Wednesday 13 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
Bhagavan at a time in the woods Catuma Kha-save-Lac. At that time, about five hundred monks, led by Sariputta and Moggallana to Catuma to an audience with Bhagavan. And new monks to welcome the former resident monks. While clinical medicine is to be prepared and stored clean bowl, so the noise disturbance arises. Then Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda:
- Hey Ananda, the noisy disturbance other is the voice, it's like the sound of fishing line fishing scrambled together.
- "Buddha, which is about five hundred monks, led by Sariputta and Moggallama, has come to an audience Catuma Bhagavan. And new monks to welcome the former resident monks. While clinical medicine is to be prepared and stored clean bowl, the noise disturbance arises.
- "So this Ananda, please tell me the name of his monks:" guru to call the venerable ".
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda replied Bhagavan yeah, come to him, monks, after arrival, the monks told him the following:
- Guru to call the Venerable.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks did Venerable Ananda replied yes, come to Bhagavan, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told the monks that were sitting on one side:
- Hey, monks, and he may think reasonable, the real noise disturbance sound like fishing line fishing vying with each other?
- Buddha, which is about five hundred monks, led by Sariputta and Moggallana, went to Bhagavan Catuma to audience and new monks to welcome the former resident monks. While clinical medicine is to be prepared and stored clean bowl, the noise disturbance arises.
- Take this away, monks, I chased the Mr. He can not close the Ta.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks replied that yes Bhagavan, stood up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body, cleaning the couch, threw the bowl and then went away.
At that time, the residence of Prince Like Catuma are gathered in the auditorium for some tools. Interest in the death resident monks Catuma see him from afar to go to, after the show came to see the monks, after we arrived they said the following:
- Now the venerable monks go?
- Brothers, we monks were driven away Bhagavan.
- Chu venerable sit back for a moment. We can make Bhagavan please.
- Ladies and yes, the word Parent.
The monks did answer yes Like residing in Catuma death. Like death and then stay in the Catuma come to Bhagavan, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, the residence of Prince Catuma Like venerable sir:
- Buddha, Bhagavan please rejoice with them monks. Buddha, Bhagavan please welcome them monks. Buddha, such as before, we monks were Bhagavan help, also, this desire Bhagavan please help them monks. Buddha, here, there are the new monks, ordained not long, just arrived in this law. Bhagavan is not listed, they can be changed, they can be deformed. For example, venerable sir, the seeds without water, they can be changed, they can be deformed; too, venerable sir, here there are the new monks, ordained not long, just arrived in this law. Bhagavan is not listed, they can be changed, they can be deformed. For example, venerable sir, calf if not seen the mother cow, we can change others, we can deform; too, venerable sir, here there are the new monks, ordained not long, just arrived in this law. Bhagavan is not listed, they can be changed, they can be deformed. Buddha, Bhagavan please rejoice with them monks. Buddha, Bhagavan please welcome them monks. Buddha, such as before, we monks were Bhagavan help; likewise, this desire Bhagavan please help them monks.
Then Brahma Sahampati (I assume she) with his heart knows Bhagavan center. Like the athletes stretching arms is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched arm; also, Brahma in Brahma world disappear and appear in front of Bhagavan. Then Brahma Sahampati, covering upper robe on one shoulder, palms together toward the Blessed One, and said:
- Buddha, Bhagavan please rejoice with them monks. Buddha, Bhagavan please welcome them monks. Buddha, such as before they monks were Bhagavan help; likewise, this desire Bhagavan please help them monks. Buddha, here, there are new monks, ordained not long, just arrived in this law. Bhagavan is not listed, they can be changed, they can be deformed. For example, venerable sir, the seeds without water, they can be changed, they can be deformed; too, venerable sir, here, there are the new monks, ordained not long, just arrived in this law. Bhagavan is not listed, they can be changed, they can be deformed. For example, venerable sir, calf, if not see the cow, it can be changed, it can be deformed; too, venerable sir, here, there are modern monks, ordained not long, just arrived in this law. Bhagavan is not listed, they can be changed, they can be deformed. Buddha, Bhagavan please rejoice with them monks. Buddha, Bhagavan please welcome them monks. Buddha, such as before, we monks were Bhagavan help; likewise, this desire Bhagavan please help them monks.
Interest in the death of Brahma Sahampati Catuma and was able to make Bhagavan please with examples and examples seed calf child. Then venerable monks Mahamoggallana sure:
- Chu Hien, take a stand! Take care and bowl! Bhagavan was residing in the death of Interest and Brahma Sahampati Catuma make please with examples and examples seed calf child.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks replied that yes Mahamoggallana Venerable, stood up from his seat, threw the bowl, come to Bhagavan, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Sariputta was sitting on one side:
- Hey Sariputta, what he was thinking when I was chasing monks?
- Buddha, monks when they were chased Bhagavan, I thought as follows: "Now Bhagavan will be less busy, will be residing in the present communication. We are also less busy now, would be to dwell in the present communication.
- Hey Sariputta, stay tuned! Sariputta Hey, wait! This Sariputta, do not have such thoughts to arise Mr anymore.
Then Bhagavan told venerable Mahamoggallana:
- Hey Moggallana, what he was thinking when I was chasing monks?
