Friday 22 April 2016


        Like I hear.
One World Religion stay in Savatthi, Jetavana, at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). In this World Religion called the Male-stilts: "the Female-on stilts"-"Yes Sir, " Religious World white. The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says This: "the Male , stilts-We will preach for the human Foot and Leg in France He multiply France. You listen and experience digital We will preach "-" Yes Sir, "Religious World white. The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. World Religion instructors are as follows:
-The Male-stilts, what is the non human Legs? Here, the Male-stilts, have African human Foot spice from a fancy family. He thought: "We export from a fancy family. Also the Male-this not on stilts renunciation from a fancy family ". Because of her high class family should praise her to cooking people. Thus, the Male-stilts, human Feet are non-French. This and the stilts, billion- person human Legs to think as follows: "not because of a family to which the French go to the exception,or the French go to the exception, or the si France go to the paragraph. If a man, not from a fancy family, and her Administration maintained the right of France and the French, Chief, chon TAM maintenance administration Act maintained the French agreement, time here, people respected her, here, people are riveted the exclamation ". He once took the direction Highway (patipadam) primarily do not praise himself (antaram?) cooking for himself on the family sang. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, a non-human Foot spice from a family ... (as above) ... spice from a great family. .. (as above) ... spice from a noble family. He thought: "We export from a noble family, while the Male-stilts not renunciation from a noble family". Because of her noble family, should compliment her cooking. As such, this Female-stilts, human Feet are non-French. This and the stilts, billion- person human Legs to think as follows: "not because of belonging to a noble family which the French go to the exception, or the French go to the paragraph except, or the si France go to the paragraph. If a renunciation is not from a noble family and her Administration maintained the right of France and the French,Chief, chon TAM maintenance administration Act maintained the French agreement, time here, people respected her, here, people are riveted the exclamation ". He was after a major Avenue of leaders do not compliment her cooking for himself on the elite family. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, there is the human Foot is African, nicknamed. He thought: "We are many know, has the title, while the Male-stilts are obscure,not esteem". Because he himself was known for his cooking merit should. As such, this Female-stilts, human Feet are non-French. This and the stilts, billion- person Human Legs thinking as follows: "not because of themselves be known that the French go to the exception, or France go to the exception, or the si France go to the paragraph. If a person is no spice, no title, and he maintains the correct administration of France and the French, Chief, chon TAM maintenance administration Act maintained the French agreement, time here, people respected her, here, people are riveted the exclamation ". He once took a major Avenue of leaders do, not complimented her cooking for himself and popular title. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, there are the Feet blacks (donation) such as dress, food, qifu gangui, ready is located, whether the medical treatment. He thought: "We get the (donation) as, the food, qifu gangui, ready is located, whether the medical treatment, while Female-stilts are not received, the food, qifu gangui, ready is located, whether medical treatment". Because he produced get so should compliment her cooking. As such, this the Male-stilts is Africa human Foot in France. This and the stilts, billion- person human Legs to think as follows: "not because himself received the material (the donation like) dress, the food, qifu gangui, ready is located,others that the data y France go to the exception, or the French go to the exception, or the si France go to the paragraph. If a renunciation does not receive the things (worship seems to), the real, qifu gangui food ready is located, whether the medical treatment and the correct maintenance and operating agreement France Act, maintenance Chief, chon TAM Thuan maintenance action France, forecast here, respected him, here, people are riveted the exclamation ". He once took the route primarily do leaders, not complimented her cooking who himself was produced as a v y. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts have the Africa human Foot is the listener. He thought: "I hear a lot, while the Male-stilts are not heard much". He should praise her much due to cooking people. So the Female-stilts, human Feet are non-French. This and the stilts, billion- Person human Legs to think as follows: "not since heard much that the French go to the exception, or the French go to the exception, or the si France go to the paragraph. If people don't hear much and he released the correct maintenance and administration France France maintained chon TAM Chief Executive, maintenance agreement , French time here, people respected her, here,people are riveted the exclamation ". He once took the route primarily do leaders, not complimented her cooking who, because of his own to hear more. So the Female-stilts is human Foot in France.
