Tuesday 19 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika Essential at his residence. At the time, Ms. young-la-todeyyaputta Subha subjects stay in Savatthi, in a House His home because a couple of acts. Her youth-la-Subha Todeyyaputta subjects in his home, said the Family's home:
This owner-, I heard the following: "Savatthi is not there the A-la-access to the Han". Today we ought to admire Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects?
-Dear World, false Religion Religion does stay at Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika. Essential residence he Dear fake Religion, go to admire the World's Respect.
Then young She-la-Todeyyaputta Subha subjects well according to her owner, go to world Religion, after coming up with the Religious World say Welcome to enquire, after talking up the words of welcome dear ask, and then sat down on one side. Sit down on one side, Her youth-la-Subha Todeyyaputta subjects of the White World Religion:
-Dear fake Religion, Ba-la-Gotama has said the following: "Who in his primary achievement of French charity leaders. No man of his legitimacy friendly achievement. " In this Respect, the author had to say? Gotama
This youth-She-la, here, We advocated the analysis; Here, we're not advocates say one way. This young She-la, I do not concur the exclamation of his guys or deviant perpetrator. This young She-la, home spice guys or guys Act ties, due to human action coast ties, not accomplishing legitimacy friendly France. This young She-la, I concur the exclamation of legitimacy at home or the perpetrator. This young She-la, the perpetrator or perpetrators in administrative, renunciation by the Administrative Director, the charm of human achievements are legitimacy friendly France.
-Dear fake Religious service, many, Gotama the work many, many organizations, labor force, should the industry of the country has resulted in major newspapers; due to the least service, less work, less organized, less force should the industry workers of the Spice guys with no result. In this Respect, the author had to say?, Gotama
This youth-She-la, here, we're advocates of; Here, we're not advocates say one way. This young She-la, has a career in the major services (Kammatthanam), great work, great organization, great force, if corrupt, do the wrong will have small results. This young She-la-technical career with great service, great work, great organization, great force, if done correctly, achievements, will have great results. This young She-la, has a career with small service, small, small, small force labor organization, if corrupt, do wrong will have small results. This young She-la, has a career with small service, small, small, small force labor organization, if done properly, making achievements, will have great results. This young She-la, how is the industry with great service, great work, great organization, great force, if corrupt, do the wrong will have small results? This young She-la, the agriculture industry with great service, great work, great organization, great force, if corrupt, do the wrong will have small results. This young and She-la, how is the industry with great service, great work, great organization, great force, if done properly, do achievements will have great results? This young She-la, the agriculture industry with great service, great work, great organization, great force, if done properly, do achievements will have great results. This young She-la, what is the small service businesses, small, small, small force labor organization, if corrupt, do wrong will have small results? This young She-la, the professional traders with small service, small, small, small force labor organization, if corrupt, do wrong will have small results. This young She-la, what is the small service businesses, small, small, small force labor organization, if done properly, do achievements will have great results? This young She-la, the professional traders with small service, small, small, small force labor organization, if done properly, do achievements will have great results. For as this young, She-la, the professional traders with great service, great work, great big organization, if corrupt, do wrong will have small results; Likewise, this young She-la, the career of a renunciation, the great service, great work, great organization, great force, if corrupt, do the wrong will have small results. For as this young, She-la, the industrial, agricultural, service great, great work, great organization, great force, if done properly, do achievements will have great results; Likewise, this young She-la, the career of a renunciation, the great service, great work, great organization, great force if done correct achievements, will have great results. For as this young, She-la, the professional traders, small services, small, small, small force labor organization, if corrupt, do wrong will have small results; Likewise, this young She-la, the career of the spice, small services, small, small, small force labor organization, if corrupt, do wrong will have small results. For as this young, She-la, the professional traders, small services, small, small, small force labor organization, if done properly, do achievements will have great results; Likewise, this young She-la, the career of the spice, small services, small, small, small force labor organization, if done properly, do achievements will have great results.
-Dear fake Religion, Ba-la-Gotama subjects undertakings in Phuoc Thien, DAC work in France.
This youth-She-la, in France are the She-la-Mon author advocates Phuoc, DAC, if He does not see heavy, heal instead. He talk about in France in the assemblies.
-False Respect Sir, no heavy Gotama something for children, when here is like Religion, sitting or the like false Religion.
-So this young She-la, please tell me.
