Thursday 21 April 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in at Savatthi (Dormitory-protection), Pubbarama (East), Migaramatupasada (loc, Model lectures). At the time of the day, Dad-slaps on the night of the full moon, the Moon, the Honor was sitting between the Sun, around there we Male-fin đoanh MGA pretentious. Then a Male-on stilts from the seat stand up y into a side role, accept the hand-Bach and Religious World That it must Respect:
-I want to ask That a special issue, if That show respect for the child is allowed to speak up question.
-So this Male-stilts, sit on his seat and asked as he wanted.
Then locate Female-stilts, after sitting down on his seat, the White World Religion:
-White World, there must be in the seat of this excellent player, i.e. UAN UAN, tho its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player craft ideas and craft knowledge aggregates?
This National-stilts-, there are five prime aggregates Prime identity i.e., aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the craft ideas craft, its aggregates, sense its aggregates.
-Heal instead, Bach World Religion.
Female-stilts she once Hy, tho the word World Religion to say, ask a question:
-White World Religion, in its capital, what aggregates basis?
This National-stilts-, in its capital base to do the exercise aggregates.
-White World, did accept the player he was in the seat, or in aggregates its aggregates, have a player accepted (other)?
This National-stilts-, not accept player he is in the seat, nor in its aggregates have the seat. This Female-stilts, when would have sex, greed for years its aggregates, here is accept.
-Transparency of world Religion, affordable chance variation in the Palm, greed for years its aggregates?
World Religion answered:
This National-stilts-, can have. Here, this Male-stilts have people think as follows: "expect that there are colors like this in the future! Expect that have longevity like this in the future! Expect that have ideas like these in the future! Looking forward to that act like this in the future! Looking forward to that formula like this in the future! " As such, this Male-stilts, discrepancy in education, greed for the five aggregates.
-But the White World, so how is the literal meaning of aggregates in the aggregates?
This National-stilts, divine-lust, the past, the future or the present, or foreign or international crude, paralysis, or WINS, far or near, so brilliantly aggregates. Everyone will get a feel what life, the past, the future or the present, or foreign or international crude, paralysis, or WINS, far or near, such as Shou aggregates. Divine ideas, past, present or future. (as above) ... as far or near, so is the idea of aggregates. What the means, the past, the present or the future. (as above) ... as far or near, such as aggregates. Divine consciousness, the past, the present or the future. (as above) ... as far or near, such is the form aggregates. Until this, so Female-stilts is literal meaning aggregates in the aggregates.
-By what, white World, due to what the charm was accepted called SAC aggregates? So what, what the charm was accepted called Shou aggregates? So what, what the charm was accepted called idea aggregates? So what, what the accepted call coast aggregates? So what, what the charm was accepted called formula aggregates?
-Four is multiply, this Male-stilts, four is the accepted identity called coast aggregates. Exposure is, exposed is the accepted life called coast aggregates. Contact person, contact is an accepted idea called coast aggregates. Contact person, contact is an accepted practice known as coast aggregates. This mailing is best Male-stilts, mailing is accepted protocol called coast aggregates.
-But the White World Religion, what is the stem?
-Here, this Male-stilts, have invisible text chums wife do not understand the Scriptures, not mature France the Holy, not Holy, the French practice of not understanding the chon TAM, not mature chon TAM, the French practice of France the chon TAM, see colors as the ego, or see the ego as there are colors , or see colors as in the ego, or see the ego as in; view Siva as the ego, or see the ego as there tho, or viewed as life in the ego, or see the ego as in tho; view the idea as the ego, or see the ego as have ideas, or view the idea as in the ego, or see the ego as in Chief; viewed as the ego, ego or viewed as abusive, or viewed as is in the ego, or see the ego as in; see formula as ego, ego or viewed as having knowledge, or see formula as in the ego, or see the ego as in the formula.
-But the White World Religion, what is not?
