Monday 18 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Ujunna, near the Deer garden in Kannakatthala. King Pasenadi Kosala country then go to Ujunna to have the job. Then King Pasenadi Kosala country protect a person:
-Come here, this other person. Go to world Religion; After arriving, the name, bowed legs That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl and ask to have less disease, less brain, contempt, have healthy, stay and dear as follows: "the White King Pasenadi Kosala country of world Religion, bowed legs That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, asking have less disease, less brain, contempt, there are healthy, stay and Club ladies are as follows : "White World Religion, King Pasenadi Kosala country today, after breakfast, would until World Religion".
-Sir, your Majesty.
He met King Pasenadi Kosala country well, come to That, after the ceremony, wealthy girl, How to show respect and sit down on one side. Sit down on one side, the White World Religion:
-White King Pasenadi Kosala country of world Religion, bowed legs That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, asking have less disease, less brain, contempt, there are healthy, stay and Club ladies are as follows: "white World Religion, King Pasenadi Kosala country today, after breakfast, would until World Religion".
Two sisters Soma and Sakula is heard: "King Pasenadi Kosala country today after breakfast, would until World Religion". Then the two sisters Soma and King Pasenadi Kosala country Sakula arrived in the dining room, and the ladies are as follows:
-My Lord, please in the name of them bowed legs World ceremony, wealthy girl concubine, asking for there to be less disease, less brain, contempt, there are healthy, stay and Club ladies helped: "white World Religion, sister Soma and bowed legs World ceremony, wealthy girl Sakula, asking for there to be less disease, less brain, contempt, have healthy , Lac stay no.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country after breakfast go to world Religion, celebrations That Honor after the wealthy girl down one side. Sit down one side, King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-Transparency of world Religion, two sisters Soma and bowed legs World ceremony, wealthy girl Sakula, asking That Respect has been less disease, less brain, contempt, have healthy, non-resident Club.
-Dear, why the sisters can not Sakula and Soma thanks to a Messenger?
-Transparency of world Religion, the sisters hear Sakula and Soma: "King Pasenadi Kosala country today after breakfast, That audience will Respect". Then the two sisters go to Sakula and Soma in the dining room and the ladies are as follows: "my Lord, please in the name of them bowed legs World ceremony, wealthy girl concubine, asking for there to be less disease, less brain, contempt, there are healthy, stay and Club ladies:" white World Religion, Soma and bowed legs World ceremony, wealthy girl Sakula Ton , ask (Religion), there was less disease, less brain, contempt, have healthy, non-resident Club ".
-Ladies, hoping that the two sisters Soma and Sakula be happy!
Then King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-White World, you hear the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama has said:" without a subject or a Sa-Ba-la-full band tri, all opinions, can give is witness be tri comments fullness; the situation as such cannot happen ". The White World, who says the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama has said:" there is one Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would all tri, all opinions can be witness to the voters opinion fullness; the situation as such cannot happen ", the White World, there are people he said That Religion says, they do not distort World Religion, not as they really are; They explain the true France France and those who say legitimate, true France will have no opportunity to criticize or not?
-Dear, who said the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama has said:" there is one Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would all voters, all opinions, can give is witness be tri comments fullness; the situation as such could not happen, "the say so not right lyrics say, and they distort the damaged Wei, not true.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala said countries with General Vidudabha:
-The General, who has brought This issue into the supply Cabinet?
-My Lord, She-la-Mon Sanjaya, in the Akasa.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country to call a person:
-Come here, this other person, please name me, tell Her-la-Mon Sanjaya in the Akasa: "Dear King Pasenadi Kosala country, Respect for Religious calling imitation".
-Sir, your Majesty.
He met King Pasenadi Kosala, water well go to She-la-Mon Sanjaya in the Akasa, after arriving, Her Excellency sailings-la-Mon Sanjaya, in their line Akasa: "Dear King Pasenadi Kosala country, Respect for Religious calling imitation".
Then King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-White World, so can things That Religion says about another matter, be assigned to an issue. The White World, what the problem contact Ton himself is saying these words?
-Dear, I see is told as follows: "no one Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects which could in a while, know absolutely and totally, the situation might not be so".