-Authentically Religious fake, Gotama, is French, the Ba-la-Mon this author advocates Phuoc, DAC. Asceticism, Religion author Gotama, is France Monday, the She-la-Mon this author advocates Phuoc, DAC. Pham, Mr. Suen fake Gotama is France Tuesday, the Ba-la-Mon this author advocates Phuoc, DAC. Read the proceedings, Mr. Suen, is the fourth French Gotama imitation, the Ba-la-Mon this author advocates Phuoc, DAC. Pilot-discharge, your Honor, is the fifth French pseudo Gotama, the She-la-Mon this author advocates Phuoc, DAC. Ladies and gentlemen, Mrs. Gotama fake Religion-la-Mon this year advocates work Phuoc, DAC. In this Respect, the author had to say? Gotama
-How this young, Ba-la-Mon? Have a Ba-la-band in the Ba-la-keeper said: "after testifying, with tri-me theory result this year's Shu singularity?"
-Ladies no fake, Gotama.
-How this young, Ba-la-Mon? There is a direction in the She-la, a Great pastor, respect for life, Respect to seven College studying, he said: "after itself tri with upper position, I declared the dogma of Shu in hetero French fruit n y"?
-Ladies no fake, Gotama.
-How this young, Ba-la-Mon? The ancient monks in the She-la, who composed the mantras, the Citadel of praise that the ancient mantra is mantra, was maintained, be soaked the Gulf, and today the She-la-Mon also sing up, maintained that litigation and teaching Atthaka, Vamaka as, Vamadeva, Vessamita, Yamataggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja , Vesettha, Kassapa, Bhagu, he said the following: "after the character witness, with our voters declared the dogma of Shu in hetero French results"?
-Ladies no fake, Gotama.
-So, this young She-la, not a She-la-subjects in the Ba-la-keeper said: "after the character evidence, with tri-me theory results this year's Shu hetero". Don't have a direction in the She-la, a Great pastor, respect for life, Respect to the seven Great religious master would say the following: "after the character witness, with our voters declared the dogma of Shu five French Singularity results." The ancient monks in the She-la, who composed the mantra ... no one would have said: "after the character evidence, with our Prophet declared dogma results this year's Shu hetero". For this, such as the youth She-la, a chain of back hug each other blind people, who do not see, who don't see well, the middle is finally not see; Likewise, this young She-la, we think of the words She-la-Mon became like a string of blind people, who do not see, who does not see, the last man between also not found.
When I hear that, Mrs. young-la-Mon Subha Todeyyaputta outrage, not because it used Religious wedding, parties, for example a string of blind, seat of the Religious World, plated sailings canceled stock of world Religion and talk about World Religion:
-Sa-keeper Gotama will be evil fruit (papika).
And then tell the World Religion as follows:
-Ton fake Gotama, Ba-la-Pokkharasati in the subject line Upamanna stay in Subhaga forest said: "also, some Sa, Ba-la-elective subjects for the French was superior, voter opinion enemies worthy of winning this Holy rank". This speech he's indeed true laughter, cooking is just the word fairness, true is just empty, empty is just true. How the left can know, or see, or is the upper, French voters opinion enemies won, worthy ranks of Saints? Such events could not happen.
-How this young, Ba-la-Mon? BA-la-Pokkharasati in the subject line Upamanna, stay in the Woods can know both Center Subhaga Sa, Ba-la-alike with its Center?
-Dear fake Religion, Mrs la Mon Gotama Pokkharasati in Upamanna line, stay in the forest with his Center, Subhaga didn't know the mind of Punnika, servant girl, how can you know the Center all Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects with her mind?
-For this, as Her youth-la-subjects a person born blind could not see the colors black, white, blue colors cannot be seen, can not see the colours of gold, can not see the colour red, can not see the colour purple, could not see what is flat, not flat, can not see the stars , could not see the Moon, the Sun, he said: "none of the colors black, white, no people found the colors black, white; There are no green color, not people see the green color; There are no golden color, no people found the gold color; No red color, not people see the red color; without the colour purple, not people see the color purple; No what is flat, not flat, not people see something flat, not flat; no stars, no people see the stars; There is no Moon, the Sun, no people see the Moon, the Sun. I do not know so; I do not see as such, so there is no ". This young She-la, he said a primary foot has said so?
-Ladies and not so fake, Gotama. There are the black and white colors, someone saw the black and white color; have the colors Blue, green colors find there the; ... (as above) ... There is the Moon, the Sun, to have people see the Moon, the Sun ". I do not know so; I do not see as such. Therefore, no ". Dear fake Religion, if she Gotama said a primary leg will not say so.
