Wednesday 6 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
Exalted One time in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika He garden. Here, Bhagavan called the monks:
- Hey, monks.
- Buddha.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
- One time, the monks, I at Ukkattha Subhagavana forest, under a tree Tala kingdom. At the time, the monks, evil arises Baka Brahma wrong as follows: "The thing is that often, so this is permanent, this is usually at, this one is comprehensive, this thing is not turning damage, this one is not born, not old, not dead, not kill, do not start, in addition to this, there is no one else more liberated. " This, monks, after the self-knowing mind of Brahma Baka mind, like arms outstretched athlete is shrinking, or shrinking arms outstretched, I disappeared in Ukkattha, Sabhagavana forest, under Tala royal tree, and appeared in his Brahma World. This, monks, Brahma Baka remote I went to see, after the show and said to me:
"- Come, venerable, hybrid venerable charity, has a long, venerable now have the opportunity to come here. This venerable, this one is comprehensive, this thing is permanent, this is usually at, this one is comprehensive, this thing is not turning septic, this one is not born, not old, not dead, not kill, do not launch, in addition to this there is no other than a liberation.
When they heard that, the monks, I say to Brahma Baka:
"- It's the Baka Brahma sunk in ignorance, Brahma Baka really sunk in ignorance, as the saying is often impermanent, something not often said is a permanent basis, which is not usually at the back say is permanent, not comprehensive ones say is comprehensive, to say the damage is transformed not turn corrupt, and the spot is birth, there is aging, there is death, there is death, there is starting, said no birth, no old, do not die, do not kill, do not start; there is a release other than saying that there is no one else more liberation ... "
This, monks, and Devil entered a Brahma relatives and told me the following:
"- Monks, monks can not interfere in this! Let no intervention here! This, monks, Brahma is the Great Brahma, Almighty, the Most wins, variable labels, God, Creative Home, turned born owner, Dai religion, the Lord of all life, beings in the Self, our fathers was born and will give birth. This, monks, Oldtimer has recluses, Brahmin, in modern life places defamatory, disgusting place modern, contemporary defamation hydro, hydro great disgust, defamatory great fire, the fire disgust , vilified the wind, the wind disgusting, defamatory beings, disgusting beings, gods defamatory, disgusting gods, defamatory birth Home, home birth disgusting, defamatory Brahma, Brahma disgust , after the body damage, life is severed, must dwell in relative obscurity. This, monks, there are recluses, Brahmin in ancient life, praised the great location, great happy place, great praise hydro, hydro great joy, praising the fire, fire joy modern, contemporary style of praise, joy exaggerated, praised beings, happy beings, praise the gods, the gods rejoice, praise birth control, birth home happy, praising Brahma, Hy Pham disasters, after the body damage, severed lives, these people are residing in the subtle body. This, monks, because of this issue, I say the following: "In every Brahma told he what, he do so. He do not have to go too far to say the word Brahma. This, monks, if he goes too far to say the word Brahma is like beating people with sticks and mammon (Siri) are going; like a person falling into the abyss, hands and feet not touching the ground again. This, monks, things will happen for such. This, monks, ordinary Brahma what he told, he do so, he can not go too far to say the word Brahma. This, monks, Brahma Do you see them sitting reasonable? "
This then, monks, took me to their Devil Brahma. This, monks, when they heard that, I said to the Devil as follows:
"- Hey Devil, I know You. Do not think: "He does not know me." Who is the Devil. This Devil flesh is Brahma, Brahma is our flesh, flesh is Brahma relatives, all in the hands of the people, all of which are in the power of You. This Devil, if You think: "I hope this location is in your hands; looking forward to this position in my power !. This Devil, I do not lie in the hands of people. We are not in the power of You.