Again, the Male-stilts, have African human Foot is maintained. He thought: "I am the law, maintenance level , while the Male-this is no law maintenance steps on stilts". Do it yourself maintenance law, He complimented her cooking. As such, this the Male-stilts is Africa human Foot in France. This and the stilts, billion- person human Legs to think as follows: "not because self m nh law maintenance which is the French reference goes to the minus or the French go to the paragraph except the si phase except go to France. If someone is not maintained , law degree who practice maintenance of this right and the French France, maintenance Chief, chon TAM Thuan France, maintenance time here, people respected her, here, people are riveted the exclamation ". He once took the route primarily do leaders, not complimented her cooking for yourself is maintained. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, there is the human Leg African theory. He thought: "We are, while the Male-stilts is not the sermon". Because of his self is, should people compliment her cooking. Thus, the Male-stilts, human Feet are non-French. And the human Leg, the Male-stilts to think as follows: "not by yourself is that the theory ranks France go to the exception, or the French go to the exception, or the si France go to the paragraph. If a person is not, but maintained the right of France, and France, maintained Executive Chief, chon TAMThuan maintenance action France, forecast here respected him, here, people are riveted the exclamation ". He once took the route primarily do leaders, not complimented her cooking for yourself is the sermon. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, people who follow human Foot pilot living in the mountain forests. He thought: "We are the followers of Hanh lives in forested mountains, while the Male does this by stilts-happy to live in mountain forests". Because he himself lived in the mountain forests should follow his compliments cooking. Thus, the Male-stilts,human Feet are non-French. And the human Leg, the Male-stilts, think thus: "not for himself as happy living in the mountain forests, where the French go to the exception, or the French go to the exception, or the si France go to the paragraph. If a person does not follow live in mountain forests, but maintained the right of France and the French, Chief, chon TAM maintenance administration Act maintained the French agreement, time here, people respected her, here, people are riveted the exclamation ". He once took the route primarily do leaders praise his hips kcooking for yourself as happy to live in mountain forests. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, human Legs follow African people wear chalk algae y. He thought: "we're the follow even chalk algae y. While the Male-this is no happy man on stilts dressed chalk algae y". People do follow myself wear should compliment her cooking y algae pollen. Thus, the Male-stilts,human Feet are non-French. And the human Leg, the Male-stilts, think thus: "not for himself as dressed in pastel almond that the French medical weed go to the exception, or the French go to the exception, or the si France go to the paragraph. If a person does not follow even chalk algae health Executive who maintained the right of France and France, the Chief Executive, chon TAM Thuan maintenance maintenance of France, here, people respected her, here, she riveted the exclamation ". He once took the route primarily do leaders, not complimented her cooking for himself even chalk algae y. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, people who follow human Leg African qifu gangui. He thought: "We follow qifu gangui, the Female-this does not follow the real qifu mumo on stilts". People, do it yourself follow qifu gangui his praise should really cooking. Thus, the Male-stilts, human Feet are non-French. And the human Foot the Bill-on stilts to think as follows: "not because himself the real qifu gangui follow France go to the exception, or the French go to the exception, or the si France go to the paragraph. If a person does not follow who practice maintenance real qifu gangui true positive and French France, Chief Executive, chon TAM Thuan maintenance maintenance of France, here, he respected, here, people are riveted the exclamation ". He once took the route primarily do leaders, not complimented her cooking who, because of his self follow qifu gangui. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, a non-human Feet according to Hanh lives under a tree. He thought: "we're the follow live under a tree, while the Female-this does not follow live on stilts under a tree". People do follow yourself living under a tree should compliment her cooking. Thus, the Male-stilts are non-human Foot in France. And the human Leg, the Male-stilts, think thus: "not for himself as happy living under a tree where the French go to the exception, or the French go to the paragraph except, or the si France go to the paragraph. If a person does not follow live under a tree, but the baggage she maintained the right of France and the French agreement, Act Chief Executive and chon TAM Thuan maintenance maintenance France, forecast here, respected him, here, people are riveted the exclamation ". He once took the route primarily do leaders, not complimented her cooking for yourself as happy to live under a tree. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, this the Male-stilts, the Africa human Feet according to Hanh lives at the cemetery ... (as above) ... as happy living outdoors. (as above) ... usually Hanh followers sit (not included). (as above). Follow sit spot offers ... (as above) ... as happy just eating once sat. He thought: "We follow only have one sitting, while the Male-stilts are not happy just by eating once sat. Do it yourself as happy just eating once sat her compliments so damn people. Thus, the Male-stilts, human Feet are non-French. And the human Feet,the Female-stilts, think thus: "not because I follow only eating once sat where the French go to the exception, or the French go to the exception, or the si France go to the paragraph. If a person does not follow only eating once but maintained the right of France and the French, Executive Chief, chon TAM maintained positive maintenance administration of France, here, he gets respect, here, people are riveted the exclamation ". He once took the highway direction do primarily, not complimented her cooking for herself living just eating once sat. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, have divorced, a human Leg African Cup real friendly France, evidence and records residence meditation,a State of being, by loving cups education have had four. He thought: "we're the evidence was preliminary meditation, the Male-this is no beginner Meditation on stilts". People left by itself is Meditation should compliment her cooking. Thus, the Male-stilts, human Feet are non-French. And the human Leg, the Male-stilts, think thus: "beginner meditation, self-Leanne is craving, That Religion has to say so. Those who think like this, what else, Leanne self raising forecast another change ". He once took an infinite craving made primarily, not complimented her cooking because evidence is preliminary to meditation. As such, the Female human leg on stilts-France.