-Also, this young She-la, Ba-la-Pokkharasati in the subject line Upamanna, stay in the Woods blind is Subhaga, no eyes. The position he can know, or see, or is the upper, French voters opinion enemies win deserves Holy ranks; such events do not occur. This young She-la, He thought? The Ba-la-keeper wealth in Kosala, such as She-la-Canki subjects, She-la-Tarukkha subjects, She-la-Mon Pokkharasati, She-la-Janussoni subjects, and his Todeyya, something better for her, the words of the secular are accepted (sammusa) or not be secular to accept?
-Be accepted secular, Religious author Gotama.
-Something better for them, the words they speak up needs to be thinking or not thinking?
-Need to be thinking, false Religious Gotama.
-Something better for them, the words they speak up needs to be analysed, taking into consideration whether or not the need to analyze, weigh?
-The need to analyze, weigh, Mr. Suen fake Gotama.
-Something better for them, they talk up the need to relate to the purpose, or not need to relate to the purpose?
-Need to relate to the purpose of the false Religion, Gotama.
This youth-She-la, He thought? If such is the time her words-la-Pokkharasati in the subject line Upamanna, stay in the forest are secular Subhaga accept or not accept the secular?
-Not be accepted Religious, secular pundits Gotama.
-Words are speaking up is going to think, or not thinking?
-Do not think, my false Religious Gotama.
-The speech was said up there analysis, considerations, or does the analysis consider?
-Do not analyze, weigh, Mr. Suen fake Gotama.
-Words are speaking up, linked to the purpose, whether or not related to the purpose?
-Not related to the purpose of the false Religion, Gotama.
This youth-She-la, there are strong this year. What is the year? Join the constant, constant education, affective slopes of hypnosis, Swedish Kiss trạo slopes of the Exchange, the slopes of the facilities. This young She-la, is so strong that year. This young She-la, Ba-la-Pokkharasati in the subject line Upamanna, stay in the jungle has been covering Subhaga, prevent, covered, and covered by the slopes this year. The position he knows, see, or endorse the French Upper, tri tri opinion enemies win deserves Holy ranks; such events do not occur. This young She-la, there are five major nursing education. What is the year? The colors of this color by eye perception, stylishly, Hy, Lac, Italy, stimulate sexual pleasing, attractive; the ear perception. .. divisions due to perceived nose ... tongue due awareness ... so stylishly perception, Hy, Lac, Italy, stimulate sexual pleasing, attractive. This young She-la, so is in the Education Minister. This young She-la, Ba-la-Pokkharasati in the subject line Upamanna, stay in jungle tied Subhaga, be passionate, be take part in advance by the Chief nursing education, year beneficiary them without seeing the danger, not soi spectacle the lost them. He tastes really know, or see, or is the upper, French voters opinion enemies win deserves Holy ranks; such events do not occur. This young She-la, He thought? In this type, the type of fire would be tops, color or light? The fire was burning up thanks to the grass and dry firewood, or flames are burning up, no thanks to the grass and dry firewood?
-Dear fake Religion, if any event Gotama can fire without thanks to the grass and dry firewood, flames he tops, there are colors and light.
This youth-She-la-Mon, no events, no event can fire without thanks to the grass and wood, unless the user is God. This young She-la, I say this because in the wedding, Hy Chief Nursing Education provides, this burning flame such as Hy-up thanks to the grass and dry firewood. This young She-la, I say this because ly Hy Hy, glass of the real French charity giving, this burning flame such as wedding up, no thanks to the grass and dry firewood. This young and She-la, what is due, the glass cup Hy real friendly France bring? Here, this young She-la-Mon, the Female-stilts, real friendly cups cups, French and stay the first Meditation. Hy this youth, She-la, is real friendly cups, Cup Hy France. Again, this young She-la-Mon, the Female-stilts kill games and quarter finals, ... and stay the second Meditation. Hy this youth, She-la, is real friendly cups, Cup Hy France. This young She-la, the Ba-la-keeper he advocated in Phuoc Thien, DAC work in France. Here, the Ba-la-French cooperation policy subjects Phuoc, a prime bigger results would improve?
-Ladies and gentlemen, Mrs. Gotama fake Religion-la-French year advocates cooperation subjects blessed this, Dak. Here, the Ba-la-French pilot undertakings subject to discharge (caga) work of Phuoc, DAC has bitten the big one.