This, monks, it is said that, Baka Brahma told me the following:
"- This venerable, something permanent, is said to be permanent; something permanent, it is said is permanent; something permanent, it is said often in; Comprehensive what I say is comprehensive; something does not turn septic, septic say is not variable. Here, what is not born, not old, not dead, not kill, do not start, we said that this had not given birth, not old, not dead, not kill, do not start, and since no one else liberation rather, it is said that no one other than liberation. This, monks, formerly with the recluses, Brahmin in previous lives he; This was even the ascetic long for the rest of life of these people, these people must know: "Or else a release, it said that there was more than a relief; or no more than a relief, then know that no one other than liberation. " This, monks, I say the following to him: He will not see a more liberated else, though he had to endure toil and misery. This, monks, if he places great medical advance, he would close us, residing in our territory, do as we wish, was standing outside the margins; if He shui contemporary prior ... the fire ... the wind ... beings ... gods ... all ... If Mr. y Sanh before Brahma, He'll close us, residing in the territory my, do as we wish, was standing outside the margins.
"- Brahma Hey, I know this. If I place great care ... hydro era before the fire ... the wind ... ... beings ... gods ... all ... If I care Sanh before Brahma, I will close Mr. , residing in the territory of him, do as he wanted, was standing outside the margins. Again, this Brahma, I know being interesting (gati) of Mr. and I know the glory of He. Baka Brahma with such powers; Baka Brahma have such power; Baka Brahma so potent.
"- This, monks, As He knows being interesting, he knows the glory of us:" Baka Brahma with such powers; Baka Brahma have such power; Baka Brahma so potent. "
"- As eclipses flows,
Incandescent around ten,
Thus ten Heaven,
Under His power.
He said high and low places,
There is no sex education and,
This property and other property,
Accommodation arrival charming.
Thus, this Brahma, I know where being interesting and the glory of He: "Baka Brahma with such powers; Baka Brahma have such power; Baka Brahma so potent. " This Brahma, there are three kinds of gods that he did not know, did not see, but I know, I see. This Brahma, others gods named Abhassara (Optical natural sound), from the gods, he shared network, and being here. But because He abides there too long, so he does not remember. Therefore, he does not know, do not see, but I know, I see. Thus, this Brahma, I still refused to par on a rooftop where he again is lower case. Therefore, I am more than he wins. This Brahma, the gods have a named Subhakinna (net variable bias) ... there is a kind of heavenly beings called Vehapphala (Quang results disasters) that he did not know, did not see, but I know, I see. Thus, this Brahma, I still refused to par on a rooftop where He alone that lower. Therefore. He wins us over. This Brahma, I know the local university pronouns, said the Regional contemporary world, I have no territory in nature; so know the university, I do not think: "I am the great location. I am in great locations, from local I modern, contemporary place is mine, and I do not respect the local university. " Thus, this Brahma, I still refused to par on a rooftop where He alone that lower. Therefore, I am more than he wins. This Brahma, I know ... this great waterway Brahma, I know ... Hey Brahma the fire, the wind, I know ... Hey Brahma, I know ... Hey Brahma beings, I know Brahma devas ... Hey, I know ... Hey Brahma Sanh owner, I know Brahma Brahma ... Hey, I know Abhassara (Optical natural sound) ... Hey Brahma, I know Subhakinna ( net natural variables) ... Hey Brahma, I know Vahapphala (Square natural fruit) ... Hey Brahma, I know Abhibhu (Winner) ... Hey Brahma, I know all (sabba) from all , until the horizons of all, I do not necessarily territorial nature Nhut life, I do not think: "I am all, I am in all, I am from all, all is in Me, and I do not respect all ". Thus, this Brahma, I still refused to par on a rooftop where He alone that lower. Therefore, I am more than he wins.
"- This venerable, for all, if the venerable not necessarily territorial nature, then for venerable, become empty, empty, Soul is non-establishment is, not marginal, shining all, if not across the territory in modern contemporary nature, aquatic life can not be great leaders across aquatic nature, the fire can not cross territorial nature of fire, the wind can not lead life style through nature, they can not lead life sentient beings through nature, can not cross the territory Devas Devas nature, can not pass all the territory Sanh Sanh all nature, can not cross the territory Brahma Brahma nature, can not Quang negative territory disasters Optical character through sound natural, not pure natural sea territory across the celestial nature denatured, unable territory Quang Quang effective results through natural disasters nature, can not lead the life Abhibhu (Win author) across Abhibhu nature, not life can head across Nhut Nhut set character set. This venerable, I will disappear in front of Venerable.