- Buddha, monks when they were chased Bhagavan, I thought as follows: "Now Bhagavan will be less busy, will be residing in the present communication. And now the venerable Sariputta and will lead them monks.
- You instead, rather benign, Moggallana. This Moggallana, only Sariputta and Moggallana I or can lead them to be monks.
Then Bhagavan to call the monks:
- Hey, monks, there are four things worth waiting for those who fear wading into the water. Which four? Fear of waves, fear of crocodiles, whirlpools fear, fear of personal data. This, monks, four things worth waiting this fear those who wade into the water. Also, this, monks, has four this fear thing, here, waiting for the ordained, abandoned homeless families living in France this law. Which four? Fear of waves, fear of crocodiles, whirlpools fear, fear of personal data.
And this, monks, how is the fear of the waves? Here, monks, a man can have compassion part because faith, renunciation, abandon families living without family. He thought as follows: "I was born, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress, oppression, oppression suffered, suffered dominant. However we can expect to see an end to this entire mass of ill. " When ordained as such, this position is the teaching of dignity, advises teachers: "He needs to come out like that, he should go on so; He must look to so, he needs to look around so; He needs to bend so, he needs to stretch your arm like that; He needs to bring y sanghati (increase-old Chile), bring the bowl y so ". He thought as follows: "In the past, we have not yet left home, teaching ourselves, others recommend teachers. These people are like unto us, like our children, need to re-think our teaching, teachers need to advise us. " He abandoned learning, and return to lay life. Thus, the monks, who give up and return to complete the learning process, known as the people were scared by the fear of waves. This, monks, is the wave of fear about brain synonymous with indignation.
And this, monks, how is the fear of crocodiles? Here, the monks, have compassion male part because faith ordained death, abandoned the family, no family life. He thought as follows: "I was born, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, oppressed brain, suffered oppression, suffered dominant. However we can expect to see an end to this entire mass of ill. " When ordained as such, this position is the teaching of dignity, advises teachers: "You should chew this, he should not chew this thing; He should eat this, he should not eat this; He should taste this, he should not taste this thing; He should drink this, he should not drink this. What is allowed, he should chew; what is not allowed, he should not chew. What is allowed, he should eat; what is not allowed, he should not eat. What is allowed, he should taste; what is not allowed, he should not taste. What is allowed, he should drink; what is not allowed, he should not drink. In time, he should chew, not on time, he should not chew. In time, he should eat; not on time, he should not eat. In time, he should taste; not on time, he should not taste. In time, he should drink; not on time, he should not drink ". He thought as follows: "In the past we have ordained, what we want, we chew, something we do not want, we do not chew; What we want, we eat; What we do not want, we do not eat; What we want, we tasted, something we do not want, we do not taste; What we want, we drink; What we do not want, we do not drink. What is allowed, we chew; what is not allowed, we also chew. What is allowed, we eat; what is not allowed, we also eat. What is allowed, we tasted; what is not allowed, we also tasted. What is allowed, we drink; what is not allowed, we also drink. What is the right time, we chew; something non-time, we also chew. What time we eat; something non time we eat. What is the right time, we tasted; something non time we tasted. What is the right time, we drink; Non-time what we take. When the faith Homeowners have offered us food and epigastric solid sort of the soft, shaped like dishes that are were stopped on the mouth. "
He abandoned learning, and return to lay life. Thus, the monks, who give up learning, and return to lay life, known as the people were scared by the fear of crocodiles. Fear of crocodiles, this, monks, is synonymous with gluttonous.
And this, monks, how is the fear of whirlpools? Here, the monks, have compassion male part because faith ordained death, abandoned the family, no family life. He thought as follows: "I was born, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress, oppression, oppression suffered, suffered dominant. However, we can expect to see an end to this entire mass of ill. " When ordained so, this morning your robes, holding the bowl y, go to the village or town for alms, do not hedge itself, not hedge words, thoughts not dwell, not overpower the senses. Here, taste this or people see Homeowners Homeowners fully enjoy, in education and feel nurtured in her joy. He thought as follows: "We have not ordained had formerly lived fully in education and feel nurtured in her joy. Because the assets we have, we can just lived assets, just as merit ", he abandoned studies and return to lay life. Thus, the monks, give up learning this position and return to lay life, known as the people were scared by the fear of whirlpools. This, monks, whirlpool fear is synonymous with fitness nourish year.
And this, monks, how is the fear of personal data? Here, the monks, have compassion male part because faith ordained death, abandoned the family, no family life. He thought as follows: "I was born, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, oppressed brain, suffered oppression, suffered dominant. However, we can expect to see an end to this entire mass of ill. " When ordained so, this morning your robes, holding a bowl care went into the village or town for alms, do not hedge itself, not hedge words, thoughts not dwell, not overpower the senses. You see here the women are not radical right clothes, or wearing revealing clothing. When the woman saw indecent clothing or revealing clothing, sex sabotage his mind. This status, sexual interest was vandalized, abandoned education, return to lay life. Thus, the monks, who give up and return to complete the learning process, known as the people were scared by the fear of personal data. This, monks, the fear of personal data is synonymous with women.
This, monks, these are four things worth scared here, waiting for the renunciation, abandoning the family, living without family in this law.
Exalted such preaching. The monks said that happy life Bhagavan teaches believers.

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