-Here, this Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples, went to the Saints, French mature the ranks of Saints, the Holy French practice, go to the chon TAM, mature France the French practice, chon TAM the chon TAM, don't see colors like the ego, or not see ego as there are colors , or not see the colors as in the ego, or not see ego as in; not viewed as life ego ... not see ego as in tho, do not view the idea as the ego ... or not see ego as in thought; not viewed as the ego ... or not see ego as in; don't see the formula as is the ego ... not see ego as in the formula. As such, this Male-on stilts, is not biased.
-White World Religion, what is the sweetness of the colors, what is the danger, what is the glass? What is the sweetness of life, what is the danger, what is the glass? What is the sweetness of idea, what is the danger, what is the glass? What is the sweetness of the onions, what is the danger, what is the glass? What is the sweetness of knowledge, what is the danger, what is the glass?
This National-stilts, Lac-Hy what best coast kicked up, so the sweetness of the colors. What's impermanence, suffering, be ruined in such hues as the dangers of identity. The Regency offers education for reference, the fragment removal exercise took part, such as the separation of colors. This Female-stilts, Lac Hy what yanshou kicked up, so is the sweetness of life ... such is the life of glass. This Female-stilts, Lac Hy charm boots up so thought what is the sweetness of idea ... is the separation of the idea. This Female-stilts, Lac Hy launch cruise coast up what is so the sweetness of the onions ... is the cup of the onions. This Female-stilts, Lac Hy starting up awareness charm, something like that is the sweetness of awakening. What's impermanence, suffering, be ruined in sense, so is the danger of consciousness. The Regency offers education for reference, the fragment removal exercise took part, such as the separation of consciousness.
-Transparency of world Religion, so what, so what, without the side options hypnosis that: "We are the people who do, it's in the making", for the conscious self, and for all the idea out here?
This National-stilts, voracious-having what identity, past, present or future, or foreign or international crude, paralysis, or WINS, far or near, of all colors, see as truth with wisdom is: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". Chums have what life ... ideas ... what action ... everyone will get there past, current or future position, internal or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or WINS, far or near, for all formulas, see as the truth with wisdom is: "this is not mine, this is mine. This is not my ego ". This Female-stilts, do so, seeing as such, should not have taken that option to port: "We are the people who do, it's in the making", for the conscious self, and for all general out.
Then a Female-run up the other thoughts on stilts as follows: "if it is said that imitation is the best, Respect, egolessness, Shou is anatta, anatta, thought is anatta, anatta is conscious; So what action do egolessness do was fall would life feel results? "
World Religion of the national mind know-stilts with her mind associated with Male-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, this event occurs when there is stupid, senseless, ignorance, with the center being the dominant sexual reference, think need to pass the teachings of the masters ranks with (questions): "if it is said that imitation is the best, Respect, egolessness, Shou is anatta, anatta, thought the egolessness , as anatta; So what action do egolessness do was fall would life feel results? " The Male-stilts, he had been coaching Him looking human charm, this spot over there, for France, France. How do you think this, the Male-stilts, SAC is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
-What is impermanence suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What is impermanent, suffering, with sabotage, have reasonably affordable when viewed: "this, this is me, this is my ego?"
-Ladies not so, Bach World Religion.
-How do you think this, the Male-stilts, tho ... (as above)......... formula is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
-What is impermanent, is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What is impermanent, suffering, with sabotage, have reasonably affordable when viewed: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego?"
-Ladies not so, Bach World Religion.
-Therefore, the Male-stilts, chums have what identity, past, present or future, or foreign ... all kinds of colors, need as truth: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". That means that there is nothing divine, life has the idea of what that means, what action, what have divine the past, the future or the present, or foreign ... all kinds of knowledge, the need to genuinely consistent: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". Thus, the Male-stilts, the Holy disciples multicultural Cup overalls, overalls for Cup for Cup, cynical life for ideas, bibs, overalls for glass cups for the recipe. So cynical, so join the glass glass glass should take should be freed. In the release, he said he was being freed. The position he said: "Being happy, did take advantage, what should have done. From today no longer back the life like this anymore ".
World Religious preaching. The Male-stilts she trusts That Religious lyrics-life wedding Festival. While the explanation are speaking up, the mind of sixty-billion-unit on stilts was freed from the contraband or, not accept.

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