Monday 11 April 2016


(Ambalatthika Rahulovadasuttam)
Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Rajagaha (Rajagrha), Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), in Kalandakanivapa (foster care places). At that time, Venerable Rahula (Rāhula) at Ambalatthika. Bhagavan Then, in the afternoon, from Meditation stood up, went to Ambalatthika, Venerable Rahula in place. Venerable Rahula saw Bhagavan remote to go to, after the show, immediately prepare the seat and foot-washing water. Bhagavan sat down on the seats were prepared, and after sitting, he washed the feet. Venerable Rahula bowed and sat down on one side.
Then Bhagavan, after letting a little water left in the water bath, Venerable Rahula sure:
- Hey Rahula, he can see a little water left in the pot of water?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
- Much less so, this Rahula, the recluse suffering of those who know that lying, without the knife.
Then Bhagavan, after pouring the water a little bit and said that Rahula remaining:
- Hey Rahula, he has seen little remaining water was being poured to go?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
- Just pour away So this Rahula, the recluse suffering of those who know that lying, without the knife.
Then Bhagavan was overturned water bowls and told Venerable Rahula.
- Hey Rahula, he can see the water basin was not capsized?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
- Also capsized So this Rahula, the recluse suffering of those who know that lying, without the knife.
Then Bhagavan turned his back again and said water bowl Venerable Rahula:
- Hey Rahula, Do you see this water bowl is not empty?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
- It was empty so, this Rahula, the recluse suffering of those who know the lie.
This Rahula, such as an elephant of the king, with long tusks like a plow tail, large, well-trained, often present in the field. When forest battle, the elephant used his paws, hind legs used, use forequarters, hindquarters user, using his head, ears, used ivory, used the tail, but protect the hose. Here, the plea think: "this king's elephant ivory long as a plow tail, large, well-trained, often present in the field. When this battle, the elephant used his paws, hind legs used, use forequarters, hindquarters user, using his head, ears, used ivory, used the tail, but protects the hose. Elephant of the king (as such) does not throw away his life (his) ". This Rahula, but when the elephant of the king, with long tusks like a plow tail, large, well-trained, often present in the field, when Forest game, the elephant used his paws, hind legs used, used forequarters, hindquarters user, using his head, ears, used ivory, used the tail, using the hose. Here, the plea think: "this king's elephant with long tusks like a plow tail, large, well-trained, often present in the field ... (as above) ... use the tail, used with. Elephant of the king (as such) has thrown away his life (his), and this king's elephant not have anything without doing ". Also, this Rahula, for one knows that lying, without the knife, when I say that he does not have anything without doing evil. Therefore, this Rahula, "I decided not lie, said oil to the game," This Rahula, so he must study.
This Rahula, What do you think? The purpose of the mirror is what?
- Buddha, the aim is to reflect.
- Also, this Rahula, after repeated reflection, act professional bodies. After repeated reflection, act verbal. After repeated reflection, let the will now.
This Rahula, when he wanted to do what professional bodies, be reflective body was now as follows: "This now my body can lead to self-harm, may lead to harm people, could lead to harm both; the industry itself is immoral, leading to pain, suffering brings retribution. " This Rahula, if while reflection, he said: "The body of this industry, we want to do. This now my body can lead to self-harm, may lead to harm people, could lead to harm both; the industry itself is immoral, leading to pain, suffering brings retribution. " Such a professional body, this Rahula, he can not do certain. This Rahula, if, after reflection, he said: "The body is now we want to do. This now my body can not lead to self-harm, no harm can result, no harm can lead to both; This is a good time professional bodies, which leads to peace, bring peace retribution ". Such a professional body, this Rahula, he should do. This Rahula, when he was doing a professional body, he should reflect that professional bodies as follows: "The body is now we're doing. My body is now leading to self-harm, which led to harm, leading to harm both; the industry itself is immoral, leads to suffering; bring suffering retribution. This Rahula, if while reflection, he said: "The body is now we're doing. My body is now leading to self-harm, which led to harm, leading to harm both; the industry itself is immoral, leading to pain, leading to painful retribution. " This Rahula, he give up such a body now. But if, this Rahula, while he said the following reflection: "The body is now we're doing. This now my body does not lead to self-harm, not to hurt people, not to harm both; This is a good time professional bodies, which leads to peace, bring peace retribution ". Such professional bodies, this Rahula, he needs to continue to do. After he finished a career itself, this Rahula, he should reflect that professional bodies as follows: "The body of this industry have done. My body is now leading to self-harm, which led to harm, leading to harm both; the industry itself is immoral, leading to pain, suffering brings retribution. " If during reflection, this Rahula, he said as follows: "The body of this industry have done. This leads to bodily self-harm, which led to harm, leading to harm both; the evil itself is now taken to the suffering, bring sadness ". Such a professional body, this Rahula, he said, need to, have revealed, should be presented before the guru, or advance the position of dignity there. After little more, reveal, presentation, need to hedge in the future. If during reflection, this Rahula He said as follows: "The body of this industry have done. Than this now does not lead to self-harm, not to hurt people, not to harm both; This business of charity itself, lead to peace, bring peace retribution ". Therefore, this Rahula, he must dwell in joy themselves continue to practice day and night during good behavior.