This youth-She-la, He thought? Here, a large herd is a She-la-Mon set up and there are two Ba-la-go to and think: "we will enjoy the great international forums of the life She-la-Mon with names like this". Here, a Ba-la-keeper thought as follows: "hoping that in the dining room, we will be the best seats, best water, qifu gangui's best real food; There She-la-other subjects, in the dining room, not the best seats, best water, qifu gangui's best real food ". This young She-la, the event occurs. Who She-la-Mon in the dining room can be the best seats, best water, qifu gangui's best real food. Also who She-la-other subjects, in the dining room, not the best seats, best water, qifu gangui's best real food. Her taste-la-other subjects, think thus: "She-la-keeper, in the dining room, is the best seats, best water, qifu gangui's best real food. Also, in the dining room was not the best seats, best water, qifu gangui food best food ". Her position of outrage, not wedding Festival. This young She-la, the Ba-la-Mon advocated for Her people of Shu hetero results-la-this subject?
-Dear fake Religion, Ba-la-Gotama subjects not alms with the thought: "Do alms, the other outrage, not wedding Festival. The Ba-la-Mon alms because only craving introspection ".
-This is so, events, youth-She-la, is this the time blessed the Friday, which means pleasing craving introspection?
-The event is so false Religion, Gotama, the weather here is the blessed the Friday, which means pleasing craving introspection.
This youth-She-la, the Ba-la-keeper he advocated in Phuoc Thien, DAC work in France. He found this year at most where, in those families, or in the country?
-Ladies and gentlemen, Mrs. Gotama fake Religion-la-French year advocates cooperation subjects blessed this, Dak, I noticed this year has many in the country, at least in people. People in the home, Religious services, large, Gotama fake work great, great organization, great force without the constant, continuous, often do not speak true words. The renunciation, my fake Religious service, small, Gotama the work of young, small, small force labor organizations, but is often constant, say true. People in the home, Religious services, large, Gotama fake work great, great organization, great force does not have constant continuity often incompatible, live happy Offense, read many, many discharge proceedings. The renunciation, my fake Religious service, small, Gotama the work of young, small, small force labor organizations, but usually incompatible continuous, constant live Date, read many, many discharge proceedings. Dear fake French author, Gotama Respect Phuoc, this DAC is Sa, Ba-la-Mon advocates, I noticed this year have more spice in there, at least in the home position.
This youth-She-la, in Phuoc Thien, DAC work in France is the Ba-la-Mon advocates, say the French are the investment tools of the mind, the means to practice mind not hate, not the pitch. Here, this young She-la-Mon, the Female-stilts say true, he thought: "we're talking true words", is literally the life credit (atthavedam), the French credit, life is joyful to be linked to France. I say joy, linked to this is the investment tools of the mind, the mind of the meaning to her practice does not hate, not the pitch. Here, this young She-la-pylorus Male-stilts incompatible, live happy Offense, read many, multiple discharge proceedings he thinks: "I discharge many laboratory", meaning life, credit life, credit the French were to be jubilant, linked to France, said the jubilant, linked to specific investment this is of the mind , who she's meant to practice not hate, not the pitch. This young She-la-the subjects She-la-French year advocates cooperation subjects blessed, this privileged, she said the French are investing tools of the mind, the mind of the meaning to her practice does not hate, not the pitch.
When I hear that, Mrs. young-la-Todeyyaputta Subha subjects dear to World Religion:
-False Respect Sir, I hear Gotama as follows: "Sa-keeper Gotama know your path to" stay with Brahma ".
This youth-She-la, He thought? The village of Nalakara have lately? There is Nalakara village not far from here?
-Sir, false Religion, the village of Nalakara near. The village of Nalakara not far from here.
This youth-She-la, He thought? Here, someone being leader in the village of Nalakara, not to leave the village of Nalakara, and had someone to ask her the path taken to the village of Nalakara. This young Lady-la-Mon, the Chief Nalakara's village of birth uncertain or hesitant when asked about the road to the village of Nalakara?
-Ladies no fake, Gotama. Why is that? Dear fake Religious birth him because Chief Gotama in the village of Nalakara. He knows all the path taken to the village of Nalakara.
-However, this young She-la, so can the birth in the village of Nalakara when asked the path taken to the village of Nalakara also be uncertain or hesitant. But As a hybrid is not so, when asked about breaking the gender bias, or about the path taken to Brahma, such as Hybrid did not hesitate or falter. This young and She-la, we know Piracy heaven and the path taken to Brahma, and We also know how achievement to be contentious in the Brahma world.
