Wednesday 6 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
Exalted a life time between Sakka, (Sakyamuni), the Kapilavatthu, at Crystal Nigrodha amnesty. At that time, a new throne hall was erected not long for in Kapilavatthu Sakya, and not be a recluse, Brahmin, or someone came in. Then the Sakya in Kapilavatthu come to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. The Sakya in Kapilavatthu sitting on one side, venerable sir:
- Here, venerable sir, have a new throne hall, erected not long for in Kapilavatthu Sakya, and not be a recluse, Brahmin, or someone came in. Buddha, Bhagavan did use the first lecture, then the Sakya in Kapilavatthu will use later, and so the Sakya in Kapilavatthu You will enjoy happy, lasting peace.
Bhagavan quietly accepted. The Sakya in Kapilavatthu position, after known Bhagavan said yes, got up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body, then went to the throne hall, after arrival, to take over the mattress cover amphitheater, seating arrangements, put flaked water, hanging oil lamps, then come to Bhagavan in, after arrival, bowed and stood aside. The Sakya in Kapilavatthu stand aside, venerable sir:
- Buddha, the throne hall was mattress all, the seats have been arranged, flaked available water has been set, oil lamps were hung up. Buddha, Bhagavan Bhagavan what do think is trendy.
Then Bhagavan robes, holding the bowl y, along with them, monks went to the auditorium Increase, after arriving he washed the feet, entered the hall and sat down house, based on the columns in the middle, facing east. We monks Increase, after washing the feet, entered the hall, leaning on the west wall, facing east, with Bhagavan sitting in front of them. The Sakya in the Kapilavatthu also washed the feet, entered the throne hall, and sat down against the wall to the east, facing west, with sitting in front of Bhagavan. Then Bhagavan until past midnight, lectures, open market, encouraging, making excited, make happy the Sakya in Kapilavatthu, then told Venerable Ananda:
- Hey Ananda, proclaim religion for Sakya school property in Kapilavatthu, I suffer from back pain. I will lie down.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan then y stretching back four, lay down the right hand side as lying lion design on the leg with his feet together, mindful awareness, towards the concept of time to sit up.
Then Venerable Ananda told Sakya Mahanama:
- Here, this Mahanama, Saints disciples, achievements morality, upholding the base, said moderation in eating, attentive vigilance, seven outstanding legal achievements, current residence located four Zen, under increasing rooftop mind, not difficult to attain, attain effortless, no fee attain power. And this Mahanama, how is student achievement Saints morality? Here, the Mahanama, Saints disciple morality, with the tame life of the monastic rule Patimokkha tame, full majesty right action, seeing danger in the slightest fault, life practice leader and legal practitioners . This Mahanama, is so accomplished disciples Saints morality. And this Mahanama, how is the saint disciples upholding the apartment? Here, the Mahanama, Saints disciples, when the eyes see color, do not hold general minister, who does not hold its own minister. What causes because eyesense not be tamed, that take priority, the evil, evil arises approach, he himself was the cause tame, label holder base, practice the label holder base. When the ear heard ... the nose ... the tongue tasting smelling incense ... emotions ... the body of legal awareness, he does not hold the general minister, who does not hold its own minister. What causes because the apartment is not tame, which take priority, the evil, immoral law arises, he tamed his cause, upholding consciousness, practice the holder base. This Mahanama, such as the Saint disciples upholding the apartment. And this Mahanama, how is the saint disciples know moderation in eating? Here, the Mahanama, Saints close disciples' feet enlightenment, life food use, not for fun, not for passion, not for jewelry, not to her beautiful self, only to this body be sustained, maintained, from undermining, to accept prime virtue, think: "so we eliminate the old feelings and not give rise to new sensations; and we will not make mistakes, to live in peace ". This Mahanama, such as the Saint disciples know moderation in eating. And this Mahanama, how is the saint disciples vigilant attention? Here, the Mahanama, daytime disciples Saints while walking and while sitting, cleanse the mind from legal obstacles, a night in the soup, while walking and while sitting, cleanse the mind from legal obstacles, in the center the night, this is down to your right hip, as is the lion figure, with his feet on the feet together, mindfulness and awareness, it's time to sit up direction concept again. Last night in farming, you have to wake up, while walking and while sitting, cleanse the mind from the legal obstacles. This Mahanama, such as the Saint disciples vigilant attention. And this Mahanama, how is student achievement saint seven Dhamma? Here, the Mahanama, disciple saints have faith, have faith in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: He is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, EARTH League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. This position has pleased the knife, self-virtue ashamed of themselves, speech-virtue, the evil deeds, self-achievement ashamed evil, immoral law. This position your heart, because relatives fear self-virtue, speech-virtue, the evil deeds, achievements self scared because evil, immoral law. This position is the multicultural, remember to think what they have heard, listened to accumulate things. These public measures, improving primary, secondary improvement, good defender, which means, with text, voice full of dignity, completely pure, the same approach, he heard many, life over, recited verbally, is the reflection, was able to enter the right view. He lived ardent effort, put away the evil methods, achievements and good behavior, effort, perseverance, not giving up the burden for good behavior. He can recite, recite achievement supreme wisdom, recall, recall the many times what was done long, long ago had said. He has wisdom, intellectual achievement of being destroyed, St. achievements can enter right feet put to an end to suffering. This Mahanama, so Saints accomplished disciples seven Dhamma. And this, Mahanama, how is the current disciples Saints lost four Zen residence, under increased epicardial, is not difficult to attain, attain effortless, no fee attain power? Here, the Mahanama, (he) sexual ly, ly immoral law, evidence and headquartered meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals. Removal Games and quarterfinals, he Meditation Monday residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, not reach, no quad, single-mindedly internal static. Hy Ly discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, the body feels the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, he Meditation residence certificate Tuesday. Optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, killing pros have feelings before the wedding, he Meditation Wednesday residence certificate, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. This Mahanama, such as current disciples Saints lost four Zen residence, under increased epicardial, is not difficult to attain, attain effortless, no fee attain power.
