Wednesday 13 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Rajagaha (Rajagrha), Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), in Kalandakanivapa (foster care places). At that time, monks Gulissani is live in forests, gross action came among the Sangha by several public service. Here, venerable Sariputta (Sariputta) inasmuch Gulissani monks, told the monks:
- Reverences, monks live in the forests and mountains to stay between us Increase to respect, dignity, respect the contract. Reverences, if the monks live in the mountain forests, to stay between them Increased no respect, dignity, respect the contract, the people will say about him as follows: "Come what may well, if the venerable this is what you live in the mountain forests, lives alone in the woods, to act in their interests, this does not venerable respect, dignity, respect the contract! "There will be people talking about him like that. Thus, the monks live in mountain forests to stay between us Increase, to respect the dignity, the same respect.
Reverences, monks live in the mountain forests, to stay between them monks and ingenuity to know about the seat, thinking: "I will sit, no take (seat) the Venerable monks, not has expelled seat of teenage monks. Reverences, if the monks live in the mountain forests, to stay between us Increase, do not know tact of seats, the people will say about him as follows: "Come what may well, if this is your venerable live in the mountain forests, living alone in the jungle, the action of interest; now this venerable unknown as legal action! "There will be people talking about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in the mountain forests, to stay between them must know tactful Increase of seats.
Reverences, monks, living in the mountain forests, to stay between them Increased, not to enter the village too early and return to the daytime. Reverences, if the monks live in the mountain forests, to stay among the monks, if in the village too early and return to the day, the people will say about him as follows: "Come what may well, if the venerable this is what you live in the mountain forests, living alone in the jungle, the action of interest; This venerable far too early to enter the village and return to the day ". Will someone talk about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in the mountain forests, to stay between them should not enter the village Increase too early, and return during the day.
Reverences, monks, living in the mountain forests, to stay between them monks and should not go to the family before meals or after meals. Reverences, if the monks live in the mountain forests, to stay between them Increases, go to the family before meals or after meals, when people will talk about him as follows: "Is this venerable you live in the jungle, living alone in the woods, acting on interest, fees went too much time, and so behave towards us Increase? "Will someone speak about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in the mountain forests, to stay between them Increased, not to go to the family before meals or after meals.
Reverences, monks live in the mountain forests, to stay between them Increased agitation should not, oscillation. Reverences, if the monks live in the mountain forests, to stay between us Increase the agitation, oscillation, time will have people talking about him as follows: "Is this venerable live in forests, living alone in the woods, to act in their interests, the agitation, fluctuates too much and behave the same for us Increase? "Will someone speak about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in the mountain forests, to stay between them Increased should not agitation, oscillation.
This Chu Hien, monks living in the mountain forests Increase to stay between them, not to say many words and say junk. Reverences, if the monks to stay alive in the jungle between them Boost, many words and speak sundry times people will say about him as follows: "Come what may well, if this is your venerable live in jungle, living alone in the jungle, the action of interest; now this venerable say many words and say junk! "There will be people talking about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in the mountain forests, to stay between them Increased should not say many words and say junk.
Reverences, monks live in the forests and mountains to stay between them monks and must be easy to say that people of good will and friendship. Reverences, if the monks to stay alive in the jungle between them Increased had difficulty speaking and who is evil, who will talk about the same time he is as follows: "Come what may well, if this is what you live Venerable in forests, living alone in the jungle, the action of interest; This is difficult to say this venerable and was evil! "There will be people talking about him like that. Therefore, monks living in the mountain forests, to stay between them monks and must be easy to say that people of good will and friendship.
Reverences, monks live in the mountain forests need protection units manually. Reverences, if the monks do not live in mountain forests upholds the apartment, the person will say about him as follows: "Come what may well, if this is your venerable live in forests, living alone in forest, action by interest; This was not far venerable guardian of the apartment! "There will be people talking about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in mountain forests must upholds the apartment.
