Friday 22 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi, in the Pubbarama (Eastern) Migaramatupasada (loc, Model lectures). At the time of the day, Dad-slaps, full moon day, on the night of the full moon, the hundred Ton sitting between, around there we Male-fin đoanh MGA pretentious. Then we look at the National Religious-stilts are silent, the utmost silence and told the Female-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, a misdeed (asappurisa) may know a misdeed: "Who is this misdeed," or not?
-Transparency of world Religion, is not known.
-Heal instead of this, the Male-stilts! The Male-stilts couldn't have the love, can't have events, a misdeed might know a misdeed: "The misdeed is." The Male-stilts, but a person can know a misdeed chon TAM Chief: "The Chief Justice this is chon TAM" or not?
-Heal instead of this, the Male-stilts! The Male-stilts can not have sex, can't have an event the misdeed may know the person talking ingenue Chief: "The Chief Justice this is chon TAM". The real Chief Justice, the Female-stilts, was the French misdeed full, deals with the real Chief Justice, reflecting the real Chief Justice, investment measurement as the misdeed, speaking as the Chief Justice, to act as Chief Justice, who had deviant comments as the misdeed, alms as the misdeed.
This and the Female-stilts, how is the real Chief Justice French full misdeed? Here, the Male-stilts, no misdeed, people very good, you hear, at least, indolence, furniture, fallen. Thus, the Male-stilts, was the full French misdeed misdeed. This and the Female-stilts, how is the real Chief Justice deals with those misdeed? Here, the Male-stilts, the Ba-la-band No, very good, loads, less heard, indolence, furniture, fallen, what is you, dear is with the misdeed. Thus, the Male-stilts, was the real Chief Justice deals with the misdeed. This and the Female-stilts, how is the real Chief Justice thought as the misdeed? Here, the Male-stilts, the real Chief Justice think harming themselves, think to harm other people, thought to harm both ... Thus, the Male-stilts, is people thinking as misdeed the misdeed. This and the Female-stilts, how was the measurement of investment as misdeed the misdeed? Here, the Male-stilts, the real Chief Investment measurement harming themselves, investment measurement, measurement person harm harm both. Thus, the Male-stilts was the real Chief Investment measurement as the misdeed. This and the Female-stilts, how is the real Chief Justice said as the misdeed? Here, the Male-stilts, the real Chief Justice of said lie, say two tongues, evil speaking, said judgment. This so the Female-on stilts, is the real Chief Justice said as the misdeed. This and the Female-stilts, how is the real Chief Justice acts as the misdeed? Here, the Male-stilts, the police Chief of any living being, taken by the railway for not happy in the exercise. Thus, the Male-stilts is the real Chief Justice acts as the Chief Justice. This and the Female-stilts, how is the real Chief Justice have deviant comments as the misdeed? Here, the Male-stilts, the misdeed has deviant opinion as follows: "no Bell, no sacrifices, no ceremony, no results of the evil karma of Shu hetero, no life, no other life, no father, no mother, no type of birth culture. In life, there is the Sa, who She-la-driven primary subjects, the Chief Justice has itself reached the upper position with this life and other life, and taught in again "... Thus, the Male-stilts, the misdeed has deviant comments as the misdeed. This and the Female-stilts, what is the real Chief Justice of alms as the misdeed? Here, the Male-stilts, the Chief of alms in a way, he did not have to hand, he doesn't have thorough reflections, alms are not needed, he does not think of the future. Thus, the Male-stilts, the misdeed the misdeed as alms.
The Male-stilts, the misdeed, full France such misdeed, deals with such misdeed, people thought like such misdeed, such as the measurement of the misdeed, speaking as the Chief Justice as such, act as such misdeed, there are deviant such misdeed like ants alms, as such misdeed, environmentally destructive public network, after being in the realm of the misdeed. This and the Female-stilts, how about who's misdeed? Hell or the Eagle being.
The Female-talking ingenue, a man on stilts Chief may know the person talking ingenue Chief: "The Chief Justice this is chon TAM" or not?
-Ladies know, Bach World Religion.