This Mahanama, when a disciple saints virtues such achievements, upholding the same basis, knowing moderation in food so, so vigilant attention, full seven wonders such measures, the present communication stay four Zen, under increased epicardial, is not difficult to attain, attain effortless, no fee attain such power, the Mahanama, the Saint was called disciples walking on the road to school, there are eggs uncorrupted, able to break down, is capable of enlightenment, capable of attaining the supreme peace from the yoke blessed. This Mahanama, such as eight, ten or twelve eggs, hens are incubating sitting clever, cleverly hot incubation, hatching clever nursing; hen oil does not arise desire: "Hopefully, the chicks of us, after breaking the eggshell with pedicures, or with their bills, get out safely." The chicks then, after the break the eggshell with their toenails or fields, can escape safely. Likewise, when a saint this Mahanama disciples, achievements such morality, upholding the same basis, knowing moderation in food so, so vigilant attention, full seven wonders such measures, stay current four Zen touch, increased upstream of the mind, not difficult to attain, attain effortless, no fee attain such power, the Mahanama, the Saint was called disciples walking on the road to school , have not damaged eggs, capable of breaking, capable of enlightenment, capable of attaining the supreme peace from the yoke blessed. This Mahanama, Saints disciples, when he was the supreme witness discharge this pure concept, remember past lives to the difference, such a life, two lives ... (as above) ... life remembered past life along with outline and details. This is the first break of the chicks out of the eggshell. This Mahanama, Saints disciples, when he was the supreme witness discharge this pure concept, with superhuman pure divine eye saw life and death of beings. He knew that people inferior beings who noble, beautiful people who coarse, the lucky wretch .. (as above) ... are so happy our industry. This is the second break the chicks out of the eggshell. This Mahanama, Saints disciples, when he was the supreme witness pure exhaust this concept, with the cessation of the taints, present themselves immediately with winning position, realization, attainment and residing within the current , ways of freeing the mind, liberating insight. This is the third break chicks out of the eggshell.
This Mahanama, any disciple saints achievements morality, so virtue belongs to he happy. This Mahanama, yet Saints disciples upholding the base, so the moral virtues belong to him. This Mahanama, disciple saints that temperance in eating, so the moral virtues belong to him. This Mahanama, any disciple saints vigilant attention, so the moral virtues belong to him. This Mahanama, any disciple saints full seven Dhamma, so virtue belongs to he happy. This Mahanama, Saints any current student residence located four Zen, under increased epicardial, is not difficult to attain, attain effortless, no fee attain power, so the moral virtues belong to him. This Mahanama, yet Saints disciples, remember past lives to the difference, such a life, two lives ... (as above) ... along with the outline and details of the location so virtue of him. This Mahanama, Saints disciples with pure divine eye, superhuman, seeing life and death of beings. He knew that people inferior beings who noble, beautiful people who coarse, the lucky wretch ... (as above) ... are so happy our industry, so where faith belongs of him. This Mahanama, Saints disciples with the cessation of the taints, present themselves immediately with winning enlightened mind, attainment and residing within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight, so under the moral position of him. Thus, this Mahanama, Saints disciples called ordination intelligent, well-ordination, intelligent almond ordination. This Mahanama, Brahma Sanankumara (Often Dong Pictures Brahma) has said the following verse:
Class information Beings
Royalty is paramount.
Area well-ordination intelligent,
Thien Nhon supreme.
This Mahanama, his verses are sung Brahma Sanankumara smart, not awkward singing, clever saying, not awkward to say, make sense, not nonsense, and publications available Bhagavan.
Then Bhagavan got up, told the Venerable Ananda:
- You instead, heal rather Ananda! It's rather good, is Ananda, who preached religion to school property Sakka (favorite son) in Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense).
Venerable Ananda such preaching, publications available gurus. The joy you Kapilavatthu credit Sakka life in words taught Venerable Ananda.

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