Reverences, monks live in the mountain forests need to be sober in the eating. Reverences, if the monks living in the jungle without any food in moderation, when people will talk about him as follows: "Come what may well if he came to live in this jungle, living a alone in the woods, the action of interest; now this venerable no temperance in eating! "There will be people talking about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in mountain forests must be sober in the eating.
Reverences, monks live in the mountain forests need vigilant attention. Reverences, if the monks live in the mountain forests are not attentive vigilance when someone says about him as follows: "Come what may well, if this is your venerable live in forests, living alone in the woods , acting on preferences; This was not far venerable vigilant attention! "There will be people talking about him like that. Therefore, monks living in the mountain forests need vigilant attention.
Reverences, monks live in the mountain forests ardent need to be diligent. Reverences, if the monks live in the mountain forests that idleness, the people will say about him as follows: "Come what may well, if this is your venerable live in forests, living alone in the woods, actions of interest; now this venerable lazy! "There will be people talking about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in mountain forests need to be diligent crystal.
Reverences, monks live in the mountain forests need to mindful awareness. Reverences, if the monks live in the mountain forests that forgetfulness, the time will have people talking about him as follows: "Come what may well, if this is your venerable live in forests, living alone in the woods, actions of interest; now this venerable forgetfulness! ". Will someone talk about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in forests, need to be mindful awareness.
Reverences, monks live in the mountain forests requires meditation. Reverences, if the monks living in the jungle without meditation, when people will talk about him as follows: "Come what may well, if this is your venerable live in forests, living alone in the woods , acting on preferences; This venerable Meditation does not have this! "There will be people talking about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in mountain forests requires meditation.
Reverences, monks live in the mountain forests requires wisdom. Reverences, if the monks live in the mountain forests only intellectual paralysis, the people will talk about him as follows: "Come what may well, if this is your venerable live in forests, living alone in the woods , acting on preferences; this venerable wisdom this list only! "There will be people talking about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in mountain forests requires wisdom.
Reverences, monks live in the mountain forests have won legal practice (Abhidhamma), won the law (abhivinaya). Reverences, would have asked monks who live in the mountain forests of the legal victory, winning laws. If monks living in the mountain forests were asked about the legal victory, winning laws that can not be answered, the people will say about him as follows: "Come what may well, if this is your venerable live in mountain forests , living alone in the jungle, the action of interest; now this venerable, was asked about the law wins legal victory could not answer! "There will be people talking about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in mountain forests should have won legal practice, law won.
Reverences, monks live in the mountain forests should practice the first President liberation measures (santavimokha), beyond the physical, legal and formless. Reverences, would have asked monks who live in the mountain forests of the first President of liberation measures, beyond the material, the material wealth. Reverences, if the monks living in the jungle was asked about the first President liberation measures, beyond the material and mineral material that can not be answered, the people will say about him as follows: " what does any good if he came to live in the forest is in the mountains, living alone in the jungle, the action of interest; This venerable now be asked about the first President liberating approach can not answer! ". Will someone talk about him like that. Thus, the monks lived in mountain forests should practice the first President liberation measures, beyond the legal material and immaterial.
Reverences, monks live in the mountain forests should practice the law's roof. Reverences, someone asked monks of Traders law. Reverences, someone asked monks of Traders law. Reverences, if the monks living in the mountainous Upper asked about the legal entity which can not be answered, the people will say about him as follows: "Come what may well, if this is what you live Venerable in forests, living alone in the woods; actions of interest; now this venerable rooftop asked about human law can not answer. " Thus there will be people talking about him. Therefore, monks living in the mountain forests should practice the upper legal workers.
When saying this, Venerable told Venerable Sariputta Mahamoggallana as follows:
- Sage Sariputta, the factors that must be approved by the prime responsibility and practice only monks live in the mountains or by monks living near the village?
- Sage Moggallana, the approach should be to accept responsibility and practiced by monks living in the forests, let alone monks living near the village!

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