This Rahula, when he wanted to make a verbal anything, please reflect that industrial exports as follows: "Export is our industry can lead to self-harm, may lead to harm people, could lead to the harm of both, export this now is immoral, leading to pain, suffering brings retribution. " This Rahula, if while reflection, he said: "I want to do this now Export. This industry's export could lead to self-harm, may lead to harm people, could lead to harm both; of industrial exports are immoral, leading to pain, suffering brings retribution. " This verbal such a Rahula, do not have to do certain. This Rahula, if while reflection, he said: "I want to do this now Export. Our industry does not export this can lead to self-harm, no harm can result, no harm can lead to both; This is a good time industrial exports, leading to peace, bring peace retribution ". Such an industrial exports, this Rahula, he should do. This Rahula, when he was doing a verbal action, he should reflect industrial exports was as follows: "I am doing this now Export. This now my gate leading to self-harm, which led to harm, leading to damage both the verbal action is immoral, leading to pain, suffering brings retribution. " Rahula if during this reflection, he said: "I'm doing this now Export. This now my gate leading to self-harm, which led to harm, leading to damage both; of industrial exports are immoral, leading to pain, leading to painful retribution. " This Rahula, he give up a verbal way. But if this Rahula, when reflection, he said as follows: "I am doing this now Export. Our export this now does not lead to self-harm, not to hurt people, not to harm both; This is a good time industrial exports, leading to peace, bring peace retribution ". So now this border Rahula, he needs to continue to do. After he finished a career-gate, this Rahula, he should reflect industrial exports was as follows: "Exports have done this now. This now my gate leading to self-harm, which led to harm, leading to damage both; of industrial exports are immoral, leading to pain, suffering brings retribution. " If during reflection, this Rahula, he said as follows: "I have done this now Export. This led to verbal self-harm, which led to harm, leading to harm both, this is immoral industrial exports, leading to pain, suffering brings retribution. " Such an industrial exports, this Rahula, he said, need to, have revealed, have presented to the guru, or before the position of dignity have. After little more, reveal, presentation, need to hedge in the future, if in the reflection, this Rahula, he said the following: "Exports have done this now. This does not lead to verbal self-harm, not to hurt people, not to harm both; This is a good time industrial exports, lead to the happiness, peace brought to retribution ". Therefore, this Rahula, he must dwell in joy, continue practicing on their own days and nights of good behavior.
This Rahula, as he wanted to make a plan now what, let's reflect the industry was as follows: "Italy is my career can lead to self-harm, may lead to harm people, could lead to the harm of both, standard this now is immoral, leading to pain, suffering brings retribution. " This Rahula, if while reflection, he said: "What we want to do this now. Italy's industrial might lead to self-harm, may lead to harm people, could lead to harm both; the industry standard is immoral, leading to pain, leading to painful retribution. " Such a plan now, this Rahula, he can not do certain. This Rahula, if while reflection, he said: "What we want to do this now. Italy's industrial might was not taken to self-harm, no harm can result, no harm can lead to both; This is the good time now, leading to peace, bring peace retribution ". Italy now so, this Rahula, he should do. This Rahula, when he is making a plan now, he needs to reflect the industry was as follows: "Italy is now what we are doing. Italy is now our lead to self-harm, which led to harm, leading to harm both; the industry standard is immoral, leading to pain, leading to painful retribution. " This Rahula, if while reflection, he said: "Italy is now we're doing. Italy is now our lead to self-harm, which led to harm, leading to harm both; the industry standard is immoral, leads to suffering, to bring suffering retribution ". This Rahula, he give up such a plan now. But if, this Rahula, when he said the following reflection: "Italy is now what we are doing. Italy's industry did not lead to self-harm, not to hurt people, not to harm both; This is the good time now, leading to peace, bring peace retribution ". Italy now so, this Rahula, he must continue to do. After he finished a sense now, this Rahula, he should reflect the industry was as follows: "What did this now. Italy is now our lead to self-harm, which led to harm, leading to harm both; the industry standard is immoral, leads to suffering, to bring suffering retribution, bringing suffering retribution ". If during reflection, this Rahula, he said as follows: "Italy did this now. Italy is now leading to self-harm, which led to harm, leading to harm both; This industry standard is immoral, leading to pain, leading to painful retribution. " Such a plan now, this Rahula, he needs to worry, the knife should be, need to be boring. After the anxiety, the knife, boring, need to hedge in the future. And if while to reflect, to this Rahula, he said: "Italy did this now. Italy now does not lead to self-harm, not to hurt people, not to harm both, the industry is improving, leading to peace, bring peace retribution ". Therefore, this Rahula, he must dwell in joy, continue practicing on their own days and nights of good behavior.
This Rahula, in the past, the recluse or Brahmin who has bodily purification, purified industrial exports, has purified the industry, all these persons, after reflection so much now time has purified itself, after so much time to reflect, verbal purified, after reflection so many times, now purified reviews. This Rahula, in future, the recluse or Brahmin will purify themselves now, will purify industrial exports, will purify the industry, all these persons; after so much time to reflect, to purify themselves now, after so much time to reflect, to purify industrial exports, after repeated reflection, will purify the industry. This Rahula, in the current period, the recluse or Brahmin any bodily purification, purifying industrial exports, the industrial purification, all these persons, after so much time to reflect, net chemical industrial exports; after so much time to reflect, to purify the industry. Therefore, this Rahula: "After repeated reflection, I will now purify themselves; after reflection many times, I will purify industrial exports, after repeated reflection, I will purify the industry ". Thus, this Rahula, he needs to practice.
Exalted such preaching. Venerable Rahula, joyful followers teaches life Bhagavan said.

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