Thursday 21 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay between population Kuru (Sentence-long). Kammassadhamma (alkaline-ma-rail-talks) is the town of Kuru. In That Respect it calls the Female-stilts: "the Male-stilts". -"Sir, Bach World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-The Male-stilts, is impermanent, empty lie, in the foolish family identity. The Male-stilts, this greeting is disturbance of fools built on lies. The current exercise, and the education of the future, the present and the idea fitness education idea of the future, both in the field of ma, about of ma, is the nutrition of ma, the ma's dining place.
Here, the real evil this faith leads to sex, anger, provoke, and he formed the main obstacle here for disciple Bible study. Here, the Male-stilts, Saints disciples to think as follows: "The current education and the education of the future ... for the Bible student learning. So I make an stay with mind, generous, after winning world, after determining the location of Italy When we stay with the generous security, triumph world, determine the position of Italy, the real evil of goodwill: education, anger, the agitator will not start up; with France he was my mind, not excepting paragraph become limited, on the contrary the immeasurable, cleverly practice ". In the meanwhile such maintenance, an administrative stay so many times, becoming a NET security in the world of (its). NET Security Center with her real accomplishments, current or heavy bias right about wisdom. After the public network, the destructive incarnation of this situation happening, progress (samvattanikam vinnanam) can, depending on this estate is reached. Thus, the Male-stilts, known as the first Executive Director of real estate interests ".
Again the Male-stilts, Saints disciples to think as follows: "The current education and the education of the future, the education idea at present, and the education of the idea of the future, everyone will get any French identity, race and identity because the four are four great form." While he maintains administrative unit so, so many times to stay safe, becoming NET security in the world of (its). With the net, the Center's real achievement in the current or heavy bias on wisdom. After the public network, the destructive incarnation of this situation occurs, he can progress according to this estate is reached. Thus, the Male-stilts, known as the second Director of benefits administration.
Again the Male-stilts, Saints disciples to think as follows: "The current education and the education of the future, the present and the idea fitness education idea of the future, the current French identity and the future of France, the current idea and the idea of the future, both are impermanent. What's not worth time to impermanence called Hy, not worth to be welcomed, not worth to get ahead ". While he maintains administrative unit as such, so many times, stay in the mind become net security in the world of (its). With the net, the Center's real achievement in the current or heavy bias on wisdom. After the public network, the destructive incarnation of this situation occurs, he can progress according to this estate is reached. Thus, the Male-stilts called the third Executive Director of real estate interests.
Again the Male-stilts, Saints disciples to think as follows: "The current education ... and the idea of the future, and the Memorial estate, all ideas, where the idea of him being the butts balance no removal segment, so is the President, is so marvelous, that vengeance is owned". While he maintains administrative unit as such, so many times, stay in the mind become net security in the world of (its). With the Center's Myriad accomplishments, net property of right in current or heavy bias on wisdom. After the public network, the destructive incarnation of this situation occurs, he can progress according to this reach to Infinity property. Thus, the Male-stilts called filed for Administration and Director of the endless benefits of ownership.
Again the Male-stilts, Saints disciple went to the forest or go to under a tree and think as follows: "empty the ego or the fork this property". While he maintains administrative unit as such, so many times, stay in the mind become net security in the world of (its). With the Center's Myriad accomplishments, net property of right in current or heavy bias on wisdom. After the public network, the destructive incarnation of this situation occurs, he can progress according to this reach to Infinity property. Thus, the Male-stilts, known as Executive Director of II Endless benefits of ownership.
Again the Male-stilts, Saints disciples to think as follows: "we don't have anywhere, to anyone and in any form, and the Department isn't in any place, (for anyone) and in the way". While he maintains administrative unit as such, so many times, stay in the mind become net security during the stay of (its). With the Center's accomplishments, the net Loads of property in current or heavy bias on wisdom. After the public network, the destructive incarnation of this situation occurs, he can progress according to this reach to Infinity property. Thus, the Male-stilts called the third Executive Director of the endless benefits of ownership.
