Sunday 17 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi, Jetavana, in his Anthapindika residence. At the time, in the territory of the King Pasenadi (Tuesday-Wednesday-anonymously), Kosala, Angulimala bandits have water a Hunter, left his blood hand blood, murder, domestic violence, no please from introspection for beings. As it is, the village became not the village, the commune becomes not the town, national level becomes non-national degrees. Because it is always killing people, it carries a wreath made of fingers. You show respect in the morning up y, y to Savatthi, qifu gangui to bowl. After qifu gangui in Savatthi, ate, cleaned ready is located, hold y Bowl, He returned and went on the road to Angulimala bandits. The beef farmers, the farmers, the people doing the ploughing, the walkers (padhavino?) to see That Religion is going on the road to instant thus Angulimala bandits of the White World Religion: "Mr. Sa, shalt not go on this road. Mr. Sa, on this road there are bandits, Angulimala is a Hunter, left his blood hand blood, murder, domestic violence, no please from introspection for beings. As it is, the village became not the village, the commune becomes not the town, the degree of becoming not the national level. Because it is always killing people, it carries a wreath made of fingers. Mr. Sa, on this road, there are ten, twenty, thirty, forty people who gather, gather and then go. However, they still fall into the hands of bandits "Angulimala. Be heard so That Religion remain silent, still keep going.
Second, the farmers, the farmers, the people doing the ploughing, the woman of the White World Religion: "Mr. Sa, shalt not go your way. (as above) ... fell into the hands of bandits "Angulimala. Second, the dominant religion kept silent, still keep going.
Last Tuesday, the farmers, the farmers, the people doing the ploughing, the woman of the White World Religion: "Mr. Sa, shalt not go your way. (as above) ... fell into the hands of bandits "Angulimala. World Religion kept silent, still keep going.
Angulimala bandits found That remote Religious travel, after seeing associated thinking: "it's marvelous micro instead! Truth hope useful instead! This way, up to ten, twenty, thirty, forty people who, fifty people gather, gather and go; However, they still fall into the hands of the us. Now the Sa-this subject, alone, with no second person, go to, like, do a power? So we killed someone Sa-this subject! "And then the name Angulimala robbers retrieved the sword and shield, wearing bows and arrows, and go by the back World Respect. Then we Respect God through a force making burglar Angulimala, oil to go with all speed of it nor can catch World Religion are going with normal force. Then Angulimala bandits think: "it's marvelous micro instead! Truth hope useful instead! We previously pursued elephant running and catching it, chasing the horses are running and catching it, chasing the car is running and catching it, chasing the deer are running and catching it. Now even if we go with all my force speed also could not catch up the Sa-this subject are going with the normal force ". It is dear to World Religion:
-Please stop, Sa-keeper! Please stand back, Sa-keeper!
-I was standing then this, Angulimala! And You please stand back!
Then Angulimala bandits thoughts: "The Sa-keeper Like this are the ones who tell the truth and accept the truth. And this although subjects-are going back to say: "We have to stand and then this, Angulimala! And You get back ". So we ask Sa-this subject ". Then Angulimala the Bandit shelf says with World Religion:
-You say: "I was standing.",
We stand, you say: "why don't we stand?"
SA, I asked about this sense,
Why do you stand back, did we not stand?
-I was standing then Angulimala.
With all beings, I leave the staff, sword,
And you, don't refrain
Therefore, We stand, and you have yet to stand.
-Long glass, First, undergraduate
Now Sa-this modern Forestry subjects.
Not long ago, I will except evil piece of France,
After hearing his shelves in France.
Instant bandits finished toss quit,
Toss off profound world gas removal,
Bandits foot Friendly desk, wealthy girl
The spot, please be.
The Buddha of compassion, Human, undergraduate First
Masters in human world, along with heaven,
He replied: "good future Billion-on stilts".
German National Prestige-stilts are correct, Sir.