"- Hey Brahma, be turned away before me, if he can make it.
This then, monks, Brahma Baka said:
"- I will disappear in front recluse Gotama. I will disappear before recluse Gotama.
But Brahma Baka not disappear before Me. This, monks, when they heard that, I said to Brahma Baka:
"- Hey Brahma, I will disappear in front of him.
"- This venerable, Venerable just disappeared in front of me, if he came to be able to turn.
This then, monks, I perform miracles as follows: "Let Brahma, Brahma and Brahma relatives they heard me and not see me", I go away and say the following verse:
"Seeing danger in possession,
From organic, non-organic look,
I have no respect for property,
No joy, no attachment. "
This then, monks, Brahma, Brahma and Brahma them relatives, wonderful rare birth center, speaks as follows: "It's rather wonderful, venerable monks! It's rather rare, venerable monks! Great ability, great power of recluse Gotama. Ever really never seen, never heard of a recluse or Brahmin other lords have power, great power as recluses Gotama, is Thich Tu, joined the Sakya clan . For loving masses before organic, infectious optimism, joy of ownership (recluse Gotama) was pulling up his right to take the roots! "
This then, monks, Devil after entering into a retinue of Brahma said to me as follows:
"- This venerable, if he knew it, so enlightened, do not be guided disciples, do not have to guide monks, let no sermon to his disciples, Let no sermon for the monks part, do not have loving attachment disciples, Let no affinity attachment of monks. This, monks, before he had the monks, Brahmin in life claiming to be level Arhat, Enlightenment. These men disciples instructions, instructions for monks, preach to the disciples, preached to the monks, disciples loving attachment, the attachment loving monks. After guiding the disciples, the monks, after the sermon to the disciples, the monks, after the disciples loving attachment, the monks, the body damage, life is severed, these people were residing in the inferior body. This, monks, before he had the monks, Brahmin in his life, claiming to be level Arhat, Enlightenment. These men are not guided disciples, not guide the monks, the disciples did not preach, do not preach to the monks, not loving attachment to the disciples, not loving attachment to the monks. After failing to instruct the disciples, not guide the monks, do not preach to the disciples, not preaching to the monks, not loving attachment to the disciples, not loving attachment to the monks, when corrupt body, severed lives, they have been dwelling in the body of magic. This, monks, said to Mr. as follows: "This venerable, do not mind working hard, stay current live communication. This venerable, do not have good deeds stated. This venerable, do not have to teach to others! "
This, monks when they heard that, I said to Devil as follows:
"- Hey Devil, I know You! Thou shalt not think: "He does not know me." This Devil Devil art thou! You are the Devil! This Devil, You say so not because of great compassion for me. This Devil, You say so because there is no mercy for my idea. This Devil You think as follows: "Those who are preaching recluse Gotama, who would escape the reach of our influence." The Devil, the recluses, Brahmin was not the Enlightenment, but the self-proclaimed "We is Enlightenment". This Devil, I am the Enlightenment and claiming Ta Ta is Enlightenment. This Devil Tathagata has preached to his disciples, Tathagata is still Tathagata. This Devil Tathagata does not preach to the disciples, the Tathagata is still Tathagata. This Devil Tathagata guidance to practitioners, is still Tathagata Tathagata. This Devil Tathagata no guidance to practitioners, is still Tathagata Tathagata. Why? The Devil, for the Tathagata, the cankers corresponds to negativity, to existence, causing upset, suffering allergic bring mature fruit; brought to birth, aging, death in the future; taints that have been eradicated, is cut off the root, the stem is made as Tala, which can not be reborn, can not arise in the future. This Devil likened tala trees, this tree trunk cut oil finish, making it impossible to grow up to be; also, the Devil, for the Tathagata, the corresponding defilements and afflictions, rebirth, causing upset, suffering allergic bring mature fruit, brought to birth, aging, death, in the future; taints that have been eradicated, is cut off the root, the stem is made as tala, which can not be reborn, can not arise in the future. "
Thus, because the Devil has failed to convince (I), as an invitation Brahma, should reply also known as the Brahma Celestial Globe Occasionally.

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