-Dear fake you hear, Gotama Respect as follows: "Sa-keeper Gotama teaches theory, the path taken to" stay with Brahma ". Instead, if the fake Religious good Gotama preaching to children, the path taken to "stay with Brahma.
-So this young She-la, listen and work smart I will preach.
-Sir, false Religion.
Her youth-la-Todeyyaputta Subha subjects well response of world Religion. World Religion instructors are as follows:
-This young And She-la, what is your path to "stay with Brahma? Here, this young She-la, Female-stilts an stay complacent a variable with the sentence against from the second method, too, so the third approach also, also the fourth method. So the same all over the world, over, under, across, all method of the same, all over the world, who's an immeasurable stay turned with the center of the sentence against from boundless generosity, no hate, no,. This young She-la, when the mind is free from such practice, the Act made such weight limit way Leanne had, no stay in place, no stop in this place. For as this young, She-la, a power singer blew the prison and make the four directions to hear, not what difficult; Likewise, this young She-la, when the mind is free from such practice, the action was limited, way before you make have there stay here, no stop in this place. This young She-la, this is your path to "stay with Brahma. Again, this young She-la-Mon, the Female-stilts transforms a complacency with the sentence against bi ... (as above) ... with the sentence against Hy ... (as above) ... with the sentences against so the second approach, the social, the third approach, so too the fourth method. So the same all over the world, over, under, across, all method of the same, all over the world, who's an immeasurable stay turned with the center of the sentence against discharge, generous, boundless, not hate, not the pitch. This young She-la, when the discharge of the mind was such a practice, then the action is done there way such weight limit, the names don't have stay in this place, no stop in this place. For as this young, She-la, a power singer blew the prison and make the four directions to hear, not what difficult; Likewise, this young She-la, when the discharge of the mind was such a practice, then the action is done there way such weight limit, the names don't have stay in this place, no stop in this place. This young She-la, this is your path to "stay with Brahma.
When I hear that, Mrs. young-la-Subha Todeyyaputta subjects of the White World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! As people stand back what was thrown down, exposing what was hidden, just a way for people to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness to anyone who has eyes can see; Likewise, Chief Justice share many Religious World are the media presentation, explained. Dear fake Religion today, ask Gotama refuge false Religion, the legal and medical regulations Gotama y we Male-stilts. Looking forward to honor children do upasaka Gotama fake, from the General network, until the lifetime threshold rules. Dear fake Religion we would go far, Gotama, we have much work to do.
This youth-She-la, now He just do what He think is trendy.
Then young She-la-Todeyyaputta Subha subjects credit World lyrics-life Religious wedding Festival, from stand up seat, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, on towards Him and then leave.
At the time She-la-Janussoni subjects, with all-white horse chariot drag, take out lunch to Savatthi. BA-la-Janussoni subjects found Her youth-la-Todeyyaputta Subha subjects from far away, after the show, the young Lady said with sailings-la-Subha Todeyyaputta subjects:
-Where to go back to the Bharadvaja fake Religion, too soon?
-Mr. Suen, I'm from Sa-keeper Gotama.
This false Religion, revere the Bharadvaja-author think? False religion think Sa-Mon there ranks, there is Gotama intellectually discerning (pannaveyyattiyam)?
-Mr. Suen, who is that I may know the discerning intellect of Sa-keeper Gotama? Only someone like Him can know intellectually discerning of Sa-keeper Gotama.
-Fake the real thumbs was Bharadvaja Respect n Sa-keeper with the ultimate exclamation Gotama.
-But who am I that I again concur n Sa-keeper Gotama? Concur the exclamation by those who subscribed the exclamation is Sa-Mon is the paramount ranks, Gotama between rows of human Genius. Mr. Suen, the She-la-French cooperation in Phuoc advocates binge, this prime, Sa-keeper saying that French is the year Gotama investment tools for the mind, that is, to practice, to become not hate, not the pitch.
When I heard that, She-la, Janussoni step down the whole white horse chariot, pulled up the shirt into a role as the side, hand-pieced together direction to world Religious and inspirational words uttered as follows: "the benefit instead of King Pasenadi Kosala country! The good, the benefit instead of the King Pasenadi Kosala country was Like A-level Hybrid la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class stay in the country!

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