And then That same false Religious Respect Angulimala is Sa-Mon Entourage, began to travel go to Savatthi, and sequentially to travel, World Religion to Savatthi. Here, the dominant religion in Savatthi, Jetavana, in Essential Anthapindika his property. At the time, King Pasenadi water supply cabinet doors in Kosala, some Eastern mass gathering, the large, high voice, up: "my Lord, in the Majesty of the territory, have a pirate name Angulimala, the name Hunter, left his blood hand blood, murder, domestic violence, no please from introspection for beings. Because as it is, the village became not the village, the town became the town of speed, not become United. Because it is always killing people, it carries a wreath made of fingers. Your Majesty, please hit it ".
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country, with about five hundred horse, morning comes out of Savatthi, went to the Essential, to ride would also ride was, and then the King down to the car, walk to the World, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. So the King Pasenadi of Kosala said to Respect are sitting on one side:
-Yes, there are King Bimbisara Seniya Magadha countries angry with the United Kingdom, or the Licchavis governed the people in Vesali, or a title in any other Kingdom?
-Transparency of world Religion, King Bimbisara of Magadha Seniya no angry with you, not the Licchavis governed the people in Vesali, had not won any other Kingdom. The White World Religion, in the territory of the son, whose name is the name Angulimala, a pirate named Hunter, left his blood hand blood, murder, domestic violence, no please from introspection for beings. As it is, the village became not the village, the commune becomes not the town, the degree of becoming not the national level. The White World, but you can not beat it was (napatisedhissami).
-Ladies, if your Majesty be found quit shaving beards, hair replacement Angulimala Austria KESA, renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life, from birth, police removed the disclaimer not to taken of, quit lying, eating one day at a packed, live happy Offense, holding the world, maintained friendly France. Your Majesty will do with Angulimala?
-White, wealthy girl, I will Respect That, or stand up, or take a seat chair, or take four the donation Angulimala, i.e. dress, cuisine, location and pharmaceutical treatment ready, or us protection, proper maintenance of French households. But the White World Religion, from where a person who broke the world, do the French could again become evil hold world, know so tame?
At the time the false Religion That is not far from sitting Angulimala how much Respect. Then stretch your arms and face Religious talk to King Pasenadi:
-Ladies, this is the Angulimala.
King Pasenadi Kosala country raising panic, tremble, feather hair sclera. So the King Pasenadi Kosala country learned Respect, panic, horror, sclera hair feathers, King Pasenadi Kosala country, spoke with:
-Never have fear, your Majesty! Never fear, your Majesty. Here, there is nothing to fear for the King.
Then the panic, horror, sclera hair feather of the King Pasenadi Kosala, the country was broken. Then King Pasenadi Kosala country to near the fake Religious Angulimala, after arriving with false Religion, Angulimala:
-Mr. Suen, there are fake Religion was Angulimala?
-Ladies right, United Kingdom.
-Dear father, false false Religious Respect in their line? Fuselage in line?
-Yes, father I in their line of sample line was familiar, Gagga Mantani.
-Mr. Suen, expecting the fake Religious Mantaniputta Gagga are Hy. I will try lo four the donation was clothing, food, medical treatment, is set ready for the Honor.
At the time, the fake Religious Angulimala follow in mountain forests, go eat real, qifu gangui live only with three Religious fake Then Angulimala y. King Pasenadi Kosala country told:
-Oh, dear, I have enough three y.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country go to Religious, after close to World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and sat down on one side. Sit down one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-Real vi, Bach changes That magic Ton! Real World, Bach changed owners hope to honor! How are photographers back Respect who can not stock photography, making the net safe NET security, a person cannot be made for the President who can not kill the President. The White World, Respect for the person you can't stock photography offers with sticks, with engines, That Religion would have featured photographers are, with no sticks, no engine. The White World, now we have to go. We have a lot of work, there's more responsibility to do.
-Dear your Majesty, Majesty, now go do what your Majesty think is trendy.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala, water from the seat, got up, wealthy girl World, Religious ceremony on towards him and away.
Then Angulimala, false Religion in the morning up y, y Bowl went into Savatthi to qifu gangui. While qifu mumo carried each one's home in Savatthi, false Religious Angulimala finds a woman is very critical as birth and pain. Thus, false Religious thought: "it's rather the suffering beings! Instead of suffering the real beings! "And then the fake Religious Angulimala, after qifu gangui in Savatthi, after lunch, on the way back to reality, qifu gangui went to World Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. Sit down one side, false Religion That Religious white Angulimala:
-Transparency of world Religion, here, the medical relief, morning, go into the Bowl y into Savatthi to qifu gangui. The White World Religion, while qifu mumo carried each one's home in Savatthi, I saw a woman being birth, very critical, is painful. Thus, I think: "it's rather the suffering beings! Instead of suffering the real beings!