And again, the Male-stilts, Saints disciples to think as follows: "The current education ... and the idea and the real thought, and the Multitude of proprietary ideas, all ideas, where the idea of him being the butts balance no removal segment, so is the President, is so marvelous retribution, i.e. Phi phi phi thought thought of". While he maintains administrative unit as such, so many times, stay in the mind become net security during the stay of (its). With an available unit NET achievement in Africa thought phi phi in the origin thought current, or heavy on wisdom. After the public network, the destructive incarnation of this situation occurs, he can progress according to this reach Africa thought phi phi thought of. Thus, the Male-stilts, known as directed on the benefits of the idea of the ideal phi Phi.
When is says so, false Religion That Religious white: Ananda
-Here, Bach World Religion, the Female-stilts so maintenance practice and thinking: "If the (front) does not have such, time may not be mine; If (now) has no such time may not be mine. Us paragraph except what we have and what was there ". And so her position was discharged. The White World, a billion-unit on stilts so have rescued wings Nirvana?
-Here, on this, a number of National-Ananda stilts can be evidence of impeller Nirvana, and here, some Male-stilts can never be saved wings Nirvana.
-By what, do what the coast, white World Religion, here, some Male-stilts can be evidence of impeller Nirvana, and here, some Male-stilts can never save the wing Nirvana?
-Here, this a billion-stilts, Ananda released such maintenance and thinking: "If () has no such time may not be mine. If (now) there is no such time may not be mine. Us paragraph except what we have and what was there ". And so her position was discharged. He tastes the discharge, in the wedding Festival welcome, accept before discharge. Due to her wedding in the Festival to discharge him, welcome, accept before discharge, discharge and subject knowledge before discharge. Have the player before this, Ananda, the Female-stilts not certified rescue wings Nirvana.
-World Religion, the White Male-stilts before she was before?
This idea, the Ananda-Africa Africa thought of.
-White World, Male-stilts before him, before so before paramount?
In this Position, the national-Ananda-stilts before him, before so before paramount. This is the previous player, Ananda, this paramount, i.e. Africa thought phi phi thought of. Here, in this position, the National Executive on stilts-Ananda maintained the same and thinking: "If () has no such time may not be mine. If (now) there is no such time may not be mine. Us paragraph except what we have and what was there ". As such, he was discharged, the discharge in the wedding Festival is not, not welcome, do not accept before discharge. Do not position the discharge, in Hy Festival not welcome, not before discharge, not subject to discharge him and not the seat before discharge. No player before this, Ananda, the Female-rescue wings syndrome Nirvana on stilts.
-Real vi, Bach changes That magic Ton! Real World, Bach changed owners hope to honor! Ten primary health care for the other, the White World this Religion, the strong currents were transcend World Religion comes up. But the White World, what is Holy Liberation?
-Here, the Male-stilts, Saints disciples to think as follows: "The current education and the education of the future, the present and the idea fitness education idea of the future, the current French identity and the future of France, the real idea, the Invisible property of ideas, and the idea of non ideal idea What, in themselves, are in themselves. This is the immortal mind i.e. freed not before ". This is the highway Director Ananda this about real interests are We preaching, Scouts reveal about the Myriad benefits of ownership are We preaching, Scouts reveal about the benefits of the idea of the ideal phi Phi are We preaching, is the strong currents pass due this the other end is your health We preach Holy, He was preaching. What This, Ananda, direction needs to be done, because from introspection to find happiness for the Commandant of the disciples, the things we do, because it was pleasing from our introspection for you. This Ananda, here are the tree, these are the gaps. Make meditation, shalt have ample magnification, Ananda, this, shalt not have regretted later. This is my teachings.
World Religious preaching. False religious life That words credit Hy Festival Ananda Religion teaches.

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