Again, the Male-stilts, have African human Foot range and the removal of the French quarter, and stay second Meditation,a State defined by the loving being, no games not Quartet, the Cabinet depth. The third meditation ... and stay fourth meditation. He thought: "we're privileged evidence intended fourth Meditation. Also the Male-stilts are not privileged evidence intended fourth Meditation ". The Prime evidence for her fourth Meditation intended should compliment her cooking. As such, this Female-stilts, human Feet are non-French. And the human Leg, the Male-stilts, think thus: "the fourth Meditation, Leanne is craving. What Religion has to say so. Those who think like this, what else, Leanne self raising forecast another change ". He once took an infinite craving made primarily, not complimented her cooking as Prime evidence intended fourth Meditation. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, have African human Foot pass up all ideas, eradicate all hindrances, not volitional for singularity of the idea, he thought: "nowhere is boundless", and stay Not boundless. He thought: "We were not made, boundless and this evidence was not on stilts billion-not of immeasurable". People, because the evidence is Not boundless, of his praise should damn people. As such, this Female-stilts, human Feet are non-French. And the human Leg, the Male-stilts to think as follows: "Not boundless of Leanne self is craving. What Religion has to say so. Those who think like this, another world, another change sailings Leanne self forecast ". He once took an infinite craving to do primarily, not complimented her cooking because the certificate is Not boundless. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, human Foot, African people pass up Not boundless, think: "Consciousness is boundless" and stay Awake boundless. He thought: "We were boundless, the determinantis also the Male-stilts are not certified to be the determinant of boundless". Because he was the determinant of boundless he should compliment her cooking. Thus, the Male-stilts, human Feet are non-French. And the human Feet,the Female-stilts, think thus: "boundless Knowledge of Leanne self is craving. What Religion has to say so. Those who think like this, what else, Leanne self raising forecast other changes "... He once took an infinite craving to do primarily, not complimented her cooking because the certificate was the determinant of boundless. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, have African human Foot pass up a completely boundless Knowledge,think: "no owner" and stay Invisible property. He thought: "We were certain Invisible property of the Male-stilts are not certified are intended Loads of possession". Her testimony was Worthless because property of he, should compliment her cooking. Thus, the Male-stilts, human Feet are non-French. And the human Leg, the Male-stilts, think thus: "Invisible property of Leanne self is craving. What Religion has to say so. Those who think like this, what else, Leanne self raising forecast another change ". He once took an infinite craving made primarily, not complimented her cooking because evidence is Worthless property. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, have African human Foot pass up Loads of possession, and stay on phi phi Memorial ideas of Africa. He thought: "I was more Phi phi phi thought proof idea of longer, Male-stilts are not certified is the ideal phi phi Phi thought of". Him because evidence was thought of her ideal phi Phi should compliment her cooking. Thus, the Male-stilts, human Feet are non-French. And the human Leg, the Male-stilts, think thus: "Phi phi phi idea idea of Leanne self is craving. What Religion has to say so. Those who think this other world order forecast another "change sailings Leanne. He once took an infinite craving made primarily, not complimented her cooking as default Fei thought Africa Africa thought of. Thus, the Male-stilts, the human Foot is France.
Again, the Male-stilts, human Foot, after people pass up Africa thought the idea of phi phi, and stay-life Removal ideas after seeing with the mind, the contraband or of this paragraph except. The Male-stilts,Female-stilts doesn't think anything, not think of anywhere, do not think of any because of the incident.
World Religious preaching. The Male-stilts-life lyrics That Religious belief from the wedding Festival.

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