-White World, the theory of Religious Respect is charm (heturupam). The White World Religion, the Religion theory related to human charm (saheturupam) and say as follows: "no one Sa-band or Ba-la-band can be complete at, know in one and found absolutely, can't have the situation as such". The White World, this class has four: Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat, She-la, Phệ-hostel and Craft-da. The White World Religion, between the four working class has a distinct, separate wrong?
-Ladies, this class has four: Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat, She-la, Phệ-hostel and Craft-da. Dear your Majesty, this class between four, two-class Empire-seat and Ba-la-subjects are considered paramount about the title; two other class from stand up seat, hand-pieced together and help them work.
-White World, I don't ask about the present. The White World Religion, I ask about the future. The White World, this class has four: Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat, She-la, Phệ-hostel and Craft-da. The White World Religion, in this class, there are four different, wrong nickname?
-Yes, there are five essential need to read this. What is the year? Here, ladies, Female-stilts have faith, believing the enlightenment of Such hybrid: "this is Like Religion, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice, Minh Hanh College Student, Friendly Tournament, World, Sergeant, Dwell Thy Wife, Celestial Sphinx, Buddha, World Religion. Her taste is less disease, less brain, regulates digestion, not too cold, not too hot, medium, with the essential tons. Her taste not insincere, treacherous, not stating himself as chon TAM for the masters degree, for the discerning taste or for the offenders. She tastes life diligence, effort, renouncing the French evil, achievements of the French charity, solidly, persistence, not abandon the burden for French charity. The position he had wisdom, intellectual achievement about the birth of the French, with the possible entry of the Holy steps, taken to kill the suffering paragraph Chief chon TAM ". Dear your Majesty, this class four: Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat, She-la, Phệ-XA,-da. And if this year's accomplishments the essential need to read this, so will lead to happiness, peace and long for them.
-Transparency of world Religion, this class has four: Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat, She-la, Phệ-XA,-da. If this year's accomplishments the essential need of this genus, the White World Religion, here there are differences, there are discrepancies?
-Yes, here, we say to the discrepancies in the essential need. Such as, Yes, between the elephants deserve articles, or these horses deserve subduing, or the cows to be subduing, two elephants, two horses, two cows are clever things, smart coaching, and there are two elephants, two horses, two cows were not cited by subduing , not be a training manual. Dear your Majesty, your Majesty? The two elephants, two horses, two cows are subtly subduing, was coaching there, the affidavit must be served, they gain the ability to resume (dantakaranam), subduing, achieved the position of subduing (dantabhumi)?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
-The two elephants, two horses, two cows were not cited by subduing the other, not other coaching manual, not subduing that they gain the ability to serve, not be served which we reached subduing as two elephants, two horses, two cows are subtly subduing kia Le, other training?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Please, what gain do trust, due to less illness, do not lie, do not lie, due to essential needs, due to intellectual, will also do any credits, due to many illnesses, due to the treacherous, deceitful, by achieving such a situation cannot occur.
-White World, the theory of Religious Respect is charm (heturupam), the theory of human-related Religious charm. The White World, this class has four: Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat, She-la, Phệ-XA,-da. And if this year's accomplishments the essential need to read this, if their primary need, the white glass legs of world Religion, there can be differences, there may be discrepancies between the?
-Yes, we said there is no difference whatsoever in terms of the rescue to the rescue. Such as, Yes, a man who brought wood from tree-la and rekindled the fire, the fire will appear. And another person take drying firewood from tree-la and rekindled the fire, the fire will appear. And then there was another offer dry firewood from the mango tree and rekindled the fire, the fire will appear. And then there was another offer dry firewood from the udumbara tree (trees?) back and rekindled the fire, the fire will appear. Dear your Majesty, your Majesty? Given that the type of wood used to flame other false spider, so make different, between the fire with the fire, between the colors with the color, between the light with the light?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Please, with the heat created by the effort, because the essential need to pinch up spider, here, We said no a discrepancies about the rescue for the rescue.
-White World, World personal charm, the theory of Religion have linked to theories of human Religious charm. The White World, but Chu?
-Sir, why Modern United Kingdom may say: "white World Religion, but Chu?"
-Transparency of world Religion, unlettered does Bias being back here is not whether or not being back here?
-Ladies, Chu Heaven would have brain damage, being back here; Thien Chu would not have the brain damage, not being back here.
