Male-stilts, ten novel theoretical options (depending on the theory of Vadanuvada agreement) legally due the Nigantha said so take to the criticism.
The Male-stilts, if the love due to staff the past job, tho this forecast, the National gauge Club-stilts, the Nigantha really did the happy evil in the past, so now they are leading the life feeling the pain, extreme agony, suffering as a result. The Male-stilts, if the love due a human creator created life led to the feeling of touch, this time the Female-stilts, the Nigantha actually was created by an evil creator, given that they led the life feeling the pain, agony, suffering extreme. Thus, the Male-stilts, if the love due to the combination of human conditions (sangatibhava), head of the tribe, this time the Female-stilts, the Nigantha really evil combination, given that they led the life feeling the pain, extreme agony, suffering as a result. The Male-stilts, if the love of human beings by species type (ahbijati) head of the life feeling miserable this time tho, the Female-stilts, the Nigantha was born evil type, given that they led the life feeling the pain, extreme agony, suffering as a result. The Male-stilts, if the love due to human effort, currently head of the tribe, this time the Female-stilts, the Nigantha truly evil created the current effort, given that they led the life feeling the pain, agony, suffering extreme. The Male-stilts, if the love due to human life head past jobs lost, the Nigantha deserve to be criticized. If the love not human life by the job the past head of the tribe, the Nigantha deserve to be criticized. The Male-stilts, if the love due to being a creator creates the head tribe of life gauge, the Nigantha deserve to be criticized. If the love isn't due is a creator creates the Nigantha, club leaders life deserve to be criticized. The Male-stilts, if the love due to human life conditions matching the head tribe of agony, the Nigantha deserve to be criticized. If the owners don't do human life conditions match the Nigantha club leaders deserve to be criticized. The Male-stilts, if the love due to human beings life kind of gauge, the Nigantha club leaders deserve to be criticized. If the human beings do not love life kind of gauge, the Nigantha club leaders deserve to be criticized. The Male-stilts, if the love due to essential human needs at the present territory of gauge, the Nigantha club life deserve to be criticized. If the love is not due to human essential needs at present, gauge the Nigantha club leader life deserve to be criticized. The Male-stilts, the Nigantha says so. The Male-stilts, ten legal theory the Nigantha options theory said so taken to the criticism. Thus, the Male-stilts, the effort of the Nigantha is no results, the essential needs of their is no results.
-This And the Female-stilts, how is the effort to have the results? Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts don't let ego have not been featured photographer, photography and been suffering does not abandon the lost legitimate life, and not to touch her life dominated. The position he said: "while we essential need to combat the causes of this suffering, because against the cause of suffering, we don't have to take part. But while we discharge for cause of this suffering, while practice to discharge, without taking part in exercise ". When (the Male-stilts) the essential need to combat the causes of suffering, because the essential need to combat the causes of suffering, he does not have to take part. So, here's the essential need to fight (cause of suffering). But while the position he discharged for cause suffering, while the practice of discharging, he does not have to take part. So, here, the practice's discharge. While positioning her essential need to combat the causes of suffering, because the essential need to fight the cause, he does not have to take part. So she's suffering for her position was destroyed. While the position he discharged for cause suffering, while the practice of discharging, he does not have to take part. So she's suffering for her position was destroyed.
The Male-stilts, for such a person, a female nabagesera Center passionately, passionately enthusiastic fan attachment. He sees this woman standing with a man, talking, toying and mocking laughter. The Male-stilts, He thought? People, when you see this woman standing with a man, talking, playing and laughing loud, have a sense of being, bi, suffering, favor, brain?
-Ladies have such, Bach World Religion. Why is that? Because that's good relationship with the other woman, Center, enthusiastic, passionate, enthusiastic fan attachment. So, when you see the other female celebrities who stand with a man, talking, playing and laughing loud, melancholy, miserable, bi delivery, optimization, brain.
-But the Male-stilts, he may think as follows: "We fall in this woman, Center, enthusiastic, passionate, enthusiastic fan attachment. When I see this woman standing with a man, talking loud and laughing, we joke being melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, brain. So let's put greed for passage this woman ". Then he put the greed for the passage to the other woman. After a time, he saw the woman standing there with a different man, talking, toying and mocking laughter. The Male-stilts, He thought? When you see the other female celebrities who stand with a man, talking, playing and laughing loud, have a sense of being, bi, suffering, brain, no?
The White World did not Respect. Why is that? The White World Religion because of that, this person for the other woman did not fall further. So, when you see the woman standing there with a different man, talking, playing and laughing loud, people's sorrows of birth, suffering, favor, brain.
-Also, the Male-stilts, (a) not to let ego have not been featured photographer, photography and been suffering does not abandon the lost legitimate life, and not to touch her life dominated. The position he said: "while we essential need to combat the causes of this suffering, because against the cause of suffering, we don't have to take part. But while we discharge for cause of this suffering, while practice to discharge, without taking part in exercise ". When (he) the essential need to combat the causes of suffering, because the essential need to combat the causes of suffering, he does not have to take part. So, here's the essential need to fight (cause of suffering). But while the position he discharged for cause suffering, while the practice of discharging, he does not have to take part. So, here, the practice's discharge. While positioning her essential need to combat the causes of suffering, because the essential need to fight the cause, he does not have to take part. As such, the suffering for him was destroyed. While the position he discharged for cause suffering, while the practice of discharging, he does not have to take part. As such, the suffering for him was destroyed. Thus, the Male-stilts, is the effort to have the results, the essential need to have results.