This, Angulimala-He go to Savatthi, after arrival, told the man she was as follows: "this sister because I'm from when engenders have never intentionally killing the life of beings, hoping that with the truth she is safe, and birth is safe!"
-Transparency of world Religion, if to do so, the child is deliberately lying. The White World Religion, I consciously killing so many life beings.
-So, you go to Angulimala this Savatthi, after to tell the man she is as follows: "this sister, because that I was so far from the Holy beings have never intentionally killing the life of beings, hoping that with the truth she was safe and being safe birth!"
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
False religion Angulimala, after well in meeting World Religion, go to Savatthi, after to tell the man she is as follows: "Ma'am, because that I was so far from the Holy beings have never intentionally killing the life of beings, hoping that with the truth she is safe, and birth is safe!" And the woman was safe, the birth is safe. Then Angulimala false Religion, living alone, far, not fired, ample, essential needs, and not long after, in themselves evidence of food poisoning to win, Prime, and evidence of current invisible right in upper boarder rescue wings happy Offense that for this purpose the Friendly South Prince renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life. "Being happy, did take advantage, what should do did, from now no longer back this life anymore". She tastes the same. And so, the fake Religious Angulimala became a A-la-Han.
Then Angulimala false Respect the morning up y, y bat, went into Savatthi to qifu gangui. At the time, a Department of the ground due to a throw, falls on the trunk of false Religion, and Angulimala a rod due to another fall on the false Religious body, toss Angulimala, and then a gravel due to another fall on the false Religious body, toss Angulimala. Then Angulimala first holes were false Religion, bleeding, custard was hot, y broke, go to world Religion. World Religion see the fake Religious remote Angulimala to go to, to see that, mainland told Angulimala fake Religion: "take this ring, She mosaic-la-Mon! Make mosaic ring, she-la-Mon! You are reaping right in the current result of the career that He subjected the boiling cooking in hell for years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years ".
Then Angulimala independent living residential fake Religion, meditation, life feels out of touch, and meanwhile talking up the notion of sympathy lyrics:
"Who's first launch after launch not sheltered, secluded,
The brilliance of this life, as Moon bounce,
Who do evil, thanks to friendly stop again,
The brilliance of this life, like the Moon escaping the cloud.
Early Male-stilts Buddhist faithful,
The brilliance of this life, like the Moon escaping the cloud.
Looking forward to our enemies, the French phone listening!
Looking forward to the enemy, the Buddhist faithful!
Looking forward to our enemies, the head Chief of France,
(Mind-body) NET security, san sharing people.
Looking forward to our enemies, from ring Theory
From the exclamation, Canopy resentment minds.
The weather forecast heard France, French onion y.
A guy like that, there is no harm,
Also doesn't hurt someone else.
The position will prove paramount NET President.
Households maintained people, who are not abusers,
As the lead country, guide the water flows,
As do the name bent body name,
As Carpenter whip trees.
Guys who position themselves, subduing her,
There are guys by sticks, whip, hook,
We own is no sticks, no engine.
(By such ranks).
We name the harmless, before me,
Now the Chief Justice, because no harm to anybody.
Before me was the name Angulimala,
We book falls water refuge in Buddha.
Before the hand left his blood, blood (Anguli) mala,
See me refuge, the birth cord,
Do such evil beings to industry,
When the head of the newspaper industry, not the debt we enjoy.
Fools ridiculous position, passionate reporter Yi,
Also, people have to keep ample magnification,
As holding property, paramount, evening,
OK OK, ample fitness enthusiasts launched enthusiasts.
Keep ample magnification, always meditating,
Prime witness great, immeasurable, generous
Friendly, we arrived, walking directions,
Does anyone recommend me under evil ideology.
Between the truth (Le) teaching,
The truth, the ultimate truth,
Friendly hybrid to, walking directions,
Does anyone recommend me under evil ideology,
Three us proving symptoms, the physical Buddha Park.

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