-Heal instead of this, the Male-stilts! The situation of this happening is people can know who the Chief chon TAM chon TAM Chief: "The Chief Justice this is chon TAM". But the Female-stilts, the chon TAM Chief may know who the Chief Justice: "The misdeed is this position" or not?
-Ladies know, Bach World Religion.
-Heal instead of this, the Male-stilts! The Male-stilts, this was the situation the chon TAM Chief may know who the Chief Justice: "The misdeed is this position". The Male-stilts, the chon TAM full French Chief Justice Chief Justice, deals with the Chief, chon TAM thought as the primary measurement, as chon TAM ranks chon TAM Chief, said chon TAM ranks as Chief Justice, to act as Chief Justice, the Chief Justice has detailed chon TAM ranks as ranks chon TAM chon TAM ranks as alms, Chief Justice Chief Justice.
This and the Female-stilts, how was the full French Chief Justice Chief Justice chon TAM? Here, the Male-stilts, the Chief Justice had confidence, chon TAM is very good, has a crush on you, have heard plenty, there are essential need, effort, mindfulness, there are intellectual. Thus, the Male-stilts, was the Chief of the French Chief Justice full chon TAM. This and the Female-stilts, what is the deal with the Chief of chon TAM chon TAM Chief Justice? Here, the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects would have faith, have very good, have you heard much, essential need, effort, mindfulness, wisdom, what is you, dear is v chon TAM Chief. Thus, the Male-stilts, was the primary socializing chon TAM chon TAM ranks with the Chief Justice. And this, the Male-stilts, how is the chon TAM chon TAM as people thought Chief Justice Chief Justice? Here, the Male-stilts, the chon TAM Chief not think harming yourself, don't think to harm other people, don't think harm both. As such, the Female-talking ingenue who is thinking primary stilts as the chon TAM Chief. And this, the Male-stilts, how is the primary investment chon TAM chon TAM as the primary measurement? Here, the Male-stilts, the primary investment not talking ingenue measurement harming himself, not investment measurement villains, not investment measurement harm both. As such, the Female-talking ingenue who was Chief Investment units on stilts as the Chief chon TAM? This and the Female-stilts, how was the primary spoken as chon TAM chon TAM Chief Justice? Here, the Male-stilts, the chon TAM Chief quit lying, not give up not saying blade, abandoned not say evil, abandoning not talking anecdotes. Thus, the Male-stilts, the Chief Justice said chon TAM as the chon TAM Chief. This and the Female-stilts, how is the chon TAM chon TAM who acts as Chief Justice Chief Justice? Here, the Male-stilts, who quit birth, police chief chon TAM abandon retrieved by not giving, abandoning the deviant almond in lewd. Thus, the Male-stilts was the Chief chon TAM chon TAM who acts as Chief Justice. This and the Female-stilts, how is the primary tertiary primary chon TAM as Chief chon TAM have comments? Here, the Male-stilts, the Chief Justice had chon TAM Chief opinion as follows: "that he has to sacrifice, there are results, the international Singularity evil there, the Shu this life, have other life, whose father, mother, there kinds of birth culture. In the lifetime of the Sa, the She-la-Mon, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice has itself reached the upper position with this life and other life, and taught. As such, the Female-talking ingenue who had Chief Justice Chief Justice stilts comments like people talking ingenue districts. This and the Female-stilts, how was the Chief of alms as chon TAM chon TAM Chief Justice? Here, the Male-stilts, the chon TAM Chief alms a way, alms with the hand, he has carefully thought, alms, alms things have to think to the future. As such, the Female-talking ingenue who was the Chief of alms on stilts as the chon TAM Chief. The Male-stilts, the Chief, chon TAM full Chief of France so, deals with such thinking, the Chief chon TAM as the chon TAM Chief so, investment measurement as the chon TAM Chief so, speaking as the Chief chon TAM so, act as primary chon TAM so there Chief Justice opinion as such, as the Chief chon TAM chơn thành District Chief as he, so, after the General network, ruined the body being in the realm of those primary chon TAM. This and the Female-stilts, how about who's talking ingenue Chief Justice? Great client owned or owned University.
World Religious preaching. The Male-stilts-life lyrics That Religious belief from the wedding Festival.

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