Again, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts thinking as follows: "When we stay in touch, real friendly France growth, friendly France minimized. But when I need to use a glass unhappiness against with the ego, the real friendly France reduce, the friendly French growth. So let the essential need to suffer against the ego ". Her taste essential to use suffering against the ego. Due to the essential need to suffer against the ego, with the real friendly France reduce, the friendly French growth. Her position after a time, no essential need against misery with ego. Why is that? For the purpose of locating Female-stilts she's essential need to suffer against the ego has achievements. So, after a while the taste is not essential to use suffering against the ego. For this, as the Male-stilts, a name, and more hot body burning flame between the two names, the name itself is straight and easy to prepare. But the Female-stilts, when the name of the person making the name, has been more heated between the two and the flame becomes straight and easy to spoil him, after a period of no longer than body heat and hot flame between the two names, the name itself is straight and easy to prepare. Why is that? For the purposes of the person's name do more body heat and flame between the two names, the name itself is straight and easy whip have been accomplishments. Therefore, after some time, he is no longer the hot burning body, more names between the two flames to become straight and easy to prepare. Also, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts she thought as follows: "When we stay in touch, real friendly France growth, friendly France minimized. But when I need to use a glass unhappiness against with the ego ", the real friendly France reduce, the friendly French growth. So let the essential need to suffer against the ego ". Her taste essential to use suffering against the ego. Due to the essential need to suffer against the ego, with the real friendly France reduce, the friendly French growth. Her position after a time, no essential need against misery with ego. Why is that? For the purpose of locating Female-stilts she's essential need to suffer against the ego has achievements. Therefore, after some time, the position is not essential to use suffering against the ego. Thus, the Male-stilts is the essential need to have results.
Again, the Female-stilts, here, As Lai engenders in his life, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice, Minh Hanh College Student, Worldly, a friendly tournament. (see volume I, the minor Seizures for example Elephant Footprints 398 page to page 403...) erase the mind out for the French charity.
The taste, give up the slopes of the year makes the heart defile, make you this brief history of intelligence, glass, glass of any friendly France, and stay the first meditation, a State of being, by loving cups education have had four. Thus, the Male-stilts, is the essential result of Jin, is the essential need to have results.
And again, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts kill games and four, and stay second meditation, a State defined by the loving being, not games, not four, the Cabinet depth. Thus, the Male-stilts, is the essential result of Jin, is the essential need to have results.
And again the Male-stilts, Female-stilts ly Hy stay discharge, mindfulness, the sensor body province tho that the Saints called discharge, and stay at the Club anniversary stay third meditation. Thus, the Male-stilts, is the essential result of Jin, is the essential need to have results.
And again the Male-stilts, Female-discharge discharge gauge Club stilts, destroying life has priority before the wedding, and stay fourth Meditation, non-miserable, no discharge of pure concepts. Thus, the Male-stilts, is the essential result of Jin, is the essential need to have results.
With the default static, so NET NET ... (see volume I, page 404 to 405) ... so her position remember many past lives together with the general definition and details. Thus, the Male-stilts, is the essential result of Jin, is the essential need to have results.
With the default static, so NET NET ... (see volume I, page 405 to 406) ... are all happy by their industry. Thus, the Male-stilts, is the essential result of Jin, is the essential need to have results.
With the default static, pure translational ... (see volume I, page 609 Horse Neighbors Experience to page 610) ... after the current life has no other life. Thus, the Male-stilts is the essential result of Jin, is the essential need to have results.
The Male-stilts, As Lai says so. The Male-stilts, ten legal theory of option theory As Lai said so taken to scattering the exclamation. The Male-stilts, if the love due to multiply the work done in the past, this time the gauge lost territories and the life span of the Male-stilts, As true Hybrid did the happy during the past should present life unconscious leader new life Club bootleg so. The Male-stilts, if the love due a human creator created life, head of the tribe, this time the Female-stilts, As true Hybrid was created by a gentle friendly creator, should present life unconscious leader new life communication. gonorrhea The Male-stilts, if the love due to the combination of human condition, head of the tribe, this time the Female-stilts, As Hybrids really are friendly match, so far invisible leader life new life communication. gonorrhea The Male-stilts, if the love due to human beings, the life of this period, the club leaders, female-stilts Like Lai are actually friendly, kind beings should nay led life span infinity pirated tribe such life. The Male-stilts, if the love due to human effort at present, this time the club head life of Female-on stilts, Like Hybrids really had created the charity effort at present, given that the life expectancy of today are so smuggle countless tribe leader. The Male-stilts, if the love due to human action life past the head tribe of gauge, such as the Lai value for the evening was approved. If the love not human life past action by the head of the tribe, such as the Lai value for the evening was approved. The Male-stilts, if the love due to being a creator created life, head of the tribe, such as the Lai value for the evening was approved. If the love isn't due is a creator created life, head of the tribe, such as the Lai value for the evening was approved. The Male-stilts, if the love due to human life conditions matching the head tribe of the gauge, As Future value for the evening was approved. If the love not by multiplying the combined conditions led life expectancy gauge club life, As Future value for the evening was approved. The Male-stilts, if the love due to human beings life kind of gauge, such as Future club leaders deserve exclamation rivets. If the human beings do not, kind of lost territory, life As a hybrid to be riveted the exclamation. The Male-stilts, if the love due to essential human need of touch leader life current agony, As Future value for the evening was approved. The Male-stilts, As Lai says so. The Male-stilts, ten legal theory options theory as Lai said so taken to scattering the exclamation.
World Religious preaching, so the Female-stilts-life lyrics That Religious belief from the wedding Festival.

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