When be heard so, General Vidudabha Bach World Religion:
-White World, Chu Heaven has the brain damage, birth leave here able to expel or deport Chu Thien do not have brain damage, not being back here?
False religion starting up thought Ananda as follows: "the General Vidudabha Pasenadi Kosala country King is, he is the son of world Religion. Now has come the time to talk to his son ". And then the fake Religious Ananda told General Vidudabha:
-General, now This here, I will ask the general issue. If possible, please answer. This General, General? Far from scaling to the territory of King Pasenadi Kosala country, and King Pasenadi Kosala country's spot reigns, ruled; in place, King Pasenadi Kosala country can expel or deport Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects have merit or merit no tu tu, have lived happy or not happy Offense life Offense out of place?
-Mr. Ton, far wider until the territory of King Pasenadi Kosala country King Pasenadi Kosala country place and reign, reign; in place, King Pasenadi Kosala country can expel or deport Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects have merit austerities, or no merit austerities, live happy or not happy Offense life Offense out of place.
-General, General? Far from scaling out of King Pasenadi Kosala country territory, and in place of the King Pasenadi Kosala country does not reign, not rule; in place, King Pasenadi Kosala country can expel or deport Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects have merit or merit no tu tu, have lived happy or not happy Offense life Offense out of place?
-Mr. Ton, far from scaling out of King Pasenadi Kosala country territory, and in place of the King Pasenadi Kosala country does not reign, not rule; in place, King Pasenadi Kosala country doesn't might expel ... (as above) ... out of place.
-General, General heard to the celestial heavens realms in zhucheng thirty three?
-Sir, false Religion. We have heard of Chu Thien in the Sun thirty three. And the King Pasenadi Kosala country here, is also heard saying to Heavenly divine in heaven realms thirty three.
-General, he thought of this? King Pasenadi Kosala country can expel or deport Chu Thien in the Sun thirty-three out of place?
-Mr. King Pasenadi Kosala country, false Religion may not see Chu Thien in the Sun, how thirty-three kings may expel or deport Chu Thien in the Sun thirty-three out of place?
-Also, this General, Chu Heaven has brain damage, birth back in here, can see no harm brain Genius Chu, not being back here, how can you expel or beat Chu Thien export no brain damage, not being back here he be out?
Then King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-White World, Male-stilts called him?
-Yes, the name is Ananda!
-Really rejoice instead! Real wedding Festival instead! The fake religious charm, character theory Ananda Ananda contact theory to human charm. The White World Religion, there is Brahma?
-Sir, why Modern United Kingdom can say so: "white World Religion, there is Brahma?".
-White World Religion, Brahma has being back here or not being here again?
-Dear your Majesty, if Brahma brain damage have the mind then the Brahma there being back here. If there is no brain damage, Brahma's forecast being back here.
Then another person with my Lord the King Pasenadi Kosala country:
-My Lord, She-la-Mon in the Akasa, Sanjaya has come.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala said to Her water-la-Mon Sanjaya, in their line Akasa:
-She-la, one popular story in the Palace?
-My Lord, General Vidudabha.
General Vidudabha says:
-My Lord, herself-la-Mon Sanjaya, in the Akasa.
And then there was my Lord the King Pasenadi Kosala country with:
-My Lord, now have to use the car.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala water white World Religion:
-White World, we have to ask What Religion about necessarily. World Religion has answers about necessarily. The answer makes us comfortable, are we to accept, should we wedding Festival. The White World, we have to ask What Religion about the purity of the four classes. World Religion has answers for us about the purity of the four classes. The answer makes us comfortable, are we to accept, should we wedding Festival. The White World, we asked What Religion about Chu (Adhideve) and world Religion has answers about Chu. The answer makes us comfortable, be we should accept our wedding Festival. The White World, we asked What Religion about Brahma and world Religion has answers about Brahma. The answer makes us comfortable, are we to accept should do our wedding Festival. The White World, and what we ask, How's the Religious issue has been answered, and the answer makes us comfortable, be we should accept our wedding Festival. The White World, now we have to go. We have a lot of work, the Department has much to do.
United Kingdom – do what your Majesty think is trendy.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country wedding Festival, World Religious teachings, words of life from stand up seat, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, on towards Him and then leave.

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